HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-10, Page 12Pe 12 The Times.Advocate, April 10, 19.50 ,111141AAA11110111.1.11110410.1111#1141.11114110/11111111.1111111111111111111t1I1111IIIII1111111.111011111111111111111111R1111tM1I11% By MRS. F. SQUI.R4 sig miimnuicourimamasimmrin i 1 NO. 1 ELNAR ALFALFA $26.00 BUS, i NO. 1 RANGER ALFALFA S24.00 BUS. NO. 1 YELLOW SWEET $ 9,00 BUS. i NO. 1 WHITE SWEET 5 9.00 BUS. NO. 1 RED CLOVER 520.00 BUS. .1. NO. 1 LA SALLE 531.00 BUS. I NO. 1 TIMOTHY ....„ • 1 $ 8.00 BUS. f NO, 1 CLIMAX $22.00 BUS. Our Making Barley Contracts Can Make You Money See our special contract be- fore you sign. Fertilizer sup- plied with contract. Act now! Seed Grain For Sale NO, 1 MONTCALM - BRANT - HERTA PARKLAND NO, 1 REGISTERED AND COMMERCIAL OATS Many Varieties Scott's Elevator PHONE: OFFICE 63; RES. 110 LVCAN llllllllll filliM1111111111i11111 lll I l 1114611111111111111111,11.1111111111111111141111$111111111111t11111.1 lll l JIM 1.411{11,111{11,311VAMMAIIIIUSWIMIIIIAtIMIIAIMMIIMIMIlltilltlIAIIIMMIlltitttittiltMillAtI11111111111M11111.111/ AO. Grain Contracts Still Available OWE OF "THE IgE51- 11411,1661-0 HAVE. UP ‘-eouFa, SLEEVE 15 A pUMW? soNE, Reg. Seed Barley Limited. acreage for BRANT, HERTA, PARKLAND Reg. Seed Oats Limited acreage for RODNEY, GARRY, BEAVER Malting Barley Contracts, Unlimited acreage, MONTCALM NO. 1 SEED and FERTILIZER • supplied. Excellent unloading facilities. Feed Oat Contracts • Limited acreage for GARRY and RODNEY Corn Good acreage available. Your choice of seed supplied. PFISTER, DEKALB, WARWICK, PRIDE Seed Grain Available IN GOOD SUPPLY REG. NO. 1 OATS—GARRY, RODNEY. BEAVER REG. NO. 2 BARLEY—BRANT, HERTA, MONTCALM COM. NO. 1 OATS (above varieties, COM,NO, 1 BARLEY (above varieties) COM. NO. 1 CHANCELLOR PEAS Quality Grass Seeds 1 Gartienin9 Becomes Easy With MERRY TILLER Gcirden Tractor SO easy to handle. No soil too tough. Ask for a free demonstration and then try it yourself. No obligation to buy. Available in three sizes. SPF.CIAL SCOTSMAN — $136.00 Attachments to cut grass, to plow. to blow and plow snow extra. Garden Supplies Sheep Manure. Peat Moss, 'Vigor°, Garden and nower Seeds, Peas, Corn, Beans, etc. MX 7 GRAIN -FEED -SEED gXETEA"NQ In...WHALEN CORNER4,310‘, X IRK TON 35 ,40 -From. 1 Mes.seoe ..From M0440 R port From. .Grand Bend 1 - ClanBy MRs. E. iegowN ciebaye! Whalen Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins attended the banquet for the junior students at the Western Ontario Apiculture). College at Ridgetown on Friday Pvening. Gordon. who has finished his term for this year. re:urned to his home for the s u m rn e r months. Mrs. Alex }Wine. and Mrs., Norman Hodgins spent Wednes• day afternoon with Mrs. -George Squire, Granton, and also at- tended a -W.M.S. meeting al her home. Mr. Herman Foster has dis. posed of his farm to Mr. John Bryan, Granton. Mr, and Airs. Foster will still live in the com- munity for a time. • Ale. and Airs. E. M. Fitz. gerald, Mr. and Mrs. William Wails and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flannigan and fata- lly, London, were Easter Sunday guests of Air. and Mrs. Ronald Squire. Miss Alarion Morley, a former Sunday School teacher at Whalen Church, presented - the Sunday School with an electric etock for the Sunday School rooms re- cently. Marion is nursing at the Sick Children's Hospital in To- ronto. Although a busy person, she still finds time to keep in touch. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield, Betty and Gayle were in Lon- don Sunday visiting Mrs. Wynne. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner and family, of Centralia, were Easter Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Jr, . Mr. and Mrs. jjubert Mills and. family are leaving this week for their farm in Saskatchewan. Alr. and Mrs. Malcolm Miller and family havearrived from Kingston to take up residence in the house where Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Mills have been living. Mr, Mills will also take over the duties. of. his brother at Cann's Mill. Mr. Stewart Thompson, Lu can, has sold his residence here and the owners moved in on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Crandell and family, who lived in the house last winter, have taken up residence, in Kirkton, ' Russell Sherlock, London, is , holidaying with Mr. and Mrs, jam Whelihat. Miss Joan Burnett and Mr, Peter Goudsward, London, were Easter visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Morley. Mr. and Mrs. John Whelihan visited Sunday • •with. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Whalen, Prospect Hill. Donald Pullen has finished his term at the Q.A.C., Guelph, and, has returned home. Mike Ro- gers, a student of the '0.A.C., is spending a few days with their ald. Mrs. Art Abbott held a shower at her home on 'Wednesday eve- ning in honor of Miss Margaret Bertram. Exeter, whose mar.: riage willtake place on April 12. Four months extreme dry- ness has hit all summer crops, vegetables and fruits in Uru- guay. Dairy production and wheat yields have suffered in Chili due to a drought lasting since • mid-November to recently. A bumper rice crop has been produced in Thailand. Spramotor complete spray kits New you on build your awn Sprayer .for •spraying woods, fence rows, orchards and iiveotock, Your choice of Nylon Roller or Gear Pump, We'd like to show them to yeil COMA /ft Exeter Farm Equipment R. O. Jerrnyn, Prop. PHONE 508 EXETER Pester Services All churches in Grand Bend wt re filled to capacity 3t the Easter Sunday morning serv. Dashtemt, a graduating student ices. Mr. Morris Vincent of of Immanuel Bible College, Fit. ehener. conducted the two serv- ices fur the day at the Church .that, while Rev. E. 'We -Um conducted the service at the Church .of God in London. At the morning service at the :United .Church, the Rev.' E. A. Holley held a baptismal service when Debra Lee, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hamilton. and John Richard Love, infant sort of Mr. and, Mrs. Glen Love, were baptized, pies In Detroit Grand Bend friends learned of the death on Sunday in Ford Hospital, Detroit of Mr. Sam Truscott of that city and a sum- mer resident of the Beach 0' Pines. , Mr. Truscott was a • talented singer and gave generously or his talent at the Grand Bend Vnited church and • the retiredCOM- MinVty. last year as fore- man at Ford factory. Surviving beside his wife are his mother, tvho has made her home with llitn, and a sister in Detroit. Personal items Mr. and Mrs, qrallain Ma son and sons of Exeter spent the Easter weekend with Mrs: Ma- son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason. Miss Pauline Mason of London also visited with her parents over the week- end. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Present were Mrs. E. Watson, Mrs. E. Townsend and Mr. John Ruston, all of Ha m Mon. . Mr. and Mrs, Les Morris of Kitchener visited for a few days last week *ith Mrs. Morris' sis- ters, Mrs. Stanley Gill, Mr. Gill and family, and Mrs. Frank Duggan, Mr. Duggan and fam- ily. • Mrs. E, A. Graham has again taken up residence in Old Or- chard subdivision of Grand Bend. Rev. and Mrs. E. \Vattern, Mrs. Norman Turnbull, Mrs. Myrtle Tetreau and Mrs, Leland Desjardine spent a few days in Toronto last week attending the missionary convention at the Church of • God. Miss Beulah Holt of Windsor is visiting with her mother, Mrs, Mae Holt and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ,Johnson and family this week, On Friday Miss .Holt had as guests, Mr. 'and Mrs, John 'Venema and baby Janet of Toronto. Mrs. Sarah Hamilton left on Sunday to spend a few weeks l with her daughter, Mrs. Robert I Patterson at Sundridge. Mrs, Mary Gill and Mr. and Mrs, Eddie Gill spent Easter ; Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Rosser at Ailsa Craig. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scptt .of Sarnia spent the weekend, with Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Wm. Pa tterson. • .• Mr, and Mrs. Donald Wilson of Chicago spent Friday with Mrs. Wilson's sister, Mrs, Harry Bossenberry, Mr. Bossenberry and family. Mr, and Mrs. ,John Wilmar and daughters of Stratford spent the weekend in town preparing their booth on Main Street for summer business. Misses Beverley and • Joan Ravelle and Mr. Donald Oclbert of London spent the weekend with Mr. and . Mrs. Wilfred Ra vette. Miss Brenda Brenner of Sar- nia, Miss Marlene Storey and Mr. Bill Brenner of London spent the Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Glen Brenner. Mrs, Neil . Chamberlain, who has been spending the past two weeks with her sister near For- est, returned to her .home :on Saturday. Miss 'Nancy Chamber- lain, who 'underwent 'a tonsil operation in South Huron Hos- pital on Thursday, also return- ed home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wallen and daughters of Windsor are spending this week at Holiday Inn, which they operate during the summer. season. Mr, and Mrs. H. 'Wainwright, who have been: holidaying in Florida for the past few mouth, returned home on Friday eve- ning, Mr, and Mrs, Melvin Tiams- den and :daughter, Sharon, of Toronto spent the weekend 'itIi Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Gill, Mrs. Ramsden's pareins., The second lift- of the town hall has ;been newly decorated, %I Intrniatimilmontlitinnimluttimtnalmminumimu llll Ommumnstrintinsilitnititiiiimitimuntsulie For A Better Crop, Plant CO-OP SEE •t- ONTARIO ADAPTED r 1IIGH GERMINATION TRUE VARIETY -1.'t; RECOMMENDED MIXES REASONABLY PRICED •41- PROPERLY CLEANED You Will Find COOP Quality Packed In COOPBq • EXETER DISTRICT 1 Phone 2t7 tollott OroOtt All Weaek , i * 1 %IlifiVirttiTfilltititriVIVITIOMIliailiff fifiliffliffalarIVIIIIIMTirift iiIIIIIMMIIMIWYMIA Mtn 'mom mai filOF A• shows a great improve- ment, and will be 1111.1(41 ap- preciated :by all who use the hall fot' meetings, and other pur- poses. The Women's institute will hold their meeting on Thursday afternoon, April 17 when elec- tion of officers for the ensuing year will be held. Alr. and Mrs. A. Kerslake, and Miss Joan of London and Airs. Pearl Passmore and Miss Nor- ma of Hensel! were Sunday visit. ors with Air. and Mrs. Clark Xeimedy. Miss Grace Desjardine of Lon- don spent Sunday with her par- ents, Air. and Mrs. Tilos, Des. jardine. Al the meeting .of the T.W.S. group of the United Church on Friday • evening, April 18, Mrs. D. AlacDonald of Henson, a re- tired missionary from India, will he guest speaker. Fete Zurich Pair Married 63 Years Mr. and Mrs, Chris 'Mischa were honored on the occasion of their. 63rd wedding anniver- sary by a family dinner at the home or their son, Mr, and Mrs. Amos Gascho on ;Sunday, March 29. All of their family live in -the area and were present. They are (Rachel) Airs. Seth Amanns, Amos. Gascho, Clarence Gascho and Laura at home. There are four grandchildren and three great.grandehildren. By MRS. J. N. PATQN Presentetien On Monday evening at (Iarrs) School No. 4 McGillivray town- ship, Mr. Wiliam Northg,rave • and his sister Miss Agnes North. • grave were Lonourect when mem- bers of the section and frieinis gathered ,at the sehool, Progressive euchre was en- , joyed with gents high, score win- ner, Mr. Karl O'Neil; ladies, I An-addross of good wishes Was read by Mrs. Karl O'Neil .on, 'behalf of the group, a presenta- tion of hostess chair and smoker ' set was made by Roy Cunning- . hatne and Clare Paton to the ; couple. The farm situated on the Clan. deboye side road was bought by Mr. Williams. Northgrave Sr. ! .from Ur. George Sellars in. 1885, Previously Mr. -Sellars pur. • chased it front Mr. -.Arthur Cow- • an in 1854. Air, Ab. Gilmour has purchased the farm and Mr, Wm. North- : grave and Miss Agnes North- , grave have gi 'en up farming and purchased a home in the village here and took up rest. donee on Alonday, up farming and purchased a home in the village here and • took up residence on Monday, A history of the school which was built in 1863 including the • teachers' Dames and improve- ments was read, Mrs. Joe Morgan. "I'venot only seen it," re- marked a blonde to a friend who was showing off her en - 1 gagament ring. "I've also worn , 011111111111111,11111111111 llll 11/#0111,1 llllll 111.0101.41iIIIIIIIIIII111111111.,1111,,,111,111,//110,11,91/1101,/WOMMM011,11,,, FARMERS Order Spring Seeds Now! Registered and Commercial Seed Oats and Barley Yon Stock of Clover and Grass Seeds SANILAC AND MICHELITE SEED BEANS AVAILABLE CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Malting Barley Contracts A Limited Number of Feed Oat Contracts • Fertilizer Available With Contracts • CHECK OUR FERTILIZER PRICES E. L. Mickle & Son Ltd. HENSALL, ONTARIO Phone Office 103, Feed Mill 205 llllll ll ll 1111/111/11111/111111/11 lllll 111111111111111/1111 llllllll 111“11111 41,40031.1141t6111.10IttlittlilltIll001111.11111tIMIAL11.1111111.11.0t1t111111111141101111111,111..,*111,1“111111/41111111.001111.1fet 1 1 Obtain The. Highest Pikes For Your Poultry! Sell To The Riverside Poultry London 7.1200 Cornparty, Limited LQNPQN Pho.no cant '.Henaell 04014 %fltiVIVIMIS11{4{1111,1{,11440litSlittill1141401.Witit11141111tItIlltkItt111.1.11AMIIIIttlitMtl141111111.11111t1111111111101MIIIII.. -Huffy's Here! • The world-famous MIFFIELD 3 -CYLINDER DIESEL TRACTOR • Actual figures prove the savings you get with the rug- ged new 37 b,h,p. Nuffield Diesel Traetor, it uses less fuel—about„,sg gal. of diesel fuel per hour under aver- age conditions, as against 11.1 gal. of gas for ordinary tractor of equal h,p, rating. You save, too, because diesel fuel costs about 4.2 cents per gal. less than gas. On every hour of operation, you save about 23 cents. Over a 500 -hour season, the Nuffield Diesel Tractor saves you more than. $100! Investigate the additional savings too! You get more horsepower per dollar, when you buy Nuffield.ned • You get complete versatility, because a standard Nuffield Tractor can be custom equipped to suit your • The Nuffield has independent RT.O. and Hydraulic Control. You can stop, start, change gears without stopping P.T.O. or Hydraulic operation. • Sturdy, simple Unit Construction, with frame inde- pendent of. engine for easy access. Wide speed range— ,i to 20 mph. Backed by 12-morith written factory warr•anty. Only $2505. F.O.B. Hamilton with BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE See It now at Exeter Farm Equipment PHONE 508 GOIA REAL R. D. Jermyn EXETER 1 "Wouldn't use any other make!” "GMC provides the ••greatest selection of all!" 41'hese new 9600 Seriea stake body Models art already giving good service—on every kind of road—with all manner of toads. About GMC iri general, we know that fot G.V,W,'s, models, engines, axles and transrtissionl—every pop sible specification — GMC ptovidds the 4reatest selection of ell" W. R. DWYER Manager Canadian Wiper Corporation "The first truck we bought when we went into business 10 years ago was a GMC one tan panel job. Of the 25 trucks purchased since then, 23 have been from General Motors. We need reliability—our trucks have to stay on the road, seven hours a day, six days a week. GMC trucks give us that reliability /When things do go wrong, we need fast service, and we get it from our GMC dealer. Wouldn' t use any other nialcel" S. V. MATIN Prisidant Sirtithdee Transport Ltd. A attititAt'MOtditt VAttit W, RI MALE Vita president and 6ittneral Mr Dirt Winfors Tratitatirl "Our drivers • really like GIVICrsir" %-0- "iostre have rClied ort the efficient -performarice Of GMC truck S for many years and have always found them completely latiltactory. IVIaintdn. ahet cots have been 16w and but itrivbi•6 PeAlly like OltIC's Netv, with our now. '58 rnedels, we are an tidipati ng even greater suceess and satisfaction for the future." Oiko:.anExtratiValue Money -Making.. SE YOUR- L'OdAL, MVO- 'MUM< •bEALt1k. • ZURICH PEARSON MOTOR SALES EXETER