HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-10, Page 1010 Th Time$-Advosa April 10, 1953 Dedicate. Furnishings At Centralia .'Church, On Geed Friday evening. serv-lat Easter." "The Triumphant ices, were held at 7.30 p.m.. inA Refrain" was sung by the thoir. Christ Anglican ;Church. 'Mei and a duet was sung by Mrs.. service consisted of the Litany ,Lorne Hicks and Bobby Lanume.. of The Seven Last Words Front. Mr. Norman Tripp has been a the Cross, and was conducted by ,p.atient, in St. Joseph's Hospital, Rev. R. H. Anions. The Good London. having undergone an • Friday anthem was sung by a, operation .on Tuesday of last ladies quartette, Mrs. F. Os- week. borne. Mrs. W. Essery. Airs. 4.1 !qr. and Airs. Harold Tripp." Hodgins and Mrs. R. Kipp-. I and Mr. and Mrs. William Ford On Easter Sunday, services; were recent weekend visitors! were held at a van. The fl. ; with the former's' mother m Dr. John Henderson, a unroll. Wellington. College., was celebrant of 'the , Miss Florence Clarke, of Sault Rely COITIMUlli011 and the ; lite. Uarie• and Mi''s t)d!"'"" ' Clarke. f Btfd, s' preacher for the service. He was assisted by Rev. R. H. Anions. , iof ranorare pend. ng the holidays with ilwer par- ente. Rev. .1. T. and Mrs. Clarke. Dr. Henderson dedicated the" La mWilliason, of new reredos curtain and while' hangings for the lectern and r'etroit' Mr' and Mrs. W. Wil- ton. Bob end D'enne. Alt- and pulpit and the kneeling cushions.' Airs. R. Utley, Barbara, David : all of which were made and and baby Susan, were Easier t presented by the Ladies Guild. The flowers which adorned the visit°rs with "irrs* Arthur me- oar were ie memory of Air. I-.alls and Helen. Barbara and remained with their Horace Andrew and Mr. Thomas Dianne grandmother for the holidaYs. Tanks. The flowers were placed Mrs. Norman Tripp attended in the chancel by Mrs. M. IL the funeral of her uncle, the•late Elston and by Mr. and Mrs. R. rThompson, in Lieury on B. Gates, in memory of their son, ; 't' E' Thursday afternoon of last week. Sgt. Pilot W. R. Gates. Under ; M is \Vil la Polio •I- R r of choir sang the anthem "Christ 1,4,e :.nritel"Masr. enad Nisie-sk."1.4.11;iLiesi ict AIR COMMODORE AT CENTRALIA-Air Commodore C. , Hicks • were Easter Sunday i of air training, examines an album which records activi Arose." 1 e Hicks ; Greenway inspected the station during a brief visit last the, direction of Mrs. Elston, the yit United Church gaster Services ;visitors with Air. and Mrs, Lorne ! With Group. Captain A. G. Kenyon, left, station. c "The Dialogue at the -Cross • • II th me chosen by the Flight Lieut. J. L. Andrew, .was e per,. J. T. Clarke for his Good Mrs. Andrew, Georgia and edications based his thoughts on the quess weekend visitors with Mr. and in this way? Why should we be !family spent the day with them, At Ma'111 'St. Hector N. Taylor, 76, died in way', and Why does God permit In S. special dedication ser. South Huron Hospital on Thurs- Hicks' birthday. "McGillivray Lets Awards Considerable drainage Wor/c was handled by McGillivraY; Township, Council at its meeting on March n. Tenders have been galled on the AWRY and McLean drains. Engineer's report ;was adopted ;011 the Ptsebe and Ausable river dralti - the one. ordered by the Ontario Alunicip.al Board follow. ing the 'hearing .of the liagmeier dainage suit. 440; Uelcay., was appninted to prepare reports -ofl. • drains, requested by Manual * -CtlEtS •olhers,• eml the New Veniee, Corp., Ltd, Grants 10100 $75 to the Parkhill Agricultural Society for its eentennial celebration, and $10 te the Red Cross. Gravel tenders have been Part payment of $7,400 on maintenance was paid to the North Middlesex High School °,/ea.credo.tiets included the Ausable Authority levy of $1,624.18: $1,000 to W. Archibald, O.L,S„ for work on the Burley and McLean drains; and $75 for relief. Fox bounties were paid to Jack Beaman (three), Jack. Trevithick, .jaelr Tweddle, Rob- ert A. Smith, and Harmon. Mor- ton, two each; and Hugh Bow- man, Ross Mathers and Harvey Ross. Reeve Earl Dixon presided, and all members were present. Next meeting will be held Sat- urday, April '26, IL Greenway, RCAF chief ties a,;, RCAF .Station Cen- =milder, Air Commodore -RCAF Photo week. Friday evening message. He Philin. of .Camp Borden, were ' D Cons: Mrs. George Hicks. On Sunder, lyhy is lie being put to death Air. and Airs. Frank Hicks arid Hector N. Taylor Active In Church in celebration of Mrs. George • gooet if we have to suffer that • eruelty? , Mr. Jack Reeder returned vire on Easter Sunday morning day, April 3. Mr. Taylor was a home from Victoria Hospital last in Main Street United Church, On Easter Sunday morning the only son of the late Mr, and Rev, A. Ranson dedicated a Mrs. winiarn Taylor, large congregation attended tie week. worship and communion service.' Air. and Mrs. Robert Wilson brass :cross for the communion Township. Usborne with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd :Mole; George Jaques, a pulpit drape nage to 1.na Kent, Lucan, in • s On the Subject "Life Begins Rev. Clarke addressed his listen- and family .8 ; Following his mar - spent the weekend table donated by Mr. and Ali . . .gan, having attended the Rundle- in wine velvet bearing the in- 1908 they farmed on Lot 1), Con. TEXACO Thermo -Chief HEATING OILS MOTOR OILS and Morgan wedding on Saturday. 1 signia of the church, a matching 9 Usborne for 20 years and have Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson is receiv• , runner for the communion table since 1928 resided in Exeter ing treatment in the South Huron donated by Mrs, R. N. Creech South. Hospita,l, Exeter, tin memory of her mother, the Flight Livia, Thomas Gates, late Mrs. George Sanders, and Mr. Taylor was an active member of Zion United ehurch Mary and Tommy, of Camp Bor-. a bookmark for the pulpit Bible and later of James St. United den, spent Easter with the 1presented by the Mission Circle church where he was teacher of , former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. ' of the church. R. B. Gates. . • 1 The • choir sang two Easter years. Mr. Bible Class for many Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Blair, - anthems and Rev. Ranson .spoke On New Year's Day this year on the theme "Easter Joy", M I Westminster, B.C., who are visit- r. and. Mrs. Taylor celebrated GREASES Barbara and Donna, of New , . Apply • In an open session, the super- their golden wedding anniversary, ing with relatives in Exeter and Centralia, were guests with Mr. Intendent, Airs. A. Ranson told Surviving besides•his wife is , ED YELLOW- 1and Mrs. G. Gates on Monday, the Easter story, illustrating one son, Grant, of Sarnia and and with Air. and Mrs. George with pictures. Mrs, R. E. Rus- one grandson, David, Sarnia. . . Phone: -II-licks on Tuesday. sell's class of girls gave an A private funeral service was W I as b u o the b .Ea.ster skit with AI argaret conducted from his late ,resi- Warehouse 757 Res. 457-r-31 017i: eg arn fl , that Air. Ken Hodgins is building Howey, Joan Dettmer, Tena dente by Rev. H. J. Snell fol - Garnet McFalls, Howard •Kers- lllll 111111111111/11111111//, to replace the otie destroyed by IVander neu t, Ruth AleLean, lowed by a public service in CANADIAN 7, PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & 5.= HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend fire on his farm about six. weeks !Grace AinKenzie and Bonnie Zion United church with inter - Stephen Lets Gravel Job Gravel contract for Stephen Township was let to R. H. Jenni- son, Grand Bend, by council at its meeting last week. Terms include $1.02 a cubic yard for crushing and hauling on township roads, and 33 cents per yard for crushing and loading township trucks. Two by-laws were pa*ssed - one governing the licensing of mobile homes, and the other providing loans for tile drainage. A special meeting was called for April 15, 8 p.m., at which the. engineer's report on the Ptsebe and Ausable river drain will be read to affected rate- payers. • Reeve John Morrissey presid- ed for the meeting, and all members of council were present. ago. (Doerr taking part, Mrs. Frank ment in Zion cemetery. • lake, Harold :Herm Warren Brock Mr, and Mrs, Robert Smith, 1Wildlong presided at the piano, Pallbearers were R. E. Pooley, and Wellington Brock, of Toronto, were Good Friday 1 visitors with Mrs. William. Bow -I • den and Mr. and Airs, F. Bowden. t Mr. and Mrs. W. Palmer, of St. ,Catharines, were Easter weekend visitors with Mrs. Pal- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. ! Hepburn. • ! I Mr. , and Mrs, Roy Shoehettom and •• family visited over the ; (weekend with the former's par- ents in 'Parry Sound. • e • f Dr. and Mrs. K. Lyon and Nir00041114011Mll iiiii 111(111t1111M1111111111111111111111, I 1 daughter, of Leamington, • Easter weekend visitors with FAST RELIgF FOR Mrs. Lyon's parents, Air. and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy. ACHING. Middlesex MUSCLES Fights TB ii I iii 11111111111111.11111111 llllll 1.111111111111111100 Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week, Exeter Motor Sales Middlesex County is making an all-out effort this month to eliminate TB within its borders. To make sure that everyone knows about the clinics, some 2,500 volunteer workers are can- vassing every home in • the county. Free mobile clinics will be in operation Thursday, April 10, and Friday, April 11, at Ailsa Craig town hall. West McGilli- ; vray Township. Hall will be the scene of a clinic April 15; Gran- ton Oddfellows Hall, April 17; and Lucan Arena, April 18. Clinic hours each day are 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p,m. Many people are under the impression that TB is under control, but 10 Pew cases per day in Ontario belie this im- pression, clinic officials state, Clinics are well organized and Middlesex residents can have their ehots X-rayed at the rate of two per minute. All clinics are financed by Christmas Seal contributione. First stenog - "Did you ob- serve fire prevention week?" Second etendg - "Yes, I got to the office earlier; the boss was getting sore!" VOLKSWAGEN large space for advertising 111.111.111 MMIll111111111114111111111111M8141111110.1M110111111111111MOMMIIMMI /AU/ecU HUNTERPOUVAR Oho* 3S AND 014t ./0 UPER- ASTIC 1 00 -Level TIRES iii•with super -strength TENASCO CORE Identical quality construction features as chosen for original equipment on the latest 1958 6.:4.4 5.YEAR $UARANTEE ROAD HAZARD INSURED Full depth road -hugging rubber tread; welded to natural inside rubber and super- strength Courtaulds Tenasco Cord. BOdy, Tenasco is the tire cord that withstands heat better than any other tire cord. The hotter it gets the stronger it gets. Actual- ly SO Vit stronger than•the cord supplied on flew cars just a few years ago. No annoy. ing "flat spots", no bumping or thumping. The quietest ride on the road. .41••••••••••,•11101..ft Fxamples of your savings on "NO -Lever' Mfr's Discount Ran, Price with List Class A PriCo Trade-in 525/16 $20,90 $12.95 550/15 18.10 13.45 590/15 23.25 13.95 600/16 25.25 12.915 640/15 26.25 15.45 650/16 32.20 14.95 TUBELESS OR WHITEWALL TIRES AVAalLAIILE IN MANY SIZES - $3 EXTRA '.11..11111111 Mfr's Discount Reg. Price with List Class A Size Price Trade-in 670/15 $27.50 $13.95 670/16 20.45 14.95 710/15 3L30 15.95 760/15 34.20 17.95 800/15 36.60 21.95 Bargain -BRAND NEW TIRES /30.Level.-Rainte. Cord -Cold Rubber tread Court:Weed New Th Salety--at "Retread" prieec 600/16 1430 670/16 94.90 Note*--Aart 50c to tire price' ftr ire.elatiorr. Full Sizo BICYCLES Sfandard Deluxe' Models Models. $39.95 $44.95 WITH YOUR CLA55 "A" VRADEAN • I Jeff •my films Huntley's Drugs Huntley's Drug Store PHONE SI) Your IPA Store EXETER Boys! • . • • • • / • '- Super -Cycle SIDEWALK BIKES and TRICYCLES SIDEWALK "SUPER-CYCLE"*Tor the 540 8 year aid. Styled and built to the same high quality specifications an the big Super -Cycle "two -wheeler". Easy pedalling-- tree wheeling, limited to a sale, moderate speed. Equipped with famous "Perry" Coaster Brake; Adjustable English saddle; Ball bearing rubber tread Pedals; Colours; lustrous M /aright chrome trim. Boys' or Girls' models; 18" 09 stlE0011, Bluor Green, with e ,wheels "SUPER -CYCLE" DELUXE TRICYCLE- This Is the large sire, for 5 to 8 year olds. Strang tubular steel frame; Chrome plated handlebars and fittings; 20" ball bearing front wheel with Bicycle -Type Crankr Dunlop rubber saddle; 11/2' bemispneurnotic tires. Rich 19 tic blue baked on enamel . "SUPER -CYCLE" MIDDLE -SIZE TRICYCLE --For 3 to 5 years; Haav! duty tubular stool frame, bright red with ivory trim. Passenger giCtrld• - • 3.119 Plate 01.t reor axle. Big 1' TUbber tires; Ballsbearkg 16' front wheels, 10' rear wheels. Heavy gauge steel roomy adjust- 13 95 able saddle. "SMALL.FRY" TRICYCLE -For 11/2 to 3 years. Sturdy tubular frame with rear standing plate; adjustable handlebars; 10'front and 6" rear wheels ---rubber tired. Ball bearing front Wheel. Bright "Fire Chief" red enamel 8 79 SUPERCYCLE PEDAL TRIKE - Tiny -Tot sire in study all.metal construction; bright and enamelled. Big 16' seat with 8' Iront and 51/2" rear wheels, rubber tired, Handlebars, forks and rear braces in handsome blue enamel. Corrugated rubber pedals and hand grips; Plated "ding-dong" 469 bell. Built low to prevent spills UTILITY COASTER WAGON East Mooring - with big 91/2" diem. roller bearing Meel disc wheels, rubber tired. Natural varnish hardwood body; heavy steel frame. Large 10 95 aim - 16' x 36". ........... • ........ 4 • •• • • •• 5 ° Delivery rack lor above Medium Size Wagon - 13' x 30' 3.45 9.98 .................... 70000,700,000.00,70.7000.70700700,700,7007.707,,70.000.7000,..00000000.00007070000,,00iM0:700070.700.700.}.70 P... 7 A.,00.,...........,...0,.:W7.700700.0.0000.00...,......00.,007.:,00.:,:/£!'/...k...'4:°k°40:4,40::°0,4:0:/:•:0::°°•:°0:::°0:%/$:.x.:0°*::/:0:.„:0°.$/:•:0:0;.:0:•:0.:40/: 47 • . Dress U Py 0 ur Bike WithThese . . • 0 (1) GENERATOR LIGHTING SET Gives powerful flood of light; Inuit kr long hies Complete with Heactlank. Tall.lamp 011.5 wiring 4.71 (2) TWIN HEADLIGHTS -Brame catie, finished In gleaming Atoms. Complete with botteziert.. , (3) "POWER-IET" HEADLAMP Ala white enamel finish, unbreakable clear Plastic lens. With battery TAIL -LAMP 1'6 match obey.; Arid lehs, with battery..., vs.... es LoS (4) "ME cHrEr ;MEE SIREN ,-*• Giver! shrill Warning signal. Complete, 2,2,1 (5) TIRE BELL CHIMES -- Slight pa on Control Celia Notincia of melodious cttime ... ... i.t () BUGLE HORN --;-• Clear, ?ointment lobe Carnahan& rietion. rib, on handlebar ....... ..s, s s ...... (/) ELECTRIC BIKE HORN s•-‘. Battery operated. Auto horn button contsel. Oersplete With battery 1,48 436 Main Si Exeter Phone 451 Milton R. RAMO. (8, rtyiria SWAN ORNAMENT Chrome plated body with coloured phnific wings .98 (91 CYCLOMETER -.Chrorne plated. Registers miles' travelled. Chrontecl 1.21 (101 REAR VIEW WHIM, - ropulge bb)ottg shape, with Sie,wx 2:4" mirror, fitted with to amber safety reflectors. Attaches to handlebar 1.45 Cheese tram Canada's largest Saltictioe �I glamrktsiityltd nieycis Accessories. Lawn Cleaning SUPPLIES Oerdeti Wheelbarrows LaWtt 4ild 'Garden tem Mettle Broom Rakes SprIng Steel Boom Rakes , NOW Reket • Garden Shovels '4