HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-10, Page 9=7-7.7,7:777.
t7ettor From with her son Ai d AS.• H.
old: F1410014144 Bob ands
Shipka DaVtd.
Holiday Visitore
Mr. and Airs. Alton :Comfort.
Poy and Elsie, awl Mr, Gerson
PradY, of Venn/leis, with their
deughlers aril their families,. Mr.
and Airs. M. Sweitzer, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Sweitzer, and Air, and
Mrs. J. Pickering.
Mrs, L. Finkbenier, of London.
Air. and Mrs. Earl ;Baker and
Eunice, of St, Thomas. M. and
Mrs, Roland Neil and Gerald, of
Ailsa Craig, with Mrs. M. Raker.
Miss Eleanor Sharpe, a Lon-
don, with her parents,. Mr. and
Mrs. 'Verne Sharpe aad Glen.
Mrs, E. Lampert and Tom,
with Mrs. Walter' Baxter, Of
Dr. C. E. Sanders, Airs. San-
ders, Janet and David, of WO-
W. Edgar Webb, of St. Cad). -
MOM than hall
ever retail
your old woollens.
for NEW blankets!.
We allow you trade-in values for old
discarded woollens on new blankets,
sheet, towels, mats, etc, fly a uniaoe
process we restore the old woollens,
add new fibres and reweave into finest
quality new products. Write today for
details. Satisfaction guaranteed,
' Send for FREE COologlin
to Dept. No,
enesroN, ONTARIO
elling Out
• Business, Stock And
Equipment For Sale
Lease Expires Aril 21
205 Off Drygoods,
20% Off Hardware
55 Off All Other
. rAL
6120 dERY:
c -lot ODALITY&toukrous ovKt,
nines, with his ,daughter„ Mrs.
:Cliff IthsselL Jr. Russell,..D04,.
Tom. Bruce and Donald,
land: Mrs, Ida Sanders, .of
London, with 4r. and Mrs.
Arthur .FinRbeinep and Mrs,
Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer.
Scott and Sandra. are visitin;
MIS week with relatives in Fen-
Mrs. M. ,SIveitzer- spent .several
days last c'eek with her „daugh-
ter, Mrs. N. .1!IcCallum in 1.011 -
Mr. and Airs. harry Sheppard
and Dave and Mrs. E. Lamport,
were among :the guests ;at the
25th wedding anniversary .cele -
'ration for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
McNair at Elderton on Ttlesday.
Hensall Legion
Plan Banquet
The Remelt Legion meeting
an Monday night planned .a ban-
quet for Pee Wee hockey team
which they sponsored this win-
ter. The banquet is to be held
May 5 with Ladies Auxiliary
catering, President William
Brown presided.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon itarkness
and family moved to Parkhill
on Wednesday where they have
taken up residence. Mr. and
Airs, Chester Lee, Parkhill, for-
inerly of Hensall are movie's,
into the Harkness home.
Margaret Louise and Robert
Evans, Kitchener are spending
Easter holidays with their grand.
parents, Mr. and Airs. R, Y.
I I nstitute At Dashwoo
ChoosesNew u Kers
Mrs. Arnold Kuntz was re- and Mrs. Lloyd Keller and son,
elected president of Pashwood Landon, Mr. and Airs. Robert
Women's Institute at the anintai Cesittl'illiga
erdldzAxl.te•ste. rye:1411
meeting held last TuesdaY, o
•Other officers: i'ast, preside/ MritanadroMrs..6.1.Ader.K.ellr..
Km Ted Nielson. and
The ThrioAftwofotom April 19, 1PPi P
pilnuommomoviontommuseopkwomumtmommiummoommommtwommw000mmil g11
I nwg1.1 Mr. PIO Ur5. Frg4 Um
Douglas and Harold liamather
a London with relatives here,
11/1s Elizabeth flariliff is
isPending Lastes heels with Miss
I: MAairrg,ar.aent dAte‘lirise,r. Ivan Taylor
and fainily, of Waterloo, with Mr,
and Mrs. L. li. Rader.
1 Alisa Thelma Weber, London,
rs, E. IL Banal: % ice-pre6 • .A, r. 1$. Mu Latta, add Air. and mrs. Clarence ,
dents, Mrs. Leonard Schenk, 1 '"r• and Airs. Gordon Weiberg'!'Schade and farnilY. ZUrieb, with!
. 11...centemeceneemeamemeteeeisaalla g isacemeeesaaallasaasseettemetteasetaituteAce A
Airs. Lelia Twat.; fiaassi,aay. . Miss lia,y Webber, of Waterloo, i 1,1.s.
' with Air. and Airs. FrOd Wei- Paniel Weber, ,,........m.....maelawasee......ecticenneitialseenaaaseleciteceneetneelecteacteeinagimatees:
treasurer, ,Airs. Sid Baker; as. • ' 3
1 Mr. and Mrs. James BeeviS ; i
sistant, Mrs. Charles Snell; (Us' , berg”
Cornish Mitchell & 1:
i Inrds. B Jaoreb a rzar.ucDe!tri4or, asApirr; ;cid. I a 1 i
an; Alm Nora Biesenitlal. liem* and Alrs. Jolla Snvder Brant- I — /
cr; :Air Siegfried Miller. Waterlae.
1 or ., tss Tie a a elei, i
Air and A!r.Russell Leman
eta and family, Eeter, Air. CharieS
M. And Mrs. Robert Hayter, Jr., I
Pastor and Airs. N. L. Zorn, 1 11. 4.K.c.ervini,shmads L. F..gernish P. Mitchell
W. R. Suchard
011 Burners
HaotioR, Plumbing. Shoot MOO Work
triet director, Airs. Ervin Rad
alternate,. Mrs. Mervyn Tient
directors, Mrs. Art Allema
Airs. Carl Oestrciehcr, Mrs.
dolph press, Mrs, IS,
-Rader; pianist. Mrs. Kenn
McCrae; auditors, Airs. Char
Snell, Airs, Glen Webb.
Cenveecrs of standing co
iiuttees: Agriculture and Ca
dian industries, Mrs. Emil Be
cr; historical research and e
rent events, Mrs. Alilfred Ale
er; citizenship and educati.
Mrs. Harbld Kellerman; hoi
economics and health, Mrs.
distill Tiernan.
j11141ckce°1111111°Alliille‘vri..111 Mr. and- Airs. 'IZurdich, tra. Fobe• Hay'ilerb.
lea Tietnan. London, Misses Susan
, and Elizabeth Bartliff, of Qin- •
Add .
i I liastei and family with Mr.
towith Mr . and Mrs. son
and family, Air. and Mrs. James
"1- 'n,Etenian. an.d Air. s. Hairy Hayter and taut-
c/k4.1 Air. and Airs.Robert Stormes,
ur. SI. Thomas, with Mr. arid Mrs.i
rn-, Mervyn Tiernan, and Lynda.
Rev. and Airs. Bruce Seebach,
Hanover. with Mrs. Cora Geiser. !
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudmore,
Willowciale, Aix. and Mrs. Nor-
, man Scold, Janet and Owen,
Bowmanville, Alr. and Mrs.
Prt: Lorne Kleinstiver and Peter
he with Airs. Effie Kleinstiver.
Air. . :Robert Wein Sudbury
Alea. Ervin Rader, past pre
de.nt, presided for the -eleeti
of officers and conducted 1.
Mrs, Harry Hoffman, eonven- • AIiss Erma Wein, Clinton, with
er -of community activities and NTS. Herb Wein,
her committee were in charge of Mr. and Alt's, :Helmuth Moa-
ns(' program. Roll call was ner and family, Mr. and Mrs.
"What 1 would do if 1 were 21 Charles Fonger and son, Miss
again." Most of them thought Anna Messner, London, Mr. and
they would do about the same.
lio‘vever, 011r said she would
marry a Conservative. AU'S. Carl Happenings In
Oestreieher discussed. the motto
"If you can't be a star, don't
Air. and Mrs, James Hark/1M, g
Teeswater, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and
family. 1
Mr. Lorne 1 -lay has purchased p
Carl MeClinehey's home in Hen- z
. y
Ladies Bowling
e a cloud." Mrs. Emil Recker
ave a reading on April Fool.
The president, mrs. Arnold
csintz, presided for . the busi-
less. Mrs, Charles Snell was ap-
ointed district convener Of citi-
enship and education. Mrs. E
nn Rader reported on -the d
rict executive meeting held th
Iternoon at Hensall.
By MRS, mertvIN DUNN
Frank and Kathryn Ducharme
of Dashwood spent Saturday
with their grandparents, Mr.
la, :and Mrs. Frank Parsons,
at Mrs. F. Mykik, of Yankton,
Sask., is spending some time
s„ with her son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Air. and Mrs. Ross Oke aad
et family'
Evan . Alr. and Mrs.
$1- William Sims, Mr. and Mrs.
Evan Sims, Lorie .and Steven.
es. spent :Easter Sunday in Kitchen -
ed er with Sir and Mrs Mervin
The district annual is to
eld in Crediton, May 29, at t
ommunity Centre. The distri irs
s to buy. a corsage for the pre
ent at the • convention.
— Continued From Page 7 . C
..fr (3 roil p
Web lioUrs X, raldivell 150) _,7
Busy Bees (0. M'ebster 5581 _
14n1 Dogs (14 Snell 139i ____ 7
jolly Sts (G. Skinner .1)11) n a
, Green Horns (T. Taylor 545) 1
Alerry Maids (J, Harntss 503 . 0 0
:lolly Jilts (A.. Preszeator sis)
Frisky Six (.1 Guilford 420) — b
Butteretips (L. 'Elliott
Airs. Harry Hoffmalt and M
Carl Oektreicher were appoint
Schmetzer and John.
0" Misses Carolyn Oke, Bernice
Strang, Helen Down were among
011 the S.H.D.H.S. students who
0- spent Easter in New York.
committee to arrange a me
ng for the Children's Aid So
The annual reports were giv
y the conveners and the seer
ary. The treasury had a b
nee of $/4.40.
-Mighty Mies (E. Wilson (300, _ '2
Ttollettes (P. Veal 500) _
CpS & Down S CAL Ealser 405) _
Happy Nabs
1'in 'Poppe I es "3
Hi Lights 10
Nit P Hawks 7
hittnelt „.,„„ n
Alley Cats
11n -trestles 11
IVOR Hopes
Butferc _ _ ...„10
jolty Jilts10
Mighty Woe 1 f
Frisky Six 2
1461 Dotes el
Green HtrI10 17
L'p & Downs 10
TtollAt t 1S
Merry Maids
Jolly SIX _____
Cook dinner and see a show
for less than whim
With electricity, you can cook dinner for your family, —
and Afterwards watch television for 44 hours for
less them three cents I That's Pea/ economy!
And it's just one more reason why you live better
electrically— the safe, clean, modern way.
Public Utilities Commission
al- Alr. and Mrs. G. J. Dettmer,
Mr, and Mrs. Rudy Krause and
family, 01 Kitchener, Mr. and
Airs. Herman Dettmer and fam-
ily, of Exeter, were visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Oke and
family on Easter Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore
and family, Thames Road, Mrs,
s- Perey Passmore, of Exeter,
s. were Sundayguests with Air.
and Mrs. Frayne Parsons, Mur-
ray and Margaret.
Mr. and Airs .Harry Jeffery
;." and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Jeffery and Douglas were guests
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
e- Douglas Rivers. Barbara and
.5 Kathryn, of London.
During preparation of - lunch,
Mrs. Harry Hoffman conducted
a contest,
Thomas Robert, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Hayter, was
baptized in Zion Lutheran
Church Sunday morning by Pa
tor K. L. Zorn. Mr. and Mr
Robert Haytcr were sponsors.
Ellen, daughter of Mr. al
Mr, Melvin Greb, is a patio
at the children's War Alemori
Hospital, London.
Mr. Melvin Restemayer r
turned home from St. Joseph
Hospital, London, last week.
ohn Kading
John Kading. who lived all h
life in Hay and Stephen tom,
ships, died al (he home of M
and Mrs. . William Volk, 161
e en c casi on of Hay 'l'ownshi
Friday, April 4, at the age of 8
Unmarried, he is survived b
two brothers, Fred, of Hay, an
Charles, of Exeter.
The body rested at the Hof
man funeral. home until Monda
when services were conclude
by Rev, A. E. Holley, .of Gran
Bend. interment was in Gran
Bend Cemetery.
Easter Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heppler, o
Waterloo, and Miss Connie Spell
man, Kitchener, with Air. an
Mrs. llarry klmfman.
Mr, and Mrs. William Pit
and son, Mr. acid Mrs. Windso
Mathews, London, and Mr. an
Mrs. Martin Laub, of Exeter
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snot
and Beth.
Air, and Mrs. Carl Desch an
boys ol Baden, Air. and Mrs
Lloyd Guenther and farnily, Mr
Joseph Schwartzentruber, Oriel
and Larry, Mr. and Mrs, Alvic
Rader and family with Air. and
Airs. David Oesch, ,Zurich,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Annan
of Pickering, with Mr. and Mrs
Ferd Millet and other relatives
Mr. and Airs. Robert Anna]
and Mrs. Ford Miller Saturday
afternon at St. Thomas with Alias
Nell Dodson,
Mr, and Mrs, Ervin 'flatlet
and family. with Mr. and Mrs.
Lconaorct Restemayer and fanc-
ily on the occasion of their 20111
wedding anniversary.
Dashwood Safety Guards
The Dashwood ,Safety Guards
held their third meeting with 12
members and the leaders prcs,
Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan dis-
cussed keeping fit physically.
:Posture in. walking and sitting
was the male topic. Mrs. Harry
Hoffinan discussed first aid beth
in minor and major wounds and
maxia of leSsening shock.
Home assignment is cheek
posture both in work and play,
enter the defects and good points
iti record book; keep record
book up to date bring a sample
of water from the home well In
bottles distributed to be tested.
Roll call or next meeting "A
defeet in my poature,"
Personal Items
Mrs. Flossie. Stade spent a
month with her siSter, Airs. Vi-
ola Hopkins at St. Thomas,
Easley Visitors
Mr. `and Mrs. William Haugh
and Shirley spent the weekend
at Pigeon, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe.
of Toronto, cvith :hies. Wes Wolfe
Mr. Joe Zimmer, of Leaden.
with his mother, Airs. Harry
Mt, Voldcmar Wens, of To-
ronto. with Dr. and Mrs, V.
Miss Marian Rader with Mr.
fled Mrs, &nett Koehler and
Messrs. Stuart Kraft and
:friend, at Landon, with Air. and
Mrs. Clifford Plett,
Mr. -and Mrs. Earl Teter and
Rrantford, Mr. slid Mrs
WiIliAiti Dakar. And family, Mr.
Dial 2-2651
Dobbs For Dodge
See, Drive The All -New 1958 Dodge
The '58 Dodge Owns The Highest Standards Of
Automotive Craftsmanship. Quality At Its Best!
Front -End
Is Our Specialty
Have your car checked for Spring operation from bumper to bumper
to ensure the happy disposition of the driver and longer life to vehicle
and tires.
Our USED CAR. choices all have
been tested and aligned for service.
Exeter Motor Sales
Fred Dobbs, Prop. NIGHTS 762-W OR 769-M
E3±G, 13 OLD, 13 AIJTIFTJL an.d low-priced, too 1
SSS• C)Seisiseeess.
Beauty bonus! Mk us about the sparkling haw glameur trim
that you seri have oti this Dodge Regent tour -dear hardtop.
Thriftiest value package „„„aiii,,
in all the low -price field! 1/11111ft
If VgitUelA your echient ..„ Dodge la
your dart For title 13 the big, bold
beauty that's tss thrifty as It le II2/111*
Ins I This Is the car that glve* you
mere fashion more function
mere features per dollar than any
other low4prloed auto In *Ishii
And here's the proof!
You'll find it in the road -levelling
luxury of Torsion -A /RP; stspon-
sion (yours at no extra cost on
att,v Dodge you choOtel). You'll
find it in L116 Saler atop -power Of
Dodge Total-Contaet brakes .
the corivOiliende Of pUalishtittent
Terque-Flite automatic transs
tillages') the glailnout Of Dodge
Flight -Sweep styling!
And you've only begun to learn
what inakes.„this beautiful Dodge
so praetienlly yours! Rerts., are
Safety-Bian. Wheels, and a fully
indeperident parking brake.
Rere's a_bigger-j;Itan.;any-Other
..and a rich baked -
enamel ..finish that promises te
or years le cellse. Item
indeed is a whole earful of features
that spell "value" 4 . All yours at
A price that spalls "thrift".
So isift it time you chose your
now Dodge? Whether you prefer
the more powerful V' -S or the lie*3
lv improved Six, theck Car deal to.
day. You'll go DODGE —for sure/
Ycsu,t.t. rim° Trim NtaNksr cauAL.ITYtNitaueNaur
IN �0D� m rkort 'mu
Fronk the first intptctibil of individual parts t� the
expert final inspectioIl of the finithed car, every
Dodge reflects real quality weekmanship from top
1.6 bottom. 'Even the smallest detaillit conetrues
flan and fitting- teeeive the moat careful attentioit.
No wonder Dodge gives you more. it'S the at
Quality Euy in the lOwspriee field!
YoUltE ALWAYS A sero AHEAD IN 01),026 Oft tHlg OtaftWAlliD 14.00k
13411: hiOsit stitneltrwlw
ittutO)miitIvi tr4florrttniNip
'Hensall Motor Sales. Exeter Motor Sales
st.„ HOnstIL DfiNino Mein StIr EXiifiVet Otelo
*eat ti.thialatii6.1iidetti � tatAtia OSA? tratnermy arrant ear tibiAttittat V&A LOW. NaboaAntatt Ltiffirit*Ota flat Arta 't