HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-10, Page 7••.01 140 ',N."
Growing Curling C:lub
,Father joined the Curling .Club.
!Fat:her died AWaY' last
"Fa•ther didn't •die, you dub, Leprechauns illfrap.Up D
0. 1 • I Ile's my father? Nob at all,
I it_
'But they've closed the club. S(3 he
‘feef o pteresActive T ear 'Has BO place to go, you see-
- , , • • - No place left for him roam -Five Area
Teams tiominatea.
.By SGT. 4. RitPkgY games were won and lost all :111 is "3' i"O•allag '1141T1e- —Continued From Paae
Kiss him - won't bite• you :0 -
At 7:00 p.m., April 1 a large •aver again ne 1 • •• • tit
c i r . Y . !seeped peeing
group et ears gathered °Mai& The aura of $prina' was in the 'Ail them curling
entering the building vi,i c . guys look Other at .8:39 of the first period i igeoring • , 'sone.
for a temporary 1,0 kart. I Penalties - Cooper (Warding)
Lite Legion :Hall in Exeter. This ;,., u„„ • d ''' • .11,,
heralded the beginning of the — '-ii‘`' 6"' V -'
57-'58 curling banquet .at which each lady was preesnted with a' Climaxing this or i g was Ken Hudson scored bOth o 4:'".
150 Exeter and district curlers corsage to match milady's gown the presentation, of the trophies. *
ea n- the. Ilderton goals
i .;:rbilledidgle4:riti:1!), Goldba wk
Ltolinson)„. 10%43 4--Kbarn (raft' Beech
5--Luran, Black: 4 ) 3:43
Penalties -- MacDonald 3:40,
T.h I oil Period
6 -Liman. RevIngton
(13Iach 4 ( 4
n. Coughlin . 4:23
Peualt lee - Hussey (tripping)
:26; 'MacDonald Gripping) 11:00.
1.114`4'4,-K 14 (14,A OW
fleet rkrio4
uran, Black (Lewis) __ 14:35
Penalties . None,
Se C0104 Pe r$00r
2.- Liman. Revingt on 10:14
Penalties -- None,
Ph rd 'Period
3-Ltrean. Black (Coughlin) 14:05
Pextalt ies Blaek (hookingt
3:211; k'ot ester (slashing) 4:391
Porter (boa rding ) 13:11t; Lewis
(hoarding) 13.2u.
(II IS LI CA N Al) A. Vilir:104.,
'LO l 44 N A II T
AT (4 ODEit C,4(
Tildgetown Exeter 1
Zurich 3. lidert)n 2
eraig Zurich 1
)411911133' a, ll'ensa.11 1
;pee pe owl Series Playoff
I.itcart 3, 'Luck no w 0
Litcan 5, Six Na Ions 3
Liman 3, Mildmay 4
'wait 4, Kbenezer 3
(J.w'an wins "D" series cham-
Nita Ines None.
Chai•Jes MaeNangliton present. Milrimay Takes .Hensalt i itinyitii
were present. They had come and :upon, the rta.bles. artfulty ar.' •
- - ; ro
for the presentations e the tro- ranged were daisies and daffo..,eri the MaeNaughton Trophy to Mildmay's Little Monarchs tip•-.3RUMmown, wis
phies; to rehash the games past di's with lighted yellow tapers Bog Armstrong and his 'team; ended lJensall's pee wee entry :: 4 - itidgelo' wn. Ford (Guyil t1 3:24
. 11113
and to reflect on that which :alongside.. # Dick Roelots.on presented the by a 3-1 score. ' . 1 3 Ridgetown, Doldhawk, . . 3:41
might have been if only . . . 111 Amongst the lights and flow- Canadian Tire. Trophy to Hen- Monarch's Don Liesemer was !risister. Lesiliek
passing might, 1 add that the .ers at the head table were. enalt les - 'Se
derson, King and his :conceder- the hero with a pair .of big goals ' i :
118 1 10:29, hlenien tboa.ro-
President Lee Learn and his •
ales and the South End Service in the final period to go. with -..a I
wife, Mr. and Mrs. N. Bray, ,Trophy was received :by Lee single tally frOrn Gary 'Meier in t ,311..3 A Cri-3.1.0 3, 'ZI..31.1(1.4 1
Airs, 3. Ross, max (warts/ ouLearn and histeain. the first. Pirli rerion
Wuerth's 21st
Men's and Boys Boots and
Shoes, including Dock's,
priced for every budget.
Leather & Rubber Repairing
Promptly and Neatly
Attended To
the John Labatt Co. Ltd., Mr.l 'Ilie Exeter Dairy Trophy, Craig Chapman kept the lien.' • Alistttara:!;.Ncn'rneolleii
and Mrs. Artwh
Cann, Mr. and hicis presented yearly11
to the sail club right. in the game 401 I Tnaln,
----- 3:36
Mrs. Dick Roclofson, Mr. and ladies championship team, was 6:07 of the third when he scored: Seeond A.ei°
i d "
Mrs. Bill Allison and Mr. and awarded to Ethel Ailey and her his club's lone marker to tem- 1 sroring .....-.N0„0,
Mrs, Jim Bradley. • entourage. Each of the team porarily whittle Mildmay's lead . renames
The Legion Women's Auxiliary „t
players received miniature rep- to 2-1. ;'etird period
served the ravenous crowd of
fleas of their respective swards. 1 4 %7 _ r .1 1,111 na , 1 2 Avslisa, L‘ralgr (.""ell
curlers With a feast that. was t 'The winner of the first 'WO- defol'ir. W'a.°;.1.r1. 1.H.ndegl ns, I rifigaar7: i 8- (A Osea"(''irsig, Bender ". 77 97.;1115a
Learn, after introducing the ceived appropriate prizes. Tro- B Milli "l'a.
an added dessert President Lee and her teammates,
men's division was Viwilloppreer. iftv.,,,,,,,,iiisi:,:10,,onl, ,,..,..0.,,,,griihnn. 01g,. a.' elfi. y131,6e‘ii-v 2 i .4 '!,,,10;z1,1 al', 11(inlitel, :At tif .37,1a:t:1,:riiplinn_,;(1:012,3i4n:,:)t)
iiz, i•,,,,,. terintintafteg.,, 131;448.itunt 4 in 11 eber (roughing) 14:16,
a delight to partake of, and as
head table, Caned (Men the, Phies were awarded to Betty N'oung , k.lrnle O'Neil, '1'erry :Wyk.
president of the Women's Curl- hr .Eletceand her team who were son. date Dussey, Dan Paul, Boh First Period
ing Club to read a poem. which runners-up in the club champion- Hardy. 1
Penalties -- None.
Zurich, Bloch
S14'6o§I 1111 Perl
2-- Merlonki
, tdstt 7:43
enalties - ;Bert. (tripping)
we would like to reproduce for OW.
your pleasure.
311.1.1131A v riont, Alfred we-
ber; elPfelIVP, Don Lleserner, :Rob -
"The Curler" I Mother and daughter were IV Ing$'
in Morley: ven t re, Gary VS
Bill Dick isor1/4 Mike We-
"Who's the •
stranger, mother very busy with the weddi g her: Riter"`"' LinYd "ber'
aril Metcalf, Ken lone*, 'David
Look, he knows is - awl; he! Bride-to-be: "We've so much Dietz, Doug Weber, BMW Mellen.
queer! : to .do,. we musn't forget the most • :13 ria'n 'Melia ritild' 1t1)11 Die".
HUS/1„ wild:lnyown, don't talk so . insignificant detail."
1 : MOther: "Oh, don't w 0 r r y
• about him; .he'll be there."
your father. dearest child.
dear? • , plans, n Pam De tater, Larry Sell I, Leon -
.• •
Exeter Branch
Huron Unit
Exeter Campaign
Hciuse-To-House Canvass Friday, April 11
Members of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary Will Conduct Canvass
Members of
door canvass
Dashwood Men's Club will
Monday., April )01
Canvass will be conducted Wednesday,. April 16
a door.to-
Parrn.to.Parin Canvass by the Usbont PetleraliOn of
Agticulturo And Wom*n's histitutai
PorMiteoPerm dat11/1“3 by Direttort Of Stephen TOWniiiip
Pechitation of Agriculture
tredifon Weirtionst linitituto
the last week of Aoell
tferiskif Kinsitiell Club Will
later In Month' •
will conduct •tonvist Outing
•tontluct ittoor464loor-
1.1.X.ETIrIft Timm 11-
011; defence, 1'l'y Willer': .11114
LI -(',t 4.7 S. 3311.091A 'I! 4
carseadden ; ('elit re, 3111i e ('11311-
3)1111; wings, Bill Wright, 51 an
hesnlek; a Iterna t es, nOn
Rad llose, Don Cooper, Larry
St Ire, Larry t ell, ry Per-
sona, Bob AlaeDortald, Fred Wells,
Andrew Kenyon.
SIX NATIONS - Goal, eneral ;
defence, ft, Diekers, G. Lick ere ;
venire, W. UM; wings, T. PM,
Ft, Green; alternates, Mart in,
Poodry, Davis, Po wiess, 5, Smith,
Omulk, W, Mills, B. Hill.
Z1113.11.1:11-(1oal, Richard 5) ad e ;
efenee, .Rob P319), 13111 Dinnin;
centre, Ca in Wit met.; wings. Lar-
ry Merner, Greg WIllert; alter -
1)3(33, Barry Bloch, Bernard Be.
dard, Philip flegier, ft 1c 11
Thiel, Bob 3313311311, HO VI' 8 I'd -
l'fq IVA, Roy McAdams, :Robert Ba.n-
nisi ers, Stephen Mock, Boss
1 KNsm.r, - nal, v Id 1.'ay-
lor; re nye, Ted Mock', Bob 510 -
llght0r): (ten( re, Wayne Ell-
wood ; wings, Craig Chapman,
Otto Sam le; alternate, Gary Law-
rence, Bob 1) 1 d'leto n, Gary
St.tol 1, Rob Carl] le, 'Arlan Alt -
A Ott r, Trevor -Bruce Shit. -
ray, Billy Chipchase, Don Fergu-
Third Period
3- Merton, K. Hudson _ 2:33
4 -Zurich, WiiiPl't 4:23
5-3(uric)i, W Bert _ 14;38
l'enalt les - None,
ILD'ETITON' -- Goal, Parkinson;
r)pV3flr'3, Macit Shoebot torn;
(len!. re, 1-f tulson; wing•e, Jackson,
1.7. Hudson ; all ernat es, Watson,
Buddo, LiOrd, 'R1'1111013(4, Ship-
ley, A lice, Pillar)), J"itrgmall,
Aths.t, (IRA 1G -Goal, 'Bob Ttoh-
indon; deferwe, .1 im McLean, John
Ross; (4(431 1'!', Dent' is 'Morrissey;
wings, Lawrence. Lockhart, Son-
ny Slater; alternates, W a yn
Weber. Don Crouch, Torn Lovo,
Don McAlpine, ;Joey P1111111)1, ./1111
Bender, Tom CUM] ingharn, Fred
RIEGETOWN G'oal. Jifl Neu-
Letis; defence, Doug Ford, Wayne
Glassford; centre, Harry Guyitt;
wings, Doug Orr, Ted goldhawk:
alternates, Peter Gohleman. Earl
Powis, Bill Haddock, Fob Murn-
merY, Dennis Hogg. jack Thillne,
Jim Mystik, Morro y Johnson,
Fred Quidney, Dick Wright.
3111.0 :It A.I" 3, }F.1MIALL 1
First 'Period
1. A1119maY, WIeler
_ _ -5:49
Penalties Metcalfe (tripping)
1:40; Sma le t boarding) 3:00.
Second Period
Scoring - None..
Penalties -- None.
Third Period
2 -Mildmay, 'Llesine.r
3-Hensal I, Chapman
4-3311dMay, Llesmer
Penalties - Xone.
First 'Period
1-,--TtIdgei own, Goldhawk
Post Nine
Nine more' 1-0 shutouts were
registered in the Exeter Ladies
Bowling League this past week
with five being turned in by "A"
section teams, and four from
the "B".
Whatnots (A. Davies, 689), Pin
Poppettes (P. Haugh, 561),'Happy
Gals (A. Brock, 587), Lollipops
(I,. Brock, 647), and'Alley Cats
(N. Hooper, 519), were the win-
ners in the "A" odds and evens
Wee Hopes (N: Caldwell, 559),
Hot Dogs (L. Snell, 539), Green
Horns (J. Taylor, 545), and Jolly
Jilts (A. Pres2cator, 519), looked
after the "B" grouping winnings.
Blowettes, behind D. Prances
541 Ihree-garne total, emerged
as five -point victors over the
Be -Bops,
Buttercups and E. ollettes
chalked up 5-2 decisions OVer the
Mighty Mice and lips 15 Downs
With only one more wedk to go
in the regular bowling sessions,
the top two positions in the odds
and evens sections of each group-
ing are still wide open.
In the "A", Happy Gals hold
a mere on0-pini bulge over the
Pin Poppettes, while in the
evens, although Whatnots are
well in front, the Be -Bops could
catch the second Noce AHOY
Wee Hopes with 22, hold A
three-point difference over the
second place. Buttercups in the
odds section of the "B" group.
night behind the Cups cone the
Jolly Jills with 26, tvhich is only
three book of the second placers.
Mighty Mier!! with 14, :Busy Po.os
with 11 and ri•isky Six with two
round out the standings.
In the eVen, (.116 red -het Bet
Dogs enjoy six -point morgin
over the Green Horns who are in
turn bottling to hong onto second
DUO, with 17 points. lips &
Downs Are a mere 'Point behind
the Horns, while the ItolletteS
trail the Downs by 'title Ont.
4,A•• ovento
wbotnents (A. Day131a 6333I
Ti3h9icat/Deel4 WItt0 433).. (I
Pik 1'66160 t Rough 9e7) 7
Nato. It(voicet Songster 527)
t-roroy elolo Ben'k 331) --
H14.1014 (rt, borittid 630)
Lola ootsil *Olt 341)
iti)OfOr,3 CAL A1111111 4111
.111av ('out ltoenor ,
Palo rNt. Illovor VIA) 6
ifitertaitas rfl'. 'Nance sfn
AA AO the rt., /6(414111
Please tut (6 rage0
1.4 r.r ) Period
.1-31ild in ay, 1 tick lso n
2.,-LIWri.11, Coughlin (Lewis-)- 303
3.-3111(Imay, Weller
Diet, 1503, Schile) . 12:57
Penalties - .Black teharging)
.340:2:;134 Period.
4-- ;1;,0
1171 aid,1Rn In gton
5--larean, Re.ringron _ 5i;145
Mildmay, Llesemer13;23
Pena,itles - Lieserner -(.11-ooking)
'rt 'Period
1-1.1tean, ',Black (('oughlin) 2:31
8-3tlidmay, Weller 2:39
9-1,tican, Black
rflecington) . 14:60
Pena 1 .- Bodgins (holding)
11:011; Morley 1 Interference 1 12:33.
Firm( Pc I•.)011,
1 -Sis Nations, Greet
B. Helm
2-1dica n, Black — 31::3216
Penalties - Hodgins (tripping')
n .1 :Period
3-Imean, 'Black
(Cotighl in, Lewis)
Pencil ies - Hussey (board1142
6:11; .1 -lardy (boardinr,) 6;26.
Third :Period.
4.. -Six Nations, B. Lick era
(Martini - .. 1:00
$-51a Na tions,A1 a-11111
tPla nat.)
)1-1.tican, Coughlin' (131a-ekT 95;107
C'oughll n (Black) 10:23
8-ldiean. Lewis (Coughl)n ) 12.83
Penalties -- 'Young cross-cheqk-
ing 15:33; Hodgins (tripping')
16:13; Coughlin (hooking) 13:05.
CA •r; 4, EBENEZER 3
First Period
1 -Ebenezer -'3:35
Penalties - Hussey (boarding)
4;04; .Black (slashing) 4;56.
Second Period
2-EbAnezer, H. grant„..,.___ :34
3-Lucan, Coughlin . . 4:33
0,4,00V -T.11,^•.4."4
• i•
711.0 Times400.gitet Aptii 10e lilt Pap 7
il$ near as your ielephona
14YE 8, PATERSON, Trust. (Vim'
Beneath .0R4trith. 1110410 51
• Estate Planning and Willa
• Real Estate Services:
• Investment Management and
Advisory Service
to .1” Paid on Fixed Term Deposits
It 31% on savings -may mail depositS
Or Contoe; 4ny Office Of
Toronto • Mc/01TM ' 3J•-•11 • Otiiirtlt
Wjildriar • Niagara Orals eSildIpugr
Swift MI'. Marie ' Yort WIlltrot
Calgtorr • Vancouver
Ontario Hydro
Exeter Rural Area Customers
Effective on and after April 16, 1958.
the Exeter Rural Area Hydro office will
be located at the new servicecentre on
Highway No. 4 south of Exeter, across
from Drury.'s Red and White Market
.New Phone Number
Office Hours
MONDAY • FRIDAY — 8;30 A.M. • 5:00 F.M.
K. J. Lamprnan
Manager Exeter Area
Ontario Hydro
New Dodge Sweptside 100 express,
style -setter of Ilk truck world.
New Dodge 0100 express; 61/2 -foot body,108"
wheelbase; or 71/2 -foot body, 116' wheelbase,
0, VAC'S FROM 4,250 tdS. TO 46,600 1.1154 G.C,VOS 10 6S,000
Easier going and
easier to handle!
There's one way to make sure the next
pick-up you buy packs real "get-up..
and -go". That's to see your Dodge truck
dealer. He'll give you the lowdown on
the quick and easy way these peppy
new Dodge pick-ups breeze you through
any job!
* New, friskier 184-h.p. V-8—or
ly improved 125-h.p. "Big Six"--.
put Dodge pick-ups in a class by
themselves for fleet -footed power
and performance!
* Compact short -wheelbase design of
all Dodge pick-ups results in shorter
turning diameters lets you turn.
park, wheel in and out of tight spots
without Strain or fatigue!
ik You can enjoy the extra convenience
of push-button driving, too . . With
LoadFlite 3 -speed automatic trans..
mission! Available on all Dodge,
pick-ups. f,
If your job calls for' a truck with
plenty of spunk and spirit—one that
does its work sweet and cagy—then
you'll find it pays to call for a
Inside and out, Dodge pick-ups have
everything it takes—and tnot•c—to
help you 'deliver the goods faster,
more effieiently, and at lower cost,
Por instance
On D100 (half -ton) model's, tilers'!
new easy -shift 8 -speed transmiz-
sion that brings you the smoothest
hand-thilting ever, New seV-adjusting
rear springs tailor your ride to your
roads and loads!
So come in now and look over a perky
new Dodge piek-up. It's a truck
you'll be proud to drive , prouder
still to own/
:•:;•••-•-kr••••mr.,:, traiwarri•iii‘r•ar..a.:
31100 tractor -up%
RAO lbs. G.D.W.
6500 with dump 60(1), 31406 WO van 334, • 0E0 'AIM 11333 600- Mee 61631-
10,09 lbs. ClL. a.v.w. 15,00163. Max. 0.V.W. 0,000 Is. 0135. A,009 lb, nisx. 4.VA
1.0110OUCt or 46 YEAR*, EXlvsleNtIENDE IN *WILDING lattirkie ititu6otti
Herisaill Motor Sales
Mn Si., H.pniall, ono,rio
Exeter Motor Sales
Mfr i kbfere Ontario
aistooitiit iltAftti 01.10iiiikw,Alt OVA*6 6fA016 tveitv tutititexv xiout ON TV..dttak YOUR LOCAL rwit66tiaMML ttstiNa �i3 ns4ANi6 tRANNIttit kw41.006(