The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-10, Page 4•1
t •
Tho Tirne5-Advoeots, April 10, 19:ig
And District News
Mrs. Maude Meriden, Phone $
Mrs. Archil McGreg.m, Phone 194
Library Board rho'• Rebekah. Leda* 1K.
innetes 'Plant'
AINoble Grand Mrs. Win Cald
Likes Quarters well presided • at the meeting nf
. Members of Hensel]. Public
Library Board -expressed pleas- Mrs. Ada Fritzley P.D.P. of Go- 1 v'elt to hueins in the
tire with the 'new quarters pro : derkb made her nffieial visit. a,tInna 1, . s
%dine and 1, arions hospitals.
An invitatinn was extended to Thirty one mixed potted plants
vided for their books at a meet- — , .. . , wee . ,,,.• .
t amhei Lodge to pioent. the de leiv ea to residents of the
eng last week,
The library, has been itmwiel • gree at the (Wench Lodge on village: Mrs. Catherine Hoiden,
April 2.2 when the Assembly Mrs. William Foster and Robert
into the room formerly used ae President, Ale's. Martha patter-, Deegan:patients at South Huron
the couned chamber in the Own son. will h"reeene The Irkete.,
1 Hospital, Exeter; Airs. Lavine
U. The room has been painted .
end new •shelving added. Hon was acceped. The Lodge do-• Fraser, at a nursing home in
naked a contribution to the °an' Exeter; Mr. and Alm John 11a
Enlarged quarters were re• ver fund. . eelwood, Aire. Fred Dawson,
tjuired to accommodate the in- It was decided to hold a social Mrs. J. Forrest, William Pepper,
creasing supply bi hooks neves- evening at the meeting on April at Queensway nursing home,
eery to meet a' growing demand 16 teach member to invite a Hensall; (these plants will be
for them In both Fetruary and» guest. • shared with other members of
24areh of. this Yeulatt"" The D.D.P. Mrs. Ada Fritz- the nursing home), and Miss. Ma -
bas heen 100 over last'year. lee gave an interesting address rissa Mitchell, and Mrs. T. Part -
•Members of the hoard include nn "The Vital Lodge." Mrs Har- mere at Huron County Horne.
Amber Rebekah Lodge No. ale. Shut-in Cheer
t Wednesday" evening when •
lExtend Fast Time
To 1.. nd Qf October.
'Jensen Nineties made theie
1 Village of Hensel has joined
tale ten-m.111g number ot eammunt.
saving time WWI 0.0 end of
• (*mined voted Monday night to
start DST an Aprit 27 mid to
Pennine, it until October 26. •
A majorite' of einnimmilles ht,
this dietnet will he ou fest thee
during that period. Others. how-
ever, including Eeeter and 74)11-
don, will go hack to standard
time at the end of September as
a result cif requests from the
tali'ionun%riela6ildepted the auditors'
report, prepared by Monteith god
lees "tech wet c...s1 end fl igM
-Chairman N. IL Jones. reove:
.Clerle A. Paterson. secretary;
Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Mrs. A.
Joynt and Miss M. A. Ellis.
Forum Banquet
Ends Activities
old Parker presented Mrs. Feltz- p
ersotial Items
ley with a gift nn behalf of the
Lodge. Mrs, Bowra extended ! Air. and Airs• :RV -Campbell
greetings from the Goderieh spent the weekend in Sarnia and
Lodge. . Port -Huron.
Tickets were sold on a cake, ' Miss lean McAllister and :MSS
donated by Mrs. Hugh McEwen. Barham Middleton, of Clinton,
Mrs. R. E. Shaddick held the ' spent Easter in New York.
lucky ticket. The ticket was alert, Mrs, Robert Reid, nf •Kinearri•
Mr, and Mrs. John Soldan drawn on a 'flower garden quilt, ine, is spending Easter with Mr- '
were host and hostees at their and was Won hy Allan John- and Mrs, Clarence Reid and
-home last Wednesday for the elm, Kippen. Mrs. Stanley Mit-
Parr Line Farm Forum annual chell sold the lucky ticket.
i Air. and Mrs. Gerald Flynt
Friends Shower cent visitors with Air. and Airs.
Progressiveuchre formed• -- and Miss' Jeyee Flynn were re
e •
the entertainnyent for the eve-
ning and winners were Mrs,
Ross Love, Mrs. H. Adkins.
Stewart Blackwell, and Glen
Mrs. Charles Robinson ex-
tended courtesy remarks to Mr.
and Mrs. Soldan and Mr.s. Henry
Geyer gave a poem: "Now that
the Farm Forums are over and
the weekly gatherings no More.
I hope youtake a drive to the
corner, and remember that I
am still at Hillsgreen store." A.
pteniehas been planned for this
Mission Society
Busy In Welfare
i Don Avery in Sarnia. '
Miss. Greta Pfaff i
, Mrs. Grace Harpole returned
home after visiting with.
Mr '
A pleasant evening, - was spent ' and Mrs. Stanley Mitchellat
at the home or Mrs. :Robert eh i see,„1 eie
Baker, Jr., on Thursday when ' - ----.--
a number of friends gathered to . I‘IL:. Ge°' ()Ii°1'h6ri °f Gall:
spent the weekend holiday with
honor -Miss Greta Pfaff, bride- his father, Mr. Wm. Otterbein.
elect of this month. Mrs. Margaret Evans and
The shower of miscellaneous ..
family of Waterloo spent the
gifts were presented by Rose holidays with the former's par -
Marie Grolier and Philip Ched- ents—Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mac -
ore. The bride. completely taken
- surprise, •thanked everyone
for the gifts, i Alr• .and Mrs, Lorne Chapman
A mock wedding -was present.: and family were..recent visitors
ed with Wilma Kyle,Lillian with their son -hi -law and daugh.
Mr. and .111rs. • Joe" De Loge
Baker, Bonnie Kyle, Pat Kyle,
Margaret Moir and Marjorie . in Sarnia.
Pfaff taking part. Mrs. H. Cald-, Miss Joyce Peters of London
well and 'Mrs. R. Baker ar- , was a weekend visitor with her
*.The Woman's Missionary So- ranged the entertainment, , parents, Mr: and Mrs, Fred
elety of the United Church met Personal Items (Peters..
for their April meeting on Thurs.- Aire. Chesney of -Toeento Visit-.
dee' Mre C D Daniel presid- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman :
spent Raster with . cd over the weekend with her
mg, with Easter meditation the i and family i
theme of the meeting. t their daughter and son-in-law. brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
of .
.The devotional- Was taken by Mr. and Mrs. 1, De Loge, and Mrs. Sam Dougll.
: Air. and Mrs, j..efeCloy add
M, Peck and Mrs. E. T., Sarnia. .
aowe, Miss -Greta Lammie rend -,' Mr• and Mrs. Gordon Senwalm• children of Toronto were holiday FEATURE!
ed a violin solo, with Mrs. T.' V'atsy, Barbara, Charles and . visitors with Mrs. Ale-Cioe'e. Par-
herritt atrompanist, Mrs, G. Marjory, spent Easter with rela. i e.nts, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Hess.
Tt Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moir and hompson and Miss Jennie Bu- • Lives in Rochester, New York.
hanan received the offering.Miss Elvira Churchill, 'Peron- . family of Strathroy were week-
Fihns on the Resurrection were to, is spending Easter with her ! end visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
llown. t sister and brother-in-law, Mr. ; Wm, Lee. Air. and Airs. Jas.
e..President Mrs. George Arm.. and Mrs. E. Shaddick and Bill. Clark and Mr. ,and ..Mrs. Geo. . ..
Atrong presided for the business . Miss Irma Kiefer, of Toronto, 'Moir. FEATURE!
period. The group accepted an visited over the holiday with i Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie
envitation to be guests of the Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and of T . t weeked i i
oi on o were wee enc. . v s' I--
Evening Auxiliary at their April Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer. '
• ors with Mr. and Mrs. John Me -
Meeting Monday, April 14, stew.: Philip' Chedore returned to -his Murtrie and Mrs. Mary Mc-
erdship notes were presented by home in London after spending. Murtrie.. ,
Ain. A. B. Rowcliffe and the Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Rob-,
i ti
treasurer's- report submitted by - ert Baker, Jr. Ropkine of Chicago
viMrs. Ansited this week with her sister,
Mrs, W. B. Cross. . Miss Betty Miekle, of Toronto, '
. ;
Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. Daniel spent. with parents. Mrs. Mary MeMurtrie. Mrs. Wesley Venner returned .
bkterial at Ontario Street 'Unit- family.
tri, Clinton. submitted reports, •
0 Church of Canada does more Thursday evening of last week : Miss Wanda Baker of London
Charles Mickle and Miss • Hospital; London, where she was
a k ,,,..--, .
. • ,,,,,,,,. mi . ,.. .
who were delegates to the Pres- Mr. and, Mrs. Laird Mickle and '
"* • • .
' borne on Saturday from Victoria ..
disclosing the fact that the Unit- Gwen Speheer of town left -receiving treatments.
welfare work than the Red for New York with several other was a weekend visitor with her ,
FEATURE! „ .:. . . _
Save 25
Daily Mail .
Gross. Exeter high school students and parents, Mr. and 1.i:s. Robert! ' ,
;A: motioe was made to send teachers, They arrived 'home ..Baker: ' - 1 • • .• , . . , . . .
Monteith. Stratfnrd, which
showed a surplus at the end. of
19.3.7. of approximately $3,000.
dieetorsiltniotfotihea among —a $.131v5illne7eilsf
municipal bodies — See,
;public school $70, library etre
park hoard $70, reereatieeal
eutilllenitit"DeSilt0z. ivas given per -
1 mission to operate the service
station at the corner of Queen
street and No. 4 Iligittend,a.+4wbBicobh
was formerly opera
ralkllirlity3rMan F. R. Davis re-
-ported on work done in the town
hall and the removal of snow ,postomitiummumlitmilimmmituiffintummulwooni,,,,nittlunumwmmitmumilm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fm.,
- ,
Clerk J. A. ratorson said tax if
arrears for 4257 were $942,
and :Prc.OsYments on 1058 taxes
amounted to s2.670. -Pe Also re.'
ported on a meeting assessors
And other municipal glficials
'me 'clerk was instructed to
.write the flank of Montreal ask-
ing thcY planned to :construct •
their new building this year.
The 1951 tax roll will be hand-
ed in at the next meeting, May St
I The Ausable Authority levy of
$516.130 was approved. Cost 'of
repairs- and decorating of the:
town hall amounted to slightly -
• over $300. B. A. Kyle, R. Siam-
ti011 and L, Mousseau the
A . borrowing .by-law was
For Veterinary Supplies
Special Quotations on Quantity Lots •
of the following:
Wilson's Rexall Drugs
Anybody can save money by serving less food . . by
, compromising on quality. But that's not the smart way
to economize. No indeed! The right way to say*
the sure way to save . . . is to shop at SUPER SAVE!
Here, every price is low price. A certful of your
favorite ,foosis costs less—and you cheek out with CASH
-FEATUREI.Wagstaffe's Two -Fruit Save 60
Aylmer Fancy Quality
• ,
atc:. Juice
elO OZ.
Fancy Quality —.Save 7 15 -ox. tins
FEATURE! • White or Chocolate — Save 40 -
1 2 OZ.
Save 90
17 -oz. pkg.
-four or five quilts to Dr. .1. E. Tuesday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pfarry Cook and '
Hazelton, B.C. Mrs. G. Thome- hot, cross buns iri eiceise to end visitors with .the former's e - es G•ALVT ON OF ZOO r
6 5
Whiting's mission hospital at The Girl Guides sold 130 dozen 'family of Windsor were week -H • - .
Ebb. reported having sent OW 37 house canvass a le village.
Easter boxes for shut ins. The The girls took orders for them
seml;.-annual bale for overseas and delivered them oh Good Fri-
end Canada will he packed in day.
the near future, Ann Mickle spent a few days
Mrs. E. Sproat erred as secre-! a t the beginning of this week
tary for the meeting. • with Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Riley
and Sharon, of London.
fearsome{ Items
' Harry Cook, service manager
Members- of Amber Rebekah of Ford's, Windsor, has heen
Lodge held a successful bake moved to Oakville, and leaves
sale on Saturday. for that place next week. Harry,
Mr. !Edna Corbett visited who is the son of Mrs. C. Cook.
ever the holiday with Mr. and has been connected with the Ford
Mts. Ed Schroeder and family plant for 14 years. •
end Mrs. Amelia Schroeder, : Mrs. 'Herb Blatchford. 'Mrs. E.
Jerry and Gregory Chapman C. Appleton, William Wood, of
returned home after spending a Exeter. and George Dunn, of
few dayS with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Centralia, were' recent visitors
DeLoge in Sarnia. with Mr. and Mrs, C. L. •links.
leettetelitmeitemeetemelettemetelimileteetemmieeteitetteleetelitiee i iii 1111.
Go Into Spring In AL
V-8 engine, automatic transmission, very clean.
Tuton rnetall .g -men and cream, a.titornatic
transmission, V-8 engine, good condition, low
1 Lout mileage, good condition—a Real tiny:
Stt this ono!
Herisoll Moto Sales.
Dodge & 06$616 SAW & Selleitc
CCIAlttSt Pity!.
FIHONt ii; K.O.S. 76
ariumt ...... -1,,:,,,,,a,filarmuffinuniunno..,,znimininutimummumilminumimmumumtim,
mother, Mrs, C. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and
-family of Chicago spent the holi-
day weekend with Mrs. Wilson's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Milton
Russell. „
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Horton
and family of Montreal visited
this week With the former's*
mother, Mrs. Jarvis Horton.
- Miss Sharon MacArthur 'visit-
ed this week with her grand-
mother, Mrs, Ida Willis, in Lon-
tlon. -
Mrs. Albert Shirray and Bruce
spent a :few days this week holi-
daying in Port Huron, Mich.
Mrs. Emma Shepperd visited
(hie we.ek with Mr. and Airs.
Morley Sanders and sons in Exe-
ter. •
Mr. 'and Mrs. Edgar Munn
were weekend visitors with their
eon -hi -law ,and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Gooding and lam-
ily in Parkhill.
Miss Wendy Moir Visited nvcr
the weekend with her mother,
Mrs. Mansell Mason in Grand
Miss Elvira Churchill of Te
rmite was a weekend visitor with
Mr, and Mrs, E. Shaddiek and
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake,
Bill and ;form of London visited
recently With Mrs. Pearl Pass --
Alt. and Mre, Russell Kyle. of
SI. Catharines were weekend
visitorwith the former's ‚par-
ents, Mr. aild Mrs. Thos. Kyle,
Mrs. Harvey Jeyes and Anne •
returned home after sPendieg
a week with relatives hi Lon-
Mr. 'red Norminion of Vni-
versity t Western OelAriri, LOP -
(WI, and itte, end Mee. Art 'Fre-
(male and family a wodgfork
were weekend visitors with :their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Net -
Mr, Mareey • Hildebrandt of
TAMMY visited this Week with
hie ItiOthil, Mrs. Mary 111Ide-•
Mts. Perdue anti family a
Camp IMMO( Are vielthig this
week with Ws. PeAutos moth.
et. Mrs. Virllet $thwaim.
Mrs. Inee, Met Weft epent. the
Weekeed ViSititig With het Moth-
er, Aire. SharrOW At PaiSley.
Mr. and Mrs. $1mit1t nt Guelph
were IVOOkteidIl1Aifor8 with :the
tItt'A atMitaj Mr rid
Milt arrat,
SUPER SAVE! Fresh Daily
24-0Z. LOAF
les, Birds Eye
Roneless �1Jd Prim.
Rib Roast
Pyre Pork
Savo 40
Chicken, Beef, Turkey
er 59c
Lettuce 2 HEADS 35c
Canteloupe 33c
Bana.ncts 2LE.33C
Celery 2 UNH 29c
Grapes 2 • L. 39
Libby's French Fried
Potatoes 2pKG..35c
WEA7'1171111F.: 5AVF PO
..Pie Crust
.vocATuntr.: 5Ai5
le CI A '11` I. it Plt K. n. A ILTEV.4
Pie Filler APPLE21:1*OZ,
.5-1.11. hag
S a p 4e
la 20" X 40"
in attractive stripes
Regular $1.211- value
Open Frt. cri Night.s. Until •S, Open Saturday' Nights Till 10
'or *,C.•