HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-26, Page 1t -
1111 se•tt,l•tl1e11
w l,evaeee, S
er'iiimasts tn.
le lie ■1erne a1■
j aT TIM awl of Tial Tial.
ors potaso crap leek 1Mg. Ii uurtalot time scree, .ed to a ettga's tb• pen.hy, 11 In each. sod the cry, town, .flap. or htweshlp rectified. sod nth Books restored to ,herr of IV- oatt•dseee and envier, wolf; se't.Ilstsp gia
they Ma ale. year. The mem may wither *ball nee di, to the extent of the roie(o cle,k, the flintier gum of S* (,r bromism e. b nal Hate a• nearly u may b..ccordug w nee High Bailiff w lou Depen w hereete
ted dry without Armee affect's( the tubers
best as temeties they shall have beta able to ob• pee opo* pauses' Mese A11.11... ssflsir
-bet after this takes place the tubers will
The Aiew' arms app.aed sere' yore
not increase mush a sir.
ekes is rise visesal .sweeper, bat Thr. a a (revel mmespl.lat for year ed
elsored kosareesir thee we shish 'tier; trot the fads', .1 the Isre.p prep by the By, er
keit, tpatytp., The apes►•n are • Opal sir! N least seed th.t hos bees sows two er
.ed Uer.Iset/, The seat paries n sa 1e.'rd three UM./ las bees as often eaten by t►.
b thes verb serretm N tits girl reer.l names Ar the emeneut the pleat* have appeared. -
ender wheel' she seppow that he will delight o Tba ie s vest sono wd dtrpp00sa•
s M her she her death. The se 44444 are moot to a ("wet, re rase the' we an very
is s fij. Or dieledae-IM gl,t NfgMttat'I" 'table to It ibis ems' ry . 1t to snot rows -
weeder images is eemeriem, aid the lover nal that soil for tur.,pe should be well peal
tMreof. • Awd all penalties. the •pplitatcoo him ,e the me.ti.s of ouch .lecio.s t11e A.sorss•
wbor.ul Is not hereto t articularly dweeted.
m.nt RII or Aa eeete sat Rolla o(,he ynr, as ie-
• hoU be paid 'o the c.mplan.snt ; a.d fur 9r.red o/ tM ekveuh o..tise m tie Aet, weh
want o1.. ent dstre.s the uflirder •hal
o to be paid 10 rhes rtepeelieely, the
of the County or U111U111011.of Cowan's,wa
be co'nmailed by warren', under the bawd for w1.ich ouch Junes are to eerie, 411 of say
end seal of such Justice, to the contain. money io hs hands belentiot conch eosay or I p•euyely have end exercise the new powers, diet b• them seers, ss spirt 'be Merlyer pas•
Gaig r.r Houee of Correction for such fern' anion of eeesties not o,herwiw .p•eidly •ppro- and •olhnrity as they hoer heretofore had or ties who lotto m
p hoer Jsd[eat Apse •web cert if .I.
nut exceeding da calendar months, a such pigged her Aet of Pn/INmeal. Ana which mune;
Justice "hall thank proper, uoleaa such pee• •hall be paid by inch T4eosero► to every each
,*clad ted finely broken down -'hetet
qtr eb..ld dal set: be 'tet se eve ae a Sower.a motet when .vies- 1 I it 'Mould
The sa.wtaia wie salts forth eta el teens
hes limed with about 40 bushels to the acre
Is►eviz►r prnioes to drilling or wwtag brand east -
no saw 04101 wow,. gives t►. speedl0se that *petal smarten, such as AMMO., hose -
deist or ashes, should be applied !.treed of
iltrulit me victim m..frrr ►.•r. farmyard mawun, or applied with the latter
b est skier !" -41.84 a raped eagle, altos of the seed should
b• obtained if pnerble-se' that toe plena
"Reese. ase war !•"
wine. beigbesst; a sot to seas • Pierray .era come 15,0 LID rough leaf Motet
iris see of swum.. Mad the, h.m..a eked or peat sort ie lees liable to the fir here
OAweeps she glin•neewOlreiwrin teebrseJ: than Dplasd or seedy sod. When the wem
Me pan.its lean, and (tokiesAe`e. ober a dry at to rise of sowing, and for
isid45r. a ow a sir !" some tree eab.eq.ently, the young turnip
'• Ern. r w dove?" ►lura are very liable to be injured. 1s
Enylasd it is found that bas mixing the
"Pa, pewee; Moot lsroe ess.di.'. Swedish and White turnip •sed. the By will
The metier eft breaks is apse in net, destroy the Whine. and to P. sdi'th well mi -
jAid o.y 000isi sort eves, ea with little dynode. Th. •x invwte
lvd pies b5 aolow.s tbr.sgk its. pup pee. pa
ZwM, Is. rat • drew •• an worth vein'. Turnip .mel a .nvtsx-
pr. .e. and ►v .owing some extra geed of a
,hSSere•t kind from the 'armlet sought to be
steed, and of the kin 1 Vie fly prefers, tt
"Eves estreek 1"
"Pe, ray rest faithfl: b. mot as a reek.
LIli sesh. to •mbreeie[ ware: nr sued! riser would ant be dlfh •alt to hoe out any that
T.!!! 'n dreary wast•• enkr5., fftiltained after the danger of the fir .was
Illsse.1s•s alike to (ones.'. mien r shock.
Q1uples, be seta reek !"
" Eves .a -mesal( T"
•' Ily ers hew 4.4, he bet se thyself?
Brighter than Hare hirer than fleeter,
Purer thea doer.. ted to thy spirit's power
Iltwdew thee reek
Tee, be Myself, tbya•M--o.ly thyself!"
Th. aosatk.f Aeguat wet very favorable
fee eompl.titeg the her hOrve.t, and fen se
erose ase talo reedy for mentor. With
the exception nl one week in the ensmence-
meet of hay harvest in J..lt, we have ael-
does new a mere hemmed* ..term for hor-
mone( Mr to good coediting. Is the week
ts. snake., err hav wee mitred, certain
ly ; but f r the remainder of the hay her
vest, there was no dtieselty is seeming the
err te the best condita., Hay is s mate
rid crap of the• farm, and it in • great teleran
lege te have it .ueetred and well moved,
Much it may be, we.srslly, thew eau... -
Heavy one Of Anwar, neon hay in the pre
es. of 01,14.(. destroy ail the beet quali-
ties, and render it of hitte value, except for
The ereatbetwae besot ifol for cattier k
fierier veal ear barley, and we behove
all the letter, tied much of the former, is
safely hoard. Bartry was not .own the
year te the easel eet.04. in . . Of
the law pune paid for it les; year, and the
quant? rased ia certainly short of former
year., bet it easy he real tie the d.maed.-
Farmer% hewer.;, 'roll root glee op the
bowie( a/ barley, se it eau be employed in
fees/ c*Itl..d pins. if brewere will sot
pay • 11eemmie►45 pies for e. It M sorb
the boat err torte grass ear with, n lay -
iso Aaree l.od1 particularly wet wheat a
w awa se law es the latter end e! May and
hegresieg of J.N. To Me gnash seed at
tet advaeobd resew .4 the year, is eery
nesertere es the mese of Jeri is dry, and
it e a Rear disepp.irtr.wl to a forever.
wives he propose.. or fns his lase ins fit
state to sed err ler hest to have the
(pre seed fail.
Tbie year. hent all reports that we hese
heard. the early asd very late sown wb.0
re We I..5 s.jnrd by the sly, than that
n ews heat the RStb of April to the 13th of
May. Fres mu. own peer experience, we
reek her .epest.d this to be the cert.-.
Thi wheal or•. ge.arally, en far as we hays,
been able N N0.rtate, be. set . nirred nosh"
iywry t►a par by the wheat le, sad will
be a bqr rep than w. berg bad for SAIDA
ytlses. A dry warm bseb... we have ever
feed, heti ie to old retry sed is this,
is he rest favorable fer wheat. It is said
tbrt.essmn of the higheetgre.ral trips
niter, always pro4ae. !Avestan' crops of
wheat es England, es this brei trsprreture
ie ..*tkg f I with dry weeth«.
On theretn1y, a leu t.miepsrst.', is tee
slwlly 1 by a wet.ea.ow, sr in
uwe1M( /rodwhei d Welter trees of
wrist, bib le the British Wee 50i fs Cas -
.ds. A dry entre. err Week I..., sed
=wads amid iejery Y rep. le this
ere are res often liaMe to retort-
disry r ig.nees drssehls. led Om dry..4
arose we boys seer (a trin mosey, brae
her the hest it the Parse..
Urea the whits reran 'rely Ist.te,tb.t
tutelar raM ear a ren el grain this year
tial wee nee * tI1 ei geede e.ubf b..x•
pe ted to Il1e eats el the kr-
Skip. sdtitsoi e, and el the
t ri fr treetop l .mid abet are err tea
passed. Thema no better v.rety of tu'-
nip for fond for animals nr for keeping dor•
ing the winter, than the Swedish, and we
bonne they night be erowr by careful cul-
tivation, ear &.lopes.e the precaution. se
suggest. Steeping the seed of the variety
of turnip desired to be grown in trate oil,
and drying it with sulphur. would shoo be a
rood plan, and only steeping the reed gown
to feed the fly in soft water. The letter
should be done to order that the plants shnnld
■ptxar as sone se the planta from Ms Peed
tem ate ;weer• eg the same- XCi. Aad be it toasted. That it shell sea be
LXXXIII. Aad he it reacted. That her Ma. J.wial eider for tie Qom.' r fr ray awe es bee
jrole* ere S.pnia Courts of Conn..• Lea .t behalf, or foe say parry er retie* is any sem
Tomato, sod all Cows m Ort' and Terminer. whatsoever, to ees.w.ee Of 151511.111151 may writ
.0d Om' Dshve,p i 1 Upper C.n•4, shall re- of attest esaimit any Jerry se Junta f« rite eth
alt? is [ower paid. S.le.or of Jurors sone receipt of a certificate
from the Clerk d the P erne for seek toasty et
XiII. App...Ma v Proeunon.. ammo of canoes, that inch Report had been
LXXiV. Aad be it reacted. That in every duly made tn`htm within the time for that pur-
ely to Upper Coed' is which there is or shell pose prescribed by this Act. That the Clerk til
b. establtehed • Recorder'. Curet or any other the Peace of every such county or cion of coon -
Court. either civil or criminal, or both, basing tier, end I1m clerk of Rreorder'. Court of every
local jurisdiction within web city and the liber• city. in which s R•eoed•r'• Cent shall he..
to. thereof, and in which Court of any Bitti■pp been essbl..hed for every Jaron' Beek furnr.hed
et Session. thereof, James chat' he required 1.r and prepared by him '.der this Act, shall ti-
the trial or issues .4 feel joined in any welt ...tile' to the grim n(3'J.. the further rem .I £2
Cin, .ccerdiwg in the course n( the Commie iee every hundred name. contained in the Relit
Leo. Ibe Clerk d the Recorder's Cart of e,.ry m Jurors hy him evened in such Jaron' Reek ear
epeh city, shall annually. within the mime period directed by the Act. the further sent of
N i. he.ebbrfore provided for the performance of fav each Jury List lailotted ted Petered ie ouch
■ *jailer duty by dm Clerk of she Pace of the ?erne' Book according to the pennons thereof,
different Comities mad Melons of Cmeaties in wed for eeeee certified espy thereof required .n
Upper Canada. mad in a wielder manner. prepare be asdr b, thea Art. see half' the .mount se
from each R -porta of the Sel-etnn of Joron of allowed for the original, mod wh,eh several seen.
the Coen'y or Unto,. of Counties within the of money 0,611 to paid by the Tr of such
limits of which each eh/ atoll he embr*eed. as enmity or *-'ion ..f enmities or ash• elumb-;lain
shell be relora•d for Wards, or otter? l..e.t diel• of smelt e•14 as th. nse may be, nut or s..
.lose of each Coe.y or Vetoes of Corinne. lye (poetry. ie his hands below/Mg 1nwelt certain.
tag weird. 'tech coy er the liberties there(, a eaten of eNnite• or city respectively gm ether-
Jera's Book for such city. inwetsg is the wise specially appmpria'ed by Aet of P.rlia.rwsi.
J.,.e. Rull. In such Beek i' p.cttv.ty, .hr epee emelp' .f • c•rditent. Gem the Chairman
canine n( such permits rendes' ...thin such city, 0F1e Qoart•r $ sloes of welt enenty w ...ion
or the liberties thereof. es upon such Reports ee et emote., or the Recorder or other peerdiet
■ pen melt n/ them •• shall thee have come is officer of each R.eord•r'. Oben, Met each B.• -k
in .inrru.d• shall be returned as gnarhfed mod had Mrs (u'oieh.d sad premed and Neh ether
I.ae'e to .erre s. Grand or Petit Jurors rupee- Mniee• p•rfwmed by ...eh Clerk of Me Pie. or
lively. either in the Stunner or Inferior Courts, Clerk of the R.eterfees COO,.'rep..tierly, with•
recept Nay that there 05511 10 every sash ease is the time and aeeordies is the directions pro-
be bet two Rolls, one et Greed J.rot. 5.1.4. scribed by this n rt. awe the further rem of
of all such perm.. as ;hall have bee. sea for .eery PATI off Jurors dn(•d from say Joron'
&elected mod reported (.r Gravid Juror. is either Rock in hie eirwe, an be paid in the e*pe e1 Gen.
the Superior or Inferior Court.. tad the. ether of rel Panels r•t•re•e open neh General Precept.
all Nrh perinea u shall Wive Mee in bite .gats. es r• m•eei.wrd in the twenty-aith section d
net selected and reported for Pent Jurors in either this Act, out of the like mnarru sod by flee like
the Superior or Inferior Ceara., se is bereiabe- officer as h.reinh.(.r. meor,nn•d, •,os the pro -
tore required d the Clerk of the Peace of every darn.ls to neeh officer m the Certificate n( the
County sod Union of Counties, to respect of hi. Sheriff or other officer whn .hall Mee deified the
Comity, mod the heeds d such Roils is ,.ch seise. that each General P.sel wits se drafted w
Juror.' Book. .hall he • fapled 1n the same se. mfr -said, and in alt nth.; caw to a pail 11,
oalr. AoJ nett Recorder • Court. the Re- the p.i'v mnI oat the Ju•4 prnr•es open which
seek Panel spall have been drafted. And the
Sheriff, 11ieh Bailiff or ether Officer of
mach County. limn of Conine. er City, •x
chilli,. of god, Pietas ht may be entitled to from
the part,. la any suit nr wherein. for earth
the Jory Less (rem the Jen' Rolls, as are 01 3
e P&«t mor. whether Greed or Petit. retortI
hernuh. fore prescrihrd to the Qo• r Se.enns sad summoned by him in obeli -see to any
Nee., the se., the Chairman thorn.. and the Greeted ?merle for the return of Grated or Pent
Clerk of the Peace for the rw.perti.. Counties or u hem. fie pray Sin:nes or Se.u•e• of ...tits sad
Use... of Counties: a.4 mil other du•i.. which 1 nend friss. Oyer sd Terenwer, Gen) O.tir•ry.
•re by this Act preecabed to be Sheriff. d Coco- 0...iens of the Piece. or Cooney or Ree.miers'
e mope'lies. ie to Jurors, whether Grand or Petit, CNet r.sbeeti•el,, u
p rfedi-wick',
this Act, shalt be es -
within their respective wick', shell ea re- 1 titled to the sum of !,' na
I and which m of money
e pees Greed or Petit Jones fn• :he .dmini,rn• •hell be paid by the Trea.arer .(reel Coney or
-tion of Justice i• any such Courts of any such . Union 4 Cenetien or b, the Chamberlain of
clues, be performed by sod required n( each 1 •.c', City. as the ease
r easy be. am. of . me.
llieh Bailiff. ne other nffeer, se a'.e id: mad nlrya is hi• hones h.lormiee to each Cnvniy er
U.ien of Cnen'in or Cu, respee'i••le, not
loherwire rp.e•i.1ly ■ppropnu.d he Art m Pier-
li.me.n, upon receipt aa e,rtifie'.ie from •,y
ten Jnerirn of the Peace or Aldermen r.spec-
lively, a• the ear may be, who may have bees
pretest at the drafting of &itch Peel porous., to
the tweet,-Mfih pectins of tine Act, of ouch Site.
Ebner. net other Officer. and Miaiseery shill riff. Hte% B.•Lff er ether Officer haying perform -
for such peens. have free semen, al all .an
ice .d arch &.ee seeordine tet the directions of
bra ea Junes' tinro the Jurs' Book, ,s the office d rine this Act. and i. Merin d Sherif. of Cnon'ies.
Recorder'. Coen nr other seeder office d51
.h . farther sem of 64 e`er .eery mile that he or Ai.
city: end it shall be tie dusty of sueb High Bat- Deputy or 6..s may n•enserily have to travel
1.d Conners. Elio„.officers, nod other officers and from the Coney the for . purees,'of anm.
et ped in oil. It might oleo be prn ar '0 carter of nth City or the Chairman or 01S.,
care tf steeping in this way that the seed mending member 'Berrie(, sad the Clerk of Inch
should be sown Generate' y, that for the fend Court for the 'tele bete[. *hall respectively pet-
er the on the "idea of the drills. This farm the bk. doves in respect of such Rieke.
method would trove additional trouble ear- the prepense the Ballot, sed the llallotting of
fatale. blot perhaps womld not cost much o-
v-r.a dollar they acre, and thi♦ wn .11 b. am
ply compensated by having the first sowing
safe "ad in time. .
There is rrea'le inersas.d g'unrit• of
Mengel-wurtzel. Carrots and parsnipn sown
now to Lower Canada. over what was sows
heretnforn, and this a certain iodiratino of
umpro.ement in our husbandry. We do not
expect that rnot crop* will ever a eultive-
ted here 'q the rime proportion to grain
crops that they are in Enr,aa4, but it wouldthat the manner of dreftme. an ikisi. neonates
be very desirable that every farmer should sod Nmm.ntat 1sr,ee by the Sherif. epeo
cultivate anme. 1f it was peewtble, the lend write o1a.au.facies yrrstores. u prescribed by
this Act. stall be cheered sed followed by the
dnuld be ensured the praviae (all. it well fereA r•een. sedo'her
drained. This would keep Ihs pot) Open. nen and Monsters. harem the return of Jury
and it could 'eceive all rho working it email peeress wi,hie eeer4 ..ch alt.. which Cornier..
require in teener, as soon as the snow tied
(root wan Eons, and Ihe steed c•,uid 'hen be
early sown. which is meet essential to tome
root etc pe. if oui lands are not well pre-
pared In the fall, .o as to keep them as dr,
as pns•fble„pad dr.,oe1 s0 that the water
shalt par off of them in the spring without
obstruction, we eonnot sew le time or ex•
poet gond er.p. The frowsier *..sone are
very short the meet favorable yearn, *ed we
should certainly strive to tee prepared logien
our crops the whole benefit of the growing
meson. How can we expect good crone if
we do not 50e until mrd_eummer? With
111• exception of turnips are, buchwbeat.
there is not a crop culIi,ated by the farmer
that •leoald not he sow 0 le April and May,
sad es early as possible io the.e mdhthe.
The very dry weather we have had io Am-
gen, although favorable for h in(. heft
had • co..iderable effect upon the late sows
crepe, t. hastening them to matnr.y, we
fpr, in many eases, rather prematurely,-
rematurely;Tbe grass and pastures have bees very much
deed up, and will pot recover, emit there is
s`eon.iderable felt of rain. The markets
aro well supplied with meet, butter, end
cheese, the latter of better quality this
meal, and much of it of Canadian manufac-
ture. This is as it should be. Ws might
make butter and cheese here Ge export at ten
In a large extent, and it would pay well -
8.itable dames, world dairy -maids, skirl. st-
tee,io. and cleanliness, are the 'rand regnt-
*Hee te here good butler and chyme -11
would sot de to make ynod better k thee•e
one time and set ..other, as this will dr -
trey the character of all. The most care -
fol anion*. is to be observed constantly to
* erre a reviler geed quality at all tune•.
is eoeedonos, we have sbu.daa nasi of web Mo.., 5d they am hereby stewed w.th holding • Bisects' Stitsp -. Swedes. of sock
theekfolnmss to a bosullul Creator, all sueb pewees, in any way e.neeerrd with the Court for the petpoi.. 0( balloting 'itch Jery
denting, otrikise. resenting and semetae.nt 'mob Liles a, hereinbefore directed; and that the eve-
' When 'modems dee, fie arcing year, lanes, as is ted by this Rot are preserib•d es nr rtl preemie,. and classes of this Act, relating
W,.11 fresh rotates aplenty crews !" weird in .he Sheriffs a( to differ's' Consume. to the Biome. or Seseie.s of Neh C.o.?, in
and for glees, se • healthy s.5oTh..e, with respect is Juries retuned by them ups. which theballntnng .(troth Jury Lau as hen-
t; g',art e< all SArtbly bloeaings, ars similar ler••e•sa iD'xfn directed to be dos.. d1.11 he evaded
ea •d bythe hrs.r. of Catdm i. *ars" LXXVIiI. Awl be it reacted, That the se.e tied applied ro asd be brio force with reapee' to any
?"7oil dinmtieee Its this Aet eosraised, nppeetiet ,.eh Spteid Sitriese or 8eseiew/ M say such
• kgs. N theso of eau coantry es earth, the 4...- •f preps for rhe retain m • Neel of werr.,r N d.n•eted t• b. Reid to orf r•w.d.
in nearer is•t0ses, whore toy perform timer Gelled Jerem for the tinisp or Sissies• 0Over LXXX II. And be it Nacied, That ie the
nen duty preosrly.-4AbMged from the sad Te,miw.t, avid Gaol Delivery. se well se for meet of any Clerk of to Peace or Clerk of the
Ag►icoleenl Jr.rmal, the *secedes Gad ret.'• 4 such premie, with R•ewdsr's Comet beige unable to mak. inch math
August 17, 1035. all ,hone. 'twehiag the same, .hall. ie all mad se is 4.qurnd by the nsst•,nrh .es'too of 'hs
.aeretseel in mein. any writ, or precept. 10 fn
making any award or order orally or otherwise
ft, the retorn of a 1011 for the trial of any lanae
11.few. any of Neh Ce.rta reapeeti•.Iy, or for the
nnegdiue or eulogises lite Pagel of Juror*, re•
tonna Sr the trial deny such iuoe std tie es -
.ern to any Poch writ. precept, awed oe order,
shall be suede in the man.er eere,olore seed sad
accustomed is such Courts respectively. rye
ear •xtepi that the Juror. shall be retuned from
the Cnanty or Union of Counties, and not from
say bemired et Township or ( mea *1t, panic.Iat
e.one etches such County of ['aloe of Cocottes
and .4.1' he gwah6-d according to this Ari.
I.XXXIV. Amite it enacted, That in say
Comet, t r Untie .d Ceenties is which :he Jam
beer of A..ie. nal' think 6t so to direct the
Sheriff. the :1h.ri11• to whom ih- worn of the
emcees for the tr'el of can... at N,.d Prise. fie
•soh Cos.iy or Union rl Counties dolt belong,
shall 'ammo. and empann.l such number of
Petit Jaren, not exceeding • ewe k.e•Ird eel
fiery firer as such J,.t iees .41.11 think fit tonere
sort t wmIPoch were Jon ee.s irole.
shall so direct.s.] awl civil
Sheriff shall diyiee tooth Joon equally into two
sets. the first of which seta to centrist, .wept se
hereisef.rpro•id.d. of the neve/wry number of
thew Ent down tepee such ravel, ,hall mood
and eery. (r so many d.ys at the Mtinning of
..eh Amize ae each 3.111cea shall within • re-
sen.hlet time term, the eomm•De•ment .4 smelt
Anise think 6t to direct. and the ether of which
.etr 10 O0-4•51 •Inept •• before .11.pted, of the
ret.ti« of such Jurors that) .;tend and for
the resiaue of etch Aerie.: Pinv)A.d •4,.,
firstly. that such Sheriff .hell in the nommen*
to the Juror., is each of Nch s•tt.peeify wheth-
er the Juror named therein, Is in the first or n-
eon,' set, and at whet time the anrndanre of
sleet Juror will be required, and during the at -
moderns and service of the first of sob sits, the
Junes on the cool side shall be dews from the
name. of the penmen in that ort, end during the
ettend•oce and venire of the second n(such res.
from the names 4 hit• per.on. in Neh seeped
est : Aneeprovided else, tee -mete, that in sey
ems• where • Rale fie a view shall have bees
ob,aiaee as h•reinle(ore mentief7d, is • Mr to
be •ri.d hy a Jory to be uk.. (rem r.ch Panel.
it shall be lawful for the Judy. bef-re ahem sorb
naw .. to be tried. and he is h.rrAy .seiner 00
the applicators /tithe party obtaining mach Rate.
to appoint that in.e*.e the names of any nee of
the •iewer5 shall Pond is meth Panel, envies
the fin' hallo( the names in foram., ,he DUMPS
• 0d that so tepees seal! be takes te i.g14u. 4
11,, eoace•Imess of other i.grnos, bat ,het •y
each .1 a.,o and icemen dealt leeseekesh sates.
Seen.** void, wad be att.'ly abtislad, e.y Lew,
Seaton or asses to the oestrary ererlike- d.
XCIi. Ad he it ss•eted. Tba. wstwitb'e+da
•ythieg bere,s eeataiaed. ery ..., pent wai-
* ell be pity d the off•... oe(eeab y, a.4
every Juror whet shell wilfully or corruptly men.
wet ,hent., shall and say be rue esu,sfy perm
eeed•d against by tedtetsse.t or Idwstittee.lend
be poeished by Ilse •ed impris•rmr.t, is Was
manlier ea every such prase sad J. at sight
have bees before the passing of this Act.
XCIII. Ad he it reacted. Thi sallies
hereiw esu•i.ed, sheil he rwsw..d to •ffest et
libersay Burerear Lew whimsey the allirmatise
.f peeve,*. belopg.ag to ennuis tenet... some -
tics. climes or deeeriptio.s of peruses is aq•wttd,
er directed to be in a'I eases moseyed sad soma
from such persons is. Is.s ass meth. Aid he it
enacted. Th• t •c remnant' to nese,. the dime
itois is this Aet remained, tie a.y •f dm..
Moir as r.epeeo the gealilkaties rkstie•, end
denrihatios ..f Joron, .he prepantins.(the J..
mase' Rook, the bwltni,a JeryLin. f.m to
✓ nn' R dk.the drsfti54 Pauls fees ie Jany
Li is or ihe Hri►ia`` of 8p..isl Junes/hall hes
'taken.. a greeted dimpeschi•g ie verdict i•
any cause or be allowed for error epee Gay writ
of Ener, se spend to be brought epee say J.be-
:,.•t to he hereafter r.edered i• any ere eyis(•
nal nr r1.11 by say Court in Upon Cauda.
XCIV. And be it teaeted. That woke/here-
oke/hen-in contained .hell 'need or be cneetteed to ex-
tend to alter, abridge or *Beet any power or as-
therice, which atm Court se ledge mow rub, r
any Anode& er form is regard 1. trials ley Jury.
Jury Preens. Jen.. or Jurors, except is !bees •
e•&e. a'y when Gay .ut:h p.w.r .t esOetty,
pnetiroe orform is repe.l.d oraltered by tis
Act, or i0, or dell be incem0inwt with any of
the prom/noes thereof, mora •1111111111 IMO site[
ao, onvder. of Parliaent.
XCV. And a it meaaeud, Thu the rem!
Act. tied porn of Adm of the Parliament m chs
Province allege'. Canada, wet forth 1• the Sao..
dale to this Act sneezed "narked C, aad e.aais-
ing a deocriptine el the Acts sad pen .f Acta ,e.
pealed by 'hie Act, w fares the seals stall a i•
force at the commo.ceneat of this • Act. arid al
Acta eastiouin4 or raking permmest any glebe
raid Acts, er continued or mode permutes' y
say of them, shell be. sed the sane am benhy
repealed: Provided always N•erthrkme, Firstly,
of .Il the •iewees io such cape, shell by Poet That no Aet or part dart Act repealed by any of
Sheriff be placed in the fine of •,ch sera. sod rhe.Ac:. hereby repealed, shall be rewire by the
Chet the case 'hall he tried doriog the attendanrr passing of 'bis Act, ..d so Act, r part sf an
and service of that set of Jurors ie which each Act, perpetuated or continued by Gay of tie Are
•iewer• pis ioclude.l. hereby repealed, (.01.pt niches are herein ex-
1.XXXV And be it enacted, That where a preisly repealed', shall beleprakd by the pes'leg
fall J.ry ,hall net epp.sr leen.. soy Cnart of of ski. Aet. Aid promided always. Ses..dl1,
Aisi.. or Nisi Prima. ee before any entities of That notwithstanding the repeal .(ie Aete zed
any Comity Cna.t for the top' of Mown. and 55- parts of Acts hereby repealed, all Acts which
eusan.eot of damage. as at Nisi Pries or berme might have bees do« Jed all proceedings whisk
env .tech e„att, of any 'nth cite •a a(or.i,id, might have been taken r penseeued relating to
when enraged in the trial of • ei•t1 reit or where ,ay offence. or neglects which may kava besi
after the appearance of a full Jory, be challenge committed, or to any mitten which shall bun
of any .1 ,10 penin, the Jury is likely to remain' happened, or to any mosey which shall harm b.-
unteken for default of Jaron eery • tch coon anme doe, or to soy fines or pe.alties which
urine request mode for the Qnern, by any nor shall have bees i.carred before the dee es which
thereto authorised or Haigned h• the enols or or. this Act atoll tome into hill operation, .ball sa4
request made by 11. Part,', Pl.in,iR Demi.- may still be done or prosee.,d, gal t1er efeaces
dont or Tenant, or their r.rp-e'ire A'tn.nie.• and omissions may be dealt with and psajred
in any action 0 edit whether pnp.l.r nr private. mud the money may he recovered ..d &sit with,
ministersm eleven ,sub cry, to perform all such swwin[ the• Jnr •n opt. suchPanel, to be paid by and cemented the Sherif or either Officer nr and :he 6sei and pemehiee may be imposed sod
Minister. to whom the making .4'b.return ',hall applied as the Ac'. sad pans.4 Asia hereby
dein io ear way ewseeted with the drafting, each 1.5.5185.1, net of the oke muse" apo. 0,110( belong. to name and appoint t• often as seed peeled continued in force. lie
oinking. mousier mid seterpinogankh Juries. of Gav affidavit made before mese C .h■11 retinin, so mane of Poch n'h•r •hl. men 0) XCVI. And be it e's.eted, That .11 the
ar ant . re be this erier •d w.ih w allemelt yew or S. takie Cesar, No of le loco' ."•
foaw •• v Maj.on, fie the county, onino of cementer .r cite. as the COr vision' of thus Act relating to to grlikerisso
•ester • and Sheriffs d Act deBerewt Detect.Or Sepin*w o, nr Union of Law
•tiT•of moth may ti• then present. ea 1141+11 make up • 14.11 of Juror., the at/levies sad diutrieties af ...i
with respect to dories retinae(' by then apes 'vet hs.i.g bees a see•*wrile yr4wmeti m torr, end shall
Sheriff tsec Is mm.other of6c•r nr Miniver Jaren., the 4e J ry Li is the bare' Berns. the
similar protege* the reeking melt ..ween. i'", all which 'Done•' 1Owesid, shell at duly qualified. leasnd of ll be pre It each ng, the Book . 1 and to tit 'her o is
LXXV. Aad bre it unamed. Thu .11 the pow- an to be paid a' aforesaid, eery ouch Tr.aenrer tan n he mrn eve nas ,hell he oremrn 1 each opera' Books. Gad the deposit is
ate conferred mod datreu unposed b the hit ■p- and Chaney...dein .bail he allowed in hi. seennete or non he (.and to serve nn tech Jere. end 'hell the proper elfin', so fir •& they regal .,, p 1A
mrd and Antlez the; ;.amps tonne' Panel that may to returned on any precept, or wan
.8 fan Pro-
.•. Jatices el the Peeve, welt respect to Cse.- with seat Cmewtr. Unite. of Gessoes or City. eve lees returned epos 5a emirs facies, in sock
ties sed U..on. d Caustics, shall be and the as the saner hod been paid seder the Sp•eaal y ever which shall he officer
toast' BeriR Hiv11
seine are hereby conferred sod impo&ed open. the Authority and directive of the Meniupal ;este; presided dieners 'herr when a Sp'eul Bailiff or other officer to whom tot erten of
Aldermen of the different Cities is Upper Cana- Cor -
;tontine of Path Co.Oty, 0.ise of Counties or Jon shell have been struck f r the triol or an, inch Jury Process shall by law hetes'
da, in which • Recorder'' Coen nail have been On reeme'i•eIy.
erwabli.bed to reep.et of the ere.. d which they LXXXI. And be it ennead, Thor in every-
.r. or shall be Ahem,. rerpeeiivelyr• nese io wh.eh i• one Coway w Using' of Ceoe-
LXXVi. And ben 4.51,4, Test the denies tees or •04 City of Upper Cased.. there shall be.
by this Act resented an, Sheriffs d the differ- on Sittings or Eminent' d the Genre' Quarter
Pot Cotentin and Ulnae. of Co.'.,,,'. and m the Semen .ef the Prete.. or Recorder's Cost' re.
High Boddie, or other similes officers of the dif- I•peetively after the lint day of October is nigh
fires, Cit... is Upper Cased*. sed thew also year, at which according to the pree,nnmeo( the
required of the Climbs of the Peace, sed Clerks Aet, the Jory Lig, for the following year of
m the Reender's Celina of each Ciders' Jere• such Conley Union d Cocottes or City r..p•e.
laid, may he ...eared ted performed either by beefy, ere tenet., resumed to he battened from
i.Ne, the talmerten shall he seek •. .hall he em- after the first du of Jas.. •' upas er
y ask .is the year e( •r
psnneaed apes the Contemn Jury Pan•I to mime Lord, nee the.segd eight boedved std 3hyoes
at the same Court, it • soffit tent nomlrr of leech! and all such ether preri.00s thereof a. regain. N
man ane be found. and Ihs Qn-en by ane one en her acrd upon, .0 •• 10 hers the 11ron' Beek
father rd or awit.ed a• ah.re..i.', owl all and ( for the laid year in the hands of the peeper OB -
every the pani-s a(•.reraid, shall, and may is. I eon 'breech Upper Cooed". ready to he ads
Poch eat. th. e.w.(n,..,,d, h.ee their re•pr eltee sae of by all ouch Sheriffs, High Bailiffs, ad
challenges to the Jernn an added. ted the Conn' other Officers aforesaid. •ecodies 'e the dine -
atoll pmeeed to the trial of.eery ouch ;Nee with ,ions thereof, upon and after the laid Gest illy e(
'how Jurors who were before empanneled to- January in the year &re«laid, shall N foe as le
tether with the 'alnmrn 0"sewlk added and necessary for that purpose hot no farther, tome
the pr weipal officer himself, 'r by his Under the James' Rolla as herein provided, se if from .4. sato if all the rid _Toren had fern roe in fore. and oke elect immediately dor the p00
ldierrr' or Deputy rr11peetivtly. any other nose each Lan or either of then turned opo* the writ or precept ■worded to ire ring thereofnes: bat es •f each preview.* shall
LXXVII. And be it wanted, That the man- shall not have been b•Uoted, the .tear ..tsar or he a errmed to extend to r4 fanner
pmraaset to the I,XXXVI. And be it esseted, That eve
Der eddrsfnwr et striking. reversing and ism• ',mentions d tins Act, it shall std may he lawful ry Panel of Jaron either Grand er Petit toe mur-
ev.nr[ Isries by the Sheriff 5401 wrier .1 (or the Geveesnr m this Pro•ine., by W5rnet
Shred' and ether Officer or Minnrr to whom .d open tiny Preetpn Brother.( High
neeirej else )ereleres as prescribed by this Act. under his envy Beal of wh,eh a copy shall W the rerun of Jamei;hall beteg'. shall her, and it shall be delivered to toy Shand High Bail$ or
shall be ob•etoed sod followed by all Coroner., puhhehed in the Offurial G.zette of the Pro•ince.
hereby indemnified for .mpannrhng anA return- ether officer to wham the reran dull being, se
Edison, sr whirr Officio -is and Ministers ha•ine' and else (1f there he tenth) in owe public n•wsp.- i.l any man as • Grasd nr Peril Jumr respee- or b•fnre rhe thirty -pant day of D.c.eaer ill t11.
the reuses et Juryper p4.., (. ed is each County, Unice of Co..-wvsiy lir the year for wAieA Ae •hail Se Nov- pre.►n1 ear; and all •,ehlast mesninsed Pre-
pr..eew, who nail for inch r
pa rptw have free seems at all ressoaeMe times ties or City as the ease may be, to 6e ■sy day signal, although he cry env M h '' or lis- •n.l anal other Jury ;;.cess, atoll a eae.•ed
is the Jaren' RvioR in the Shenff•s eller, and it not eo.et.., than fourteen days from the puAliea- bl+ to true ou rnrh lumr for Neh v.ar. ■4d mooned by the officers to whom the ease
'tAall be 0.. deny m .very each Ceroaer, Elton, tion d the same in nth f-*z.iie, and slim •pee. LXXXV Ii. ,Dal Mit enacted, That imme.li- shall be &reeled. endue Juror. •o returned thens-
eed wh.r Oaf Pr eked Minister to perform all in each Ctwny, Ueinn d Comm.. or City foe Nos. tun ...elf 6iui•[ or ,i r, G . a Aria• pen for t he .i. to a the peeper Junes 1s n-
eed Prue, Over and Termoer, Gael Delivery ge,le for the Qu«° or to try all wasne( feet is
fieseinws of the Pelted.. eel County Court, 'be ihel behalf, 'Indian erne•..diets to be had then -
Menet' ante on the Jurp Liet. from wAicb the npne I. all canon. enmieel as well •s rival, ,11.11
` yokes w•enl their parteal6n a observed sad fellow- Act. as'o the Fau1ss suds in env of swept n• •n•Nawai .v 16on aloreseie, .he'I .w • I -
e y wapll.tb ere 1.- ed, with t to :he S,thae. or Sesames of Jernn' Rooks, previous ,e the time d Neh v [+D PD time bring. to ezteed le his diaeretic. by Preels-
he *mideggj either ttty w~ a-- cants. by him mak ro the She'll nr D••o.ty maul.. ander the Great Seal therm, the permit
UPPPBD CAVA Ut? BILL. the (:e. cleaner re of the Pesos in Bak coming igv Ys amends .l i his Pude- Sbrruhid.p in Phu a.ewt cur h IAi. Arr
Woe i ;eft
ff ►.fa.e shall d'tp5r1 b,m the lir. M p, y k prr.lb'tdrep.. ter
U C et asd wit iea4artt to the Sitting nests. w Acer.( rrll.evi is wip-et that sank'+•Itis trill reos.es c.nr6eau
,..,,r In 05.41 eta fhr wMrion ewd dn'riM iN mJuan, le
tart 51. l ed bawd ;)pa'n't. d LIII.d ace
laewe.s sr.,
the s*v1Jp Retwsder'g Coern of •d rsi1 . is any w( sseh 8-11. MN 5fwr 0, .oend.ne. end errs.... which ceeihee'e the ruin. of uh. Jsrnr.' Bo.4., th• Bsllnhwt.4
err prat erre app.rtaw tithe rear tis dil m.t Cifn ie. Upper Coned*, Is which envied s llipl 1 bees ers«dp 'wetitst.d e, SArrign Depaty,h.,i(ra Mnb required n
ermined the pabdr•b flat wordier that L701fii. Aed b (t erred, That 5M Pleb Ce.vt nlvsA Mot A.w e.eDbhite-d turned, he nail in Les .4 that part d the mid k g Jery LIstP, the rompletien of ouch Jernre•Bs.b.
Ile tlberw'iw`R tmiatsee.d : sed .b..45 deee to be lspnad osier Ibis Bet either LX XIX. AN beit eaeet.d. Tin the wawa) se.h, make nark ,kat as In etch monies he i5 vs- p~ epvie pa4awat r on. shit" . .rad ,he. 4eprll thereof in the proper .flee • Pre-
egiriralr r41 _ ... w •147her
s, b obi, •diM
e, s..t,.pinr Cork o.els Ower. dimmei... 1. the Asa, .eAmiaed re.pectieg the son to •pd,mstaNmtn'Merl e. bet that from eirenee• which LXXXIX. Amid be it Dcted, That ir.L- oer .lw.ys, se•►e
rnhelese. 1het very seek *E-
OM Mimi=Mgrilt seeyethedisowe. W. mots Lew at Twy.atw, or by ally comet d he of t.oe.ps far tare resent of s nese .I 116.55m*. to his ka.wlwles we( which he e• mei, after •,.rk 41 uiu.p w Bean..i• el the Re- tenets d time G., ,h• prpnwe•foreseer r.upee-
Al.rm Also' diel Ir 1114. dry wwwlier the Aedes, ri1'h4 Priem Oyer rid Timewes1, Pr.1 w PNn Jsnwa, fa, the $.*let or 11k5nie.. h.eo iammed. he has ;•tees 10 des►' tits saw- corder% Court t,r one etre, the Nigh Broluff of hely, may he hy one er more Preelauadoss lee
m *mum sed limn Pea. .11 forlb..c Melee= a'..eef, or of tome pert. libelee( w . vse%.1re, Mv.11 ee IA. Jerk Lot from whieh the m.d se the. lose sr alierot 'ors es .lar albs
alt+ df star/ le'i a pe imp. Wel ty Const r i krt e a Cerra, 1 be bvN- as. themes s et p+e'pt• nr Siesal.55 was darted, lied .n she Jory L'el ex,ntied by she lame, 0n4 wear apply lo warsea
faired ierhi tremor wily Hence A t nen... et oder of *mea •wk. hew ire* l 411
$144Y M 11M+p 11 pewees theft M Sed .pplsd IS the alma t es Dry tsi.ad r the eighty hearth ee.nitw of ,his Art, ta.,nlai.d w altered as the nese may M: •ad is. rpm wAieA the Psi"' w( Petit Jumr• reten.e m m^re 6("04 pPviwdi, Sed la ee .Up-
IbU!/sswi F.ArMs -. Imam rill" Soo Impssd It, aM WO Coeds roe- «.n 15 511 and s erld their swtkaitn h. eh- .vier web case •es► Gert .W1 i(pne•theneir Mee tits Grwnl Pres. in Pena 'Gain;. 01 p►r C•MM, w h. 554 ver er loan _.."1"'" tM ne5s-
•mi Marg( wept serener reed pellvml7, sad fiat ell etre ►welts. kr.s- errvwl ewd Gall owed eriib NgPet to deo tRAisr• after the Whims. atoll 4.... be., remplatod 8•ss".as was dranort, .pptrni the arm.. d 4he d.. 51 UHo..(Coraniw 'eme(1. i5 to Iimofs
r `I saw ieser twee weaned 1e wap".i. eeeete4 (fat w►kb •, etkr 1Mse4y se e. Waerst ee. sf Abe +sere► Qerlw Smentessm id saps ed dew. N ow •..e. s► Mr• Nh•.eleew, J.r.n r.eprevio.ly. riot. tM 5"-•11.wd.sPe w 665 .('/W."..."" 4lb. Pnwiwee. 15'15' 4156
1m* IWO M *Or J OrdM) shell ee rOctl of the adhere, CADMt►j Cs. f{ U °maim de n nwwriwd .sage r. M th0 soehw 5f weh 40401 s1 ell ...', a the lerw, i. weh P•ne% bent. AO we•• newt ronwo I. ad that 4,
W o er rew 'lime •ea• N (rMb'rla he , ►'e•15.5 op* Pedley C6err• the di/ee►a it lIe ,we..rrt ee 0.5wr0. mon 5n.n w 5 v es
'Ma , M peeGod4le 5411611 esekiimiLaboll her tiro, thew roan tied .dies.' earl by IOW.. Coni or As time 1 dm me.iiq O/ seek 51
C T 1ek11a 'Hewn.
105 ql tiB1Ill 1 sWhIM. 11y tsr-
Panel of Grad 3.10,5 [if ant] 'clouted to •oeh be hod and takes and hell good is raw. to all ie.
Suttee* er Smeines w.. dmf ed. and on the J.- ,rota mad purpose. what.or•er, ee .(16. Att had
ry Lot fmm wh'eh the Pea 1 .4 Petit Jurors re• not tenet passel : mad that except as mach last
tamed .poo ib. General Precept 1e "tech Site ,,,tainted Jury Pesten, the Jaren to a retire•
tinge et 8e0w001 reepee.nely was drafted, •ppm• .d sad the pmcredi.ts to a hod th.reepes, ski.
fete the same 4 the Jurors re•p•e'nvly, tint. the Act and all the pm•,uor'beteor .h.11 ewe is
nee•att.idsnee or desalt nl all tech .d the Jaren (,. anal tees effect in all .rad .e•.nl db. rem,.
is inch Pseud* r..peenr.ly, r 66.11 nag a.. she thereof. epos, (rem sod after the sir bet
dais •.,coded and weed apse reel Pastel. asal day of Janney in filo y.. t 0( es, Lord, ..m t►.a-
dio•eh•rt•d by the Cr art. seed eight hominid and fifty -se., sad set bare.
LXXXV111 A.d Mit ',meted, riot every And M it minted. That it nail ad ray be
hem wee stall have r anewd, f awl snv.d apo teethe for the Gnyeranr of t4.. Previeee for the
wl11 Meperees ry hew beta ee. we r'.• Oval fl04,.... matchgra es. of the Pe•Iw.a "mi- ass. a. lie.
0111 ,44.45 m h girth •11 reeves le .6.4.01 chat nen,. n( the orii6,41 es- Pearl M Greed J.ren .'.veal 1. .0141 St Wen u b•fm• the etp.einN d the pared w pours
phutle largo
g. w ea w pet wed .hit tea I w
y •f the heath she Mr 1 Se.dw. 1 e reined thereof'ma /fypas.d ri5.•eh•iey r ria l not nes duly erwnd•d ats1 .Rall Ie dgty n( to Clwh +f Ie P..ee.faark ler
Webers re tl•}iht tit pAatew mei N b + ,MS
t`ilhb ila/tA •M d p,A ,wtdr sena 'sentient NIl•t0 'mums. smut,. Pe 1 1 theessr/ aM I yp' h. krer Ills sh a
• .l sy M e5t1 by bits mead. to N.A 111 i MRMf w .ratwly s/ to A00awwei AA w
mow lttr ftl4' /i.b ' epee* L - 451Ml Goy footle, witbw Ne trpas doge d ds.: e' r mal 1510
a y« thea } 1 n ---i sp.. nett petiole ant,l d!«aepd her the i(,M Coney. nr Peek uMr.ew+nr pomuse
w`....,4 het whet meds sod to paiih XC_ Awl As. it .-sacrad. That eine• 1... orb. Jean. Irmo roe .r.. Tows. A w
to 15,600 w►0 slip ba 14•reep^" fiend u ►a•* ,Hatt have mo attaded and &e....1 jt to/ mask dump. lot .M udeet,•a n( lenses it serving
I all .. the vieal
nit dtBdtr'►e •ab end eel .1 seek lee-
as berg'
♦ • Aed e ...et•d,'1' gl t . ♦1sMe
w M IwetA (tslMriaM hart Mid Yew ,yry w •
sed Meree11tr • fAliisMlb Mllalrtdd N M st►etBl►tM11er 4. p-x,otn tAwei/+en 1►t1
AP N aH 1 ,
M tarts w •peret...e, M 4.4 w 'mpei•nslre•t t en obits he *oil d. ems leer'A•rr Ilse aro Qq. 'hew. Vi
leve der Samoa u1 ►seas tlwk isd.tvAt6A' a Awiifkau epa«etitfymtm lith fie mai Few' abey.•.A A
MOM & Ae bevy sew am 1M ANN df ea flry esMpkldes, ori se Weersi a the M this Alt then a seeded se ere was e( lea tries. eveseres, metil•tiewe « altriti•es M M, r ]
... a .Dal
.1 41 e
anew m s 'w -Ix'1• one. .0.00.00o-..., oe . e011r-055/4.-yrlo riff