HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-10, Page 1Launch
rid Cancer Campaign W
EXPLAINS NURAL—In another section of the UN building a gufde explains signifi-
cance of a floor -to -ceiling mural to members of the SHDHS travel club. From left
are Judy Desjardine, Pat Marshall, Barbara Tuckey, Paul Wilson and Charles Mickle.
. .
SEE UN MODEL—A guide shows four of the SHDHS students who visited New York
over the holidays a model of the United Nations buildings and grounds. Inspection of
the . UN was one of the highlights of the trip. From the left are Bernice Strang,
Fred Hunter, Eleanor Hodgins and Doug Jermyn. —Ronnthal, NY
ilf,.t '
th Ct 'Ester Eggs'
r e Pistrjct Tour
The fact that they were away
from home didn't prevent mem-
bers of the SHDHS Tourist Club
from getting their Easter eggs
osier the weekend, •
While theywere making a
sightseeing tour of the city Sat-
urday, the students' bus was
pelted with eggs by irate negro
inhabitants of New 'York's Har-
Haden!, the negro section of
the city is the traditional trouble
spot for racial intolerance. This
radii] prejudiee, however, lacks
the intensity that is prevalent
in the southern states and it
has been boiled down to a tra-
ditional rivalry between the ne•
groes and the whites. It is very
•seldom that anything more se.
rine than this incident ever oc-
in spite of the greeting the
students had a good time and
wort, for the most pert, wel-•
comed warmly and courteouLly
It Exeter Canvass Tomorrow
Eighty -Second Year
•.OriCet Per ,Copy 10 C.nts
Seven In Ring.
Crediton Speaker
Cops Third Prize
Paula Boultanne, of Crediton,
was awarded third prize in .0
province -wide lyrical verse.
speaking competition at Toronto
Monday afternoon.
The grade 11A student, who
tied for second In a similar con.
test for Western Ontario, was
one of four from SHDHS who
competed in provincial verse.
speaking finals.
Others included Donna Oesch,
Zurich; Dick Charrette, St, Jo-
seph; Allison Clarke, Centralia,
by the natives of New York. On Monday they went to Radio
On one occasion a group of City to see the tremendous Eas-
students were riding in a taxi I ter show and were greatly ins-
-when the driver said something I pressed by the size and anion -
in his native dialect. After some I dour of it all. Again the word
difficulty in translation, they "fabulous" , was used to des- elude Miss Marilyn Bowman,
discovered that he was telling , tribe home economics teacher, and
them that he could tell they were! The students arrived home mrs. C. Nichols, of the English
Canadians because they looked so at about 5 p.m. Tuesday bearing department,
Raise Target
To $4,000
Cancer campaign in South
Huron, with a record objective
this year, will be launched Fri.
day with a door-to-door canvass
in Exeter by the Ladies .-„uxil-
iary to the Canadian Legion,
Similar canvasses are being
planned in all neighboring cen•
tres and in two adjacent town-
ships during April and the early
part of May.
Exeter Mayor R. E. Pooley,
campaign manager for Huron,
has announced that this area's:
objective has been increased
from $3,000 to $4,000 to help
meet demands from the national
society for more funds to ac-
celerate research in cancer pre-
Target for alJ. Huron is $12,500,
some $2,000 more than has ever
been raised in the county be-
In charge of the campaign for
Exeter and district branch is
Reginald Knight, town, who has
secured support from • a number
of district organizations in con-
ducting canvasses throughout the
area. -
On AloadaY, Dashwood Men's
Club will knoek on,: doors in that
community seeking donations.
Canvass at • Centralia village
will take placelVednesday, April
Farm-to.farm appeals will be
made in .Usborne and Stephen
townships by the Federation of
Agriculture and Women's In-
Kinsmen in Hensall and Lions
in "Zurich will conduct drives in
their communities later.
Seven Leave
Seven teachers have resigned
from the staff of South Huron
District High. School, most of
them to take positions in other
schools in the province,
Two will transfer .to Medway
high. school, at Arva. These in.
elude Cecil Wilson, head of the
French department, and John
Mahon, of the agriculture de-
Cecil Porter, head of the Eng-
lish department, has accepted a
position at Coburg and Viss
Heather Goldstein, social. studies
teacher, will go to Windsor.
Others who have resigned in -
Major politipal contest shaping
up in Huron may not be the
•• 1,
. .
• ;
i. .,
a convention for weeks now.
Conservative nomination.
ing delegates to the nominating
provincial by-election itself but
the fight for the Progressive
their hats in the ring and three
1.5'. Several have been canvaas-
more are considering it seriatiaa
Clinton and many observers feel
that whoever wins is practical
didate Wednesday, April 16, -at
assured of the seat.
may not even contest the b3'..
election since the provincial
has caught the Liberals •without
Icvoc.Tnat'oetpatil'ac ve :end
been called for Monday, May 12,
circles that the Liberal party
party is in the throes of m-
a provincial leader. They will
pick one next weekend but lie
izc the party for the by-election
Four men have already thrown
The PC's will 'pick their can -
In fact, there's talk in some
The byaelection, which has
much time to organ-
ers for the Frost
ticket are C. S. MacNaughton,
Exeter, who is president of the
federal organization in the rid-
ing, and Dr. E. A, McMaster,
former Seaforth mayor, who has
b,ccaernactive in the party for 22
-a..!•!I?Two forrner county ardens—
:. i.• w; George Feagan, Goderich, and
Bill Dale. R.R. 1 Clinton—are
also fighting for the nomination.
Three other possible contend.,
.. . .
a" q ' • A
ers are Warden Jack Morrissey,
Stephen township; Reeve Bill
McKenzie, Exeter; and Reeve
-i: Jim Donnelly, Goderich. Neither
. ...4' has made a firm commitment
g4 but all admit, they're giving it
serious consideration,
The convention is °Den to the
public but voting is confined to
official delegates. There will be
BELGIUM PRIEST KILLED BY CAVE-IN three delegates to ..each poll in
the riding and each municipal
- chairman will get a vote.
ementWall Collapses, Guest speaker at the conven-
tion will be Hon. W. A. Good-
fellow, Ontario Minister of Agri'
Kills .Grand -Bend Priest lal leadership convention before
may wait until after its'provirie-
The Huron Liberal Association
it decides on a candidate. Presi-
dent B. W. Tuckey, Exeter, said
-Solemn requiem high mass for tion he was building to his home
Rev. Father Joseph DeNeef, sybo in the Klondyke gardens, about
was killed Tu.esday when an six miles south of Grand Bend.
eight -foot concrete block wall. Two fellow workers. Xavier
Boogrnans, 17, and Felix Hoeg -
mans, 15, had just gone inside
the house for dinner when they
heard the crash. Father DeNeef
had told the .boys he would be
collapsed on top of him, will be
held in Emmaculate Heart of
Mary Roman Catholic Church,
Grand Bend, Friday at 1030
Father DeNeef, assistant Pas-
tor at the church, died instantly
when the falling bricks drove his
head against the side of a wheel-
barrow. Coroner Dr. A. , Al, Cal-
der, Forest, said death was
caused by multiple skull frac-
The 45ayear-old priest, who
came to Canada nine years ago,
was placing the last half -block
in the wall when it collapsed.
The wall was part of an exten-
Service. Vote
Aids Liberals
I Although the service vote :for
,Huron gave , Liberal candidate
!Bill Cochrane a 100 -vote major-
Iity, it too reflected the swing
towards the Conservatives which
I gave Elston Cardiff a record
majority on March 31.
Service totals were 182 for the
IPC, candidate and 287 for the
strong and healthy —from cut- souvenirs and gifts for those Mrs. Cecil Wilson also sub- Liberal ticket, In June, 1957,
ting down trees, left at home. milled her resignatiot ! hut has ' election, the Liberal candidate
ars in Canada ; whether ! all of them were happy . ing the coming tent. I Official final returns, reported B \At T u C eyk
a 0 i yin provide 13 bedrooms end
bout affai
The cabbie questioned them I Many of them were worn out; agded to teach part time dui =awed a OO vote edge,
they drank cow's milk and I 'hy returning officer J . K, Hunt. . two apartments for the staff,
whether they churned their own! I er, Goderich, this week, gave I has almost been completed by
butter. He was amazed when . iC a f f 14,107 0 Cochrane's I the contractor, C. A. McDowell,
ay 2 More ChargesF/55g.d Heads Board I., the installation of furnish-
! Cettralia. There will be a delaY
they told him that they had tele. I L
Joseph DeNcef, 45, Grand Bend,
died instantly Tuesday when a
cement block wail :fell on him
while he was working on a farm
in the Klondyke gardens district,
right in as soon as he finished T
uesday "we're not rushing into
the wall. this thing." A meeting of the
The priest's niece, Miss Del -11 association will probably be. :call-
phine VanDyck, was preparing ed this week.
the meal. She and the boys
rushed out to remove the blocks
which had falleri on the priest
but he was dead before they
were able to free him,
OPP Corporal Neil Chamber-
lain, Grand Bend, who investi-
gated, said that chipping the
last half block into place pro-
bably caused the wall to fall.
He said there would be no in-
Father DeNeef was bbrn in
Belgium and came to Canada in
1949 to minister to people of his
race in the Klondyke gardens.
T. Harry Hoffman Funeral
home, Dashwood, in charge
of the funeral.
Dublin Farmer
Handles Election
Russell Bolton, R.R. 1 Dublin,
has been named new returning
officer for the provincial by-
election in Huron. Le succeeds
Elgin, IllKinley, R.R. 1 Zurich,
who handled the 1955 election.
Mr. Bolton is a former presi-
dent of Huron Soil and Crop
Improvement Association a n d
former chairman of Seaforth
District High School •
By-election clerk will be W. E.
Southgate, Seaforth.
Open Residence In June
Board Reports Surplus
Opening of the new nurses'
residence for Suoht Huron Hos-
pital will probably take place
around June 1, it was revealed
at the association's annual meet-
ing Tuesday night.
Construction of the $65,000
building on Huron street, which
vision "up north" and that they! - Total civilian vote in Huron
even watched Ed Sullivan, He I • !was 21,188 asisich is nearlyv
of Itlxeter, was elected chair.' around May 15.
then whisked them off to their 1
destination in true cabbie"
tradition—the long way 'round.
There were many more mem-
orable sights and incidents dur-
ing the five-day tour. 11 is doubt-
ful that any of the students will
ever forget the soiled of the or.
summer, against a group of Lon- I with times' when 'the firm issued
gan in the Cathedral of Saint
do iers in magistratea court -1 pa3 mcnt to pyoducers, Names
13. W. Tuckey, former mayor pigs but this iS expected to start
ver Area Robbene
.at 25,317. This is believed to he ma° °.t the )(mid
th Huron Hospital. As- the new quarters, Stiperintee-
of directors! Looking fcirward to the use of
a record tainted, at least in °I S°u---
Police added nearly .20 new ' mods look official.
false metenses an possess o
stolen goods, some involving the! dicated when pence revealed the!
$30 000 theft at Hensel' last I dates on the cliecka coincided
ocreent of the total eligible o
the i recent times, for the riding, meeting Monday night,
sociabon following the annual! dent Allac C a3p0 e aid the 2. ,
sidence will be among the finest
charges ot forgery, uttering, An intimate knowledge of
. d i n of London firm's operation was hi- Vice.president is 1VI ant El- of its tYPa•
lerington, of Osborne. Charles 1 Reports presented at the an -
Smith, new manager of the !inlet meeting indicated the cost
B I- f 'Montreal succeeds the of the residence will not upset
John the Divine, the sight of -1
r h., d last week, I of the actual signing officials of
rant Fellowship •the rain—or the view from the Elizabeth Morktn, the pretty , the company wale use
:Empire State Building.
dent at SHWAS gave an apt • session of licences and stocks said Gray and another London
IR-year•old brunette who pre! le describing the operation,
To John R Hicks Paul Wilson, a grade 12 sty.. viously pleaded guilty to pos. Crown Attorney 11. Glenn Hayes
John IL Hicks, SIIIHIS gratin. description of the Cathedral. on stolen from Exeter and Hensel], ' man, Leonard Cowan, used two
ate, has been awarded a pre.doe. Saint Jietsn, "The organ", he adMitted forgery of a number of cars to screen their activities
,,toil fellowship 1»' the Canada said "was magnificent and the ' thecks whit)) were cashed in during cheek.ceshing sprees
Council for study in philosphy, ' lighting was really beautiful— -Huron county municipalities late throughout the district. Gray, he
The award, valued at Amon- all pulp ey-b tie. an i s I • . '. I pointed out would enter a Mid,
irately $2,000, is for one year fabulous," • Alexander G. Gray, another buy a small /Mount of feed, rt.
" " " 14mdoner pleaded guilty to 14 quest the balance of the check
but winners may mpoly for a new. ;he word fainAlous seems.
not com.picted their work. word to describe the various .0.f two $1,000 bonds taken Trott then switeh vehieles later with
award next year if they have to be about the only suitable charges. including the -cashing in cash, drive off in one car and
Johti,, who trying tor his points of interest of the. trip. the Joynt home in ifensalf. Cowa11.
In continue his studies at the Rain threw a wet blanket. over tablishing $1,600 credit In a rich, Clinton, Wingham, Sea -
'University of London, tngiand. the Sunday activities of the Brantford hank by .plating forth„ Hanover and Kitehente,
IS the son of Mr. and Mrs. group and a few artieles, it. security other bonds taken front A Brantford detective teetified
Ralph IlieRs, Exeter, ch«ling some luggag, were lost, the Joynt home that two $1,000 Ontario ITydro
Anglican Minister
Goes To Lambeth
Ttev. N. D. Knox, of Trivitt
Memorial Church, Exeter, and
St. Paul's Anglican,
announced to his congregations
Sunday morning he had Accept.
cd a call to Trinity Church,
The local minister, who was
the sparkplug behind the re.
storation program at Trivitt, will
assume his new Charge on May
1d.A. at MO this spring, hopes There were mishaps. of course. ITe also admitted guilt to es- Checks were uttered in Gode. here To
Find If
.1lowever there is hope ot re- Magistrate Dudley liohnes bonds taken from the \livid
covering some of the lost articles Again reserved judgement and home in Itensall lad been 11501
Dredging Work at Granfl Pend forded -an opportunity to see charges may be laid by pollee Ram Griffin, to establish credit
Was completed this week, Ans. what New York City looks like this week. f at 4 Brantford bank.
able Authority fieldruan IL G. when it is raining. P a li 0 0 said Miss Sorkin Grey WAS ALSO charged with
II 1 sql 1 1,Vednesday In the course of their tour the for fed cheeks in the Mite ot being in possession of two bonds,
domplete btotitling and as for the rain—well, it af- there were indlcattons that more by Gray, under the name ot
The channel' has how been students Went ta see three of the
Cleaned from the Blutwater . beat current Broadway wane.
bridge to the. lake-. . lions: "Bells are Itinging,". "1411
Engineers, -from the federal' tic- Abner," and "The Music Matt."
pertinent of :public worh ere Tickets for these Shows tire sold
making surveys at tilt harbor out months' irt ,:advaticc and it
itl - Ireparation foe tho construe- would be extremely .thfficUlt to :Merit and a rubber stamping de -
tin 'of .sheet 1•41ititt on the south get Relicts for oven blin of those vice on •Gray 'width they believe
*do of the harbour, .ptoductions, were Wed to 'make the doett-
Itiverside Poultry Co., London, registered in the name of Dr.
which Grey eashed at a number J. joyilt„ London,. and
of grain and feed mills, in worth:$1,000 each, at 'Guelph.
ron and Perth, ineluding tvidenet also showed he had
sail Co-op. Police found cheek. Cashed bonds by using
writing Machine in her .apart. identification Ind licences
-stolen from th0. office of G.
Seldon, .Oritatit? dePartindlit of
highways fattier 11:x6 -ter,
Arineuncemenis --------------13
church Notices ----------------11
Coming Events 11
EdIforiels .. , ......... . 2
Etiterteltirnetif • 11
iieni News 11
Feininine Fitts 14, 15
Hen5o11 1, 9
Ludes 18
toots 4, Y
Went Atf$ •I3
late C. E. Shaw As treasurer,' the strong indieatecl position of
ant Miss a,
1 Maxine Reeder re. 'the hospital, which was high.
mains secretary.
Committees include;
Administrative—Douglas Cook,,
Naughton, Mrs. M. Dunlop, Wil.1
Bensall,chairman; C. 8, mac.
Ellerington, Dr, V. Cultris,
Dashwood; and Elmer IY. 13e11.
N. Creech, W. G. Cochrane. !
Building — nide Snell; chair -
mail; ttgin 1oweliife WUlinni 1
Finance — Charles Smith, R.
Ellerington, L. J. Penhale.
Property — A. J. Traquair,
chairman; Ray Morlock, Credi-
teni Flight Roweliffe, Usbornc;
Ulric Snell.
Special Funds — Hay Morlock,
ehairman; W. G. Cochrane, V.
I,. Decker, Dashwood; Eric Mc.
lira. -Grand tend; F. D. Dell
and C. S. MacNaughton,
Public Relations — St n Love,
ehairinall; 1,. J. Pollak, Mrs.
C. S. MaeNtrughton, Eric Me.
lira', and Ivan
1Vern1 tributes were paid Co
the retiring thairinan, A, -T,
Traqualt, and to the late C. H.
ShaWf who SerVed at; treasurer
front the incorporation ot the
association; and tho late Dr. J.
Dunlop, one of the original
a, •
1101(00, 11.,11.. 1 Dublin, has
been appointed returning ante
fep the Itly 12 proVintial by"
.4, 1 directors, ;Cleetiott urea,.
lighted its operation since it wall
opened five years ago,
in contrast to the major pro-
blems of deficit financing re-
ported by a majority of boards
throughout the province, the lo-
cal organization again revealed
a profitable operation during
1957 and showed a substantial in-
crease in total assets.
Operating surplus for the year
was $334.85 and assets have in-
creased aome $67,000 to bring
their total to $404,000.
In the words of director C. S.
IllacNaughton, who presented the
statement: "The balance sheet
reveals a most satisfactory ope-
ration" and the hospital is in "a
singularly healthy state."
Ample evidence of the success-
ful operation was displayed in
the round of tributes which were
frequent throughout the eve -
fling., The board, superintendent,
nursing staff, ladies auxiliarl
and numerous individuals re.
ccivecl considerable praise for
their contributions. On behalf of
the town and community, Mayor
IL E. Pooley extended warm ap.
predation "for a job well dene"
to everyone connected with the,
Chairman J. A, Traquair, Whe
presided for the Meeting, said
in his opening remarks he some-
times felt "we fail to realize the
value of having such A. Splendid
hospital close at hand."
No Increase in Surgery
One surprising development,
particularly after the eoritrover-
ay of last year's meeting wast
the absence of any marked in.
treaSe in the amount of surgery
during the year. Total operations
numbered 463 compared to 444
in Oa
Board members pointed out
that a major part Of $3,too had
been spent td eXteed surgieil
facilities but there Wilt no ex-
planation es to why they had
not been used to any extent,
rollowing the public proteat
whieh was aroused by the board'a
initial refusal to permit doctors
to make more extensive use of
surgical fatilities. lag Year. the
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