HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-03, Page 15Three Vehicle Crash
I1 s xeter Traveller
A ;coroner's- inquest has been, were riding,
ordered into •the Oath -of Arehi- At the Scene of the ;UMW_ IM
bald Pagan, 40, Exeter.. who died ;pact,. firemen had to be called
instantly earl/ Thursday eve- : out to handle a fire, threat caused
ning when be was pinned be- by :spilling: gasoline on the high-
neath his ear in 4 threc-vehiele Way ,-
0111Sion near New Hamburg, The 13otev MAP'S ear re
The; victim.- a hardware travel- rained on its roof .and, the top
ler who lived with his wife .and WaS flattended in the trunk and
three ;children at 319 Andrew St. hood line. rhe victim was trap
.S. was birjcj In 'Toronto Tues- ped in the vehicle And—hed to
daybe pried out.
Three youths from _Stratford „Cases and bottles of soft drinks
were injured, one Seriously,. in were Uttered over both sides of
the crash, the highway As a result of the
The accident _incurred at the first _collision,
south outskirts of New Hamburg The fatality was the third in
on 'highway 74 .alternate at 7:10 two weeks 1)11 the bypass, which
p,m, is scheduled for paving this
police Said the car driven by year,
Pagan, proceeding west, Cpl. Charles Salter, formerly
sideswiped a soft drink truck of Exeter, and Constable Ed -
driven by a Kitchener man. The ward Egile of the OPP invest-
l'agan car then flipped over fur gated..
or five timesand slid into the The inquest will be held in
ear in which the Stratford youths Kitchener on May 5 before Coro-
rter Dr. C. C, BelYa.
Surviving besides his wife are
three girls: :Elaine, 5; Betty
Brides -Elect. Jean, 4; and SaedY,
. ... e.
)11,•Treip,,rnrrpniUrffnr/47,•' 11717UF,Alri. .1114 /1,44
DEATH CAR—Archibald Pagan, 43 -year-old Exeter travel -E times and struck another
ler, died in this wreck Thursday evening following an: its top. The Exeter man
accident near New Hamburg, The car, driven by the: wreckage,
victim, bit a soft drink truck, rolled over four or five I
The Y move
dto Extei •
from Toronto about. two years
ago. Mr. Pagan travelled for
the Cochrane -Dunlop Hai ware
See The Albums
• of
Times -Advocate
Ltd„ Toronto. and was popular
among hardware men through-
out the area. He and his wife
had also made a number of close
friends in the town.
Mr, and MrS. Pagan emigrated
from the U.K, about nine years
01111111111111111111111111111011111111111.1111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111101,11111111.11 llllllll 11111111111111111 lllll
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(.7(./4/ rry PR/CE::;
Church At Kippen
Scene Of Nuptials
In a setting of yellow and
mauve mums and white tapers
In St. Andrew's United church
Kipper:. on. Saturday, March 29,
Elizabeth Alin Sinclair, daugh-
ter a Mr, and Mrs. John Sin-
clair, R.R. 3 Kippen became the
bride of Allan Beverley Grigg,
son of Mr, and Mrs, Bruce
Grigg,. R.It. 1 Gorierich.
Rev. A. MacMillan performed
the 12 o'clock ceremony, Miss
Jean. Ivison, church organist,
pFovided tradttional wedding mu•
sic and accompanied the soloist,
Robert Binnendyk, Kippen, who
sang "Because" and "I'll Waik
Beside You."
Given in marriage by her
father, the .bride wore a strap-
less dress with matching jac-
ket and fitted bodice of Chan-
tilly lace. The lined satin skirt
was covered with layers of ny-
lon tulle with lace peplum scat-
tered with rhinestones. The bo -
1r° jacket had full length
pointed sleeves and small peter
pan collar. A hand -beaded coro-
net held her chapel length veil
of nylon tulle and lace. She
carried a white Bible crested.
with mauve orchirds and orange
blossom streamers. She wore
the groom's gift of a two -strand
pearl. necklace with matching
Four attendants preceded the
bride to the altar: Miss Marie
Sinclair, her sister, as maid of
honor was gowned in yellow bro-
caded taffeta with cummerbund,
full skirt and scalloped neck-
line, picture hat and bouquet of
mouve mums. The bridesmaids,
Misses Joan Grigg and Audrey
Hamilton, Goderich, and Joan
Sinclair, sister of the bride, as
junior bridesmaid were cos-
tumed in. mauve and yellow bro-
caded taffeta dresses styled shni-
lar to the maid of honor's and
carried mauve a n d yellow
Ken Grigg, Goderich, was his
brother's groomsman and Fred
Grigg and Hank Binnendyk
The wedding reception was
held for '70 guests in the church
parlors decorated in the yellow
and mauve colors. For receiv-
ing the bride's mother wore an
ensemble of printed silk topped
with duster coat in blue, and
white accessories. The groom's
mother chose a toast silk sheath
with beige duster and beige ac-
cessories. Each wore a white
The 'Story In
W.A. Community Night
Friday evening the W.A. of
Zion West held a successful
community night in the Sunday
School rooms of the Church.
The committee in charge of
the program were: Mr, and Mrs.
Warren .13rock, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Mor-
ris Hern, Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Hern, Mr. Harold Hera was
th airin a n.
The program consisted of a
duet by Doris and Doreen Brock;
violin selections by Fred Miller;
mouth organ selections by Ray
Jaques and Doug Stephens with
Harry Horn at the piano. Mrs.
GeorgeWilson, St, Marys, gave
a talk and showed her slides on
her trip to Ceylon.
A silent auction was held.
Lunch was served by the com-
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brod(
and family visited Saturday with
Mr. and MrS, Rett MOrgati, St,
Mr. Ross Hera spent Saturday
evenint with Mr. and Mrs. Hee-
tor Taylor, Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Payn-
ter, Xirkton, visited Sunday night
with Mr. and Mrs. Lortie John
and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold I•lera
visited Thursday with Mr, and
Met. Beb Here. and Linda, Jar-
Mr. and Ors. Clifton Jaques
And children were Sunday after.
noon visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley jaws., Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther ROW-
cliffe, Exeter visited Sunday with
and Mrs. Warren 3rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hera and
visited with Mr, and
Mrs. Cliff Ritchie, Parkhill, on
Sunday visitors with Mr, and ;
Mrs. 'Ind nykcirtatt and family
were: Mr. and Mrs, Ithy Dyke -
Merton, Mr. attt Mrs,
Paul Dykeinan, Crediton,
Ronald bykereae, Waterdown
and Mr. Gary Vowel, tandem
Mr. 'George Earl is spending
chit month with Mr. and 'Mrs,
Norman Brock,
According to Canadian Cancer
Society offieials, no drug has
yet been found which cures tan -
ter. Tice_ most tfiettieb Maio
ment for the disease' Is surgery
orradiatio h Me early stem
car before coming to rest on
had to be pried out of the
—K -W Record Photo
Life -Saving Technique
Shown At Dashwooc
The second .meeting of the
4-11 girls was held Friday eve-
ning with Mrs. Mervyn Tieman
and Mrs. Harry Hoffinae, lead-
ers, and 14 girls present. The
meeting opened with ."0, Can-
June 'Bader was appointed
secretary and press reporter to
replace Lynda Tiemae, who
resigned. Tbe girls decided on
the name "Dashwood Safety
Mr. Harry Hoffman was pres-
ent and demonstrated and dis-
cussed artificial respiration. The
girls were given an opportunity
to try it. The girls discussed
keeping fit mentally, and ways
of spending leisure time.
Pamphlets were distributed.
Roll call for next meeting "A
'book I would like to own,"
Home assignment is to start
reading a book, and list ways
of spending leisure time.
Young People Confirmed
Seven young people. were con-
firmed at Zion Lutheran Church
by Rev. K. L. Zorn Sunday
Those receiving confirmation
were: Marlene Keller, Ruth
Restemayer, Ruth Anne Salmon,
Larry Wiedo, Robert Becker,
Ross Miller and Keith Rader.
Palm Sunday Guests
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Wiedo and
family, Detroit, Mrs. Laura
Wiedo and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Wiedo, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Willert and Harry, Mr, and
Mrs. Liody Willert and family,
and Mrs. Fred Schlundt, with
Mr. and Mrs. Vyrne Wiedo and
Mr. and Mrs. GarnetWieberg
and family, of Waterloo, Mr,
carnation corsage.
Assisting at the reception were
Lois McLellan, Hensall, Phyllis
Lostell, Kippen, Winnie Negryn,
Goderich and 'Yvette Van Pouki,
Fortravelling in the A.
the blide onne a wo p ece
suit of mint green flecked with
white and white accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Grigg will re-
side in London.
Guests were present 'from
North Bay, Toronto, London,
Goderich, Seaforth, Hensel and
and Mrs. Aaron Restemayer,
Leland Restemayer, Donna.
Weber and Shirley Bender, 'with
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reste-
mayer and n
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Niksch
and family, of Gary, Ind., Miss
Donna Niksch, of Hobart, Inc!.
Mrs. Pearl Salmon and Mr. and
Mrs. Hubert Salmon, of London,
Mr, and Mrs, Toni :Kern and
family, of Woodham, Mrs. Mary
Martene, Edwin and- Gerald,
and Mrs. Bertha Bieber, with
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Salmon
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Deiehert
and Mr. Fred Deichert, of Zur-
ich, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Greb
and family, Mr, and Mrs, Ken
Keller and Randy, Mr. Gordon
Pearson, Miss Loretta Keller,
Mr. Keith Keller, Miss Joyce
Osborne, Mr. and Mrs, Elgin
Keller and Caroline, Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Learn and Deborah,
all of London, Mr. and Mrs. Bev
Lindeefield and jeffrey, and
Karl Keller. of Exeter, with Mr.
and Mrs, Ed Keller and family,
Pastor and Mrs.. K. L, Zorn,
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Manti and
Donald, Mr. and Mrs, Louis
Rader, Mrs. Effie Klicnstiver,
Mrs. Louis , Kraft, Miss Susan
Willert, Janis Gulens, Robert
Miller, and Mrs. Loretta Wiedo,
of Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Rader and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart Heck-
man and family, of Centralia,
with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Becker.
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Miller
and Rodger, Monkton, Mr. and
Mrs. John Neeb, Marjorie and
Irmgard, Wellesley, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Stumpf and gilds,
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Court-
ney Burmeister and Garnet
Burmeister, with Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Miller and boys.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wendell Gamble and family, at
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Nunns,
of London, spent the weekend
• donned t with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Webb,
Judy and Bob.
Terry S. Gibson, one -year-old
soft of Air, and Mrs. Leo Gibson,
won $50 in a draw at the Park-
hill Legion Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Gibson and
family, spent Sunday at Thed-
Stephen Ladies
Main St. Guests
The ladies of Crediton and
Shipka United churches and
Main St. Afternoon Auxiliary
were guests of Main St. Evening
Auxiliary for their Easter meet-
Mrs. Donald MacDonald, Hen -
sail, showed pictures of India
where she served as a mission-
ary for the Presbyterian church
for 35 ,years, She told of the
living conditions and the native
religion of the people there and
urged her listeners to accept
Christ as their personal Saviour
and not as a group or family.
Mrs. Cecil Wilson ttlanked the
President Mrs. Jack Doerr
made a few remarks in memory
of a departed member of the
Auxiliary, Mrs William Haigh,
who died on Sunday. Mrs. Ross
Tuckey read the scripture.
Readings were given by Mrs.
R. E. Russell, Mrs, Ed. Lamport
and Mrs. V. Sharpe. Jocelyn
limey favored with a piano
selection and Doreen Kenney
and Marlene, King with a duet.
Mrs, C, Love, Shipka, sang a
solo accompanied by Mrs. M.
Mrs, A. Rapson closed the
meeting and a social time fol-
Guests Of OES
Loridon Officers
Exeter Chapter O.E.S. enter-
tained a corps of officers from
Ruth chapter, London. The visit-
ing chapter performed the open-
ing drill at last Wednesday's
in eeting,
Guests were. also present from
the St. Marys chapter, Follow-
ing the meeting an apron parade
Iwas held. The aprons will he
sold at the chapter's bazaar in
the Library oa Saturday, .April
19. A dutch auction was con-
Mrs. William Bell, worthy ma-
tron and Mr. William Bell, wor-
thy patron, presided for the
Tillie: "When she m arried
him, she said she was going to
break him of his bad habits.
Did she?"
Millie: "Not altogether. He's
broke, all right, but he still has
most of his bad habits." PHONE 376
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