HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-03, Page 12Page 12 Th#. Tim.e$-Advocate. Awn 3e Ma -
HS Experiment Results
a --:Continued Froze. Page 11
Singles Cages Non
Double Cages. One
—Slat Floor One
"e'° Windowless Pen... One
With no medication end with free access to the pen by all
" end sundry, with poor ventilation and only moderate warmth this
. ,peaks hig)4 of the hardiness of the birds.
Of the 18 egg laying projects carried on in schools under
my supervision. I can truthfully say that we have never had the
". sustained interest and the reliability of caretakers that we have
. had this year. We used the results of this experiment for a dis.
play at the Seed Fair at Clinton and :found that the general pubtie
was as interested as the pupils. It is :seldom that onecan .combine
the financial returns, the interest and general satisfaction. that
these birds and this experiment has supplied.
Obtain The
Highest Prices
For Your Poultry!
Sell To The
Iverside Poultry
London 7-1230
.. .'4r nn,,1u n u uu 111111, u u nnn11,w 111111 nl n u 1111,1111 lam11n11un 11 mm�=11111 uln ul,n nu n 111111 u n m11n1r 1111 s•
Company Limited
Phone Collect Hensel! 680-r-2
d F•
edi o ,EstScouting
Mrs. Sam Baynhani returned
home last Thursday after spend-
ing some time in South Huron
Hospital and at the home of
Mrs. Fred herr an Exeter.
Miss Marcia Smith of Exeter
spent the weekend with bet
grandmother, Airs. Samir Eayn-
ham and uncle Russell,
AIF. and Mrs. Win. Metz spent
Friday in Exeter with kir. and
Airs. Wm. Homey.
Air. and Mrs, Aldewin Calling -
wood of Hamilton stated Sunday
with their aunt and uncle, Air.
and Mrs. Wni. Motz.
Mr. Gordon Kenney of Sliapka
has the foundation dug for a
new home an the land he pur-
chased some time ago in Credi-
ton East.
Honor Pair
At Centralia
Neighbors met at the hone of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter 1'isseher and
B. presented them with a lamp.
S. previous to their departure from
this community. Mr. Vissclier,
who has been employed with
Mr. Stan hicks for the past few
Years has purchased a farm near
Dashwood, The family left on
Tuesday to take up residence in
their new borne.
Property Sold
Mr. Reg. Hodgson has sold his
farm to Mr. Joseph Pavejke and
has accepted a position with the
Waterloo Cattle Breeder's As-
sociation. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson
will remain here until their
daughter, Kay, lias completed
her school term.
Personal Items
Mr. Earl Hodgson .of Ridge -
town was a visitor at the hone
of his brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Hodgson on Monday eve
ning of last week.
There will be a service in the
United Church on Good Friday
Miss Agnes Anderson, Mrs. J.
T. Clarke, Mrs. G. Hepburn,
Mrs. G. Baynham, Mrs. A. Mc.
Falls, Mrs. E. Lamport (Credi-
ton) and Mrs, F. Bowden were
in Clinton on Thursday where
they attended the annual meet-
ing of the Huron Presbyterial
Woman's Missionary Society in
Ontario Street' United cut e
e d Chu i•ch.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Harlton and
family of Lobo were Sunday vis-
itors with Mrs. A. Harlton.
Mrs. E. Knight returned to
her home on Sunday after spend-
ing the winter months with her
daughter and son-in-law, in Lon-
Miss Eleanor Hodgins will be
among the students of S.H.D.H.S.
who are leaving on Thursday
evening on a trip to New York
Mr. and Mrs. 5. Sorensen of
Chatham were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin
Essery on Thursday.
Lenten Services
Dr. J. Semple of Egmondville
was the guest speaker and de-
livered a fine message at the
Lenten service in the United'
Church on Wednesday evening.
A special choir under the leader-
ship of Mr. Reg Hodgson with
Mrs. Hicks at the piano provid-
ed the music.
On Friday evening Rev. H.
5nell's address was an inspiring
one and there was special music
for the service with Mrs. K.
Hodgins as pianist,
17, ffolmi 11111/,31111111111111,1111111111111,11=1111111111/11111/11111111=1t111111a111111111111111111==nlm„n1111111111=111111Mit,
• =
Order Spring Seeds Now!
Registered and Commercial Seed Oats and Barley
Full Stock of Clover and Grass Seeds
Malting Barley Contracts
A 'Limited Number of Feed Oat Contracts
Fertilizer Available With Con\!acts
fickle & Son Ltd
Phone Office 103, Feed Mill 205
C.1;0 1"51vivE,00.0.41
sitjo tot 0.0 47
clean and adjust carburetor * check coil, generator charging
for peak performance, rate and battery,.
clean and regap spark plugs * check cooling system and all
and distributor points. hose connections.
* re -set ignition timing— * complete chassis lubrication and
check all wiring. thorough underbody check.
check steering, headlights, tail -lights, stop-lights
adjust brake and clutch pedal for correct travel:
(Price Includes all charges except ports aril material)
So why not =lake it easy to enjoy
by driving away from our lot in a
A BrandNew 19,E _. Dodge
fir one of our
Dependable Used Cars
Paw is the time for your annual SPRING TUNBU'P and
as we arta equipped with special tools and capable inecli-
;anics, we suggest that you bring your car in as soon as
`possible for a friendly chat regarding the condition of
your motor.
Exeier Mo..tor Sales
:PHONE 200
Prod Dobbs,. Prop,
do e1111,1„111it011=11=,111111111111111111111111111111, l llllt%
News Of Your
By MRS. J. M. S.
The April films from the Na-
tional Film Board of Canada
are now available at your li-
brary and can be borrowed from
the librarian, Mrs. Hilton Laing,
during library hours.
(1) West Wind -21 minutes
The life and art of the Cana-
dien landscape painter, Tom
Thomson. Ten of his major works
and many sketches are repro-
(2) Sailing in Canada -11 min.
The thrill of sailing as it is
enjoyed in Canadian waters from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, Popu-
lar types of sail boats are shown
in action and glimpses of famous
races are seen.
(3) Craftsman at Work -1G niin.
Nova Scotia's craftsmen do
traditional handicrafts-- pottery
and weaving, carving and metal
(4) The Pony -29 minutes
A heart-warming story of the
attainment of a wish for a pony
at Christmas time by two Sas-
katchewan farm children in ail
age of mechanization.
(5) Sailors of the Queen -23 min.
An account of the Royal Cana•
than navy's visit to England to
join in the eelebration of the cot
conation of Queen Elizabeth.
(6) U.N. Screen Magazine No.
15-11 minutes
Thailand's streams of life: in-
terwoven with waterways. Thai-
Iand's efficient, well organized
river traffic is subject for study
by U.N. experts on inland navi-
(r) Atlantic Isles -5 Minutes
How the Channel Islands and
the Shetland Islands, situated at
the southern and northern ex-
tremes of Britain and divided by
ten degrees of latitude, differ in
climate, industry, landscape and
way of lift.
(8) Eye. Witness No. 64-11 shin.
The largest rehabilitation tee-
ter of its kited hi Canada, Ter-
anto's Society for Crippled Oivi-
liaris offers a means of self -sup -
(3) biter Prison What -13 niin,
The film portrays the diffieul-
tiee experienced by a filen With
a record, Who wants to go
atre.ight but fa unable to get
work until lie, is helped by the
John Howard ociefy.
(10) Winter Weekend --41 111111.
A caricature of what happrens.
as a party spends a Whiter Week-
end of, n ski. 'eabtit in the Gati-
neau hills.
orr'dw ally of these films from
your library this month.
Speaks To mons, cos
It was father and snit night et
Exeter Lions' club supper =meet-
ing at Armstrong's Restaurant
Thursday evening. Many of the
boys present were members of
the Exeter Boy Scout troop.
In a sing song .competition the
boys were winners •over their
Speaker was Harry birth,
Scout field commissioner of the
Great Lakes region. Mr. birth
reviewed the organization of
spread to Canada and other parts
of the empire.
lie congratulated the Lions
club on sponsoring the Exeter
troop which are active In the
Community. "Sponsorship leans
scanting in g .and its
about thirty steamed up bays in
various branches of scenting.
Boys must be busy learning
something as idle bands get into,
trouble" he said. He urged the
Lions to care on with the .good
Scouter Ilal Hooke was ,one of
the guests of honor.
Int. Counsellor Jake Sweitzer
introduced the speaker and Lion
Ed Brady expressed the thanks
of the club.
Lion C. V. Pickard reported
g 117F
Topics From
laliniville EuchreClubwas
held on Friday evening ll the
hall with Alts. Thos. Fell, Mrs.
Philip Murch and Airs. Wm.
Jolitis as hostesses.
There were .eighttabies and
winners were. ladies/ high, Mrs,
Allen johns; gent's high, AIr.'
Laverne Skinner, and consola-
tion, Mr. Bob Johns.
The party will be held this
week on Thursday evening with
Mr, and Mr.s. Ross Skinner a$
diet more than 81,400 had been Hosts,
raised for the Red. Crosti fund.
Plans are being made Jnr a 4-.11 Homemaking Club
broom blitz ,of the town in the The Eliniville girls held their
near future. first meeting in the new 4-H
The Boys were presented with Homemaking project "The Club
co-operation and assistance," he a comb, a pencil, a pencil sharp-
said. ener and a scratch pad by (lit -
He emphasized the importance ferent members of the club and
and the difficulty in securing by Mrs, Armstrong. Prizes were
good leadership. "Imagine the wan by Roger Cann, Scouter
job of trying to control and train Ralph Sweitzer and Bill Pollen.
nurrr,nlournusaseal ruuuuorrllrnuuu eleelmos,,uanuli,uluul asessismesselnu eisisi a
Down To
A Quiet Weekend
Dear Folks: !Ofcourse, we looked super -
Tired? Did your weekend, facially in the places be said
starting Friday, which might he had left them but, you are
have been just another weekend, right, they weren't there. Prab-
finish you as completely as it ably never had been in the
finished me? Monday morning first place.
instead of looking at the sun Tack onto• all this a number
that was shining weakly and of trips to the bathrooms around
thinking, call a good washday', town and drinks of water and
and hustling into that job— you will see that the fact the
shudder and turn away from the car was not where it had been
washing machine, that is just Parked and not along either side
aching to be filled with' water, of Main Street made fora long
to churn those dirty clothes, sit line of cuss words I don't know
down to write a letter instead, ' but wished I did. We were sup -
hoping that the receiver will posed to be home at five o'clock
commisserate a little. Well, here for a tentative appointment, but
goes nothing, , by the tinge we found the car,
Friday afternoon I played my ' or it found us rather, our arriv-
part in Education. Week and al borne was late, 1 You might think this was
visited the schoolhouse to in- enough of a weekend for every -
andthe work of our offspring one but there was more to come.
and the teacher which efforts The biggest menfolk of the
put together made, very interest-' family found there was a hockey
in viewing. Th inns the
w e l
children learn are very much' genie, sor fora etreat I was left
ed years ago but the methods
the saine as we ourselves learn- they thought it the ibetterl p hi of valour to let nae cool off, t
are highly different now, but There were some sleepy an;
the results are gratifying to see excited young 'uns later.
and hear. It is quite an educa-1 Sunday was a birthday dinner
tion for the parents to go to at a friend's, just right for a
these yearly gatherings, I en- bunch of sleepy and slightly
joyed it alt and think teachers crocliety young folk mussing a
and pupils are doing a great third afternoon nap. Not to men -
Of course course we stayed question.! tion old folk too. However, a
ingthe teacher ion er than we good, noisy, rip-roaring time
g was had by the youngsters, and
should have, held up, unirtten- ' a shouting conversational time
tionally, another e a r 1 o a d of by the parents trying • to be
parents because our car was heard above the din. But every -
parked ahead of theirs, but one managed to c o n s u m e
finally got• home to make a' mighty amounts of food between
rushed supper, after picking • up' noises. But I bet our hostess
that developed a flat tire'on theour son,_ who had his bicycle, would rather have gone out to
milk the cows after our depart -
way home. Pori not sure if it•ure than clean up the .rubble
was the child. or the bicycle that left behind,
was tired and wagted the ride. ( I bet the storeroom — coine
That wasn't such a bad day : playroom—gets the first spring-
but Saturday turned into a bit' cleaning now that everything
of a nightmare — p r o b a b l y has been practically moved out
through my own fault. I always by many pairs of little hands.
seem to leave just that extra bit Very easy to do now—it's all
of work for the weekend that ! shifted and sifted around any -
makes a little rush. Anyway we way.
got through the morning with! But we all voted it had been
only one visitor, who luckily! a complete change - even the
didn't stay for dinner --he might Mouse had to admit that, and
have found very slim pickings,' seven or eight very sleepy child -
Then we had to get ready for
town, ren were finally pulled apart
! from each other and delivered
We wished to attend a funeral' home for a good night's rest.
that afternoon. Baby-sitters not,' And all the parents felt they
being plentiful we had, Of course,' had really earned their rest
to take the children. Such a' and hoped for a quiet week.
c o m ni o t i o n of simultaneous
shoe changing, etcSincerely,
washing, dressing,. etc.—this is hair plaiting, . , D.I.II,
a natural development when one
is hurrying to be on time and Hog
ing. The things one must refocus• Producers
still not forget. to overlook all
the necessary evils of housekeep-1 _ Continued FrontPage 11
ing. The things one has to re -
bei Has husband washed the
car, a it with gas, that one
these people whom we employ
to do our trucking to be attempt-
filled 1 ing to dictate to us how we shall
child wishes to stay lionie—ex- market our product. Our mar•
planation very vague was the' ketuig programs house-clean-
ouse clean•
shopping list complete or the! hag apparently has been a little
most essential thing forgotten? ! too thorough and it would seem
The note for the baker; it goes
on and oil, until finally the car a good portion of the under -the -
table payments have dried up.
is filled away we go. I Also, when people behave in this
Our destination •reached and j manner it would seem their
admonitions to the children to I cause cannot be justified,"
sit quietly' with their comic '
books for the half hour they
we undertook our duty with' Letter From
would be without supervision,
r, �'
slight misgivings—not that our
children are bad but are 'just!
kids'. When we finally got park -1 By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD
cd an Main Street all seemed
under control and the weekly 1Po'rsonal (toms
division of the children settled!
upon, mother as usual getting ( Mr, and Mrs, Elmo Morgan,
saddled with the twins, 1 Mr, Boss Morgan and Miss
Have you ever tried buying 1 Olive Ranting R.N., all of Sar-
groceries, pushing a cart, pick.1 nit, and Mrs. Allen Carter of
ing the items needed frolii tiie Lansing, Mieh,, .called on Mr,
list—if you remember to take 1 arid Mrs. Fred Fenton en Tues=
it—watch two sturdy going -ons I day and also attended the sale
four - year - olds who disappear , of Mr. Wm. Nortligrave.
regularly one at a time and; Monday evening visitors with
most of the time both at once: Mr. and Mrs, Ceeil Ellwood
in different directions? Ti'y it—.,1wrere Mr. acid Mrs. Wm. Has-
it's the fanelest game of Bide- keit of tenfieid aiid fair. and
you. finally! RoyHamiltonlrucaii.
and -seek ever invented. When 1 Airs, o£
pay your bill its
quite likely the box consists of
clMiss Jura Shepherd spent Sun-
beltMr. the things needed and the; Pest.
other Half you had no intention Ali', and Airs, Cecil Ellwood
of purchasing.
However, with that small neat-; attended Cronyn Meinoriai church
ter settled you gather up your in London on Sunday for the
dignity, your depleted Docket confirmation of their grand.
book and the kids and slit out' daughter, Cattily!) Odd.
to finish Off that list as fast as I ldrs. Hartle Sr. of Parkhill
lyessible, deposit the children inlent a week with her soil' Cecil
the cat anti settle back to Wait r Hartl:e and .Mrs, Hartle.
for husband and his section of. Mr, and Airs. Gordon Allison
the fancily. What a dream! 1 are improving after a bout with
Sure I got the magazines, the the fiat,....
nen refill, 'ascertained seine in Miss 'Betty Sholdice of London
for)nation my husband waisted.. spent the weekend with her par
forgot entirely that 1 wanted to encs, Mr, and Mrs, Ise= Shol-
huy Wallpaper .and look at dice.
drapery material. Saw Vanden Miss Methyl) Keel') of keit.
else buying a dress pattern but field spent the past week with
niy memory completely desert" her aunt, Mrs Dean. White.
ed nie about my awn,' I remeiit.
beted to buy seeks but forgot
the birthday present, And five They're piekirig tip the pleces
minutes before we, went le leek . With a dustpan end a rake, r
for the ear the boy twit lest because. he grabbed a silken
his lintel of braces (far bit knee
pants. #not his teeth) Which he when he should have grabbed
would= t let ensue 'else hold, the brake.
Girl Stands On Guard" last
'Tuesday afternoon at 4.30 at the
home of their leader, Miss Ruth.
Skinner. There were 19 mem-
bers and two leaders present,
Mrs. N. Jaques hacl •charge of
the opening and the election of
officers. President is Linda
• Westcott; secretary, Doreen
Brock and press reporter, Sliir-
ley Jaques,
Requirements for this new
project were given and the
pamphlets were distributed.
"The Club Giri as a Canadian
Citizen" was discussed by Miss
R. Skinner. Roll call for next
meeting will be to have record
books and covers up to date.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Beller
and fan:iliy of Guelph, Mr. and
Mrs, Stanley Nays of Wroxeter
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
! Mrs. Robt. Hays,
Sunday visitors with Mr's, Thos.
Bell were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Faveri and family of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephen
of Exeter,
Misses Grace Johns, Grace
1 Routly and Helen Herdman of
I London spent the weekend with
their respective parents.
Mrs. Agnes Drummond re-
turned home Sunday with .Mr.
and Mrs. John Miners and fam-
ily after visiting for a few weeks
with relatives in Saginaw, Mich,
Mrs, Thos. Bell visited with
friends in Woodham one day
last week,
The Elimville Mission Band
will be held on Saturday at the
home of Miss Margaret Brock
of Winchelsea.
. P'ahn Sunday was observed on
Sunday with the choir
singing two numbers, The sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper was
Tlie ladies of the Eliinville
W.M.S. and W.A. were guests
on Wednesday afternoon with
the Thames Road ladies for their
April meeting, Mrs. McVittie of
Blyth was guest speaker.
Anything that's saleable is
well worth advertising in the
Want Ad columns of the Times -
Advocate. Every day these hard-
hitting little ads are converting
used merchandise into ready
cash for folks just like. you.
Phone 770.
Slashes spraying coals-Doubies Pratt.
Mast advanced sprayer development;
designed for lower high pressure depend•
ing en Pump selecflon. Available for 3
Pr. Pickup or Standard Tractors - P.T.O.
or Engine operated. Choice 8 Models,
Field•Row Crop Beams with' drop pipes.
FREE,.,demonstra}ic..l ok th`5
Form gMiprent
J R. D.rr Jermyn, Prop.
EXETER ,,,I 1tt e i teeleeleetelelelm11=1tettee11tertllifllee,1111!/O=leo, mett,==l=rWl=nr el et l ilit»r=n11111111n1111111=11111111111•
isee 1tatetateettse llslUllltitleseien ellayarta.i=A.1.I1seen1o11, ee .e.=.mette a 1.11,1»Ioetaineess
,-- :Oil Burners
Heating,. Plumbing, .$heet Metal Work
1 403 NPR Mt' ...EXETER PHONE .719
e e 1 1 1 111 111 el r All tl nllnllnll1,111i1111t1111I1.11tr1aIt1111111111t11p11Q/4::
.rA.,n1,1nQ11,111,n1,t,,1111111161-IIltll.baSnat.lft _t.t 1._.fl._.IIU.) ! .d!
"New Process"
Shur -Gain Fertilizcr
* Reduced Moisture Content
* Uniformly Blencled
* Less Dust
* Semi -Granular Texture
* Free Running
* Better Drillability
* Less Tendency to Cake
Canada Packers
0111111111,111111,1111=,11,/,=1111111111=111,etne11Mt=11111111=tt11=i11=,,11111111/1111111111111=t1111111e11,11 I ill rar=e=r
We have a 'complete stock of ALFALFA, ICED CLOVER,
Permanent Pasture Mixtures , . .
.. Place Orders While Stock Is Available
We are quoting very attractive prices and replacement
orders would require higher retail prices.
SEED GR.,9a+..S
All varieties available in Registered No. 1; Certified No. 1
arid Commercial No. 1.
Treated and Packed in New Jute
OAT VARIETIES: Garry, Rodney, Registered and
Commercial Brant and Herta Barley
High quality seeds will be in short supply this spring, To
be sure of your requirements. ORDER NOW!
Discount For Early Delivery Still Available
Order Now — We'll Deliver To Your Farm
1. We are contracting for malting barley.. (Molitcahn :and
kindred varieties are available.)
L. Registered seed oats.
Your seed can be delivered and cleaned without being bag-
ged, Phone us and arrange a date to clean and treat . your
W. G. Thompson
Phone 32
See Our Display Of HAMS For Easter
20 -oz. tins . 2 for 330
Or Saltines, lb. pkg. 330+
Old Town, 48 -oz, jar 590
9 -oz. tumblers .. 2 for 490
1/2-1b. pkg,,, each
Fancy Tied 'Cohoe, 73/4 -oz, 3 for $1
Reg. 1-1b; bags . . ,890.
Giant size, reg. 7 69¢
4 rolls 490
490 2.1b. package . . ,... ..... . 950