HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-19, Page 4�w •As/a1 ms,„i __ I. se air Weds. MM' jolta Ura 1!•61 et rrry hewn et.w. amity
�, �•h.. .areasrY ir..a...
,.,•iAt t� « '�a.....••••..4 wet r �� Iso...
•.I trey C�7r w eel 1�.1w . pee 1f et sho.. MIL.. •s e- tai a ave
doer treed while i w.a wi+a doe Larne web* fm0serl awl sown sap goo » .n. NOT 1 O £.
Mimi poems MN w eAm d oe sag Jahr glob CewreilrewlLswsi
IMF kthos RAI► Ir M frt is whisk ewb ye- stows tetra Ms• dlsM slow sash
sr IJ . said yr a awe e. NO twset as Maw Is i s.-. L need t •tie ie•eY•e Vtee1•li •lame!. �w Mct/tt• 2111• Iw>t •iAl�.r. ltetbeLClsab
i tst.j�i.0 sowed ere. t se'*' W 4 tisCitic e1 re Rae/ s orae et
e eat *Pre r, be *bre by et betel re embwOin.ferr y d tbo Doter ewsseeiL M
Ca�msww.1.ey COMM. U11411•01 Caesar.. Cb .MM'S/ wend the -»ease 4 nay ma so
eeT.... M stow• eller OiDeo. er *sof Wroth ....weed ..d Preened, iiia did awe rely t1Pi-
se '.rein it he d.h4e se arde by « WA" 11•7 pento sn
t la atm the t e asset dell, and wI
S haria nigh wish« Cason .1.s, C•••11. Was io a mammy inny. •« ark
Dias d Pester City se Tows. bat thea the •a Sass orb S'«tR time', et Wee limb.
C«t...e. earth), sod NIOb wdN& elmassid Ne. est 4 Aesiae.Arriaybp�,,� I . CAM
is at ami c .hie.. v.'... d Castles. Miss. d tic. lease. Cunt d she it..r . Gum er
.ed Torte wq.Mis.ty. wbma amiss siwwite wase eller etedige as die neem IOWA .fink
Lbs. e.d.r • writ 4 merry. shot ed trey re. .wet.
e remie.y mks and store ellkyaeas and reel- LXVIL Aad be k •asee.d. Tint se Sheila
Oa by Jima d the oaks Lsester - es t1., ,.'. a..,i, Catty. Oban. tents « mite
have bees sea and i_ it MP 1, Wife lbs OOlr... Meller es passe wba•esev u. obi a-
pda0 d IM. Am. portly « iattiwe•ly. tree* te"eiw soy math «
X. pp„jl ss,,, mbar ,Swed, se ppwwwa1Ysm of mss., sr ..rani r
1,211. ad he k .n.us.d. Tim r .-. self thew see NM Sem •1U.i0e l butes smmmtiesd
bet masola.d a w.. far as M54 .4 • Jar aaWIMP MP M ewJa
e. ss ms, err im.af web •ekes 5
„qv ewe. dal « orioniasi. s 5 ami heal , '_d •ina
« a agar «OMR MOM. Op
Seel•ne i1 aft d ,h. Came bewi.b.fee lead.- 1..041T6.7 °Wit Us4w ShwiiZ Cams".
aa4 „4„, „mg eve be wag" „mai" tie .bis mr ma... IS Ylr wwawa saw eammte
£.s. rhe wear d mush gaalibaisa sell h • p,.wu41s maw by lam r sem domes
t ed ..MPs.4 idlsaeq if dr Cmwr shat be "her thea eW wbser smaY sosn •
sai.••4 .1 the 1st s Perriiei •bu tet ore.waraat « session ui•eed by swab Us-
ing baths mwsmle.4 Ant tessd is thy wine we int I16"t Caaww. w BWat. 66‘ dlwaWd M
•a� �s�1 Jae.. sash milt. w odor r s •0d if Sbwit
LrI. Ad bo asthma. Tia if ear mss. a- Vdw Ioban. C•.•ar. £Mss . ! w «M
Mad - • Jaws M the Mal d say soak baa. ot1M••, "so O'.MV a•••••••o .y d the es -
this Am,twar of Ads net et mist am• •eras • 141••11141••11 Jams* ba tisk' dar
ism be gw.itMd to .Lbw aes.ais• es er a .e
.ssd. « tb•Y wmmw tietyd to Jat
trial. ds deesy as aitdl w e.imd.54. «es ay Pe• ad" ie 4'y •0•0414/ 1. 'r to elsi.4, es shall
MPI $straw, be wep,d m • p.4 e.msa .be„ seen.- ssy SPa & hoer Ian tea im daye
icep by dMsr tis Crews or by the pt.q the hahi Lay.'.1whale he 1e le turned' eaYrt
as a der disslrrfi.q the tam se reista i a•- the "1" •"^"14." the -mart d
as bit ma se lieut.ss. ay kw, mime «trap "se. )Mint Priv. Oyrtea T000,110104 Gael Do-
» the stray w w 11.w.l.m. Do -awry. Sswbws sl is Pas. Collor sod Rath -
LTB. Ad Mit .maned. Tbu r ieneo•e d'sem' ••sMoths 'oboes juiwdistios th
mhM „obi, b.s o •y hoes d 3.... 4. t.s.l d Mali be esmmitesd. easy and Is Meth reseed
• Esekt'e bola" atern.4 N web ram* ave sy Y eemeisotws sod Piled d tat .'Yea, is a
easy .Marina by Leas d any stub Mans•... sorwvf eel le eta soak is• oma every pmts
sop law.sumo or sass N tie atlery ata Y s*d'•s, e• t4• west than Walt meet. ss -
Mobs( .o th arab of the d'w.
L�d a h wmaud. nal to p.m
v- LX V II L Aid be it emoted. Them Vase sb.w
saj end M ..ends «falsity .ban he sionista to to « D.paly •bansd say Coeury « eraser
she" • mambo d Cashes, «say Iligh 1silit or saw Hal 4
try .sett tom►
, ,15 affairs'f, ay City, shall mss « view so roods esy 54-
es diwymak me
testi•• grimr is doe 11:41e. Lim.. we Pasch
uiee Ala „„t
Mb Y My d ase Jerry, Mat. ti ie the wrtiW ../wm•
.Luny wilhee* iesthsus leaf
is thew ejmsdy, w Lmad
.s• rhe fes time soma. ay w d the Jones 000100/ sisal ee eithema mu. et" y d ls tbha
war *met
„be soy ►• .s11d „as w .«ores s.sl t1i-i. w recripliothe with the direction' L this Asa
LIZ. Ad be it .maned. That is wises Ie "*""ed.« 51541 "vi""'1* nibs Were"
wsh she a io
Qsn hi m Hpw•rdy. N'., w►. so. the Jeer.' larch. tie S.I1,e seseerry fes lm
6r the lathes shall alit be m' e • cWlsip a 1.11181 the Jsry Gm. 4taftfag the Poses. orb.
o y Ja« abs err ha .•Ihd d. 55ew .p• the iia 8pmbi huts, Yd 4.w4. Jolla et is
Joey i• Shy web eve. vaupt f« sone. r he «- trial. et shat sesl.t w monis te tam mesh Js-
. 04. tried .d &.pies d ..cs4 s a the eery tisk. mad the b.Mare M drif*i•1 mob Joy
MOM d the Court.
Listsm tis seem. re whist', y this Ata be Is
LI. Aad hi nt .mow. Tbss 1. 111 02,22 n- seg.ired t• mom the same, or rhitlw
▪ ad d ales epos of Nod Swum "so, y„. emit to pra as ether duty required •l lion y
ty, the M4i.ti..r Pldatil)V, Dek.d.n «Od„,- thin A.,. or shall wilfully dm soytbi•1 ias-sslei.
dam so mss Wet sad Ur Dds.4sat er DM.- eat with t1. pnvi.iw 4 thio Aet...mry with
amt. Tetras se T....., as tie ether, say each 8h.rif. D.pety 815riE Hieb 8a11i1 et ether
shdbaM withom1 maigamg my *akar w trtrr5di•1,'bolt foe every 5551 •''sem
these far 115 ser: soy Mo ef the Jaren oh skit the moa d Nay peed.. w ..Illy Mere.
eony bo 5bd sp." sons so 115 ,„sl d my of to the w of Her Habana. Har Rein or Go►
see► naw : Provided awash t►den the. «.sero Lod the mbar eerq thereof• with hell
the Jame ea sl15sgrd, ekes nt bus Special eats to ami prem Sr AIM w ir the w is
Jager. smith ups sseh Jury eceer4lsg t. the "7 eemr$ dosonpuot by sods of
pea.jsi.a. is Lbw Act em18misd for the striking 4,11. bill, plant, . i
4 Spaeth Jethro. LXIX. Aid be it emoted. Theo it my elerk
II. 8ire„M„i„g du,,,, d the Cream aha Plater Shy d Bair Deputies
LIl. Ana be it m•YNd, Thu 1. „ma*, shell take 5 Y"« to he on de nay obtrudes•0 eves! Pia a env, en Orad Jam.. aft a whatever i. the R42.. Liu et Fusels, is hay
posit Jhrbs, vat hetes 8r.wid Jmrire, i. aye( Jaron' Bask, et is .ay eery dared deposited is
the Coons afe.wid, sell be ma y thereat pear bi. air. et 'Milwiafa~tire tile es tree may
y "77 uy sans.' 8•61k le oar Rats. Lbt «
'thick the Jailor w to attired, y deliveries a the ht+lnbomw weeel ther..a tis maa •1141 be •
et«v, eight day' at liar bathe 115 ds
toss to lie waaaed. « is eve bet stall 21..1- •spy rheas. eery math .lark e1 the Crown tad
was bm 115 ....1 p4... d bit .lads. by ks•i.g Pleas. or Deputy .leek 4 the Crewe mud Plw,
with mase grows prism then Inhabit isle. • this .he11 Is .eery meth .trete.. /frit the me
in whims. sada the Mrd d the Littera or other elf'Y pwtri..5* minty thenefa tbe w dHer
py.,Oiew. at.isiss de abatises d our M.lrmr. Her Heiser Esecrenre. mid the.tber
maniac..-, ami the moms 4 every stn terra 080!.57 throat with fell ease to eoeh pen.a se
as .resist Janie i• az d 115 own,. d.e..id. Aa11 me fee the ISM N thy assn of m.onpetest
maser so afnpai4. Ares days a the last before Muer•
toil in, e d„mai tb. spei l yen ie t• atwd. LEX. Aad be it .mated, That Whey Anse -
whet sat mmhtiwad day they he nay day after Mot ay T.ws hip. Village o Ward is Upper
the sormini.a thy of the Amman at which the Cada. Mall stgleat er it to make at and
ceu" w m be „1„4 Y tn11 « wou ()swam complete his A_se neat ROI for s.l Towl-
sh Village et Wad .s4 to nt.n the nam to
Towle -
do, 4545 r„, Jadesa d 115 jam, Cess. may, she � d the.lsA d.. b Township se Vitt.
„ay saawd nL r hd .45th y them ahhw. las. «d the city es tawa is which sorb Weed
4ms r M. fes'bat Piwraaa, tk..* here 5„11,5 shell be situated, 5 «the atm .or ere d do-
uw ester m•r ., 4 rftl stat fir h Spacial
Ps*" fir a"ch Rel!. et Im..t mi « siI. tit. fleet
Lha time end mann e. hdsglsg M hese 1Pi(.i•1 day d September. d the
7ayMel at nisi pane.. am fes welch he
Lill. b„ h teseld. Thisdmhhma „maw, M04 .Ae suss,,.w d
,.! swab Ahs ahhr of -
4 mss m werw arta hay lepmsl w Iowa. fastuog. Mal forfeit M any inch awes eh.
,y, Ma. issy Seaiff « YbeforeCar.r, ►. soy a'm °I iter Mesas. w 111000010 te
m•irtye ear
C appoihw edam she them •d of H« wjawy, bq haw. w •ah -Mme, teed the
of eW lanihe.. w eaam Lha &id N w dim d mbar moiety Mimi with his eta to tai per-
m, ili•my'i $sprier Carni d Corm.. 1.aw a so abet was Imre tame aft. ,t of wine
at Tame, ec m serve se • takes= q5 thy Prow lilri•ffee enp sbr��et Groan 014140.. milt, *IN
Jay, either fes tbu trial d a Ism « Amor «10"1"6"1„.„... • ..- 54•,75. tbst a.Aieg
mens .( 4emgs. 1a ..y d the Come .twati4. knew hase4 M 10151.4 a elle" ssy
aft darr mwatr.0 m sewn a Jury a i„,"„ sash Assessor from ell obiiptioe d mania"
ir.piisod., shall. • soyl►imt it troch Aseemamest Roll ata earlier period die
shall be emit by the h e perm. set Is the like juri.4ictios b7..d.. dad*. bili. pbiu or Wee -
this Act wwtred. M made by tl peach.' siker 7"s• w 66. 6.7 penny 15 elq hear by mit
» to maser b.reretn ossa. mad samosa esttmniss tbt ark •eq•Mi.sy. Aad M et so-
lo e> M gma
w•iwyso , Y obi. Aes W tam ..w4, •as7 Wet. Tow., Vilbp er
ba Tow.sip clerk. or asp A..tsee er ether Akin
III. Maisie.. - . pima who it the sired the seams swestag
LEM. Lao tor 11 enacted, bit if hay mea, ei the $.letters.11th+, ter say any, TOws.Vil-
theis6 bees ditty atomtimed to stood so asp i+P 01 Tow0Aip i. Upper Caa.i., Mall hew
kld d Jsty, h any e( she Cara is Upper Cu- 'he "tied ebur, •' •••' y d the A••••••••••
ode, b.niu4im, mestiea.d, Mal ret atl.ft n Roll or Ammm.me.t R•1 of mit City. Tows.
perms** dmeh ttemtoma., se Wiag there celled V dlagm « Tr""Ittp for "mei Tear Oben aegl.ct
Mall amt newer to hie mar 1 oe if tar sseb «Mut tm orblm the esti* wgetrd d him by
ass 1r as7 tilu, ..A. hevieg boa 5451. theilt1 Seethe et the Alt, se moods the slo-
sh./he p,„.„,. bus s« „wow. « after iN •p. doers d ueb Reil w Rob at leech mosol
51sr510 .heli wllfdlJ withdrew bitted( ham ttmetiag 4 wash eileun 4Jat,e. er permiuia"
the preemie « the Cert. the Gun .hell vet ,o •44°6'6. 115 smemw115 ry °meow... 1mama
ash 6earl .e apse wish naw es .Weems so msle the Par7••e 54.05544. .wry tech alit «
making default, (sakr sear reasonable (meow "her ale" w pram w eiiradiaa shall foe every
. WI M paved y 5'►, •idmvlt «mironu'isa) must deme. (.slot the sots d £4S, rue mmietr
oath. Court Ada dirk nett theme( M the m« of Her Mye.ty, bet lin or
LIIV. Ano Mit „matt( 'Phe: when leyweethears. and the ether are' ty three( with fall
view« bevies tires day wwas.aad n tetrad es .esb ro .11.45 peso is .hall toe kw*, . mm. is
a:lay shell wows Z.J.d,n w the lso p eed.y my art of emmpeent heisketim y ansa el
teethes d iia Amt is ret lee*. the Cart at aebr, 1.11, rowan., se 1.lm.aeeen.
wile\ he •ell haat 1... aonm•ed w .ae•4 kr "II. 4d 15 It .sated. Tlet jos! 8415.
Am t'wl d nab mow, is bw►y mitheefsrd tae we *flaws kr ay Township, Village « Ward
,q•(n4 to wet epee sod viewer. (velem ser. le Urger Cannan, retell wiNally eclat ad report
.. .sea z alarm•2141 he M+ei4 so •lemic.) . Y seali6.d tad liable to erne a. a (bud « Petit
et to the asst eihe pm.d• at the 1.u.•..md Jam' 5•7 pee. wbM •ee.rdi•6 t• 115 previ-
a. mate► van os the .•id Cmin ender Asa*, sift, d this Act might sot to ha" hew Y .54..-
s.mstams ef she pnie•kr one sell shish pt.- 1ed . "Vold 5 A.11 take ear 000l7 w •tier
reward form sel.eti.4 « NPatw•g « emitting
DLIV. Rad be it ...co4. That U m ma hs- **de" w 'q•r1 5.1 Pew or
visg bees coy ss.rmwd sad t• Ye., Ads withely insert is any orb Report •
se a Juror Is thy Ceaty, Urea d C.-wtise, soave temente d the vert. place d abode, w
Cy el Tows is Uwe Cants. err NW le- SiMss day a Y either ad np«td, se
t•a asset «ga
liry, bele ay Noraee cense,. 521st ..str« omit
':Piut it w mother hi. .swami•.
•pet er b.fole •y e( th C•0fervw.d, sad Roper, sad a deposit the same in the pap-
aw set, 5Ar hews duty 1542.41. „b„,,b,,„.«rain at lost ea re before the Meth*e•y ef
mod arm se sashs.,
Ja, nay mesh ,. SMa121M
tebet is . pew kr whirl he alt sot se
r.esn. sad C ' ' ug.ed*y,see seri 8rhe,« ef Jams . sorry wick 811.n« of
M 7 atheehdd required •. 44.A
(no re- J•""•1'.41'1 is as 15
d tb. .p.iss 0001•,
00sWe ..cns, as" 210 pend es *am. 0i4adt. shall far ovary trek earth forfeit a 0w w esr,
et ainmeiwa) te imp. sash see epos soy rtleie54 tw..y pesud., ..e lees this Ove thefts,
res samblsgdbk.lt. Y they abet 1.YMney et the disar.e.s..f the Jades bars aeon be
4hiak O1, the ►m..,41o.6" thasd.: aft every Map ��e amvie.d.
web Shalt: C«.mer aft C • res LEWI. 4.4 he it rleceed, That if try
patiwly shell make mit sad sip s meteor, herb d the Poo. se Clerk of any sere!
...asks. i. Chiietiet .d 8n
.s... the e.mi. Reeorder C.er
s rt d say City se sbw••id,
entl.44.tis slam Sema w ratio" dr- w hes Jerry, shell whenietisg t. perk,-
m.,.iber withto momel ebe es Maw maser of the me
duties geired im the
w4, sod doe rem of ask 4... end shall Ism. . ht.s.sh, shah$$, i...eiee►. „m~wnyCarob-
d NMI* MI tle
Glenellalam mod .tiL
:tin. ► mitei4 fteaasa p11158511,
at the Oise el the Mati►el f.sJ, Y% se Io
sateen will be Named 'We. MA as are
sole le sesodtlw .4521 Hee 1Nelleee•ex,
AM wigem.Me eve *moth b leeatl..e
..1 h s Jee Lles4M1edr led 011 •0•01 e( 1216
*II M Leads... r a fetisM.w
aQ tiibt 1. the Wealth Y sees.
0*M3t01 JACIIIIM Agest.
Onsets Luo Om*
8e.tt.sk, Comity of W8Otlew
Marsh 14121. 11100. vMY
mods est .wdiaat. a the ostr d the Pares b {est, tweet,-orc.j s.4 twe.yb415,d .sem
Me deal! w Volts dCeesti•a « (shut ebbe 1
__edam'_ Court e( as, soil City es ei swill. 'rte d *Ms Ael, a.rket r evil M par-
ts t.21kb «the Merles Mem( m.aey soft dam M'w auy dell megdsid as by taw see-
*els, dell reti4., es es bile i. Oris hep or *1051 is 'he weer t Pirwmeribsd, se
Os 0ea•tel tort Smiths 4 the pbde, d a wtd•Ily a, aty*h15 with,
■stieseaS.miw d retry seek i•tAdkve• previsions d the r. every 1045 ja
Care daisy soak Qty as mow -imp d the Peery es ether Clavi es afore- Pia leesellq •/ Of Mama tatliml sad r h b is tib .eel../
Ar r 0~.pr M w i sestiCkok . Is Me-wwyeeNllss1 « 2110 d 141." w owdiag. .45.11 tut stem! mai elwdie M /rsyww/ Imality, Il k tlmt
1.N r�0 dw►kb gR 6sa ass tsttitw imtieli « 0pyery trek eSMYO '«bit the mem 0/ sissy er bel.• 4-•_ta'T�+�.111,1111116.111b; M e o... sweet 0e 0
�{�0r�eww Swteae. w N.dstp w Sssmdmm.4 H an ./her ars 0 e e *b 0m N enmeber. le .sN atHW to the
"sA le.eldr'a Cart d situ" Chy, itis « Majmay, her " gl wesmo«y O. •4511 M b• M 11 . aambew
b 0sphb ..a the.... t ontrsom4.1 um" the .'bee odety ° bele" . IF" stet 00stb abnr g1t...i f • =41f tis Lel= sed .1:=
sed maid i0 W waver tied et O se r the e•am21 panes r ttbmll w by am
is Ley pew. hoes... For peslis,len1111.Pi bsd21sss lu.m' ik...+ d dmbt, M". $i4 1, « I,Arem. Gait a dM(M .•tossL G. CUMINGHAM, its.4.7m.
L•. ma m i.ad� r•
mesrtw Asawi•he Apel 94e►. It160.S•.I•K, Mi
OF FARM STOCK and Probe* Demw-
a. MMuhct.rs.. kr., by the Metes
District Agriculture! ■eater .
As Rilubitten e/ Cattle, Seeds, Deow-
Ib Masuhetere., fss . ice , well 1r hold et
Gft«rh,.. Friday, w 87O d
ease the Mmess= mss= wYt M iwer-
Fart Seel l Mar. k Fk lam
*bid b»l,
Fos bemethree Filly,
third best,
Sat t.o yearsmesa b..
third boot,
8s.t Ips ef Farm Horses,
seared boat,
third beet,
Fer the that MOM Cow (.211.21
shall hose had • salt in 1830,
'sensed best,
tbird best.
Dist two yr.. old Hai;
..eoad bast,
third bast,
Boot Boli (sot sow 6 yeses .id,
seemed bath.
third bast,
Best three year old Mem,
Meted beat,
-third bust,
Bast Fatted Os.
mead beat,
third best,
For bast Fatted Cow or Heifer,
w ood bast,
third boat.
For the batt Raw, 1
mond best, -
ttird beat,
Bost Ewes (pea of 9) 21aviet raised
a Lamb is 1830)
mooed bast,
third beet,
For do Beet Ram Lamb,
• secwsd bent,
third best,
For the best Boar, 1
w ord that
'bird best
For the bast Sow, (she .ban here
bad pigs ea 1850, sad 115 pigs
to he Maws with the sow, 1
method bait, 1
third beet,,,1
For brat 4 bosh :Amin Wheat 1 6
. motel beat
i •
• •
11 •
111 •
• •
O 0
16 0
13 0
10 0
7 •
1 0 0
16 0
10 0
1 •' •
11 0
10 0
10 0
O 0
1 0 0
third best
Bost two bushels Burley
mead bent
third beet
Best two bushels Oats
second beat
third beet
Beet two bushel' Pam
mirth beat
third best
B est bushel Timothy
second bust
third best
Best 60 IM 8.11 Butter
mond best
third bed
Best 40 Ibe Chem
mooed bed
third best
Best aero of Tampa
mead beet
third best
Best arta. •f Potatoes
swami best
third beet
Parties eomptag for the above
Roots will be required to pay
as entrance few of ams. 6d.
Bat hos fourth acre Carrots, •
w ood here
Bast tee yak Demesne mode Cloth,
mond bast
third best
Best peer d metis see. Biasheta
e scort beet
third beet
Best Les yd. dome. toad. Flta051, 16 •
mond beet 10 0
third beet 7 6
The above maIafatlores to be from the
!arm of the competitors, sad the growth
of the present year.
For the hest Lumber %Tweets
mad. within the limits .f 121e
Society's District £1 10 0
samosa beet 1 6 0
The Society will give t.. Premiums .f
Fi, Paced. each for the best Imported
D arfr, •a D...ekir. Boll., from 1 to 4
years old, -Ales, • Pramual of £9 10e fa
the best Imported Sam, either Hampshire
or Yerk04,..
10 0
7 •
13 •
le "0
7 6
1 0 •
15 0
10 0
10 0
7 6
16 0
10 0
7 6
16 0
10 '0
7 6
1. A11 S.boeriptisse to be paid se er be-
fore the 1Ol day el Aupset tat.
1. AN S%bombers is aroma to tbe
Society. w15 may wish be exhibit usythi.t
at thew., are to pay the Tressmor the
sum A LShiWtge< .ser balm W lab
day elf mu
Z. All imbesd see bast pay tb wsi-
moieties, sea say snob is a_*... Ja kw FALK bass Lal R N NAFT-
A A11114molt us1.ieed OW haw bass LAND C O N C E 1 SOON, ?mesh, of
the i.ft prapsegy of the eshsliter • O_1041, eallgelehle I8*ewes}-M sf wi,W
.hell haws *15 laser, and all ease eat. is elewi 7!e Iei6 Is ei a sierovar mak
shoe waw bath bees ps.t.Li f es Lbs Pass 17. sad .mil .nested. it is Masse amt.
.1IMs EsbibMor- It ala else Omni Ib.mos .40ebrleb en
A. AM CespMNw kr pass malt gies *be llama. Rami toad et Ohl iia
NO Tics.
1 1b.niip. of "wakes am
.wlay seetigsk
b� wit • mar Ml IM fttb A
rS101111. LA
is Am been eMend, Ote "motdThauthorised to d. Deed far
the seer-w//ke is .sham er Wei. dos 2111.
owl • peat psiasps w the Imo. -sod
Weal ape. 4 i .hese sa the said
these dein 1* tie set* sp their sum
metes Akio
T111011. MUM .1=
ladukhe •i May.. Mk
1 IS0 to Ised ale se tat Noe le say essesek
1 .het 1 have mass • power afilr pest -
.4 to WILLIAM Dimas, shunm d am to
warm .t seeps des m..kb e M Sete d
hero ...tbwwin, aid gran' diabetes, kr the
swam Amid 115wby meths' all smears istdebma
se me ethwits M settle the same tied .see
(idei.21, *oh L7 M y, 8b0. .8s17
SHE /m21wlM.toi NOTICE.
aiie�.esa A t
1 iso it. PROVI CiALMD'TU*L A� eposGolooierbermimamlMk21.45 .o
GENERAL DI$ORANCE COIMPAWT. beim- .4Oaeikb all Its virally. that be bee we
by we test... Mal he at Pieepated ie neetli Sd-
« rlpttso. fee Stash we the Prsrsi try leeseb,
..d septicemia he Lsor...e le the Mural
Bruck. had to gigs etch i.lematiw 05th.
ayects my be required.
0000 CLARE.
Oed.l.b. Mab S.*t. 1 IM -4111.
the hots Sh.r., and at •, O mod IS
miles frees G5.tiall. with serail Farms at•
Mad. Ate -Olt E HUNDRED Boddie'
LOTS is ell Www i.Y eat Tawe Plot of
Wick ew, es the 18 mite Rim, and en the
mein fwd ham (Werth! to the Sesriahisg
is the sew treaty of Bruce.
Them. -OM berth d tis prokw sam-
e' dews, the remeisder is Fear inettteeente
witb lns"rest Apply (H by letter peat -
to the PrepNtsr, N HA1VETPS-
0.derich, March 18, 1110•. 1t-.604
THE Subscriber bags teethe to inform the
Iabsbita.te of the Dlslnct of Hama,
sod the seigFbb__oriny Di.tri.to, that ho bas
Established himself in Stratford,
aid la p prd to give Ptsii aid Spaelies-
ti.M•ef P.Nie er Private Boddie'., BrtaRR
es. Mill Dams., sad .ill Niro
tow tesywi.tssaencs of such E&.etlos., se
the most reasonable terms.
Hie itbeo..gh k.owI.dge of his profession
aid his practice as Seethe*, qualigo" bion for
toy oedortakug is the lime. Address peat
Builder, ice. Se. Stratford, C. W.
Stratford, Much 6th, 1849. 1m-.ltf
\TOTICE.-The .edeniseed by pewee ef
1 1 Aitoreeydated tis 97th Sty of May. 1830.
gives him by Thomas B. WedtiL, a ..heat
all .atst.adiug debts dae the iii Fier el Mite
t ed Woodlif. ••d him•eltpu•osaly-t•qu.m a•
immediate nutmeat .f the same w -'boy will
be gives to 115 Chat of the Digitise Coen for
eolleetiem. 8E73 . PARSONS.
G.de.ic21, J... 11th, 1850. .3•19
THE srbaetiber .'Tet. for SALE 14.
GRIST as SAW MILL, ttitu•sd in
the Tewsaki► of McGillivray, me Lia Big
Sable, within throe miles of Flwgs.'s
Cerner. The Mills are now ie;operuios,sa
n ewly boll. The Privilege as the beet es
the River, and eitu•ied to the best Town,
slip is tbi County of Heron -well .Ntld,
s.4 tirade opened is all directions to hvoer
tt. The Msabieery sad materials ars of
the very best gwlity, nod put op by the ve-
ry best M.cbisiets. For Particulars is -
quire of James Crsmbiq 11.q.; Galt, .r .p -
ply to the whigihur.
McGillivray, 16th January, 1160. 9,5011
37 The Galt Reporter will insert the
Metro antis forbid.
AT the O.4nieb Milk r
0• 0derieb Kills, Sib December, 1649. 45-tf
LIRANCIB FTSHLEIGH hese to infers hie
flitred%, lied the pebhe generally, that 15 hes
establiehe4 himself es the abs.. Village, nth
bsrwm by one, atlestiee le the tsmf.rt and as -
Teems* ef Travellers, te omni a yhee d heir
..mese. Geed fleabites W ss .ttet.tiv.
Guams is ut.adamee. •
Michell. May 154. 1850. 3,-s15
-Th emberriber lariat perebeed the t.oer-
Ma of Mr. C. J. Wilson to the rlie.e 1.-
tablis►m est, es about to continue the Bur-
n es hs his ewe responsibility. 1s returning
tbsnks to the psbate for the very liberal es•
received by Oat k Wttsow,
15 begs as ietim.te that be wt11 cosetaatty
theft os head as of fameriir
CArno.., eensieti5R of COOK !NG,
Parlour, and Box Stoves ; Amer-
ican, Scotch & Canadian Plohs
of the 5051 improve4 Moulds, LT
ROLLERS, Tyrant Larges, Raider
of s 'smith aaaertptith to nay hitherto
4.1..4u_4, awl bettor adapted to this moo-
t from their ligiteses 4
strewth .f e.sstry A call efres; is'
a51.t purthaaws is r.gessW ►dero par
she .4 s4.swbsr.. TM abeam will bo sold
at Lew Les fer Cad se Trade, «steer•
rsepsoil,g ane M approved credit.
A. B. ORR.
fli.4Asa, INA Jam 18 0. ls-s1111,
TO BB SOLD. -,As Excel -
Yarned a 1.YW d the LATENT M.
.Mi be ell iso SA LR atm
The sakawibw alma Impost head. as tweet,
at his OLD STAND, a LARGE ami meq M•
• r asortm.at d
TINWARE °rev .
The sebseiiber rhes this sprerwity gl ower.
Miele skims *sake se the P.bli. 4 eke tray
leb«a pauses. be has reared stem. be W
►ars ls hearses is 0-4erL►. sad these by most
maestro to Mims, sad a stew... prim. le
mitres to .mai, a share 4 dr italic
1180. PAPER aid BELL HANGING armed
es Y Wender. 'WILLIAM STORY.
0.4srleb, 6th Stet. 180. /•-•31if
(WE width 9 tsike, ted the other with-
in about 2 melee of God«icb Tows
Plot. The Ent is LCT 10 is let Cowes -
gift, Township of Goderieb,
Is boeso.d at the owe sod by Lake Homo,
and at the iter bya Public Rood -sad
the second is LO6 to •121 Concession,
(:dbora., W. Divert,
tad is situated at the Ju•eties of two Pab-
iie Reeds.
For Portrait* apply to
]NO. IdeDONALD, 1.q.
Goderieb, 19121 3..., 1649. .9-14
00M PAN Y.
THE Seberiber having been appointed
Agent of the
is prepared to receive proposal. for Aso-
ra.M, tad will be happy . to afford to toy
person the thessiary iaformauoo, as to the
prieeiplew of the Isetitotion.
G.4erieb, 11th June, 10149. via 9tf
THE above Hetet has good aeeemodatibo
for travellers, StaNisg, ice., ice.
The Pocket Mary Asa will leave God.-
rieb (wild k weather peraittisg,) regular-
ly twice a week for the Ki•eardise Sett:. -
most. For freight or passage apply to
Copt. Rowe at the Ktscardis. Arm..
Go4erie►, March 9S1h, 1830. n8-,3
fftlii 181 111111.
PHaENIX Bi . e arta
no bW ed abs eekri4 warm ems re -..tests
lladbiwe b..e t.t.i.d kr Orth bennaw ..me, bas
Os Omar vigil ray ro w...mv. 1m rmdmed as
mei perm at pains re say .lass'.,, bet «eve
•7 4( Try ram bra by 5010 ai i rich �..�
owl' aw 1r dims end they rein mt y es ail of
11t1.100s FWVI 14 Litr=e oowi.*m'tL-
b es Maar .tie out. .iso diva ammo pati. the er
r sail bang . 5tars gt.m and raise. orbs mm
ms .m. les Ons. w0 owes .Hemi b. .Mbar dam
/LAW MOM mil WOOS •whew. MIL
COLDS Aa ca0•ws, C5M.'C.
oo�,wnir! $. Ord .ts sat... b 5*. aroma
CO 22222 avlot• .Corer.*
Irlvsata. w 5M..5 tae amici a dr
am short &be ars tbat.mima. bmintr.
11.. -..Med 85 ane. it7e71LAR 71417
/R1•11 nM AOI R. F,.50 m.rtlmsw
ion«mew ars .nesens.. Is alma •.iti oath ted
mob .met.. 0dbr.masow hese Or wawa =We tee
tars oidambrimmonorr
IRO Tt 1,5. aes � e'MPirs~i,,UA tie 11110.
Iu•Llaes co171ssIOM.
040011121111.L MiOMAMt/i4t 4
br a 8111114141 e'17IL lMadtr14Twr C ~�
7 505111 MOM LAMM& LON I Area
LlW>•! OO1=B'L&II>NeS.
111.1110111. 10050
I1RRc11R1AL 5111<A•R•.-
lbrw Yam se ww.em aft* M es Mrs or mommy ht
eM/r semmre.der,mswMruwes.et54 ...
MAT ItePIU OI 5s15OO11 •(00171. Mpr.R
00IPL45TI 4 a1 rads 040451st APTIOOTI011a
PILPrl4T10145 NWT. 74.07LCm oaoi 4t
P ELVIS. t+r wietm pmeaer 4 dem e.dtmee
eve ant 1MIS 1 w Mir mage a dr m at sem la
..sawn. show
r4n«workload. 14.bell. w. sow .der
RwwOwATts11- flee mwrweb Om
1.51415 Sieride Amis. sea as 4 mid theta Ilidlelem
BOOL if RLUSO le Ow uses. t10.Ms
ecaoret.s. ?gate, •es 18TiIIe, of
..Meows "Uinta 4f
W • leg Si. tee Ada M rew.i.edgllt So
dm Maslow whew. 85485 onmerw Oonoid M
e m tar rime= i s.tmree 5.I48545 m.erm
Psiinn Til OLigi,
Aa Was waw. et dame them the tip iesee.
I Mtge .tar MI Awe 00 LIFE PIM ami
Plain! 11TTEt{berth asteeth truths.
lrammiisssw ea • Ilse a..r7 p0550.
a.•aw• elm a 4x44.1. fwd ass Llai mym�e. Isom
OM se. insprow sod neworleso ere
1114444 Oster ermelea Oa aemell:234
w e• o pp rr*miem.N
,� s 1m Mete& um
l•a. wiB.LIIA>M 1 y1llaW,t
Ste * amp man M a Mew sae, Ile&
Sem Acme.
0.1.,Ie21, Jae. 115, 111&.
, t,«►.
Da. tO. A. *KU :
lissiseolk11.11111410.11(• N
Avail* asementee,
• FUZED it arra*,,
peat 1 *gait & • canna.**
Oat,5cbiaa OV4['OOww11•.4. 10.1
OK L stet. GOOt1M&
4iRIITIR AND A1rrosa 1 Ifs
tlwwer fe LAW, C
1107.61111 PUBLNI.'
1.. hie •Des is West l asst, teasel&
Qdsrieb.1.td seeker % 1•W lm em
.Lei C AT'PO111fEY w iso_
Hes W .tie• se 4.us61y, b Nista&
Bustle*N.1 -Yr. $lessI...w albs itis Dal •►
Baseless It Lira sesames, es NON
Aga sed Dawns the Mr. Lases Nal
mattes .stands blue bow tlwt/eod.
DIXIE 11.17Hw1'dtederkk
BIRRJSTLS 411' LAW lbs. Ala .d
0800.08 W1LLIA118. d
Iso of the tem 4H,m.,. Wolin mi *
Dammam Tema, .45nee
sirs of Law, vthir dor hestC
will is fstve kart Hem Oisoe at
81remk,4. wmre.m2. soder tic pre,
.Ltd km of Water sad Wuur.
Dem Wanes, C. .bb, r
Gams Wt -A--, 1.154, f
1Mmh DeeerMr.1•tlt. •r wAIV
Ad Gears{ Nelms i. 0..r.i.., IJpww,
Palma Otte, 81.5445. Dy. Seta,
Hadw.e. eta.
Pate'ipmi.mr disregard with .ssmay bed
9v -s16.
• J. IL 00 ODI NG,
'LL alts& SALES is an pert of the
Duty es reasonable �� A`
ply et tic leran. , Light -Hoeft
es. Si►eet.
Odertgb, April 4th 1649. v -ti
elsore h. 4 Cathode .s tea. qRf
Aetnst trnh, 1849. 11-.05•
BO01' sad SHOE Mahar, see deer West
0f Mr. 0.erR. Vidat'e, Blacksmith,
Prost .t met, Gei.rteh .
Apra) 9616, 1860. tis 1
•••12T 'waste.
(.11v , , , Queen's Bench,
i$HES to imitate to the Waltham of
V mod as mo wwlmi e.5a•f.
bet h hew eammase.d ieiMP*Y Compasses.
0.55152 Aptrsa ma A.em... t, and y meti4th
the auea.5, massy, .a nd.wa show%
bops to be i hrfsl te such so may ,semi* W
merrier.. ?bet .bliss a sorry his i. tai
el the .him besmeh.s win phone 511 w tbe
Resew', 05... ug! tb.se. onset,
G.derich, 134 Minh. IOW. v8. e•
MM pptt [La1/'�Igl raftmasa
'sly 91, IIM9. eerie
LIGHT -000.1 $T. 0O4ZRIC11.
Ow 134 1St•. *N
TAT two 'trey PismoDwdhg Nessa
lately sompied by Podgy Asked, and boo
mediuty appease his mem miiss& leo
teras awl 4.21.. ieve.wtare smith r
ALEX. M. ROrellkei Ae.
0•derii, Meg 11. ISA !�efili
d CC 7!OIV2 EE
Ia prseswNand is .d Mir t. sq paid
the Hailed Cuaiies4m *sass' nor.
.214.k w Apply M tb. Ile i'b4
11od«kb, April Ile 1111111k Loses e
Isbamilisr Assisi ItENTID the
T WA1180(1$E sal WHARF Wag-
iq to 4521 M..... Dnwepwa, d 115r i.
boo setsbiabal blessiW so a
soserasas aae 1masA/R
M erdsss so 11.n the-
is-.b.nte et G.isrisih .54 mates ea reap
Mastics. J050 M.iAAM.
Wham, Marsh. sods. .sett#Mf
*$tt *rea Signal,
"O TfhavippArrilc'n uSBC
mem the ergpwew1Ua.
PlathillIf .•lest sal lob Tomtit., named with
esMssue tsd Mep«eb.
_ 1' ss .•,u Nee.e m urs..a!lope MEL -
er?.onus ae P nsmeal t tar apisibio -
a 0. 'met sues«tr as
Wleteia Wake -
de so.
.r. a file ler tip 1 �ili1 e
Pi�Gelte 6i4�'M' re