HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-03, Page 9CUBS. DONATE LILY—Members of the Se2ond Exeter Pack of Wolf Cubs presented
a lily to. Eventide Villa, Sanders St., this week for the enjoyment of the elderly ladies
there; .Mrs. A. Richardson, Hensall, receives the plant on behalf of the ladies. Making
the presentation are Larry Willert and Larry BrintnelL Harold Sissons, left, is Cub -
Master. - —T -A Photo
Hensall Man To Preside
QverMobile Home Show
,Canada's first national "Mo -J More than 30 exhibitors, in ; bile homes" will .be on display
bile Home" Show, designed to chiding manufacturers and sup.' as will the equipment, furnish
spotlight all the conveniences pliers, will participate*, in this ( ings and fixtures which irans•
and comforts of modern hones exhibition which will. be R'inn- i form them into comfortable and
on wheels, will be held at the sored by the Canadian Mobile economical abodes, it will fea-
Autoinotive Building, Toronto, Honie Association, of which vrti- ture all the latest trends, styles
and developments in mobile
The show' will held Thurs-
day, April. 17, and up to noon on
Friday, April 18, for the par-
ticular benefit of dealers, as-
sociation members, political and
municipal authorities and repre-
sentatives of the armed forces.
On Friday afternoon and
throughout Saturday, April 19, it
will be open to the general'
public. There will be no charge'
tor admission,•
Since the end of World War
II, mobile homes have become
increasingly popular in both the
United States and Canada. De- 1
signed and built for ease of
transport, durability, c o m f or t
and economy, these modern
homes on wheels can now sleep
four, or even more, and include
all the luxuries found in any
suburban household.
It has been estimated that
well over 20,000 Canadian fami-
lies, numbering in excess of
60,000 persons, presently reside
in mobile homes.
Many of these are members of
the armed forces. Some are
miners, oilfield workers, and
pipeline fitters. All have chosen
mobile housing because it .meets
their needs and requirements
better than any other type of
available housing, •
The Canadian Mobile Hoine
Association came into existence
`in 1952 and, since that tune, has
been growing in stature and
importance. Its membership in-
cludes manufacturers, dealers,
park operators, suppliers, and
mobile home owners.
Aims and objects of the as-
sociation cover a wide, variety of
facets of the industry, including
protective provincial and muni-
cipal legislation, better and
safer wiring of mobile hones
and parks, an assessment rather
than a license for these homes
and, generally, improving con-
ditions for mobile home builders
and owners.
Members of the committee in
charge of arrangements for the
first national "mobile honer'
show include: R. L. Phinney,
20th Century Mobile Homes Ltd.,
London, chairman; R. L. Thorn,
Glendale Mobile Honies Ltd.,
Strathroy; Greg Lund, Greg
Lund Products, • Oakville, and
Dan Jones, Coleman Lamp and
Stove Co. Ltd., Toronto,
on April 17, 18 and 19, it has liam C. Smith, of Hensall, is
just been announced by R. L. • president.
Phinney, London, Ontario, the' All the newest and most mo -
show chairman, J Bern styles and types of "mo-
,1,1,11„1111,1,111111„111MM11111111,11111111111,11,11„n1111111111111111111111111111011,M11,11 n10111111111u111111111111111111111.
Did You Get A
This Week?
If' so, it was likely part of the weekly wages paid
out by
Larry Snider Motors Limited .
We'll be paying all of our employees in SILVER
DOLLARS for the rest of the month, Look for them!
power brakes, power" steering, power seat, radio,
tinted glass, window washer, backup lights,
whitewall tires, lovely tutone beige and bronze,
low mileage. SAVE $$$$ ON THIS ONE,
'56 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN -- automatic, radio,
power steering, a lovely car to own!
'56 FORD SEDAN—a nice tutone, a real performer!
'56 FORD COACH — We're bound to make a good
deal on this one!
'54 FORD COACH-1ow mileage, she's a sharpy!
'54 METEOR SEDAN—ready for the open road!
'53 FORD SEDAN—automatic, radio, like new.
'53 METEOR SEDAN—motor overhauled.
'53 CHEVROLET COACH—a nice one.
'52 CHEVROLET SEDAN -- runs like a top,
'52 METEOR COACH—new paint job.
'51 MONARCH SEDAN—a lovely rider.
'49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—motor overhauled.
'56 FORD 'T'-800 TANDUM DUMP . $8,500
'55 FORD` T-800 TANDUM DUMP iiii $7,500
'56 FORD T-700 TANDUM PUMP ,,,,,.1,,,,,,.,,,. X7,000
'56 FORD F-700 DUMP ,,.,,,,.,1.,1 $4,200
'54 FORD 3 TON DUMP1r650'
These trucks have all been thoroughly
checked over and are ready to roll.
LarrySnider ' Motors
Foflldsel DeKler
PHONE 621 Sales and servlet
: • tXETER
� n
>'ii't1Vy,1YrYM"iii'lrrllYlii'ffflYYYMYTir1iY11TMaffiV1 ia'•••if• Y171irM'PPI'MaTi7T1ri1i"iYif11it171YiYtiiiY�iiiY1'iilil'iYii91Y"11YYYiY'i17r1A'
-= Continued From Page 8
Miss May, of Exeter, was a
weekend visitor with her friend,
Miss Betty Parker. •
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Peebles
and fancily, of London, were re-
cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
Len Noakes and fancily,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Townsend
and family, and Mrs. Brock, of
Mitchell, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Roy ,Brock,
Amber Rebekah Lodge No,
345, is holding an afternoon tea
and bake sale in the lower lodge
ball, on Saturday afternoon,
April 5,
Miss Jean Lavender, oat Ham.
Ilton,1VIi•, Bi11 Lavender, Lon-
don, and Mr. Thomas Lavender,
Waterloo, wrre weekend visitors
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Lavender,
Mrs, William Taylor returned
home from South Huron Hospi-
tal, Exeter, where she wet re-
ediving treatment fo; the past
Over 30 Easter boxes were de-
livered to the shut-ins of the
United Church this week,_ In
charge of the project wore Mrs:
W. R. Dougall" Mrs. G.'rlso't44p-
soil, Mrs, Laird Mickle, Mrs.
Lorne Chapman and Mrs. Sian.
Tey Mitchell.
Mr. and11trs.Clary Corlett;
and Bryan, of Torente, yvete
weekend guests With the latter's
parents, 141r. and Mrs. N, E.
Mrs. Gordon iturgey, Eltttira,
[s 'vlSl'ting with her daughter
acid sen iii law, Mr, and Mrs,
William Clenaelit and Way,
Conduct Services
for Holy Wee,
Holy Week services for :EXT
.eter :and eontiiiruiity have been
held. each evening this week in
rrrivitt Memorial, Church under
the auspices of the Exeter Min-
isterial Association.
The guest :speaker for .each
service is Rev. Robert Marshall
of Ch al m .e r' s Presbyterian
Church, Whitechurch, who is a
newcomer in the country, coin
ing from 1 r e t a n d. about • 41.{
months ago.
Ile has. brought an uplifting i
message eael1 evening, clepictr
ing the last 24 hours of Christ's
life in the series. The service
will be held tonight -(Thursday) ix
when Mr,Marshall will discuss r
the "Trial of Jesus", and on
Good Friday morning the ser-
vice of worship will be held in
the morning at 11 a,m. when
the speaker will portray :the
events at ".Calvary",
After a tour•Year absence, the
Scotchman returned to his na-
tive land for a visit. He was
met Re the boat by his two
brothers" but could hardly re-
cognize them because of their
long beards.
After the greetings were over,
he asked them about the long
"Why, don't you remember?"
replied one, "you took the razor
with you.”
"Ma Times.,Advocat,, April 195E Pit
lenslll Legon Ladies Plan Events
Tire Hensall Legion .Ladies. sentation, Thei„ostponed drew
Au.xillary made plans at their will be held Baturdy, April 244
meeting. nn Tuesday evening :tn t Mrs., B. 1!tuiin won the n1yster7
• send 'teams to. the bowling Our. I prize.
•nainent in Walkerton, MAY: Pk: 'resident lifts imam 'Brows
anal 1S. chaired the meeting.
vitparty*, pf lheto liSee ai .annual
Itw iliaiy ,
`She rncnlbers accepted an in-
. ''hey were #acing.:' the �ud�e,.
on Wednesday, April if with "We were happy #er over .*
members to be ready to leave year, Your honour, and then
the Legion Hall at 8:00 p.m. [the baby .game," explained the.
At the next meeting Mrs. woman-
Lue11a Hall, Blyth, zone coat- "boy or ;girl. asked the
mender will be a guest. Mrs. l,audge.
Gordon Harkness was presented The •woman replied, 4':Girl
with a gift, Mrs. E. R. Davis, she was a iblOnde and moved in
past president making the pre- i next door."
*1M/u111n10,0MM0M18M1111M1M1M101111,1111I04111M 1 M M1ng0,0M1M1MMMM1M1M1101M101MM100M111101i
GARDiNER DEFEATED -- James G. Gardiner, former
minister of agriculture, suffered his first personal political
defeat in 44 years of public life during Monday's Tory t
landslide. He lost his Saskatchewan seat to a virtually un-
known farmer who was running for the first time. Mr.
Gardiner, who spent his early life at Farquhar, is seen
here with B. W. F. heavers, Exeter, in front of the Far
quhar general store during a visit to this area in 1954.1
Mr. Beavers once owned the store, where the Gardiner
family purchased its provisions.
Special Easter Sunday Services
Church Of God, Grand Bend
11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m,
Speaker -- .MORRIS VINCENT .-• D.shwoad
A ministerial .student graduating this year from,
Emmanuai Bible College, Kitchener
All Welcome Pastor: E. Wattam
—T -A Photo 1V1111111111M1111111MM111gM111111iii ,1M1111111,1111MM1111M0,11111111111111111M111M1111111111M11u11111„1,11M1111HM„f
Lift your heart and refresh your spirit with the true
giory of the Day by attending Church on Easter Sunday,
Rev. Samciel Kerr, B.A., B.D.
Organist: Mrs.. Bob Pryde
10:00 a.in.-Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Easter Message
Easter Music
Sacrament of Baptism
Nursery for children up to
six years.
Rev. H. J. Snell, Pester
Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M,
Easter Sunday
10:00 a;in,—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Sermon Subject: "He Is '.isen”
Solo: Mrs. Roy Dykeman
Trio: Marlene McBride, Nancy
Boyle and Sandra Walper
Anthem by the Senior Choir
Anthem by the Junior Choir
Anthem by Combined Choirs
Mrs. Roy Dykeman at the
7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship
Sermon Subject: "If Christ Be
Not Raised"
Junior girls chorus will sing
the anthems,,
A Warm Welcome
Is Extended To All
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister
Mrs. Ken McCree, Organist
Good Friday
10:30 a.m.—Service
Easter Sunday
7:00 a.m.—Sunrise Service
10:00 a.m. Easter Service with
Easter Anthems
Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister
2:00 p.m, — Easter Service and'
"Believing the Resurrection"
3:30 p,m.--Sunday School
All Welcome
"Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord"
10:30 a.m.-Sunday School
11:30 a.m,-Worship
Pastor: Stanley Saucier, Exeter
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister
6:30 p.m.—Stmrise Ser'viet%
Speaker; Rev, J. V, balms
'10:00 a.m.—Worship
"Discoveries Of Faith"'
1.1:15 a.171,—Church School
Monday .. W S.W,S,
Thursday Anhtial Coagrcga.
tional Meeting
The United Church
of Canada
Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson
Organist: Mrs. A. Willard
"10:00 a.m.—The Church School
11;15 a.m.—Worship Service
Nursery Class up to three years)
in. the Primary Department,
Beginners, ages 4-6, will with.
draw during the second hymn.
Lit Us Keep The Feast.
Holy Week Services In
Trivitt Memorial
Trivitt Memorial, Exeter
Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector
Robert Cameron, Organist
Easter Sunday
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11:30 a.m.—Choral Communion
Anthem: "Thanks Be To God"
-Caleb Semper.
Rev. R. H. Anions, Rector
Mrs. M. H. Elston, Organist
Good Friday, April. 4
7:30 p.m. -Service
Easter Day, April 6
3:00 p.m. Service of Holy Com-
munion. The Rev. Dr. John.
Henderson of Huron College,
celebrant and preacher.
Special music by the choir at
these services.
Sunday, April 6
10:00 a.m.-Bible School
11:00 a.m. — "Christian Risen
With Christ"
7:30 p.m. — Miss Lora Collar,
missionary returning to Africa,.
will show pictures of her work.
Wednesday, April 9
3:00 p.m. -- Bible Study and
Prayer Service
Welcome To All
9:45 a.m, — Missionary Day in
Sunday School
1.1:00 a.m.—Communion Service
and Dedication of Babies
r7:30 p.m.—Easter Message
Wednesday, 8 p.m,—Prayer and
Praise Service
Friday, 7:45 p.m. -=- Christ Aiit-
bassador's take charge of
service in Huron County Home.
"lie is not here: for He i
risen, as He said ,."
—Matthew 211:6
Pastor: Eying. L. Winn -Butler
R.Y. K. L. Zorn, Phone 65
Good. Friday
10:00 a,tn, y- Serviee with Com
Easter Sunday
10:00 a.n .—Sunday School
11:09 a.m.—Service with Cooly