HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-03, Page 8Pe 1 The Times-AalYogete, 'April 3, 1958 Hens II And !District News CORRESPQNDENT$ Mrs. Maude Heiden, Phone. 5 Mrs, Archie MaGrapri Phone 196 iArea Off'Hold Conference Young: Students icers Perform On TV i - • in :Local Church At -Kin Rallv TV viewers from liensall and ' - —'; - ' - - •• -'- -- ' ' - a A "Family Life" conference ' community enjoyed a treat last j past Governor jack Nelsen ete was held at the United Church • Wednesday afternoonwhen Chatham, addressed a joint Mv1:11e south Part of the Prosily. I ., some ; . twenty five pupils of grade 1 of I meeting of Kinsmen's elubs Rev. ' Clarence Ferguson. Ifensall Public School; with their Stratford. Exeter, Seaforth and . B.A. of London, field secretary ' teacher, Mrs. Robert ' Elgie, ap- , Hensel' at a dinner meeting at of -Christian Education was the peered on the AlLady show at . the New (7om.mervial Hotel here main sPeaker' assisted ilY' thy' 'CK2X-2TV The tots only six years on Thursday night. ; Rev. R. S. Hiltz of Auburn, Rev. of age did credit to themselveslie spoke -on "Internal 1;st-:: Cluis. D. Daniel of Hensall, and • and their teacher, ; pension of the Kinsinen Clubs. Rev. H. J. Snell of Exeter. The Participating in square dan- ; meeting was built around three , He discussed ways and means: discussion group and they were , yes, and looking leery smart in of bringing new members into' led by Mrs. Robeet Cook, Mr. their outfits, were Sharon Lay- en the association of Kinsmen(. Christie, and Mrs. S. Loraine. . Linda Fuss. CherY1 Maus- ; ,.. eluus. fie also stressed that the Y . Another sem Muriel Ferguson, Allan were service organizations en- such conference was „„ deavouring te service the corn- held in Auburn for the north peal 11e1d, Micheal Davis, Billy Cor- ---- -" munity's greatest needs. Hart I of the rresbytery. The full pro tell, Micheal Hoy, 'leith K Jones caller off, Grant and Ken- gram is part of the National Watts. of Simeoe. Governor of , Evangelistic Mission to the -path jones, in costume, delight- District No. I also snake. ed viewers with their rendition - Bill Chaprnan, Simcoe, Dis-; : Chureh. of "Are you Mine." Airs. Har- old jones accompanied her sons trict Secretary, and Less Par-, K• ker. Exeter. Deputy Governor : ..end also the square dancers' of Zone D won the raffle. I ppen UC Each e.hild in the class ivas presented by the teacher. it was a fine gesture on the part of the principal and tach- ers to let the children at school out early to view the show on ` TV. I Show Trousseau Of Saturday Bride Mrs. John Sinclair of Kippen entertained at her home at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Ann, bride of Satur- day. The guests were received by Mrs. Sinclair and Ann, as - misted by Mrs, Bruce Grigg of Goderich, mother of the groom. ' Jack Drysdale, president. of the local club was chairman. Cans Pastor The congregation of St. An- drews United Church, Kippen, ' limy:, been very well pleased :with 1 services rendered by Rev. D. A. , t MacMillan, of London, and, by unanimous request, invited hinv j to remain with them and con- tinue his ministry. Mr, MacMil- lan consented to do so. Rev. • ; MacMillan has ministered ° at Kippen since July of last year.. FEATURE! Aylmer Stuffed Mansanilla 1 Seventeen young people were re- ceived into membership at the , morning, service and four adults by letter from different congre-; gations. i FEATURE! Wins Trip I Miss Joan Sinclair was in ; s W. F. Riley, of London, a for- charge of the register book, and mer Hensel1 businessman, won a Miss Sharon Riley of London re- . trip to Bermuda for two and will; t eived. the gifts. . .: .t..;";.,,,, leave by plane Easter SundaY I FEATURE! Luncheon Meat—Swift's 12 oz The tea table covered with a me • ...et,- s 'from London, acompanied •by lace cloth attractive with mums Mrs. Riley for a week's V ac a tion . 't in shades of and yellow tapers.. Ai Alr. Riley is manager of one of , while yellow and mauve mums t the Grand Union stores in Lon-; formed. the house decorations. don and won the trip for having Pouring tea in the afternoon I led Norminton the hest displays and most effici-; FEATGP, e t Pineapple. and Grapefruit were Mrs. Elmer Trick, Ctn. ' ent store. Their daughter, Sher- ton, and Mrs. Margaret Mug- andmother of; . Earns Award on, will acompany them on the Delmonte . ford, aunt and grtrip. 1 IC pen poured tea in the evening; l Hensall has been awarded a Winners of the Leelon Dingo ; The The Misses Bonnie Kyle, Lois j 2350 academic award by the Saturday night were, Mrs. Clar- McLellan, Phyllis Lostell and ' Canadian Society of Exploration vice Reid (2); Mrs: Carlyle Wil - Winnie Negryn, Go d e r i c h,il Geophysicists. 1 kinson ( 3); Tom Kyle (2); Mrs. 1 xerved. Miss Marie Sinclair dis- , A 1957 graduate of SHDHS.. Norman Long (2); Airs. Reichert 1 played the trousseau; Miss Joan i Ted has scored an average of . (3): Mrs. Fleischauer (1); Ed1 . Grigg of Goderich. dishes and : 87 per cent during the first year j Corbett (2); Nelson McClinchey j FEATURE! Green Giant Fancy Quality linens; Mrs. Ross Faber, shower ' of his; :mathematics and physic:31W, ' gifts; Miss Audrey Hamilton, • course at University of Western Next Saturday night the jack Goderich„ wedding gifts. Ontario. pot will be $55 .in 53 calls. ! Be was one of three students Personal Items Itteeention in Ontario and nine in Canada to , Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Flynn, receive a geophysical scholar- i Good Friday Union Service (nee Mary Ann Van Horne), a! ship. To be eligible., students . will be held in the United Church ' recent bridal couple were ; must be in first or second year ' Frie^aY; April 4 at 10:30 a.m.; FEATURE! Sweet honored at a reception held for, t: university and majoring in I Rev. Donald MacDonald of Car- I. them Friday evening in the : education, science or geophy- mel Church will bring the Ines- . town hall filled for the event. t ales. ‘ sage. The guests of honor were pre-! • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith • tented with a purse of money, . Personal ems ,. have moved into their home on ; Doug Cooper of Kippen doing: Mr. and Mrs. Harold 14:0 -dell ' highway 4 south of Hensel I the honors. Desjardine orchestra • of. Dresden were recent visitors Mr. William (Pat) V theenner is a FEATURE! Libby's provided the music for , with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Short- patient at Scott Memorial dah.ce. i house, pital, Seaforth, having been tak- ,a, ttttttt . 00000 i tt mama, t . t ..e.e..e.a.,.....,..imme................e.e.,......., ttttt t ttttt IttitIttilittlititatto en. by Bonthron ambulance on Saturday. AVE$SEM the PAW • ,SS•re'd, , „: COUNTRY -FRESH GRADE "A" LARGE Loiviest tarket Prices , Buy $uper $ave IVES 13-C1Z, LB, JAR Libby's Fancy Fruit TAILA Li I ' • .the groom. Mrs. G. M. Drysdale ; Ted Norminton, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Binnendyk of Kip- J and Mrs. Edward Norminton. Bingo Winners 0-0Z, 37c 211.0x. Tin 39c 39' Peas DELICIOUS BONELESS 1r DINNER, HAMS c lb. Sausage CIEEf OR PorK 3 L85 $1.00 Pork Chops . . 0 0 59 Sid in or T -Bone Steak L° 75c ,_ oF R 15 -ox. tins 3 16 -oz. jar se Gherkins 39 Fancy Quality 48.oz, tin ato Juice 29 YOUR Mrs. Alex 'McGregor underwent !an operation at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Thursday of 1 Headquarters , last week. Mrs. Wes Venner Is a patient For Veterinary Supplies Special Quotations on Quantity Lots of the following: • CALF SCOUR REMEDIES PIG 'WORMERS Z 1 • INJECTABLE IRON FOR PIGS Wilson's Rexall Drugs 1; PHONE 20 HENSALL at Victoria Hospital, London. The annual meeting of Hensel'. j Women's Institute will he held !in the Legion Hall on Wednesday , when annual reports will be pre- sented and election of officers will take place. One of the high- ; lights of the evening, will be a I millinery demonstration by Mrs. R. J. Paterson, assisted by Mrs. R. AL Peek, who will also have 00 display hats they made at the millinery rourse sponsored by Klippen East Women's Institute. ; Messrs. Vernon, Lloyd and Rus - j sell Iledden, of St. Catharines, ,4,4k spent the week 'end in Hensel]. The draw for the lady's or Feature! Salad Pressing ir'acle Whip FEATURE! Lynn Valley Apple and STRAWBERRY Jam gent's suit, valued at $35 and ttttt . . pair of blankets scheduled to ;• ;le have been drawn for Saturday, v•Oo.;;;; ' • i; 1 E • '56 DODGE REGENT SEDAN 1 1 Go Into Spring In A '57 DODGE REGENT SEDAN V -B engine, tutone, low mileage. in showroom ' condition. V-8 engine, automatic transmission, very clean. '54 DODGE ROYAL SEDAN Tutormetallic green and cream, automatic transmission, V.8 engine, good condition, low 14 DODGE ROYAL SEDAN Low Mileage, good cOndition—a Real Buy! 149DODGE COACH HensonMotor Soles: Dodge & Wet° Sales A Strike TOM Coates, Prep', PHONE, RES. 76 has been postponed until Satur- day. April 26, and will he drawn for at a bingo in the Legion Hall. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Riley and 'Sharon, of London, attended the Grigg -Sinclair wedding at St. An- drews United Church, Kippen, Saturday. Mr. Carl MeClinchey has pule chased two homes in Clinton. and with Mrs. MeClinchey and Nelson 'expect to take up resie , dente there in the near future. Mr. Paul Wilson, of Exeter, was a week end guest with Charles Mickle. Alr, and Mrs. Don Avery, of Sarnia, were weekend visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Airs. Joe Flynn and Joyce. Alt. Ed Broderick, of Exeter, 'spent the past two weeks with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Garfield Broderick. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gibson and son returned to their how in Sudbury after visiting' with Mrs, Gibson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. •i; Lorne McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Nero Ellis, of f :Clinton, wore recent visitors 'With Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap- , man and family, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Jaya, Of Toronto, visited this week with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Miss Bernice Dining, a SEr11111., was a weekend visitor with her f.! parents, lr. and Mrs, Wilbert Mrs. tome MoNaughtori, who T., underwent an operation 10 St, Joseph's Hospital, London, was able to return: to hog home this week. „ Mr. William Yontior is in Scott meNsALL E., Memorial Hospital, Scatorth, whore lie iA receiving 'treatment, OrlyhtfiftfoitiWitifitiTilfiiiMililiffirtfilliffinittfoitiffillttiMiturritimitimoViirimmatoimmoomonat Incase- Turn to Page ' sietel‘ TOMATOES • CUCUMBERS SPINACH p e P g YAMS 6 e • 1 s $UPER $AVE PRODUCE Pineapples 2 FOR 55c • •• TUEVE 35c 21c 2 lzKGS, 33C • 2 LEIE3. 29c FROEN FOOD FEATURE—Birds Eye Green Peas 12 oz 0 • • 32.oz. jar gt. 48.oz. jar c LEI, BATH TOWELS in attractiv6 stripes Regular $1.59. value MADE IN CANADA Haat and Serve SUNBEAM Hot Cross 32 to 1.'til reeirege 39c Buns • Happy Easter TO ALL OUR FRIENDS! GOLDEN" HOLE ASSTD. cello bag EASTER EGGS 29c e Gol,nwr jiotO. AESSTE), lb, box CHOCOLATE 89c o. rot BRA, .n0.4..S'ett1) 16 -on, PEANUTS =_,L, 3 5c Supreme Salted Peanuts •CE.11,1,0 • BLANCHED 39c 1,0, Clt10,0 SPANISH LE. 29c