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lions Club Nets $200
For Fend Legion Hall
Grand Blend Liorts .Club raised regular monthly meeting on
well over $200 in a benefit aur- Thursday at 2:00 p.ttl. in the
Hon_ Friday evening to .aid the church basement.
building .fund o1 the Grand Bend- The: W.A. and Guild of the
Legion, 4I •Ante an Church will hold. their
Proceeds front the event, which regular monthly meeting on
will be Held an the new Legion Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
building, will be presented to the. lam. Cochrane.
Legion at the next Lions Club Mr. Trace Bossenberry r'e•
meeting.. •turned on Friday after spend.
Articles for auction were do• ing. the, last few months th lor•-
'flitted by residents in Gr'.ancl Bend ida, and: reports the fancily of
and Dashwood and .auctioneer• lire•son, Alvin, all wall ani. iiap-
Alvin )ti'alner contributed his Py m their new home,
serviees without charge, ! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turn -
Auction chairman was Griffin bull returned after• spending the
'hontas, �vlto paid special tribute past few months in Tampa,
to Llan' President pal s Dave tribute Florida, and report a nice holl-
ean, hire. Kenneth Louth, wife day although cool. there at times.
of the Lions club president, andC'pl. N. Chamberlain, John and
auctioneer 14'alper, for their as- Nancy, attended the 50th wed•
deal ce, ding anniversray of Cpl. Cham-
berlain's mother and father, Mr,
Orpha Club Meets and Mrs. M. Chamberlain in
The Orpha Club met at. the' Arkona, on Tuesday.
home of Mrs. C. Kennedy on I Several ladies of the United
Tuesday evening for a work Church attended the South Huron
Meeting. Several yards of ma-; W.111.5. Presbyterial at Clinton
terial wore cut out for children's , oil Thursday, including Mrs. A.
clothing, some of which was das 11' 1'lolley, Airs. Win, Love, Mrs,
tributed among the members
present, and the remainder can
be picked up from Mrs. W. F.
13, MacLaren or Mrs. Kennedy,
by anyone who would be willing
to help with sewing or knitting
for the Children's Aid at Sarnia,
and which articles may be done
any time during the summer
for the Christmas display.
Hostesses were Mrs. Mac.
Laren and Mrs. C. Mathers.
,Give Us The News!
It has been brought to the at-
tention of the reporter several
tines how those away from
their home town, especially
young people, do enjoy the news
in the home paper, and which
recalls friends and acquaint-
, ances
cquaint.-,ances they perchance had not
had in mind, but were glad to
hear of them,. So in giving news home over the weekend after
at any time, remember it is for spending the winter months with
these people we try to gather her slaughters in London, To -
items as well os for those at ionto and Strathroy,
home, who probably know the Mrs. Geo. Clark and Mrs.news before they see it in print. Gladys Brodrick visited with
Florida tourists especially ex- their daughters, Misses Nancy
Clark and Nancy Brodrick, both
nurses -IP -training at the Sick
Children's Hospital in Toronto,
recently, and attended the moth-
er and daughter banquet and the
capping exercises, • when the
Grand Bend next Sunday, with girls received their caps.
special appropriate Easter mu Mr. Lawrence Blue of Corn
wall has taken over the manage-
ment of the Chuckwagon for the
coining season.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton
and Bradley spent the weekend
in Kingston, their son and daugh-
ter-in-law, L/S. and Mrs. Barry
Hamilton and baby Debbie, of
G. Patterson,' Mrs, L. Burr, Mrs,
E. Desjardine and Mrs. M. Mac-
Miss Mary Yeo has resumed
her duties in the local pest of-
fice after spending a vacation
with her brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,.Yeo in
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird vis-
ited with Mr. .and ars. Carl
Tanner in London on Sunday.
Mrs. L. Gcromette accompa-
nied her great granddaughter,Mrs. J. Riddoch and Mr. Rid.
doch and daughters, to Sarnia,
on. Sunday, with whom. site will
be making her home for the next
few months,
Mr, and Mrs, Don Barr of
Sarnia visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer•.
Mrs. Elizabeth -Smith arrived
pressed how they were glad of
news from home.
Easter Services
Special Easter services will•
be held in all the churches in
sic. On Good Friday, com-
munion service will. be held in
the United Church at 10:00 a.m.
for the combined congregations
of. Grand Bend and Greenway,
and a 10:30 in St. John's -by -the
lake Anglican church, a special
service will be held. with coni Churchill, Man., returning with
martian on Easter Sunday. them for a few week's vacation.
Mr. and_ Mrs. Edward Strath-
meyer of London visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason on
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask, who
have been visiting in Clawson,
Mich., for the past few weeks,
returned home over the week-
Mrs., Georgia Wolfston of De-
troit visited with Mr,. and Mrs.
Harry and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bosscnberry and their families
last week.
Mr., and Mrs. Geo. Armstrong
of .Hcnsall visited with their
daughter, Mrs. Donald Flear,
Mr. blear and family on Sun -
Keeps Fit Mentally," and. da
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
"Spending Our Time Off," were firs. Wni. B.endle were Mr. and
taken by Mrs. Willis Gill. Mrs. D. Coulson and family, Mr.
Personal Items and Mrs. Allan Guenther and
A successful auction sale was son, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mizzen
held on Friday evening in the and family, all. of London.
Legion hall by the Lions Club, Mr. and Mrs. H. P.file and Al -
the proceeds of which went to lan attended the funeral of their
the local Legion. brother-in-law, in Detroit last
The local library will be closed week. Mrs. Nile's father, Mr.
en Good Friday evening. All August Bredow returned with
books due on Friday evening them for a visit and left on Sun
will be received on Tuesday, day for St. Clair, Mich,
.April 8; as the due date. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Morrison of
Atwood visited with Mr. and
dThe Lambton County Library
exchange was held at the local
library on Tuesday. The new
books were available Tuesday
The W.M.S. and W.A. of the
United Church will hold their
Girls Elect Officers
The first meeting of the Grand
Bend "Gay Girls" was held last
Wednesday night at the home
of Mrs. Eddie Gill, with nine
girls present.
T.he new officers were elected:
Alma Hendrick is president,
Alma Hodgins, secretary, and
Barbara Fahner, press reporter.
The topic "Club Girl as a Cana-
dian Citizen," was given by
Mrs. Eddie Gill.
The second meeting of the
"Gay Girls" was held on Mon-
day, at the home of Mrs. Eddie
Gill, with nine girls present.
The topics were "The Club Girl
Mrs. Thos. Baird on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whiting
and family visited with Mr. and
Wm. Sturdevant and daughters
on Sunday. •
Dr. and Mrs. H.• Godsoll of
EASTER PARADE ON ICE—These young skaters were in tune with the season when
they presented an Easter, parade number at "Ice Frolic of '58" at Exeter arena
'Saturday night. The girls ere, back row, left to right, from the left, Pauline Aquil-
ina, Joyce Seldon, Margaret Snelgrove; front, Mary Corbett, Penny Preszcator, Geordie
Laughton, Roberta Grassick, Lynn Page, and Cathy Corbett. —T -A Photo
SPEAKS TO VICTORY RALLY—Huron Progressive Conservatives celebrated their
victory in gay style at Goderich and Clinton Monday night. Above, Mr. Elstoi Car-
difftheu.fllo 111
j rooms incounty townt�
diff speaks to his supporters at the committee oo s no
a parade around the `square". Cardiff received a majority in every municipality in
Huron with the exception of Hay, where the vote was tied. —T -A Photo
Report On Education
'Wits Could Save Us
If War Should Come'
A CWNA Report
"Education is in a race with
world-wide catastrophe • and
"money will cure much of Can-
!taxation of. this nature would be,of teachers in their respective
unreasonable and, therefore, schools.
other sources of revenue for II' These are only a few of the
education must be found. ,many recommendations that
1 Candidates for entrance to the i were discussed. at this busy con -
teaching profession should be re- ference. In a few weeks time a
quired to have senior matricula- book covering the complete pro-
' tion or equivalent, and that the ceedings will be published. All
!required professional years, with individuals and groups inter -
a view to the adoption in the ested in education would be ad-
near future of a minimum of vised to obtaina copy and to
Ifour years of academic and pro- read it carefully, It cnav be ob-'
.fessional study and that puma-,fained from The Canadian Con-
nen, teaching certificates or di- . ference on Education, 44 Mac-
ploinas be granted only to per- Laren St., Ottawa, Ontario.
!sons who have met these star-' •
I dards.
In this same vein it was pas- Parkland Barley
'sed (that qualified teachers es-
spen to weekend with i ns par- us. We would be well advised to ' 'a is t themselves more
encs, Dir. and Airs. Erle Finan. spend on the cultivation of diose as a true profession with a hick Top Variety
The tax load on real property , Teacher organizations were urged
in support of education reached to take more active interest in
a point beyond which further the curriculum and the quality
ada's educational ailments" were
two of the opening remarks that
ervaded much of the thinking
at the first Canadian Conference
held. in Ottawa recently. These
remarks were coupled with de-
legates in -the -corridor titles of
"what will Premier Duplessis
drink of all this,"
Detroit spent theweekend at their "Education is our only hope,
cottage in the Beach O' Pines. our challenge, in the peaceful
A speaker was talking to a Mr, and :Airs. Philip Present competition of the future" said
group of teen-agers about the, visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Dr, Wilder P'enfield, world- fa -
old West. He remarked that Thuriow in Goderich on Friday. nous Montreal neurosurgeon and
Billy the Hid had killed 21 men Mr. arid. Mrs. Melvin Lightfoot chairman of the conference. Dr.
by the time he was 21 Years of St. Marys visited with Mr. 'Penfield in his opening remarks
old. "Good Heavens!" exclaim- and Mrs. W. J. Holt on Sunday. continued with "But if war should
ed one of his listeners. "What' Mr. Dennis Finan of Sarnia come our wits night welt save
kind of a cal, did he drive""
* * *
"`rim afraid. John doesn't in-
t tl k d itl 1' t bl 1 tl 1 firmly
Several from here enjoyed a wits, a sunt comparable with minimum standard for admis- The Parkland variety of bar -
bus trip to Kitchener on .lues- what we are s endm on es lo- stun to the profession and Ihem-
P g p ley has raven to be ntttstand•
tend to propose very soon," day, sponsored by the Women's sive defence." selves establish and enforce regu- le, successful in malting bar -
wailed the anxious maiden. "}le Institute, While there they visit- ,1, h e conference attended lations concerning admission and ley competitions,
gave me a perfectly huge box cd Dare's Biscuit and Sehneid- by 800 delegates included the lar- certification. ;
of stationery yesterday."er's Meats factory, and on the gest gathering of the country's It was felt by the delegates This year's high -yield malting
" Is that bad. way the cheese factory in Baden. "brains" ever placed together in that children in rural areas barley' competitions attracted 55
I3ccidedly. It lids my present Several were visiting friends in one group,Ever walkn should he provided with the entries in Ontario. The thousand
Every gf life dollars in 'prize wonev was di-
initials on it." Kitchener for the day. was represented ,with large at same education as children in yiclecl between the :five eharit-
iaii Chaiii- urban areas and that provision
M tf t 1 made to supply qualified Pionshio winners and the dis-
Foo,.:. Market
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8 'f0 7` pp,rn,
Wednesday -- 8 fo 6 p.m
Friday and Saturday 8 fo 10 'p.m.
Centrali ► Phone Exeter 715
! hers of Coniniei•ce, ant ac u -Ertel winners,
• rers' Association, Labour Con- teachers in rural areas, possibly,
• gross, Federation of Agriculture, by the payment of a bonus ori The competition is snonsored
Home and School Associationsother form of extra conipensa-+by the Malting Barley Improve-
' rclig ious organizations of every tion. ,mInstitute, in co-opei ation pith, teachers groups from .Otte fo ineroased leisure lime , with the Field Crops 13ranch of
every category plus many other for Canadians, the conterenc c i the Ontario Department of Agri,
highly interested Canadians from urged that maximum it e be culture, and the Department of
va'iotis organizations arid asso- made bf school. buildings out- !Field Tiusbenrtr\' of the Ontario(
side of sehool hours. Acricultural College.
etLioneadtin g educators Frani Bri- Television in the future will Dos Hay of Caning"llfn"d took
tain, Russia, United States and undoubtedly became an iittpor• the ehampionship with the new
Canada speaking on "The Pur- taut insti'innnnt hi the classroom ; Pari.law1variety, scoring 351.
l ata„ nnt1A,1
pose of Education" were among
the 74 spcal:crs.Every aspect of
education was thermichly inves-
tigated and discussed by experts
en every subjeet.
Concrete suggestions and reso-
lutions were hammered out by
the cleiegates through (heir eight
workshop discussion groups, Del.
egatcs attended groups of their
and it was resolved that exten• nin ntC, rho, eltanrtion.
sive experimentation iii educe. him 820n in addition to the $100
tional television programming be first nrl7c in his district,
undertaken at the local, provin' ! Wallace Brother of Bells Co'•
tial ' and national levels, bele-1 n rra n1 l' 1ala°'1, \'inniith ng c123.
gales also pointed out that tele I or 345. Tiii•" were Igo 1^55 ct. asci•
h1ons in this competition,
dent ally,
Alvin T`icCuteheon. iirnr,dfor' ,
nlaceid third and ,doll A'75 with
vi' ion
shouldbe eonsiioted in
future designs of school rooms.
A TV set and one good teacher
may be able to look after a much
own choice to discuss, in the largernumber M students pet' �r^ntcalin irariety tvTiici't scored
two day. period devoted to work= classroom than af, present. 327
shops, building and eouipnietit, Universities, if they are to tits. Roger, :Sparrow., Kinliurn, won
education for leisure, .financing charge their national obligations, fou -th pl �# and An scoring
eciueatiot higher cdueatiori. or- nitist have greatly increased fi• 32r y on r0'7ctantT,
#anh ittion and curricula, rote of naiteial support for basic Wen-C'�1Cii,r Iti,•innrbrt of Caro a'fs^
the dome in education, special title support and related post-
tost parlrtanrl %'at"iety, iii �r•1
deeds in cducalion and teachers, graduate training, The provin- fi'ftli watt s4(t, aim sen,•e,t :in3,1
quantity and quality, ties are urged to expand facili' It'abnears 4j, n1tlagnt tint all
1 u r • n.
Delo aces through their work. rtes for technological i 1 education. Cln oicat.ctic
g o d
g g ,..
t ti p.,.
situps ptit forward iciatiy resotuo All hantlieapped cTtildi' should 'cAwle�i rcnf1heTafed �In Central
Boris and suggestions, once of he provided with the opportunity Or dastard Ontoto.
these are.
Provir)'ciat educatioiial authrt.
titles should introduce ftia study
to develop thein t:apaciiies to
the itiaxtntttrii, To tiChiove this
ilia lirovdnccs are trrgect tri
K g 1 `es'. — 'there`s a market for
of a stone(1An iro' e st ,lin ora fC' vitlr! ,ndee uaie facilities for re- rout' sports etlutpntent, outgrown
'or 4 levet. This should meati search, educationCni �Tovtnent clothing,musical htstruintilta,
tho ,siudy nt wench )n p".rh Tisit traiiiini god 111heciitcntl:serviees a n y t i iiat alt , , , anti a
sehooTs imd the Study at Eng- for, those' in tits; Category, `T'inics-a?ivoCAte %Olt Ad will do
[ fish in' 'French selieels, Mine and. School atut parent- the seising. Just phone Ile,
Stories False
Says Officer
OPP t:,'orpor•al Neil Chamber-
lain, of Grand Bend detachment,
said this week there is no foun-
dation .for manors being spread
about the .disappearance from
Grand Bend of any army man
.and his fancily.who recently
moved there with the battalion.
from Europe.
Corporal CJtamborlain said the
family was 61411 missing but po-
lice have no reason to suspect
murder or any other violent
princes whleh have been runcored
in eonnectiop with the -disap-
'.1'he massing family is Robert
Dacks; his. wife and one child of
them , n
months, They have been,
gone for several weeks and po-
lice have been unable to locate
Mrs. backs wrote a note to a
neighbor saying she was going
to Forest to meet her husband
and they would return, later.
Noticing !has been seen of them
Clubs Equip
Eight Rooms
Donations have been received
for the furnishing of eight rooms
in the nurses' residence of South.
Huron Hospital, now rapidly,!
nearing completion on Huron
There are still a number of
rooms for which. contributions
are being sought by the board to
defray costs of providing furni-
ture and equipment.
Three latest grants of $250 each
have come from Hurondale and f
Elimville Women's Institutes,
who combined to furnish one
room; Order of the Eastern Star, i
Exeter; and F. W. Clarke, Cred-
Other groups and individuals
who have made donations include
Exeter Legion, Lions and Kins-
men, Exeter Legion Auxiliary
and Mrs. Henry Beavers.
Official opening of the resi-
has not been scheduled yet
since delivery of the furnishings
is still uncertain.
District Skaters
Complete Tests
Patricia Tinline of the Exeter
Figure Skating Club, was suc-
cessful in obtaining her first or
bronze test before judges in
the Exeter arena Sunday eve-
Jill Hyatt, London, of the Lon-
don and Exeter clubs won her
silver or fourth test and Leslie
Kenyon and Darlene Snell in
their preliminary' tests.
The judges were Mr, and
Mrs. C. M. Ford, Lambeth, and
Miss Laura Laamoneny, Porcu-
The Three Advocete, April 3 1958 NIP ;5_,
Stay On The Safe Side!
Let Us Re -Line Your Brakes J'
Hunter-Duvar & Sons
,nmuununuuununun,nnnnuaumunn,flunmfluunauflnnunu,m,uuamuwnununnumunun a3
flu,mm�umuunnuw,uuunflnuuunuuuu,uuuuuuuu,uuuwuu, uuunuunfl4uuununrPuu,qum,q`
Tues. To Thurs. 9-6
Fri., & Sat. 9-9
Closed Mondays
Free Nylons
Low Every Day Prices
'Cars & Trucks
That Must Be Sold!
'50 PONTIAC SEDAN, real clean and
tion, to clear .
in good condi-
'46 FORD, new tires, new paint, looks and
'49 AUSTIN, rebuilt motor, good tires and new
battery .... . ..........
'50 VANGUARD, good shape, runs perfect, new bat-
tery and tires
'32 EARGO 1/2 -TON PICKUP, view engine that costs
more than we ask for the truck. This is a real
buy., • .... ll......... .
'46 CHV PICKUP, runs good
'S7 CHMV COUP.'' ..
Handyman Cars
$ 60
See These At
$ 05
Exeter Auto Wreaker,
183 Wellington St,
AMU Front ,dottier
Phone 8/2