HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-04-03, Page 4Page 4 The Times.Ativocale, April 3, 195
As The
11011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 44444 /1111111111111M tttttt 111111 iiiiii 11111011111 iiiiiiii 1111111111M
Report .Qn
Old Quids SiltiWe trItn 4. Collitr•
1 The Girl :Guides held their At the 'March meeting of the
regutar w •e e k 1 y meetiag on United Letherae -Church Women
t Thursday night,. with Captain eels,. last Wednesday •eve.ning
lic,eye Webb la rharge. After: following the Lenten service it
' (playing games the Guides, wont was decided to celebrate the
golden .atiniversary •tif the or -
to, their patrol; •cotewrs,,
gardzation of ULM' of (anacla
1 (,),11 Sa,ttUrdttY ',the ,tal:i ;UuldeS• Synod at the April* meeting. •
i Mr. and Mre. Laird Jaeobet Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of 1 This Week In i wiu mate a anor-toetoor ran- in cherge of arrangements is
land (laughter, Sharon, Airs. Del- t Alount Carmel, and ; grandchil- I ! vass, tatting orders- for Ha cross the ChriService committee
stian .
pert Geiger and daughter., Ruth, : dren, visited at the home of 1 t buns, which they ;will he selling. a the 60Ciety.
and nrs. Clara Jaeohe spent e! their daughter, Mr. 'And Mrsei Goshen i .„......„„„„„....„„„,„,„......,,.......„,,„„.„„„...........„,„
; day in London last week,
'Pearson last week, . I fly ,MRS. CARL. MOB= ' 3
e 50' YEARS' Ai:). 25 YEARS AQ0 ' Mrs. Charles Hay, of near !. Mr, Ward Fritz made a bust- i 5
. . • . Brucefield, was a visitor at the ' ness trip to Listowel and also; 1
Rev. W. M. Martin, paetor. of Mr. L. Bender. Zurich, has Quite a. number front this home et Air. and Mrs. William ; veiled on Mr. and Airs. Ancireie i 35th Wedding Anniversary
CM v e n Presbyterian Church, purchased the property and bats-
velebrated the Monts -fifth amu- mg h u s i n e e s frem Mr. W. .01 the late Mr. John McBride, friends.
community attended the funeral Hee on MondaY; alsa vatted on; teoxon at Milvertoa last ,weekt" 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reid, for. !
T. Pryde
Alt, Lawrence Regier has. re-, nwrly of Varna and now of tlin• :
: .&-., Son
!efiesary of his pastorate Sundae. Schenk, Dashwood. Sr.. of Zurich, on Sunday after- Air. Chris ilaist bas beeitiuormlaii,10ine from St. Joseples: Lon, were surprised on Satur- 1
London, after taMilig 1.day evening 'when friends helped : s
,April. 5. A church "At Home" nese etre, W. A. Young, Hen- noon. elected delegate for the U.B. i
' treatments. He is much improved1 celebrate their thirty-fifth wed-
Vies held in the basement. salt, entertained the choir of the Mr. Bedard and son, of Evangelical Church eonference! in health.
t ; Air. and eirs. Ray lvturr anal Guests were Mr. ,and Mrs.. iViEMORIALS
was held at •Centralia on. Sunday The dam across the Aux Settle visited with me, and etre sant some time the letter mut I ding anniversary.
''''''''' t-411)avid, *Miss Lillian Burke and:Bruce Keys, Nee and mes. Gee.
wed -
Epworth League Anniversary Presbyterian Church on Friday. Detroit. and brother. of Sarnia, which is being held in Stretford,
aid :a tea -meeting on Monday river at Rock Glen near Arkona oeseei ot itu‘ Goshen Line April.
I Mrs. Myrtle Passmore of Toel don Hill, Air. and Mrs. Nelson
BUR d e 1 i v e r e d shine • spicy passagew ay for fish from Lake Friday afternoon. NoAritrist, spent the w°'efekern;ndl at ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witmer.
right. Revs. Andrews. Fair and has been Nowa up, Providing 0 North. and took he, their sale on —seen ; ronto were wekenct visitors \Vita I Reid; vaenai me, and los,:
speeches and Misses Jennie]; and Huron. Alt. Teddy Jeffrey epent the the home of Miss Jane Lamont; Alt. and Mrs. Exias Charrette sGhei;,.geA(;inenteati' GAnicirc‘st.iellerai"eqrli. ''' ' The above firm will continue to operate
Hi/Ivey and Alt. Herb Southcott Rev. J. Edward jones of Fort weekend in Windsor with his and ell'. and Mrs. Lee Hoffman.; of Detroit, Mich. were iveckend ' Keys, Spaferth, Mr. and Mrs. under the ownership of jack Pryde, who was long i
of Exeter took part. Franees. Ont., silent a few days b.rother. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Me. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz; visitors at the name of the int- Fred Aluthollanct, Holmesville. Associated .with his father, the late Thomas Pryde. i
iAlr. and Mrs, J. A. Stewart with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Agnes, . and Airs. E. Bender, of Darh- i ter's mother, Mrs. David Du- Air. and Mrs. David Elliott.
end the Misses Johns were in Wesley Jones, of McGill-M*11S
Air. Hugh Alcilriele. of London.
Your continued patronage will be appreciated,
Itaidon on Friday night and TwP! Sotr.Ne. teehraliTilisentbvSho:atil.ldteisrilioltmleheinmIllile. PoitlillilTsL, Alt. and
Marto C.nii7e..
took in the opera "Madame Airs. W. Slone was the winner spent the weekend at the home gltn()etli's alverethe "lemennIte
gutterfly". of the Bluenose Mg contest eon- of his parenM
parents. Alt, and Mrs.. latter's nieee, Airs. Alf Melia-. city. grandchildren.
110y McBride. and ale° attend- Air. and Mrs. E. J. O'Doud,
ducted by Southeott Bros. SheAliss Thelme Weber of Lon- Personal Items
7The Huron Indians are look- receiVeri a china tea set. ed the funeral of his grand- ofeLondon, were Sunday guests don was a weekend. visitor at , ., Keys ]eft ROCK OF AGES & EVENTIDE
big for a big day on (Mod Fre father, Ale, .J. McBride, at at the home of eir. and Mrs. the home of her sister, Air. and Mrs. Limoreon a
(ley at their annual shoot. Zprich. Mrs. Clarence Schad°. motor trip to Florida, accom. ,
Mr. C. W. Kestle, who hns
hen with the Supertest Com- Ward Fritz.
:!The debate between the James pans.' at Seaforth, is moving to Alt. Elgin McKinley motored Dr. and Airs. Archie MacKin- Rev. A. E. Holley, of Grand Panted •\b?;,Ahteropis(t!iers'ilen united
fareet League and the English Exeter, to Wingham on Sunday afternoon non. of Galt, and Alrs. Rose Bend, was a business visitor in Church beld a successful bazaar
Church on the Japanese question
i to be given in the Opera 15 YEARS AGO to the Sing Time of United day guests at the home of the
taking a carload of young people Russell, nf :Exeter, were Satur- Zurich on Tuesciae.
Alt, and Mrs. Ward Fritz, of in Saturday. .
Exeter Seeforth
Souse on the evening of April church presbytery at wingham, former's mother, Mrs. M. Mac -
Clinton 1,
in the Exeter district. 3%e:111111.1(1)in Sunday afternoon at 1 Zurich, accompanied by me, John McBride
Stanley Smith Of the Blue Water The death occurred in Zurich 1
15. The total of 87,588.61 has been
held on the radio and TV pro- Kinnon. t
raised for the ii Vri Cross fund
Mrs, Cecil Walker. who re- ' Laymen Attend Toronto and Buffalo. While in 10 his 85th year.
Highway, visited recently at on March 28 of John McBride
1 isseimiiiiiimememeeimesiimememeneemeilearesimilimmeesimimolieletimilmeist.
Wuerth's 21st rently held an auction sale of Alt. ilarilv, of Goderich Pro- • • Toronto, they attended the Service was conducted frnm
bet farm stock and implements metal Police, spoke to theDSportsman's Show. the Westlake funeral bome hy i int11111111111111MMIM111111111111iM1111111111111:1111111111111111111WHIIIIIIIMM11111111111M11111111111111111M1141111b;
i: in Stephen Townehip, moved to pupils in S.S. No. 9 Hay and istrict Meeting
Alt. and Airs. Harold Horner.
Stanley Townships, on safet.e • Laymen of the Zurich Alen- Bev, T. J. Pitt on Sunday. Dui.-
_ Hiehway 83 from Exeter to rules, and shnwed a film to the
Dashwood .and west to the Blue- NM's and teacher, Mrs. Claire :
, last Saturday attending a dinner
nonite church were in Kitchener Schoch, atteeded the funeral
TIM: duet accompanied b y Mrs.!
and Airs. Elmer Hayeer sang a Special
1 Anniversary Lendon on Monday. Messrs. Melvin and Harrison ing the service John .Robinson
; water Highway was closed in Deichert. : meeting designed to initiate lay- ' ' ' the late Gar -
of their cousin
J: -
L., !traffic last week owing to the
I 40r1 condition of the roads.
1 Alt. G. .T. Dow shipped a ear -
1 • ' ing this week on the land, and part of a three
say it works up nicely in this . me t; at c 1 Mrs. Carrie Weber, who is at
The tanners ha e heelln seed- : men of Ontario churches in their (in
0 program Goshen Gol. year develop- ---..
Schoch, at. Kitchener on Shier- George Stephensoe. .
residence at the Desjardine Black, Betty Ann 13e11, Patricia I
Bell, Sandra Westlake, Barry 1
.Flower bearers were Sharon 1 Until. April 30th, you may order
Hoed of horses to Montreal last vicinity. i lege, Goshen. Ind. The rapidly
t week and sold 20 al an auction John McBride ' i growing attendance. at the col- nursing home, Exeter, is pro- Block, Bruce McBride, Wayne '
I sale on Saturday. ' lege makes the expansion pro- gressing nicely, Love and Ronald 'Westlake. raw/ . Saturday Evening Post
Dr. R. A. Campbell. Hensel], The &null occurred in Zin•ich ' „en, „,, . Mr. Robert William was a bearers were Hugh AleBride,
See our Specials and be all I donated a pair of pigs for war at his late home of Mr. John • grain 's .“ '. "....
Neil Gingerice, Lewis Boshart, ' visitor at Blyth hist Sunday', Wesley McBride' John Menrlde:
decked 'out for Easter i funds and tickets were sold on McBride on Friday, March 28. ' Keith McBride, James Love and . Ladies Horne Journal i
Elton :Bender, Edwin Steckle
• ' them. Fred Brock WaS the 'win- 1958, a former farmer of 1110 '
and Kenneth Gaseho of the local WTiber;sutil'reliedWomen's Institute Donald Bell. i
i 5
Airs. ,T. II. Browning, London, u" . has neon :postponed until Tues- former Ethel Deters, are one.; .
• Blind Line liay Township. now ,,,,., are „e„ ,e,„. ,,, this , , , ; Surviving besides his wife, the •
ttien's and Boys' Boots and; .ner of the pigs. owned by Alt. clayton steen„.. i cu.... .......e.tee ........ p.i. \ ,,,r 1 i 4 .0
Shoes, i n c 1 u d i n g Oack's 1
' formerly of Exeter, was on Ile attended Blake Church for 1 eet• '1 day evening, April 8 at,.8 o'clock son Roy, three daughters; Mrs, i Holiday i
priced for every budget. iTurisda elected president of the many years. I ' in the town hall,' Zurich. Com- Pearl Love, Mrs, Harold Bell •
'London District Women's Libe- The funeral was held on Sun-. Relatives were present: at the mittee in charge is efts, L. (Edith) and Mrs. Gordon Block Orie Year Each For Only
a ,
day afternoon from the West-; funeral from Auburn, Kippen, Rose, Mrs. Wm. Forrester, Mrs, (Grace); one brother, James,
Ieether nd Rubber Repairing ral Association. ! .$10.00
lake. Funeral Home. oe. with the , Exeter, Varna London, and . Armstrong and Mrs. N. Cor- Clinton, and two sisters, Mrs. '
Promptly and Neatly i 10 YEARS AGO Rey. Pitt conducting, the service.' Hensel].
Attended To ',riveate Mary Ann Stephenson, Bonsai],
1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Love and Mrs. Maud Schnell, Regina, Newstand Price — $18.00 YOU SAVE $8.00
' have moved to Exeter from Sa.sk; also 15 grandchildren and (Regular Subscription Price — $14.50)
Racey are moving to Luean
eh'. and Mrs. George M. ecalls Early History Interment was in i3ayfield This bargain offer not acceptable after
APRIL 30TH, 1958,
;SAVE $$$ AT WUERTH'S their farm near Kipple 15 great grandchildren.
a radio business. cemetery,
where Air. Racey has purchased
home of Mrs. Frank Skinner on • 1
t: - 'e
e Telee.hone System didn't you hear my whistle?"
Traffic Cop: "Listen, lady, Exeter Times -Advocate•
Elimville ladies met at the
. elarch 24 to organize an lnstit-. I; Young Thing; "Yes, but you're ; PHONE 770 1
ole. Mrs, Tapple, district presi-; (Because many of our iew , should he owned and operated Gn
rad Bend with a capital in- wasting your time. I'm engag-
ed. I
dent, installed the officers with' Zurich readers may' not have I by the subscribers. On February , vestment of $175,363.71 owned by " I •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,iiiseeeesmieweemmeeselisesiseeeeeinimeemiseseisilieseeleseeeee
iMee. Kenneth Johns as presi- had an opportunity to read it, .1, 1910, a stock cOMpany under , (he subscribers and operated by I
dent. . The Times -Advocate reprints he- the name of the South Huron : the Hay Township Council. The
Mr. Stanley Smith has aceent- low a history of the Hay Muni- Telephone Company was organ- t Village of Zurich has probably
, ed a position as organist in eipal Telephone System which , 'zed to buy the Zeller system. ' more telephones per capital than
Ingersoll. : appeared in this paper last : This company had been granted . any other municipality in On -
Mr. Andy Suelerove was in year.) 1 a letters patent under the Onta- : tai'io due to the low rates made
London for a few days last. week , The Hess family have been • rio Companies Act with an or- I possible. by a Municipal Tele -
taking a short course in refrig-•
t connected with the Hay Tele-;ganized capital of $25,000 divided phone eystem."
I eration. . phone system shier! its incep- ; into 500 shares. The direetori' On July22, 1911 the- remainder
,..;. ; be Friday, April 9 in the Town chanic and linesman when the Byron, A• Campbell, John Pree- and copper trunk line from Zur-
Red Cross packing clay will
tion. William G. Hess was me- consisted of Edmund Zeller. Dr. of the Bell Telephone equipment
5 c.---' Hall. telephone system was taken over ter, John. J. Merrier, •Teter La- • ieh to the second concession of
e seee from the 13c11 Company in 1906. i mein. The company was granted Hay was pufehased by the Hay
'William (1. was succeeded by 1 permission to operate ini)v tithe , system,
- on - ic.).'sn s(o.nr.,,oGri. ?)-iaosssi,eeln'hewilit,tetcs irrnmv1911.50hiliiel°nEg Sstiegpnheeal.Lbsat Sa'iptci el '
Edmundmajlaoer Zaenlicierpc7eals, Aloe-.
system for 15 years and has now : Sweitzer, reeve and Henry Eil- Isaac at Dashwood, with an a -
P. . accepted a job with the Nor- , her, clerk. • greement to supply building for
. for Ahern Electric company of Tor- "On May 10, 1911, a telephone office, necessary heat, light, fuel,
onto. Mrs. Eldrid Simmons, the meeting was again called in the
hall, At this meeting 13 opera
tors and maintenance of
.former Pauline Bess, for the past town
II equipment, 'William G. Hess was
HARVEY'S ten years has been chief opera-, was proposed by John Hey, Jr. appointed linesman and foreman
tor and assisted her father with ' and seconded by James Green, :with a staff consisting of Daniel
Oat' t that a petition he presented to Koehler, Ezra Koehler, Hurley
TAXI the bookkeeping.
''2014C es'ee !epee
i In t,
24-HOUR. SERVICE descent and have from their ear.; council to buy the Zeller Tele -
The Hess family were of Swiss 'Hay coUneil. empowering the weber and eteees. ;Berme and
eouipment were supplied by the
• ly history been. associated with phone System for the telephone; telephone company, also meals,
1011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 14/11111111 1111111111111111111111112111111111111111/1111111111111111111.11 watch a nd clock making and re- subscribers and to be in vest .
. night kagings and feed for hors.
pair. The Exeter town clock tin the township and he owned J see especially while on con.
Fr Foot Help... , Made all of wood, was built by: and • operated by subscribers ,
!under schedule! 2. of the Onta- . strth
uetion in e Dashwood and
' the Hess family. Grand Bend area.
Jo 194(3 Mr. Harry Hess coni- '
rio Telephone Act. i •
i• "It was now deemed advisable
e MONDAY, piled a history of the Hay Mu- ; Hay Township Takes Over : by the Bay Council to have as
Deis trial Telephone system from t At a special nicotine; of the many telephone 'petitioners as
• e .
---1: APRIL 7
which the following information 'Hay Township Council on May possible on the first debenteres
has been taken. 13. 1911 it was moved by Wm. to be sold and Teter Lamont,
Tinf4 -_,e 10:00 a.m. to Although Mr. Hess rarely men- Consitt seconded by Louis Kalb. reeve, and Williant G. Hess were
,.. 7 800 pan. tions himself in this account, he fleisch to buy the Zeller system ' appointed, to canvas thc town -
played a vital role in the system ' for the (subscribers. Council shins of Hay, Stanley ancl Ste -
for many years. !memberswere: Peter Lamont, :))wn. The canvas reflected an
"Operating today as one of the ' reeve. William Consitt, Louis increase of 350 teleohones.• The
largest in Ontario the Hay Mu- • Kalbfleiech, Henry Neeb, Frerl total by May 31, 1912, was 300
fuel Telephone- system operates Willert; Fred Hess. clerk; Thoin-
in the Townships of Hay, Stan- as Johnston, treasurer. • , $18,000.00 Debentures
ley.. Stephen. McGillivray and • Company Formed . 1 "The first debentures sold a-
' Bosaneuet, including the villages 1 n„ 7„1, il inii ,„„, man -lately -
. 111101ml:0d to 318,000.00. A We-
nt Zurich, Dashwoorl and Grand : -- "" 3' ' ' *:•"' "'. : • phone rate Was set at $7.18 for
;150 telephone corinections at Zur- •
, debentures and $4.82 for switch -
1011 and the Bell •telephone holm • f Total ete . - - :
asnw000, was token over
' mg . (Ts.rate , per year
"Purim!. the yeare 1805 to 1909 • „, , , • •
the Bell Telephone Co. operated ' e", Bee „e„, ,,,,,, ,u,„ at for ten years. After 12 annual in -
in Zurich Ave h a switch boa rd ' ``'e• ;"'"S":" '''• ''''''e a ste 1m ents were ni ado the rate
. in the post riffle p (metaled ev ' Price of 37,150.00 and operated
' es the Hay Mtd"al Telephone ;interesting to note that while
Dan Faust, the pnstmaster. The
Svstemwas set at 810 per annum, 11 is
; e
' telephone batteries were our- .
effice was Meated in a build-. • "•
The switehboarcl Was removed, beeed tee ;15e, they were raised
• ine destroyed by fire in 1932, :
u, from the Zurich Herald building to lee and innee 10 sect
rebuilt aed PoW neeunied by
Among te, i to it e present location in the :
Tastv-Nu Bakery. Indicting Prevmuelv occupied by • Speak In German
first. users wore Dr. Gebrge 1311-:--- - •;. 1 . his . .
. ,
: kiesiessies.• ...... eiiiiiieemeissimeeweetioweesireseletilieetemeeiteelieeeetieneeieee ; enanan, I, .,, , .. 1 i . „
i Arlem • Faust, undertaker. The Mr. Hess 111 nreport relatee
le operators emnloyed in- : some of the more
humorous ex-
iisis .1. .1*, Mrri
Alt m
, erchent; Chas,; car-
t e; 1 1 lett the 'meager Air Mier : peri in the early years.
5 • Bert:toile hardware: John Tree- • .
- I ' gir mir,tieivsla:nt .i.lt.i-11..i. ilii,taitese7ti,lit,peon:: ,• andantuhaiszeisLonliestr,‘spl\a‘7101.6plir,•u;Asisit.41 i, fj,Tonrec .ittielisfcrielipetb.nninesilsvleatsi. Itilisaitalted
Thank You ,olinne, syetem was eoneeiverl bv
inneter awl merchant.
! "The peed for a rural tele -
i ;Flossie Hertleib, Perry Bess. At :that Ihe be guaranteed that he
i Dashwood were mr. and Alegi could talk to anybody in Ger-
1Teter Mclsaoe and'sons Milked. !men, This was granted. A week
.:1•1rviii, Miss Sadie Alcesaae and ;later he made the emnplaied
Edmund Zeller, eneveveneer and I Barry Hoffman of Dashwood that the telephone was misee-
: publieher of 'the Zurich Herald. ' r•-•''
e 1 i in 1e06. With the assistaflee. of: and Gralla Bend area'
In December, 1916, the Bell • wife and she eou41 not under -
[presented. Be spoke to his son's
e, re :Willinm G. Doss. linesman old!
mechanic. tbe first two tele- rompenv disposed of their four Aland him any marc illan if by
c;i;cer irieh If tai.n the: tloillilsiel el ee'l
*.•1 Electors Of r',1ous,„7,,rt‘o,i,,f,i;trvizi,.,,in„,,t.,hio.„(1,,,i,i,: ree.onnicAlllitIongthetelcLili°tnecsomipnansploill: liita(el 011!
by W. G. nese eed tee teweyeey i AM°. 'll'beY Were Dr. E. 11, Bel- telephone may have been re-
store of. yroet vv. noss. Tie, wa, four, Peter Meesnee. the Zim- , moved,
. ee experiment aA a swiftliboarti , mer /Inlet and Henry Witte -He 1
Huron "wbilo installing a telephone
had not vet been Metalled. The 'The Bell cci""Y still retained lin Zor,icli one or the older cili-
t trunk hoes through naqhwood to
•first eivitehhoard was installed Grand Vend and Parkhill. The ter egatnining, it remarked!
izons picked up the wire and at..
in Zurich Herald printing office '
; end the first rural lino waq ox.,Iine to within two miles or Green- "Caret see bow anybody ran
.. 1 sisted hi my campaign ' levied to Jat,01) Unilever no the /‘‘'Y "8 brniqllt 1.1S' HAY We-
i nimet in int
., To all those who as- talk through nig wire, 1t isn't
i •
and supported me at ionriori in .01 itir,,,,o,,ns Attil emelt
In 1922,, tifter• ton yeare of .
even hollow."
• i , . ' iind tine. tater Vries weer! ox.
.ii treble it, Substribees
, the polls, 1 convey my neotod to the Dell Telenhone 1
operation there were e25 sub- Flyers .
Med 'by Petri Afetsane. • . 1 momi, a t30,00.00: in 10:12, 727 ..,-... Default
sincere appreciation. switehboord at nttOstftiod, °OCT -
t scribers. with a Mita' invest,.
"In Auttust, 1009, Iho /toll Tel' .; moot 'or k10.025,98- and the imaY
t will continue to rep- •
gen T6101106 CO. $61.it ; subseribttg with eapital invest-
reont eVeryotw 111 ramie Company tilkooseet or :basic rare dropnon to e0.00 net!
Iluron toristitttency in their telephones in Zurieh and : annum. It: continued until Irtio ,Zurieh FlYers .have hen
the future the same St. .1`owili arid ail the pole linos 1)Vilett the rate Was set at A15,00 crowned tho WOAA Infertile-
aS 1 have in 1113 past, an the Xttrivit road west or Zur. and ir, V.151 tatsed to 31800 net. 'Mete "0" champions for •the
telt to Mr. Zeiler. The trunk line; tumuli. Since 1e56 :new subscrib- '57-58 hockey season,
between Zurich end It(MRall was i errs pay nem nor annum tor'..Zurieli, who were engaged in
retained hv the 13(11 Conthatty. 'ten years, To 1941 More we'* 824 0. rOatid ?Ain et ries with ca,
"The demand for teloolume ,subserthors with An inveAtmda ford ithd 1irUSSe115 Were Awarded
service had started to gather ior tart, 1)53.62 And in 1952, 1116 rho Itonour WIWI ; Moir opposi•
.f. m om potion. 'retoolione moetings I suiveribors with MI irwOgImOtit tibil dEOPPM beit (if Mt renthille.
• le provinua games. the niers were hold and the eii il.ena advrp i or et52 ee5.24,
raiod # VAioril ()wool VA roe.: '''Iii 11)4() A. milltellhonoit was in, had trounced Prussolg 144 aM
1 clod Fit- ilie Townshio hrttav ibArallmet at Airatut Pond. hi liza Vittrord 1541 1.0 leave little doubt
Aa a pusO
ho 'VA,. oniorN woe, r , rot mtevi je.uotiimno,A wore Mil-01Ihi tile gimps'. Of the three'
YOU'D a.errerz
Exerciees Supports Giving pees
— MAN TO 5E 1:4"
Al Milt Oeach
Shoe Stors
r2hone 110- W
Mt) 'FOR 1,491t0isi
*eironamfataapolomminolluomalinannoraliamialoiramilmommirmormmilimmiontirtuntme, Itt 'tile Opitii011 that the system 1 netted tO DASIltVOCK arid ;clubs. Wet.
When a man dies, his widow is confronted with the
responsibility of looking after the family. There are so many
necessary expenses so many good things she's used to,,
like the family car.
This widow didn't have to sell the car. Her husband took
a realistic approach to life insurance protection. He carried ,
enough to cover any eventuality.
Carrying such protection is not a burden when you select the
company that offers fairiily protection at low
net cost. That'sThe Mutual Life of Canada—the CaeM_____UTUAL PirE
company with the outstanding dividend record.
r.-es-..,..eesessesetseee :see:. ses!
':e • e••••'''
s •
s. te-
efea.esese4s. • e -
• .•: sleet's
sie .
r p r
- koptosomoivc
tenor ftthI* &tdwaritt $fsq,
extkre .0fitolti, Mum* 719
//4 ,
/ d,A /4,
f et
a /0
. 4 • t