HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-27, Page 10Page 22' The rmepAcivosate, Ma4ch274. 1.954 'District News Mrs. Min McLean visited her ooilSin, Airs. Wilson Hodg. ins, of London. on Sunday and on Monday. accompanied by her son,. M. Aitirton Mclean, visited her .sister, Miss Hattie Hodgins,. of Green GablesNursing Home, Stuart O'Neil of Denfield; a .eenior student at the O.A.C., Guelph, has beim named athlete of the year at the Q.A.C. and Ontario Veterinary (Allege. lie playeti football and hockey for the combined team of both col. Mr. and Airs. W. C.Shepherd. It Toronto, spent a few daYs Wet week with Mr. and Airs, R. Montgomery. Mrs. Eleanor Emerick, who has been a patient in St. ;To- seph's Hospital, was able to be Presentation & Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. RONALD TWEDDLE (nee Bev Rock) I brought home last ,riday. rspending .a kw das. .at the rec. Mr. Murray ilodgins and Mrs. tory. :Mack attended the annual pres1.1 Mr, and Mrs. Murray Abbott dents' dinner pf the London Mid. visitett the fermer's mother. (liesex Unit of the Canadian Can- Mrs. Echo Abbott„ of London, cer Society, which was held at .last Stuiday. Summerville Hall, Lando, last; At the birthday party of five - Thursday. 1Year -Old Margaret O'INet., Atr. and Mrs, Merton .Clulbert , datighter of .Air. and Airs. Joe' and family have moved into ' O'Neil. last Saturday, there were .their new home on Frances 15 guests - / •I !street. formerly owned by Aliss 'Air. and Mrs. Joe O'Neil last Gertrude White Mr. end Mrs. Sunday attended the 50th wed' Harr;" Hardy have taken over i ding anniversary of Mr. and Mr. Culbert's farm on cones ..- Mrs. Boss Bodgum of Denfield. sion 2, Biddidph Township. Air. Earl Carling flew home Lunn candidates being em,, . from St. Dennis to spend a few firmed at St. James Church on ' daYs with his parents, Air. and Wednesday include: Merton Cul. Mrs' Ira Carling. berf, James Freeman, Robert Mr. M. O. Smith has arrived Robinson, Lyle: Worrell, Mrs, home after spending two months Lawrence Hodgins, William in Halifax and Mt. Uniacke Neelin Helen Hodgins, Alice erecting nine towers and trans. Ryan, Kathleen Ryan, and Edna mission facilities for the RCAF. Ryan. He was net in 'Waterloo by Mrs. Mr. and Airs. Levi Darting. of Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Maur. Parkhill. have been on the 'sick ice Dupuis where all visited with list at the home of their (laugh- Air. and Mrs. Ned Lackie last ter. Mrs. Cecil Armitage, for .Friday, the past three weeks. Mr. Dar- Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Smout ling is now able to be up. of Ann Arbor were weekend Mrs. Wes, Atkinson spent a Nests with the latter's mother, few days last week with Mr, Mrs. Wes, Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Power, .of Lon, don. Mrs. Isabel Underwood, of West McGillivray oLforrn , a ned!a.sivi :rag. lrrsdA ngues t Ir'ssIild orVit)1:toV to and Air. and Mrs. Rodney .and Mrs. Gerald Atkinson of London were .Sunday guests. 'Weekend visitors with Mr. and Hall Fri., March 28 Everyone Welcome Reception FOR MR. AND MRS, GERALD FLYNN (Daughter of Cecil Vn Horne) Hensall Town Hall Marcl? 28 Recent visitors with Rev. Mrs. Edgar Roulston included Mr. and Mrs. Boyden Herbert Mr. ad Mrs. Charles Young, and faintly were guests of Air. Lambeth: Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mrs. M. Cravetz, of -High Young. Jr.. nf Denfieht; mr. Park, last week -end. and Mrs. J. F. Lapp. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diekins, Mrs. W. 3. Little and Mr. and of Lambeth, were Sunday guests Mrs. Clare Osborne, all of St. of Mrs. William Dickins, Thomas.. Mrs, Wes Atkinson, on Alon- Mr. R. T. Rummell, who has day, attended the funeral of her been a patient in St. Joseph's nephew, Lawrence Alton Dobbs, Hospital, is able to be home but 31, of Glencairn, Mr, Dobbs was • will not be able to retuin to the son of Mrs. Dobbs and the work for several weeks yet. late Mr, Minor Dobbs of Elfin - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robinson, ville. He was one of the seven ,of Ailsa Craig, were Sunday men who tragically lost their visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Evan lives in the RCAF depot blast Horigins. at Angus, last Thursday, March Visitors with Mrs. T. Brooke 20. An eighth man miraculously during last weekend incluriPd escaped from the unexplained Mrs. Ansley Neil, of Exeter, Mr. explosion. Darold Brnnke. of Toronto, and Mrs. Ronald Coleman, of Lon -I." don. • 'Flan Services Hodgins attended the Children's r Laq Saturday Mrs, Murray ,..,or Holy Week Leaders' Work Shon in Chatham, taking °ham of the junior de- partment. On Fridsv, she was nn the "Al *ROMP" Speech Sarni- CFPL Tv s how and ste,,ed and Alyea and family of Kitchener. nar overnight with her sister, Mrs. Ladies Please Provide Lunch loyd Bissell, coming home with Air. Hodgins and boys on Sun. Desjardine's Orchestra i da,'. 1 Mr. Tel Brown, of Bervie, is Benefit Auction Sale March 28 Grand Bend Legion Hall 7:00 p.m. ( This auction is being sponsored by the Grand ..: . Bend Lions Club in support of the Grand Bend Legion to help finance the cost of the new Legion Hall. Everything in this auction is being donated by the citizens of Grand Bend, so let's all attend this benefit auction and support a .7: • worthwhile community project. Auctioneer — Alvin Walper i5,,g,j,(ijIlIuPllIlI(lI(lIuI(ll(lI,,,I,l)It,lI Club Professional Pat Slade In Aetion Exeter Figure Skating Club presents 'Ice Frolic Of '58' featuring Local Skaters in a Colorful Revue Saturday, March 29 830 p.m, EXETER, MEMORIAL ARENA. Adrillstion: Adults .50g, Children 350 MEMBERS OF THE CSA Once again the Village at Lu - can and vicinity will unite in Holy Week services, all of which will begin at 8 p.m., except the Sunday service at 7.30 p.m. in the United Church and the Good Friday service in the Anglican Church from 12 noon till 3 p.m. The schedule of times, places and speakers is: Sunday, March 30, United Church, Rev. Fred Thomson: Monday, Aiarch 31, United Church, Rev, 3. P. Frest; Tuesday, April 1, Pentecostal Church, Rev. Edgar Roulston: Wednesday, Anril 2. Penteenstal Church, Rev. J. P. Prest; Thurs- day, April 3, Holy Trinity Church, Rev, Fred Thomson; Friday, April ,4. Holy Trinity Church, The Lucan Ministerial. Since its beginning in 1938, the Canadian Cancer Society has spent more than $3,900,000 on cancer research. Senior Citizens' SOCIAL EVENING POSTPONED To Tuesday, April 8 8:00 p.m. LEGION HALL Ladies Please 14ring Sandwiches or Cookies VIWY141.0finnnlinnminnininnitnnktindMinAtWOMMAlinninnInnannnintnnInnilintinninninIOW i Announcements pariy. LOX. Hall, Friday, April E OCHRE Progressive Euchre i 11, sponsored by V. P..6.; T. Last re of the season. 270 COMING EVEN -TS •RATES Eirths ... . No charge ......... 75 Marriages an ci Deaths trtiarriaoes .and deaths are reported without ;barge •in news colomns, Thts ;hero* applies. enly to listing under Announcements, 750 Oerds of Thanks, .En9ogiments In Memorianis yerse) 11.00 Extra verses, each IN MEMORIAM — t1 '1 in 1 VAN Mr and Mrs. rt, J. twolii:i\ iov ing memacv Cheiten • RCAF Centralia., an, a, dear lotsba nit am) In they. itonnee the birth of a daughter. Russell Seticiem Ito left us so Diana tin. at :knit It Huron smith id v two 5 tiara ago. 51arcit 11gital, March 24. 103A, 1114HDITX 1,..1/20 Dona aild Mrs. I./tits:: I:Cie:IA.1s still ache with sail, Lioolon. art' 'happy to a it miunee flu tort It of their A.n spore t tears (In iv • daughter at St. Joseph's Hos- What it meant to. lose bins pital. London, Alareh 24. 1935— Nn nne will ei kiln W. g real -granddaughter for Airs. Eiteli time 1 see his photn Ile seeing to smile and t,41V! Catherine !leaden, ilensall. L111'1,11 - and 'Mrs. Herbert D°„111...i.„"."1/' rin 01.11Y' sleePing, l'akt IP" It' ark h in' tit lrlirePrtetlag'Ilvi.1111111,80tinel te‘p Lion by wife Ella and fainliY. 27* In loving memory of a dear AInther. Mrs. Him r Kerslake. who passed. a'witY five years ag.v, March 29, 11):1. anti a dear Vat her, .1/2rt hur erslah e. who passed away 3 Yea ra ago, May 43, 114;41, It's lonesome here withniii -we ntif,t3 you more 411(41 day, 'For life's not the Sa Mt' to us steep )'OU were called away, hail all the world to give 'We'd give il, yes and more, To hear your N'ait'FA and sine your smiles And. greet r4111 at he linos. So you w ho ha's e vont iarent s, Cherish 3(44311] with eare, You'll never It nnw the heartaelles Ti1 1 you see their. empty chairs. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by the family. 27* lifeNNESSKY- In Invink memory of a dear husband and father 1.40 Hennessey, Arno passed This mon t 11 comes with (leen a.m. ay ro5glarrett‘h, 20, 1 356. It brings batik a, day we'll never forget, fell asleep without saying goodbye, But memories of him will never a ,COMINg APRIL. 26--liummage Sale, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of South lioron JIos pitel. 27:3c Presentation and Dance FOR MR, AND MRS. LARRY McFALLS (nee Alice Leitch) Fri., March 28 LUCAN ARENA ' Good Music Everyone Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch Stephen. .Meeting To form a Calf or Grain Club (or both) $HIPKA SCHOOL HOUSE Thursday, April 3 gponstvol by Stephen Pederation Cif Agriculture 'unitive the birth of a daughter at Smith Huron Hospital, March 21. J970, Ale N IL -- r. and Mrs. 11 le hard McNeal, 4x Mitte. 141., Lgetci, an- tiounee the birth of a daughter at Smith Hurtle Hospital, March 21, 195S. PEN HALE Mr; and Mrs. Don Venha le, 2 1 II illiam 141., 1'.1. 11(1', annotinve the birth ot 44 11 111. Bradley Alark. at South Huron Hospital, March 23, 1355, STEW .1/2 11T. --Margaret and Floyd Stewart, HAL 1 11431181111. wish In a unnitnee the birth of twin linys at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. 51arel1 24, 1955 — bro.. titers for Syl via. N 14 ft 11 1 I. 51r. and Airs. Miehael Cnderhill, Alain Street, Grand Bend, announce the birth of a eon, Terry Michael. at 140111 11 Huron Hospital, March IN, 1055. ENGAGEMENTS —* The engagement is announced f Aliss Margaret Bertram, of Exeter, daughter of Air. .and 'Mrs. Ian Bert ram, of King Edward, Banffshire, Seolland, 40 Alr. Poll- ak] Harry Carroll, son of Air, and 51rs. Harry Carroll, Cen- tra I ia. The wedding to take Mare on Saturday, APril 12, 111/2138, at eleven Weloek in St. Patrick's A ng 1 it'an Church, Saintsbury, Saintsbury, Ontario. 37* 51r. and Mrs. Nelson Prat c, Brueefield, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter. Greta Jean, in Air. Murray Ba ker, son of 'Mr. and Airs, Robert Baker. Sr., Hensall. The, marriage to take place on April 19, 1955. 270 CARDS OF THANKS — 1 wish in thank all those who paid visits to Mei all those who sent treats, cards, flowers, and all those w110 made inquiry while a patient in the hospital and einee returning home, — Airs. Irvin Eckstein, Dashwood, 0114. 27c wish to thank all those who sn kindly remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits a patient in St. ,logeplfs Hospital and slavereturning home.—Alargaret Carscadden. 270 Mr. and Airs, Gordon Becker wish to sincerely thank all those who remembered Mrs. Becker with cards, treats, flowers and visits during her lengthy Illness In St. Joseph's 'Hospital, Also special thanks In the blood don- ors and those who helped In 441'&11 way at home. 270 The wife and reality of the late Jelin Luxton wish to express their sineere appreciation to the many friends, relatives and neighbors for the beautiful floral trll)1ueS anti fnr HIP kindness and sympathy extended to thein 111 their recent bereavement, 27* Sincere thanks for visits, cards and treats while a patient. in South Huron 1-Tospital. Special thanks to Dr. AL C, Fletcher. MISS 1,. Claypole and. nursing staff.—Airs. G. Wiseman. ' 27' The family of the late Neil McGill wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and ' apprecia- elon for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beau- tiful floral offerings received from their 141441 neighbors and friends in their recent bereave- ment of a beloved father and grandfather. Special thanks Rev. N. G. Cook. pallbearers and the Hopper -Hockey funeral home, 270 Col. and Airs. Nell Chamber- lain, Grand Bsend, wish to ex- press their sincere appreciation for the many kindnesses shown Mrs. C 11/2 amberle,1 n by friends, relatives, neighbors, nurses and nthers while site was a, patient, in South Huron Hospital. 27* We wish lo say 'thank you" to our friends and relatives for so kindly remembering us with , cards while we were in the St, Mary's Memorial Hospital. Spec- : Sat thanks to Dr, Davis And the hospital staff. — Donna and baby David Paynter, 77e —Always remembered by 144,ife and family, 27* B ROD 14 11 IC K-111 loving memory of Mrs. Edgar Broderick, who passed away Mareh 20, 1057. l'our 41144721 to us is a keepsake With which we will neVer part, Though (loll has )‚ou, hs keeping, We still have you In our hearts. —Ever remembered by the family. 37e, WEBB --In loving' memory of a dear husband, father and grand- pa. Russell Webb, who passed away two years ago, March 30, 195)1. We 44(10 loved you, sadly miss you As it da wns another year. In, our lonely hours f think ing Thoughts of you are ever near. —Ever remembered by his wife 01 tVe, son 'Mervyn, daugh t er- In-law Labelle, granddaughters .Darlene and Sally. 27* CARDS OF THANK$ 1 wish to thank friends, rela- tives and neighbors for cards. visits and treats while a pat lent In St. ,Toseph's Hospital and since returning' home, — Mrs. Maurice Beaver. 37*' Hazed Snell wishes I ri thank her many friends for the visits, cards. flowers and letters while patient in South Huron Hos- 27* • PRE -NATAL CLASSES—A series Of pre -natal classes sponsared by the thiron County llealth Unit will begin on Wednesday,, April 2, 1958, at 2:00 p.m. in James Street United Church, Exeter. These will he held. at , ,AninnAinn11104,011141411)1(1,110.011,14410414,114RnninglintinininniMillinIAnlininIVAInInilnlinInn)1111,11,11i, Huron County Beef Producers' Annual Meeting' APRICUt,TURAL, BOARD ROOMS, C..INTON Wednesday, April 2 8:30 p.m, GUEST SPEo;KER, MR, FP.EP CAMPBELL Manager of Ontatio Stock Yards, Toronto weekly intervals for eight weeks. Those interested are invited to 4,11eiseel,,,•.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,m,milie,,,pe,mmummemamineeneelleimiiimilmummiumumm,,,,s attend !he above date or 91100e 1110 public ucaith Nurse.. ,,,,,..,,,,,,...,,,eleenemeemenemon.....,,,,eneemeacieneemel..,..,,,,emnemeenneenmeeme 718-W Exeter, between It and 5 p.m. 27c THE REGULAR MEETING of the Exeter Home and School Association will be held on Tues- day, April 1, at 8:15 p.m. Con- stable Hardy of the Provincial Police of Goderich will speak on safety. Everyone welcome, 27c PLAY...The Recital Club O.K.K. of the Christian Reformed Church, Exeter, are presenting a play "Omier Vaise Vlag", D.V., April 11, High School Auditorium, at 8:00 p.m, 27e MOTH E R'S DAY TEA, Bake and Apron Sale, Saturday, May 10. Sponsored by the W.A. pf Trivitt Church, 270 Lyric Theatre 'THURS., FRI. & SAT, March 27, 28 and 29 "SPOILERS OF THE FOREST" * Rod Cameron * Vera Ralston CARTOON .CQMEr NEWS MON., TUES. & WED. March 31, April 1 and 2 1/THE STORY OF MANKIND" * Ronald Coleman * Hedy Lamarr & ADDED SHORTS ow. — COMING — "BLACK SCORPION" * Richard Denning * Mara Corday BINGO!! Legion Hall, Hensall EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Commencing March 29 Starting at 9 p,m, 14 GAMES OF SHARE THE WEALTH Jackpot Game Jackpot game starts at $5 and 52 calls. $5 will be added each week and one extra call until jackpot won. Sponsored by Hensall Legion and Ladies Auxiliary atsiltillitliiimittitstolsillitilliipmlitollim,1111000111010111111,0110,11,101111101,1110110%10$11,101111,01110,1011111111111111,, ,,,, mismilitli1111101111,111111 ,,,,,,,,, Hilstviipit1110111,11111,111,011,1110111111)1,11411111,111%:: Annual 'Meeting South Huron Hospital Association Tuesday, April 8 8:00 p.m. Auxiliary Rom Please Use The Anne St, (North) Entrance For the purpose of receiving the directors' and auditor's reports; For the purpose of electing directors; All individual contributors -and presidents of organizations contributing are members and entitled to attend and vote. The Public Generally Invited J. A, Traquair, Chairman M. Reeder, Secretary. mitiontiteleitioninummittimmemilioniimmulimiltiellinuntittliuMentemelliMMI1011110111,1111 Po "A good driver is INCONSPI- CUOUS at all times." Remem- ber that — it's a sure way to recognize consistent good driv- ing. And if it,ise't consistent, it isn't good. Apply that definition and you will spotlight bad -driving of every degree; from racing at 90 m.p.h, with a blaring horn, to cluttering up windows with dice and baby hoots. Following too closely, cutting - in, Jane straddling, passing on curves are all conspicuous—and all bad driving. So is leafing along a busy highway at 35 M.p.h.; delaying hundreds by parking on main thoroughfares at rush hours; pumping the horti hi a lraffic jams stalling and bumping when trying to park. A driver is conspicuous when his name is called out in police enurt: whenNeeds that his licence has been he bas to admit to suspended; and lie is very, very conspicuous when a crowd gath. MI to set him helped out of an automobile wreck. Everything t h e an -a Mil e. wheel does that attracts undee attention is bad driving. "A good driver is inconspicuOus at all times." A Clean Sweet, On April 24 ithise br6010 from Exeter tient io• tartike work, Friday. March 2 9 P,M, .Exeter Memorial Legion HaU BRING YOUR: •PRIENOS TO I-1EAR THESE OU1'5TANOINO SPEAKERS Meeting. Hear TONY ABBOTT Son of Douglas Abbott,. Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada and former minister of finance. AND ire Bill Cochrane Your Liberal Candidate In Huron 7 , EVERYBODY WELCOME too -odd ,:by 'Huron, Liboeol. Aso:W01ot 0 0