HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-27, Page 6*Al Timtal,A0Vocatot , 0c1
Monday,March 31
Topics From
a. a ,
MRS. R.455. %INNER.
MI* gnehre
The .Eliariville Womett's
lue held their afternoon ,enchre,
en Tuesclaaa Winners werot
ladies high, Mrs. Alvin Cooper;
ladies haw, Mrs. Ray ,Clare;
lucky cup. Airs. Philip Hem.
Lunch was served by the
ladiea of Eden. Winners of the
dutch auetieu of .two pair pillow
cases were AIrs. Wm. Ellering.•
fetwanawmotutumintimitimtill.111114Ititill111111MIMMIIIIIMUMUMMIUMMIIIIRMA1111011M141111.011N fOn, and Mrs. Alvin. Cooper.
power brakes, power steering, pow eT seat, radio,
4 tinted glass, window washer, backup lights,
whitewall -tires, lovely tutone beig" and bronze,
4 low mileage. SAVE US$ ON TI -US ONE.
:1 power brakes, power steering, .automatic, radio,
tinted glass, window washers. backup lights, tu-
tone, with four brand new tires. Make Yourself
a REAL deal on this one!
'56 FORD :FAIRLANE SEDAN — automatic, radio,
power steering, a lovely car to own!
'56 FORD SEDAN—a nice tutone. a real performer!
1 '56 FORD COACH. — We're bound to make a good
deal on this one!
;I '54 CHEVROLET seoAN—"210 Series', power glide
and radio. She's been- well cared for.
'54 FORD COACH—low mileage, she's a sharpy!
i '54 METEOR SEDAN—ready for the open road!
1 '54 CHEVROLET SEDAN—"solid"
'53 FORD SEDAN—automatic, radio, like new.
I '53 METEOR SEDAN—motor overhauled.
'53 CHEVROLET COACH—a nice one.
'52 CHEVROLET SEDAN—runs:like a top;
] '52 METEOR COACH—a nice.gleaming black.
1 '52 METEOR COACH—new paint job
'51 MONARCH SEDAN—a lovely rider.
'50 STUDEBAKER SEDAN—r dio, overdrive,
I '49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—motor overhauled,
I '56 FORD T-600 TANDUM DU AP „ $8,000
A! '56 FORD T-700 TANDUM DUMP $7,000
1 '56 FORD F-700 DUMP $4,200
'56 FORD F-600 DUMP $3,000
'54 FORD 3 TON DUMP 51,650
These trucks have all been thoroughly.k
checked over and are ready for work!
!Larry Snider Motors
Ford- Edsel Dealer
• PHONE 624 Sales and Service EXETER
gilmvilleW.M.S nd W.A.
The March meeting of Um-
W.M.S. and W.A. was held
on. Wedeesday afternoon in the
.church basement. Mrs. Jobe Co-
ward and Mrs. Philip Hem had:
charge .of the program. Mrs.
'Ross Skinner and Mrs. 'William
Routly assisted ,in the devotional
Mrs. Hero gave a chapter
from the study book "Crosses
and, Crises of Japan."
I During the business it WAS de-
cided to have a variety concert
in the near future. Miss Ruth
Skinner was nominated as Ole -
gate to the W.M.S. Presbyterial
at Clinton.
The societieshave a special
invitation to attend the April
meeting of the Thames Road so-
cieties an April 2. Gianni A had.
a miscellaneous sale and served
Euchre Club
Elimrille Beare Club was
held on Friday evening at the
hall with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Johns as hosts.
There were nine tables and
winners were: ladies high, Mrs.
Ross Skinner; gents high, Mr.
Lloyd Johns and consolation,
Mrs, Wm. Johns.
The next party will he held
on Friday night with Mrs. Thos.
Bell, Mrs, Plinio Murch and
Mrs. Win. lohns as hosts.
Personal items
Sunda)/ visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Robt. Hays were Mr. and
, Mrs, Lyle Watson and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heibein.
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Underwood
of Gerrie. Mr, and Mrs. James
Crane of Fergus.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kerslake,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. johns,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Elford, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Johns, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Johns, Mr, and Mrs.
• tIoward Johns. Mr. and Mrs.
• Philip Johns Mrs. Howard Otis.
Miss Doris and Mr. Ron Elford
were gvesta on Saturday eve -
Milt with Mr. and Mrs. James
Grinnev and. Air, and Mrs.
, Keith Fraser at Farouhar Hall.
Misses Grace Tiontly and
Grace Johns of London silent
the weekend at their respective
hom es.
Miss Frances Skinner spent
the weekend with Mrs. Ed
Johns of Exeter,
Mita Gra'e Routly or the Bro.
nos, Hair Dressing School spent
two days in Toronto last week
attending the hair dresser's con-
vention pan the remelnine raw
days in Oshawa •with Miss Mary
Lou Menv of Exeter,
— Please Turn to Page 23
Wait For Exeter Lions'
Buy a broom to aid
service work.
• IlmERv,e747
‘' 4741
100,000 Canadians
Gave Their Lives So
You Could Enjoy Freedom
MARCH. .31
This Advarlisamanf Sponsored as is Put:4k Sovio by fh.
Massag. Brom.
Canucks Invade
US Televisidn
Wayne an Shuster might find It was a daughter, their third
thernselves in the curious psi. child, for Arthur Halley and his
tion (for Canadians) of cm. wife •reeently. Halley luta been
petlegagainst another top flight %militated for an Emmy for his
Canadian performer for sum-
mer ratings Jack Kane will be
two hour TV play, No Deadly
arranger on the suntmer re- MDoiine
ancks who appeared in
Placement show taking over the roil° Thursday and who has
Steve Allea time slot and the co. made several guest appearanees
roles are •going to act as semi- recently was excitedly awaiting
regular guests on Ed Sullivan's the arrival of his •car and motor -
in a, n g cycle font Varicouver lasttime
Perhaps Jackie Kee might -1 spoice •to him. "The car is a
even get into the ad of ennipe- real craz,v roadster," he told.
tition. He has given up his share me. "I :built it myself."
hi the Stage Door and is work Looks as if only a .sudden
\if ec°41celb:Criceebeynwaye.Osft si-ftio'ewadmy tPotocirlefilt!eornst fol'dilling stag
. U.S.A.o nT
shot and has others slated and. June. The title costs . ‘CBC
since he was a bigto
Steve Lawrence and E1,414 or, $20,000 a year .ancl they feel it
can be put to use no other chit -
me ,who head the Steve Allen
reelac.ement show it seems 100,aouniss11°.Nays'ulinI03orweenveer in TV
cal that they will now have him
• circles and it wouldn't go very
- •
as guest
them ban "pear on his le far •spread among new shows
cBc, and new producers, 11 you want
t thoseIOW s t soo
Beard Eochre
The Hall Heard held a euchre E peated to your individual business requirernents
in Aberdeen Hall Tuesday eve -1.
are a valuable asset. For quality that will add pres,
high, Airs. Archie Dewar; ;
I- rue winners were; ladies; tige to your amunting system, at a very Moderate
high, Mrs. John Maireal lone rate, consult
Mett's hinh, Eber Shute; lone
haods, Lorne Marshall.
, Personel Item
1 Mr. Albert, Diekell is under
the doctor's tare.
Tim Kirkton Library 13.oard
sponsored a play, iirresented by
Harrinaton Young People's As-;
sigiaetnic)cjet into Abaerno ecarippAeacni a lastlve
Mrs. Lorne Marshall was bost.!
ess to a birthday celebration for i
• her husband, Lorne and his
twin sister, Mrs. W. 5, Citiff of
Kitcherier, also Air. and Mrs.
Clayton Hamm nee Jean Alley., !
whose birthday was that day
also, March 23. Jean and the
‘tvw;liAs1 thhea:Ir many celebrations
all lived in leirkton.
it was a happy occasion for all
who attended.
Sundays roll around. Rae had
een Howdy Doody on the
TV show many times, and of til jca '
course Jack Kane Was the mit- ,
Every Wednesday the Friday
steal arranger on that show too. show is filmed in order to leave
-------------------aaa—aa-------- Fridays free for experiments.
The Story In
Grand Bend
Patti Lewis was telling me
about a closed circuit, colour TV
show she did in England several
months ago, "It was fabulous
and lots of fun, The colours
were all so vibrant, oranges and
----*--a------a• purples, beautiful , greens, that
— Continued From Page 16 We all felt lively and extremely
ter of appeal was read from the capable. Even the sets and back -
done in vivid coloUrS.
provincial president asking do -
nations for the Institute at Ce'- The bright atmosphere
ton, which suffered in the dis- was to harmony.
aster recently.
The members decided on a
bus trip to Kitchener on Tues-
day, where they will visit
Schneiders' Meats and Dare's
Biscuit factories.
A nominating col com-
posed of Mrs. Eddie Gill, Mrs.
Garnet Patterson and Mrs. Olive
Webb, was formed to nominate
officers for 1958-50.
Mrs. Alec Hamilton read an
article on the Salish Indians in
Creekside Reserve, Pemberton
Valley, B.C„ which told of the
co-operation between the white
women and the Indian women,
Mrs. E. Gill gave an article on
sap runningin the spring, and
the processing of maple syrup
and sugar. Mrs. Hugh Morena
reported $52.00 from quilting by
her group, and Mrs. Max Turn-
bull reported $24.00 from a euch-
re party by her geoup.
Mrs, G. Patterson spoke on
the motto: "Wisdom of the past
should not be forgotten in the
present and future". Mrs. H.
Waloer read the history of the
B. Line and Grand Bend down-
town as givefi for her Tweeds-
muir books.
Mrs. E. Keown reed an Easter
poen), Mrs. Wm, love and Mrs.
C. Reeves conducted two COD-
tuesteh.s,after which they Served
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sterdevant
and daughters attended the ice
carnival in Glencoe on Friday
evening, , and visited with friends.
Mrs,Mae Holt received a tele-
gram on Sdturday evening of
the safe arrival a a baby daugh-
ter in the family of her son and
daughter-in•law, Mr. and Mrs.
Erwin Holt, in Winnipeg.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gibson
and Miss Valerie Ravelle of Lon-
don spent the weekend at the
' home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs., Arnold Ravelle,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Turn -
hull arrived home on Saturday
after spending the last few
months in Florida,
Mrs. Neil Chamberlain was re-
leased front South Huron Hos-
pital on Saturday, and is recup-
erating at the home .of her sis-
ter, in Forest.
Mrs. •Donald Flear arrived
home on Saturday with her lit-
• tle twins, Scott and Susan, from
SL Joseph'S Hospital.
Special services will be held
during passion week by the
United Church, conducted by the
Pastor, Rev. E. A. Holley, On
Monday and Tuesday evenings
in Greenway church, and on
Wednesday and Thursday eve -
flings at 800 p.m. in Grand Bend
chuach, and a union service for
both congregations in Grand
Bend church at 10;00 a.m. on
Good Friday mOrning.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John
son and daughters, Neva and
Nancy visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Johriton and their new
baby daughter Debbie, on Sun-
Mrs. H. Lake visited for a few
• days Jan week with her cousin,
Mrs. Harold Prince.
• Mr, Clifford Sherrill is a pa-
tient in St. Josenh's lloapital,
Alm Green Brenner was a Oa.
tient for a few days last week
in St. Joseph's Hespial,
Mrs. S. M. Barbotir of Atireico
visited with her slaters, Mrs, C.
Kennedy and WS. R. Flear, last
Mr. and Mrs. Min Allister of
Hamilton spent the weekend
with Mrs. Olive Webb.
Visitors with Mrs, Wm. Patter.
son over the Weekend were Mr.
and Mrs, Roy Scott, Mr, and
Mrs. Donald Steil and Son,
Brian, and Mr. Warren Patter.
son And soh, Gary, ail of Sarnia,
Recent, vititeas with Mr. and
Aire. Philip Preaant and Alm -
L, Snit% Were Mr, Said Wt.
Cecil Harrison of Mt. Pleasant
on Ttioaday, Mr. A.Id Mrs. Lome
Thurlew of Gederieli on irlittrs.
day, and Me. and alrs, Ernie
• Williarha of tonden. On Sunday.
M. And Airs, Denali' Stride,
land visited With telativet ill
tendott last week.
Weekend visitorwith Mr, aild
AM, Olden Brenhet Were their
daughter, Rreeda. er Sathia,
thef' son, tin, and Miss Marlene
;Sterey of Ltieden, the occasion
I• bToirligdoth,e celebration ot till's
tteeve -.1as, balton and Mr,
Murray Desjardine ltierided the.
Lambtoil COttritY Mtiftleleal ilis
tediatidil Wahl bit rriday At
Andy Body who
with us at the time
not bad now,"
a But in
can use
,l./as sitting
agreed, "It's
he said, "we
and vhite once In
the earlier days
so gloomy, our;
costumes and the sets were so
drab, almost stalk, and it's
awfully hard to give a good per-
formance in such an atmos-
Gprclie Tapp is fast earning a
Mr, Canadian Showbusiness
In addition to Country 'Hoedown
duties Gord ,has a tremendous
hour and a half show, Mainstreet
.Jamboree, coming out of Hamil-
ton every Saturday night and
now be is emceeing rarlio's
neweat amateur show on CKEY
in Toronto every Sunday.
Royalties from the record
Farmer Boy made, "If You Be
lieve" will be donated to the
Crippled Children's Fund. We'll
hone it does better than the re-
cord of one femme vocalist I
know who grossed .3.85 as her
royalties on a record.
q g1101.1U1MfilniliIIIIMIOM1111111”InOtilnillIMI11111,01111,4111111111,11111MIU10011111411110M111191M1,010111105.
0,44610411titillim111411.111i11110110,11110 OOOO 1.1111101411111111.1111141Ililift1111111111111.111141111A1111111111111t1IIII!Illiiiiilltlft,
• where your
insurance dollar
still buys the
most insurance
W. H. Hodgson
"The Insurance Man"
, I ttttttttt tttt I tttt illitItilitliiil ttt 1111111,t1111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111$1111111101$11111111!11111111,
Durability—Ford Trucks are built to take it.. all day,,.
every day! Ruggedly designed to give you a lifetime of
dependable, low-cost service. They're tougher than the toughest
job! Surveyprove Ford Trucks last longer . give you
rugged, reliable service mile after mile.
Engines—Ford offers you the advantage of Short -Stroke
design in every engine. Whether you choose a 139 hp, 223 cu. in.
Six er any of the others up to the 277 hp, 534. cu. in. V-8,
you get the most modern engine on the road today. Ford's
Short -Stroke design means loss piston travel—reduced internal
friction—more usable power. You get top efficiency On
regular gasoline.
at every truc
operator should o
a out the 58
• :•,•••••
ia,aaaa,aeea.aaawkaaaaaaaaa:aaa- .
. .
Complete Model Line—Whatever your job there's a
58 Ford Truck to do it better . and save you money at
• the same time! Choose the model that's job -tailored to your
own particular requirements—from a ;al, ton Pickup to an
extra -heavy duty 75,000 ib. GCW Tandem.
Operating Costs—Ford Trucks for 58 are modern
thrpugh and through. And with Ford, "nioclem" means
savings. Every Ford feature is designed to cut costs through
low original purchase price—low maintenance costa—
greater durability—and Ford's Short -Stroke engines ore
famous for their gas -saving ways: •
Style --Ford Trucks lead,the way in styling with a purpose.
And that goes for•all the styling features of Ford Trucks.
This leadership h style pays off in dollars and cents. Ford
Trucks cost less than most other trucks . ; . but they're
worth more than Most Others come trade -it time!
Cabs—Ford's new Driverized Cab sets a new standard of
cold,* with rion•sag seat springs free-bteathing woven
plastic upholstery... . ventilation: Wide door openings
and inboard safety step make it easy to get in and out.
And envy Ford Tuck Cab ispriverized.
FORD Duty ggs:v TRUCKS
10 big now extra -heavy duty Truck
Series with ...
• up to 61,000 lbs, GVW
el up to 75,000 lbs. GCW
• Nov Roadranger tranantiasions for
peak Woe With greeter fuel ecoliotny
available in all 10 net*/ 1-teaviet give
op to ta% less shifting,
3 big new Super Duty V.8's up to
534 cu. in. with.
• up to 277 hp
• up to 490 -lbs -ft. torque.
• Modern Short -Stroke design for
greater economy. Three-atage cooling
system_ for fast warni•up. Internally
mounted oil cooler. Two -quart oil filter,
Tokheire electric foci pump.
L r, (WM., iP-S4* 70 AWN.' 44St LONGO, 7D01
• Larry Snider Motors
Foci Eds., Salts And SovIte