HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-27, Page 5Se Fashionable
Topics From
25 words or Jos§ 70c
More Than 4 Words
20 Per l•Vorel.
.Brictal Shower WO ,QFF
Handy Mandy, who is strictly it 4d Paid with soder or .by
ii. kitchen bride, WAS. present at .a Saturday following. the. last
bridal shower in Junior of Ruth insertion
Seitade, April bride -elect, at the St,tE.EPIN9 INSgRTMNS Me
home ..of her aunt,. M. Clarence More than 24 Wards
lIse per Word
$ehade, 14th ..concession oi Hay.
Ruth was ushered •to a bridal
throne, and Handy Mandy read
the address. Sandra AleClinchey
and Garry Truemner presented
the gifts in a wagon, Misses
Margaret and Elaine Schade
assisted in opening them. Ruth Minimum One Inch.
expressed her thanks. Her two
aunts, Mrs. Schad e 4nd Airs, Classified ads accePted up till
Harold Horner, served lunch. 1 Wednesday noon. Auction sale
copy should be in Tuesday at
Shower Bride noon.
Alis, Lloyd pagleson and her
..Semi•Oispley Classifieds
(Restricted to .one ,eolumn)
First Insertion 5I.40 Per Inch
Subsequent Insertion)
• 4144 Per -Inch
daughter, Mrs, Robert llam-
ather, were hostesses at the
former'. home Friday evening
at. a shower in honor of Miss
Ruth &bade, April bride -elect.
Friends, neighbours and rela-
tives were present.
Gaines arid contests were en-
JoYed. Bunco was played with.
Winner, Mrs. Letta Taylor, and
vonsolation, Mrs. Carl Oest-
ei cher.
Aliss Fay Ford read the ad-
dress, and Lynda Tiernan and
Mary Jana Hoffman presented
the gifts. Ruth thanked them all
Bridal Shower
MISS Marian Rader enter-
tained a number of .girls at her
home at a kitchen shower in
honor of Miss Eleanor Becker,
Saturday bride -elect.
Contests and lunch were en-
joyed. Winners were Phyllis
Cann and Carol Becker. Miss
Marilyn Strang read an address,
and Sharon Rader pulled in the
gifts in a decorated wagon.
Misses Phyllis Cann and Barbara
Koehler assisted Eleanor in
opening them, Eleanor thanked
them graciously. .
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Melton Wainer
and girls, of Ingersoll, spent the
weekend with Alr, and Mrs,
Philip Fassold.
Mr. Voldemar Gulens, of To-
ronto, spent the weekend with
' Dr. and Mrs. V. Culens,
Miss Erma Wein, of Clinton,
spent the weekend with Mrs,
Herb Wein.
Miss Anne Taylor, of London,
spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs, Letta Taylor.
Mrs. Frieda Bruer, of New
Hamburg, as visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Jacob Schroeder.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Baird and
twins, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Baird, of London, spent Sunday
‘vith Airs. Matilda Piefer.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg
and Miss Kay Webber, of Water-
loo, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Weiberg.
Mr. Melvin Restemayer is a
patient at, St. Joseph's Hospital,
Mrs, Mitred Arerner, Mrs.
Mervyn Tiernan, Mrs. A. V.
Tiernan, Mrs. Kenneth Zorn and
Mrs. Ed Nadiger attended a
daffodil Lea in Exeter last Wed-
Mrs. Norman Evans, of Rich-
mond Hill, is spending some time
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hoffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Eubert Reste-
mayer, Sheila and Randy, of
Plattsville, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Baker.
Dashwood 4-H Girls Meet
The first meeting of the Dash-
wood 4-H Club was held Salnr.
day afternoon at the club room,
with leaders, Mrs. Harry Hoff-
man, Mrs, Mervyn Tiernan and
12 girls present.
The 'election of officers was
held. President is Mary Jane
Hoffman; vice-president, Carole
Schade; secretary and press re.
porter, Lynda Tiernan.
"The Club Girl as a Canadian
Citizen", was discussed. Roll
call for next meeting is "A name
for the club,"
Walther League Entertains
Tha Walther League of Zion
Lutheran Church, Dashwood,
entertained the Zurith Leaguers
at a Social evening Sunday leve-
ning. Fifty-two were present.
Groupgames were enjoyed.
Arthur Rader conducted closing
devotions, followed by lunch.
(Intended For Last Week)
thrum! Items
• Mrs. Reward Iptunpo has
been made a director of the
Children's Aid Society at Oode-
rich this lit.
Miss Heather McNaughton, of
Exeter, was..wekend. guest
with Miss Mirza Gulens.
Mr, and Mrs, :Robert Storms,
Of St, Thomas, spent the week-
end with Mt. and Mrs, MervS/O
TIOniall and Lynda.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Lotus Restemayer were
Stuart and. Carolyn Kraft, of
London* Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd
Miller, 'Exeter: MrS, tavina Mil-
ler arid Arthur, Zurich. and Mr,
And Mrs, Herbert Miller and
fain ily,
Mr. and Mrs. rvin 'Mika, of
Y.ttr'ch. spent Sunday with Mr,
tinti Mrs. Fred Rader.
Mr. Siegfried". Afflict., of
Waterloo, spent lilt weekend
with Mt. and Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and
kmily,tif 'Waterloo,. Were Sun-
day guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Patsy Steick, of Toronto,
spent the weekend with Ilee
grahdperalitS, M. and MI'S, Ed
'Still Or.
Miss Men (Inert, of Strat.
ford,- went ttre weekend wit
and Mr. Crnittnev But-
ineister. aIso Mr. and Mrs, Ilar.
Oilbtilt, of Stratford.
Miss Jane 14,8 Lot ayor silent
the weekend ta Leattrn with Miss
'Carolyn tit&
Messrs, Satk anfl 1ar1Pierer.
Of Chatham, spent Surythw mdfil
their Maher, Mrs, Matilda
TOYS: TOYS: Beavers Easement
Toytown is open all year round.
Gifts for children's parties, birth-
days etc, for all ages. Beaver
Ha rd W. are titre
PULLETS, Purina started, any
alre. We an supply any bi•eed
such as the famous Mount TioPe
Queen strain, Cross Leghorn,
Ames In -Cross, or any heavy
breed desired, ,All pullets deliver-
ed. •TavIstnek 'Poultry Farm,
phone Ho Tay istock. ;:0-4:24
4 Inch 55 par Al nerd
0 inch 05 per Ai Delel
ineh 111) per M. 3)0'i
7 inert 1-15 per M DePil
$ inch 175 per Ai Deli
T's, Y's and Elbows in Stock
prices for IA', 12" and 14"
on Request
ElgInfield Phone 193 Lucan
SEE THE relEW Surge, Bucket
Milker with the "looking .glass
finish on the inside". New lid
angle milks low uneven utters
ber ter, contact Lovell McGuire,
phone 103 Wingham. Surge Due -
kris, Syphon Milkers, Parlor
Stalls, Wash Tanks Me. 3.11:20;27e.
per eleutrie Oriel< brooder, 500
eapaeity, with feeders and water
founts. Apply 4u0-11, or 160 Wil-
liam St. 20t TO
S1-.10I3THOVN 11.11.:LL, dual pur-
pose. sii..ed by TWEitleeall
11.u,l'. qualified cow. Apply
ni1r ChOpper, eromarty, phone 44-
r-12 Hurdle, 20:270
AIAPLE SY1111P-t)rders taken for
top quality maple syrup from
Elmira district. W. AlorleY, Phone
220 Exeter. 27e.
MOBILIA DOME, 2 -bedroom, bath-
room, living room, fully
furnished, Rae(' 10 months; terms.
Phone 712-1V-12 Exeter. 3:61fe
101.14.113-Phorre 72-r-4 Creel -
Ilan. 27c
11.011X91 & GARY OATS, field
inspected and both eligible to
register. A fiplY Fred, Dawson,
phone 456-r-0 Exeter, 27:
20 W .E AN EIT PIGS, 6-7 we s
old, A p p l'y Elmer Desjard In e,
phone Grand Bend 3-r-11. 87e.
4 1') 11)0 REELS (no hose); round
t)pe, in good condit lop. Also elee-
Derr eommercial meat grinder,
good new, Xo. 2512, 60 (*yelp,
110 volts, Apply at South leuren
Iloapital. 27c
'411 V.A.NGUARD 8131./AN, $175; '51.
Itiliman convertible, license, in
$290; both good. Enquire
l3_.t,. Station, Grand Bend, 27c
1916 TrtAiLkin, 01-51.. sleeps 4;
?mist sell. .1pply Carl Mills, phone
50-r-2 Kirin:ton, 27e
al, portable, used. only 2 months,
perfect simnel also 4 otrik eans,
APPIY Norman Atoeg,e n,
centilitre. 27*
COO i. -COLA. DISPENSER., a utn-
matte, holds 39 bottles, one year
old, in good condition. Cost price
$ami. W111 seu to the best offer.
Phone 20 Hensel], Terre Wilson.
RED ("LOVED., V n 11 o w Swett
clover, Reel Clover and Yellow 100 ACITES, all tillable. iesu rated
sweet clover in t r e, good house, fu11 bath, , fernace, base-
(11:alitY at attractive prices; also ment barn, silo,. drilled well,
beef by quarter; also 3 range pressure system; near 1•111age;
shelters. Apply Stewart P•lack -
well. Parr bine, Phone Tiurielr
09' -it -3, or David Iillack won, Ss -
II -0. 87:1:1(1:17• furnace.
1,11 ,117,411,4,,Vel
The TimPS-Ashtocats, Morch 7, 1954 Piji 17
ur Ballot For Ts:
,. NOTICES- e plow, on rubber, weed 2 eetteene;
aleDeering 10 -ft. dump rake: Me
Deering 3 -election drag barrows;
'TRACTOR, Aills-Chalmere, etodel ell ACRE FARM, cat haat Lot S, 1 weal, aleeleetee the preetiee of etepeeeing 4-seution die:lamed bar -
CA. 'with 3 -furrow h y d e a u 1 i e ; vote 4. Stepeen; good butid1n6s ebiropreetic and drttgiess ;bee' rev. s; Disaell a2 plate traetor /Ilse;
Plongli. Annie' James •VI:11001g 4117 . and good v.ter; e Mlle* fr°11.1. apy TtteedaYte. WedneeelaY and melI eultiPaelier; rubber tire wag.
Carling $t., Exeter. f..0:27' ' airport; hydro; ettese to Sebeel.
Phone :1717.-2 Dashwond. eene
COMBINE, Allis Claimer&
100, good entulltion, 2 years old,
eomplete with all attec'hnle(351.
Apply Sox "Mg", Nimes-AtIvoca,te.
Farms For Sale
3e5 ACRES, clay loan), near Zur-
HERTA DAT/LEV, good clean tele modern barn, 4010, drive elied,
_barley geowil from registered 4..t,St.Oroy 4 -bedroom brick house.
seed. Apply Herald Prout, 3 ALSO cliolce 100,-iiere farm, near
20:2 •:80 Exeter, with gocia
lieeter, Winne 172-r-4
Call It. T. elefiona.ld, London.
colleet. N-720: res, 4-1701. e0:27e
CURLS' PINK' .COAT with velvet
trim, Sige 10. :May be seen a)
Heady t'lea nen. 1 3:20:27C
PRDIKIT NeW fuel oll additive
givea lova combuation. saves 1(1)
10 one-third oir fuel billa for oil
burners and space iteatere, elim-
inates dirty soot, uneOnditional
guarantee, $2.35 quart. Fisher
Bardware, Exer. ee„
TIAN°, in good eondit ion. A.pply
William Sweitzer, Greed, Deed,
APPlY Lore e Devine or
phone Daeb wood 1 115-r-10. 27e
bushel; also '55 ('hey eoaeli. In
geoa enniiition, Apply Ken 'Kel-
ler, 27e
GRASS EA fief, 00 acres. Apply to
Genrge Link, Dashwood, phone
34-r, 20tre
4-1100111 A PARIPMEN`P, centrallY
loeated, partially furnished, with
bath and hot water. Separate
entranr•e; reasonable rent. Adults
only, rarag•e available. 343 An-
drew St., Exeter, 20:27c
flFtlCK 1i0CS13, 3 -bedroom; all
heating, 1)0111 -10 kitchen cup-
boards; also 'heavy duty kitchen
range; 3-plece bath ; hot and cold
wnter; 5 miles from Exeter, just
off pavement. Apply Fred Daw-
5011. 1))1011P 416-1,0 Exeter. 27e
PASTITP.F. 100- aeree, more or
Jess; Stanley township; good
grass; no 11111s: no waste lands:
shade; fresh water; on paved
highway. Pho.ne London 2-7613.
nmrs• BICYCLE, standard size,
red and while. Finder please eon -
I act 26 -Anne St., phone 5611.4.
Exeter 27c
C V. Pickard
FARM In /lay Townehlp, On SI
bighwaY, of 185 acres of choke
land, consisting set s, nine.room
house with modern kitehell and
huilt-le cupboards; has reek well,
2 pressure systems with both
hard. apd ea1 water on tap
throughout the built/ingot Iles
double rearage, hen house and pig
nen; 23 acres under cultivation,
bale -nee lit hue)) and, pasture. Tnis
term is located a melee west of
Hensel], Apply Urban Ducharme,
ILA. 2 BrUS§O1S. phone 43-r-7.
'Ilitirsdays weekly starting. 1. eb-
1.14417 4. 40bn Ward, phone 348.
Notice To
.on; brand new 16-5t. hay retch,
Cleerge White tractnr epreaeler,
like neW; Letz 10Je-1ne11 grieder
and baegger; Mali team drawn
ma.teuve spreader, on steel: .Farrit
/land manure loader, nearte new:
oat reller; fanning mill and
stet es: gravel box.: Ilentrew ereeni
separater; 2.(10U -lb. vap. scales;
13 8.; C. electric feed eooher. like
new: walking plow; pea itervest-
er; single horse dray harness and
Many other miecellaneoue items.
leaTERESTED A CASH CROP IloillsaiLeSlii;%Nw,4capr
Contreras genw rt101.1 111 bars eaeolee. fifth
due at thee of sale; Holstein Cow,
for It. J. Heinz Co, of Ce.nathe Durham and 311tfnils.due
ituc.o4aP-r,i1 4%;
Ltd. are available. ;March 31; red Durham Pow, milk-
ing. due in August; light roan
Petrel; and me.rket guaranteed. ewe, awe one < eek, calf at Toot;
For further Information or a 0011-
Hereford heifer, carrying first
(rare enntaet Leonard Daweon. eau,. dee before sale dale; red
'1)11°110 131-r-3 Tegese Durham eow, earryther third calf.
""- due In alay: roan cow carrYing
third calf. due in April; 2 Dur-
ham heifers, bred in January.
; This is a choice herd of cotvsi
• liens.
ISA 11,11E RS or businessmen. if .11Y & SO hales mixed
760 acne; FATtef, near Walton, you wartt help for one or more bay. choice quality; besbeis
large I, -shape barn, fre.me house, days a week, phone (19e -r-4 Plea ftegistered Rodney see'd nets; eo
'I/ACTORS .4 T. HRES1-)11111.1 Mc• ,
Deering, "W"4 stertdard tractor,.
in good -condition; Allis Chainiere
"C" ,roWerop tractor. in 4-1 Coll.-
dition, fuliy equipped: While leo.;
6 thresher, vompletetY eqUiPpeil,
in brand new eontlitiont 125 ft.
Mullet:1s ettlaber belt.
FAlIlil IAIPLEME1NTa: /dell lee
run fertilizer ,drill; McDeering
Wittier. 11 ft, vet.; John Deere Aide
rake, like new: 1 -furrow pick -UP
tractor plow; John Deere tractor
ethic; e -section lever beret:owe;
4 -section diamond harrows; 2
ber lire wagons: two 16-51. hay
racks; 3 -drum steel rolier; Til -14
hay loader; Int. team- ecuff
bean puller: bale loader: M-1-1
tractor spreader; W.S.g011 bo X and
stock rack; eircular SIM; shale
seraper: Viking Crealla separator, 35
; Little Beaver grain grimier;
2,000 113. scale; fanning mill;
water tank: chicken eeeders: hag
truce: Warner 500 cap, chick
brooder; electric clipper; eleetric
fencers; e00 ft. barn rope: milk
stand, and cart; rotary pump. rei
hp. motor; 400 fa water hose;
galv. piping; John Deere tractor
tire pump; extension ladders;
Quantity of lumber; cement forms;
barb wire: steel posts; square
timbers: chains; forks: eliovels:
earpeni er t oo I s ; many articles
too numerous to mention.
FEED: 1,000 bales ehoice hay.
implement shed, newly drilled etre. 213° bushels feed harlee , 8 bushels ot
fast. set; small cabinet: 2 Duo conkeere.1"1411-01Ploutartiebtiliell v1-:oodb1"11;
pieta dining room suites, break:- DidIll
well and pressure system, Pie- , led Mover seed; 5 bushels timothy
trieity end water in building's: EQUIPMENT FOR RENT- seed. Therm apace heatere, completely drive belts, 120 fie 4n ft.; 2.000e
half of barn is partly equipped lo leGteseexmien EFFEeers, owing automatic, like new: lieintzman tb. scales; lie /LP. motor (1111.
drained land, building's need some Floor Sanders grinder and press; and other mis-
stands: buffet: churn; sausa.ge hold it erns, dump rake; corn crib: quantity
new); drop head hay loader.
hold 17,500 'broilers, automatic ; piano. in new eondition: Singer
roont table; glass cupboard', email sewing Machine and other house -
feeder and waterers, Excellent
repair; ;0,500 cash, or will give No Reserve. Fartu ie sold. of lumber: e rubber -tired 'wag-
cellan emus it ems. on, 2 16 -ft. flat hay racks; other
eas-------------- ieprect broiler articles too liumerotte to mane
1101%..11).\141.8N: ra'a11.751111.DOCK, Prole,
al, P. CHESNET, Clerk
eaettlal ritilete .6 n/Y tree. "Ilf,
Tee'Relei: .Cash, '11W.nee NW,
in g up farming.
"Your Atectioneera*
TIVOLI leIL.SON eel .1:0,7tI ROgSDN'
Plume Ilierton, Celleat
'Your Sale In Our Handi
/goalie Dollars In T.oura".
rtIre-1,- MIR
Of Farm Machinery
al Lot le, 'Coneession '11,)
13 'ellles South and lle
of DruCefield, •Ort,
aieTlealeea.Y, .441140,
At 100 roe,
Massey-Harrls 44 tractor w1t1e
starter and lights, In A-1 .conclit
lion: 3 -furrow :McCormick plow;
McCormick tractor disc: efe0tire •
mielt stiff tooth eultieator; 6t
seetion of harrowe; McC. tractor
spreader (like new); McCormick
side rake tliite new); leicCormiele,
power drill (like new); 3-drune
roller; 2 .corn scufflers;
Gehl hammier mill; power grail
grinder' 7-51, al -TI binder; White
silo filler; eomplete e4-46 White
threshing machine with cutter;
1.4rower, George ev. ,sioge, flea. .1 Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers No 'Resent., is tbe farm is sold. TE/151S: Cash.
Seaforth, phone 033-r-0. 20;27:3• 'Vacuum Cleaners, Tools. Etc.
Pr°vItIcia-1 :P°Iiee at Grand Ilend SERVICES -
11111 require six cottages or suit- -
able apartments for summer ex -
ennui -rode Hon., Contact 0p1, Net QUALITY workinamehip, drapeey,
1C511.ambellain 00 °I' bei9re eAglIer71.1 n131eitPyccifla.'ebrrieus,II
,SA.NICEL. OESCH. T'reprietor
MeNALL, Clerk
ALVIN 'WALPER., Auetioneer
Of Valuable Real Estate
SMALL ORGAN, used, in good and Household Effects
Playing eonditton. Apply Mrs. ATTENTION, FARATERS-Promp t,
3illexelemt:r,Postill, Apt. 3, Ward Aptse, courteous collection of all dead On the Preenisee,
2.• and disehled teem animals. Call 114 Maln St. North, in the
colleet foe over etiu lbs. ED. TOWS OF EXETER
16" TRICYCLE' - Phone 61164, ANDREWS, 831-re11. Seaforth,
Thursday of Friday, 2 to 6 pen. Associated with Darling & Coe 'rhe thidArsigned ekuPti°"" "-
27' 05 Cana11a. Ltd 1'"0-e"17•tee eveulbvielrel Ailniestirotinetioonns to sell by
SA.TI RDAV, IRAs; CD 29, 1055
3It 1100 r.M., Sharp
'REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 4
lois; 114 Alain St., on which is
situated a one -storey frame dwell -
Ing covered with instil Meek Mil-
ing, living and :tilting room, kit-
chen, 11 bedrooms, utility room
and wriodshed, large basement,
Soft water cistern and hest nf well
water; also good-sized barn and
ehoiee loam garden land. .Property
nicely situated and In good state
of repair.
0 1110 A -At SEPA114T011, electrie Efoyeeen rele"eftaawe „„ble
to do any kind, I think. Call after
d(t)on; or a bowl Tor Internation-
al 2S separator, APply Harvey; elleeee gee q
p.m. Jniin Teats, 103 Slmeoe St.,
Hyde, •plinne 433-1-21 Exeter. 27e. '"--- --- '-'.'
SMALL 1100515 or large apart. 1 Gime/raw, Trim; KING - P3100.
for: 604-r-1 Pa.rkhill. We heve trtiele l•
. , .
ment in 'Exeter or vieinItY atailable for hauling' hag's to hog
responsible working couple; po
Apopsrsue.ss,itopnplyimpediateiy, ; assembly at Corbett. every \Vea-
1,. ere, I nesday of each week. 'We also
Cattily, phone 640 (days) or 112621,... ihnaAve cattetuir,..ksanadvagilioxbyIeeti, foxreilliraleittli;
tenet. 0 P.M. isaec, corhett, Ont. 20:e7e
preferred, in g•ood working eon.- •
tvooD cloftz, ttAxGvi. used, in
good condition. Phone 7 Crediton.
3-1391711100M brick cottage,
dern kitchen snd bathroom, living'
desires correspendenee with g•Irl.
room and dining room, attached Letters to Box "V", Exeter Times-
g•arage, This home is in good kdvocate. 27;3.
condition and well located. Priced '
to sell. Terms.
CBOICE, brand new 3 -bedroom
home may be purchased with
small down payment or at a very
low priee for cash. This is a
beautifully finished house. Let
US show it to you.
(rated in Exeter business section.
Suitable foe office or any busi-
ness requiring m (1 1 0 01 floor
space. Veey comfortable living
quarters. Terms. 2:6tfc
Let us glve you details.
1-13IDDROOM BRICK svith garage.,
D'his Mame is well built 'and in
good condition. It , has spacioue
living and dining spa,ce And good
kitchen; full basement with oil
burning fureace. This is an estate
house and must be sold. 2:27tfc
Co'll'A GE, 2 - bedroom, modern
kitchen, 11-plece bath, extra bed-
mon< space avalla.ble, full base-
ment, oir heated. Price $4,500.
Slightly higher on yery easy
terms, 3:27
To buy or sell, see C. V. Pic-
kard, Rea.ltor and General Insur-
anee, 394 Main St., Exeter, phones
165 and 628.
BRICK 00 T G E, insulated,
'hardwood floors. 2 bedrooma with
Possible third, • 3-plece bath, fur-
nace„gazage. $5,000 cash to settle
I FLOOR., Instil bele, living room
tireplane, 2 bedrooms, full bath,
nice kitchen, full cellar, furnace,
hot water tank, central location.
2 -STOREY HOUSE. large furnace,
'1 piece bath, hot and cold Nvater,
heavy duty 'wiring, garage.
Nie1117 1 -Storey frame, Reim; rootn,
kitchen roe venielicem, 0 bedrooms,
4 -piece bath, air conditioning oil
6-11.00M 1 -floor house, air condi-
BOYS' SPORT COAT and brown
he Honing 011 fuena.ce, 1 -piece bath,
Petits, size 12-14- years, May
seen 81 .1-Irady Cleaners.APPLY IN PE'RSON TO
27• large rot, garage, settling estate.
HENSALL-"°rooms, Main floor; .. '
ororili'n EQIIIPAIENT - ITead• 3 upstah•s; full bath, air condi- MIDDLETON & GENTTNE!T,
quartera for Iloyal tYPewriters. tioner oil furnace, large lot. 3:60
Victor adding maellie es. Ite call DEA eT.1•01.1,• nearly new red
Ativocete, 17110170 7,0. '11-`e ehurch es, schooll‘s",elisiv8o1Lpilaptlerfig, t°2
---- 10(0TOTnCHhEobSTr. 33 0h
save You moneY! _r•xoler TillIt's,.- brick house.
bedrooms and sunroom for poa- l'Y' •3111006 1004. l'Ixei(".' ..70
'(10 RA raes HAY, <‚10 ('0 alfalfa, sibie third, la, co „,,,,,,,,
-1 hot w at er 11 e a -t-11.1-,;--. ...*-.... .‘-:' (Wring SUMMer InOntliS in Grand
ApnlY Havre Dougall, phone 6 1.,!.- dining room , kitchen, Nit bath, COOK - 1Voinam for 'restaurant
r-11 lioneell,
GOOD :PASTURE, 50 acres, i'.:0-11', pEeerni(eli1Ce:%,003ider20171,° \VelkiestY'SOC°Nr"le7;1';
(l'e0),Y3 p(11'0°Ttr10'-'0.»..%1Y)_;11Y-2 eA•VrIel,iiirar_enrie :N1•2.1171: ‘5‘..attHraeYdf all cleared arid creek Times -Advocate, giving full Pee -
1 • c
• .'
07111,5* spram,:. cr).yr, size 12, Write OP <01110, W. C. Pe .a"'retiec1;1'11118 rs.
pink (-Meek wit h -MVO, 'e 0\14. Realtor, Exeter, phone 435; Earl
Parsons. phone 3507, :Fred ('ole,
phone 544-11, Salesmen. PI tfo
, .
1VE HAVE a splendid territory
for you in surroundings if you
want to make money. Sell our 250
products attractively presented
and used daily in every home. If
interested in a profitable business
of your own act. now. Openings
In 13rucetleld. Clinton, Dashwood.
:Exeter, Goderich, Grand Bend and
surroundings. reef, c,atalogue
details, T. CLATZDNER, Dept. N-11,
Station C, 1600 Delorlmier, Mont-
real, 6:14:20:27c
Need assIstant in Huron count -5'
to develop as area manager. :Ex.
cellent remuneration; group 131SUr-
ance. Worthwhile and commend-
able worlc. Teaching or sales
background 'valuable. Write .7',
Shepard, 900 'Valetta, London, On-
tario, giving age, education, ex-
perience and phone number,
LAP.GE CANADIAN and 1 rnited
States Manufacturer of Liquid
Fertilizer expanding in Huroit
county, requires representative in
HAY Townehip..This is a. big field
with gooct repeat business. Alan
reqtfteed Inept be respected and
highly rI
ptedrt his "m
In1111- Sealed tenders will be received
ity, and preferably with agriettl- by the undersigned by March 31
turai: background, 26 - 50 years of ror erushing AAA delivering on.
age. Car essential. Complete train- tlie township roads approximate-
ingiven. APply "Na-fliurs'
1Y- 10,000 OUhIO yards or grarol to
plant Food Co. (Canada) btil„ .;
be taken from Prout's or Mon-
Langarth St, W,, London, ()Marin,
FILMS DEVELOPED in 49 houre.
ioxete.r agent: -Russell Electric;
F(eia1l sent: Ed P u rab-
i lig and Heating; prompt photo
finishing. 27:3;10:17"
AUCTIONEER - Bert le epee r,
licensed auctioneer, now booking
sales for the conthete season. 71.11.
^ Seaforth, phone Clint:ea H17 2-
77:34. e7:3;10:17"
A '8110T IN THE el.flele from
our eerie:tie department will make
your old equipment act like new
again. Remember, :Pannell trac-
tor% are known mid served I:IPA
S I the IMOD 1-11 sign. le. W.
leustable, Phone 153-W Exeter',
1311lC1UN'G and plastering*, home
and industrial repair s. brick
POInting, chimneys, wails etc.
(•naranteed work. loree estimates.
No job ton small or large. Write
or call .1, P'. Fowler, Box 450,
phone 141-1V Alitchell.
SE37TIC1 'VANES pumped ;
isle serviee. Sutler Eros, Luean,
phone 130-19 or 10S Lucan. tools, and, many articles too nu- stein heifers; 1 Hnisr ein bull, Lhalmers e • A tractor. fully
• • • , meraus to mention. several 10-tlar-old calves. ' equipped, in A -1 condition. Also
TERMS; Cash. ; 2 -row bean scuffler; combine.
; olive< Nre le, .eqeuipped with
!motor, 6-11. swath, A-1 condi-
11:11tioorleti2s-92. \\2.7. oiNn dooNn.
I ti0911`Alllf IMPLEMENTS: Case 4 -
bar side rake, on rubber,. like
Phone 92-3 Parkhill
n7:1r, new; 81-91 hitider, 6 -ft., 'cut; Int-
pou er take -off mower; 7 -ft. cut;
Int. 2 -le rrow plow; Cockshutt
AUCTION SALE GivingClUeapriLarming team manure spreaeler. on rubber;
3 -drum steel roller; al -H 71-rUn
fertilizer drill; Fleury Bissell
Of Household Effects
in the
SATuaDAY, :11.111C11 1)0
tit 1:00 O'Clock
The Estate of 1 he Late
'rerms of Real F.state: 10(''• no
day of sale, balance in 30 days.
Sold subjeet to a reasonable re- with plenty of size, in first class , purebred 'Holstein cow, milking's
serve bid if not previously sold, condition, a nd will be sold guar- t due in Aug.ust: cow, Milking,
lemeemeobn Err,,EicTsi melog anteed right. lf :Vail {Valli good carrying third vett, due in July;
room table; 6 ehairs; 2 buff eta; COWS, '10)53 tilIs ''' • Holstein vow, fresh Mace Dec.,
comb ina.t Ion glass etipboaed i 0- No Reserve. I
: with calf a t foot; heifer, carry.
t ing first rale, due -May 20: heifer,
Piece chesterfield. like new; ocr TERMS: Cash.
easional Miele; oak desk table: ' earrying fleet calf. due July 13;
Marconi erectile. radio: kitchen CLIFF ..tu.n..azn. 'Prota 1 heifer, rising 2 years old, recent -
table and Mien's; <'8 b Inc 1: 2 W. E. NAIRN & SON, 4kuctmneort ; slet'obnred; 2 part Hereford and Hole
yearling heifers; 4 Arigu$1
couches; corner antique stand;
end table: mantel clock: 3 oak 27e ; yearlings; 6 steers and 3 heifer,
rock era; e1 P et ric lamps; floor , rising* 2 years oIrl; 2 Holstein
1:yearling steers; 4 Holstein calves.
coverings; axminstee rug, 7xe;
electric washing' maehine: centre ; This is an extra. gond herd of
tables; oak bed springs and inett- eattle., T. S. tested and vaccine
reset steel bed, springs and matt- ated,
ress; 2-barner elec.:trio stove, like e10115: Yorksbire sow, with lit -
toilet sets: ehest of drawers: dreg- Dairy Cows, Heifers
I third litter, bred 4 weeks; York
new; coal and wood heater; 2 : ter of 9, 3 York sows, carrying
sers; (0 min o el 08 : heating pad: and some Beef Cattle I SOW, carrying' first letter, heed to
(teepee: eurtitins: imitts: hlanketg; For Erwin Scott and Sens'. at Landraee hog: le York weiners.
dishes': kitchen utensils; sealers; Km a:RUT: V SALES 13 A ns
s Miles North 05 London nld; York. hog, pert Landrace, 1.14
eughions: glassware; silverware; 9 weohs old; York hog. 6 1110110g
P11.113A). A143,11.: 4, 4:00 71.:14. yeArscroaidn. .1.: 27:3
Rhode Tslarid
l'::\°1711.S.se.:. -ITEMS: Top buggy; light ' This IR a ehoice lot. nf eguing
wagon: 2 laW11 winevers; ellttailg COWS and. heifers, some bred, i TIlleh(ilid ex iSsulasenedx Tet-orairlxingsulsisecnxs;p3u515.
box; DP Laval erearn separater; snme freeh and snme due time a
pig Orate; quantity nf lumber; inn sale. Also some good grass esttie Jere, 4 weeks old,
of (mat: garden and carpenter mid a large quantity of oPen Ertl- t `MAXTOR & COMBINE; .A.111s-
ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer
Dispersal Extensive
Of Registered and Grade Of High Quality Holsteins,
Hoistein Cows & Heifers Hogs, Poultry, Tractor,
AN-, E. Nairn & Son will sell by Combine, Farm Implements,
public auction on Hay, Grain, and Household
LOT 79, rog 0, 11111SERT TWP. Effects
1 Mile WPM. nt Staffa,
5 Miles South of Dublin, an
.n v, APRIL 2, JOSS
Commentrieg at 11;19
the following:
10 purbred Holstein co we, most-
ly fresh, with calves by side; •10
g'ra(lio Holstein ('011 8, fresh nr
ready to freshen; three 2 -year -o14
grade Hoestein helfere, dne in
Or: the Premises. 1.nt 6, Con 28 -
Half -Mile North nf Centralia.
The Undersigned -euclioneer re-
reived instructions to sell br
Puhlie Attetion on
Asefele'ileSIDAY, APRIL 0, 1955
Commeneing at 12:30 p.m., Sharp
Apr11; two --year-old purbred
Holstein heifers, bred in Del..; ttnw, /carrying fifth calf, due
bred in Jan.
Yearling Hereford sltler6 and , stein and °Ayrshire :ow, fresh I
ielein eoW, e. a rryi rig third calf,
(*ow: milking. fresh since
with reit at foot; Hol-
e2reP;u1.71), rgedrade.yearling'3(rl i Iltrg"'t nheifers;,i ri ; ,Ian, Ian., with Vail' at font; part Hol -
heifers; II grade Holstein heifers, I weela
'rue ahove. en vi, s are a rhelea 1 due before sale date; cow, railke
lot, 4 to 9 years old, vaccinated, 111--
ng, due in August; cow, carry.
1 i a fifth ealf, d IP sale date'
Of 117 Head of
Sentlee on all makes, sharpening,
repairs, lawn rolling. BM Laing. TERMS: Cash.
phone 91 Exeter. 27:3:10:17e 35.1.817000. TIATIPaSON, Prop,
Township of Stephen
Must ,be courteous and able to
assume full responsibility,
trim, in gond condition, Thrum
117 r)a sb wood. 270
('03515)! .'150, Internatinnal tri, Dri-
ft. cut, with A Ilsiliary Motor, a II
ettachments nil .11so 125
crete,s or lama 16 rent ne share
(Top, Mrs, A. Sauve, 3301< A11,
Zurteli. 27;:le
., •
ist.KweErt home, 3 bed -
(11 -111,S' ('OAT, all wee), 401.cia010e rocrap.., close 1.0 Sail 001S, oll heat,
blue , size 101 bOye' a11 woe' 01/011 torlat arrang•ed,
roar, size 11, gree' fleck tweed.
in • excellent cond ition, At Brady lexlezten, Huren Street, 3.bed.
(*limners. 27* room brick house, furnace, kit-
chen, 3-31icee bath, 93,500 (hewn,
(11111.,5' IIA N ('0 .3'!' ae (1 hal ;
also j•ellow short1e eon, 40 flt GRAND REND -- Lake trent trot,
lu- lo 12-y ead. l'horie D41 tage, living room, 13 -bed roorn,
:Exeter. . 2.7.0 bath, k`itchen, 64,000.
Exeter, Ont.
teith plt; gravel to go through
Ite-Inch screen; and for eruelinve Mrs. Leorge Wenn
and 'loading township trtiek.1Vork
alarbed cheede for $200.00 to ac- Frigidaire frig.; Frigidaire
fence: 2.000 white brick;
FRI DAY, .4P11.1 4, :00 37.11,
to he eompleted by JUne 1., 195S,
company each tender. Pel•a"sitirilnrg• 111.1%11c7 e 1 alrigl•lci• e ((110(110 I•1 e rd n varci n at. e douann: aTic..;atTtelrly; snow
table And 4 chairs; 3-pieee lea- Red Holsteins. 7 e
Of Registered Holstein
Cattle, Machinery, and
1952 International Truck
foe Mr, Walter Haelieleberee
LOT 20, 'CON. 0, LONDON Twp,
Aliles South of Ilderion
tractor disc; 4 -section diamond
11 a 100 w is; rubber tire wagon;
grain box, 150 -bus. cap.; Lets SO
N grain grinder and bagger; 75 -
ft, endless belt; Dion cutting bog
with 40-51. pipes; Smalley grain
blower with 50 -ft, pipes; Mc -
Deering 7-51„ stiff tooth cultivat-
or on rubber; hydraulic beet
lifter; buelc rake with Model A.
Ford motor: 2 -wheel trailer and.
raeks; :11-11 bare loader; 200 -ft,
cl,n;a,ntiliy.,... Apttare 1 imbers; corn
tiler eeeseerejeid suite; 2 leeoeh- cows. due sale time and later; 0
Cred Ron, Ontarici ler platform rockers, like riew; yearling 'heifers, sired by unit a,(;:;,rii.t"il•dtiel,,':'N.3‘1:1(151.;\;`, iCerlalleacotntolp,riloollellgoartianoistni
hoetess chair: mahegany bed- bulls; 4 heifer valves; 1 bull ca1f,
J.'817000 AA1ES 111.1WHINNEY, Clerk
20.2713 room suite; ellen.): be (1 r ri 0 m Extra good dairy herd, geed pro. stewari electric, clipper; 150 -ft.
suites; twin. beds, spriags, matt- dtticleA.rysnlou d.oQgtooicr.1..\ IiiiI:oxordr :111111:s.La .‘ a 1
cans; three' 45 -gat. o• il drum; 6
new cable• root pulper• milk
NOTICES TO CREDITORS resses; antique bedroom suite; S -
Woods S - ca n capacity cooler;
bls7rrow; •-• bags lime; eleetrio
PI2l'aul eig1(.1131Ps':;1191oc'll'xalrkftil2p*el als1.11;:x111)ilelns-toAil If.lfseeiree00:ntnarg111)10A1:;Ilueietl'es31011n18'd2; n ten en-itTer• p,°:1 18)1 11 kgirnjd e CaSnOSiN. •S. bred 4,ncers; p• ost hp' le auger; tarp,
milker with 2 new single units:
new range ahelters; coal broode
e 1, b.p. eleetric motor; wheel, -
tables; small iablea; card table; Tork, dim middle ot Allen,
tixS ft..; extension ladder; sling'
hall tree; clothes hamper; muste eTacefINERY; e1-17 44 Diesel ropes; platform sealest chains;
stand; corner ellin(a;,bacatibsi:nele:101‘0.11t<5111
ie, 141119'
peociutieili;netrialeegaftf1.0112ellorr1011.- afoftrekosu:s sitrein•lest.s and other miscall-.
mirrot" rocking
for al --II 44; butt]: eake thnt fits te71.1'Ne 11.1Y & faTIAIN: 20 ton
loader; Int. 3-ferrow nee -bottom DeKeth es, reface Nee eere; 20
plow, on rubber, 14' It 11, nOteh 1011 shredded hay; 1110 bushels of
coulter; 51 - Ft 2(3 -plate double mixed areal,
fliSe, 'like new ; 15 -run Int. d ler HOUSE ROI, r) 74 1" E le 0 T St 94
fete-1112er and grain (bill with
,,.,,,,,,,, seed„,.., 2 .,..(,era cid . 81_74. 7_ piece (lining room euite, in neve
7). "power "'-erowerie el,ae '0„e.,_1'ree eontlitioe: studio cnuch; 11.4.1,4*
dieet eembine ,e. an nit„et,cri ee electric radio; electrie ntaxtioi:pec:atre:elet
gemeamehgere, 541, gewer take. light lamp; end table: mirrors;
off, looks like new; Case ham- "ell" °tall's; el"st t)1" (1111•AV6tsg
iiiire(,rasi millilt:h,atrt*ronN.%g4:.:1-.),!on s216c,xit aAn,N.ee°11)eiroi Sutitnt,Iiionruegt;pboard: quart.,
lit the Estate of
Emily Dignan,
electric vaenum cleaner; carpet
Ali persons having Maims sweeper; dishes; kite/1011 Julien -
against. the estele a Emily Dig. sits; ironing hoard; perch glider;
(1011, late a 111 Village et Hen- verandah amine; lawn swing;
sell, in the Ceunty of HurOn, garden tools: wood aed 01 her
Widow, veho dled on or about the artieles too numerous to men-
2na day of elttreh tleee, are re- don.
(mired to file partietils.rs of same MRS. 110111,911. SANDERS,
With Bell & Laughton, Solicitors Executrix
of Exeter. °Marin. by the 2eth
day nt Mareli 393e, a rtit.i. Whit.tt tr.) CORBETT, Auctioneer
date the estate will be distribut-
ed heeler, regard nnly ihnee P. L, AleNAUGHTON, Clerk
etaims of which notice has been e 7e.
rocs lvtd,
Bell & Laughton,
Soliciloes fee the Executors, -
30Seter, Ontario. 10f Reg. Holstein and Grade
13,20:e70 Cattle, Tractors, Thresher,
1FarM Implements, Feed and
Household Effects
Un the Peerelsea,
1 Lot 16, Concession 2.
Miles South of Exeter On
HielIVAY 4. and 1 Milt West.
----........-1,11....00... AUCTION SALE
1050 3 Ion truck, with a 114 N13 t4 le N I) - 2 00artges, medeml /mine, elospieee bed. eee FarmOf imp‘;leelmilnettsTrLaicvteosrt'ock, 1,,, , ,,,,, ,.,
help attend my invalid a 1 f e• • , peTN1,141 ttititlisetrAitrodn s .A.trIt I oigi eef•lr• 1•4 -
LADY` to We litruSelitep arid
heist, eood allane, l'ea50175b,,,1°. 04,300, $2,000 dotena Large cote lifting. No night dray. Just 111e Poultry, Hay, Grein and 11 ru.1-9'8'en.y7s-1.)-A' 9..,0 „lilt, ,J. ors
Pheree 423 Exeter. ..•0, bier, 11.1redroorm I lying room,
„,:, „roN Thero.r, rpra.cr, (Thov, 15,01;1.1%1010111.i, shnlatilli n40,1111aAi.eorre*n4u 15,001r, two or ns, A ,,gond lierne fne the
right partY, 17 . D. Evane, Forc2ait., Household Effects I At i800 O'Cloole. Sheep .
In .\ -i 000,111km, rhchP poshW°714 $35 per week. A good Investillent. Ont. pholie 601-r-4. I CATTL13 -Regielei•ed Holsteins
97..11-4. 27e• On the Premlees, ' and Grade Cattle; Holstein rose,
LM 17, Convegeinn 11, ng, tbitn t all' nut. in May;
heSt In Kit' kton district, well ---'----'•-•-'--"'-'4------*- 4 8111" 800411-W051 4.1 Varna, 11 Int'loriterstYtit'll,iiitv foot;icrbwigerflialkti1itr, elesollistTiltei
<teamed, Irtt•ge barns, ideal for tort,..wrint:: VILLA, a. 110012 for er tile alitee North of Zurich. eoe,.. 111)1k)11g,, duo Inytt,y; 1301-
10(80 housingelthere dairY tie elderly eitittms, is now Open at /.14he lendersigned eateticumer eee male coy., le intleig, dee 10 A pg,;
t,3;hintletli brit.tk 116USP. hot ,50 Sanders St., Eclette. !Cho, Villa celved Inshmetions to eell by Tr 0181 ('111 vow, miming, freeli
2 17" TV SETS rooms, $1,000, L. Desjartline, Exeter. .sinee NoveMbee, with eel( nt, foot;
water, n11 beat, 2 baths, 4 bed' is under the Inahagenidet ot etre. PtiblIc .4001(011 On
with new picture tulles nolo, 1%11.mA trom tso to 200 1:01f0 Holstein etew, Milking, feesh since
... IertioAv, siAllet; lig, 10fiR
411117 YOU thielcing of htlyinft A C:AniWTTYTI:\n'At; nlet011(0:::60gi'..-,.11t2"Ptt4ihrti:trtili., 151)(10(1.161111(1:1067t;‘, Mflrt'ell'511'ea0lf""I‘i.0b061 ITylintli;
* e * oil sprayer for ;your tieellard Pests. sibletta oil the menilsee. ,e) i reealler ttlint" let.oditier:t10.1hAtte1101 eee,dtticd41111
2 4•13tIttNtil. RANGtS aceds hot ad vertieed. '
2 ItEPIIIGtlIATORS Aro ha" a c ash h I 1 5' 0 l' '1•v. 1 I 11 1: t;ile'l%adael,.. resel ;lel 00' dg'ekti; I. tl* hfl.it'l At' 1 gr. gle1001P);"181; 5:1;1 fad011111:314/10,tily1: e0h°00tt,m1.tiLl'ilA.8/111:111,1FI;;ISta*k l:71:14:1:1i0118(111t01:.16ti f:1111*1.4 ; eel IT °. ig duot°111111.1,116111fge,.rt ' 11Woryliotle:eill
All in First Class Condition $'6..°6° " 97'0" f"r a 2'bedr°6111, othee netts you wive? I have re a ` ooesleeees ee Itetee wed 1101511r0. due ill •",e0t., 11 alt
t".8401.0Y 11°1", W" 1°°aled* 4.1"(1 Several uteri sprayers At well 48 dfLvi 1.00.11„loubl eetieetee, ford ttlid. 14010tolo otnr• .1011144171g.!
10 buShtetis section, IC Yon haA e now mien tin hahd, 11, might pee email ,kitehen• and ann Im1,011. 111. dita 111 Alltec part noll'Ol'Or aria
REASONABLY Pruc.ED such a. 101110 foe sale contact. :ton eoey weii to call and son y, ,..„ 0 oiltotiori invitod howo day .6 f tIsTa01 Irg, t 0 duei ricoiliiv, AcoltgirTintftgitsotetitsrotidi
eleyerg Bpeayer dealer. L. e. Sale. Titre home can be Moved ii1 Aye i t ,.„ 1 t ,tit eat.
Ifogarth, 011006 206, 13:25:27:30 Oho Milt. Si le. ',MI y ore oui
Phone 109 Exeter M J. GAISER mitktro, pate: Durham and JetseY
ir-'-'---'----'-Ass, mcks ,.. ' TOrille of Dwelling: 100;5 00 day (1011', 00/111 s)ece Dec., with cart
2/c REAL ESTATE bt 5010, 11051100 ill tO 4a$5. SOW at 50011 blue rean cow, fresh
PHONE EXETER, 21 ---**--4--"*-6-----"-----••"' 40)7001 10 0 1'0060110100 r0DerV0 Since NOveniber, with calf Al fOot;
PROMPT S 71 7 P At ENT Durrell; bid'part 1 Tel(3tein <111<)17111'0500dtieW.
9 RITI'llt('.31102013')'13.iN('.31102013')'13. 2 0310(410113,15., 164.1-1(,,, pAs!tvoop etavted, deyold, Heavy eoekerele. 1<'_\785 MaCIFINEDY; 55.85. "ti- Trosh since 1100„ With call at,
of draNvere; 11<1)10 and rtiMR.1'; ' - MI:ecci chlaka etIl Heeede. Bennett treetop, to robbor, ift first (*lase feet; 2 part 'Holstein 'bettor& dile
1111011011 'Whirr and 2 chairs; itherk III3NSALL -91611t1 2-AtereY belek . melee new fee May.. June. emulifion; etelleerleg blittlee, 7-51. 117 Atte", 81111 Sept.; Ileg, H01010111
Alielveit; e end tohipa, lipiga houso; A 1•001110 1411(1 small Apart. (Have .1 m eitt in•treose nulletS and Ont; Menem" lug eine er, 641, eel; 110)100, 1101 11r0d; 2 lirg• 1101610111
1'ettet1811 blitut, 11"115"• reeord 70001 ; neW Ititteben 1•111111barder Miler hybrida,) /lei tw:M
oete net Merleeting deep heed hey (00(1010 heifer ea.1111; 18 Yearling' HOT-
eattitiel a ad mievellatienit'S iteme. II 0 111.:I' deenra Led: 1101Y et111001 And fleire Tleay He tehery, ;meet; trio Aterreeeing 13 -tun fertilizer drill; Aftitia. ThiA la An 01:101l i•rettni trail:1"
0...(,. DI SIlliced st., ph 14(12 2011el) tt reli. t'arl MeClillelleY, Y4'en. rarheatlitert, tiotor„ 711)0110 2(0' Me:Der,ring bean 01(11 torn fUtnrr. hordt high producers and pro:w
te iAteDeorin...furrowg tractor 1 ent bleed Mice.
Used Specials
tixtie 2f* sail, phone let..), 27:36 We
Imes. new; 'manure sni•eader °,!,,edle81,1„F's;„,,,°"Per b"ell
cm steel: 2 -row beet and ban le
e'''. " ""'• ".•• '
cultivator; ('od:81RM 2 -rose Ter- Nn Reserve. as 1110 famil 10 sold,
tilizer and corn planter*: 8 hp, 1)11e to extra large tale, selling
gasoline engme; 2-0010, beet eint wilt MAI% sharp on time.
corn Cock shui t cultivator* 1 b.p. 101711815: Cash.
eleetrie motor: Fleetly gt.a polo
fork; 50 ('en) ehdless bolt; other
useful articles found at a, clear-
ing auteloa sale.
107e2 Int. half -tan truck, 16,000
31E0. H. HODGSON, Prop..
tistisvrr IIICES, Clerk,
ALVIN' 1V4L37E71, Anctioneer
pl ll IltM1111111/1111%/1111111111iMintiiiMiliillfithiliti1114111101/140 tttt I t 011tMittIllitttittlX011111111111illtilitilillIN
1.' I
2 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, 2-piect bath, elosed•in a
front arid back porch, in very good repairs - $5.500 with I.
$2,500 Down,
Living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bath down-
stairs; 3-roor1) apartMent on second floor renting at 410
per month. Ideally loeatcd and close to schoOls - $6,600
Full Price
2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, S-pitee bath, garage -
12,500 with $2,000 down,
rot someone who desires the quiet of the country and the
hearriesS o Own and beach; li-acre of land, 2 bedrooms,
living remit, dining room, new S.piece bath, bi excellent
repair.- Asking price $1,000,
ExteIlent Possibilities fot garage Or service staliOn Only
'General lititUrante $4 Main 'Street, Ewer
Ree Estate Representative tor L. toiliv, London
Niutottnanhitimitvomointronol t