HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-27, Page 214. 114 Timee-AeNceetex. IM.aX.elt . 7 19$8. ss isoaltseettiotto tlut1111tsses A.tuuln sssuAlesea U11s1I seetssotstesste silt 111 issiussiss a _ etenutuuemmggfNnrntitftU nnhnUP!gttpftnhfnmmltqutttrth uality e CLOVER 4L. GRASS $E.EDS We have a complete stock of ALFALFA. RED CLOV R, ALSIKE, YELLOW & WHITE BLOSSOM SW U T CLOVER, •WHIT1, DUTCH AND LAMINA CLOVERS, BRODIE;, GRASS, ETC., Permanent Pasture Mixtures Place Orders While Steck Is. Available We are quoting ,verb, attractive prices and replacement orders would rewire higher retail prices, SEED GRAINS All varieties available in Registered No. 1; Certified No. 1 and Commercial No. 1. Treated and Packed in New Jute OAT VARIETIES; Garry, Rodney, Registered and Commercial Brant and Herta Barley High quality seeds will be in short supply this spring. To be sure of your requirements, ORDER NOW; i'ERTILIZER Discount For Early Delivery Still Available Order Now ss. We'll Deliver To "Cour Farm AMMONIUM NITRATE IN STOCK 1. We are contracting for malting barley. (Montcaim and kindred varieties are available,) 2. Registered seed oats. HAVE YOUR SEEDS CLEANED AND TREATED AT OUR MODERN CLEANING PLANT Your seed can be delivered and cleaned without being bag- ged. Phone us and arrange a date to clean and treat your requirements. W. G. Thompson & SONS LIMITED Phone 32 Hensel! vuluunlullWllllWlf Itttltu,l,1111lutauulltltlulltlttl1111111t11W1t111111111111,IIII111u11u1111„II,IWoIltu,lllultoWul l The Story Ili. Sairntsbury By MRS. H. DAVIS Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta held a birthday party at their home Saturday evening for Mrs. Std .Dickins of Exeter. The eve- ning was spent ul :playing, pro- gressive euchre with Mrs. :Diets - les and Air• Heber Davis as winners, Guests iii addition to the guest Of honor were Mr. and :sirs, Earl Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, Dir. and Mrs. Don Maguire and boys, Mfr- and Mrs. Jim Barker, Joan and Gary, Air. and Mrs. Earl •Greenlee and boys, Mr and Mrs- I-lugh Davis, Heather and Michael, Dlr. and Mrs- Ant Young. Luean and Mr. Eandryrlges. Mrs, J i in Tindall, I t i Dirs. Latta assisted by the girls served lunch from a table centered with a birthday cake. Mrs. Dickins was the recipient of a gift from the group, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. °Clarence Davis spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Fred Davis. Miss Mildred Dundas, London, and Mr. Pat Crony's were Sun- day evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis, A number of young people from this community attended the presentation and dance for Dir. and Mrs. Bill Abbott of Ni- agara Falls in the Luean Arena en Friday evening. The young couple were presented with a purse of money. Mrs. Clifford Abbott and Mrs. Arthur Abbott and Muriel spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mr, and Airs, Heber Davis spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Tindall. Mt, Brydges. Mrs. Maurice McDon- ald had dinner with Mrs. Fred Davis, Mrs. Hugh Davis, Heather and Michael were -Friday guests with Mrs. George McFalls. Cancer is the disorganized, 'un- regulated growth of body cells. Although a great deal has been discovered about the nature of this growth, the cause is still unknown. 0 1) A 96 i N,•if CLEAN ) Is your own home grown grain fit to sow?' We ask you to answer this question truthfully. The seed -drill test in Huron County last year was not good. Why take a chance? The old saying, "You reap what you sow" is right; so why not sow the best? Besides, our .seed grain prices are so low this year that it's questionable whether it will pay you to get your own grain processed for seed. Feed your own grain. Buy our treated seed that is tops in quality and purity. Seed eats GARRY RODNEY BEAVER CLINTON REG, and COM. REG. and COM. Seed Barley HERTA PARKLAND BRANT MONT.:ALM REG. and COM. SELKIRK WHEAT PEAS RYE Discounts Given on Quantity Orders. Order Yours Now. NO. 1 RED CLOVER NO. 1 ALSIKE NO. 1 BROME NO. 1 RANGER ALFALFA NO. 1 TIMOTHY NO. 1 ORCHARD Discounts On Quantity Orders. NO. 1 ELNAR ALFALFA NO. 1 CLIMAX TIMOTHY. NO..1 LA SALLE RED $26.00 Bus, $21.95 Bus, $30.95 Bus. CUSTOM CLEANING AND TREATING PHONE NOW FOR CLEANING TIME Contracts Avaiiable BARLEY Your choice of Montcalni or, Parkland Barley, OATS -•-- Rodney` and Garry, with limited acreage, CORN --4 Your choice of Dekall,,. Pfister, Warwick, Pride, limited acreage. "RO*GOLD FERTILIZERS ARE GOOD Let us quote prices. GkiAIN- FEED -SEED ! XETERs3'ti1*v735-•WHAL EN CORNERS d'isesvKIR}(1ON 35RI5 Dawn To Earfh By P. I. iIOOPER Odd Bits Weather, Ontario. April 195a. --See it they are right. First Week, 1.5: Heavy rains and storminess will open this week in the Lakes region; mostly clear skies north and west. A cold outbreak around the 5th will drop temperatures to near zero or below in west, between 1.0-20 degrees in east. Second Week, 6.12: After a !chil- ly! beginning, temperatures. will A'arm to the 50's and 60's day-; time, with intermittent Stormi- ness due toward the weekend. Tempera- tures Week, 12.10. ,feinpeia. tures in 50's early in week will give way to cold outbreak at' midweek which will drop tem- peratures to 10.20 degrees in - west, in the 30's in tie Lakes' region, Important showers at mid -week and at week's end, Fourth Week, 20.26: Mostly cold this week with cold put - breaks at the beginning and end of period bringing 10-20 degree readings in west, 30 degree read- ings in the Lakes region. Show- ers at the beginning of period and again toward the weekend, Fifth Week 27-30: Mild tem- peratures climbing into the 60's, Showers early in week most im- portant in the Lakes region, Herbicides For l95a Brightest new star among the galaxy of herbicides available to farmers this spring is the pre-mergent simazin. This the-'± micas, which is sprayed on the 1 field after the crop has been i seeded, permits the corn plants to grow and flourish, but its magic presence acts like a plague on just about every weed that germinates there, causing them to wither away, Warbles Warble grub bumps show on the backs of infested cattle at this time of year. Watch out for theist, and treat your cattle with rotenone dust or spray as soon as the bumps appear. . Salt The addition of one per cent salt to the grain mixture serves the double purpose of providing a vital mineral and increasing the palatability of the mixture. Although one or tura ounces a day should be enough for the average cow, it pays to give your animals free access to salt in addition to what you put in the ration to take care of those that crave more, Oats • When shoots appear, add more soil, and continue to •do so as they grow, until the trench is allied. Obtain plants at 1 or 2 years old from :the nurseryman, From 25 to 50 of them will sup- ply enough shoot for file .average fancily. Don t cut theist until the third season, and limit the liar - vest. to two weeks. But du the fourth year, the cutting season can last from 4 to 6 weeks. Cut about an inch below the soil surface when shoots are sig 111 - rhes high. Farm Gardens The layout and. r'ow' spacing of your farm garden should be arranged to allow inaxfiuum use of farm machinery. Some- times the garcien is neglected under the pressure of other work, and weeds become esta- blished. Although thereil may not be time to do any hand cul- tivating, you can keep ahead of the weeds by running a cul- tivator through. Woolen Storage To store woolens during the season when they are not in use, try putting them in an emp- tied shortening can (50 pound size), These are available from your local baker, They come with a tight -fitting lid, and pro- vide a moisture -dust -proof con- tainer. Put the mitts, scarves and socks in this can with a moth repellent, and store in a cool place. /iii our/�iv%�i.�e c•To VOTE 47(ERC/sE/77 Utter from Shpka Mr. and. Mfrs. Nail Guenther and Janet visited last Sunday in Kiteliener with Mir. and Mrs. Bundscho and fancily and Dlr. and DIrs. L. Guenther. Mr, and Dlrs. .k.arl Russell and family, of Essex, were' weekend visitors with Mr. and Dirs. Cliff Russell, Doug, Tom, Lruce and Donald, Mrs, M. Rata is spending this week in Dashwoocwith her par- ents, Mr.. and Mfrs. Philip Fas- sold. Air. and Dirs. Earl Paters, June and Janet, of Grand Bend, Miss Diaurle Hodgins and Mr. Mansell Hodgins were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, (toss Love and Kathryn, Mrs. Witham Sweitzer, of Grand Bend, visited Saturday with her nephew, Dlr. Karl Guenther, Mrs. Guenther and Janet. Mr. and Mirs, Bd Bavnham, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and " Mrs, Russ. Baynham and family. Couple Observe Fortieth Year Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Sweet celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Blackwell on Thursday. Guests for a turkey dinner were Mr, and Mrs, Edward Westcott and Miss Helen; Mrs. 19illiaiu Ratz, Miss Pearl Fab- ner and Miss Gertrude Ratz; Miss Hettie Sweet and Mrs. Wil- Iiam Sweet, •Lontlon. The cousins were invited for the evening when euchre was played, Prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stephan, London, Mrs, Irvin Ratz, Dashwood and Mr. Ray :Tones, The former bride and groom were presented with several gifts and many good• wipes. FOR A BETTER CROP IN 1959 — PLANT COOP SEED �• impHI,II Will iIIIIAu,It1111WIt111I11lluWuuuuuIWll 1 mo's's,1111111111Ilulllllnllllfflllllllllllllluuulllumit • Throughout Ontario, under soil and weather conditions, Garry or Rodney oats will yield 10 bushels more per acre than I any other standard variety. Garry is medium tall, medium early, and strong strewed. It is ft resistant to crown rust. Rod- ney is medium tall, medium ss late, and resistant toboth crown and stein. rust. It is in - coined to have plumper kernels T than Garry, but is several days later in maturing. Asparagus When fresh vegetables are scarce in early spring, aspara- gus shoots are ready. This is not a difficult crop to grow, it can thrive under a variety of conditions, and will produce for litany years if cared for. Asparagus grows best in deep, rich, well -drained sandy loam, but the heavy or light soils can be improved greatly by adding well -rotted manure, leaf mold or peat moss. The best time to plant is early spring, using a trench about 8" deep, and dis- tributing the fleshy roots well, with the crown about 6" below the surface, Soil should be firmed under and over the plant, with the crown covered to a depth of 2". Spacings for country gar- dens should be 4' to 5' between rows, and 18" to 24" between plants, but the distances can be reduced slightly if the shoots can be watered artificially, Cut Losses from Shipping Feuer i with TtrirSaelfal anti Perakillin treatment. used in combination for SHIPPING FEVER Calf Diphtheria, Foot Rot, Metritis and Calf Pneumonia -and many other infections. Ktsp r supply on hand for 4. prompt use when needed, 3 _ and Without !Heat Chemical rr rlM� K,€ te.ael�ei erl..'s BttA�NDINi L1 UID cilsN'ri,ic compound 4.3 burns the brand into hide with a Cold branding iron. Makes a direr lasting brand, IJNTLEYf DRUG GTO.RE EXETER fr Phone BO` FAR s Order Spring Seeds Now! Registered and Commercial Seed Oats and parley Full Stock of Clover and Grass Seeds SANILAC AND MICHELITE SEED BEANS AVAILABLE ' CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Malting Barley Contracts A Limited Number of Feed Oat Contracts Fertilizer Available With Contracts CHECK OUR FERTILIZER PRICES E. L. Mickle A , n Ltd. HENSALL, ONTARIO Phone Office 103,. Feed MiII 205 14111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll 1111,11M111 111111111111,111111111111111 I111I11111111l11111111,1111111,11t11711'ltll/llttt; 'Buy Easter �sals Ili tinuWWnlutlnAtimietWlltioutumuttott1tinu1IutURAUlllit.tll111litteitltitannlluoultlttlitn toptists; Obtain The Highest Prides For Your Poultry! Sell To The Riverside oIt . London 7.1330 Company Limited LONDON Phone Collet Mensal! 6804.2 11.009pl{1e*INn/ nut uillinulunnumununum min Wlllllunlin Immo nommuillimus111ll ullllown tont o palioll1111111lilulllllttumlnnttnnlu11ul1utW11tWW11t111 I li II itll in W I Inn1111111 ill un11111n11ttatttt111, See Cool. Cars Dobbs Hot Prices For For DocIgeHep Buyers! '57 Dodge Royal Lancer Sedan Like New ,,,,,,,,, $2,995 '57 Plymouth Sedan Like New $2,095 '56 Chrysler Windsor Sedan Power Equipment, Radio ....... ....... . $2,695 '56 Studebaker Coach V8Engine ................................................ . $1,514 '55 Dodge Regent Sedans (2) Low Mileage Each $1,499 '54 Dodge Royal Sedan. Custom, Automatic, V8 Engine t,.,,,,,,,,, $1,399 '54 De Soto Sedan V8 Engine, Radio, Automatic ...................... $1,899 '53 Dodge Sedan Black $1,185 '53 Pontiac Sedan Tutone ., ... ,.. :1,045 '51 Plymouth, Pontiac ,,. Dodge Sedans Eacli Going For Only $ 515 '48 Pontiac Coach Radio, Real Clean $ 150 Exeter Motor Sales. PHONE 200 Fred Dobbs, Prop. • NIGHTS 732-W OR 769-M Illlttllll{Il llllllllltlt l lllttmintionntlllllllin t ltllllllltllltlltllllt/1111 uluflllflfll lllllllf ltlt111f 1,Iltitflltf 1111151151` , HY "NEW POCESS" S MEANS GREATER PLANT FOOD VALUE AND GUARANTEES SAVINGS IN TIME. AND LABOUR The granular nature of "New Process" SHU1-GAIN allows more efficient plant food utilization. It has been proved that a granular type of fertilizer permits more of the phosphorus content to go to work, than do con- ventional powdery -type fertilizers.With "New Process" SHl1R-GAIN, you actually get more plant food value for your fertilizer dollar. More efficient plant feeding is only part of the "New Proccss", SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer success stot'--- you ptofit in other ways tots .. . The m:nular texture of "New Process" SI -%UR -GAIN, plus its Ctintrblled low moisture content, means big say. FERTILIZER ings in time and labour. "New Process" SH(JR•GArN is always five -running, it drills well, and there's almost a complete absence of !lust. Even after long storage, "New ?rocess" SHUR-GAIN holds its smooth flowing consistency --no trouble float caking or lumping. Arid you save still more valuable time simply from the quick way equipment Cleans up after using SI -RIR -GAIN. Only "New Process` SHUR-GAIN means greater' plant food value and guarantees such ease of hatldling. Call your dealer, invest in SI-IUIt-GAIN this yeas. Only SHUR,GAIN it "New Proemial' CANADA, PACKERS LIMITED Manufacturers df "New ProcstiI" SHUR-GAIN FArtili2sf Chathdrtr a Toronto