HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-19, Page 2• to • very dwpeees sad iteipartag memo, sed is stop et errs inmheeleak, ei71,44twortel a " twlgul zelitalt=hirn ' ' emcee!, respoanW k b r i t.rcbMf.l,• AIM Ties* let Tt.trfsetd iIYlt ttfg4 some al the Omelet ea !! beam t of i. nes 1.61141 to seetr 1__ ie ineressed by say ep Mie °( e puy.^ hwddjer. d SIMentable Ode he the eraser se tied et a Ititlltisg s. bee eel skill fruit *bis Celwstrsa. Blot tom. sbmeco dist M pwiete h his bre- e/aMiwg eeidtMetu tieell4"c•pehw cal attacks epee the Wu•gutobed Nobto- THURSDAY. tlEP?LMBEB 11 MO.Gyo We dare gay ..r readers, like our so the Province, we tbiek the! if +wmlble, see lig gibs YamdJ as f'•Biba H should bed H lest, Majesty's Reeresssteti sod to People's P T6•IPC1lAffCi. impartialnes to o (lemur, - Leyali.tuthe mature ofthe !hangdssw.v . Cesede.. ."'•` i ' . i a ., vuNMdbttlefeeeeee t• hie reegtl.e the hew sed relasly maser :- HURON SIGNAL. -" The meal is se sempiNe a want dist wM boaeste , t samepe an sou kplS•I .j t t beetp•ea. same wedat 0 e- •g of ewer t, sod wee e.pu w_ ys the MOON ed same N Meavy hese." cawed T gse ata. w Mteret► gs Ai; ;•rr wwsl wewid Savo !l. t bees mei. Me theme • sew el the Slee • . ((plass, !blah that w. Mee aknedy paid sever • os orae to .cgs y at )sat • n • a g teas `> M THE BONS U filly se muck •tni.ueo to t Hems our merest u the ►omereM. ra/wtWo• of seri C u u sal G or a Weal, —ir t ll (" This iailialusak other day, et Gederiok a the following w Fara tai Details weeder. Isle epee themeeleep *the It es>a w K tad W. !whoa. !airy 1e w ra.a II,iu whe ehsr- The chai.atar wheel' we here draws d maps idea • more coaseisu..• abborrea.' a all men corroborated, ea it is, by on hooeat testi, O N. B' 4~ . Pmd30 1 , Tarr gef y 1110 t M fPr MI PEOPLE. seMrlMtsdeeee. y ,A 1.t• ray.srpe• ad mamsleras tai■ oerlelve0, moor of may of thea boat mss tad principal 'he" w bon Or. ! ego , upon m wheels i sed a,rep( beta..e we I•ek end ever hart looked, epee the b s ver superior Arti.t. ase a bM Teasel" a0 ( plraostl todtgtuuea . ,-, -1r: t1 It ilw'tlrtooiill i timt semmin as ase►tad _,[__read impendees-•serf freeholders of the tows eta (iedetteb. her 1 y per Jk Neil Tk r h political Pit will be friend, the City Chemberlaio, deelates that to a miser a moat - spoor, _ ties el seek (/pit Nlt a se shall er it is exactly the drag. So ay wit -it is passjd pea the shape of soiling else Si the world. • - fTh. artist, we ederstsad, hems shoo takes a .ketch of the /real, bet fids some Camay is conveying, on mums, a correct idea of the amusing dapping' of " the little fes." ()7"n A. R." of Oswego, le wwerd is the afftrmatje. We wrote tai Mmphl.t alluded to, exactly twenty years ago. It was gait published by Crast/wd 4. Ssey Kilmarnock, in I6IOO,^thad m the following year by Collies Co. of Glasgow. We have, however, no copy of it, ins halm e. sees owe for really ran. • Y [T Tee Bible -Clam bei..gi•g s the Wu- res'e Creek Congregation Loads& Road. sada ib. ate of tai R•.. John Loges of the United P 4yterian Church. leve presented their Pas- tor with as elegant Bible and Psalm Bok, u •a a ck•owledgemenl al their sacra far his seal rad isde'try is sidles their • 0 ' Tao Comity Coacil met ea Tuesday sad after a few hon' deliberates• c smote= eon - fleeted with &heel Aseesamesly adj.ereed d the first week of December. of moral tpttwfetus, celled larch her the perpess to to hot of tlrazlise Ilse _sdereteodup d the enisitialed, deemed a wRcient fusee Ger tirosusg bed ..d efdiverde, the •usuio d tai "pest met- eompant'rely little epees to the contradic• tits;• " Sem tai „mit of tri. ►Nwledg.. s. tioo of Its falsehoods is future. Our owe howl, tai nom /BAT. 6ieohti.. of fig llN N Ire- persoeel ob.racter . the OBIT object winch 1111••x. Unhurt. we tsarinas ranch of theduh- the writers of the Loyalist aro alder likely aces d ib. dark ages, and mesh e( the iguana ver obie to write on, sad os tins subject we meths wiigWwsd ages Nes saboiy ideas« ax- give them unlimited liberty. We are, erred threagk 'be Kt", es eayatema ad mem- really, so better than we should he ; but, unties tie the wiod of the esteemed mases. Per bad es we •re, nothing could grieve w men Mee seamen_ we have dealt bat little te the mar- than 10 be well 'poke* of by the men who y.ltoes or the mystic. A few weds ego, hew- write the Huron Loyalist -and certainly ever, item young men of the Time, Ree whew lathingi. Nether frim air iwteslion [bas i•telligeeu and exemplary cudgel .• have the to contradict or even notice anything which higher' ry.peeI, 'ann rater se extra attack M es to west s prrvu.de es ,e je1U the $.a. of they may think proper to write agate.* as Tempera.ee,mid after gems considerable discus- perennially. They have, we understaad, ides ari.iag from a candid crowd of ear objet- threatened that they will continue to mor- tises is se mysterinei frat.rdtile, we coal mid ciao a kind e( vigilasee over our evil tendes- to be t.itietsd, simply sn the faith which we bell cies in writing ! This is certainly very kind, sfthe loess men's probity, and their inclinatloi but it will necessarily be very short-lived. to do good. In fact. they .owned determtaed to We witltegly admit that oar toherest aver_ constrain se, ie la far as semen argeaeat eoeW .ion to every thing in the shape of oppns. do se. ted we are alweiys reluctant to damp the shoo, freed, impoeition, cruelty or rascality, erdeur of yes•, Mee when we feel satisfied that does, at times, lead os into the use of berth they aim •t the.ecomplishmal _f a prsisawer• and bitter expressions. W. aeksowkdge thy shiest. We accordesgly get i.itisted, aid we feel se much satisleetio in bring • member that we sometime employ language that N e( the Sous of Temp•nem u we have ever felt not altogether in accordance with the dic- e( membership i. any atter earevly. It areal- tales of benevolence. 1. speaking of men ly eratif,isg to see yoga, mem of the moat steady who impertinently throes themselves upon habits, iced whoa whole lives have been .domed public notice, or into the business of the by s.impeach•ble characters, nobly, and of their public, our epithets are occanonally more owe Gee will sed accord, veiling ogetber in • sarcastic than useful -and, in describing propeAy"Pained br.therboed• for the speei6e public proceedings, we may Stave been glad - had truly laudable purpose of cheekiog the prey- ty e( colourtug tee kigify, and of drawing aloes and ds.olaiing vice of iatempereace. There inferences which were not exactly Wane - is •emeehieg really is•piring-semet►ing hopeful ble to the parties concer.d. But we ehai- esd magnanimous in each efforts, sod the man a the men of the lasHero. lint -we mast be virtually dead to every hoonble interest gLoyalist-we in the repotstioe of hie own r 1 to e,- challenge those who have knows- us much •ry feeling of philanthropy sed patriotism, who longer, and much bettor thaw ever the can sneeringly or callously refuse to bid these loyalist men can possibly do, to produce young men " God .peed." The Lodge was sot one single iwetaste-from the first sentence entirely composed dyeing mem as the eveaieg we ever wrote for publication down to the ea -which we entered it, but the majority of them sentence which we write at present, we were young, and we ;were much pleased to per- challenge them to produce one single in - mien that they were presided over by Benjamin stance in which we have written and pub. Pawn, gip-, Mayer of Goderieb. Oohed a wilful falsehood. And we honest• Having, a we have already stated, bees ad -µl7 .. faithfully awure our self -el d self -elected milted •brother ofth• brotherhood, we intend to enardians of the Loyalist, that so soon as disci rge a duty to ser renders by giving them • they can obtain the printed declaration of • brief tntrearctiee,• grit es tie secrets, fur "poly there ere *owe, but to the nature aid objects of number of our most respectable towline's the Institution ; and first -We feel it es be or convicting as of publishing a deliberate lie duty to inform oar readers that the Order of the the Heron Signal shall then be numbered Sons of Temperance is sot • nerd society. Tbe wite the things that were, to so far at least " Sons " have literally no score*. -,they neither es our coonection with it is concerned. take nor administer soy oath of secrecy. The Order is founded out no bony •ed mysterious tri- (7' Mr. Ryerson'. School Act, notwith- dition-not even the leered tradition of the wine- standing all the ingenuity and aiiselling of hating sons of Reeh.b the .on of Joned.b. It its Rev. Author, is doomed to he ewp idar 18 • duple ieneftf aciety, the admie•ioo fees and -is doomed to be repealed. We do not smell weekly eoatributionsof which cosstitete a always wish to make popular opinion the fund for the benefit of sick or destitute members,test of the merits or errors of public mete - ■ ed for defraying the expenses ofa decent funeral ures-but certainly in a measure like the for those that die in eoiwc'w• with the Order. School Act, there can be no more comps. Tb• bond oflinks se chief coedit io• of Member- ship is Total Abstinence !me ell iwrozintiwg dreier, awl tele discountenancing both by precept evidence that could possibly be given of and example, the tropic ie, end the mentos .se the unpopular character of the New School of these drinks in society. The " Passwords " Aet, ie exhibited in the feet that through - which is the only thing in conoeetion with the out the Towns of the Province, generally Order which hominy resemblance to the " mys- terioes," are two simple Eoglish word., which are in daily as•. iced which are aced merely to secure the lenitntino spinet imposition. These !'swords are changed or supereeded, we believe. for 11ews i° *very year by two ether cornmoi word., so as to render security more secure. Such is ■ very brief view of the notate and ob- jects of the " Sone of Temperance" as an Intl nation. We have sotieed it with the i.te.tio, is the lint pi.N; of recording our •pprobetioo of the laudable conduct of the young men who have been chiefly i.Nnmen*al is establishing a Divi- si.e to Godereeh ; and in the..ceod place, with • bops of Ireeieg the Order from the commoe opinion that it is • "secret society." W are opposed to all recta meatier', properly so celled, bet at eke same time. we would seriously mom - mend all sober, isdustrioce young men to joie the Soo. of Temperance. It is s prudential, philanthropic, gad strictly moral society, and o eeserisg the Lodge room et the Hore. 1)i,isiu, say person acquainted with the parties who reg- ularly meet there, will .t once be satisfied that be a genii, iso good compeer. On the events( ea which we wery initiated we were much pleased is see tem of the principal offices filled by the Rey. Mr. Fletcher, of the United Presbyteri- e s Church--beessse, although we are not wper- e ittioesly prejudiced in tam of Clergymes, we e re always proud to meet and associate with • gen men. Aod on the present oeeuio we Bend sot refrain from connoting the veltr- isg earseaeeees end seal neer. Fktrhe,, ie every mule that proposes the amelioration of mee'see- etel eosditios, or the improvement of his morel e aten, with the ceedoet of those thos..sde of Clergymen who. no far from making any exertion Of any seenfiee to stem the !.neatl e( intemper- ate*, ere, by their daily example e..ete.aeeieg .•d .trvugthesisg the desolates flood. We de Ne, by any Inc..., wish to iesis.au that then is any moral nblipIio e. every Ckrgyssae to Menem s Amide of Total Ahsti.e.ee, se to .sin himself t• the Sees of Teri'pensee. This, we tbisk, is Amities which eight to be emi- tted by the great priseiple of feral/ow of eos- saawe.. Bet wed* wish to declare s.r hum eeei,erime. that the Chemise who is is tbie cesgmss prsetiee of atteedieg diener parties sad .veeiag gvake-who is is rile Mei* et m•ki.g e.• sf the party who pees sad receive the althea - lowed drink of I.ss.ieetiee, till It bes eireakatd le.g sod freely enoigh sr'e.d the table to pre - Ism se moos degrm of hilarity is .este ef tbe pasty -we de will' h deslan that snob a Clow - mem is w is the way .1 his dell -is *ivies eon i by his saaweee la aces'-aiot*ng our readers that a paper has for .ion weeks put been published is Goderich, entitled the Huron Loyalist, we take credit to oureelree for . g le there something which they did not koow before, sed which, under any circumstances might claim a place is a wewepaper. to simply announcing it as styling itself the Loyalist. any one recollecting the base uses pitiful fallen bel Amin the people ld be well .dd eeed y per " These poor whieb the Dirty -faced Mae copies le, is itself, • good thaw; ed the stele esteem sawted, ens by else Gomm.,, with approbation, from the Horse Loyalist, ought, tberefae. t. gremoto awn .baste, it (ts set r ) eves obi t Soda 0 • few ..rtes of vile trashy and diegu.tiag it me do se witheet my swills e( ale the Usivetsit es. by the C t, • doggerel, devoted to wibfyisg Hie Eresins- primy object. The ac el' pas. the College ad t me see Mai ar m ey, and terms the " rye excell.ot pato- plo, oosductd os Ihoes pr -ip1M.1....11- ten ei the Cameo Grasp. *i.e•hos. y„ at ty which e commas,. te •1( the hems e/ Islam, holly 1 . U•ilfstreiy mim agem••t 1. turn, we call atteotloe 10 soma verses ebriotiaslty, in highly vksebla es s mime of the Met ie a Mehr W hietery. and of " excellent" poetry, epos the oeeaoioa-- of prowousg the mos sad ter wht.k gam- would wow•gty iesw • wA ser tt. who copied os ear Ant page -from the pen of marmot exists; sad it is w abs geese sa Kr. il%kiwis'ge.rent of ft whew be framed our talented ted respected cot.mporary of object wall deserri" t •cacaos. of au has mswre for reforest Did be bow the _Sigurd, and we have tto bosutatton fn rul.rs.-,Yacoela sethisg of to aleas.o, its jobs, its loans, Its the ee.110.111. eontasesd ie There is no macre debatable wbjMt, es purchase., Is nominee, no pkklege, its them w the seetimeeu of the greet majori- thischeat mes suedeea-, ami sot ens-te•UMg• 1 Dm be boar an fag of she ty of the people oCanada-Centers.' •i0. Reil'eU's, which could be sows• if men •I A PAL/IWBU[DE. In atitaatisg the bsiooesoese of rye of- feeee, it is etutemary and proper to take into account more than the actual extent of the creme itself :-the amount of enlighten- ment poseeeesd by the criminal -hie char setae and position-ard the provocation he has received. To kill in self-defence, or day in the heat of paseion or u the result of a vteiots education, or a want of education altogether, will often excite pity for the of- fenders, when the cold-blooded avid delibe- rate perpetration of the offence would ex- cite no each feeling. The murder for which Pref. Webster has bees executed excited exteordi nary interest -not from any peculiar enormity which his offence had above other murders, but from the position of the murderer, his education and the mean shifts to which his acquired knowledge bad be.. directed in hie attempts at conceelmest. A clergyman breaking the roles bf morality which it is his duty to preach for tai pretties of others, or a judge 'totaling the law which be is appointed to to which the word has been applied io Cao- enforce and expound, are stilt more d.eerv- ade, could at ogee divine the character of ing of that heartfelt execration to which the paper. This much, however might be the universal idea ' of right and wrong added, that of all the msnomene yet exhibit- prompts mankind. The toree of eloquence ed, the Huron Loyalist is MOM to the which such a character may possess, as palm jeer exce/ewre. Our readers are aware well as the opportunities which his position that the Governor General recently visited affords him of spreading his poison, all help Goderieb, and they are also aware of the to melt the enormity of the offence and silly and senseless hatred manifested to him leave the culprit without the shadow of an by a fraction of the countre who opposed excite* for hie pertinaciously misdirected the introduction of respo.ibilaty in the gov- talent. -Frye Preis. - erument, and who, finding that respouibil- ty a stubborn fact, would rata show their GALE ON LAKE MICHIGAN. opposition by it practical denial of its eve- - teoee. Whether they arill laser rhes Gov- A dreadful gale occurred on Lake Michi- ernor the executive of former days, or in a frantic mood show their spleen by abusing him, is matter of small importance. We may with safety give them full credit for their ignoble valour to attacking a neutral and helpless Governor when they find that tfle people en too strong for them. We have stated this paper to be "loyal" par excellence, and the character has bean well maintained in some most insulting and abusive articles addressed to Her Majesty's representative in this Colony ; paraded as the production of .owe Stewart, a lawyer, better known by the nickiame of " four - eyes." and celebrated for bat appreciation of truth ata distance. With a. paper of such a character, it was to be expected that is furnishing an account of the receptuoi of his Excellency, the minutest item which could bear against the cordiality of his re- ception, would be treasured and conspicu- ously displayed -that the faintest groan might possibly swell into a distant sound, when transferred to a paper, -but our idea of the reepossibility of the pro in exhibi- ting to the public at a douses from the speaking, the Meetings on the Srd instant, scene-tbe only deecripuon which they cap (or the election of School Trustees, were void of all interest, and some of them all but void of people. Is some of the Wards in Goderich, there was a difficulty in finding as many of the inhabitants u are necessary to perform the legal ceremonies of en elms tion -perhaps it is a pity/ 07' Ws would remind our readers io the United Counties, that the Annual Ex. hibition of the Huron District Agricuitoral Society will he held on Friday next week, the 97th inst. The List of the various classes of Stock and other articles to be 'hewn, sod the several premiums to be awarded will be found on our fourth page. The show of stock will, u usual, he held on the Market Square, sod the dairy and farm produce will bo 'hewn in the new Brick hal of the Colbor.e ing. We trust that a large proportion of our Agriculturists are now aware that these Societies sod their a*tal Exhibitions have already done much to introducing improvements both in stock sod in husbandry -that they have bees highly beneficial to the whole intermits of the farming population, and we, there- fore, hope that every farmer to the Socie- ty's District who is a men of progress and improvement, will consider it hie duty to countenance the Eohib,tion by showing something, even tbeegh he should have so prospect of taking a premium. CT Toe Anneal Show of the Ludes Road Agricultural Society will be held at Quick's Taves, Cabers*. w Th.reday out week. rely - upon when sot actual mentor. was certainly too heavy to fancy such a base misuse of the power and position of the press as the following "character " of the Huron Loyalist exhibits. A character drawn by the Loyalist's own friends, and which they honestly avow to be ooly adopt- ed to save then Town from s like character with its " loyal" organ. We are troll sorry that any press is the country should,be the !elute of such an those of the liberty which is so earnestly struggled for. How any one with a pros- pect of matotaining a permanent position among the press of the country, or disposed to acquire influence or a mdtum of advoca- ting any system, can thus at once destroy every vestige of reliability to its own state- ments, is to ns matter of wonder. is it because there is " a want " somewhere, as Scotchmen say, or is it from the regardless - nes. and deeperation induced by the know- ledge that the day► of its existence are al- ready numbered 1 it is certainly • sipgular exhibition to see the shepherd brought to task by his flock. The leader and inmost - tor of Goderich scouted by those whom he would lead by falsehood *rid mistatereeet. would forget their pre )a4w ale ,*SSTs' se " the honestly. Ow party will nest have it, 1 4, without it is bottei up with mime reticles, .&w&. d Yw. dogmas: mother objects to it altegethie idl•treag/oslliir because it bat so long Imes Freemason te. sectarian purpo.es. 1 he notlegerd Maher error, es Melly of these extremes with iagsr, bet whdet heeds of ISN 'Nieman, Its ewe of b.itaving it to be the dety at , &Airs f What .eek • body se theI wjww. to promote tin sdecetioa e( the pe•pin, 1 mat Bard bo. _see dose, It le eee islitl deny sat right to coa,ert at tate as miss. s..vp.ct 11 to tie IP* .rad we oar fat meet for II. propagatess of soy niigi.se hest ef 01000 jobs, ewe pbs.derbg et the creed or doctrine. It ne folly to ergs_ ,!sees hem to Moab, sad agates& a pnecipio became liable to dim mare eereh.ses of property, as amoebae's cads: peculiar etrcumotaeces, or bemire so hem Mede, at exorbitant pricer. The abused; for the prompt* may be mssafated Meese rebelNbeM press*Comeliest's, inviolate if the liability is knowsad gaud- •std coos, I hod. to be Monist before the ed against. It is equally foolish to expect paNIc, deeptte the attempt ffri tbe U.ivgret- a goverstne•t to prescribe religious belief t7 pedesis sod bigots to throttle them in fora community of intelligent saes. But their birth, may Aad similitudes to cls Inmate it t. neither impolitic sor out of course for of the labor. of soother emsaissioe, it a goreromeRi u aid the teeroaoa of k.ow- .omab.g it padaly dose to oast a ledge and moralit7, is tai beet n.s..v w• radicalicbaage iosot theseosduet of the aphis cording to its .bihtise-is'wmwb as ibe of the Iwtitutios. blessings of society aro pr.pertesate so I will briefly lay dawn what I eoee.i.s the extended or manacled exieteoce e' to be a practical remedy for the evil. 1 these two parucul•r.. ',TM writer from set oat is this papas with amortise my b. - whom i hays quoted k.ow. i. comma lief in the duty of government to aid u the with all 'kinking men, thea boasa happiness, spread of liberal education amongst the grows with the spread .( re6seemot end people. Tkie date ir sot easily to be got learning; that order is more certain wham rid of -not to be throws along with ao the arts and smarms have greatest swim; endowment, mon the •boulders of u ines- and that wealth and prosperity follow is poasble body of mea. A thorough applies - 'the trate of industry directed by retelh- uoa of the principle 'evolved t. udispmsisi- geme.. He looks upon gowramests as • bly meceesary m Canada. '.d • people pay. bong established for the peotsctloe or' tag School Trims, and alienating lugs society, •ed rightly ugeos that whatever f tracts of public nada for as educational c%•- tends to that, s m legivaaly within the - pow, will see that it is not shirked. Tb. province of legislation. Edecatios ga- fir.t step necessary is the ermine of as donbtdly makes the duty of the ruler lea Edocatiosal Department -with ata bed •s onerous, adds to the probability of the cos- moth re.poou► • te tai people u the le ttnuasce of totems' peace of any co.nlq specter or Attorgm7 Gslsral. To it should where it is fully earned osb, sad ie at wines be teen the management o( the educatios- a check u anarchy and an isc.stiw to re- - al und. The Gowe nrssst should moose gen a few days since, of which the Chicago gularit7. Who.ver ackeswidgw thee. the University Emdowmsnt-coitisetiog of and Milwaukie pkper. contain long ac- minor propositions, admats the major owe 80,000 acre., will ononr.os properties, to counts. 1t is said that news of disasters through necessity; and i think then ase Monroe of it at moderate prices, p4 invest may also be expected from Lake Huron.- few who will disponi at alter full considers- the proceeds is Provincial D.beator.s. An Much damage has been done both in Mil- tam of all its beuteg.. Amanita( all this apnea! parliamentary grant should be sub- weekie and Chicago by washing away the to be conceded. stumbling Meek amiss as 'Muted for the present Uoivereity and banks of the lake, flooding house., stores, to the manner in which the ua.usee of College 111,11011011. which wall managed Mc. Thu steamers Niagara, Sultana, Ca- the state should be gleam. This difficulty, would probably yield C14,000. Of that nada, Pacific, and Detroit, weathered the unfortunately, be. ever impeded the cause •moose, £6,000 might be given for the sop - gale to fine style, fully sustaining their re- of education, and gores nee to mor. die- port orate Ustverty-a sum Ubsnl.00ugh potation as good sea boats. The .propeller cuutoo than the peon -ray of the grant. t. all reE1,000 • leer msah u *Pee those havieg tmpsrimteeneees, •ei .isle pe}ssllg; Ld•sttiw orileorliellillrill M OK le the eqw Ws direct emotion to the Adesr- ttsemest of the Proviscsl ladostrial Rabi- bihes wheeh will be foiled i. to -day'. Sig• sal. The Exhibition will be held et Mos - Heal ns tai 17ib and two wbsegoent days of October, Ha Worship Oa Mayor Of Godvneh and the Warden of the United Counties have boon appntetd by His Ex- cellency the Governor General to .41 w • dwputeIos to rearmost the people of Heron Perth and Broe,. •t the Grad Mosti.g- We are est awes that *knee Ge.tteme• bei yet takes soy settee to the matter , cud fres ow greet dietanee from the plane g/ sgbilitisai •.d the comparatively i•i•.t [Hen followed *h• Declerstio_ published is the Signe( ea the Salt toast. j The Loyalist wears a crown and bible for its head -pace, but we think t►e beet of " four eyes" would be more appropriate.- Canadian ppropriator-Canadian Fres Press. Monticello tau rode it out at anchor in itself. I am not about to propound • Milwaukee Bay. The Canada lost one man .chool law, or lay dews a general system, overboard named "Dan," a waiter from De- and only allude to the fact as being 1.tt- trots. We cut the following from the mately connected with the more immediate Chicago Tribane:-The brig C. B. Blah object of the present paper% is reported ashore between this and Michi- In Canada we gays a hal( meet to the fur minor Colleges, of which ow might be at London, one at Guelph, or soon other north-west locality ; one at Kiogetoo, and one at Bytowo. The remising £4,000 Men be gives to agricultural saute earl model farms commend with the colleges gen city. She had a cargo of wbeat and interference of to edircatuaal alluded te, or otbereisedi.tribetdw night corn. The schooner Gen. Thornton is nutters, make common -school grant., sed be thought best. The £6,000 accorded to chore, bottom op, near the Calumet, and it endow Colleges and en Unseemly. The the University should be thus dutnb.ted- is feared the crew are lost. The schooner common -school law iscoestaall7..hjectd twenty -6v. scholarship. (or mon) to t N. C. Walton is also ashore et the Calu- to legislative tinkering, and the U..vseuiy mime Colleges, as rewards to their first met. She had a cargo of lumber from Mu.- is a prolific mourns of di.cootest. There exhibitiosmre : £],000 for Aru and Clam• kegon, which is said to have been thrown is evidently some erroneous premien et Literature : £1,000 to the Family of Kok overboard in the storm. 'rhe brig Mohe- work. It is to be (ouod is the eesiralrxa- Ciao: £500 to Law : £100 to Agrialt.re! gen is ashore below. Cargo not known.- tem of that power which eaglet to be local, Science: end £1,000 as a slaking fund to Schooner Charles Howard ram against the sod in partly' elueoattng that which ought pay interest sad principal of the capital on pier at Racine and sunk. She was loaded to remain to the beads of goverment. "' We cloud -sal £10,000. -to erect the butldiagu with lumber. Brig T. W. Haurice cap- take the management of common .chord. rendered .ec.•ry by this pias The sized, but the crew were saved. The cap- from those most m t interested their .mese... wtheterebia Pe might be increased according tain of the Mechanic reports that while ly• and transfer tt to a Board it Tomato.- to circumstances and t ty of the tog to, during the storm on Saturday, a We place a valuable endowmeit at the die- fads. Tba labour of the Educatrosal De- man clinging to the spar passed to the poral of a few tadividuals, tested of keep- pertinent would be suAkie.tly arduous windward of that vessel. He was seen ing it directly under the control of a pops- without the enlistment of Com. Sebools, waving his bat. There are rumours afloat lar government. 1t is as tbosgb we wer.`wb1ch Mould be turned over to the County that the schooner lob. C. Rpencer is a total to require the Parliament to mettle Tows- Councils. The duties of the Department wreck somewhere South, and that all hands ship businee., and give the bigber legt.la- i would consist 10 a surveillance of the UM. are but. The -schooner James McKay, of lire power to a small body of urresposmbl• varsity and the supplementary Colleges, k Waukegan, is ashore at New Buffalo, and agents. We bare ramie our .Jccauoal the distribution of the School Fonds' A about fifty feet of the pier et that place bsystem is succeon of blunders, ted the Visitation Board might be appd.ld ill go- at set bee. carried away. The .tamer Julius D. work of last Session is sot likely to us- ,.r.esent, u .e appendage to the Depart - Morton on Sunday toed In two Meets ravel the web. Until we give to County rept, which should entirely supplant the from lbs bead of the lake. The MJ wsokis Councils IM authority sow osorp.d by Edowment Board, iced coosist of s members Sentinel says the gale wee onsof unexam- a plausible Superintendent of Edoc•tion sod two-thirds of whom should be members of place the University under the stnst eared- the Legislature, with the Minister of Edge lance of Parluame.t, we Deed mot look for e removal of difficulties or abuses. " At Goderieb, where Lord Elite arriv- ed o. the *915, the whole pepolatMn " Whig and Tore," -great and small -camp forward spontaneously to offer a hearty welcome to the champion of their rights.- Here ights-Hero aloe as address was promoted to Lord Elgin, exprwstes of the gratification enurtaud at the " impartial •rad memos - hal .user to which the Goversmest had bees admi.i•tm.d" by him. Now, is the face of Owe bf Me . i- . Nets, what eonlideoee can be placed in the as.eritoeu of the few ill-estnsd, jses- dieed, unpriseipled journalists who bine pursued • systematic course of publishing false statesmen as to His £xcelleec7'e progress and " reception," -.rid peered forth the venom of their souls an easy • bears,asosratiou that M might .ever re - tors 1 The Dirty -(seed rat bas iriereewt- ly `Ives us simple poo( of Ms rsAlaaiee, wait of prompts and brutality towards the Quses'• Representative : bet, as a proof tt Om utter falsity of the ural' gives is lois last. upon the suthonty of the Here* Ue- shot, we cite ta. follow's' from our Celan- panty at the aged with whim we hearti- ly agree that the temumo.tei.- pled severity, accompanied by heevy rate, which it is feared hoe done mach damage to the crop.. Captain Appleby reports the gale as one of the worst be ever was might an, and at times the Solana dragged her aeebors .o that he got hie beoys reedy to slip his cables sod go to sea. SHIPWRECK AND 1.035 OF LIFE. The steamer Prince Arthur. from Pres- ton to Menet Straits was run ashore on Sunday betweeo Southport and Formby, having damaged her machinery. Passen- gers and crew except two firemen, saved. Regarding this unfortunate affair, we learn, by commootcationa from Southport that the i11-fate1 ship left Preston at oils° a. m. on Sunday, with 47 paseenges, bound for Bangor, o° a pleasure trip. About 12, when off Southport, it appears that else sprang a leak, and shortly after, the Are having been extinguished, she became on - manageable. All hands assisted to keep the vessel clear of water, bet between (our and five, she went ashore between Asi.dal. and Formby, sod s000 after west to pieces. The ladies so bard were net ashore is a host, and afterward. the mal., passengers ad mew. Usfortunatel two of the firs- Tellweredrowsed. Although signals of distress won made, they were not observed for some time, but when the meet was teen, asastasee wet immediately sent from Southport. Omnibuses were sent, a0d brought the estimators to Southport, wbsre their wants were promptly altesd.d to. 8o rapid was the destruction of the ...eel, that the shore, immediately after the df•aatet, was strewed with (rainiest* of tai wreck. of tai parties en beard were high- !, I.s1paret•bls tradesmen Rom Pfeetoe and The meet wee formerly boort w a tag host, sad west by /he name of tai Dumbarton Castle. Item Mer A .iter 1►, c;.Ckp .., E.q .u•yrs 1 -may be c*soured fur attempting to r. - open •s agitation re.ppetiDR the manage- ment of the University, and 1 world be loth to do .o for mere demagogic perpose.; bit a future genestm calls to the presort to establish national education epos a firm and baltbl7 footing, mod i would be crimi- nal were I to shriek from employing my pen is each • 'armee. Then ars some who regard the Act of 1849 es final; sol amongst Ibis class are all Reformers who have paid the subject but al,gbl enmities. Their confidence in Mr. Belden Monte to accept hie memoirs u perfect, and lets eer- tiecet• of atm good character a all--esgleient to enlist them in its favor. Thiry are doomed to disappointment. Tin reform of 1849 is as t, bel it ie sot ttem- plete. 11 destroys mems miser evils, bet loaves mooy of the greater 0005 unloaded. 1 will do it fall jostle.. seed ..knowledge tbet it Me aimed a deadly blow at Epiempab•s wpremaoy, but even Is lbs the mama Aintree, Ooemral think's' be has gess tee far, aid attempts to stop the tommeh with his arsesdmeete of the Met Ses.ie.. it hue wet removal tb.t mooed leasehold sys- tem which bee *toady psopsrixed haloed, maid H porefeted le will eerfireaiv need eatioi as c►urmas. The appointment of all Profaners, kc., should be vested i. this Board, with t *smut of the Governs is Council, and st should heve power to ado laws for the interest ts•nagesest of the Ueiversit 1►m .epsresdisg the peseset Senate, Capt, and other tom -fooleries me - meted therewith. It 'Mould annually res port to Pultament on the condition of the Ueivsrsity, through them Eduatio•al i)e- p•rtemst. The Cb•moslloreb,p should be abolished as melee", or be vested i. the Governor G.werel. But I seed Dot o.ar into 4.t•il. I only eo.tesd for the pews' features of t plan, at preee.t, sad foal cosvise.d that the good moos of the pooplo of Canada will agree with them. 1 am aware that soy attempt at &u -am roars is the University will be mot 44teb the heel e( bigots, and the denattciatio, et eiseesrista; Int the canoe i• • good sen, anti se seek opposition sat stay it. It is based ea joist priecipla, co.templatss a NOW rutin -op of abases, interferes with se "tested rights," and is a matter mole( Mme to the hurt of every lather le the lean. Leto. see who will dare to say Ml Norma* Fem.-TN Chimes babied Ash by e.Uesti g hem the beaks ef dose lis g leuseee matter ma • the spews. therogres. of Canada. TN SO,000 emsr t'_The ? fie. this a use d hs d )® the adoweole vest are still to be ovast 1 ' thre.gf ►•moll Milt Il lwo pmt M leasehold souse, !eta( eehsprevd or gest., Meier a situ feel., in a leer den, they missive M ted .pee, is a sstre where ownership Mk the sb b wars wettm, wus•d 4 s.emittal to prosperity. 110,1100 Bos* ;SIN ase The bless Naw kept Il, doomed u lie a wildaees her years hew .mw .fol Ikq ere Iwys Mows► babe pke eewee--to impoverish leased of y1.4.esao and la • pss& to ebeek tweet //progress I le gegleed, Sin" ebeesewd Foams ere amor l where sand is sears,.d messy pteemy, toe seised M ed tail Ile •pMlis et Pati.. T pi.. basprods• n essme rise 4'544( hes le Mee thwwd eta !ltd berm ave .wppt•r< it sppb Ne a whew pease! Nubs bbrseM.. Flee theme 1/w.r wealth dements MOM tlMsbwae end lege See Wise anew d Ia the pubes MAW i sor .f p pelAwp i - le ft at/wbe•d wWaft endtb./rd wsa ri Asr yield ee eeelee Alto set be mows 'L . /ebalollod Me a/w ton beam step tnlMw sidebt io `