HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-12, Page 3.
✓ ,S.supe{ illsethypab ahead the
Howl "TIf• sompletely
mem lisf tit
ESN th$d..R iw.M1N'ot min
'n .i Mi 'tlp 16•)1001141
.. 1. i' grope. IWO they
thee their sewn depends opera* ob.df •
we std felt fildmef K out the
sad that honk WW1 usagow sf any w
• 19,..41:66111 ..rW.
iiwiiile eldww' of the
67.67 .resp r sepretest
Chi.Ieuperisteedme clay be too goad mad
tee basset a mats 10 try Is do .))thing se
soh.flMee, but be may are always be to O-
dom- 11. ptvbltuous man .bo*sa*at4.ests
.nay 6. MOM, whose de may be to diatom
het *wSl atic.lar dogmas .monger the
people a Jesuit (thew ate' Proteetaat es
w•llomiligbslie Jimmies) may be Cbie1
8uperia$taeaaddesnatt sad any wield bio s.er-
n such a MON. M to soh.rt
the 46prtiee of Geoids. A " ol*vor, bed
mase" ' bfe baa been one geese
of pSUtiislit]lefitt• and duoliefyT, may fill
the irrespoMiblh o®ee of Chief 8uperietsu-
doe, sad ►e entrusted with the right to
dictate how 16e youth of Canada shall be
trailed. . Would sot the peace and proepo-
rity of the comoaunity-would sot the
liberties et the eoustry be sedan/moil by
the aLL-pnwertut ta4uence of each a man t-
Nefee(/*rel Herold.
-Welk wed►
O. W.d.*day evemag • auanoody sued -
ed„ bet miry dimiedery moms( woe held at the
Whlatioare ash (hu Crews end Aschea
'Caron. Strsad), for Hs pauper .1 poomenag
the mishear for the sr°etios of the wer6rag rte•'°
memorial te the Moe Bir Robert Peel. Mr.
Joseph Home, M. P.. soot t8. *hair at eight
o'clock, •.d was spored es the mosseee by
, Mr. Coolidge, M. P., Mr. Bright, M. P. Mr.
&owe, M. P., Mr. Wyk, M. P.. Mr. drew
Thesapes., M. P., 84 Joshua Welmaley, M.
P., fed others.
Mr. Home (the °saint*.) said that be Ind
very Mea ores pimple step forward to w5M6ip
the rising no, bet It was not for suck a purpose
that the proem% seetiag was called. it was to
alar • tribes° el aprebatioe 10 tee now tea mere,
frees whom they .weld 'spot so farther efforts,
while the youngest among them would lire u _
alloy the ►.eels of Ma last aervisaa The
pine.as M, $ 6( wetdiegme.oneideref Ike MI,
asd Weed that the woke( slows had
owed my twin from the pose .f Bir
'R• Peet flood thee"ami erne of Tars
hies amt) Ho a salsd a the .heron** w
ham** pens Niarrd sere( the rents as
they wove .vid..tly atbmpti.g to proses.
peof1s keen espr..d6g wes opieiw'-
lohdeer► sad tttbw d'Not e9..) /Ms allele,
N em idera►M eirefe ie. enteredv a fate
twee. .f puelm etas* esie so the Wes ste-
els( then hes sad hewdhr .6is6. aced ds•
mealy the egadniele .1 the reins The
wootaloa lasted mime time. i010o Mush
the pother we. .ad.ee..*d to thy that the
shakoes* wee sailed • *memos .skrmer, bet
be was only the rs6h.r fee a ai Mew --the
Peel eisoe--.ed eared not far ~kin moa
(Mod ehmirst-end M b' now emus ferwp d
to M4 them se M bef4N ole to the Hooses!
CodlenO. (eheww.] -4tm did tot .w why -
they eboithi be plied apon to support 'this
testimonial. M gbh lath ells Robert PMI ►•d -
hesa the promoter of the w*Mti.hme.t of
hostiles for the poet, ate bad supported mere
•ry act of oleo -meths towards the (shelling
climes [loud cheers and cries of 'Ter* him
.tit.'] Here the •xcitowest became M -
groat is of attempts boy meds
to step the speaker, tbs. • general rush woo
made. towards the platform, the sbairataa
and thoes arouad him with diAlcalty retain-
ing their seat., .hale ooh reporter, being
less fortunately situated, was koecked do..
-61e notes trampled opo., and to a gm•1
meaner• destroyed, sad • pontos .f ba sr-
sonal property 1oet. The speaker co.tis.-
ed bra considerable time amidst the 'nest
outrageous eerier to deaouoc• On whole
system of Sir Robert Pool's policy as des-
tructive to the ietsreets of the working
Mr. Cooper followed is a somewhat sim-
ilar strain, aoa celled apes the parties .on -
geeing them meetings to pet coned's., to
the workieg claves, and hold them without
the police Wag preemie to interfere with
those people eapreesieg their opinion.
At the coaclesion of this *pesher's address
-of .bib scarcely a word could he beard
in consequence of the uproar which prevail-
Sir Joshes Walmley. 11. P., addressed
the meeting, and explained that the whole
of the confusion had anima is mistake, it
haves been not only tea intention of tout '
an laatructio* to the chairman, before put-
ting the resolution. to ask if any working
sea .abed to speak upo. it.
Mr. Fox, who described himself se a em-
tennoeger, addre mod the meeting, mad was
gentle an the bore 61s testimony, as that ..b..04 throegboet with the greatest atom -
• In emparual wit..., to tie peblic worth amu rtes He regretted to 8..r Mr. Yates .ay
(►u Ilwtvrwted swims a( the lar Bir R Pe.t that he was opposed to the memorial being
Ha reclmdsd by milling ea the memos .f the
i.*$T• MOORS Or DM.
His as8orewr.
Vtehamor Webea/s Indy WI Idle an
Mee th011t
'!Lesley .test, /./i..i «
POW.hie kw.,
Mfarathe leaned `ed sed like
was te look his last .p.mi the dily of tib
Ates they bad retired sea his cull be
wes eleeely ssarol..d sod 1b0 p seed le a
N es mall. o ember to gond troy *-
tempt M sass& *t eine hook in w
intoner, Ne Row. Denier Paean MR bit..
From that err ..nil 11 *'doh be weed
h is time le devotional e.wslsw p.grteg
himself teethe fato whisk wise Is stew foe
N s. At twelve .'clack' he *68 lirth a
dose, bet did amt sleep *eaaMy. teethes wee
he is hey app. mnt eantemhnt- Me yeah
w.6e ir..t ►se d...erwe oars, • kw *he-
itsee, aid wow away teeth the gored hi
ria wee, Meth. this daaas, wtth fero-
teds sod sseseng meigestlr..
H. espreneed hrm.elf awe grst18.1 1 .1
the Uwe of w .ware. boo We hep
hem Me family. At 4w el (yarr -
day) he awash *..uNmably •~g n9el, het
mom redhead hie.osp.wps, by the akin
of his •pints& wheeler.
He breaklested, M worst, and MWNd the
Sherif to partake with kite .f the moi pre-
pare'. Cos.aadisg !weeklong Uses= kr
preparations 6r weeding tk.wish
/moms and menet. meep.o pee• est for-
g etting the meet 00004 • of
hL appar.L
About three bu.dr•d p.rswe w... admit.
ted to the plum.femeeken, whde the hews.
lope sed wjadowe is the naivety woewh.ow-
d.d with usages look..• -e0, wog when
were sw0y ladies. The strew. sew the
jail were likewise arevded.
At Mae o'clock the Mot .Biel..* ..ri-
ces were weineesed. Ree. Dr. Pawn
prey' 6rsestl7 sod .1th mesh ems e..
He Invoked the prow* •f the Spent stint -
Godof Gram for the per.. who woo M
abort time to be takes kola this earthly Mk
.0d prayed
18 aOes rope. tssee j iir
bo ac.eptable is the eyes de.e.,.e.,n..d atk0t
the ubappy Meow. might be respond be
The Reverend gentleme preyed Mot the
family .f Dr. W..igbt haw He msn.04a-
fio. of Goe's Presence is the boor et *Mr
talcum, ad that the dlsp.wstlse holt
be eaoetil' to their owe good; in
e 0t
when the appoirt.d boor for the 1.samhelr-
meat of their spirits from the body, shield
arrive, they urea nest kis is .eases.
when there world be se lee.risg time. Des
xparatios from those held deer.
He offered up • eseybsauos foe the 6miYy
of the murdered mew, sod prayed 6r the
Sewn, mid hie assistants. esu the cissas
gesenlly. He asked that the Sheriff sigh
discharge the dunes .1 les .tunes wttk
courage and firmness.
Abort tweedy demos poet nese reeled,
t6e primmer was lad into the jail yard to
die, with a firm stop eau leek of sawyers,
as if resigwed to hie fats.
After a brief i.vocattoo, the prim mer's
arms were palmed, and with a los, Ism -
late step be marched to the gallows who
he was to expiate the atom fog w6ieh be
had to di.. He was •1 by Dr.
Putnam, his ees*a.t *Mod and attendant.
The ptooser's face was beaky, w whoa
arrested, overawed with a death -Mrs
pil:or, sod looking like ose she had com-
mitted a dndful his. sail .ho was shoat t.
.to.. for it .its ►is life.
The Sheriff thea road the deist\ warmer
in a loud tow of voice, as required by the
eater• law of Massachusetts; and olio
thus employed, the pruner was o.g.g.d to
conversation. in his nasal .sewer m'ws.q
with the Rm. Dr. Putnam. Mem the
Sheriff had co.sodd this dusty, rho prisse-
er'a legs were pinioned, mid the rope placed
about his neck. At this stage of the pro-
ceedings he esvi.ced considerable teeing,
and his face was bleached with the iowvi
.motion whish 8..00gh% to m wpeed% with-
out effect. This endows of the powerful
iodisee which w... working spot the *-
miser, were noticed by all present with a
death -like silence.
The black cap was tn. draws ever his
bead and the Sheriff in a loved, .tsar volae,
proclaimed to the .it... . ames►l.d, that
he was ahem to do =minima .s the body
of Dr. Joke W. Webster, who hes sem
tried by a jury of his own ementrymes, cos -
vieted of t murder of Dr. G. Partisan sad
aest.eoad to Is Moog.
Tea es*ohof the hal ..mesa
- of W *:;ne, weed the primes, t. ewe
his body w if with . weer ef lea..s ea-
eiteme.t; hie face bei.; hid from vie* ►
the oo6 cap, the ax 1. the beset mold
not be reed.
is an lastest, at twisty minutes before
Ms o'clock, the Sheriff tooeb•d the .posing,
sed the primmer was lannebd Meto mor-
ally. Hie death was apparently without
meth pea. and with scarcely a straggle.
His body remained enapsodod the space
ofhalf an hoar, when it was taken down,
.11 el e of life being ..only extinct, sad
plaemd is apt) coffin preparatory to its tress -
missies to hie family is Cambridge, when
his Amoral will be solemnized to -day.
Thu. 6u passed frees time into otiosity,
des of the brightest .tars of mimes that
ever gave lustre to the brilliant iet.11eca of
theday. A brief retrospective (lame at
the past, may serve to resew mer memories,
i0 regard to the event. Nies mouths prior
to the execution .f Pro6s.r I. W. Web-
ster, the reit, of Bootee .ere started by the
1, that Dr. Goo. Parkins bad
bas. murdered, sed wept*{os attached t.
Dr. We6eter. Th. Italy previds.tiel. dis-
covery of the wm.a.a .f a charred and
hlaeketed mass, which wen id..t16•d as
para of lb* muelsnd sae; awtai.ed by a
lo.g sad almost unbroken ehaio of circim-
stasess, led to keenest. His eo.Snmeot,
the Tromp, to poison bls..11 his trial and
mstiades, .0d his esbmeq.est soafemioe of
the bloody deed, are still froth le the minds
of all our roods.. Tits untiring .trtions
of his learned e.e.6., aided by legal skill
sod .comes, availed him .other. 'To the
R. honer of the people of Boetes, be It mid,
a}ir+f W pooiti.n is the weld, be wee
wientO4 of the Gime, with whish he tweed
.euros sma*tll toe the .ly a.•
Monne Weiner Intikg paid the ps.
ally Boded y She kw, we see hind
to Meet mil. Mt1ps M km arfSMd family;
Mon • boot beehr* who sed meanie(
the $sada..... 0d dem-
the el teeel=eve shed Mtn
lel' Mese esu pwa1. Dseir dt w
te► lid f. w l they Meeneemis own penned *Lir b. -
boa teetered with Ilemeoet hie Ohm Its''
The hews of ►M In* he. • bans.
"MM Mote them, eqt pkgrgo
people, who W -hen benefited by his memeres,
to pa) his memory 16. fest meed .1 appeobauoa
* ad gratitude. The ob ee' of tho prorat meet -
leg war to 64 the period wiles I8. mikeeriptiess
for the proposed memorial should close, and to
orgaaiee the mew tneemmry to meeto is the
objects contemplated fie beliv.d .661167 eom-
mlit*oo were already a work is the metropoli.,
a•d that 1000 circulars bad he.. iossed.-
Esough bad been received from soblemen wed
gentlemen to defray the experts atte°da.t ea
the plane, and the wbeeriptione from 1., upwards
to le. at was 'weeded should go .0to0.6ed .o
the erection of tem prope..d memorial. Mr.
Hama concluded by reiterating his belie(that the
6r.t and the great object .1 8ir Robert Peel'.
Irk wee to benefit tea mason. rd that ha.ing Mr. I''ux was glad to bear t6a1, but be
sprues from the people, he was tot afnid to
acknowledge hie Grime.
Mr. Bright. M. P.. roe. -to moire the first or -
misdate. The crowded stare of the roam u\e.-
.d :fiat them .6. had Grit proposed this teti-
moaeal had sol overrated the sympathy which
existed emoog.t the people at the asfortoau
event which brad deprived this meetry of the
✓ r,iere of SW Robert Peel. It .as proposed ..
raise • memorial to the roamer of the' departed
statesman, .ad he trusted that it wosld he sob -
scribed to by thwwada-say, maltose, of his
one for educational purposes, as he well
know bow much such institutions were
wanted by the poorer classes of society, and
he would readily exert himself to procure
eubecrlptiose if be could have • pledge that
they would be so applied [hear, hear.] -
There bad been • peony subscription for a
testimonial to Sir R. Peel at the time of the
repeal of the corn law. -be should like to
know what had become of that.
The ciairesan said that it would be all
accounted for, and be was authorized to say
that it woall be herded over in augmenta-
tion of the euboenptioa 00. Ming raised.
could not reeommea.l his friend• to aid the
enb.criptio$ without they received a distinct
pledge trona the committee that the (wide
would be 'pitied for the 'aroma of erecting
educational institution for tho lower clam-
.. undietisgsuhed by the hedges of charity.
He well knew how much such institutions
were wasted, sever having received any ed-
ucation himself well attar be was sixteen,
his remota stating that it would be of no
fellow-eoentrymee [cheers]. Hs (Mr. Bright)
u se to him. He was, eoavinced, however,
was is prieeiple, gesenlly oppord 1. moat- !bat It would 8. u.dul to him- fekesre]-
alai• b.herie5 that then. had hese more nen- and he joined a meebaaice' iosutduoo-
d to had mei t6a to good: and, with regard a [cheer°] -but he could sot afford the charge
the memory of the late Bir Robert Peel, homiest of 12s. a -year, bavisg only a salary of 4s. a
ask with the poet- week, and at the ed of twelve months he
" Why weed w. moaimests mop., esu compelled to leave it (hear, hear.] Is
To rescue what gas diet" esablish's( the iestituuoos be kid mea-
11..shad that Qaoouoo, beear ha kit that Uoaed care must be takes seems them
to the see of the workinga lid not
every real • barhold moot contain a mesamial to allow nil their advantages a be moaope-
of tea advaugw of (be polio, .1 .he Iau ri1ht
how. baro... [ehesn, and gree° .1 ' No se"] - (reed by the middle tion .s, u bad Ilea t4
Tbe p.Bcy .84.8 sir Robert Peel bol ".seed ear to other eortitutiose.
from 1843 to 1846, in ameliorai.g t8. *seal sad Mr. Osborne. another co.armo.ger, fol -
commercial regelarioas of th° rosary, had boon (owed on tbo sumo aid.. and \roueht forward
.f essential service i• raiaimg the .eotdities .(
tae work'tgg .{.tees [ebsen, sad Drees of •' No, an amendment +.telt be said it bad been
se"]. 1f they looked lo parliamentary returns 184 untsutew of th. previosa *Plotkin' to
they w.&d see that grim preverty had bees move pled(ewg the *.hent.. 10 apply the
drives back in its aero sad shorn of its terrors snbscripttoes in the esabliabmest of odoes-
[sproor, cries of "Ne, oo," avid "Ten biro loos.{ IOtitUUess fee the "canaille"-4hs
.ea+l. ti. realataiued tm . the «tai1 tart be word w that mood by the nova of the nee-
tgeac.a, r prej.d6esd indeed who mold dry ration.
that paaperiem bad bra mesh diiiabbed with-
in the last three r her seen [cheers]. That 0n the'eeg o of Mr. G. •Thewpsss,
was *wise, Is • grit inemore, u Ib. policy of it was a to make the amendment a
the lata Sir Robert Poet, rendeti.g it say ter substantive reeol.tios, i■ the sop of • on.
eiery working mpg to obtain a mi1eirey of cotames4aum, and that ate the original
food [loud *rise of " N°.1.0°. se•" •' Her. bear, remelsuoa were both curved.
bear,,' "It w°m't de, might." sad vowel -
Thera was another imprtost fact u be dadsosd Mr. Cobden mixt addressed the mseu.g
from parllamectuy ad other ret .skier co.wderable isarruptios,
trod, sae,
that there had bees • greet dimiaati.e is erne log one over the same ground a Mr.
[*rite of " Nw aa" , YM ma" sad " the gb
bop. lb." ha. boon"]. That. Ne, wr aw.y mon should be made throughout the kis
to Sea ee tie, of the hes Sit Reborn Peel wwb gk
rtm.dsid bad eh•v [.re.a .f ••Nes w," ad dont os the 31.1 of A t, and the "thole
• What's the est of deep hod ..their IM- esb.criptio• Clem' is plember•
sent") From the year 1843 to 184 he bad Mr. W. Brows smeotdsd lbs resolution.
'thigW mla anes. •.d ..*6sd eM atlsSir R.. Mr. &outerrh O'Dea', amidst colttinaal
plea o las .pules mf Bir ll. apnar, denounced the .het. mov.m.st,
Partly b aim oaaagw h on. 6.r1 regmktier of
kis tomer spider, :red pve le the messy • oboes schwa of he polities' 1.?., been op -
he tilt mweiasad ss meth M emery wt likely to benefit the
net.ius s•[emrh' admarM so is j w wh.'-werhi.g einem., and supported the 8n Sets
fsee Er Sabin etlmf id iimrtf *(neswsa,,t the wgraMw of w HanesCorp.*, Act,
M fur v ee0errsed tbeiwelloh 1 ..ttrt.iti► ....orrery ether aware to oppress them.
•Bet t, mewed .bat • al attal»oe• collea-
w esrstry t. he auly *ileo M 6. orals Sir Robert Pohl hesisg. throughout the
He denied tsar, M the pose.' .ate of Erg
I6-4611ig 1ks 1mm Imr o W en-
Set pmts perry sh ; slow
Yob entity, the rope.{ W the eon law.
'.o .j el ie Ow Be el emineised M.tbthey Md people
'and al
v W mad amu I, eery robbed ear ekes to **rich other repeal.
b'► se tbe .Wry tea **..this es elder to make that ewers es equitable
w el iM .aramsll ale bows., ogpamd dojo. woo they ought a iniac os a reas.oies of
•.ilia4 8. W ineseeJ far bar all tem national wow, le tests a.d
Irma: w0emwee emelekil ►p mow- .awes.. paid upon mortgagee or other
N BQ tzliely r e .must great ---haios sod laawwggblr, to
mds.ir , sere cd atm i 0y'o M' to mew that the whole N the Wei role*
474naliApties, a swam i i' n sheuld be •ppl.ed to the erasen of the Mo.
thres°I.. to eve u wary pge. '. p. tertio sble measures supported by 8.:
hesesinanon ,. eel hes the.atet.*..., .
o' reser: g Ob Meet charges es land. TM speaker oeocluded,
1{15.4 4.y 114.4 nese. they left theOohs e.i ea '\.rely fright, t6al the
Inert r'a .Lem tit.. the fret their petehtor
ntesld .I . Mellle& W a.et hove
We thew Irseks. lob Awl. ewe
tr.. a. are /war t..td.... rtest. imglsMse. wail be aereo. lite• we me *.pore
r To theme my the .snes.
hits, b gi1.es .ad hie preeeetng
sem sewn Nr i. tW red beer sf towThe bum. have b... swain
T8. 4.d be. b...and the Neel shed mule bn.ds b.. be .tweed at.'., y the Mood et the .order-
er, wit, M the ba.do of j.Air, Me..4..d
the trlrhmet hsr el rhe taw. What a
Home fes , reed.. end ereskespi.ties.
May it be • hese., fob efa.s.eesg. to theworld u Lay.._. i 7 Express-ACHN1 cw MIMICB....Doom .r W.1BOgne • .. • 1 May 1769 81.Lon sea{ 1l May 1772 76
L 7 Nes. 1776 74
Mr. Joseph <1. ....:!! Jae. 1771 73
L.e5 *eagles•19 Sept. 1778 72
Leri R.yteebsr, 11 Jely 177! 71
Lewd Doemaa.••• 119 Jsly 1779 71
LL ied Gispbor• w.....IH Sept. 1779 71
Gesell ....3 Nev. 1779 71
End of P.ddioeh. 11 Jule 1180 70
Mys of L ••1 J.I7 1780
Lard Cetteehoen• • • •28 April 1781
LMd 4 Rapes..• 1 Ne.. 178!
ami of Mine 10 Not. 1711
R.ri sf Abodes ...!8 les. 1784
Vmese.t Paleaerwtes•••9l Oet. 1714
Rt. He.. H.0e.lbere•.•• 1784
Vmee.et Hardmge ....10 Mei. 1783
Bir Rebs leeks, M.P.••-I1 Ju. 1786
M )ole Com I1.bb-..t 17 Jas. 1786
D.M of 0.56ernal 1 Ase. 1766
•Clerk- 1787
Detre .( Ase. 1791
Mr. Aed. Retherfsri• • • •.boot 1791
m. Jaa..e Graham. 1 Jose 1792
Lard les toolI.•• • 19 Arg. 1792
Rt Hes. C. S. L.6nro, 8peahee
el the H. of Com ode 1794
St Hes R. L. Mail, M.P.-- 1794
4 Frderick Theat r 1794
My Dwlea. I['NoH *best 1795
i , Fre.'. Bariy First Lord
of the Admiralty !0 April
Sit Fitsrey telly
Margo st Ners..hy • • 16 May
Rs Hen. H. Labors►eve
Lend Stanley 29 Mar.
Ste Gawps 0..y11MayRt He.. T. il. MwelayEarl ✓. Clerssde.. • • • • • .96 Jae.
Rt Hes Sr Ches. Weed • • Dee.
Rt Hes Mr Fe: Mahle 23 Apra►
Ashleyto April
RsebeekPre of Carlini. IS April
Ma.grd. of Cl..►ienrde • • 10 Dec.
Eve Grey 28 Dec.
Sir John .
Mr. Cobden
the .seeded tb tdl0pw., After a few words is .eylwaup. few
.kat seas* diaries*oznie
Abe se eedt a 00.10 Ih. WM kb Mr ('modes, the emotion, .tn, wan pe% amide!
sane, Weld be mils dlr
eoee'dash4,...t fes, mai egewiM, -
of -as .moil en Mar eine 'Mile be the nates et M. 0. Thes,u..,
linked.._ might benerra k.. M• P., Weeded y Ks. WOO.a sautefltee
b1. d cries .f a ed..sli.s.*) •• wee them epp.lsed to *any wet Me eiregn-
chairw .r sheet is pet the no erg telnelisen t ands Mer a wok of Owen
:istaobeels a s. fflrtw osest se mw tst the anions, the whi.g, whits \ lamed
to bistltBreed te speak ads ware early M festa, S 1.. ci lima *log
r. "Wit egmb {tett, .A. whTJ L * 1101 p19I11k Wier, M
610$11=ben AMMO et she
of '.e4t.i.. whish
68 c
OODERJOs. *sgt. 11.MfIRA?, ball, pr M. fe leelYtemailleiftN. Ile le 0e ed. Floor per . IM M Me!d.-O.b per be. le a4 -Pew p e.rr M. 1.-
h totem Per be. • ed to b -Peek per 664
she -Butter per 18. 5d to 74 -..Hama per
lb. N --Lege per dee. 44. Hey pr w,
36.. to 4a
Montreal Mguit 91.
Fw.s-There bare bees a few t6...ed
berrees of No. 1 Superfine, placed dor.mer.
the week, bot► 0 the spot °ad for 4.6. ry
donne September, at !1. • 21s WI per banrel. 1. "8.u' mid No. 9 saps'\., the
bestow hm hemi bet meatus.) I. Bees et
17e M a 1M 3d. No. 3 amperes. 10s.
Oar Mut.-SWdy with but little doi g
.t les.
Bant er--Commands Os I4 pa We at.
O.Ts-I° ad per minot oared ad ..heel
for a►iWtta.t-T►e Markel ie sti11 ►.n of
Upper Cassel. samples, and Lower l oasis
Rad is held above the view. of ►oyer*.
P.oetaons-.-Beef and Pork sell to retail
way es quoted. Prime Me.. 37s W; Prime
3h; Pork. Mees. 6bs: Prime Mess, 65.;
Prime, 50s; Do. is bond, Forelgs IaspecW47s 6d.Ban.a-A few smell lots ►ase boos
bought for'hip/neat within the hang• of
nor quotations. Baiter, inspected, No. 1.
d a 7l; No. 2, 61d; No. 3. 54d.
As.se-Abort the middle of the .eek ser
active dead sprung ep, end bolo lads_hanged hands to a cont/knelle estgqet-
Pots eom'nsndiag 26s to 36s sed 6d Pearls
30.6d to 3t. 6d. Siete then however, the
price of Pearl* hr declined .1,6.1, hemthe extreme rate thee paid.
FRa,.nre-A vessel for the Clyde he.
hoes 6lled op at 23e for Ashes ..d 3e for
Flour -3s 6d is .sked for Floor to both Li-
verpool and the Clyde bet not obt.tsa►lerNotbiag going to London.Buffalo. Sept. 3.
Floar-Sales declined to -day, nd we
. ot_ce sales 2,500 barrels good bred. Oki*
and Micb.ga.. $5,371 • `4,60 ; We hew of
n n sales of Wbeat--market doll, lead se
boyors here.
1796 64
1796 64
1797 63
1791 6t
1799 61
1799 61
1799 61
1800 60
1800 60
1801 49
1801 49
1801 49
1102 46
1804 48
1803 47
Mr Bewrm'a D'isreeli•• 1805
Doke et Bocelsoch 2b Nuv. 1806
Rt Ho. W. E. Gi*Aeto.. 1809
Rt Hes Saleey Herbert=.2 Sept. 1810
Earl .f Lime.{.. n May 1311
Berlet dein 1811
Mr Jehe Bright 1311
Marques of Dal6eesie•••!2 April 1812
Viscose( Meigund 19 Mar. 1814
Martjon of Gray 16 M.y 1815
Hes. George A. Smyth, 16 April 1818
Lad Jeb. Menere.• • • -13 Dec. 131t
'Desk. of Argyll 30 April 1823
the awns
wYad M1et the Meng aashJely81e ,p0ee)ij.Mabi Iytrr *
New Yon=, eth Sept. 1850.
The Aiber.ie method Boston this atoni-
ng at 6 o'clock.
The Cherokee droned from Chagres this
moroisg. She bswtafht $1.510,939, u
freight, ad $100,000 as the hands of pu-
T8. Georgie has also arrived from Ha-
vas.. She brought down, via. Panama,
1,000 peaseegrrs aged a large freight. Great
.twaben aro soars( d..■ from the mines,
for the purpose of rotenone Immo, sassy of
them in a destitute e.aditiea, aged moat of
Mom hero barely awls money mooch to
pay expenses. Many have best ,driven out
of the maim in of frequent
Pamesgm sing bad reports from the
sines. • The day after the Cherokee left
Aap.l.s, the cholera broke out os board,
amu about 40 hove died. About 30 es hoard
the ship wove Meed at the Isthmus. 11v.•
rything was quiet is Havanna. Troops
were wrists( from Spain, and is • short
time the tome is the i.lad .ill amount to
By tks Georgia 0ethieg bad been beard
et the robbers of the specie, although seve-
rer 'r" had hoe. mode on uuspscio..
Gera bed broken eet Onset at Caeua
La *an. sod anted off a great number
of mow. Hiram watt visited by a bar•
risese ea the 22nd Against. it blew with
groat Melones, ad did cee.rd•nble damage
to •hippneg All of the vessels of war drag-
ged weber. Many beautiful true were in-
jured. The Capt. Gooer.1 had refined w-
orsens to the Asterisms sways to eo to
the look. No ohms is assign ed.-f8p.e-
tater TeL report.
Goss ACM C* w-o.wla. - The total
serest sf geld rosaived 'roe California
sinss the int arrival, is $30,016,129, of
which $19,769,000 was received at the
Philadelphia Mint, sad the remainder at
New Orogen*. Of this amount, over *17,-
000,000 ove bean received is tee months,
beteg et the tale of more titan $20,000,000,
per muse. Siem January the receipts
have bass at the yea of $284000,000 par
asn.., aged foe the last 'muter, at the rats
of $32.000,000 pas seams.
rrHE 8damm i.....elks r.gvlerly br ....y
$totes o and.. p epsed es supply i0m°-
Emmen Took British Amy Diy.mh.
blown. Times, Jetta B.U.
Ladi.Ali b.p,per. Arles.
Ladles Compasses, IMI1'. Lift is Landes,
IMwrr.a.i Rowe, Admission,
Pees*\. Spartater.
Tho. ' Meemoil word.
Ohm he Wee Reelesh pee.w
Mole+ lbw now* Mown' isdd-
A D B M.sile. Navye Quertedy, Lea. meter{,,
Lodes Qerh..$ I.. Edlabe eh Iteri.w,
rhea *rhes *stew, Wes mi.m.. Redoes,
Illeskwmffe Art Velum
pb oAa Oath.,% Skepw BlagrlM.
Oohs, 4 aur 4 the *Mee say be
es Me sthenftsagei etre* M PAR806 Gado
silk *We Winn to thee. mown{** gel
iWeed mei Winn
R6... ltd Mewl Letdowns
Man'eap tillietarawsofutese,
September 8-Mry Aaa . Rblesseko
Highh•d.rMcGregor... - ..
Preussen. "
Roos of Pi.. Ri,r, "
Nonpareil. Sestets.
11-Emity, Mwto°leo.
September 10 -Mary Ana, Detrital.Anseaalioa. Nostre.l.
At No. 13. Ellie* (sear Soothed) .. dm
Mb alt., George Schwttzer• aged 30 years.
BEGS leave to iatlmate to the inhabitants
of Goderich and its vicinity, that he has
MENT to West Street, first door east of
M. D. Seymour k Co: s Store, whore he
will be prepared to make all kind° of GAR-
MENTS on the shortest notice, and on t6e
most reasonable term*. 'Cutting dose on
shortest notice.
GoderiebSept. 12, 1860. v3 -.Butt
MR. E. H. MARLTON will be at
" Home" on Thursday •riming the
19th inst., on which occasion be will " a
rowed unvarnished ale deliver, of his whole
course of life, even from his boyish day."
to his arrival in Goderich in the year 1834.
During the evening Oscillations of Young
To cosolude with refreshoest. Tickets
le 3d. God save tie Queen.
Goderich, Sept. 7, 1850. .3.30-21
4411•100,1911pTA NOT' . 54411•100,1911p
ALL arsema I.debled to the late Fint•
et 91. P. It 1. [. Gooditlg, aid elm
to Jager R.. negrarted le ply
w saes, t• mo, ere all .edebts des 4. above.
' n" R `b
Godabkr Arg. 16th, 1630. e3s91
.W ILL be soLD os ge
tie mart emea►I_
Tome, • LOW N LOT, Women h re
th. corers 4 meth and Beath Wert stirs,
ady0tn153 this Mattes &pare, Clvd.rich..•.
The Lot costes. .arty helf se sere r1(•
Fed, with • gond Frame Hew, sed
ruit Gard.. or rt. For further p.rtieul.re
apply to JAMES CLEGG, Lighthee.ost.
GoOrric8. Ayr. 14th, 1160. 16-3i( ,
-The webeerN.r hens. W PARR Lata
Nes 433, 434.433. 433. 42. sad part .1419
seer rhe .nae .f the Tows of STRATFOR(
sod w set let. e.e-test\ .en Lots,
week4...*meaty ell t\. @treed a .f Parties
w iskiog s bows pawesen. 1 dm ..a•r. -
rre. slid - 1 Deeds will hemmed to
them perehedew. w Mrd Se Del will be glees
.) those woo °ars.. My br Leu o.16 Aiwa, .t
melt a lane.h .4 urns r wry he agreed apo..
For p.recslare r t. Prise. Om. apply to Mr.
D. H. Lnlan, S.Gritr, etntf.,4. with whom
the has of the Property lie..
Btra,fe.f, feel 1..e. alit 3,
e1)clnist a n a Druggist,
July 1660. 90.3
trite oust Divisive Coons for the Mired
mil C.astw .f Horse Prrib ikon, ill be
held ee the sums and piastre below tag: -
let. Duels.. -Corer Hees at G.derieh,-
M D.... ... A. F. M.gs.. Esq., Clerk.
!L Disiriam-lobe these'• Miich.A,-39th
Doesmber. Rimer. Cts.. Lee. Clerk.
id. biiw..-w..d'.Tavern, 8trethed, 31st
Dirembe.. Retry Williams Esq.. Clerk.
44. wedisse-goideee Tam. Lomas Reed.
17.8 Direember 0e.e . Coeur. Eaq., Clerk.
Ste Dewe°.-M.fG.ete's 1n., BrateieI 26th
D.o. lean Garden, Eat Clerk.
14 *0
Diesel._.h°.t limo R.. Mary's. 5th
IA. ham C.kaaa, Esq.. Ckrk.
Tbe Rouses .f the Several Courts will tem-
meeee paresm any m 1T eelbst. A. M.
As4rieh, Rapt. 114 '30 11..-101 -
CONTAINING 100 Acres of good Land,
19 sees cleared, 4 chopped ready for
loggug, sail S slasbad. The Crop, the
produce of the 13 awes will also he sold
with t8. Tum. There is a Log Homes k
Ban, .tib other appurtenances pU*ebed.-
Tb. Tow will be reasonable for Cash. -
For further particulars apply to the sub-
acrlber on 16o premises, ur to John Clark,
E.q. Crowe Land Agent, Goderich.
Ashfield, August 28, 1860. 28-41
N. B.-Tbe above premises is situated
within three miles of a Grist Mill, and Saw
Mill, which adds touch to the value of tho
rARER8 and Merchants having pro-
i 9fduce or goods to dispose of for cash,
will find the above Commission Store ao
e ligible place to send their goods to for
sale. No shame for storage -five per
sent charged on goods sold.
Goderich, Sept. 7, 1860. v3e30
Private Governess Wanted.
WANTED a young Lady of agreeable
masers and disposition, comestible
to superintend the Edacauos of a few
young Lades, from the age of twelve to
e nteen. Refen.cee regnired. Eoquire
at the Kincardine Arm*, God.rlch. Galt
Reporter to copy till forbid, asd mod ac•
most to E. H. Marlton.
Goderich, Sept. 7, 1850. v3.30tf
REMAINING is the Stratford P. 0. up
to September 6th, 1850.
Ash Wellies Mitchell Simon
Allen f.a• D 2 Moore Wm 3
As4aess Dora. McFaddee Wm
Brows Relied I McGregor Alm
Barker Win McGuire Rob(
Biaeswies Hoary McPhail Arch.
Carney Mary McClosky Widow
Crowley Imo Neeren. Astro
Cos6ite Wm Ogilvy Robes
Cban.ek Chs. Perry Wm
Ceery wm Pen. B•.jaan
DremmodPath Proem Georgia
reeling Js. Q*ip Joestl.a
?Other Jos Rushes Mn
Gilbert Pe.., Robert es /as
Rel*asloy Tose /twin r Hairy
Heater Mother Bbilhegree 3r
Herm* Mary Smith Wm
Ball Relit 0.i..r Joe
N.11 Thee Bower Das
SlaSlalomB.Bobbies Et.
Swam )mi Ted Thee
lehs.toe Ws T6.Opmi. Wilfred
Joins Ras) TM.tpsee Rohl
Ion Retort Wilton E...swl
IImo . 71iss WIIli.Os T\oses
Ma.k C 1 Whitey Thai
Moen Weeds, Bahl
Muir ha
A. F. SICKLE, he.masee.
Fanners' Mutual Illlsuranne Co.,
• CAPrrAL $1,000,000.
UrH0?K1NR, Hamilton. Ajertt for
i of Waterloo sod Flores.
*15.5515, 1198. 3,15
Staple Dry Goods,
and following days,
From the Leading Manufacturing Districts
in New England.
THE Subscriber announces a TRADE
SALE of Five Hundred Packages A-
MERICAN Domestic Goods, to take plaeo
at hes Warehouse, No. 166, 8t. Pauletreet,
(the premises formerly occupied by Messrs.
Armour, Whiteford, its Co.)o. Wednesday,
the 11th September next, and follows`
in every moiety, the manufacture of the
Impel Corporations is New England, U.
S., and well adapted to the trade of Canada.
166, St. Peel Street, Montreal.
The .pecial ttestioa of the Trade in
Eaters and tern Canada, to this im-
portant Sale, t ested, as the Goode ars
to be Sold wittiest reserve.
Circulars and Catalogues .ill be issued
in • few..d•yn, and particulars'.ppeer in a
future edeertionmeet.
38 Auctioneer..
THE Comaie,ioaers of P',ilie ?r,, -k,
Hereby give Notice, to e..1 Parties in-
terested, that, by an Act !..seed in on tat.
Session of the Legislatu;p, intituled, " As
Act to amend the Jaws relating to the
Public Works of t6' Province," it is enact-
ed that the Pro-.incial Arbitrators obeli
meet within Trio Months after the paring
of the rid bet, (10th August inst.) for the
pt.rpose e; isvesugating and determining
upon all Claims 6:ed in this Office within
the tirne allowed by law. All parties who
Astra duly notified this Departmea of the
"staence of their Claims in general terms,
bet have neglected to comply with the
Pro..aoes o1 the Act 10 and 11 Vit., e. 24,
which require, that Ike pnriicaiurs of ouch
Claims shall be filed with the said Commie -
Blooms ; such parties are hereby no''bed to
forthwith trend in the foilowieg particulars
es far as it may apply to their ,even) de-
mands, •.a.:-
Comm..c.n.nt of, and duration of dam-
age ; by what Public Work .opposed to be
canoed ; gnsatty of land damaged by, or
'skew for the use 01111C11 Pu►lie W,trk, aid
the etiolated valve thereof per sere, at.the
time the Land was en damaged or taken.
Dan of C"s'raci, and the eseeral item•
is detail (-outposts' tr amount chimed,
with meuuromeot of every claim of work
If there mous any other ground of claim,
state hew and when the amu has some,
ad the mer deo,aoded as compsn.attoo
It to requisite that .II Chem. shall he for-
warded to this 04See within One Month
Qom this date, in order that the Commis-
sioner, may be able to comply with the
provisions of the Law. i1 Claimewts nog
feet to comply with thin Notice within the
time thee Axa{, their Mom cannot he solo
eteted for uvestegaum firths meaner re-.
opmred by the Acle.
Dep.rfweisr of Pwlfi. Works. 98
Torn,*, Aogles t 14th, 1A60. 41