The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-13, Page 16- Pigs 16 Th. 'WhopAdvocate, March 13, 1950 "To Po or ,Not TO Pe" To be or net to be," is the Vital question =fronting not nilly Mr. and MrS. Harold Rib - sett, the Lucan Leprechauns, their parents, but the whole vil- lage, Will the team make the Ed Sullivan Show next Sunday or will they be doomed to clis- aepointinent? When the original backing fell through, .contributions amount- hig to $350 have been receive& but another $650 is required. .Can that be raised before March s16, is the $64,000 question. Personal !terns Mr. and Mrs. Rod Alyea, Kitchener, called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ribson last Sunday. Explorers Peet Offic4trs The Liman • C I a ndeboYe Ex- plorerS held their 4th expedition in the United Church parlors last Monday evening, when officers were electe& Chief Enterer is Carolyn Don- aldson; Keeper of the Log, Nancy Haskett; treasurer, Joan Whitehead; pianist, Barbara Park. The Scripture lesson was read by Counsellor Rose Revington; the worship service and Japa- nese story, by Counsellor Kae Visa Pu Haskett. For the craft period, individual Japanese screens, p s Japanese umbrellas and cherry trees were made. At School The date for the annual Bunny Phone 109 Lucan Lucan And District News Correspondent: Miss Una Abbott Tea was set for April 9. WI$1111,11.1M041111111.11,111F1111110101111ft1H1114111111101$1,11191 lllll 111144411t1Hill llllll 111111111141111$1111101101111Millto, IN LUKE REAL ESTATE BROKER A good attendance of mothers and a few fathers availed them- selves of the opportunity to visit the Public School at Open !louse last Thursday afternoon and con- sult with the teachers on the progress of their children and F. WANTED 50 • 100 • 200 or 300 Acre FARMS FOR SALE 150 Acre Farm—Choice clay loam, very fine buldings. 100 Acre Farm—North of Zurich, fair buildings, black loam. 100 Acre Farm—South of Dashwood, clay and sand loam. FOR INFORMATION CALL SID EMERY, PARKHILL 151 ll I lll IIIMMIIIIMI11111111.111011111111IMMM111111111111111111111111111111111101111111t111111111111111111111 lllll 11111111.1. 1011.111111,111 llllll tflIti llllll hIllinin111011101111111/111111114011111110111411111111111111111111111/111114411111111111111101HIM • t 11 - E a ILO n Coat Sets FOR BOYS &'GIRLS, SIZES 2 TO 6X Little Girls' Holland Suede 2 -Piece Coat Sets with Poke Bonnet Double Breasted Effect Colors Pink and Mint 7.98 Size 2 and 3 ; I • Stfipe Effect • Single Breasted • Two Slash Pockets a Button Trim on Sleeves Girls' 2 -Piece COAT SETS Wool Fleck and Wool Tweed Two Outstanding Styles with Hat Sizes 3 and 3X, rose and mint • Sizes 4, 6, 6X, turquoise and blue • Princess Lines • Fancy Trims 15.98 2 OTHER STYLES IN GIRLS' COAT SETS at $10.98 and $14.98 LITTLE BOYS' 2 -PIECE COAT' SETS Sizes 3, 3X 10.98 Sizes 4, 6, 6X the best way they could co-op- erate to produce better progress. From a daffodil -centred tables, Mrs. Calvin Haskett, Mrs. Ralph Smith and Mrs, Cecil Lewis of the Home and School Associa- tion poured tea and room moth- ers were Mrs, Sheridan Reving- ton in Mr. Clow's Grade 7 and 8 room; Mrs. Jack Lankin in Mr. Swick's Grade 5 and 6 room; Mrs. George Thomson in Mrs. Black's Grade 4 and a MR roam; Mrs. 11. Keyl in Mrs, Allison's Grade 2 and 3 room and Mrs. C. H. George in Mrs. Cobleigh's 1 and 2 room. Library Board Elects Officers At a meeting in the Lucan Li- brary last Monday evening of- ficers for 1958 were elected. [ Chairman is Erle Haskell;treasurer, treasurer, C. H. Cantelon; sec- retary and librarian, Mrs, Irene Coursey; library board, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins, Mrs. Louis Staples, I Mrs. C. H. George, F. W. Hovey, I Chas. Corbett and Jack Steacy. Annual report showed the li- brary had a good year with financial increase as well as a larger circulation. W.A. Meeting The Women's Auxiliary of Holy Trinity church met in the 1Parish Hall last Wednesday af- ternoon for its March meeting, The president, Mrs. T. C. Me - i Farlane, led in the devotions, assisted by Miss Lina Abbott land Airs. Harold Corbett. [ A number of members attend- ' ed the Quiet Day at St. John's [ Church, Arva, on Tuesday. [ Mr. Prest spoke briefly, again • urging the members to visit the , sick. He also referred to Mother- ! ing Sunday, March 16 and the ;possibility of holding a special service. Dorcas secretary, Mrs. T. A. dlio gins, read out the requisites needed for the bale. arid. many donations were promised. In the, absence of Mrs. Harold Hod- gins she took the study book chapter, "New Buildings on Old, Foundations". This chapter was particularly interesting to the branch as it dealt with The New Life Sanatorium at Obuse, where! our missionary, Miss Lilias [ Powell, is stationed. The secre- tary read a letter she recently 'received from Miss Powell. • The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Irene Cour- sey, Holy Trinity WA To Prepare Bale Mrs. Jack Steacy was hostess for ten members of Holy Trin- ity's Evening Auxiliary last Wednesday evening. For the worship service they attended the Lenten service in the Parish Hall and then went • Grey with Dark Grey Stripes in a body to yrs, Steacy's. In the absence of Mrs. Chas. Cori es Eton Cap bett, who is holidaying in Mexi- co, Mrs. Norman Hardy was in charge of the study book. The pros and cons of a flower show were discussed. It was finally decided to postpone the show till the fall. Flowers for Mothering Sunday was discussed and a committee to ascertain the possibilities of securing them in time for the service March 16 was appointed, The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jack Hardy, United Church W.A. The March meeting of the 'United Church Woman's Associa- tion was held in the church par- lors last Wednesday afternoon with the president, Mrs. Cecil Robb; in the chair and Mrs. H. B. Langford's group in charge of program and refreshments. Mrs. Langford was assisted by Mrs. Gordon Denting, Mrs. R. K. Montgoreery, Mrs, Ben Saul - flier, Mrs. Ernest Ross, Mrs, Murray Hodgins, Mrs. V. Smith and Mrs. Cecil Nell. The chief item of business Was the discussion anti planning of a tea, with tentative date of March 26. Further plans were Itievfe.tin the hands of the execu- Mrs. Langford conducted an interesting question a nd answer period on the work of the W.A. Ward Hodgins, son of Mr, and Mrs. Murray Hodgins, enter- tained with two piano numbers, Attend School Workshop Aferriberst of the Lucan Tjniied Church School attended the Sunday Church school workshop at the. Empress Avenue 'United Mirth, London, last Saturday. Froin the nursery kindergarten department were Mr, Howard Kew kid Beverley Butler; prim - 6 ary dejtiiieht, Marlene Bev - mg et, ;it n or CPA ,Mi. Harold Whyte; junior Workship counsellor for Middlesex Pres- bytery, Mrs. Murray Itodgins. Correction, Plees. The ad for the E! aster Parade h Litdail, hi last week's paper, should have stated that the I event was sponsated by Lecati and Salmi Association, I The ad Was donated' by Radcliffe Drug StOre AS a cOeteibttlitni in s the nettle and School Maeda* Easter Straw Hats • Large Selection of Hi Styles to choose from • Ribbon and Flower Trims • Dress up for Easter • Sizes 3 to 10 Years 1.98. • Another Group of Straw Hats with Purse to Match t." • Sizes 3 to 6 Years 2.98 Little Boys' Fine Pinwale Corduroy COAT SETS • 2 -Piece Double Breasted Effect • Two Patch Pockets • Toast and Blue • Sizes 2 and 3 6.98 Little Boys Ivy League Caps e Stiff Peak fr • tutton Down Brim ; Striped Just Like Dad's • Toddlers' And Girls' Dresses • Sinal 2, 3, 4 $1.98 and $2.98 * Sites 4, 6, 6X „......„. ll l 4.98 arid $3,98 9 DRY GOODS LUCAS, ONTARIO ibrie Auxiliary Adopts Youth Join Veteran Of War in service Last Friday, Mrs. .Ceeil ,lioltues and Airs. H. T. Bond visited the. Auxiliary's adopted veteran, Mr. Walter Frosts at westminster Hospital, who. is at present, in good health, but will have to undergo an eye opera - ti onMarcl 44 On Tuesday, 14 members of the Legion Auxiliary met in the Legion Hall for their March meeting. Mrs. Quackenbush, the zone commapder, made her yearly visit. She installed four new members: Mrs. Ernie Ross, Airs. Boyden Herbert, Mrs, Nee- lan and Mrs. Scans,. The mys- tery prize was won by Mrs, Cecil Holmes • Lunch conveners were Mrs, Dave. Egan, Mrs. Tom Weller, Mrs. Harold Butler, Jr., and Mrs. Art Bell. The date for the next smorgasbord was set for Friday, March 14. On Thursday, a stork shower was held in the Legion Hall for baby Kevin Timothy Ball. His ' • , DwightBali, ac- cepted the gifts and thanked the ladies on the baby's behalf, Mrs, A. E. Reilly won the door prize. The stork shower convener -was Mrs, Dave Park, assisted by Mrs, H. T. Bond and Mrs, Cecil Holmes, Teachers Discuss School Dicipline The March meeting of the Bid- dulph and North London Teach- ers* Association was held at S.S. No. 6'Biddulph (Separate School) last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Ross McRoberts, Mrs. E. Con- lin and. Miss Elaine Grainger on the program committee. Owing to the preparations for Open House on the following Thursday Lucan teachers were unable to attend. However there was an attendance of 15, They were divided, into groups to dis- cuss discipline problems. Mr, William Hill of London, salesman for Education Supplies, had a book display. Birthday Dinner Guests attending the birthday dinner of Mr. Vincent Dinsmore last Wednesay night at his home included Mr. and Airs. Jim Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil .1 -Icicles and Mr, and Mrs. Donnie Gardiner and family. Robb Reception Honors Couple Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Robb held open house at their home, Elgin - field, last Saturday evening, in honor of the recent marriage of their daughter, 'Rose Marie, to James Bawtenheimer, of Sarnia, Guests were present from Rip- ley, Kincardine, Lucknow, Lon- don, Si. Clair Shores, Sarnia, Corunna and Kitchener. Rev. Edgar Roulston, of. Lucan, was master of cere- monies for an hour's entertain- ment. At midnight, lunch was served from a long table covered with an Irish linen damask dinner cloth, sent by the bride's Farrell relatives of Petaluma, California, for the occasion. Serving were Misses Rose Ann and Marlene Revington, LaVerne George, Marilyn Brownlee, Cathy and Barbara Benn, and Mrs. Harriett Russel.. Hostess of the tea room. was Mrs. John Park, and Mrs, E. Reynolds was in charge of the register. PS Poster Artists Awarded Prizes Last Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, Mrs. M. 0. Smith and Miss Lina Abbott judged the "Easter Parade" posters, made by Grades 5-8. As the work was all so very well done, they had difficulty in choosing the best poster 'from each grade. The decision went to posters made by Ann George, Grade 5; Kirk Montgomery, Grade 6; Carolyn Donaldson, Gracie 7; and Vickie Eizinga and Diane Hickson, Grade 8. These outstanding posters which show particular talent, can be seen in the window of the Liman Motor Sales, Birthday Party The birthday of Mr Wes Hodgins was celebrated at the home of his Piece, Mrs. Wililani Jarman, Of Port Stanley, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tubb and family, or Mitchell, who spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins, accompanied them and Don to Port Stanley on Sunday for the birthday telebre- tion, Pastor Returns From Hospital Titsv. Friel Thoresoe, wilt) .net with an at eidolt, while at work at the Steen& Fitters, London, has been in 51. ,Inserih's Hospi- tal for le days, but Came borne Tuesday, On Sunday Mornitig, Masses, Jack Ilizinga and Ed Butler took the teething sereite, and in the evening, Miss Audrey Gagnon and Mr. Ed Butter carried Mr, And Mrs. IIIIC Nash, at St. Clair Shores, and Mr, and Mrs. Peg. tawtenhebner. 0 Sarnia; Mee, ROW-, Of Detroit, and Mr. anti Mee. JallteS BeWterilleimer*, , of Sarnia, rt 'Weekend nestS 110tiOn Madp, a mimmry at Mr, and Mrs. Mail Robb, cad group of opinions.. An ecumenical service for Canadian youth, prepared by the Department of Christian Educe, tion, Canadian Council of Churches, was held for the first time last Sunday, but will be made an annual event on the third Sunday in Lent throughout Canada, in the future. An inspiring selwice was held in Holy Trinity .Clistreh at 4 pan., when a few adults joined with the *lig people from Lucan's three churchesandClandeboye's two churches to celebrate this great youth service. A •full Holy Trinity senior choir led in the music and sang an anthem. In the absence of Rey. J. P. Prest, who had exchanged pulpits with the Rev, R. A. Carson, of Pais- ley, the Rev. Edgar Roulston, of the United Church, extended a welcome, Mr, Al Bromwich, vice-presi- dent of the A.Y.P.A., led in the service. He was -assisted by Heather Stanley and jack Park, of the United Church; Teena and Jack Eizinga, of the P'ente- costal Church; Jeannette Blake and Doug Thompson, of Clande-• • IJ d; Tom Taines, of James Church, and Marilyn :Brownlee, Helen. Hardy and Frank Egan, of the Anglican Church. The offering was taken up by Gary Maass and Fred Culbert, of Holy Trinity, The theme of the meeting was "God's love calls us to disciple- ship," so the guest speaker, the Rev, R. A, Carson took as his text "He that is not with me, is against me." He impressed on the young people that there is no room for neutrality or straddling the fe.nee, that they must be either for or against Christ. The offering is to be used to support and extend the work. of Christian education among youth throughout Canada, Mrs. John Casey Dies In Biddulph Mrs, John Casey, 65, the former Helen McNally, died at her home, Con. 4, Biddulph, Friday, March 7. She lay at rest in the C. Has- kell and Son funeral home, Lucan, until 9,30, a.m., Monday, when she was taken. to St. Pals rick's Church, Biddulph, for solemnhigh mass at 10 a an., celebrated by Rev. Edgar B. Casey, 0.F.M., a brother-in-law of the deceased. The Rev. Ralph Oklmann, 0.F.M,, was deacon, and the Rev. Marvin Treihage, O.F.M., was sub -deacon. Father J. A. Machesy, pastor at St., 1Patrick's Church, was master of ceremonies. The Rev. Dennis Moran, 0.F.M., was present in • the, sanctuary and preached the [ sermon. Father Casey and the other Franciscans are from Duns ;Scotus College, Detroit, Mich. [ Mrs, Casey was born in Detroit • but spent her early life in Min- . burgh, Scotland. She returned to ;Detroit in 1911. She married in '.1916, and lived in Ridgetown and Wallacetown until she moved lo her late residence, two miles [north of Lucan five years ago. She is survived by her bus - bard, John D. Casey; three daughters. Miss Mary Casey, of Detroit; Mrs. P. J. Dunlop, of Walla.ceburg; Mrs. T. L. Hen- nessey, of Royal Oak, Mich,; one son, Owen G. Casev, of To- ronto; two sons, William and Edward, predeceased her; one brother, Henry McNally, of Detroit, and eleven grand- children. Interment was in adjoining cemetery. Pallbearers were Joe Casey, B. Casey, John Martin, Douglas Martin, Pa trick Miller and Jim Van de Velcic. .Baby Shower Mrs. Ron Sprague was enter- tained last Friday evening at a baby shower in London at the home of her sister. Gantes were played and lunch served. During the evening, . she was presented with a baby Aarriage and carriage cover set. Others front Liken who were present included Mrs, George. Miller, Mrs. Harry Lucking and Mrs, Tom Weller, Paisley Minister AYPA Speaker In spite el two previous set's'. lees last Sunday, there were 11) [ members of Holy Trinity' A.Y.P.A, out for their evenhig meeting. One new member, Edna Ryan, makes the present enroll), en t 24. Helen *Hardy's group Was in charge of program and refreshments, Bonnie Arnold read the Stripture lesson. During the business session, comenitte.es were set up and plane completed for the play "Aurelia Bridge From hemlock Ridge" tn be. nresented bv the WesieY Yung Peoeie's 'Union in s the fanleV TalI, Friday evening, MAreh 21, and ler the (tante which 'will follow, Rev. IL A, Carson, ot rAisieV, i‘raa the guest sneaker. fl t gave a heinfui talk on A,Y,P.A. Welt, To ilitistrate his 'point that mem- hers Must ea be listeners only, but alt riiust participate in all Adtivities, _lie asked ttee: Mits. time: (I) What doestmA.Y.P.A. Mean- to Y�117 0) What (lets AA AN,P.A. mean to your thiiteii? Tie went twice MUM Mid group tat[li illettlbet Present an fitsiSheitleity to expre8e Mi OnlniOrt. 8th Birthtlay day entertained for her grand- Mrs.sklien Kennedy last Alan] inother, Mrs. Annie Thompson. - on her 64th birthday. Guests were 'present from London, Owen Joey Hodgins, son at Mr. and Mrs. .Ceell 1odips. pct his 16th birthday in London, with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strasser. Sound and Lucan, Mrs. Thomp-i---- son was showered with letters, .cards and many useful gifts, Fells From Chair Last Friday, Mrs, John. Casey was standing on a chair adjust- ing a clothes line, when she lens spraining her left wrist and. hurting her hip. She missed hit- ting the' stave by inches, which might have been much more serious. Personal Items Alr. Stewart Park has sold his lot next to Mr. Wes Revingtort, to Mr. Glen Haskell'. Ur. .and Airs. John Campbell, - of Riverside, were weekend guests of Mr: and Mrs. Sheridan Revington, and Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs, Art McLean and family, London. Air. Will Flavelsost, of London, spent last Friday with Mrs. W. J. McFalls. Mr. and Mrs. Joe IlaY have moved into the house owned by Mr. Steve Burlock. and Air. and I Mrs. Larry McFalls are moving into. the apartment above The Hub, vacated by Mr, and Mrs. Hay. Mr. Ward Hodgins, of Clande- , hove, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins and family, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Sehleuter nad family, spent last Wednes- day in Linwood, the guests of Air, and Airs. Harmon Schleuter. The latter fell on the ice and broke her right arm. Mrs. Galley Johnston, nee Galley Revington, formerly of Lucan, bas been again taken to St, Catharines General Hospital, Mrs, Irving Gibson and Ronnie Woodward were Sunday guests of Mr. and Airs. Wilmer Jones, of • Ki nn en „ Air. and Mrs. Charles Corbett . left last Wednesday for a holi- day in Mexico, leaving their girls with their grandparents herr'. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Drennan and family spent last Sunday in Windsor, guests of Mr. and Mrs, Carson Drennan. On the way home, baby .To -Ane (20 months) took a convulsion and had to stay overnight at Victoria Hos- pital, but is better now. Mrs. Roy Stanley last Monday attended the funeral nf her cousin. Miss Gertrude Morson, of Tavisfoek, Mr. .Tack Steacy left last Sunday for Toronto (A attend a two-week managers course at the main ()Mee. In his absence, Mr. Doug Watterworth will be in chPirg.e. Ar. and Mrs. Alioe Culbert and family, attended the birth- day celebration of Mrs. Culbert's mother, Mrs. Fred Kerr, of Exeter, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. It. Kleinfeldt. of scent last Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Harold Butler, Jr., and famil-v. Jean Schlctitcr. dau er of Mr. and Mrs. Ttoy Sehlenters sncnt last weekend in Stratford, the guest of her grandiwrents, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Gordon. Irpr aunt and uncle. Mr. • and Mrs. Gordon Kemp, brought her home on Sunday. —Please Turn to Page 17 After :a month in St. :Toseiva Ilespital„ Mr. Bat Wilson is able ta return :in Litei n. and is at present .witis Mr. and Mrs. John •i.,V044iSWAGEN MEW llllll 11111111111111,1111111,1111111111111111111m1Millili$11111111$11111111;t111011111,1111111111111110111,1101111I111111111111111t114; Front -End Wheel Alignment And Wheel Balancing Is Our Specialty! nter-Duvar & Sons PHONE 38 Ltd. EXETER • amensmommemm. P,1 iddlesex Thonla Your Candidate For Election March 31 ed Ex ,arience in town and rural affairs Now, more than ever before, Wes, Middlsex needs a member Whose judgment and experience is well balanced +with equal emphasis on Town, City and Rural affairs. Bill Thomas meets. your qualifications. He successfully farmed 640 acres in Western Canada — 500 acres in Metcalfe Township — now lives in Strathroy -- and in that booming Western Canadian city of Calgary, was a Principal en the teaching staff and was elected and served as Alderman for two years. This background of experience helps 13111 Thomas to serve you well — bring your problems into sharp focus: Agricultural problems — the price of corn, soya beans are current—cattle too„ Urbanization trends bring problems to expanding, urban centres and adjacent rural areas. Bill Thomas has combined experience in town and rural affairs with proven performance to get things done and transmit the ideas, hopes and desires of West Middlesex constituents to the point at which action originates. With Bill Thomas in Ottawa, you may be sure that your interests are well repro. sented, VOTE THOMAS •. Thomas W. H. A. X. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Th4 Advertisenoeitt •Authorized by West Middiesex Progressive Conservative Asint I [ •