The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-13, Page 4`, Polo 4 noTmAdr, rob i3,, 19,5g ESTABLISHED 19Q0 HI ....• -.--.—E................ .. ,...... . . ,........_...............,..... I CORRESPONDENT MRS. CHESTER L. SMITH 4Thi4 Wete,t. Goshen MRS. 4..t.AREcl :Sturdy evening guests at the .of lite. And Mrs. Clare McBride were Mrs. Alurray Mtn ton; Toronto, Miss Louis Rap- :: son and Mr -Donald Jamvs, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Rap- son and Mrs. -Grace Rapson Henson, Mr. and Mrs. ilarvey Ilayter and Joyce of Varnia. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arm - •strong attended the Achilles -Tay. • lor wedding in Duff's Walton. Aire. Floyd Armstrong also at. tended the trousseau tea al the home of the bride's parents, • Mr. and Mrs. Achilles. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Knill, Paris were Sunday visitors with :Mr. and Airs. Bert McBride, Thursday night was Open House at the Goshen School S.S. No. 5 Two films were shown and displays of the school work ex- hibited. The children Also pre- sented a short program with lunch at the close. The Woman's Missionary So. ciety postponed the meeting un. til next Tuesday night on account of the erokinoie party being held this -week at Varna. Goshen and Vane Young Peo. ple met !at the home of Barry Taylor .on Monday night. The president is Douglas Armstrong. Mrs. Wm. Hayter spent a ;couple of days with Mrs. Rena •-•• McBride, Exeter. ("Crowded out lett week) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arm- strong. having. lived at Ft. Wil- liam far the past ten years,: have taken up residence in Mon- treal. They visited the .foriner'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Edear Schnell spent an afternoon with Mr.„ and Mre, John McBride,. Mr: and Mrs. Russell Erratt left -last weekend for a trip to the. States. Mrs. Ratbwell of etnnse jaw, Sask.. a sister of Mrs. John Armstrong, has returnee to her • home after holidaying down here. District Teachers '`Honor Parents Hear Inspector inspector G. J. Doman was f greatly surprised their parents, t Air. and Mrs. David Gesell, of eir • On Anniversary • Children and grandchildren guest speaker at the meeting Teachers of the liensall Distrie Kirkton ay MRa. HAR,91.0 PAYIS Euchre Party An institute Euehre party was heht at the hem: of Mr, And Airs. Earl Watson Wednesday evening. Prize winners were: . • high, Herman; -Poynter; lone Repeet. Qn hands, Earl Watson; emasolation, Mrs, Rose Francis. The Cless That ceente Mrs. Charlie Bonne was host. By MRS. HARQt_p ertnAv ess for the Mardi meting of ' the Class That Counts. Mrs. :Roes Tufts led the worship serv- s. Menno Vteekl! spent Sun- ice assisted by Ales, Roger Larqu. Stanley Township. on ThtlesaY day with Mr. Adrian Webber hart and :Mrs, :Glen Allen, no& to help Limn celebrate their and children ,of Wallenstein; call was answered by each meal* fortieth wedding anniversary- Mrs. Wehber's daegliter is in her paying a fine if not wearing Their family of five children the hospital with a :new grand- something green, Airs. Allan all attended: Air. and nirs, Cad son, : Eveleigh presided for the meet: - Desch and family. of Baden; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Glue- ing; and Mrs. Main Rader t \Inlet )*:AO and Mr. and airs. Keith . Mrs. Jack Robinson and Mrs. and family. Mr. and Mr5. Floyd (lingo...ten and e .,atilY visited Preston Morrison sang a duet: Guenther (Verai. of Dashwood; Air. and Mrs. Musselman of accompanied by Airs. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Desch. oaaterioo and other relatives. airs. Earl Watson gave a humor. and family, of Stanley Township; ,. , ee _nee_ „I, 1 . Miss Loreeno, at home, Twelve ‘1 Mr. art, e.,,,i e.e?-te.,. ,,,, 0 mei _ me ous reading. A swap party eon. grandchildren belong to thei.s'ea‘YeeralreItt.1:entt;st inaesrarnsilaviixdoltlil tiVect by Mrs' Elliott. was en. family. a: inembire of their family during and Mrs. io ' ti byall. Alre. Carl Mills Cliff Seat to e c ndu Le Gifts were presented and gether. thewinter.' ; a :contest. grand social time was enjoyed. , A luncheon was .enjoyed to- I Mr. and Mrs, 'Edmund Erb : Perot* Item, ' and family speht a day l I . 1 don. • .n -An.; • Mrs. Eger Shute held an in. ' salute card party in her home Zurich Dr ps' M 0 . Mrs.Lydia in er attit el nos li : G" g jell Z i 1 : ' 'ere' high store, Mee. La - Mrs. Mary Manson visited Thursday afternoon. Prize win. Blake unit last Tuesday afternoon in the Zurich Public, School. Unman told of the equip- ment each school should have in aid in teaching and the duties of the caretaker and teacher in , making the school attractive. He discussed the matter of dis- . eipline the. school. A questionnaire was conducted oj school problems. The meet. ing was arranged by Mrs. Fred /laborer and bliss Carol Thiel who served lunch. The next meeting will be held in Hensel' Public School in April. Returned From Florida Airs. Ted Mittleboltz retuned to her !ionic in Zurich after she and her husband spent a few weeks in Fort Lauderdale. Florida, with their daughter, and her husband, Mr. and Mrs, • Walter Hilburt. Her husband re. mairied for a few MOM We eit before he will return. The form. er made the home trip by bus. Sewing Circ e Elects,Officers The Mennonite ladies of Zurich held their regular meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mose "Erb last Tuesday evening,Rev. ;Ephriam Gingerich, pastor, had charge of the devotional part. ; Re -organization took place ; President is Mrs, Roy Gingerieh; vice president, Airs. JoRiali Steekle: se:e'er-treas., Miss Dor- othy Erb. • ' • Personal Items . Comments About Eliddulph - MRS. M. H. ELSTON Miss Edna Merklee and Mrs. Lila Davey -of London spent a few days at the borne of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Be, dard. Mr, and Mrs, Allan Fraser of Exeter were Sunday guests aU the home of the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel. Mr, Patrick O'Brien has re- turned from St. Joseph's Hos-: pita], London, improved in health, and is follow n his studies at Exeter High School. !MWODA The Misses Joyce Schwertzen. E; Shute; consolation, Mrs. Oar" 1 last week, , vane Stone; lo.ne hends, airs, truber and AliceMiles of New . enee Switzer, 1 : Hamburg visited relative$ and • Sunday visitors with 'dr. and Zurich trustees have -decided • not to continumembership friends in this vicinity recent- Airs. Hiram Hannah. were; Mr, e in ; and Mrs. Joe • Blommaert. and the MithaVestern Ontario Deed- e`o% opment Association, the fotte.i Mr. and Airs. Sam Desch of family, Air. and Mrs. Mex Cart. county group attempting to at, ; the Bronson Line North visited t enburg and family, Alta Donald tract industry to the area. i with his sister, Air. and Airs, Morphe, Woodham, Mr, Andy The decision was taken at a , Rudy Oeseh,- of Exeter, Mr. Daniel Hawkey Blommaert, Miss Rena Murray meeting of the trustees Monday.' . • of Fullerton and Mr. Simon De• wit of Dublin, airs. Norman Anios and Mrs, Lloyd Smith of Wondham left by bus on Saturday for Florida, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Knox -of the 8th line and Mr, and Mrs, Woollen Mith were ordered for ! - :idedildnyastor O. Winter .showed a '.Alex Irvine visited Monday eve - members of •ehe fire brjgade. , ..: • - " "Bookmobiling in Bural ; ning :with Air. and Airs. Miller Japan, A bylaw was passed providing! A duet was contributed -by I! McCurdy. • enforcement for the no Rariangi Carol Fisclier . and. Mary Ellen j Mission and signs at the maid' intersection. , rhiel accompanied , b y Airs. ! When the Mission Band met Personal items Lorne Ratter. Mrs, Gordon Block ; at the church, 16 members ans'• Misses Gertrude and Melville I presided for the program. i weed the roll call by placing &bade, of London, were week"; , Mrs. Whitney Brokenshire c.one an article for a Japanese school bag in a box. Irie Marshall Pre. end visitors at the home of their; ducted , the business sessien. The brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence visiting co.mmittee reported 15 sided,AP. Ross Tufts told 'a Bible Sehade, 14 eon., and Mr. and calls to sick and shut-ins of the ; ; story.ls. Carol Bibby read the Mrs. Irwin Schade, near Dash -i congregation, wood. dedication for the offering, which 1 Retvrned From Bermuda was taken up by Diane Allen, Mr. and Mrs! Call Decker I air. Gordon Smith of the Blue : The members divided into and cbildren were Sunday guests ; Water Highway has returned by i study groups with Mrs. Glen with friends in Palmerston. 1 plane from his visit tO. Bermuda. I Allen and Mrs. Ross Tufts in Mr. and 'Mrs, Charles Hay and , Gordon tette us the ...scenery i$1 charge. Gaines were e»joyed, daughters were visitors - at the m st b tat 1 and the peoPi home of the formers parents, ! friendly; Mr.and Mrs, William Hay. Personal Items .. • Iapon receiving a petition from Lit eran La les Evangelical E1.13 nn,,..,hthey i of the Owen. They also accepted an app 'cation eot IA atm: sere ice At the scarce meeting of St. from L. Davis. 'Peter's Lutheran church Ladies' agreed to repair a drain in front ee Japan •Fi 4-H Girls Model Skirts Personal !trent Saturday evening visitors with For Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister were Mr, and Mrs. Elson Lynn And 'family of Winehelsea. Mr, and Mrs, Boss McFalls and David were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bili Hodgins, of Lucan on Saturday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Dean Gibson were in Wroxeter on Saturday visiting with the former's moth- er, who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Johnston Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Jessie Lewis. and family of Ailsa Craig spent Mr. and Mrs. :Ross McFalJs and David were guests on Sun- day evening with Mr, and Mrs, Gerald McFalls. 4it Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Fischer were Mr. and afsirs.., Lloyd Stanlake and family,' Mr. 'and Mrs. L. Thompson and family, Mr. Ray Fischer all of London also Mr. William Fiecher e•nd;Jateb Fischer of Dashwood, Nt. and Mrs. ;toe Mordush af London spent 'Friday evening with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Atkinkon and Robert spent Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bischeff. Crediton, • Mr. and Mrs, Allan Elston and family were gusts of Mr. And Mre, Winston Shapton of Zxeter on Saturday owing. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym and Jahn of Thames Road and Miss Marilyn Tuckey et :Exeter were visitor $ on Friday evening' with Mr. and Mrs, Sam Skinner. wentr-four members of Dash- lowed by a pooled lunch. wood Women's Institute answer- e. • and 'AL nt Mrs.ekBob Hamather ! NI the March roll call "name an and Kath,v spenl the week end at " outmoded household article. Southampton with Mr. and Mrs. • , Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, president, Gordon Eagleson anni family. conciliated the business. It was ; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and decided to send a delegate to Darlene and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin the Tweedsmuir history work- ' Rader, Kenneth and Richard, 0 00 },n f. al were Sunday visitors with Mr, , . Ceylon for flood relief. ' and Mrs. Elutes Rader: Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Mrs. Harry Hoffman are the new Ch for 'a slate of officers is Airs. leaders. Nominating committee, oose Officers r :Glen Webb, Mrs. Chas, SnFoLadies, Aid ell, land Mrs. Emil Becker. Mrs. Mei • I be Ladies Aid of the Evangel - nest Koehler and Mrs. Aintree real United Brethren Church end - Monier were appointed to pack and send tbree 'ettes ditd' d GINGERIC1111,410„ . WHEINI YOUR 75tH ilE611.1 TO CHATTER. YOUR OLO HeAretz 15 "THE MATTER. / LOCAL TRAY/MARKS, In. a-blam GINGERICIN Ha ATING-LIGH TING- PLUMBING OIL BURNING -AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENTS,SUPPLIES 410"' racrRicAL REPAIRING 34 MerrORREWPWING' • ZUPLIC ae ae e a successful i einbcrship and by members for Arab children. :'attendanee drive with the win - Mrs. Leonard Schenk, con. ning side led by Airs. Ralph vend of Historical Research Weber as guests at a supper of was cbairlady for the priigram. • t Mrs. Chas. Snell discussed the iic losing side b Y Mr, Wal- niolto "Do not walk this year in lace Wein. They found they hail last year's ruts," Mrs. Lloyd - increased their roll call an aver. Eardeson had as hen tonic "Yes—age al ;seven a meeting, terday and to -day." Everyone • Guests from Zurich were Rev, enjoyed a sing song of Irish ; • and Mrs. A. AL Amaeher, who sing songs. " sang a duet. Mrs. Amacher, as The 4-H girls were guests and guest speaker, chose as her topie modelled their skirts made in "Brotberhood." the ,proieet "Working With 1 ElecHon of officers followed, Wool, Ilse Gulens and Mary President is Mrs. Cart Oestrieb- jane lioffm e n demonstrated er; viec-presidents, Mrs. J. M. "New tiro for the okt skirt." The Tiernan and Airs. Letia Taylor; leaders, Mrs. Sid Baker and Aire., secretary, Mrs. Howard Klumpp; Fe•vin Devine, were presented assistant senroary, irs with plaques bY the Insithate• assistant Ladies' A, Stuart Aid treasurer, airs. Schenk conducted contests. • Mn. Harold Kellerman .. assist, ant treasurer, Mrs. Charles JQ t - hn Wein 78t 1 snen. W.S, treasurer, Airs, Tierra District Farmer Hoffman ; a esIst ant treasurer Mrs. Wallace Wein; spiritual life John 'Wein,. 78, died in South convener. Mrs. Jessie ilader; as - Huron Hospital, on Tuesday. He sistant, Mrs, Geerge Link; ClniS• was annUre of Crediton and tian social relations, Airs. Gordon farmed on the Bronson Line near Bender: aliesionary eduratioe Dashwood. convener, Mrs. Eben Wiegand; His wife, the former Anit secretary Young Peopiele work, graft, predeceased him five years ' Mrs, Lloyd elaglesorit assietant, ago. Be is survived by two'daugh. • Mrs. Sid Baker; secretary chie lers, Mrs. Gordon (Weida) Bayri- dren's xvork, Mrs. .t. M. Tieman; ham, Exeter, and Mrs. Harry assistants, Mrs, Donald. Geiser, (Margaret) Parsons, Oak Pare, ' Mrs. Ralph Weber and Mee. J. Mich.; four sons, Kenneth and IL Kellerman, Sheldon, Exeter; Floyd and Wal- personal items la4e:* Samnla 8sil7aTtl.,; threa sisters,AsMr. and Mrs. R. Fe /(1"017.111Arl Mrs. :Fred James and Mrs. nt Detiolt sPant the weekend with aboth Snyder, Lontirm; one beote„ : the batter's mother, Mrs. Core er, William, al )ashwod. His hotly rested at the T. Hai*: e• Miss Erme Wein of Clinten Hoffman funeral home. Dash- spent the weekend with Mrs. wood, until Thursday, when, In-' Cora Geiser. twat Service will be conducted miss Barhank 13tdot he! by Ittw. W, F. friend of Kitchener spent dthe Interment will brain Evengen. weekend with Mr, and Mrs, V. eat United, Brethren Gallen necktn Cernetcry, 1 Mr. and Airs, Ilubeet Welherg Mon't Club Etifeefelns and daughter and Sir. MI Mrs. Dam wod z i 6 n Lutheran • Gorden. Welberg, ot Watetinet, church mews Club was host to spent the Weekend with Mr. aid Stratford, Monktnn and Logan ' Aire, Fred Weiberg. Metre claire last Metiday evening, ; Mr, Douglas Ham ether end: Mr. Forty men were present. rPober, Irwin of London, spent the 1 Dart: baseball was played fol., iWeekterid at Dashwood. FOR SALE SALE MODERN 6.RODM 'HOUSE IN ZURICH ; Legateeoi otioefifth acre f tod, JelifieMawi11 entiroc. Nene toll fhieettietita tee( loetnete, hot seteier Netter, bad. inetnette tide down end tWo up, living roam, dirtino tooni nhd clitIttarti kittthatl) 14160 bOith MOO flottep hbrOViii6d *kid ' file Nor*, CO6)014061* intorsfed, gsfstie. Askinti Pelee 49,060 with .a vitty reosibldbbt down neynierifo M, Jackson REAL ESTATE • . 1416tittSGretitt geed er 1#1..W Perkbillf 1 Mr. heel Mrs. David 'Paid, of Lehtlon, spent Sunday with Aire. M. Pierer, Alr, and Mrs, Allan need And i son, Of Mitheeer, and ;Vit. and 'Mee. Fred Fritzley, MGoderieli, were eveeltend guests with Mr, find Mr, Janney ileytee. A etteceesful audiell milt, tit the. !tenet of the late Mr. John flender wee lithi lasi eturrley , :with Air. Miltoll Haugh purehAs. • tog the peopetty. :1 t)tirihif 1654 flit (1.11.V. will f.PiAt#iit erieratiliii 1g2 new tial ;Ioeotnotive4. Pot Luck Supper • The congregational pot luck supper of the United Church was Miss Laura Wcido,: who ha, , held in the basement or the been staying at the borne of her ; dwell recentlya, over 100 at - cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Earl; tending. After supper a program Weido for several weeks, has' was enjoyed beginning with a now taken im residence at the; sing song led by Rev, Elliott; Huron. 'County Home near Clin- and a vocal duet by Linda and ton. Carol Bibby. Mr. Harold Speller is a pa- Mr: Howard Maxwell Showed tient at Canton Hospital where coloured pictures stressing, the he had an operation. •different seasons of the .year Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klapp have 'and an. accordion instiumentel moved into their new home on by Miss pewit wackier; a read. John St. N. ing by Mrs. D. She mblaw; chorus Mr. and Airs. Herb Kraft of by the juniors• solo bv Mrs. Detroit Were guests at the home gee, peecti, of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade. and pictures for the children were 'given. Mr. and Mrs. John Steckley and son, Kenneth, of Vineland spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Erb and other relatives and friends. Mr. Solomon Gingerien • and Mr. Ed. SWartzentruher are Pa- tients at the Shouldiee Surgery in Toronto. Euchre Party. The Kirkton Hall Board held a successful Euchre party in Aberdeen Pelt recently, Prize wineere: were: ladies' high, Mrs. George Devis of 'Exe- ter; bone hands, Mrs. Wllfrd Wilson; men' high, RobtRun- dle; lone hands, Edwin Shute. Of NI 0010/0° ivoroo Ake epf ou,4F„4., m • $PECIA4 '57 Buick Century Hardtop Pour.Door, Automatic, Radio etc. '56 Meteor 2, -Door Rideau • Automatic, Radig, etc. '55 Volkswagen Custom Deluxe Radio, a -Real -MOnerSaver. '53. Dodge 4...Door Automatk Radio and Other Trimmings—A Top Buy. '52Meteor Convertible New Motor, Top, Radio, etc. '51 Meteor Convertible New Motor, Top, Radio, etc. 40 :ther Cars ust Go! All Makes, Styles And Yea's- Grab One Of These At A • Give -Away Price MOTOR'SALES SEE MIKE QUINLIN AT EXETER NORTI-.1 END LOT — PI -LONE 608 OR JACK PEAT OR PETE MASSE AT ZURICH PHONE 78 The Truth About Air Ride -land why it:s better gat, 13soioic gee, 11 •;i* •vitliE0 • • r • •:•••••...r 44:e• •. • 5,,•••.1' rs,....4.0•“Sr . ktv.1..144, 4. y, ilukk Stipat 4.door Riviera 4'5:lif.,4 ;WA" ;1•C''' • • • •WN:k? ,iplewe A 'GENERAL MO1h5 VALUE MGM, car* have til*ray* used horisentzd ltat awing* Soto° oat bo'rizontal torsion bars Por doesadda. Wok stag used nothing but 'Upright coil springs ;V. At all 4 *Imola for bettor, softor Oushioning, And to gat Me =Oat, out Of these 13uOyant springs, -to bring additional solidity, balabott sad *Lability to (AO ritio4-• 44k, Buick developed a rtereb i kind of eseis (Kaot"Zile biclusiVe Bul�k ohassiShas this toggod undability of a, * › missive X,bfactid rami and the true.traeltingstinktlinesS of 3tthk's Ttotoflo* Tortmo.Tubo Drive Dovelopod arta porfeeted by O 3roari.of oxperitoirO wi th1,Aprigh*>. L Baick's Mirada Chatais LOtiay turn* out to ... be "natural" for replacing upright coil springs ! With upright air gpringis /t'this exOlusive chassis engineering Oitperiaboit that gives youtin /Wick the sinoothost, flibot advitnett most otpOrioiiiiOd hit ritio 1t the Wetid. See the t`tible*Monitil Show, fill6tnAto tric160110111*, cpc,,tv rotor Ai ..EitafaiNt-, il Exotor WHEN AETtER AUTOMGAILES ARE GUILT GLECIL WILL BUILD THEM, • • PEARSON .MOTOR SALES • PONTIAC #UICK OW TRUCK WPM •Zukh