HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-06, Page 14RED Papa 14 The Times -Ad) ate, Marsh. 4, 1958 ',�t11111U11Y1111AI1AY1111A11111/I1Y11111115"1111111111111,ttltl llllll1,117411A1111A 1,71171111111111111111tA1411U.1.YY4111d1111Allllllllllly� Cornish MI t• chell CoQ CERTIFIED PUB.UC ACCOUNTANTS E H. 41 Cornish L. F, Cornish D. Mitchell K, W- Slade W. .E. Sucherd 291 .DUNDA'S ST, Dial 2.2651 I,QNDQN, ONT.. ,�"/1l1411/llllllltll,tlllllll l,tllt111111/.,/t111IIIIIIIIIItlININ1,11111A/41f ILII/If,lll111/11111111111.A111111(11/11111411,111111111110$ i+ 111111111M1111111/111111111t1111111111111111111111ti Mll11111111111111,1111.11111111111111111111111111111 It MI11111111114411,111,1UN II You'll Be Th nnkf ul! ForA Tankful! Cali Us Today! Exeter Farm Equiprnent Phone 508. R D. Jermyn n Y ttagliummilmiuuluunitimmiulttlimmmuunnuuuuunumnum/luunluuununummiti mitms uu,. Theirs is a mission of mercy PLEASE HELP THEM March is Red Cross month it Canada. Sometime during t'hiE period volunteer canvassers of the Canadian Red Cross will come to your door. They come to ask for your financial support 'support fox the work of mercy that never ends. So much depends on your re- sponse—for only through your generosity can this great work go on. You who are confident, strong) secure, please help in. this mission of mercy . please give generously. support the CROSS If ymx ku:c nof, al; horn; when the canvassers can, pledse send your contribution direct tot C V PICK ARD 'EXEtER, ONTARIO Commento1GB Jun•j.c,r e d Cross Croma rtr By tags.. K,. AicKELLAR Stages DoU. Exhibition An .interesting and successful Per5Anal :items doll festival was hell'( for Ju.nior; Capt. furry W. ' sung of the Red Cross fluids in the two. law-; 1st flattalton, R.C.R., has ar- er rooms in Grand Bend Publica ed to show his beautiful ie - School on Friday evening. Dolls tures, taken overseas, of Hol - of foreign lands mingled with land, Italy and Germany, under those of dolls of Canada, A tits- (the auspices of the Grand Bend play of clay soldiers on parade Library Board at 8:30 p.m, on was exhibited by Mr. John Tuesday, March 14 in the town Young. :hall. Outstanding was a display of Messrs, Wm. Love. Jas. Dal - antique Duteh silver and an an ton and Jack Hood 'Are attend - tient Dutch family Bible shown ing the hydro .eonvention in Tor - by Mr. and !firs. Frans Goo- onto this week. vaerts. ! Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Baird The mothers of Room. 3 sport- visited with Air.. and Mrs. Harry Bored the lunch, -on decorated Little in Gaderieh on Thursday. tables. Mrs, Newman. Sharon, ! Cpl. Neil Chamberlain and Cpl. teacher, vas the promoter of , Jiodgskins of Sarnia showed two. this successful project, :traffic safety films and also Orphan Aid L.C.A. • !gave short safety talks to the The Orpha Club ;held its regu- pupils in the local scl1aol Uri lar meeting on Tuesday evening .Thursday, •at,rthe home of Mrs, 1 ally Des. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dugganaaidine with n good attendance. and family spoilt the weekend The main. business of the eve- visiting friends in Kitchener, Hing was further arrangements Air. and. Mrs. Fred Ravelle of for the display and tea to be Sarnia visited their aunt,. Mrs. held on March 28, and arrang- L. Geromette on Sunday. ing for the materials on hand; Mrs. Tillie Tetreau of Zurich to be made up into dresses and is spending a few weeks with skirts for the Lambton •Chil ,lir. and Mrs. Roy Pask. diens Aid. Mrs. Wally Desai ;fir. and Mrs. Donald Stick- dine and Mrs, Max TurnbullIanel spent the wcekelcl in Lon- don. served lunch. don. CHURCH NEWS Air. and Mrs, Donald Barr of United Church Sarnia visited \with Mrs. 13arr's A. children's choir occupied parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, the choir loft at the evening Sweitzer, on Sunday. service in the United. Church en Mrs, Lawrence Schwartz, of Sunday, with Mr. David Stan- London returned with her sister, ton and Mrs. Clark Kennedy as . Mrs. Wellington Baker, on Sat- organists and leaders. The girls urday, and spent the . weekend. sang a selection, and the full; Airs, Mary Gill, who was eon - choir rendered a selection, and ' fined to her bed 'with the flu on special request the choir last week, is able to be around sang "jesus Loves Me." Rev. again, A. E. HO:lley took as his subiect 1 Mrs, Neil Chamberlain is, at the responsibility of Christian' present a. patient in South Huron training by the parents for• the Hospital with an attack of pneu- future of their children, �inonia, Anglican Church Alr, and Mrs. Mansel Mason Rev. A, E. Bowker hasbeen and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eng- lish arrived home on Saturday holding Lenten services in St. 'from Florida, after . spending the - by - the Lake Anglida.n Church each Thursday evening. past two months in the South.' These services will. continue After a successful. start aro throughout Lent, with, the ex- Friday evening, the Canadian ceptioir of Thursday, Alarelt 13. j Legion here have set every Fri- •da.y night as a bingo night at•the • Anniversary celebration Mr. and Mrs. William Hamil- ton. Cromarty, were honoured at a dinner at the :hone*ot Mr. and Airs. R. D. Sadler, Sta..ffa. it being the occasion of their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and. Mrs. Hamilton were married at the home of life , bride's parents, the late Atr. and ! Mrs. James Ballantyne, 'f'hanles `. ' Road, on March 4, 1908, the cere- mony performed by the late Rev. Colin Fletcher. Sinee their marriage they have resided at Cromarty, for thirty -1 six years on the farm now occu- pied by their son, and four -teen years in the village. The rooms were decorated with golden mums and the table was centred with the wedding cake ' made by their daughter, Gindys. They were the recipients of a TV l set, presented by their family: Mrs. Nelson 1Llizabeth)3Htinkin, , Belmore; Mrs. Alvin {Gladys) ! • Warden, Staffa; Mr. Frank loam-, ilton, Cromarty; Mrs. Cliff (Mar- I garet) ATilier, Staffa; Airs, Bruce (Mary) Balfour. Sault Ste, Marie, I Mrs. Carlyle (Wilma) Cornish, Seaforth, and Mrs,. D, (Hazel) Sadler, 'Staffa. Also present for the occasion were their twelve grand.ehildren and two great-grandchildren, who (presented the bride and groom with individual gifts, including • the bride's red rose corsage and the groom's boutonniere, Mr. and Mrs. 'Hamilton were at • home to their friends and neigh- boursonTuesday a t -- afternoon and evening. Marian Ritchie Auxiliary The March "fleeting of the 1 Marian Ritchie Evening Auxili- ary was held at the home of Mrs. , Andrew McLachlan with a good ' attendance. Mrs. Jaynes Miller presided and Miss Olive Speare fled in devotions. Mrs. J. E. Storey had charge of the topic and the studs; book "ThisisJapan was introduceded by Mrs. Calder McKaig, assisted by Mrs. Mervin Dow and Mrs. M, McLachlan. The business period was con- ducted by the president, Mrs. Lorne Elliott, Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Balfour and baby daughter, of Sault Ste. Marie, are visiting with the Tat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. liam Hamilton, and other rela- tives, and were present at the family dinner held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton's golden wedding anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sadler, Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lamont, London, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs., Lloyd Sorsdahl and family. Miss Dianne Houghton, Mitch- ell, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. M. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick and family, London, visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Russell and. Margaret. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brooks and George, Staffa, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Carlingford. Mrs. W. Crawford is visiting for a few days with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sereres, Stratford. Mr. William Patrick, Wyoming, visited for a few days with rela- tives and friends here. On Wednesday, March 12, a con firmation service will be held in SL Paul's Church, Thedford, when several candidates from St. John's- by -the -Lake will be confirmed. Grand Bend CWL The Catholic Women's League hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday evening with Mrs. James Dalton presiding and about 30 members pebsent.. Four new members were received into membership. The business of the evening consisted mainly of buying fur- ther supplies for the church. It was decided to hold a bazaar on July 19 on the church grounds. Father W. Smith, the director, attended the meeting and, gave a short talk to the ladies. The re- mainder of the evening was spent in working on rags for mats to be sold at the bazaar. St. John's -by -the -Lake The W.A. and Guild, of St. John's - by the - Lake Anglican Church heldtheir regular month- ly meeting in the parish hall with Mrs. Harry Bossenberry presid- ing, with a ,full attendance. The business of the evening was arranging to buy supplies for the' new hall and new surplices for the choir, Mrs., William Rendle to look after the sur- plices. Mrs, Bossenberry, Mrs. J. C. Irwin, Mrs, W. Cochrane, Mrs. L. Baker and Mrs. W. Rendle were the committee chosen to plan on a stove for the hall, taking their report 'to Mr. J. Aselstyne. Hostesses were Mrs,. M. Tiede- man and Mrs.. H, Lake. .0 1f 1111!11111 11AII11111111111111111IIIII1111•1111H,1/11t11fl 0/111 1111111111 Itt•tt.1f"1••11, 1,/tr 11 V Ilrl111111111l ltt, "1"1"1""' ._ ,.. fiAAAAAiiAi '56 STUDEBAKER PRESIDENT SEDAN Well equipped! '55 STUDEBAKER COACH Barely broken in, very low mileage, has radio. '53 STUDEBAKER HARDTOP Has everything on it. '53 CHEVROLET HARDTOP Automatic, radio, lull chrome cliscs, backup lights, windshield washers. '53 STUDEBAKER COACH—One-owner car. '52 STUDEBAKER SEDAN '614STUDEBAKER SEDAN—Radio, new paint. '47 DODGE SEDAN-Eluid drive, radio, SERVING FOR YOU Be ACR -Operative Donator When Your Ci nVeSSer C -IIs ,GRAHAM ARTHUR Pht iti 110' MOTORS i fl xot( r %i'fl1YYYlYYPtYiYYYrlY19Y Yli � iYY'iiYYYf. iYVYYYIY(YiYrftYYiifehitYYYIi"iffititiltilt(YYnflYYliiltaf riYlYfilllYYfrlYlluont lifffito Grand Bend Legion. hall. The Church of God ladies held. a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Lulu MacGregor on Tues- day and Wednesday of last week. Airs. Gerald Rawlings and her daughter Margaret, of Arva, and their uncle, Mr. Will Cohoon of Saskat000n, Sask., visited with Mr, and Mrs., J, Whiteford ora Tuesday. Airs. Welhwood Gill is spend- ing a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ervin Rader, in -Dashwood. Mr. E. Grose was ilppointed caretaker of the local school to replace Mr. Herbert: Pfile, who carried on. the services so faithfully for the past few years, t,ettor From ahi p ka. Mr. and Mrs. M. Priselak of Fenwick, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitz- erg Jini andScott. Airs. M. Raiz visited last,week.''lYYIllJad/111111111eeim111t11111I11fll1a111111.fa/111nAI1L111111aU111111 na111l111t1111.n,1l111111.lin1!1111111a1,11Ml In I111.U1111a1�� with relatives in Toronto. Mrs, F. Lamport and Mr, Tom Lamport visited Sunday with Mrs. W. Baxter, in Parkhill, Air. Wray Sweltzer is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. • ,0111 IIAA 111;1113O11111111M111 tJ Wilt 11 uuuuInl Watt 1I 11Au11M111611,uY1,U11,111 t,IYY/G!U ALF ,ANDRUS. 403 ANDREW ST., EXETER PHONE 719 Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work *-� Oil Bi r.ners +--, Tile Red Cross Canvasser calls next Thursday, but resigned for personal rea- sons. Mr. James Cutting has been appointed caretaker of St, John's - by -the -Lake Anglican Church and parish hall. Messrs, Fred-, Arnold and Ger- ald Gratton, and their wives, \1110 spent the: past few weeks in Florida, returned home last week. Messrs. Billie Brenner of Lon- don and Dennis :Finan of Sarnia and Miss Brenda Brenner of Sarnia spent the weekend at their homes in town, On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Desjardine, Grace and Darlene, Mr, and Ars. Robert Desjardine, Pauline • and ,loan, Mr, and, Mrs. Vern Rid- ley and Jeep, Mr. Alex Desjardine' and 1M117, and• Airs. Everett Des- jardine and family of Forest spent Saturday evening at the hone of Mr, 'and Mrs. Gordon Smith, the occasion being Judy y Smith's birthday. Thesemena. .,rewise investors! They Invest in i-lurtbn & Erie— Canada Trust qebenthres and Trust Certi fea e s, earning 41/2% interest for periods of 1 to . 'years. Ask for further details. Huron '& Erie Canada Trust . :c.d r aura l ub•rJ(•i. - .LONDON, .Q:'1TAIIII) 9 Lr,/Y1:U 11. RODC;SON, 1':E:ITRALIA.Y F. G, Uo]\TIJJI(')N, REX. 4AI, 1,1 7\-. G. COCIIRA\E, 1.1.N TERII J, W. HAEEAER, AL' /I, ntC'FIt D, 31. FRANCIS, II'1Ji'r1:Ri BELL 4 L G. HJT Q'1, J.xr.r1:n. 1958 Studebaker SCOTSMAN Longest mileage—lowest maintenance' of any full-size car on the road Graham Arthur Motors 1 ( Golden Dew Marg'ne 4 Pias Aylmer Tomato Soup ,� °_. White Tuna SAICD SOLID 7 DZ, TINS 99c 11c 23c Quaker Muffets n� OFF PIcO, 2-2 7i ' Maple Leaf—Sliced Or In The Bologna Maple Leaf ---Bulk Wieners Maple Leaf Dr, taaltard's Champion DOG. FOOD 2 TINS 21c AYLMER- CATSUP )t -oz.. 19c FIVE ROSES FLOUR S -LS. 39c Domestic SiHORTENING L9. 32c tin Piece Nature's Best Choice Cooked Ham LEI, L. PRODUCE Florida Indian River 33' 42c LE. 89c Grapefruit 4E3 S f, , I"OR 49c. Crisp, Green California Celery elery Stalks 2 r-Or4. 7c Arizona Snowwhite Cauliflower LANot EA. 39c Tomatoes tI LLD PKtt.��1l c PHONE $32 14 -oz, tin KERNEL CORN 2 FOR 25c Oardnn Patch Choice TENDER PEAS is Oz. 2 FOR 2,S�c Libby's Choice TOMATO' JUICE Tenderleaf TEA BAGS 10C OFF &O -9A0 SiZE 5C' OFF 30'6AG SIZE v,,llcy l ofd ' BREAKFAST PRUNES GIANT TIDE 1UC ort Chase and Sanborn a INSTANT COFFEE 2000 Club House . STUFFED OLIVES 43 -oz, tins .29c 6i9c, • 38c 2 -Ib. cello bag 39c 69c 6 --az, lar Fr $1.19 8'oz. lar 29c FROZEN FOODS Aytn,cr Biked STRA;WBE IES► „Half Galibli:(.-..4i1 Flavors YORK ICE CREAM D MARK FEE bE1,1U'VERY ". 12•az1 pkg, 37c • 89c FREE PARi<INd r