HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-06, Page 1311 rerse nal h ent,I.��.THE:',i.R � 'lur e t • .� an operation ,air S.t. Joseph's :I°l,ps• WORLD pita! last Monday, Rev, J. P. Prest. has'been :in- ti. I o ext 1 IN 60DAYS' .. : Plc REX. G. VI , GOTH London THAMES ROAD .CHURCH. Wed,1 Mar. 12 8.30 p.mt Auspices of rie Couples Group ' Mer_I d pl GoP Admission; 750 Children 12 44 Under•..•• -•Free Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI, SAT, March 6, 7 and.* "DARBY'S RANGERS" * Etahtka Cheureaiu . * James Garner NEWS CARTOON MON., TUES, & WED. March 10, 11 and 42 "THE BUSTER KEATON STORY" ' * DonIId O'Connor * Ann Blyth & ADDED SHORTS -- COMING —•,. "GUN GLORY" * Stewart Granger * Rhonda Fleming v' e i t 1 ante pulpits 'with. the Rev.. R. A, Carson of ,Paisley on. Mardi .9. !Mfr. and Mrs, Clayton Antos. wereSunday guests of M. and Mrs. W. T. Amps. Mrs. Laura Blake, o.E' Atlsa .Craig, spent last weekend with Mo. and Mrs. Gordon Ranting and attended the funeral of Ws. J. B. Armitage ,an Monday,. °Arena A4�vites THURSDAY, MARCH 6 4.:1111.37:t0—res Wee A.11 -!tars 0720.10;30-11.CAP FRIDAY, MARCH 7 4 7011,5;110-44 l: n t Ws' 7700-S:Oa—npntntut -ittids:et Practise 8700„1(1100—Pnbllc Skating SATURDAY, MARCH 8 UtQQ-1.271111•.-:1 unr Hnrk,7 1;30-3 dNa— dkn l log :1720-3 40—Priors) Skating 11700—rhlllpihursr toteter Mnhalrke SUNDAY, MARCH 9 010-2130-1114111a i ks, Kinsmen 27110-3730—pallh4s4,od :A.lerry maids MONDAY, MARCH 10 • 4730-57311—Pee wee All -Spas 0730.10730-1 ,C.A,b', TUESDAY, MARCH 11 200-4;00-1.,ndteg Curling 47n0-115130—.., n.Inr ('nrling '8700.7.2700—Adult: Curling • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 a 700-5 700-5 kat i ng• stag—PhJItJu burtr 5 , .Exeter MCAan•ka est 1111/11 nnnnl,tltltIt nut tlttnl,„1717111111,111117111n11nn 11,1111 7 111 7111111110111111111111111111111 000000 111111111111111111/14 COME TO OUR, Easter .Parade '1 OF 1958 1 FEATURING HATS BY ELIZAe3E tH FURS BY FURTERS Professional Models MAKEUP BY LILLIAN RADCLIFFE Auspices of Lucan Home Association Wed., March 12 — 8:30 p.m. LUCAN COMMUNITY MEMORIAL CENTRE .. Door Prises and Lunch —.500 :. ... ' This Ad Sponsored by Radcliffe Drug Num 00000 unions! 0000 000000 tllnnit 1111/111 !Young Liberal Rally Thursday, Mar, 13• — 8:00 p.m. HtNSALL• TOWN HALL Come And Hear Bill Cochrane. Your Liberal Candidate In The Huron Riding and Murray Sinclair President of West Middlesex Young Liberals Bill Cochrene EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by The Huron. Young Liberal Association .iniii111111U111111111111i1 n111111111111a11111111111111111171t11117nt1111111111111111 tttitltttM1111tt111111 111/11111117 tttt 1171117„ Ladies' Legion Auxiliary AnnuaIDance, 11 � x 1I Frolic For Spring" EXETER LEGION HALL Wed ,March ,1. • a Daiicing 10 p,lai, to' alhir,. BIi:L STUART AND FITS ORCHESTRA Adliiiss oli: $100 Per C niplt tress Optional ,,. �y� w Ir �1 W, A QUEEN 1/1/1LL Int CROWNED' I.....* i r 1111„111s„i''tiltiiiiitTlhl` ollrmmilliorl(ilir"IiorgoYrllcrrlralmoitiooik(mmitrnnitionitioim omts4 if Lucan 1..is#rict NEw WS A The do kteY V111ape 1 nglican Ch h 1 .F. .krc London may boast .of being YPU To 1 C' -Rev. J. P. Prest .at the morn - e Forest City and Toronto may � lla service last Sunday cop• boast of being the City Of dusted .an induction service for the Churches but Lean may this M S $ i the officers and antembers of (ir. year; at least brag of :being.the Sion i recently o r g a n. i z .e d A,1/ ileal! Mrs, fto1 Schlueter .and, Gor- Vil age for i.TheL 1' i .7L Young Peoples' • i l€ Fol- do! spent is Saturday in likes . ,- Hockey t e r t bas not , t Gan Clandeboye � ., . �,Association, l+.l one hockey team, but five in met in the ,Clandeboyg, United .lowing the choir at the .coot- ford guests of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Church Jest Sunday evening with Gordon 25 members present. Marilyn Eaton's Mission Commission was in charge. Nancy Elson led in prayer, Marjory. Donaldson read elle scripture lessen and Barbara e Mezzo ledof. in the .thank f tint;• Speaking on missionary experl- en.ees the ;Rev. Edgar R.oulston was the speaker. F1t.rt , W. nazis its janitor at ,the ';Lucan Public Sch9ol during the illness of M. 'amen,*! Items JaMrmes Little. J. Frost Is 'reliever/g I .Jack Garrett was :a Friday Mrs. Bon Coleman spent Tues- overnight guest With his grand - day and. Wednesday in Exeter, Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole> with her sister. Mrs. ;Frank :man, and Mr. and Mrs, W. W, Coates, who fell in her home • Garrett and family were :Sunday and broke ,a rib, guests. Th. ; Tim id 00A% March. 'e II3$ P.E• 11 the play-offs,. Mrs. Georgic 1Milliams. Mr's. George Williams. 82, the former Elizabeth Ann .Neil, died at the Green Gables Nursing Home, Parkhill, Tuesday, esda Feb- ruary 25. Funeral services were held from the M. Box. and Son funeral home at 2 1:•.m. Thurs- day, February 27 with inter- ment in Parkdale cemetery, She is survived. by :two sisters (Minnie) Mrs, William. Lewis of McGillivray Township and (Mag- gie) Mrs. Ernest McAlpine of George St„ Lucan• - Personal Items Mrs, Wilson Hodgins has had a severe attack of flu. Mrs, Wes Atkinson has re- turned home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, Newton Clarke, of Winchelsea. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Schlueter and family spent last Sunday in Linwood, guests of Mr, and Mrs. Herman Schlueter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgihs left last Sunday for a few days' vacation in Detroit where they Will be guests of Mrs. Lily O%Neil and family, Mrs, M, 0. Smith, who has re- turned home after a two week visit with Waterloo relatives, bad Mrs. George Lackie and family, of Waterloo, last Sunday ea her guests. Mrs. Don Ribson, of Water- down, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ribson and family, Mr, Charles L. Smith, manager of the Bank of Montreal, is on holidays for the month of March. He with his family are spending some time in Florida. Auction Sales Clearing , AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Farm . Implements, Livestock, Hay, Grain & Misc. Items During the business session it was decided to hold a dance in the near future to raise money. Committee appointed to make arrangements was .named: Nali- cy Elson, Doug Soloman, Jim Scott, Harold Frost and Sherry Walpole. A T -V tour -was plan- ned for June. Another Tiff eeting was dis- cussed s - cussed to be held in Wesley Church, London, on March 10. Representatives from. the Lucan- Clanclebove Y.P,T.T, will attend. A committee composed of Harold Frost, Terry Walpole, Allan Reacly and Victor Neil was m.unian service 12 A.Y.P.A. nleni' hers received their first eorpOr at P canlmunion. COMING EiIENTS.. Mr. ?rest look the communion " , service in Christ Church, Cen- THI WORLD TOMARKOW—An tralia .Sunday even.in,g. -for the lnsprred a n a l y s i s of today's events Herbert r 1 Rev. Richard Anions. 1'• .. 1/t by l e rt W. A n strong, ad,An.s United Church every Sunday at.6 p.m ori LKLW, Windsor, 800 lac. Committees from the three 27:6:18:203 Lucan churches met in the Unit• ed Church Jost Sunday evening ILLUSTRATED TALK :on his to complete plans for the First Evangelistic 'Tour in Jamaica by Evan -tomcat )cat Young Peoples lvlr. Calvin Fahrner, Ev,angeileal service to be'held in Holy Trin- United Brethren Church, Credi- :ity Church at .4 p.m. Sunday, ton, an Friday, March 14, at:8 March .9 when the guest speaker p.m. No admission. 6c will he the Rev. R. A. Carson ST, PATRICK'S DANCE.—Man- B,A„ L.Th, of Paisley and,,mel?) day, Marsh 17, Mt. Carmel Hall,. titers of the Yount! Peopk's' Desjardirne's Orchestra. 6'" groupsl assist. will� stet. All. adults ll are invited to, attend. ' EUCHRE i DANCE, Town Hall, Pentecostal Church ;Hensel!, Friday, March 14, 8:20 The Young People from the ' p.m.Norris Orchestra. Lucky luncprize. Ladies please pro- P:entecostal Church last Friday vide lunch. Last donee of the night put on a Clinton.ogram at the season. Admission 7Se. Sponsor - County Home,(. , ed by Xippcn East Women's In - named to arrange for the re -1 slllule. 6:13e Pairing of the Lucan hymn books. ; Re s e c t S lel Monda y, 17, 1958, Town Topics Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dobbs re - ST PATRICK'S such and nd soe- March , under auspices of I.O.O.F. and In Stephen ;Rebecca Lodges. Public invited. 6c turned from Florida on Suntlav, Stephen council, meeting Mon- A MEETING to form. a 4.1-1 club Mrs, May, Beer, is visiting in day, turned doWn a request from with Agricultural Representative London with her niece and neph- Bosanquet Township that school Art Bolton to discuss projects ew, Mr. and Mrs. Kervin w&r- No, 18 Bosanuuet be incorporat with boys and their parents, will Werner ed in the Stephen area. , be held in Stephen Community ner. Mr. 1\ erner has been a pa- p tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon - In a resolution, the Stephen Hall, Crediton, Tuesday, March don. council said: "We cannot see our 1 11, 8 p.m, Everyone welcome. Reeve William McKenzie, dep- way clear to take into our school 6c uty reeve Chester Mawhinney area No. 18 at this time." and road superintendent, Gerald' Council passed a bylaw which Cornish, attended the good roads would make available $200,000 convention in Toronto last week. 1 for loans to township farmers to Mr, and Mrs. Ulric Shell ar-; finance drainage work, The by - rived home from Florida en Sat -1 law must be approved by the urday. ' Ontario Municipal Board before' Miss Sandra Blowes and Mr, , it comes into effect. Jack Gillow, Preston, were last The 'petition of Gordon Scott weekend guests with Mr. and and others on the eighth conccs. Mrs. Ralph Sweitzer. cion for drainage work was for - Mr, and M'rs, Frank Johns, warded to the engineer for report Mrs. Peter Culp, Mr. EdWitr and specifications. Rebate and. Crocker and Mrs. Lloyd Bell, subsidy was paid on the fifth eon - all of. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. cession drain. L. Street, Norland, visited with William Hodgins and Alvin Mr, and Mrs, Percy McFalls Baker were re -appointed warble and attended the funeralof their fly inspectors and their fee was • cousin, Miss 'Beatrice Warren. set at 31.00 an hour plus eight Mr. and Mrs, R. W, Bragg,' cents a mile, West Lorne and Mr. and Mrs, 'fenders for spray have been Harold Wilson, London visited called and council agreed to pay on Sunday with Mrs. W. J. Py- the cost of the spraying out of bus. general township funds, Council meetings from April to October willbe. held at 7 p.m., instead of in the afternoons. The next meeting will be March 12. • Reeve Jack Morrissey pre- sided, On the Premises, NORTH 'BO i,1NDA.111, .14.1“4 loll h, on High wit y 83 Mrs, William Sibley and lam-. The Undersigned Auctlonel'r is ily of New York visited last week instructed to sell by Public: Auc- With the former's mother, Mrs. C. E. Shaw. Mrs. Shaw moved into one of the Newton Apart- (.'otnplele list of sale in next ments on Thursday. week's !sane, Lion on • k'RIr14 Y, 111A.i(C1t 21 'RAY Ale(' utTBR, Prop, ALVIN I Ar,I'h;R, Auctioneer Ac. Clearing . AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Farm Implements, Livestock, Feed, 'Grain & Misc. Items On 1 he Premises, LOT 4, CON. 3, 1.'SBOxr, \VP. 'I' lip 17ndersignerl Auct 10 oer is instructed, to sell by Public Auc- tion on . 111 DNEs.t1A1, MAK(' Ili ell C'onlplele 11st of sale in next week's issue, 'WILLIAM '1'F.IoalrSO\, rrnp. A1: IN lvAf.PRLI, Auctioneer (1e Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, "Combine, Farm Implements and Miscellaneous Items On the 'Prem ise3, tot 7, c'on, 1 Il-('KrSA1TT1•t 'I.'R'r. r •Afile 'orlh of NensaIi The 17n dero1*•nerl iuetinneer to Instructed to sell by Y'ublic. Atte- on k3S1iA1', 111A 11(11 25 • Com plels List of stele fh next week's issue.. :itt SSEL BROl')PJit).(`X, Penn. .AIXIN \1 i1.T'5IR, Auctlone er ' Sc e Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay" Grain & Misc. Items On the Premises, Lot 13, (on 14, Siri`LflN :I'Oi4'11I1r 1.1.4 Mlles Nast. of Slllpka and 1 Alila North or 114 Aliles \Vest of rlashwood and 3 Al Iles South The 1' (10 ('alait 'd .fuel1oneer la instructed to sell by Public Auc- tion on Avrtinxr,5ntY, At nett 19, I9 COM menMilt; n1 1100 11.111., Sharp ]tr,AT, F.S'I ATTI: 50 acre farm eonstating of north half Lot 13, Doti. 15, on. 'which 10 situta te( 'a well -lu11t 2 -storey brlet: dwelling in good condition. Also good-sized barn in good *tale 01 repair, T.and' choice clay loam, Well drained, all under enitivation. 190 acre tarn) consisting of T,ot 11, ('on. 11, Ali hardwood' mesh, heaelt and ma pie, yeluable timber- land. 'Inspection in riled before day at 5010. Terms 1r /lent 'I47l 1e: I(7r. 011 (lny. or An le. Ha'laur'e in "It days. Soli subie.oi In a reason bin 1•e - serve hid 1t not 1lravinugl.Y '41o111. T111 rte. '1'r.if" r•Or & IAt1'i Ti - \I ELNTS: S: '40 (Trey hick -110 t7 Ur k; international"Al' t7attor, 111 fair condition; lfter, 2 -furrow plow: Inl6r. S -plata I-way Mao; Al' -11 mower, C, -[I., cut 1 two 10.71, dump rakes; Inter. Aide delivery rake; rotor, CUltava.ter;•5nler, 10'11 01)!• t.inneker; heavy (tuty ennh( tiro wagon; steel wagon; bean Scuff f. ler; sleet roller; 01(1throw disc; hay loader; manure Spreader; set at *leighe; tont ptriner; 4-seetlnn (llanlnnr[ harrows; set 0Y meta; it*, (0 !Think 711111, (roelnr 000 tiler; might Way li-mon )nilkI1l 1113- e111nr, rnniplel04 pump iaeIi1 fork*; ehlt'Ivia; Ifhovels: 10 r•nrd rlin Atnv* (yr"jlI0nlitAnnie}lb *rhnlrlejtt• items. FC:f1' k T:1tATy: 11.000 n:Ioo of e.hvllre mixed qua lily Irn;; 430 notes norm:monr pasture n,ized rhnlcn rtnalaty hay: 703 bus. extra .gond )nixed grant; ('*mica` n*t0 ai1'r1 11tonlra.lm barley, No :Reserve. '1'l.tt7'118 'Cad)t. fr.'trat R :l'itl.W:f'ti ltkv,P14, 1 Teenier* 'tor Ilia T 010111'or the 13111 ti !!!rani PAU rtl.l;t tt'E:f1r4, ( leek r5i,lriti 'iv ALt'1:1tt ,100ttorieer 8.11c THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER "!Teach Me Thy Truth, 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School • 11:30 a.m.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs. Bob Pryde 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "Parable of the Talents" Nursery for children up to six years. Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "Sins that Crucified Christ" — (3) Indif- ference. Men's choir will sing two an- thems. n-thems. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship -Sermon Subject: "The Accept- ed of God" A Warm' Welcome Is Extended To All THE rETHEL REFORMEM CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH 2: Ow p.m.—Worship (Dutch) THE ANGLICAN "Suffered Under Pilate" CHURCH OF CANADA (3.N:30rr p.m -Sunday School Youth Groups and Trivitt Memorial Exeter Ladies' Aid,_ Rev, N. D. 'Knox, B,A., Rector ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Robert Cameron, Organist 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer 10:00 'a.m. —Sunday School and Mid -Week Lenten services cash I3ible Class DASHWOOb Rev, K. L. Zorn, Phone 65 Sunday, March 9, 1958 Wednesday at 10 a.11t, and 8 11:00 a.m.-1 rorship Service p.m.—everybody welcome. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Student Bern. Ziilstra, Grand Rapids BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a,m.-- Bible School 11:00 a.m. Morning Service 9:45 a.m.°—Morning Worship to pNature" y (Dutch) Subject: "The Dream 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Sermon:Topic: "'rile Seven. Steps of Nebuchadneyra:r' Salvation" 2:15 p,m .-•—Afternoon Wore ip Paster: Ivor Bodenham (English) "The Welcome To ic1 "Grafted' In Contrary Sermon Subject: Beiiev- ers' Bond with Jesus Christ" in 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ZION CHURCH 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service Evangelical United Brethren 7:30 p.m.—The pastor will mini. CREDITON stet. \Veda. 8 p.m. .Prayer and Praise Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister Service Fri., 7:45 p.m.—Christ Amlbal1Sa• dor service in Huron Count!' home, "1 was glad when they said Unto Die, let us go unto the 1-fouse ot the Lord," —Psalms 122:1 Pastor: P t+vling. 1.. Winn -Butler 10:00 a.nt.—•Worship "A. Man Called Zacehaeus" 11:15 a.m.—Church School 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service "Human Resources" Wednesday—Mid-Week Service Friday, Mar. 14 --Chore! ;Service with Rev. Calvin Fainter speaking MAIN STREET The United Church CALVARY CHURCH of Canada Evangelical Unites Brethren Minister: Ray. Alex. Ren DASHWOOD Organist: Mrs. A. Willard Rev. W. O. Krratza Miiistetr Mrs, Ken McCrae, 'drgenist Sundfiy, March 0 10:00 cin.-•-"Mis.lOos' Today" 11:05 a.m •.-Stlnday School. 1330 ll,M.-',"The 'Crpeii 1)001" Priddy, March 1, 0:30,'nS,4V15', Outlier Meeting c 16:06 a,ni,'—Thi Church Sghoot 1115 a. rteWorship Service Ntirset:y Class up to three Years in the i11iai'y •Depal'tliitilt. Beginners, ages 4.0, wily With. (11'4W during the seri d hytt n, Wartrhiti Gad As A Faintly Barery Sttlltlay LADIES AUXILIARY to South Huron Hospital will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 11, at 2:30 p,m. in the Auxiliary room of the hospital. All ladies of the district are wel- come, .6c Top Hat TEA end FASHION SHOW of HATS SALE OF HOME BAKING Wed., March 12 3:00 p.m. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SCHOOL Admission 350 PLAY "EURALIA BRIDGE F ROM HEMLOCK RIDGE" Presented by Wesley Y.P.U. WOODHAM• L.O.L. HALL Fri., March 7 8:15 p.m. Admission 50¢, and 350 CASH BINGO Fri,, March 7 8:30 p.m. .LEGION HALL, GRAND BEND 12 Games for 500, SPECIALS and JACKPOT PRIZES ;KNX BARN • .DANCIE HENSALL. ARENA Sat., March 8 BROADCAST .$ .PeM. SHARP- FQL.LQWED BY DANCE Tickets Qn Sale At :t1$ ADMISSION Adults 75¢ Children 500 Sponsored by Hensall Kinettes Hear Dr. James Nichol Of The London Cancer Clink Friday, March 7 • 8;30 p,m. EXETER LIBRARY (Basement Auditorium—Use Sanders St, ,Entrance) Regular Meeting of Exeter. District Branch Canadian Cancer Society THE PUBLIC I5 WELCOME 1' nlnnlnln,nnnnutolt11„11111111117111117n1111117ttttt11nn1111111/11711111117111/111n11.1111771,n1111111111111111n111,11Ry. WOAA Playoff far the right to enter Q.H.A. playdawns, .Fourth And Fifth Games In Exeter • Philipsburg Chevs VS. Exeter Mohawks Sat., March 8 9:00 p.m. Wed., March 12 -- 8:30 p.m, BOOST THE MOHAWKS BY ATTENDING ALL HOME GAMES THE WORN OF MERCY NEVER ENDS 6t/VE OENEPOUsuj Exeter Lions Club R E D CROSS BLITZ Door to Door Canvass Thursday, March 13 5:45 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. Please Have Your Contributions Ready This canvass coveys the 'Lown of Exeter only. .Any'o.n i i1 the surrounding area who wishes to contribute, please send ,your: contributions tot C V. PICKARD Chairman Red Croxs Comn )flee Extlter `Lions Club EXETER, ONTARIO 4