HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-06, Page 12flitite 12 Th. TireieS•AdveCate, March 0, 1958
Junior •Farmers, Girls
Active At Clandeboye
On Monday evening the witteior1 Plans on repairing the me.
Fanner •Club held their meeting; moria) window in the church
the hone of Mr, and Mrs. ' was discuased.
Bey MeComhwith the president '
-dies Meet
lirlace Henry presiding for the • - • • • ••
Mrs. Karl O'Neil entertained
Hon. prendent is Dr. .
election of of.ficers. .aa the ladies of the W.A. and Guild
of S. James Church on Vitra-
SOY; past ptesident. ruce
preSident,. john AlcIlhar.! day afternoon. The president,
Blien- tf
ry; vice-pres., Clare F'aton; sec.! the W.A. mMrs. Andy Carter, presided or
meeting. The devotions
retary, Mary McComb; D
nid Aicilhargeyere taken by the rector the , .E,
Rev. J. P. Prest, and Airs. Andy
Heather Stanley, Fred ;18ilyea
anti Richard Gledhill; county 1 Carter.
direetors, Claire Paton and Fred ; A self -denial Lurid is to be
Culbert. started during Lent whicli
The club competed in the ; be handed in at the Easter meet-
upique rooster crowing .competi- hig•
ton en Thursday evening at the: Personal Items
Seed Fair and else took part inM•
, r. and Mrs. Alan 'Elston
the judging competition on Thurs.-
lave moved into the house va-
day. cated by Mr. and Airs. Fred
441 Homemaking " Windsor, who have moved to
The Junibr Girls HomeniakIng London.
CI b "Ali $ Wool Chick" attend- ' Mrs. 11. Aturless returned home
- ed the Achievement Day at Med- . on Saturday from spending three
way School with 14 in attendance. weeks with her daughter and
Mies Phyllis Lee won a Provin- son-in-law, Cpl. and Mrs. A.
tial Honor :Certificate and Miss Boggs at the RCAF Station, St.
Nancy Seott won county honors.1Huberts, Quebec.
The project was "Working with i Next Sunday at St. James
Woe. Each girl ccmpiled a ;Church, the guest speaker will
record beets, made a skirt and. be the Rev. R. A. Carson, B.A.,
attended at lest 60,e; of taa1L.Th. of Paisley, formerly of
club meetings- Eight of the club ;London.
Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson.
completed the _course. They 1
Werpreeented with sterlin; (nee Shirley Ro,gers of Kirkton)e g
annotmee 'the .gift of a daughter
Silver teaepooes and a certifia;
cate of athievement. signed byI at St. Joseph's Hospital on Feb.
the leader and home economist. ruary 2.
Following the L.O.B.A. Vic -
Marilyn Eaten and Janice Alac-1
Intosh took part m the demon- toria Lodge memorial service
stratiot of wool, the fibre and for the late Airs. J. B. Armitage
fabric, Leaden, Mil. Wilmer
at the Murrly funeral home in
Scott and Airs. George Hind.; Lucan, Sunday evening, niem-
marsh also attended. ;hers of Woodham Lodge, Mrs.
, O. Jaques of Hensall, M. F.
GUIId Meeting :Harness and Mrs. George Davis
Mrs. Ernie Lewis ance-preei- of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs
dent, presided for the Guild 1Emerson Paton, Kirkton visited;
nieeting. During the business with:Mr. and Mrs. J. H. PAtoe.1
session there vat a tlitcustiona Air. and Aire. Ernie Lewis
en quilts that are being made were guests of their on and
for the bazaar later this year.
daughter -hi -law. Mr. and Mrs.
Lugan Porsonais
Air, and Mrs. George Neil, of
Kirkton„ were Saturday gliests of
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Neil and Miss
Mary Neil, of London, a Week-
end guest.
The Credit Wen meeting with
.eleetien of officers, $01014101 for
lest Thursday, was postponed.
Some of Lucan's Florida visi-
tors arrived home during the
weekend. Mr. Wes Revington and
Mr. Art McLean (London) on
Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hardy. Air. and Mrs, John Perk
and Airs. Sheridan Revington on
Mr. Arnold. -Charlton, uPtin
whom the frozen torn -stock fell',
. .
is back in the Strathrey Hospital
again. Now the doctors find that
not only was the ankle badly
crushed and. but one .knee is dislocat-
ed .
badly injurech
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barda-
will and four children, of London
have .moved into Mrs. Eleanor
lemerick's Apartment..
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grose
and family were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Airs. Lyle Worrell, of
Arnold Lewis and family in Lu -
Clare Paton won third prize
in the new exhibitors class at
the Middlesex Seed F.eir in Lon-
don last week, First prize was.
won by lloward Hodgson, R.R.
Ailsa Craig and second prize,
Grant Ladell, R.R. 2 Ilderten.
Miss Elaine Grainger, teacher
at Clandeboye School, attended
the teachers' meeting on Tues-
day aftertoon.
The Hillcrest Farm Forum
niet last Monday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sigs-
worth with 14 members in at-
tendance. This week Mr. and
Mrs. Don Maguire were the host
and hostess.
Mrs. Allan Oehinn and grand-
daughter Debbie Oehmn of
Shakespeare visited the former's
sister and niece, Aire. Cora Car-
ter and Mrs. James Hall laSt
Mrs. Emily Telliesa patient
! at 'Victoria Hospiti
al s showing
some improvement.
erv'es'il CANADA
The R.C.M.P:_pro;iides a challenge to
qualified young:men who are willing •
and able to • m• eet the demands of c
The' prime-req-uisites ot a member of the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police are intelligence, loya1.
ty, integrity and. courage., Service requirements
frequently entail long hours, inconvenience and
personal danger. Service benefits and advantages
include a certain prestige, good comradeship, a
measure of adventure and satisfaction through
$ervice te Canada. — '
yottriTe interested in'iriarier in the Pore6,
same of the qualifications art:
Age Between 18 Awl 30 year,
Height: between 5'8" and 6'5",
British subject war Canadian al:Latta,
Good. physical condition,
Ability to pees an edutatie
based on a Grade X level.
yOu /eel that you pO35e8.1 the bet..
tietMy VII, are i.rtvited to apply at Itedre,It
R.CM, Police tewe or write to:
1-186 Marks
the a seace of president,
Mrs. Sheridan Reyiegton, the
vice president, 1)Irs. Calvin Has-
kett ,presided at the February
meeting of .the Lucan Home and
School Association, held in the
school auditorium last Tuesday
The attendance cup went to
Mr. Swick's room. Mr. Lloyd
Acheson reported on the "East-
in the Community Memo 1. 1
Centre at 8.30 p.m. Wednesday
evening, March 12 featuring
hats by Elizabeth and furs by
Furter's of London. Jewelry will
Also be displayed and deer prizes
will be awarded.
Mr. Swick volunteered to have
his children make posters. A •
free ticket will be given the
child making the best poster and
also to the child selling the most
Being "Founder's Day and
Citizenship" meeting Mrs. Ivan
Hearn took over for an inter-
esting program wiiich began
with the reading of an amusing
and true to life account .of :the
101 things a mailer has to be
capablo of being, from a walk-
ing encyclopedia to a jack of
all trades.
This was 'followedby an hilar-
ious skit by Mrs, Dave Park,
Mrs. Bert Thompson and Mrs.
Ivan Hearn in which Mrs. Hearn,
a typical teacher hater, calls on
Mrs, Thompson, a new comer.
She is followed by Mrs. Park
who is such a strong believer
and supporter of the Home and
School that before she leaves
she has won over two new mem-
bers for the Lucan & S.
Mrs.. Hearn gave a short res-
ume of the origin and growth of
the Home and School Associa-
tion followed by a contest based
Lodge Conducts
Funeral Service
Mrs. John B. Armitage, 85,
the former Mary Ogden, hie -
long Biddulph and Lucan resi-
dent .thed at the MeCorintelt
Dome, London on nrittay,e
lately 27.
Sne lay at rest at the Murdy
funeral home, Lucan till 2 p.m.
Monday when • the Rev, j, P.
ia!rest ,of Holy Trinity Church,
conducted funeral services. In -
torment was in St. James ceme-
tery., Clandeboye,
Pallbearers were Clarence
Smith, Leonard bouth, Lorne
liorigins, Guy ttyan, Wilson elan -
gins and Clare lemma
On Sunday evening a chapel
service was held in the funeral
home by the Lattice Grange Be-
nevolein Association with most
worslupiul .grand mistress ilrit-
ish American, sister Airs, Arth-
ur Day 01 London in charge.
Present were members 01 ail!
Lucan Looge .387, Langemark
Lodge 2311 or London anu Agnes
Watson Memorial Lodge 116( of
Woodham, Two of 'ars, Armi-
tage'stavoueite hymns were
sung, "Abide with Me" and
"Nearer My God to Thee" Airs.
.Armitage was a chartermem et
of Lodge 387, Also past mistress
and later honorary member,
Mrs. Armitage was the daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Airs,
John Ogden of Usborne township,
After her marriage 52 years ago
she lived on the edge of Lucan
and later on the corner of Main
and Water St., Lucan. Her hus-
band predeceased iter in 1946.
Two years ago she became a pa-
tieet of the McCormick Home.
Her only son Johnny, died in
Italy in World War II.
She is survived by two step-
daughters, Ida (Mrs, E. Louch)
of Courtland and Annie (Mrs.
Edgar Sherman) ,of North :Bay;
also four brothers, Thomas Og-
den of Saskatchewan, Nathaniel
on location, history, government ; Ogden of Exeter, Harry Ogden
and resources of Canada. For . of Vancouver and James Ogden
the contest, members were
divided into four groups.
Lunch convener for the meet-
ing was Mrs. Dave Park, She
was assisted by Mrs. Bob Cough -
Yin, Mrs. Jack Lankin and Mrs.
of London and one sister, Lizzie
(Mrs. Nadiger) of Howell, Mich,
Lions Club Meeting
Speaking on the various phases
of Lionism, District Governor J.
M aughlin of St. Marys
W. Mathers. was guest speaker at the Lions
Florida Wedding lican basemest last Monday eve-
ning. Zone chairman Jack Antill
Intrarest Here. guest,
of London was an unexpected
Palms, white chrytanthemums The Lions Club still has a
and white stocks formed the set- number of electric light bulbs
ting in the Episcopal Church of which they would like to Bethesda -by -the -Sea, Palm Beach, pose of.
at 430 p.m. Saturday, February
Joint Birthday Party
15, for the wedding of Diane Eve
Dewey and Boyd H. Leyburn Jr, Mr. and Mrs, Evan Hodgins
The rector, Dr. Tage Teisen. as- : and Helen attended a joint birth-
-gated by Rev. james Stirling, - day party at the home of Mr,
rector of Holy Trinity Church, of- and Mrs. Bob Robinson of Lon-
ficiated at the candlelight sena don last Sunday. The birthdays
included Mrs. Robinsons', net
of Dallas Hodgins, Eleanor and
The bride is the daughter
of Joan ledzsim.mons and Mrs.
Dr. and Aire. John Dewey.
I Percy Robinson.
Min Beach, and granddaughter
of the late lair, and Mrs. Matt •
Club dinner :meeting in the Ang-
Dewey, formerly of St. Marys. Euchre Parties
The groom is the Son of Mr. and
Mrs, Boyd Hurlan Leyburn, of Attract Crowds
Millbrook. Ala,
- - —
Given in marriage by her fa. Me Medway Euchre Club held
ther, •the bride wore a gown of a three table euchre at the home
Douppioni silk with a basque of Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Middleton
bodice, open neckline, long last Saturday evening. The lady
tapered sleeves, and a sweep Risize winners were: High score,
train. A lour -tiered, fingertip veil, in. Austin Hobbs; lone hands,
Mrs, Otto Daley; consolation,
Mrs, Grant Hughes, The mei).
prize winners were: High score,
Bill MeComb; lone hands, Wil-
bert Stanley; consolation, Otto
DaTt. heat euchre will be held
Mardi 15 at the home of Mr, and
Mrs, Grant .
edged with re -embroidered im-
ported lace, fell from a Dutch
cap of Chantilly lace. She ear-
ried a cascade bouquet of white
phalanetopsis orchids, and white
Mrs, John K. Dewey, of Talla-
hassee, Florida, as matron of
honor, Miss Cynthia Dyer and Hughee
Miss Mary Jo Howerdd, of Palm
Beach, and Mrs. Dennis A. Ron- coureeY School Euchre
yak, of Lake Lucerne, Chagrin Mrs. Guy Ryan And Mrs, Al -
Falls, Ohio, as bridesmaids, .were Ian Ryan were hostesses for a
identical sheath gowns of pale six -table euchre at the Coursey
blue silk organza, with matching
lace bodices, and scoop necklines,
short sleeves and matching thoes
and headpieces; The matron of
honor Carried a cascade bouquet
of blue delphinium and white
feathered carnations, while the Cohsolatien prize Winner s were
bridesmaids carried eascade bOu. Mrs. Harry Stokes and Mr, Eric
mints of blue delphinium and iris, liodgins and lone hAnd prize
Little Suzette, Wells, as 'flower winters were Mrs. George Hod -
girl, was dressed in white nylon gins and Mr. Harvey Hodgine.
with full skirt,t puffed sleeves, a The next euchre will be held
pale blue taffeta cummerbund at the school Mardis 15 when
And pale blue flowered hat. Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and. Mrs.
William T. Wallis 111, of Xis- Harry Stokes will be the hostess-
simmee, Flea was best man and es.
Peter Taulbee, David Reese, Phil
M. Dowding and John K. Dewey
were ushers, F. Longhurst,
church ergeniet, provided tredi•
tional wedding music,
school last Friday ,evelimg. High
seem prize winners were Airs.
Chat, Hagar and Mr, Evan
Hodgins; second score prize win -
Imre were Mrs. Harvey Hodgins
and Mr. Tom Courtey;
L.O.L. Euchre
L.O.L, 493 held a nine -table
euchre in the lodge robins lett
Wednesday evening. High prize
A reception was held at the winners were Mrs. Harvey Hod -
home of the bride's permits. gins and Mrs. Cliff McLean
On their return frOm a wedding (playing with man's, card),
trip to Jamaica, the young couple Lone timid prize wieners were
will reside in West Palm Beach, Mrs, Roy Pepper, Exeter and
The bride is on the editorial Mr. Oliver Jinks, Hensel The
staff of the Palm Heath Post- booby prize teas wen by Mrs,
Times And the groom is associ- Torn Weller,
ated with Sears, Roebuck and Co, A draw for a chicken was won
Canadians attending the wed- by Mr. Mitchell Haskett. Alt -
dint were Mr, and Mrs. John other euchre will be held in the
near future,
Park, Airs. Sheridan Revington,
Mr, Wes. Revihgton, Mr. alert
Revington, all of Lucan, and Mr,
Art MeLean, of London.
The postponed meeting of the
Lutah C.G.I.T. wan held In the
United Church Parlors last Aloe -
day evening with Mrs, Chas.
Sovereign in tharge Or the weir -
service anti study book oe.
Genies werecharge of Ilene
DeriaIdsoe arid in,
Incraft, the knitting 01 a
blanket for KOrea wan
Te decide on who was to at.
tend the rally at Ceetennial
Church, London, On Saturday
names Were drawn: Shirley Em•
trick, Marilyn Culbert, Date
United Church W.M,S.
The February meeting of the
'flitted Chortle W,ALS, was held
in the church Orlon Thursday
Afternoon with the president,
Mrs, Alex 'Young hi the their
and Mrs. E. R. Pitt's group in
charge of the program arid re-
freehmentt, Mrs. W. Ayiesttick
read the scripture lessen,
The gtleat speaker wag the
church's tonnpartell, the
flcv D. M. Gook, Who took the.
study book Speaking On the
weitell of Japan,
Men'e Chile Meeting
Owing to the Lierie Club Ladies'
Night tileetitig at the Knotty
Fitie hitt Ailtell 11, the With
Meeting of the Anglican Aleit'S
cit and inkly Hasketf.alb Will be held itt the Pellet
Wett discussed or the
annui mother a d de tighter
banquet and favours to be Made.
Hall March IO with Mr, A. 1.
Sweitter 0± ilde -presenting a
Finds $10
Turns It In
When adults or children get into
mischief, the news spreads like
wildfire., but 1\'118n they do some-
thing worthwhile it is either never
heard of or is soon lost in obli-
Recently a $10 bill was found
by a Grade VI pupil, •in front of
the Township instead of
pocketing lliC Money, the lad
turned it in at the. school. UP to
date the owner has not claiined
the money.
Principal Wesley Clow reports
that often small .amounts have
bete turned. in to him. If no web-
er is found the motley goes into
the Red Crots funds.
This heing Education Week
there will be Open House at the
school an Thursday aftereeen
when permits, will be giver) the
opportunity to discuss their .chil-
drea's report cards (width are
going out this week) with the
teacbers. Members of the 'Home
and School will not only serve
refreshments but will act as rem
More Lucan New.s
.On Page 13
Women's. Group Sees
London Cancer
Lea Wednesday evening 25
W. I. ntember$ and friends went
by bus (with Mr, J. Walls .driv-
ing), to Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, to tour the cancer clinie.
Arriving at the hospital at 7.45
they cengregated in a near -by
reception room where a welcome
was .extended by Mrs. Arm.
strong .and Mrs. :Sinipson.
The former spoke on the Can-
adian Cancer Society in general
and a few .ot its mans, activities,
She also commented on the large
mural, 'which completely covered
the south wall of the reception
room and which depicted many
well-known doctors as well as
cancer egnipment.
Mrs. Simpson then took over
and enumerated what each of
the other Mee units of the Can-
adian Cancer Society, Strathroy,
Glencoe, Parkhill , llderton,
Thoredale, Mount; Brydges, Lam-
beth, Dorchester and Byron were
; doing to assist 'the society. Con.
tribations varied in the value
I leer services, making of band.
ages, distribution of Itterature,
donations of flowers and books,
visiting of patients, the driving
of them to and from the clinic
etc. The. Lucan members felt
the Lucan branch had been
dilatory in. their i!ontribution.
The crowd was divided, and
with Airs. Read and Miss Wilmer
in charge, began a •tour of the
many rooms of the clinic oa
both floors. All the wonderful
equipment was intensely inter-
esting but to many the radium.
room was particularly engross-
ing. Many looked with envy it
both the large :and smell kit -
then. 14 malty they arrived at
another large reception room,
equipped with easy chairs and
a :number of tables, which can
be :used for either playing cards
or tea tables. When completed
this room will have a television
WANTED 50 • 100 • 200 or 300 Acre FARMS
1.50 Acre Farm—Choice cloy loam, very fine huldinga.
100 Acre Farm—North of Zurich, fair buildings, black !carp.
100 Acre Farm—South of Dashwood, clay and sand loam.
est jet rim wet
SUPEROYL 10-30 Heavy Duty Pure Pennsylvania
Motor Oil is best for your car 12 months in the year, in
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Perfect replacenient for rill
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1.1Ot� 189
For oil hydraulic brake
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2 .98
brake Mild,0-ne.
liemovas water, varnish
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fuel pump and pow
20-mt. Art .. , .. ,98
Jiffy lititallation—erisilY renvived for cleaning,
Brightens car Interior,
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Bleak it .41-0 Sky Blue, dare Green is'
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die iedieW,
436 Main- .St, Exeter
rPhOhli 451
MOW it Robbliii