HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-12, Page 111 ..n1 u• , _,.ewes ••, III .., ,. , , 14 . _ i . -•---- -• - - +pl!tnld'rasr iso i le ale LI* ,inky-aM' rw rae 11 eNi1.11°11'4,, air i Nems a.: I 1 arri•s been W , E .r-•• is l a'YliQ bf.woo tar ,berosa• ,t0t • ... atf ormye t s L JT' � `w'! 6R�aTi!/P • ,M ! .tea a a!t �a e, s. /w. a.I 19/4 v. f L w aLin i ,. • .r , ,,� fere r.14 al+ tl i rt t +ay` ! we f ,TVIR,• 101 ..w�.i, alt vtt sad :1 rJr N en., , ,�.. �' , : .......�.-,...., yew, w „r. sees, .., .Y.■y ! I r iL1�11tlly- i,P1 1141 SAV: w o v1 A oJoj • 4tJa • r I ti i ,ted we. li'a1. �.i �/ "clew.* , _ . lN!'`�,\RS!1.i �� �. T V� �-- �, �� ▪ t f ..:. . •°M • L- _ rs eNAO °.r 11..11, tie ..' ..u: M of ods,,. ,I ,: /�• a"c, y' v:. y t ♦ •.,.. e � #. *ft a rrr.- ..n N1 <r 111, s . bay .. v S -e Wed pettaitf, tti4 Net Vert, the growth of curt. ► peso yp sa ia. • N1ttMar of malt lame epee ea Jtttlithlt * ' Wheat has sleet *eh ad (t is sew Bes el the Cie el the Crease sod Reay, WAS wee say pmol a as •...LJ te be ellitlitnPri, Olt ,i,it" , grsdy(1p a1eediss farther sad IMtber west. a tie item et 1M butte's Deese se Cess Betted. Wee t. tepee sed M moo • "s! - prat -d. H. ltsli.wd it oaetd not be vert mss Pmts, u the ease ma be, (or of tet NNW seek peel, te eboll be Iawisl is rotors ikok.; Last Pei bete Awariss weld M. ItaaW-.ie Clerk of 11M Come. Plat.) at Tweets, to my seek Writ se mese. • peel sf •• !'„ trey ►sr ii ise►b h ,4 dambHs alted 81Msa mem oaabls new.-- is the Colony of Toth. (if proceedings ars Jews epIMW Is 4b wsapw- eft IM sent - eerie, w tea eve der to sepplP Britain With when* Ib snr large had is tbot Comely) or, in the *Moe of the dW a setts ireapstioeip tel► hew hoes - meetly. Ltrwawld edy Wed cars M- Deputy Clerk of the Crowe and • Plena selected. is like ,weer hem the pew Ate The ,themes le fleet apt, eb. mesh{ pt plasty of ►t ; is the Court of Qns .'e $aeb, (us el tits ley Liet Is the Jarere, leek de fetuse hitt he 1N[ 49t think that the United States Common Pleas, se the is.. stay be) sty coal year, for web Illtw's shell' be e m treed be math my bugbear to thew. Ho iso lent gree is t .Coaariy .t (as is the Udt.d Cowles eb=-(.. Me caw may be) sed lbs aid there by Ms +f' the same Court to cases yourself to be made Defendant is sty Ked, And take se- ttee, that unless the person intending to en/ ea weed espy eel le wises• s. XXV. Aad Mit _seta . TbsI strrtap Sbw( ether tubes Mist Wet sp�. be ret.fw tt y Peel of Jeesi , wbtbsr Qr1M or Petr•i, .t *kali be 11. defy is • Wee defe.d, ell, within eight day, tea4eimita pxIIIc wrote evertioesistis W eke after the Term non ester ist� tax os the deer d the Mime of te w believed the '1 pourer of competition b ibings Miler they would bite• to method itch was the net aid ae Thee t u Hak* and the e»fa.telse et the borders e<' adtikni•wa Um Beck 8es-M - ' :• stair M. Per*i.s Bsuw-'It1.l1 poems, belt The beawN•t, p mt tte4m iia them mist tYorwmgbiy dos, peel or skis '!W mesa q'sy� them, sod Week them ■p as nes ee.ahey see Aa1 . ibis s by vahly owsebt bas coeds. Add t suffeutspt u i iy. to poor 1• ease res bed ea,,.. -t pest mod flour. aeke iato dough and bake. les mhos OM 144 mosalpp'd easy is is sot mit' more economical than the Staskedlp he lay side. bawd made of all Sour, u it takes less flour; �,��.�,��.---.Y-.-mew, I s"'. ahem bat k eta mates superior breed, ted rte m rd ' that eseciwaes mgt. mach longer. 'Pb fart ase, dib. levieg k s. ` my Wow 4 tbnub.it alt Nee si, Asithdls me eves sews ils is shams. is le be es fess esies sr d e.esh Wet D" " WD.0 rwewte prey wife .} .n the deep Iles-eamelseilgAwaw. the weep 1. rep�eseet-s TM mhoswaemaidfines Xao me beers. mer pew ,. 141 warm Mime. Theme him, Father -mead Me say 'fhp *dem besesiap ea.l, Ad mem .eek .ae.weim day Still happier than the Iasi. Jed. Vetere mei se se t, 6eea Teat Mose ,lir Ws i. ear. Yv` the k.ppigheea• y 1PN, s'l moo s part o0 NOM - AGRICULTURE. P1. FESSOR JOHNSTON.-AME1I- CAN AGRICULTURE. The dbisg(tisbsd Atdealtsdet. who lately visited the CoateStates and the Lew Provisos,, has reared to Eo land. Altbeegb prestos at oar Provincial Mow at Kingston. he saw very little of Upper Cake- d, and therefore his oesiono are based up - os what be taw is the Lower Proviaces std to the Nee of Now York. Prof. Jobaator ata meeting of the Farmer's Club, in Ber- wick. male the following among other re. mulA e Agriculture is As»ries: " Prewar meetioaed that the state of Agriseltare is the webers parte of A- merica. a our owe Province, aid is New gaged, e 1 what tbs. stats of ea - relieve is leeched Feebly was 40 or 90 years s/w 4 some parts of New Siums- wie4 t*S} an vary needy is the precise e whisk Meatiest was ISO years age. G• as far west ss yes like, sad as fu nigh w yea like. the Naw genual des- eriptliea apples. to the whsle. Is awe to the smltivation of land ie Aare as,' it oes- ditioa ease from a variety of castes, sad a few. seetuiaratiesa wool *sable them N odatatasl1ted it bad corns shoot. Is • pekittl d the salseste til, he did sot testa {ems 4itgis evil whish had sever re. etre the PWsl► or the optic, hot to the ✓ eil seer their s.itivatios as/ whisk they era sew sebassties. The forest was is the Stmt pie eat 4.s" mid Wood, air •this► the male wase scattered pd . crop et Wei aa4 sae wait sews Whes Nie if wap ext does,iaeih t twee; het *Ay 41d • 4wa11iremovtt the Wawa.. ttbq day iet,.ttoa1le t etweekee with nay The sepsd year they ass M,4slns ass▪ 4 bpa.w its tai ppsa.a(1 took three o Woos they stn take sit seek., s sate lt. they Mas; soot grew MUSA the pit Ott lee a. • ids les iso, « /Whit enba, rayl Oat fal"�pM M Mlu1 hilt.+.. tea M,pies thee d it. a sea thew hay tree tip., as tea sass "Wet VP. r!�asW. arts this wee Ned wMwas lei mi. Wowed p. -this tmt ahbuI. to ettb...time *Mei he Lwow Cats. 111S44111111neliMoia, to • soaeNarsai. el- et New Emelt. se Misei *Oa Ike .Neei Toth. *Om umimeMtes.ji 4.i.- very "NI bier =WNW 7i Willi*, woe Lobo P wises teas UM the the the Welke liars M al 40.41. e les the customary commit rule, plead , te tbie lbs Oseaty et Usies et teniae, er W declaration of £jeeta.est, file the said coat. there bass Crew Uwe, is is.. *akar soot rule egad plea to the office of the acid poemof the dayd abear et resit Clerk of Crown tad Pleas, (where deter he will eat the ewes( the Clerk of alio* filed) or the said Deputy Clerk of the the Pease to iirel aecb pis.( et Jews Crowe and Pku of the County of er frays the jury Wt. et which tars sad plena scree }Discos makes a most delicious Wee ,tee United Ceueties of (where es- he proceedpobfiely u delere l po- lishes theme* hes thee ed, sad . pert., to th e* "lee filed)--judgm eent will be aigoed el by Wife hem stash 'b by the mamma softs.-.Tbs least mad. sporethe casual ejector by default, and het..aliter oue.e esr, f�at s •ram lathe }ressus� 9fthe We e bread u o. pesetas much setter, &motet, Lod 3will be turned out of pseeios Dated Oieeb Peet Otte Psteamy s 11 r tiapilf ..perior to that from bread made in the or. tie,. dant of A. D. 185 . the Poem e1 este, Cly ted lyabti-d dinar? massif. Sweat potato. bieuit are c teen , ,Z,t.r Y•ttrea,�c� Coaratieta who spots ,sem his meteelkese excellent, but not so Maltby aa bread. V1CHARD RIE sick Sheriff ars Well supiad be the s;twtl e rare, aid of upram ether ram •t psi THE PROMISSORY NOTE ACT. TI1Z-F.I&CTMIaNT ACT. ' - - l Aa Act to aa.eod and *zptie the Aet tbarw�+ .Ds .Ret to alter and am▪ end Ile practice and In mentioned relative to Promissery rraeredings in actions of gjeetwent in Notes and Bilis of Exchange, and M Dptr Vwid a. limit the sum to be allowed for the a Wph- aress the present mode of proceeding peeves of noting and presentee Bills Ise menses of Ejectment, oceaeions net 01111 and Notes to certain caste wader the delays, bat is etteeded with Act to regulate the damages so protested great iscoo0es.oce aid wises eapesmato Ihlle of Exchange woes this Provisos. the pastime; And whereas it s ezpadient to Whereas the a:pewees new sneaker the provide that, is future. *U action, 01 Eject- protesting of Bells. IkaAs or (kdszo kelt mail and the proceedings therein, may be by persons in this Province, or of Premier - commenced and conducted to final judge- tory Notes made or .egotetted in Canada, mint and execution as hereinafter provided: bus in many cases bees found to he op - Be it therefore enacted, ice. pressive; and whereas inco0tenietee bed That ,n futero all &emcee of Ejsetmewt resulted from the intepretation put upon shall and may be s.misewad and prosecuted the provision ' hereinafter-mentiesed: be to Baal judgetoeat seed execnuoo is the se. it kc., That le erns Camel the erto weal Counties or united Commies of Upper be allowed to any notary under the fifth Cities. to the roamer hereieafter provid- sectio,, of tbe Act peed in the twelfth d• year of Her Meaesty's reign. imitated An I1. And be it enacted, That in every mush "Act to regulate the roes of delays es action of Ejectment, the declaration, plead, Protested Bill' of Eachsage is Upper Inge, papers, and all other proceedings Canada" for t4e masses of Noting sod therein, shall be filed, had or issued in the Protesting any such Belt, Draft, Order er ekes •f the Clerk of the Crows and Pleas,. Promissory Note as is mentioned In the or to the .moe of the Deputy (:terk of the ail, steetson a[ the sad Act, shall hereafter Crowe asd Plea", in the Courts of Queen's be 94 8d correecy, with a further sum of Beech and Common Pleas, as the caw may 1s 3d currency, and no more for each notice, be, in the County or United Counties, as in addition to postage, Actually paid; my may, be in wbich the lands and premium Law orate of metes to the metre, .ot• - sought to be reco.ered aro situated. • • wtth.tandieg. 111. And be it enacted, Tbst in- future And bit reacted, Tbst•L.wer Canada e Leaaor or llessors of the Plaintiff or the .mm to -be allowed to my Notary for aintit% in amt' action of £.'lfreer, .►oil. • nothing and oasetn 'ase Bail a,f ee IN / y lnatead of the notice new required to be - cheers. Draft, order or Prom/wiry Note, given to the leooet w te'mte in possession shall hereafter be Am .Yilli.ga currency, of the premises, indorse upon, or aaaaa to, with a further sum of 9. 6d eurroocy, and the declaration to be filed, and upon the no more for each notice (s addition to poe- copy or copies thereof to be served, a notice - tages actually paid, try Dow wage or w- in writing, le the form given in the Schedule too is the rostra', netwitAeteadisg. to this Act; and th* Lessor or Lemont of And be it eswad, Thal es Ciwk. Teller ibe Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, upon fling the a Asset, of say Utak .ball set as a Notary declaration in4 somes and the albdavit of. in the protesting of any Bill or Promissory serine thereof, with • motion paper for Note, payable ar the Bank or my .f it. judgment *Lamm the usual ejector, may, ageoeie., in whish es* Clerk, Teller or after the expiration of the time limited in Agent is employed. such notice, and no plea baring beep bled.. And ler the ovidm.w of deaths w to the enter 61111 judgement and me out a writ of Immersion from the office of the Clerk sf . the Crown and Pleas, or his Dspnty, as the case may be, is the Countyii United Counties wherein this proosedii in any such action shall have takes pl IV. And be it 'aacted, That upon the • Defendant or Defendant entering into the necessary and usual consent role, tad filing the same, together with his plea, in the office with the declaration, it ahtll aid any be hwfol for the Loser or Loggers of the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, to proceed thereon to lodgment and execution, in the .arae men - .Der ms if the proceedtsge were bad in tba prloc$ptt office at Toronto. V. And be It muted, That any parses or seie desirous ofdefesdiog any action of etmest as landlord or oth erwis, may Mame a Defesdoet of such action upon tree latest end meamiag et the week ..m. ton of the Act pad is the 1911 year J_ Her Majesty's Ilvels, and iatitited "As _ Act to amend the Law regulating Iatted Bills of Embargo and Promissory Notes, sed the pondering thereof, rod Poreigs BNB le certain neem" 'is it deekr a sad emoted, That it M wet, and shalt tet be n.ceseary ender the said esetiee that the wordy "only tad sot otherttifi or eke. where," Of word. of lite import bNiseeei11 in Die body dike Bill or Note,'ir f asky� aceeptee of s Bill of Note, is .edwe 11 pretest the setae from beiat geser5My, err the seeepianos them Meg gewswf/p pays. Ides 111 it if may Bill et Net, er is thew. at�a.itei elms, 11we he wile payable shall be sadues to d, to be made payable at mock place ,sty, aid 001 otherwise, or elsewhere, ad the p1. entering tat the areal eaneant rale ted mise or steepest* ,ball be bed to be dike as appointees and plea as ouch with- - quelled *eeordeat�y: Provided afway, that in the time mistimed in the role, .Vt.i, for t1ia melee .Yeti wet sawed to Upper iodises* ageism lbs cowl ejector, or at Cs.ede. • ant time before Gel judgment is signed Anal* it.amsted. That is Uwe Cmsedm *throat obtaining a Judge's order et fat the airtb•dmy of the liktywole.C►mimtw fat that parpoes. Day, New Year, dab prod time Friday, VL And be it enacted, That from the lima shall he otfdayre; sod any Prom'seory Note that any landlord or laadlorde. or rather or BNP of Exchange Mille time es say ose person or promo, defandise any settee of au... day*, .belt be Mead tai temrL" etment, shall have filed each meet to be Joe estthe day protease a and ea bin or the Mee el rosy of mob `y, elves .s.1 pe'cdiy .ba I be cosedrred road taken to day ell be 8hday, seal them seek Pia. siNtlteted ip the declaratiom oy Fix Note or &U ex Fasob.a�t shall be Wit id tle play mod .teed of the ted take' to he dee tie the Biter - tee of the canal Neterasd it 'ball set ay mezt preceding •ueb Ijuaday, ba,1►•oMrsry lAti mow dselan►tiop, het Millie it Meted, Tbst from. Ya4 elm sad records for the putting of this Act, all'prote.ta ef BiflA er Emblem see Piwelestep Hetes •shell be uteri, mid teeeivei lee Gesrei.Pbmw asmi, limey h Ni. Propups„ 1st die= at th* sUegµlaaa N made sp and the `� f .ed sed parted, the :MOON or armee of the permit , add t�tel tl(oop a bora ort+bst .r i�an 1. teed of that N tie eased ter, making such atone t o telly MI shall be secemary t floodlit kazoo('atiesU t. b.Jet tdthe le 1lIN� &m1 testy n•,. 044444 MAT PILL :I mr4;4 Ise 1, • � that seas o may desire to be peeper at the OWN, pad attend fee that pmrp•es : Provi- ded always. eerertbetses, MetIy.Nat every Bret settee .halt, d ped Obeid w ate. otheerwball ►ase w5siese Ned *. tits pompom. be mew by sed Shead et We offios.is the maser abase meseNaod, at laud eight day. before the &WON' .1 ascii ppeal,_and if there .than not M milkiest time ffer that porpoa., the said mote .411 Wilms u sees after the teethe of the presort er writ by biro es eo.tsaia.ely Mar bo I Aad pseuidd ales. wmedem that i. the .vett .f the d..ftisg.l se.b pie he int emoted ter taking plsee, - u tram beteg footplate by My a.uveidaNN.cci- dent at the time w appotated, the M� Ego to had or completed at say ether thaw is the pr.aasee of 11r Chert tithe Pee fed tare time being, sod ef the !Ike seem of Jestioes of the Pas... .ped e olmiittr soma Wag Yet gime et each rim.. r XXVI. Aad bit meted, That is pes- /Neisg to draft each pfd of Isms tree the •aid Jury Drat w bseteah•r directed. the Bleriff er ether slew to whom t1e return of nock pest shill hither, .hall it the tit place prepare a proper title w M d ter the pawl et Jew ea be were. e d, sapwbieh he abed la as sanies as each panel shall by the Jerre' pptart be the first. woad. third oramN ..aua.t poise deed 4.om each Jury List, sod which title w head t�g shall set fortb`the somber of Jurors t M rearmed is wards at length, or when ..•b S►erifre ohs' hew s ils.rethen se a east waster, i ..ember the is the eetreiee.s1 mash de- crees, he del hew perales.lp leasee m,. ed to rotate, .ad which aaswbar Whew • die. cretiomary, .bmtf not be abase' east rim .ase shed hove beer se tutored t." eseb title or embdht as aforesaid, and ti s such Sheerer.ther elbow abaft a to . och title or beedieg, a let of embers from oao froward 12 the mamas rmgitimi. rod having meanie) tx,,_.4 s tithe Bales - or ;woos a( Par'airaN-1. Coed se PAWN as needy se reseethip-oay be of imam add commie rim., rad .estsiai lbs mime mamkw.4 Ballow se ttasre's�_ aseu its the Spy tart, fees whish MS Pen he to be Naked with the whole dial wee of melt Jury List,, attowieg sea numbs( W eels Ballot prated or writes se the ewe shall proceed' to draft seek peel et Jew N the steer be riveter p u themed. Milk A.4 be it . meted, That the summer of Breast web Pars. Mai he es %fle.., that is to gay :-the Sleeve or MI:olbeer to wires the tet�k of set flail leloag,.4 place the, helot JAI' s pr era to be pro es - tad that farrows sed WWI ,mem iseit ossa Sema ta.bmebrbem es, as ma - seep e�41s__- 16llesee ..tar them opal, haw Asa dM asst bt1 ss deafledib- ered lis 1M' tem ser tp�ii; ttUS M- elee ,ter sADaMt of ' hilt lthtot t tart of the POW et ow of the'J1flltles. of the Poe pest at sock drawing, as otetspida4Y .idiWy de- clare *heed j the Meth M white setwemher s * a. Jop Le Ase 1piiek the •pme sd irk-gwla�eMn sod iessepa, if tilinemempt Mese` Wag the !reels 11,the del swim off tl e WPM lthe ma, re set, et 1f rpm the AM stench Jury U.t it .ball artier tet the peel emit easier ►y Mart fir ft bas ase sleety Meted t MeV ea s� .tLar Puma Mm se* asap Ledo semitones to .ay prompt fed the retimeefn.y pmoeai pane km any maim% Mei Prima O▪ eww aid Terme* a� Delivery, Calmed Queer S.i91s eat Pampa, or Casey Crime! that lee% ps*oa hes mettielljt Wowaid eeded b.14 him aM t tsars e cei.ieei s mother of mow .s molt Joey Let M .mm - plat the meet the *sots 9MietedL . ted, "Ahem( tabisg say of than who have bee pre..oaslg alfaft 4 eip(p. eh for - ether beer he trai.eribed os sourer e ast epee, with • refereaoe to the num- ber of each seta es the Jury Let, ted sad seek same obeli by the odd Sheriff or eakee eater at hie dopey, he tbeeeepon ~bed M the send Joe. laiu, with s Wer - 'see to the easter which .41 Mose 10 sed pail la the hoots' Sikh Whore - epee tech Faisal w alphehetically arrested - t ad sawbred with a Wart stateliest oft the amt or precept, in *Wee to which to wee dratsd, the date sad place of such dgttrrt, sed Nr waste of tee Blerte or . oehoe Aliens et .t the Clerk eft Meese. Two mai tad Utilles ted the Pees pent at aueh digitised or at %eat Miro of then, shall be fairly catered is the said Jurors'@ Book, ted attested by' IM gloaters' emelt Sberlff or other *M- ae er ..Meter or, his Meaty, sod .f the W I Cloth d the Pease ted she ..id loam • ens .r sa beet tws of Nes, mad the said BMratikel, epos his leers of the writ of moire /racism or precept us*authority of whoa tech motel wes drafts mote a pai- d to the said orb or precept cos a-nieg the sews. together with the places of abode sad addict oe..4 the p.es.0 w drafted upon • seek pas* ad .Wl trammel t copy there- of te the office of she Clerk of the Peace, .d aim ase to etc► of the Clarke of tba . Crewe ad Pleta of the two 6uperiw Courts - et Cosmos i.aw at Toronto, and also to that of the Deputy for his County, oath of which Copies u well as the Jurors' Boob than at all rowesabte time, be open to (n.peetiss by libreti@ or their profewioast Aponte within* fes a reward. XXVIII• And be it settled, That the ammber of the Petit Jurors to he natured es •et' General Precept ton the rotors of Petit Jurors for say aittiags a Sessions of Amine, NW Prim., Oyer and Terminer, Opel Delivery, 8eeeims .f the Pease, er Comity Coors, *all sot is ay we he We the hitt, eight or more 1e*a seventy twit. mese ly the direction of the Judges appointed to told such 8lttlogs or Sesaius. of Assize, Nisi Pries, Oyer and Termines, Gaol Delivery, Swios. of the Pec-,. or Comity Court, or sae of them, who ora hereby empowered, y order u.d.r hand tad Beal, to direct a greeter or leaser num- ber, sad then web somber, as .tall he .o destcrt eel bee tuner t be returo- ed. VIr Jury Process. xXlx. Aid be it enacted, That the' Jedgw Jastiew and others to whom the betas, sal Bittisy or Smother' of Assize, Nisi Paw Oyer sad Terminer, Gaol De - homey, Seesiow of the Peaee,or County .tail by law belong, or some one or more Judges, Justice et others shall for that purpose issue precepts to the Sheriff or ether proper Officer or Mieister for the re - ors of • competent number of Grand Jo - revs, where woe *ball be rapaiette for such Statist er Bsesiose, mad of a competent ember of Petit Jaron for the trial of molt haw of fast is ewes Counsel or civil as it say he competent to such Petit Juries t try at such Sittings or ominous according is law. XXZ. 'Arad be k meted, That the reve- re pacep s lar the rewire of Penal. of Grate asd Fee Jenne' for fey Melee er See. Moe .f Assize, AU Prism Oyer mod Ter- •iser. Gaol Delivery, Seasioas of tie Peace or County Court. stall be isvytd to the 8leriffor other Officer et Misiater to whom the rotors of each precept .halt belong, as .ons a eoaveeiestty nay be; after the Cemmle.(w, .r ether dep'epli• which Me Jeers N be ret.rmed, open suet preeept• q. te.lw rmretei sed to Meed, shall, or may 1„ Wates. sed where musk day is feed by t .w, t!..0 as sort u comeeiestlI may be, af'f.4.itl.e shoat Of the preceding.Iditti11Q s or daimons oVt4e.ime Court. rovide. al - •,ways, that it shall asd ay be lawful for the .heriff to 'store the same panels to th• precept., for the waters of tassel* of Petit Jurors for the Sitting' a Samosa of thr Puce, asd for the Sittings or Session. of She Canty Coen, is alt ease where the day ler bidding ouch respective Nsttisgs or tdrmelose shall be the sure. XXXI. Asch be it tweed, That every writ of eiaw•. f.etew where eye writs ay 1y law be oeca ery. for the .trial of soy le- ant whatsoever, whether civil or criminal, or em any penal Statute in any of the Courts of Upper Canada. hereinbefore mon- tlsamd, "ball Binet the Sheriff or other offi- cer w Minister to whoa the mime shaft be those.& to mow twelve toad asd lawful se et the body of 1.. Bail,wick.. qualifi- ed .acerb•` to law, aad the rte .f the Writ an prayed is tbs accustomed form. And that every precept to be issued for the return of Jurors for Sittings or 8..- rbss of Amite, j'ff i Pries, Oyer std Ter- esa', (h.l Delivery, Hessians of the Pram, or Carney Court, seal is like teen• W direct the Shea or other o&c.r er Minister t whom the sore way be erect. ed t return a competent Number of good and lawful men of the body of his Bailiwick, qualified accords/ to law, and shall Not re- tie** the see t M returned from any hun- dred w Tewesep, or from 1117 partirutar some within etch B.ilrwfek sad that die weer of d.adsedors Mall be 10 rause of chaUesg., any law, uust.w or wage lo the •opttajp soIwl/h.1s,disg. X ��aituacled .e U � h hese the the saw efpwmf, pare. w wise me aeeount res jwelivelyr M•srted ip peel. Bet d m tech Jury tune, retell epee for smeistt esam-efWe1i -' tea bene pee Ur Meg kebob Mho** seem road We .0, .4 4 w ••• ow •bbaall btIhoweigoo wrlied set Art itis.. aim y iik. go kis Owe- tallikliwi 6°,0 Ml1Y � biaor ' is Mf abet ..;V. AirfAii/ gime&Pao goy► Atm 4. Dinh. And * it teased, These wry tie other oiler to whom may Wnt O e.jpt sew.. er preos�{tt for the rotors !LIp e he direct•d..t 1111. tp .oeb _writ urati el of the $ sheieilr Jatrr 44 proper tOk A li S'�b j.5 Wrft lir Wittfeeedeferaill1st► Bra milbr;bb1hi Ms mese Wee. ttmti ,reel e •.M 'WW1, dr til' 'tit • SYis1. ibsesAki>we It M' tewtiieisipr.Nprs.111,8 .• Che •That except ma trial. et r the Writ of venire facia js- rehrta, where each Writ may by taw be .eemeary, may be tested 0■ the da on *Welt the n. meshell Ibee and be mak re batwmMo as ,ay Bey to Tons ear vacathis, tad the ease im tnale at Mr, the Woe et d54.*ges jer•der.e sad l..koes carpers imy he tasted either e. the rows day of tut venire or De pay sebeequ.st day is Tors hr tee.iti.n, as well lifter as hefore, or or lbs Cosmi.efoa day of the Assizes at u Bich Ore teethes te isokieb- they raithr he coed out, .f lb. db.. et the Delany any t lmet of the Cbrwbee Mem is the ( misty, as welt as oat *dike easel .nee at Toronto. i11�,.rrbe it Meted. That is say of tants eerier. jsrat.nwes or Ma- id solo.goe.t to mid fogad.d *poo Vifrit Attire facies ore/ores it .bell Megoat. M fnewrt the mase of to ewta4A to *ee•1. Peel Mt W tetere in l boy or set weestega 11. ry'Y"•i,rrI-IA S TWELVE AND SIX PEW.2 t•# mi ata or oils rage ,„ NUMBER XXX. 4t part of such Write reepecuvely-" the bo- dies of the several permed is the Panel as thus Writaaeeaed saaa.d," or words et the Tike nspert..4 to annex to sects W rite reepsctivety, Paula containing the sea e we as were returned eo the Paul to aueb venire foams with their Mmes. et abode aid *aglitter*. XXXI V. And Mit matted, That for .1. trial of Issues in eases whether comae et aivd Rauch shall is soured come on for trial at arty Outage or 8e.sious of Assize. Nisi, Prima Oyer and Terminer, Gael Delivery, Sessiuu 0( the Pence, or Coast' Court, it shall not he necessary actually to sue mit any Writ et wire f.ciu jmrutores or other Jury proem, butte award of such proems by the Court and the miry of .,eh award where nice y on the Roll together with the return of a Purl of Jurors epee the assegai precept issued for such Sittings or Swims, aid the trial of mach nemss re.- pectivel by a Jury takes Ms seek gener- al Pan is the manner hereinafter provided .1.41 be sulkiest raid shall he as valid and effectual is Mw to all theses and eremite whatsoever, es if such mesir. f ds. jars - forts, or other process had been actually and regularly seed out Is each ease, and the e emes of the Jura* who shall have m tried such Nsues, re.pesuvely, bad been regular- ly returned apo, smelt J.ry process, repse- tively. Provided always, wmrthelees first- ly, that lactateg is this section contained shall extend or be coostrued to mitred to any inset', to be tried et Bar or by a Special Jury w by a Jury ds wediet.te Beta@ or rewire tnapecitmd• is a caw in which a IMO, shall have hese granted or hereinafter men- tioned : Amd provided also .ecoodly, that every Jury of which moms of the Jurors shall have beim widely taken from such rose - nil Pagel' shall, totwitbstadia` Its beteg completed by the award of a tar* iaeirris• staariesa, he deemed wham math totes is eiresmstanfibrs shall have best regularly awaded aceordisg to law, to be take. from Gemmel Panel for the purposes of this see. Ito.. And provided also, thirdly, that to every venire facies directed b any Sheriff to any case in which a view shall have been granted, and, which venire foci.. Mall sot he eador..d for the return of a epeeid Jury thereon, such Sheriff shall retain the same Jurors as those whom Dames are iseerted in the panel returned upon the-gemsnl pre- cept for ,1e Sittings or Beacons at which such cause is to be tried. VC Jury Process. XXXV. And be it enacted, That if any Plaintiff or Defendant or any defendant in quart ietpedit or Replevin shalt in any canes which shall be at iuoe, sus out limy. Writ of Venire Pacias open which any Writ Habeas Corrppoora or distringgs with a N4si Prise, .hall issue is order to the trial of Mt mid issue at tis Asezes or fiom- sioie of AIM Prins, and shad not proceed to trial at the Irst Assizes er Se.ions trf Nisi Prim, after the test of each Writ of Hebea. Corpora or distringas thea and in every such cue, (except when a view by Jurors shall be directed as hereinafter • mOs- tioned,) such Plaintif, Iemandaat or Defen- dant, wbesever he shill think Ifft to try the mid issue at any other Assizes or Seeiose of Nisi Prins, shall sue forth a new Writ of Venire Ferias, commanding the Sheriff or other Minister to rotors anew, twelve good ad lawful nun of the body of the Bailiwick gwli6d according to Lew, mad the rest of the Writ, shall proceed in the accustomed *both Writ being duly returned, * 'Writ of Habeas Clirpera. or distringas with a Nisi Prins shall Mem therenpom, epos which sea Plaintiff Damndest w Deva• But, shall. aid may proceed to u4al, as b.. fait; and eff.etwUy td.11 totsau and per. poses, tyi,il o. termer Writ of Venire Pati- os had bees prosecuted in that Cause. atwd Ito Tories Qmolin a the ease shall require ;- And if any Defendamt or Tenant, shall le - any mom which she+l beat isms he .i.ded t beteg. to tsid any reins petted stow him whoa by the peaeuce .1 the Coact be may ds .o by proviso. be shall a say Oita ..- suable Term nest preoediag each, imtudad trial to he had at seat Aesizes or Sessions of Nisi Prius, sue not a Venire ratios is the form aforesaid by Proviso, and prowess the same by Writ of Hobo.. Corpora et d6ar1. g -s with • Nim Prins, ss lawfully sed elle. molly to all Detests asd purposes w if se former Writ of Venire had bees seed out,.@ retwoed is that puss 'Laden Touts Quadri u the matter mai regain,. Pa.mtve Bao Mo,.Pv -We would ad- vise our readers tobe as their guard.agateu deeeptioe; we eomeAtne wince quoted a paragraph .tatlsg that Eve seri ted dotter melee of a preheated "CiI...me Beak of Montreal" were to cireulatios is Upper Culotta; and we now learn that two parties were arrested .n this city yesterday, upon chargee of paasiag similar notes. There is no such hank in existence, the notes bur the signature of "Thome Holm.'" which n ame has bee apparently adopted frnvu its remould/loco to that of Benjamin 11.,lmee, Est'-, a1. P. P.-Patroit. The Legislature of Wtweensin hoe re• ceitly paved an act, by which any owner or losses of tend, w he shall kso*i. ly per- mit the Canada tki.tle to go to seed on such land, is deemed guilty of a misdemea- n or, and on euavIctiun thereof, to he you. 'shod by nee mot exceeding 6.e, our leu than ane dollar, With costa. Ta. Jone.sO*r.-it is with our prigs. meetsu our watches --none go just alike; yet each believe his own. A Fa.owu irla res. Nisar. -A wife, fall of truth. Innocence, and loos, is the pral- ttest flower a nue iso wear sett to hi. heart. Th. Statute of Mr. Calhoun, by Pewee, the Intl Artist, which wed beet by the wreck of the F.lizwbtflif was ioeered for SIR,On0,- At brat hopes ware esitteioed that it woold be recovered, but it would appear that thew hopes are sew .rpslbtd- The Neppa►nle. A mba..dot el St. James' preanted Fier Majesty with twelve *otf- tails set in .Ayer, as a present fro. the /IRON. of "(spat, and soppneed to be worth po,aee.