HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-03-06, Page 10p 10 The, Times -Advocate, March S. 19,58 •^' 1�,L ntAtlltttt111tltllarlllnnittllUtatnlAltl,tlaltrt.11,1111UItd1Ul lIntl.`�tlttt16tt11111nU11t111A4brrUt4tlp1111111f1Jltllttttl4ly • AUDITOR ANO ACCOUNTANT; * . Refuso R. Ford K/ C..iceast 34B TALBOT $T. :Phone 2.71452•I.CN2QN ..y9.1.nllUln n 1i1llnnlit! tin n mn n n41n1t11n llm/11111Itl11li1t11111tt! In Rtllllrtnllttllltultltu ullt n 1111 11111,1 It1 n I1111141•� tt$11)Ilal1.10), ainaltlltn11111011,tW 001nAUlnttntni111111litgtnnllittit,11111111111ttt11glptn1i11111tlttomtm tart • 4 ot afuse, Ford iKeast Need A Mutiler? £ Try One Of •Cour P MUFFLU'4+S WITH A TWO-YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE Oct One Today) Support The RED CROSS Generously Hun er uvar M Sons r PHONE 38 Ltd. EXETER titt3f/titNltY3313383ttttt Et • xitlilnnllIntI 11111n Inituttnnanlnlnlllu1l1110(ouniot tionitiotiocnlnrnrunnttn1111t(ti ultiul4111 ons 11 THIS SPRING USE ew Process" ShurG.in Fr:rtiiiz f'{lF "NEW PROCESS" SHUR-GAIN BETTER 7 WAYS * Reduced Moisture Content * Uniformly Blended Less Dust * Semi -Granular Texture * Free Running * Better Driilability * Less Tendency to Cake Air- Harold Wbittard of .St, Catharines ud r. a Al, Henryl 'Whit - lir. i}> ..y tarts a Pictou. .Air. and Mrs. Harold Knapton of Thorndale silent Friday with Mr. .and. Ars. B01 Fenton. • Air. and Airs. Elmo Morgan of Sarnia spent the weekend. with Air, and Airs, Fred Fen. quests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fenton on Saturday evening • were Mr. and Airs. Cecil Eli - wood, Air. and Airs. Fred Fen- ton and Air. and. Airs. Howard Fenton and family, - r. Dean White attended the Good Roads eonventioli in To. ronto this past week. Air.' and Mrs. John Morgan of Guelph spent the weekend at their .farm home. Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd and Carolyn of London spent Sunday with their parents. S.i..tu.rdy: eed raw , 1 An ilsborne farmer, Ea Miller! ?..,. . 11t.lt. s laaeter, v4•ill be .one ,ef } InS Silver Tray tt emllicrs Of the a Tel Surprise p i which Couple 1At London it Howard fiodaselr of�MeGi;Iti-1 vray township was the :winner of a silver tray as a special award for a new exhlbltor •with tl)e highest number of prizes at the Middlesex County ,Seed. Fair in London last week. His turnips won second prize ill all classes at the fair. Mr. Hodgson also Wan a bushel of apples in a draw for a door prize on Friday afternoon. le rn will discuss farm plamlin at Iiuiall Caiaraty seed fair oil Sat- lurday x I r ae h A ell). oft e a3 r ou S k 1• I .� l�l- % a frm ae t in a loon nae g n a sso i 'o e Ili a i I 1,141x. Miller airs) five other panel- i3ts will tear apart a lose .tan i farm to suggest practical im- i provements to unrrease Rs profit !poTtentialliepanovel er is oacpa six-yeaearted periodto.be. One of the most comprelheiisive, attempts at farm improvement ever presented in the county, ft has been months in preparatipn and will feature extensive .maps and diagrams. Other nanelists include Boyd Taylor. R.R. 3 Walton, whose farm is under land use survey; ,Stan ` Yungblut, Goderich, and Bill Newton, Sarnia, two VLA administrators: Professor Tam Lane, OAC Soils department; Dr, Harvey Caldwell, OAC coon• mica department, and J. G. B, McDougall, Blyth bank manager, The panel will feature the Sat- urday afternoon program of the fair and precede tip auction sale of bushel lots of prize-winning seed. Other highlights of the pro. gram include exhibits by high school agricultural departments and displays. Over 100 entries have been sent in to compete for the $700 in cash prizes and awards offered by Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Association, spon- sors of the fair. Defending ehannion is Robert P. Allan. Bruc'fielri, who is arco nresic't'nt of Huron SCCA. He von the moat number of points at last year's fair.. Pians Hat Show Presbyterian CC Plans for the spring hat show to he held in the basement of ('aven Presbyterian church next !Wednesday afternoon were dis- cussed at the March meeting of leaven Congregational Circle l held at the home of Mrs. Mi- lton Laing on Tuesday evening. Spring haps supplied by 11Iav j .span's will be modelled as well as clothes from local Mores !.especially clothing for children I from two nears to the teenager.' i Mrs. Art Whilsmith will be the commentator.• Jewellery for the 1 modpis will be supplied by Jack Smith. A table of home baking will also be sold and tea served, • A 'program of Irish songs.1 readings and games was giyen,I in ke'ning with St. Patrick's I Day. Danny Laing contributed a niano solo. Mrs. C. 'Erman presided for • vv the meeting and assisted the hostess at the luneh hour, also Mrs. Andrew Johnston. OK New Fees —Continued from Page 9 through the marketing points o Ontario hog producers were mad at the two-day annual meeting Charles W. McInnis, presiden of the association, and Eldred Aiken, chairman of the market ing board, reported that about 80 per cent of Ontario hog produc tion is now moving through mar• keting points and the other 20 per cent would very likely be direct- ed through these points by the end of 1958. General -Manager Jake Kohler and Secretary James Boynton placed heavy emphasis on need for continuing information to pro- ducers now that a large percent- age of Ontario hogs are moving rthrough marketing points. A feature of the two-day ses- sion was a panel discussion deal- ing with vertical integration. Members of the panel discussed the trend towards contract farm- ing and pointed up the many dan- gers which faced producers in this type of farming. The meeting called. for research in the :Field of transportation and the matter of establishing mar- keting points at economic loca- tions. Delegates at the meeting were urged to consider the possi- bility of establishing co-operative marketing points which are owned and controlled by farmers themselves. The Burfordtuarket- ing point was cited as an ex- ample of this form of co-opera- tive effort, Among the delegates attending frons Huron county were Ed- mond Hendrick, Stephen; harry Herm. 'Osborne; Ross Love, Hay; Bill Coleman, Stanley; and Wil- fred Coleman, Tuckersmith, This 'N That - -Continued From Page 7 vanilla in top of double boiler. Beat with rotary beater until f blended. Place over hot, not boil - e ing water and cook stirring con- stantiy until mixture thickens slightly and will coat a spoon. Remove from heat. Add vanil- ' la. Chill. • ,, 4, re My neighbour says to forget about the calories, so here is a recipe for pineapple trifle squares .given to our readers by Mrs. William Finch, Grand Bend. Pineapple Trifle Squares Mrs, Win. Finch 1 cup drained, crushed pineapple cup drained juice 8 marshmallows cut fine 1 cup chopped dates A cup whipping cream 18 graham wafers cub butter C o m b s n. a pineapple, juice, marshmallows. and dates. Whip (:ream until it holds its shape, fold into pineapple mixture. Mix •crumbs with butter; press one-half into pan, add mixture, top with the rest of the crumbs, Put in refrigerator to chill for several hours before using. SEE YOUR LOCAL SHUR-GAIN DEALER OR CONTACT PHONE 256 ,y nodes miters EXETER • 4ntnunnuttunlutntnutnulnlultn Monti tttntountouto nntutunrnnuttuumuninoinu tnnn at% CLOVER & GRASS SEEDS We have a complete stock of ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, YELLOW & WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, WHITE DUTCH AND LADINA CLOVERS, BROME GRASS, ETC. Permanent Pasture Mixtures • Place Orders While Stack t3 Available We are quoting very attractive prices and replacement orders would require higher retail prices. SEED G ,t :lNS All varieties available in Registered No. 1; Certified No. 1 and Commercial No. 1. Treated and Packed in New Jute OAT VARIETIES. Garry, Rodney, Registered and Conmiercial Brant and Herta Barley High quality seeds will be' in short supply this spring. To E s be sure of your requirements. ORDER NOWT • /it1111tiIitlltittiIYUrns IYlltlHlt/iYliltl Lucan Drop Two —Continued frons Page 4 (L•rbshott, Wraith) 6:40 2—Palmerston, Noonan (Dunn) 19: 55 Penalties -- Gebhardt (board- ing) S:27; Dunn (elbowing) 11:27; Elson (charging) 16:20. &^gond Period 6—Lucan, -Wraith (Storey, trbahott) 6:09 4—Paimeilaton, Finlayson (Kirin) 12:19 9—Palmerston, :tioenan 17:24 6 --Palmerston, HOP (Klynt, 1+in)ajSon) _ 19:445 Penalties )wraith (high - sticking) 2:41; Gebhardt (ih- terfereiice) 2:41; parker (ln- terfet' ane e) 14;06; Parker (slashing) 18:43, Third Period 1--Lucan, Storey ('!White) - 2;30 S—Palmer9ton, Duni (Long) 10;23 9 --Palmerston, 14.)yni (Long, Finlayson) 11:59 10 --Palmerston, Flnlayson (Klym)._ . 14:99 Penaltrea� Iity ttitppint�) 4;01 Wraith (tripping) 9:45; Parker (tripping) 15;27; Lison (nigh-atleking) 16;01; Schmidt (charging) 16:07 Try' Surge for faster, safer milking with increased produc- tion. (adv't) �,/lllllniltl(Il llln lllllllllllltnfi 111 llllnnlullYntll/tlnitl t FERTILIZER biscnunt For Early belivery Still Available Order Now .-- We'll beliver Tb .Your parer AMMONIUM NITRATE IN :STOCK 1 1. We, are contracting fort malting barley. (Alontcalin and kindred varieties are available,) 2, ttegistered seed. eats. HAve YOUR SEEDS CLEANED AND I TREATED AT OUR MODERN, N, CLEANINGPLANT. Your teed call be delivered and cleaner) without being bag- ged. ?)lone us and arrange a date to clean anti treat your requirements.I I ,... W G. opor it SONS Photte .3 LIMITED Neel) iromytoohaiRorr'frrr mrom ittnirru'Itrrro lairrrrrnvolYl7rrrrrlFtotounitsot Trrnrmutoor,,,mm ' # Bargains In USED MACHINERY 1—Farinall A'C" Tractor - With 2 -row 'hydraulic cul- tivator. 1---Farmall "H" Tractor 1—Allis Chalmers Tractor It Bat 1 --Gehl Forage Harvester With pickup and row crop attachment. 1—International 300 Tractor CPT With T.P.T.O. torque drive and hydraulic draw- bar and comfort cover, T—Comfort Cover for Ford - Ferguson Tractor V. L. Becker SONS Phone 60-W Dashwood Irlttu1t11nnirtrrmltatitmfMfttlitimitrrnlntillultlll�• �rogressiye Conservative Headquarters 'North Of Central Hotel, Exeter NOW OPEN We invite You To Drop lrt Anyfitne Phone -1095 "CA PY ON, ELSTON AND JOHN„ VOTE CARDIFF ain(illrnttnIfi itirlin4 'Ittalltlni'onnyiriffiyo trfnnannonjannlofrrarteOlalrllitaatnirnntlinVnin'nta'illtlit -On ,Anniversary)lir. and Airs. Roy Webber, Alain St. were :surprised on Fri- day evening wilco the family, ,friends and relatives gathered to celebrate with them their thirty fifth wedding anniversary. The evening *as spent ill playing cards and lunch includ•. Ing an anniversary .cake w.as • served by the visitors, The couple received silver- ware, tools for "Dad" flowers, cards and ether gifts. On Sunday the family of Air. and Mrs. Webber were enter. tained to dinner at the hone. They include Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Carter (Marion), Linda, Janet and Brenda; Mr. and M. RossGraham (netts/ and Trudy all of London and Mr. and Mrs, Ar- •chie 'Webber, R.R, 1 Exeter. Family pictures were taken. Letter From Brinsley By MRS. CECiL ELLWG D Air. and Mrs. J'o'ur Seoffie!c? and daughter of Parkhill, awl Mr. Lin Amos spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coideridge of London visited with Mr. arid Mrs. Bill Fenton on Saturday, Rev. R. H. and Mrs. Anion of Ailsa Craig spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Rowe. Mrs. Whittard of Brussels re- turned to her home on Thurv- day after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. George Prest, Saturday evening guests' with tatogatlltlIlial)rttttltlttrlltilmnllAml$Itltttfl.ItntS MUI..4tr11at1itt411nNU41114 4111,11tatn4ttoilltt.4AMISl.Uf}, mill it BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER LL CUT THE '*U G Y.. ON YOUR FARM glean your barn and feed • your cattle automatically, INVESTIGATE TODAY AND SEE WHAT YOU'VE BEEN MISSING SAI,ES + SERVI4rE . INSTAIIATION Vern Thompson Phone 108.r.2i, Science Hill or GoE'd Evans Mr. and Mrs. George Prest were Phone 2-r-14 Science Hill O tajn 'The il)r hst Pikes, For Your Poultry! S.il To The Riverside Company, I,'!.mitelcl LON!DQ.N London 7.1230 Pim)* COW Hensel! 0014 'ryllnntltunll11111 u mImr111nuntuumwo111nt11ttlnlmllumunk11li1t1111ueoulmmuut m mnnllnueult$ e Ins linumumirrt wouleutu uttnl m nuellmtu lmnumuluumull ommuummu llnnuimm ,lom,r • FARMERS Order Spring Seeds Now! Registered rand Commercial Seed Oats and Barley Full Stock of Clover and Grass Seeds CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Malting Barley Contracts A Limited Number of Feed Oat Contracts Fertilizer Available With Contracts CHECK OUR FERTILIZER PRICES a E. L. Mickle 6c Son Ltd, HEN$ALL, ONTARIO Phone Office 103, Feed Mill 205 /1f/lltll lltl lltlll llllll llllltlllllll llllnlull 111 nl,llllllnl111111111111111111 Y1111111111111111111111111111111111)IIIIIIt1111111111j1 • • pvesaMlsr. tter LSLk ' Q t'J L. NTE NAL R-3—PLOW UTILITY The LowestPrjced Diesel in Canada ! This i5 the hottest tractor news in '58, The 2-3 plow International Utility IS 'HERE—.with a full line of matched 3 -point mounted • tools. The sensational B-250 is the tractor wanted by farmers everywhere. Powered with economical direct -starting DIESEL engine fo cut your costs' all -ways on every job. Packed with suth farm -easy features as 3 -point hitch to take the new iH matched implements .(tae thepint- 3- . P mounted fools you already own)—Isuilt. in weight transfer system which matches traction • ttt to the load—hydraulic control—differential lock" disc brakes --low silhouette for Look-ahea•.l farthing —and !many more, practical aids. YOU 'Be THE JUDGE. See .the B-250. Put a 8-250 to work in your own field at our expense. Prove B-250 power, perform., ante, features and value. Don't wait, but give us call today foe a prove -to -yourself demonstration of the all-new international B-250 Utility .* today's tractor for dolier-wise farmers: $2490.°O INCLUDES FREIGHT CHARGES See Them On Display At Your Internationalyl-iarvester Dealers. :ux.tabI. Phone 153,W 0r Res, 1534 Exeter * ecker dt, SonsT- Phone 60,8,4, Or Res, 6t to