HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-05, Page 4-w -,m ---•� .went _..-1 ,.:----"",1111111- - illIM wm.massa A Psis* Haw says. see aloha IIEPOSTA9IT 'i thea, It 1e hardly tln4 r *see tes sa e S. ns glue eucembeies iii �ten. ei vena. :RA• T1.lest T1am►ara�, e mesial. pie, oo es r we �aa eka asSl AM� - w WARM 1g�l Y,l (rete *lel l•esee be T1DAL L IGIURANCIC OM, mhos tie pie sees Ashy. A to weever. seeetryetes wee , 7 ukb ifs wend erel sot 4111' *hs 'DIMAS r ttbe ewy fibra! sf ret. and sae of Mom ash hich be hee "Jots, do at ebsrOnsfeebends c aelya weil oo t pysM. ef la. poo keel wtllty wave loho 'mads u ferning *so that be ie dely te est eget" te stn W stews w M the subject, d Week/ IM ecIIt L MUTUAL. lb* fiseles answered with a feeble voice- lutitats• bets+ •u v.ly denoted r ohs Ia. •l'. -thick -1'd rube, sal -when -1'. better aq.areted." A mu was brought op by a fanner end •e cooed of stealth* eomu detks. The' • fir- .er said be should know thous anywhere, sed went os todeserib. their peculiarity. 'Why said the cowl for the prisoner, 'they imago: be .ach a rare breed, 1 have soma very Irks them i• my yard.' 'That's very hkely, sir,' said the far• er: these ars sot the only decks o1 the sort 1 have bad stolen lately,' 'K you will throw sway tbat cigar said • (risen of ours to a moa who war puffing a •illannus'long rise' is the bar -rowel of s hotel ie a western vitt.••, I'll give you a barter of a dollar.' 'Well I'II Jo It' said the smoker, He threw away the cigar took hie evertor, mad then stopple(' up to the bar, said: 'Hers greens, a brandy lenity and four m . o'tbgls clearer -When be lighted one, our friend d..road •tleigbt- way from that house." Oiu Vora flags To Gwr.-At • late political barbecue Its gusset of t6...csa.iuo seaounc.d, with a knowieg look at the fair portion of hie amiie e., that he war a n.n- dtdete for eolhisg except Soman•,. As old gentleman la the crowd exclaimed •o that all the ladbs.ould bear: "Ate well, 1 reckon you can be elected to lbet-it tikes ugly ons vote," That one, however, n saute of our bachelor coot.mporarie may be compet.at to testify, a sometimes hard to get, Cnot.ua is Prrreavasm.--By telegraph, wo w.rs ielormed that cholera is again on the lacrosse to Pittsburgh, sever.' new came ban broken out yesterday, and the day previous. 'run Ritncvtous.---Souse have the fully to b ridiculous; .arae bare the vanity to be tdiculuos; some have the impudence to be rdieuto..; isry few bare the courage to be ridiculous. NOTICE. IDEO to intimate to all that it tea, commit d oaken all moseys dim toe eitber by Note of head er otherwise, aid groat discharges for this same. And 1 hereby regaest all persons indebted u Sas forthwith to settle the axe and are seem, JOHN LANCABTER- 01deri.6, 18th day Way, 850. .3a17 NOTICE. r IrRG a t.timia to the inhabitants of th • 1 Totrmsbipe of Goderrieh, Bewley and Cd beer., obit eider a power of Attorney from ill BARON DE TUILE, d.s.d the 95th April 1849, 1 eel authorised to dispose of bis LAND is thew Teweehipo, and to gnat Title Deed fo the "•" --dale, a collect all Meeite dee him m, that I bite seder wins., ofAuorse) great. SI WILLIAM STORY, autborise d 6I. t. .ad to grit Discharges for the same,. --nod hereby raga*t ell perilous indebted to the said Baron de Tule, forthwith to settle se their res- pective debts. es,iies datum .. West tektite &Vibe le Towne, d yen Ila ade- rate 1e.eiL Teas wans..ra. Cw..etigibes pesky ad - neuters le the Agric.hsnl ln>Rrw. Bahia ot- dlsery risks at see per seek-, Ming es lawmen among of beaked%, hoeing • vers hep sere went se Mad, ed pre.pIN astsNy all Aima r4lbs leesiivaise,-CapioJ, $1184$1184.01111s4.aI 37,188,--.b.ah bsiss Mil, tornados. Tra asaasna C•twA.T 1111010•41/ le loaner apipt Fire is Tawas tri Villages, NM the rawest, ne.egeesty higher is properties a the risks bens snider ; bet is eassequese of the large Mei.eu due, little wen has hitherto been rp.ired tis the arm senoras ler during the out !hist••• revs the A.., .•nets have my seersgsd two per neer, a,rb.seh daring .6at pe- riod tunes sf the mast dlsutrase ties eves news bee. occurred. C.Plrl. *401,193- EZRA HOPKINS, Ague for the Wlf.,s and linea Dim/iota. APril NB 1- Sibswishing te ha.s their primers issued is either of the sb.vs.faeee, wiH forward their views, sad .dist E. H. y Laving their nam* red place of reside.•s with sit6er of the (showing retinue Joie C000uaow, Cambridge. Hagar EMT. t Series. Twoias8raaa•w, R. Riranwo., Ag... for Owlish and the avisbbeei.g To wadies, 3v -.Ii NOTICE. DEnaoNa desirous of •ettliog oa the Durham Road in the Townships of Gamely, Beauoek, Brant, Greenock, Ki. - los. mad Kiocardioe, must apply par orally at the Oertce of the uadenigned, and oo lo - callow will be confirmed except such as are made in accordance with this roquiremeot- Ail anignointa of interest is locating without the keowlei1 a and approval of the Armin, will be ooneirered as a forfeiture of a1t,rigbt is t6e located, or assignee. GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. Caowi. LAND Orres, Bentiock. County of Wa1.002111, blare. 14th, 1860. vlIn7 AGRICULTURE. Ammu T a Meeting of the Cotes.( tm Si - ford Agricultural Satiety, the following Prsmio.s were awarded, is be .bows for at the Society'. Math Aural Eabibitio., at StraJid, ea Tuesday, the first day of October, R'.50. Horses. For the best Brood Mare and Foal, LI 0 0 second best, 15 0 - third best, 7 6 For the Best 3 yew old Filly, or Gelding, 0 12 6 i second best, ' 7 , 6 third best, 5 O Best two year old Filly or Gelding, 0 10 0 second best, 7 6 One year year old Colt, 0 7 6 second best, 0 5 0 Span of Farm Horses, geldings or mares, 1 0 0 second best, 0 15 o third best, 10 o Cattle. THOS. MERCER JONES. Galericb, 8th May, 1850. 3v-ol5rf JOHN VANSTONE WAGGON MAKER a noBLACKSMrIII, UTaaTro.D, HAS sow received a NEW STOCK of IRON, of every description, and is ready to semen any orders in his lire. Stratford, 3rd August, 1830. 95-13 1E NOTICE.ca To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. TIDE increased demand for Summonns& and other BLANK WRITS, in cos- metics with the bunions of the several Di- vision Courts is the District, has warranted no is priitiag them is much Ingo goasti.. tuts than heretofore, and cossequeaily eoa- b1.* us to sell them much cheaper -there- fore we intimate to the several Officers re- • t rirfag them Blank Fame, that from this date, Summo.e.r ed all other Writs be - Imaging to lb* Division Court, will be Sold st the Sewed Dike at the reduced price of Q)' Two BraLt.Inse ARO 81xraNC• elm Iluasase. t� . TRAVELLER'S HOME. STRASBURG, WATR* LOO. Mb February, 1849. rrHE Subscriber herb intimates to 6*e (needs and the Travelling Public gene- rally, that he bar removed from New Aber- deen to the Village al 8lraebargh, and will mow be found is that will -knows boons for- merly occupied by Mr. Josie, -where 6e will be reedy a.d able to conduce to the comfort of *hoes who may honor him with their patronage. /led *bile be returns thanks for put favors, he hopes, by strict attention to the wain' and wisbee of his customer's, still to merit a continuums of their pattonage. JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES ted attentive Grooms, v9-oetf HURON HOTEL, 000ERICH. JAMESJp GENTLES, would rreetfelly form the t.habluets of Godericb, red its vi- ewt,. that he will esuetmetiy Keep Hones and Carriages FOR max Ise she's 6. memenf.11y sdielk tis pstrwmage Odes pehi. e. JAMES GENTLES. 18*h Sop*. ISM viht33-if New Tailoringlsstablishment aoalcH SHE IN CI Up so nage!.' to the Is - 1 iihkeste of 014.1.6, ad ie,NiYy, 16.1 he bas emmmsaeed bowies= i. 1he elbsv. lie.. .. the Rose adisising H. HORTON'S Ma- de Shap. Martel Neon, when he will 6. ptw- pred r sneers .11 mitre in he kiss ea the akenesa ..firer. •d tat moderate .bee.., S R. -Ciudad demo.. she s6 r,w, smile JOBS ADAMS- Amirieb. Oct. 17, ISM U. UMIBOSSESpgai edbe the New M- O_ trim Cart Am .ad.S ether BLINN Alec/ reed he t6e m..4.. ted 18.1.e. r Sdr dr rim hikes( tis A ten, al almll M iia tLurrin0 e=a1. ein awl ea sassed seg tk. Mac Sall IR is Three year old Bull, and not more than seven, 1 10 0 second best, 1 0 o third best, o 10 o Two year old Bull, 1 0 0 second best 0 15 0 One year old Bull, 0 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 Milch Cow and Cal t; 0 15 0 second beat, 0 10 0 third best, 0 7 6 Milch Cow, 0 32 6 thirdsecond 0 o best, o 17 6 Best�naold Heifer, o 10 0 fit, o .7 6 third best, o 5 0 Year old Heifer, 0 7 6 second best, 0 5 0 Yoke of Working Oxen 5 year old and upwards 15 0 second best, 0 10 0 third best, 0 7 6 Yoke 4 year old Steers, o 10 o second beat, o 7 6 Yoke of 3 ear old Steers, 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 Yoke 2 year old Steers, 0. 7 6 second best, o 5 0 Best Fat Ox. 0 15 o second best, o 10 o Fat Cow or Heifer, o 10 0 second best, o 7 6 Sheep and Hogs. Ram over 2, and under 5 years old, 0 12 6 second best, o 7 6 third best, o 6 o Year old Ram, 0 10 0 second best, 0 7 6 Pair Ewes (nee by-law) 0 12 6 second best, o 7 6 Ingle Ewe, 0 7 6 second best, Best Sheep, second third best- best, bred V '' pigs during s 1 0 12 6 Grain, Seeds & Dairy Fall second bat, 0 15 C thlit1 best, 0 10 Spring Whew - 0 15 third second best, O 10 0 7 second best, o 5 Rye, 0 7 second best, 0 5 Oats, 0"7 second beet, o, 5 Peas, 0 7 second best, o 5 Clover Seed, (ones bbushel) 0 7 secondbeat, 0 5 Timothy Seed,(one bu) 0 7 second best, o 5 Firkin salt Butter, 56 lbs. packed $' clued, 0 12 second best, o 10 third best, o 7 Newly made Butter, ten pounds, 0 7 Cheessecond be 0 5 25 lbs. 0 12 second bed, third bed, 017 Maple Sugar, (cakeex- hibitor's 26 lbs. . . - ; ... on ez hibitor's premises, 0 10 0 third beet, 0 5 0 MANUFACTURES iL IMPLEMENTS. fen Yards of Home made Fulled Cloth, from Wool grown by exhibitor, and spun in his family, (all wool, web of 1850,) 0 15 0 second 0 0 10 0 0 6 Ten yards of Home made Flannel, all wool, do. (not fulled, do.) o 10 0 second best, o 7 6 third best, 0 5 0 Nine yards Blanketing, all wool, do. (twilled, not ful- led, do.) 0 10 0 second beet,' 0 7 6 third best, 0 5 0 Ten yards Linsey, cotton & wool, (not fulled) . 0 7 6 second best, 0 5 0 Best New Double Wagon made by a member of the Society, 0 10 0 Best second oughany imp .., .1 6 kind, for one year, 0 12 6 second best, 0 7 6 Harness -Best set of Double, 0 15 0 second best, 0 10 0 0 0 O 0 .a O 6 0 6 0 6 O 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 6 0 6 0 6 For soy Agrieelteral impkmeat, made y a member or members of this Society. of es !.- proved desmiiptio•, to be decided by t6e Judge*. Prise is diacretiu of Committee. BY-LAWS. t No Animal gaieiog t8n first prise oae year, was take it is the age character the locoed or uy other year; bet say show .ad be 'stilled to • eertifiw, hem the Society, or sect other baonry reward as may be decided es, except Balla, Stallion, Bean and Rama, which may show sad carry &m plus foo two years. 1. That a 9.6.. ri6er 1. eely minded to ewe prise he Bitter sad Chews. r for Gwia of t6. semis hied. 3. That Stalld..s, Bete mad Boars, mist ban served with!. the Society's District, the maeai provisos to the snow (except u canoe of extra Premiums), or exhibitue of tech to gin sit ob- k,mtise t6at limey will terve in their emu. 4. Balls meat Mee a ring or .crew is their use. with • rope er darn attached, ti prevent 5. That • eke pri.. 1« H«fen be not awarded M say uteri' that boo previously hod a e.1L 8. That the q.a.dty of Gain and Beads ex- hAiud. (Posse sod Ida. Cern 1Ndad.4 be e st 1em Mae two Beshele, aid raised by u ex- hibitor. limn . field of at least twosome. (einem the pewit, of lead sad orals sr seeds be mks - wise npoei&d:) sad the Cheese .d Better, or other Farm Predigest exhibited, to 6. modem hes exhinsot's fir., had er stock: ted that e11 Ewes tow. (swept Fat Sheep) shall b.ve deckled • Iamb s the a.t .f Asyut peeviw t tb Sow. 7. T1at all eomperitors kw peen give to the BeeRlary notice of the d.riptiea of Sleek w Predose they 'mud te sow, hewn. a oe the Sty morose se the day .f say Anse! o. Geeo- nI Mine 8 That iii Sisk ad Pndoo. exbibltd, mom 6.r. to peewit tw*eiony st even e'elsak of this day d the Skew: the Judges will et dist beer este, se their duties. 9. No artiste et animal nes be .hews for two plisse the same year. 10. That lir the tromenrseet of those Mem..,s w6. map iatrwdoee improved Stook; if say ..,sal saw .d fee eempetiuee be deemed y the ledges worthy of I6. firm lase, tai K t6. ower of to same prove te tha Badtietin ref .he ledge. that snob minim.. d week bee boar imparted er pen 6.snd est dated import- ed from Greet }Mule es Irvtead, be rb.11 n. ones doable t6. a'iosat .f P.miism odhs.whe awarded. het only fir one pear, 11. All Stook Y b. q.fedibiter dem wommary mesth. ►nim. t6. Mew. jtr+js. will bane as. II ales power 1. wish►uidieg primes mad so .ea 6. Inge .fid .w. rfeverry, (R•• Ns, .kvs...4 twelve, F" Raise.) PLOVGHUM MATCH To he at the Pan .f S, /},f.1., >;q•, es Fri- day, the doggish oeebee, se be •tensa pseud mem eateries. sr tw sweet Me , wiwAt..t Sae M r d ad NBad. Prtemr • a Al: 1st, iia t dcb. Na y et Md. Nes sash ~ WS be imbibe the Wed itis. Smelt The s..& •mss., of Vii; M Deasiewis be mid meet 6.1 - - lemma etlaa..+, 1116 Ai..,Jie i JOHN l'Iii*gSk mesh i1. j4 0 10 0.AAet.lr 0 7 6 et entry ;U 6 0 at Mrs For best lir, 0 15 o ism* second o 10 o AqN" Breeding Bow ha vi C'elhpr� �!�il '.w" j esteall �,M e COPARTIOSSer ss .earsst. ISM gel yr Tb boohoo' Ai is Mire bs•said re t Wam 13omredy sr...,eesi who h �y IS- sad 1011 Ye sift di.M Menail ds. of Gm IMP Arm. WK. ISTINEDY. G. I VTCHART. JOHN BP$NCS. Bwg.es.11716 7rstr, 19tio. ws. NOTICE. t hr B.rebrPRObCIAL iA GENERAL AW$URANCE COMPANY. how by i.st sN., that he is poapered se r.edve NuR- seripuu.ee he Steak se dm Peupd.o=p ileambh and apelkatiese fee 1-...,..w the Mahal Bl..d. sad le give wk t•i•watiea ea the **est we maybe required. 1p am 0ednte6, 964 /Bat INS. FOR SALE THREE MILL PRIVILEGES, .tame to mesthe r o 0 Lak4. t6.�il Pur.. is netted . Ales -ONS HUNDRED Bendier LOTS is lb. sew laid out Tees Plot of Wicklow, s the 18 mile Rtrer, and oa the main read from Godenab to the Aourlsbiog **Westerns is the sew comely of Bruce. Tura. -One fourth of the purchase mos- sy down, the remainder to Four instalments with intoreeL Apply (if by ktt.r post- paid) peep -rotor, JOHN HAWKINS. Galen 8, Mush 116 1850. 1r-a9m5 • PLAAs AND SPRCIFICermaB. THE /rheeifber Net lame to 1.far.e 16e Inhabitant, of the District of Hares, and the Neighboring Marten. tot be has Established himself in Stratford, aid ie prepard to give Plane sod Specifici- ties' of Public or Private Baileys, Bnd - e., Mall Dame, 8... Ise. he.. ass will tar. the asperiateadeeee of each Erectlosa, oa the most rsaeosable terms. Histhoroegi k.owldge olid, profaning and hie practice as Sender, gadflies him for 107 uodertakbr is the lie.. Addre.e poet Pods PETER FERGUSON. Builder, ice. he. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March gilt, 1649. Bra-iltf NOTICE. -The eadereigeed y power of Attorney dared the 27th day esker, 1850, gives ►i. by Thomas B. Wendtif te entrees all oetetadisg debar due the late Firm of 3111.. tad Woodliff:sad himselfperseaaur-regsoat •• immediate settlement of the same Of they will be given to the Ckrk of the Di.iti le Cain fat collection- BENJ. PARSONS. Godedeb, lase 14th, 1850- v30 9 HAYFIELD TANNERY, ONE mile North of 8175.14 on the Lake shore. The •eboeribere wil pay cash or leather for bides, tiled will tans on .bare. all hides .o intrusted to thea. Asd from having a thorough knowledge of the bon - see., they can confidently proms the pub- lic a good article. WILLIAM HALL, BENJAMIN ROSZEL. Godericb, April 19, 1860. v3e12 A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ! . THE subscriber offer. for SALE hie GRIST and SAW MILL, situated in the Township of ,McGillivray, on the Big Sable, witbio three miles of Flanagan'. Corner, The Mills are now ia'operatius,and Dimly built. The Privilege is the beat on the Riser, esti situated is the beet Town- ship is the County of Huron -.well settled, and Roade,opesed in .11 directions to favour iL Tb. Machinery and materials are of the very beet quality, and put up by the ve- ry best Machinists, For Particulars in- quire of James Cru.bie, Esq., Galt, or ap- ply to the wb.criber. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McGillivray, Mb January, 1160. 4r50tf (117•The Galt Reporter will inert the above Doul forbid. CASH for WHEAT A T t6. Goderieh Mills -mad C+eb for Cherry L1 Saw Lop at Godwie6.•d Bayfield Milk, by WILLIAM PIPER. Gederieb Mille, 5t6 December, 1849. 46'11 FARMER'S HOTEL, -..MITCHELL. FRANCIS VISHLEIGH bep re inform his Irieads, dud the pwbbe generally, that be hes esta►lis6ed himself is the above Village. and lope by wrist animus* to the cemi.rt aod eoa- nessaace d Travellers, to merit . Man of their pmrrwussa Geed Stabile, sad u attentive 0.s. is ateada•ss. Mitchell, May 15th. 1850. 3v -s15 STRATFORD IRov FOUNDRY. -'I'b subseri6.r bovine perebaed the tster- est of Mr. C. J. Wileon to the above Ee- tabli.hmeat, i. about to condone the Rets., nes oe iii own responsibility. 1. rotors* tbanb to the public for *he very liberal es- .oeragem.01 received by Oat k Wit.aotr, bve begs to intimate that he will coleslaw/3r keep em Mod as amortising d Superior Carnage, couieties of Cook I N a. Parlour,. and Box Stoves ; Amer- ican, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs .f the meat Improved Mo.lde,--MALT ROLLERS, T4rrimg Lades, Rmilk'. Rafters, dec. THRASHING MACHUSES of a superior deeriptioa to may hitherto Mt/educed, aid better adapted to this mew try from their tigtinees of draught, sad strength of coptructIos. A adl from Ise. tndrag purchase» i. requested before pur- chasing dwwb.r.. The shone will Medd et Low Rate. for Cask or Trade, sestime- sepseakee Was ea approved emelt. Strsthrd, 110th J A. B. Oil. Jam, IfifO, a.-ela TO BE SOLD. -An Excel - bat ram11, Wise LOT Ib. t9, MAIT. LAND CONCEB ION, Tew K' Gadsri. , ea talabes 109 scree. -J0 Alga to elearpd. 76e Med is of a sepsrier quali. sy, sad well intend. it is dtmated head. 1y Mae miles hem the tows of Godrh6 the Harm Leak aced u the ,armed. ar eta iiAr.M mann; tial as it ie t. 16e eosin of =rim red pragrage leealitp. kis sa- es Pura woad er a we to t6s .fielded lar a Ta Mtge. Thie farm is 11 A" Wes. Glesikees* vilkeelpub Oitdseidb INK. 1 too, " ,6 1. L /11:1/ Jew. MMIL 1'.'tJ013'BA Mums. giwwmpillifi, ALFBIttirlic General Agent 1''0CIao1r OOLLacroa aRelcc011 4m 4e. Oat. 1. Mk MJOHyA� fit ABM ACIIA�. • Merin. is aW;'EC6-r � pLINk Has Us elegality se le Mi'_r_�t_yammo iailtlilh 0•ierde6, fN 1asefr,, 3051 1111041111 DANIRL ROME ATTO,AIIRt A'f'.LA - 9 THE Subecribrtwoe iskwm tM!e6.61ioet. of 00d•eish aaddits vieieity, time 6: bee te- etered PAiPATTERNS IM- PROVED the LATEST• COOKING, BOX t AND PARLOUR STOVES, whish be sate tem SALE at ver REDUCED PRICES Yon. CASH. The 1 6eoriber a6m keno.e bad, as final, at his OLD STAND, a LARUE rod very 81s. !eerier rueonakes rd TINWARE of every t' . .' , reser- far The sm6wd6., takes this ifaiis hi sneers Meek, to the the w» Ir•erd wiriness 6. has ssseeti d dam be hr b... t. 6esinese is 0.dwi.6, sad hopes 6r suint swons. to b i.es., mad meows prime. so Mea wetiam a »wive • showed the wblis w N. 8 -GRAINING, PAZff f'Is i i ZING. PAPER and BELL HANGI1IO onld se as b.nt•fire. WILLIAM STORY. • Dederie►, gib Sept. 1849. Sv-a3ad SW TWO GOOD FARMS FOR BALL Aad ONE within 1 miles, and the other wit►- i. aborts 3 lanes of Qadericb 'lbws Plot. The Stet to LCT 10 is tet Commo- des, Tbweeklp of G.deritb, .mei C r---- , &AWN, i _y Hee hie elks se 1kr a mislead, SW iN•r,, ids. atimaidp, be -.Sundt yallkallp N..g1t-31,. Mwshsq, et As iiikeilhtr. rail .Ikallieglead f tits. ~ u ter. cMrr•l M free wessAed; W WA'TSON & WILL1�, j DIVA N4Tb0A/ i, D411. TLR 41 LAW ' !it No. no oaalib ICI Oloaet9 W &L141$, td Ws el the loo.AMsse.r. Wolter nod Cmtisam. b.T wee isteM-p ineesg6 a Leer. Qta~sy sad ill is feels hamthem OR.•e a4C�yd ad lie .f W,'... •54 7pmtaam.Dam Weer, Gedmieb. Lair ossa Wyk D•mmk.r. 1riM. CHEMISTS Alb nava sum. Classed Nelms ba dieseesish, Limes. Feiach rRJf.oweliMime Swami wie Mail* '-. tifOis1 CONTAINING 164 ACRES, w 1. boomed at the oend byLake er, ted at the usher by• Pubs Roel, --mrd the ',mood u LO8 n is sus Ccuaios, m Cohore., W.Dini.1..,,C.♦ CONTAINING tOo ACRES, ad ie satiated at tits Juooliu of two Pet.- -ply - lie Roads. For Panticelars apply to JNO. UCDONALD, Eeq, Godericb, 11th June, 1849. a9-tf 0 J. K. G O O IJ I lr O ,- 'LL angledSALESxEERis say hart Otis Cooney es re sesable Tense. Ap. et hi. Rodlasesi Light-Hm.e1 Rbnw. Goderieh, April 4th 1849. vide DANIEL CORDON, ABINET MAKER: W CANADA Lire ASSURANCE COMPANY. A THE Soberiber baviag loess appointed Agsot of the p "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposal. for Aum- Pro ranee, and erit1 be happy to afford to ally A person the seceseaty information, u to the principles of the lostititina, JAMES WATSON' Goderich, alb Joao, 1849. .9. 90 • KINCARDINE ARMS. (Neer the Irked Gedereck,) BY H. MARLTON. tit, Ts HE *bon Hotel has good aceeeiatios • for traveller., Stabling, he., ice. rhas Tb Packet Mary Ass will leev. God, (wind k weather tit. y ice • week for the Risen 'es Setts- vera . Three doom Ser grew Gerd. Qt's. MA W E8T-BTILRICT, arses elk 1849. OODLt1CH. !r• -*88 R. YOUNG,, OOT and SHOE Maker, oa. deer West el Mn. George Videaa'., Biteleato6 at •tr.et, Galeria. pri: 1616, 1850. via 8 JOHN J. -E. LINTt1N, benne ro/Lac, avntnisnoner AND CONVEYANCER. EQIu �Benth, STRATFORD. DAVID 0. LIZARB, 15tH►) a Wheats a the hhabltaaa .t 0./ni.6 eed dee .erree.4%,. •.ante,. Demist Apeatbe bee eAosewsaet, •d by ' a b saki towed, a. espies .6e.. Imob.�.w,.i�ll plea. ef1I s the ry Daieriab, lllh rsi 1859 t' .1.18 Da. JOHN HYDE, - Ig Im yC nose L richp peesitUsg,) molar. I too tdt --- Thar wiehsy a employ him la meat. For freight or peonage apply to .( the Capt. Rowan at the Eise.rdiee Arms. Rosier Godericb, March 45th, 1850. sS--,3 1'Iti1T Tile 11111Op, M OFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS air AmD •Any PHCENIX Bit I rd•.rr8 rfe•l.dm.�lut s swim seeied thee hwwY yea Os •\seven width they peen, r ewe, ars 1848. %she BOC "WOAD fix �e:: .d`..Y1,girn5.y, Ns16.:sr geOn de wedded.. =lest .;. -tie;]I[ 'tie-�-� - ee'.4111.. *►451014, .4C1172 04/ CNaaw.o ao1ONATTN,R ArrxCT.ONa d Y. ILJDDI• oat IIDN•pa T drums =via= a Hens ociaha1:la- 'MOM". hi th....Y ad WOOL obss time doom m .ataR dam sem arms 1. Gad lembet♦la rt.rt*. trod., W ohms w\s elm SIUOW MOM roses emissees. o eiteneede 1e seem flit loweeme OOs1711Npa. COLDS • COIIms$, cs 'q, LbgwNrnoK. Oar whim mem ween i OP dim °heaver Nvaoam I*Orem•, ONO.NIPSZIL. moms web ter osem e • NNW serail die elle hmamemw.d a.me edr- S Bit mo 1 o V ear ate. sapeirs&A6 item !Rao s'svaamao sDtas. laweehrwwwerrwim dile sem ems, ea.b mimeo wit te tend a sesta a.•ofr, od Ligb Mem etdb.sear.ea'emtoleessisearwi 6per- 0i 961 Tama as orreries. aisle ea mem 31.1849. ITRLTFOAD, 9n -N!8 WM. REED, - RE 4JVD wax r.everZli - Ll0/iT-AOVIC 9?. DODERiCIL ` TO LET, AT two skin 96.... Derain House raleeseepirel M Judge Asked. s$ t`. e �y fm* ypMec pleskse ad Ter 0drruh. M. ZMI we M. 11.01111.Seth� DAViD H. LIZARR, AUCTIONEER. pat a ed te stood oaks is any pert of Hutted Cooties se the meet reaeem- termer Apply et Ike Regidy 0diss, thenen drew. Markt,. April 11,1840. the S rouLNIS! qf coartasr0lk Ci>i>M>♦=AL D»•i= oweotnon►saa awn. Wit leer. /MMARD r wirro r R gs limens +Loee sesean miai Jt4gslpL Bass t! ons• W eLlti lLAMINII. T15 is SNOW NIA& a119S1AaaSr• pea awe gee de maw oft* ea draft etas\ er Isss' be. orwe rtootea-ewers, .Ui_.Ixbam.9. . Any NOWT nr•A!R tisanes a�ir+ry, 05019as oboe .5UPLA1 9TS M ea nor. (own IIlsoriame. attest ri/lr4TIwMMr Ruiz ,..rat's DOOM w saL>ie. Ila•141r1p.edmmdtlrwsaber r.r gas--�- NOT ICS. DekseAlt tIOt N Meier y �1b tie Mien. Deves'.rt,. wtW pm setakllebed bioosNas • w&woo mei 1 Urli orders or byes ale Diar- ies. r- lw ,1C111itin IK ` Neer, Maw6, 1818.''1 rn r- ey be be me bun LIN• n ibame d... Vyet, aaIIri Tg agbisr•miaow ata mesh gStm orelatf t esasizzmY TIM-_ e! .letia 1111,11/11.• tor. vile& euim•Bw.B•,.,,aaie yin vg edos � owningsoallbr Owe prem em► ea' wawa h •nese*. belif Wa Is ameta► IIS N/! RIM ID 1= Mil P1119! TIE RM. Ad ths renege dhow No ale ejgrR. Pin .lJiltl!� berm he mai aresege. 1191 PIM gni Nimin:"e16 leer• w r a+omrr nesse les r it ar\� • daellwif itiGmilln Swdm.M. `4fehm and A.. .ea �*m w iter rp.m.. pw� miyWO e mobs s boo web t1q.Nw.1 penning d.air.i �Wj�p s �, �s�itrsril S. sea::.le ?Is dhali•• br boei.ase, .ad we Is nein as or so y ererardmpmsmt s.. >r,� idegramizbie tsetse. For pe1As6ns . PARSON/, 0"' toIMD. Ma, 1r.ARR, O iwi� t1ra tU9 Ani. AMR -� etei ereerma �l t fano!! ";Ott, wretvirmi RV VINOUS,A IVIMir 1 iamb am p•49 Ift ems &Aa wwltt111t: U : •• Sidi tad Jsh,e led l .r v es mNo m allow.•.Tail MIi1. Ii.LR per es wen if paid er kit eivesn :sr ?mars tea Rut wick iia r*tin Oho year. pall p, •1w tbapIItedWpapmr lklega igl1w sehi. la pet pea warp will a18 M.11A/s ~s • r.dr1174E el w""* ,tederrad M a t ttfa M . ter 1 0 fan •1* thio i foie