HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-27, Page 14Page 14 The "Times.Ativocate,a ,FebrN.ary
TR '1951,
WI Discusses La ncj.n, ark
Fo..Bend's Brewster Dam
On Thui•sdttY afternoon tate
Women's Institute had as their
guest speaker Mr. Ii. G. Hooke
ai tit ; S laic
e Aux a
Authority, Mr. Hooke showed
elides on conservation work in.
eluding the Aux Sable river
• Born in Exeter 43
course from its mouth to where Cam Chapman and .Mfrs. Grit -
it runs into the lake at Port , tin Thomas.
Franks and Grand Bend, with ','world .pay pf Prayer
its original course had .been ou Friday afternoon the Dox
changed ',',',tough dams. ; of f r.ayer service was held in
Mr. Hooke also spoke .on the the Chu eh of God with a fair
need of fencing Land which is attencoy taYii roads. Mrsce on . Lulu IUe-
sw n v of l
which a um a o. to Church o o , Mrs.
ed by the cattle for their ole Alex. Kamilton for the United
drinking water. of how Glen Church, Mrs, Harry Bossenberry
Rock has been. Improved by the for the Anglican Church and
Authority, of bow the twain of Mrs. Chas. Snell for the United
Exeter have improved their Fvan„elican Brethren Church at'
its differenttributaries,
and how
a tp, , preserving a ing top soil, Gregor led the meeting on be-
of a pump whi I could b y p h 1f f tl Cl h f G d
park. The object of Mr. Hooke's Dashwood,
visit was to speak. to the Insti-
tute on the erecting of a land.! Mrs. Carl Oestreicber of Dash -
mark for i3tetvster's milt river •, wood gave an inspiring address
bed, its cost and durability, on "The Bread of Life", which
During the business part of was an uplift to all present.
the meeting which followed it
was decided to ask the Aug; Scouts, Fathers
Sable Authority to put up a
marker for the site of Brewster's, Enjjoi Banquet
mill and that the Institute ',Dake:
up the history to be put on same. i On Tuesday evening a father
The roll call was answered by; and son banquet was catered to
some community activity which' the Boy Scouts and Cubs, their • -....a.,-a•
the members would like to seefathers and leaders, Messrs. *--•-•''
carried out, such as better res-; Alex Hamilton, Murray Desjar .-:•
taurant facilities, highway signs, i dine, Wm. Rendle and -Cpl. "'"
limiting speed through town, and Peate. About 70 partook of din
playgrounds for young children. ;nen served. by the ladies, . . .;;,
Several articles were brought Martin ,fewer gave a toast to
f t h L' ' t ' Cothe fettle I' d tob M •
L,sttcr From
Mr. and Mrs. :Gordon Fraser
and family, of Parkhill, visited
•Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Sheppard and Dave.
Our teacher, Mr. Donald 1+ink-
beiner, of •Crediton, .and pupils
enjoyed. an extended weekend
to • ti with
to. l st ti
last weekduethe e
school closed until Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clarke Mrs,
Harry Clarke and. Mr, and Itlrs.
Roy Clarke, of Zurich, spent, the
weekend with relatives in Fres.
Miss Brenda Clarke and Mas-
kers Billie and .Richard Clarke
spent the weekend with their
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe McCann.
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Love, and
Arlene, of Exeter, were Satur-
day visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
.Ross Love and ]Cathryn.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love and
Kathryn and Alt. Clare Love. of
London, visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Paters. -,acute
and Janet at Grand mend.
Several members, of the W.A. •
attended :the World Day :o£ Pray
'er service in Crediton on Friday,
Mfrs, M. Ratz, Mrs. E. Bat;
Mrs. L. Adams, •and Airs. R.
Love assisted with the :service,
�... 4 I!
Genera". Insurance
534 Main St, $
in or a nt at an ammtttee to r s, rep le. y aloi
for the Arab children and were Fox; Jack hood made a toast
on display, Ito Scouting, replied to by Major
it was reported over 70 at. Prayznor; Cpl, Peale toasted
tended the father and son ban-' the ladies, replied 10 by W,I,
quet given for the Boy Scouts : president, Mrs. E. Desjardine,
on Tuesday evening. A letter; After the dinner Major Prayz-
was read from the district sec- nor delighted the boys and their
retary asking that an exhibit be "Dads" with his fine selection e
put in for the Exeter Falld Fair, tofo picturesaon Churchill, Mani. S aI n tsi ur - Lan d m ark
and Mrs. tr'i'm. Love and Mrs, lobo, and India. y
Myrtle McGregor were chosen
as a committee to look after
the exhibit. It was decided to Ben Lions CuDid's Meeting Place
send the pollen,
SNOWSHOE TO THE BEACH?—Usually the problem of
getting to the beach at Grand Bend is to get through the
huge crowd at the summer resort, Last week's storm,
however, posed a different kind of problem. This snow
fee to the Lain
drift was almost as high as the street lights.—Nosewoi,thy
mittee for thea Officers' Confer•Mt, harry Carroll has pun• and Ii. A. Mullins, a son, now
once at Guelph with the expecte.; Ladies residing in. London, operated a
successor could go. . On Thursday evening the Lions
A motion was passed that a Club held their annual. ladies'
donation of 25 cents per member night when over 90 partook of
be sent to the Provincial Treas- a banquet at the Brenner House,
urer for increasing expenses in presided over by the Lions' pres-
the F.W,I.O. The District Annual ident, and his wife, Mr. and
was announced for May 29 at Mrs. Kenneth Young.
Crediton, The toast to .the ladies was
Mrs. A. Hamilton read an given by Lion Griffin Thomas,
article on some new fireproof and replied to by Mrs. James
material which .is being man- Dalton. A sing. song was led by
ufactured, which will prevent so Mr, John • McDonald with piano
Stan -
many fires in homes. Mrs. Eddie renditions by Mr. David Stan -
Gill reported on salt in -regard ton.
to agriculture. Mrs. Turnbull an- : Special guests for the evening
pounced a euchre party in the • *ere President and Mrs. Larry
town hall on March 15 as the Snider and. Secretary and Mrs.
',project for her group, and asked Andy Snelgrove of Exeter Lions
all members to bring two coup- Club, and Mr, Victor Dinnin
les. ; (Intl. Counslr.) and Mrs. Dinnin
Mrs, Roy Morenz announced and President Kenneth AlcKin•
years the project of their group as ley and Mrs. McKinley of Zurich
tion that Mrs Roy Morenz or a . chased the residence of the lite
hobo teas, Mrs. Don Hendrick . Lions Club, Lt, Col. F, and Mrs.
;stated the receipts front the Val• Klenavic, Major and .Mrs. R. S.
• Attended Exeter Schools entine tea and bake sale on Sat. Richards, and other officers
graduated University of Mrs. A. E. Holley played a ! After the sing song two hours
Western 0 nt a r i o 1938, piano selection, after which Mrs. of"c]ancing was indulged in mak-
and Os node Hall 1941. E. Keown discussed the motto: ;ing the evening a very pleasa.nt
g "Whe:n a good idea comes into one for all,
your head. put it to work,' in-'
• Practises law in Exeter, stead of to bed." Mrs. Harold.
Wc n a e•
'alper gave a review of the +11►
Wide municipal experi- current events, Mrs. Myrtle Mc -
fence as member Exeter Gregor and her group served
• • urday as $45.00.' , from Ipperwash
Council; Deputy Reeve lunch. For Skiers
one year, and Mayor two T.W.S. Plan Bazaar
Western Ontario skiers visit -
years. The T.W.S. group of the United ing, the Grand Bend Ski Club
Church held their regular month- will approve of the additions
• • Member of Presbyterian ly meeting on Friday evening there. A snack bar is now in
with a good attendance. The main operation under the supervision
ent'of Sunday School. making arrangements for the
tea and bazaar to be held on
• Member of Masonic August 6 on the lawns of the
Lodge, ' I.O.O,F., Canadian church and manse, Mrs. M. N.
i' ; Gowdy was in charge of • the
Legion and Lions Club. , program.
Sgt. Major J. Roubichaud
• Served in Amity, World i showed beautifulpictures he had
War II, at home and over ' taken while overseas with his
seas. regiment of different countries,
the coloring of which were he-
▪ Married, with 3 Baugh- vond imagination. After the pic.
tures, which were well explained
ters. by Sgt. Major Roubichaud, as-
sisted by Mrs. Roubichaud, lunch
a Raised in a rural com- was served by Mrs. Gowdy and
munity; is familiar with her group, Mrs. Paine, 'Mrs,
both r u r a 1 and urban Eric and Miss N. Mcliroy, Mrs,
Church and Superintend- ha
siness of the evening was of Miss Violet Wright. Coffee
hot chocolate, doughnuts, hot
dogs, are being eagerly con-
sumed by the cold, hungry ski-
Ski-joring is also enjoyed by
those who go around the one -
mile cross-country course, pull-
ed by the Club's tractor -driven
sleigh, which also pulls skiers
from the highway to the Chalet,
and eliminates long tedious
climbs to the tows. Excellent
skiing conditions have prevailed
through the month of February.
-- ELECT --
(Published by Huron
Liberal Association)
U/If11HI1111,,,,,1 l IlI•I I/N„(,OI,N,III,III/IIIII,II Yi
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday Wednes-
day afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
(llllhlllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllli :,ninnlnntru„tun,pl,rtbtiuuili,+IUl,niu,uliu,iln
''. 1IIlIlfi/rU1ri00i111/1111,nu111Nlit,,,l l,l,lrt011,/i/1/nliiirtlllln ulul101,Ib rlUnritU ull nnntllhitlllt,rl,tltilittII,
Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work
F Oil Burners --
A+mmillln liMitiiiiintlnilitiMitimlittfill,ilial"ilNiitYllutlliiubrmittiifitiIii"tYflilYitilru,iiirtRniVtil,iin, Yui
V,111111111blifffluffttffililiilitfl1iintillnBiltgO'difinfilftim,tiiiiinnififf tit"itinilitlY/Y1fli11ttI111iliiiilili,tMap
Obtain The
Highest Prices
For Your P uitry !
Sell To The
Rivrside Poultry
ompany, !limited
Landon 7.1230 Profit Coned Henson 68O4=
Mfrs, W. J. Davis. This building
was known for years as Saints -
bury store and post office.
It was built over 60 years ago
by the late Frank Washburn at
the time of his, marriage to the
late Jennie Davis. It was later
operated by the late Mr. and
Mrs. W. J, Smyth who drove a
one - horse wagon to meet the
train at Centralia and pick up
the mail and supplies for the
residents of this community.
This store, like many an old
landmark was the favorite eve-
ning meeting place of all the
young men and girls, es eclat]
Saturday night as the faithful
old Dobbin didn't get the young
!folk as far as Grand Bend.
On many a stormy winter
; afternoon the older young men
gathered to pick up the mail
and the community gossip and
many a good joke was told a-
round the old wood stove that
stood in the centre of the store.
Many of the older folk say -that
soda biscuits never tasted as
good as out of the old cracker
barrel at Saintsbury.
After the death of Mr. Smyth
it was purchased, by the Mul-
lins family from Melbourne
Personal Items
Mrs. Fred Harrison and baby,
Vickie, of Traverse City, nl:ich„
who have been visiting with Mrs.
Harrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Grigg, returned home on
Mr, and Mrs, 011ie Desjardine
and family took up residence
in the Bend last week.
Mr. Delbert Mason of London
spent a few days Jest week with
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Baird.
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wm.
Patterson were Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Scott and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Scott and Davie,
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, all
of Sarnia.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Love and
Holley of Toronto, spent the
weekend with Mr. Love's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Love,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mor-
rison at Atwood on Thursday,
Sunday was almost like a
summer Sunday in Grand Bend
when so many cars were seen
on the main street to see the
pretty sights of snow on the
trees and to see the lake in its
white covering. There was no
wind . on the lake, and between
the weather andthe picture, it
made an ideal way to see nature
in, its glorious winter -garb.
The telephone Central here re-
port one of their busiest week-
ends over last weekend when'
the storm was on, working double
shifts both day and night,
Messrs. Lee Jennison and 'Car-
erson. bes,jardine are attending
a good roads convention in To
tont() this week,
Grand Bend Legion are hold-
ing their first public bingo in
their new hall on Friday eve-
EA Gideon service was held al:
the morning service in the United
Chfirch bit Sunday, the speakers
being Mr. lfarry Mittman, Mr.
Edgar Cttdmore and Mr. Elim'
Moussealt, with Mr. 11 -oilman
rendering a solo suitable for the
llev, E. A. Dbwker addressed
the•toy Scouts and Cubs MI Sutti'
day morning when they attendedd_
the smite at St.-,Tohn's•bythe
Lake Anglican Church,.
� ttl.�. ,�y G .W
n1flniiiri79nbtunlllfiYifunlil'ldn'YnluuutntllninrinuilliiuffuiitlYfY1'1i'iftif1f1Y1lPl'iniYYYtSi°Yi'fid'iirYliilhYflYY1Y1, �XIIe$�� 5 :ak t t t -di,l.l.
meeting on Monday evening was
Miss Mary Ann Erskine, teacher
at J.A.D. McCurdy School and
co -leader of Cavern C.G.I.T., Exe-
ter. She spoke on C.G.LT. work.
There was an exceptionally
good attendance of girls.
general store there for some
years. When rural mail was in•
traduced in Ontario. the post of-
fice was closed.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Noels and
family later resided there for
a few years and then Mrs. W,
J. Davis resided there till the
late fall.
Mr- Carroll is having the house
modernized and intends adding
a garage.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vanderholk
Messrs. Martin and 'Marion Van
Aranthals and friends were Sat,
urday evening guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Greenlee,
Mrs. E. Greenlee held a quilt-
ing on Wednesday and was as-
sisted by Mrs. Earl Atkinson
and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh Davis,
]leather and Michael. and Mr.
and Mrs Robert `Cinilall, Mt.
Jlrydges, Mr. Ivan Needham and
Mrs. Louisa Needham, Bally.
mote, were Sunday guests with
Mrs. Fred Davis and Mr. and
Mrs. Heber Davis.
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Kidney Pills stimu-
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Get Dodd's a.t any
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4 -door hardtop, air conditioning
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Customline, 2 -door sedan, air condi-
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