HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-27, Page 13Two District 'Girls Pass Music Tests m.arii;}•n Ross, daughter elfCentralia were stiecessftli. in oh - IA J. 0. and 105. Ross, p xc. ; taint first class honors in. ter and Allison Clarks daughter Grade' 3 History at the Royal of Rev.. and Mrs. J. T. Clarke; Conservatory Music PX11.10s, :held ;in London, Mrs. Robert' McDon- -r aid is their leacher, N:otice ,daughter of M01r. AlCT`f tabled fhonors in Grade 1 piano and Betty Dixon, dauh- - A meting of the Tatop ers 'ter of I1r. and Mrs, Andrew Di- xon. 'received first class honors Of $.S, No. 10 in .Grade 2 Theory, Mr. Lawrence Wein is the teacher. Tuckerslmith hill be .held in the school on COMING EVENTS �A LTable Thurs., March 6 sponsored BAKESAlaEy BandetaApron Sigma Phi Sdtcovrp , in ng rnerly at 8 30 p au., to discuss :the ocup]ed by Snelgbuildirovcsfor(across advisability of joining the from Post office) on Saturday, School area, march 1. 13:20:27c VERN AI.1DERDICE, Secretary -Treasurer, Kipped, Ontario, CKNX BARN DANCE HENS.ALL ARENA Sat,, March BROADCAST 8 P.M, SHARP FQLLOWED BY DANCE Tickets On Sale At 7:15 ADMISSION Adults •75¢ Children 50¢ Sponsored by Hensall Kinettes Uric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT. February 27, 28, larch 1 "THE TALL T" * Randolph Scott * Maureen O'Sullivan and on the same program The stery of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on their last Lour of Canada. "THE SCEPTRE AND • THE MACE" MON., TUES. & WED. March 3, 4 and 5 "SILK STOCKINGS" * Fred Astaire * Cyd Charisse AND ADDED SNORTS - COMING - "DARBY'S RANGERS" , * James Garner * Etchika Chouccan Arena, Activities THURSDAY, FEB. 27 9;30 -10;30 -RCAF 111:30 -11130 -Junior Farmers FRIDAY, FEB. 28 4 ;00 5:(10-. ka'Hng ft :00 -7:00 -RCAF F'lyera 8100-i0:00-1'ubile skating SATURDAY, MAR. 1 8:00-12:00-211nor Hockey 1:3n 8:00-814.11 Linn»' 3;30 -5:30 -Figure 8kaling 4,30 -Contrails RCAF' '.•a, A:slnt,r frnmmnntt. 'Playoffs) .sn Ad.nrlssaon Charge SUNDAY, MAR. 2 12:00-1 :15-31ohnb k Prae(1ke Brt0O11BA1,1, .PLA'rOFF'S 1:30 -2:30 -Dashwood' %'I. Merry maw)) 2:30-3M-11 linst krg vi. X(n..NMCt1 1:30-4:00-1r1Ig'ht Cadets MONDAY, MAR. 3 4 :005:00-Sekool Jrlhelcey 0:30-10:30-11C AF TUESDAY, MAR. 4 2:00 4:00-1,ndies Curling 4100 -5:30 -Junior Cttrting* i :00 -11;00 -Adult Curling WEDNESDAY, MARY 5 3d10-5 :00 -Skating 8;30-'WOAA, PLAYOFFS T.RAVELQGU.E --- Rev. G. W, Goth of London is presenting his travelogue "Around the World in 6(1 Days" in Thames Road Unit- ed Church, Wednesday, March 12, under the auspices of the Married Couples Group. Wateh for later advertisement, 20:27e THE WORLD TOMQRRQW---An inspired analysis of today's events by Herbert W. Armstrong, every Sunday at 6 p.m. on CKLW, Windsor, 800 kc. 27;6:13:20" A PLAY, "Euralia Bridge from Hemlock Ridge," will he pre- sented in. Woodham L.O.L. Hall. on March 7, Presented by Wes- ley Y.P.U. 27r" EUCHRE -Exeter Chapter No. 222 O.E,S, will hold a euchre in the chapter rooms on Friday, March 7, at 8 p.m. Good prizes! and lunch. Admission 500.. 27c BAKE SALE and Apron Table, sponsored hy' Beta Sigma. Phi Sorority, in building formerly occupied by Snelgroves (across from Post Office) on. Saturday, March 1, 2:00 p.m. 27c t,O.O.F, NO. 67 official visit, Tuesday, March 11. Seaforth thirddegree team, D.D.G.M. Brother Falconer. and Noble Grand Brother R. S. Hunter. . 28c PANCAKE SUPPER -- Brinslcy Anglican Church, Tuesday, Mar, 4. Supper served 6 to 8 p.m.; followed by a good program. Adults 750, children 350, Every- one welcome. 27c SEE 1'Ht Eagle Terry Singers AT SHDHS ° To -Night Thursday,' Feb. 27 8:30 p.m. Ticket holders are WARN- ED to be EARLY for good seats. A few tickets will be still available at the door. Top Hat TEA and FASHION SHOW of HATS SALE OF HOME BAKING Wed., March 12 3:00 p.rn. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SCHOOL Admission 35¢ Ladies' Legiori Auxiliary , ANNUAL NCE "Frolic For Spring" EXETER LEGION HALL • Wed., March 12 BILL STUART And His Orchestra A QUEEN WILL BE CROWNED A,,,t th,lIIf 11 111111 li trimaum m,Raif intrintlm,nam linin itiu:iin, arm) ift:MIJ IM,,,IIt lll ltm lhrlllllllYL WOAA layoff for the right to enter OYH.A, play(lwns. Second 'Game of Bosf'of•Seven Series Wed, March 5 At Exeter 8:30 pam Philipsburg v ..., (Holders Of An 18.3 WOO Record)' VS. Exeter Mohawks (Holders Of A '19.3 League Record) BOOST THE MOHAWKS BY ATTENDiNra ALL HMI` GAME$ PeffitVrnfttrnnrnl1111r1n1nYnrrrrfrn'11WIMi 1111mnnrrinrnnmtrnllrrnFnlrauentlni,ntTnitirnr111111 1111totlii NEW PUC STAFF --Staff of Exeter PUC, which has been enlarged to take over hydro service in town, now numbers eight. Members include, seated from left, Mrs, Don Gravett, Miss Dorothy Davis, secretary -treasurer; Mrs, Bev Skinner; standing, Vern Postal, lineman, formerly of Clinton; Bob Pooley, lineman; Hugh Davis, superintend- ent; Mel Keating, foreman, formerly of Wingham; and Ed Coomhes, groundinan. New equipment acquired by the commission includes a three -ton truck fitted for line work and a half ton service truck. The staff ser vices 1,133 hydro customers and 1,058 water consumers. -T-A Photo CENTRALIA DART CHAMPIONS --Cpl. D. H. "Danny" Richardson, PMC of the Cor- poral's Institute, RCAF Station Centralia, and Cpl. Bill Springstead are shown receiv- ing the Inter -Mess Dart Challenge Trophy from LAC $ill Hickey, PMC of the ak- men's staff lounge, and LAC Bob Richards, airmen's lounge sports convenor. The dart tournament was keenly contested and the Corporal's Institute won the tourna- ment 21 games to 17. -RCAF Photo SS Awards At limville 7111 Anaoncemeits �LRT.HS ...-, NUJ CHARGE PARRS QF THAN.tta .--_ -.- 750 EN0AG4MENT4 • ... M --w 75; IN M.gMOBIAMS - $1,00 (Four -Jinn Verse) �Etrtra verses, each. 25; BIRTHS i.lft11.10.l'S- August .O.iu3 Derry (nee ration/ reg tut are proud 't0 announce the birth. of a $nn, James Edward, et South Huron Hospital, :Nebr,aary° "2, 127,5--a brother for Bradley. J I l.1,AN1) -.- fir, A. L. and. 'Alfa. Reiland, 101 Columbia ()rine,. RCA 10 Sim km Centralia. an-' nnuttre the births. of a son .a( South lluron 1i0Pp.ital, February 1910. SOS Mr. and :firs. ',A'at= lace Alarti (nnon, 172 Sander's 141., tripler•, announce the birth of a da lighter, Deborah, -incl, at South J:Iurou ,IIaspital, Febru- ary 20, 111:15. 7tc('A ll'r.b:I( _-,. Day and Ann .fnee Myers/ McCarter, ILay :r'.a.. announee the birth of JOhn's brother, .lcftrey Raymond, at South Huron, Hospital, Febru- ary IS,1055, P:11,A11;1t.,.--Mr. Reid Alps, fiend' Palmer. 120 Park ila 1:e •Av.e., 1d('AF' Station t'entralia, an- nounce the birth of a son, Boger WIlliam, at So:llh ituron Hospital, February 21, 1415, I'RA'rr---11r. and -Airs. Melvin A. 1',•att, RCAF Station Centralia, announce the hirth.,of a daugh- ter, Sharon Melinda, at South ]luron ktoapi(al, February 111, 1915, P1 SS1'1d.1.-i\Ir. and Airs. O. C. Russell. R.E. 9 1)aahwnod, an- atomic*, the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, February 23, 1915--a brother for r)c,uglaa, 'J'homaa and Bruce. w4 AR 1NC--Ron and Jean H=are- Ing• (nee Campbell) wish to an- nounce the birth of a, son, Pella' Ronald, in St. Joseph's linapital, London, 1''ebruary' 21, 7958. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. ,John 0. Sinclair, liippen, -wish In announce the engagement or their eldest (laugh- ter, Elizabeth Ann, to Air. Allan Beverley (tregg, son of Mr. and 51 vs. Bruce frregg, (;Oderich, The mnrrtaae to take place in ills Cohort (*Murcia, Kipper, on :;atnr- 11ay, March. 4, 14:.5, 97e CARDS OF THANKS 7 would. llke to thank all my friends, reiatives and neighbors who so kindly rem a inhered me wit)(. ('alas, treats, flowers and visits and to those who inquired for Ma Will IP nt pot lent 1,, St. .) oseplt'a Ilospilat---Larry Cronyn, 27• Al r, 5nd AlSS. :lien 11od ;'fns and fancily wish to thank: 'all those who participated in the c'ourag- roux efrort 10 e011 001 1 he fire that destroyed • their barn and threatened surrounding home a, eaiae•c'ially the mat connected with Centralia, Exeter and RCAF fire brigades. 270 \\'r wIstt 10 e811rr'A our d'Ppast thanks and appreciation to Bruce - field and liens:ll fire brigades for their t'a)uoble asatstanre ren- dered at our fir, on Saturday and to all who assisted in any tray.--- 141zar and iJaudie .11.ouss,au, 1ilp- pen. 27c (lnrnet Wilson wlshra to thank hia friends, relatives and nalpli- bora for their' CANIS, treats, fJnw- ars 11nta visits while a, patient. at South Huron Hlospital, Spec lal thanks to Dr. Cans. the staff of South Huron Hospital and Mr, C, l ntleglcan for his rl•, . 27° 1 ,wish to than): my many friends, rela'tive's and neighbours who remembered me with flow - Ors, cards, -treats anti visits while I was a pat lent In St. Joseph's Hospital and aline rettar n1ng' home. Special thanks to I)r, tread and lit', ;vlac'liOn.1e. - Donna Wells. „» A:Ir. and Arra,. Harold: Tripp , wish to thank the P,C.A8' and the Exeter Fire P,rig•ade who stood by In the anxious momenta when 1 Nen .Hodgins' barn was on fire;. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Hu- son Woods next Tuesday at Lilon, Centralia for their protec- bor't Heywood, 11000, \\'e wish to thank all those -Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym.' Sunday visitors with Mr. and .1010 sent flowers, ca,'ds and and Joan visited on Sunday with Mrs. William Routlywere 11fr,'treats and paid um visits while patients in. South .Hiu•on NOspila1 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb of and Mrs, Alex Crago and Mr. ani since returning home. Special Holmesville, !and Mrs. Frank Ronny, Kirkton.:lhanka to nursesi.avw- The Sunday School attendance The Huron County Library ; Mr. William Routly is attend- rP11Ce HIll and All), 1ar'Karet will have their exchange of ing the Good Roads convention Clake, c Praldtne Schenk and certificates were presented last � j tsan.• Hotlard, 270 Sunday. -. books at the home of Mrs. Jack -;{n Toronto Lids week. fur, and 51r's, Ettvyn 1:eralake Those receiving awards for perfect attendance were: first year, Janice Johns, Barbara Bieber, Billy Bieber, Clifton Webber; second year, Brenda Skinner, Michael Elford, Brian , Montmorency; third year, Carol Ann Bell, Martin Montmorency, Dale Skinner, Larry Skinner; fourth year, Elaine Johns, Ave ! Elford, Grant Skinner; fifth year, Betty Ann. Stephen; sev- enth year, Marilyn Johns, Mar - Skinner, Janet Skinner, Shirley Johns, Frances Johns, Ruth Horne, Fred Delbridge, Edward Skinner; Dianne and Carol Johns. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cunning - ton, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Cun- nington and Janet visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vegan of Listowel. Euchre Club Ei.iniville Euchre Club was held on Thursday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Johns as JAMES STREET UNITEDCHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, `Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, .1,W,C,M. 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning' Worship Sermon Subject: "Sins That Crucified Jesus" - (2) False Witness Anthem by the choir. Solo: Mrs. Clare Green 7:00, p.m: -Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "Rules For Christian Living" CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical Unite(. Brethren 0ASHW000 Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, March 2 10:00,a,n1. - "Angels and Lad - and Janet wish to thank those who reniPmhered Janet with ea:•ds and toys; AIsO to 1110SP who enquired for her while a patient fn South Huron. Hospital, Special thanks to Or. 'Ricker, also Misa Clay pole and nursing staff, 27' IN MEMORIAM 0110110110-1: loving memory of a dear husband and father, 'P:llis Verne (Curl) flrodrlck, who passed .tatty one year ago, Afa rch 2, 19.57, 1 -le little thought when: leaving bonne, ire would n0 more return, 'That ha .110 soon in death would Steep, And leave ns Here to mourn. We do not know what pain he bore, We did .:101 500 him die, \\•e only know he passed away and never' said goodbye. 11:05 a.m,-,Sunday School. •-•,Sadly mused and lotngly re- rntenebered by his; wife, children. 7:30 p,m, . "Tile Light of the Nancy, David and Warren, and WOr)d" Mother, 27+ THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth, 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.•-Sunday School 11:30 a.m.-Worship Pastore Stanley Sauder, Exeter (OPEL.AND-1n loving mrrnory of a dear mother and grandmother, Carrie \\'Ilene (opeiantt, who A Warm Welcome passed away suddenly ttu•ee hosts. There were nine. tables Is Extended To All yearn ago, P'ebrunry 20, 11155, and winners were: ladies, Mrs, - This clay we do remember, William Johns; gents, Mr. Wil- 5 loving thought we give; THE BETHEL 'Ib one no longer with ue. 1121(1 Ronny, and low, Mrs, THE In our hearts still lives, Charles Stephen. REFORMEY; CHURCH-•-Satdiy miseed Aud 51 ee rPmern- 'C)le next patty will he held s herPd by de11A111ee I.nrene, sort- oaf Friday evoking with Mr. and IN MAIN STREET CHURCH aauxi,ter1 o W A And )(rand- Shirleyl,and. Joyce Mrs, Everett Skinner as hosts. Rev. R. Van Faroese, Minister Hooicsnn, 21' institute Euchre 11T•1hrr1t 1)t:l', -. 11, loving mnnrnry 'Che, 1',1'ilnv{lle Women's In- 2:00 p.m.- Worship THE ANGLICAN. grandmother,f a: dear wife, ing itt' Anrl ThC StlffeTing of Christ Alra. Hellen 11,l- �hte 1a1 dtheehalir l one Tuesday (Dutch CHURCH OF CANADA bridge, alp ve'2111i ; pease(' awe!, Feb - euchre with eight tables playing. The 3:30 p.m. -Sunday School One 4'Pnr ltAa pSa)etl tlf111'e the Zion ladies had charge. Mnna'ny Evening Consistory Trivia Memorial Exeter sad day g' 11)5 one we loved was Called Winners were: ladies high, Heeling ! Rev.- N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Aa ay, trod took her home, It was :ells Mrs, Ross* Sltdnner: low, Mrs; Robert Cameron, Organist twill Lorne Elford; lucky cup, Mrs. MAIN STREET 8:30 a.7n.-] sly Communion nut In our hearts she llvath still. William Rhode, and winner of The United Churchar,dtx,-Sunday School ' blanket, Mrs. Lorne Elford,; 10:15 AfclillIDRIw-Ter loving mnnrnry of There will be another party next I of Canada 11:30 a.m.-Choral Communion \ 1 t• t n 1Ttfrlite, n•ltn passer) 211'ty naw Sear 551.', 1"Phruai,y '.Cu(r.srlay with the Winchelsea f Miivster; Rev, Alex, Rapson ]slid-\Neelc Lenten Services 25, 11127, ladies in charge. Organist; Mrs. A. Willard Wednesday: lfia memory 15 a keepsake PerSOnal .Items '((1:00 a m.-•-•7fOly GOlflkitIlii011 '51ih tl•hlrlr ,rr wIl1 nrvar part, MI`. and Mrs, 5(111 �ifCSldOrl) 10;d0 a,m....The Church School 1 8:00 p.m.-Evensong"l'Irlrurth t1mT Iran him In hla Jc,rai- .... rug', celebrated their tenth wedding 11115 a,nt.--Worshdp Service We still .,awn him In nen• heart), CAVBN PRESBYTERIAN k 1•:t•e,' pistil embers() and A a 01 y auttiversat,v on. Thursday, • Nursery Class up to three yea VS inbreed 11y o lrn and family, 27' Farquhar, a 1\11 and Mrs, Ross i wary Department. CHURCH s 1I't ._-l1) laving Daemon' of 11 Mr, and Mrs. Herb Bibby of : in the Primary Beginners, ages 4-6, will with- 'Mother, urs. Jane Ann Armstrong of Stratford visited' wdraw during the second hymn. Rev, BaMt,ed Kerr, B,A,, B.O. Snlltb, 0110 passed AA* ay one The LlinOille Women's ]n Minister afar Ago, February 25, 11117. Junior Institute r11 0 t ]t e r and Famt1 ti'0u can only irate one Alcttlrer, Every Sunda Organist: Mrs. Bob Pryde 1'al tent, 1 -• and lane, e, daughter banquet in the hall on Worship GodA3 A•y No other friend in all the world htltllte catered There the Exeter _.y, 10:00 a,lti, Sunday School um he AO IrtrP In yon. Friday evening. Ther c were 47 1 t r, n,. present. Mrs: William Mair Of ; sermon Stlhtect hal 21212 of PENTECOSTA". 1:t:00 a.m,-Morning Worship lour All her loving kindness SIm Saki: nothing ill rO , TABERNACLP the 'Vin(yard" If AD the world descried nit Exeter was guest speaker, To our Mother trP equid turn. The Tllimvi11e Mission Band Sunday, 5111ch 2 is Missionary NuIsery rot• children up to six Tr) 1hnan who )rate n mol hot', will hntd {Heir ](tarch meeting DAY in t1... `i'abernacic rretlder vfears, Treasure her with Fare 1'111• trou 1101 er ream', 1151 1, 1,tn en Saturday at the home of illdss T. Colwell, pastor of petro'lia Mete 1y1r , he 11.1130 rvcning, Tin '“111 SPn her wean( pilaw, Marilyn Johns Misses Janet Church, will be the guest. trarclt 4, at the . of Mi's. I . Lovingly remembered 11>' flan have charge of the program. 11:45 a.111. -Sunday Schon) Children of 1110 C11urcn meeting, ;1;111'1'1i 111 In inti memory nr bur A canvass will �1C mad o1 all hones ill town but. there p g ' n, 141onday, 141areli 3, at •1 1 m, - :�,1t1.r11. ,' " 11:00 a,T51.'�•bicssa„e•--iiMissdn115 ._. t . dt•Ar• par �nra, .lane tun, , '(4111 be llt7 irafllpalg[1 in the surrounding area. Anyone ttrin p<tactd AttAy nrrf� �PAt ilia, , Mr. and Mrs, Robert South. 7:45 p.m. -Message -Missions " .. ' ebruary 28, d2:.;, snit: John wishing' to make a contribution may do so a' the office of eat attended the Ontario Week- -Rut ye shall receive power ZION LUTHERAN CHUIldH (• smirk., tthn 11n)9ta tiwny v after that the 1Toly Ghost is ", scare arra, .lAtruAry 14. lamly Newspaper's convention it t34$FIWob4 VI .10 IIV Ths FitmiAry Vii', 19$8 ;aa.j•1 la 'Oi,KSWAGEN Adds pile: tg . •� Q yo u r business &.) G•b1115i Hunter-Duvair & Sons Ltd, Main Street, Exeter - Phone 3? for those who served foryou Day in, day out, throughout the year the Red Cross helps let our hospi- talized Veterans know that they are not forgotten. In hospitals all across the country these men and women look to the Red Cross for aid and comfort. They enjoy the handicraft instruction and the movies provided by the Red Cross. They appreciate the warm- hearted friendliness of the Red Cross Hospital Visitor and the comfort of Red Cross Lodges. This is just one more of the many services you support when you give to the Red Cross -so please give from an open heart. Support the ED CROSS You Serve By Giving Exeter Lions Club Red Blit: . ;Thursday,. Y, Skinner and Margaret Rock speaker for the day. , Tt11to11 Laing, • r11b11). !~rotri S:45 fo 8:00 ,tn. P 'rorotito ifn T'riday. 111°. and Mrs. A. ,T, MaeT(in- non of Galt visited with Mrs. Rose .Russeli last weekend, come upon you: and yet •shall - be witnoss unto n1e ..." Rev, K. L. Zorn, Phone 1.5 -Acts 3:8 tlr.rin a.m.-Surnday School 'Pastor: Evans. L Winn't3ullor 111:00 -Service VIII 1'015 tl'0 We 110 e0M0Mber, A. inwlna' thought 10 59wr: 'rn ones' 11n longer with 05, lint in nuc besets stilt IR Pa. Ever rep:anthrrrdd T')' 1119, 1.r•0 -la Jahns and frothy. �✓Y ti Y' A I CKARO, xtteit Local Chhairmaln VI 4