HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-27, Page 10Pale ap. The Time; aivocate, Pebrvary 27t 1450 1 .... Fete Band Members joy Of Possession Topic Of Sorority M. U. G. Hooke and Airs. Lloyd Jaques conducted the pro- gram “Pleasures of Possession" at the Tuesday evening aneeting of Beta m Sigma Phi at the hoe of Mrs. Art Whilsmith Mrs. Hooke spoke of collect- ing thins as a means of ainuse- anent, knowledge and wealth. airs. Jaques had a display of :-Veins and •explained the value of rare •coins. • Final plans were made for the Dashwood Citizen's Band held their animal banquet Friday evening in. the Lutheran Church basement with Dashwood W.I. ' eatering it. Approximately 80 people were present. - President GeraldMartene wel- comedeveryone. Sid Helier in troeneed the guest speaker. Air. John Homan, public school in - epee or. Mrs. Gaccompan- ied accopan- ied by' Airs. Lorne I%leinstiver sang several solns. Rev. W. F. brat and Rev. K. L. Zorn spoke i briefly. Mr. Ron Dimmer thanked Mr. and Mrs. Gonian. Dir. Lloyd . Eagleson •thanked the ladies for the nidal. tea Bowling followed at the ExeterLanes. Winners were: Eleanor Beaker ail Bili Stenlake. I.i w, Judy and Peter Kraft. Janet Mil- ler \son the door prize. At Dashwood BanqUet apron and bake- sale to be held this Saturday in the store for- merly occupied by Snelgrove Electric. The ways and means commit- tee eondneted a white elephant sale. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and lairs. Lloyd Sniith 611111161.41111111111111,111114011144.114.114441111a. itatimaiallmat lutt am 441111411#4atlas al, usu1All,ll lllllll� 2 Pi n ur New ome N1IW.. Now's the time to select your plans, order your materials and make all the preparations for an early start this spring on your new home, May we be of help? We can provide many excellent plans for you to choose from and we'll be glad to assist you on all your building problems. PHONE 90 DASHWOOD 11111/111111Oltat411111411/1111 utlatitualullu,)111141/111111 mat1,1111,11tu41111,111111111111111,411111111111111111111111' •.,1111111111(14111,1141,1111110111111141111tH/111111111111111/1111111111111111114111/11111111111111111111111111111111/111411111111, Tt1.w:r A TS Are Now Available For Orley Morrtcalnri & Kindred Fertilizer Supplied Registered Cert;fiend -- e.,-ornmercial BRANT BARI EY, GARY & RODNEY OATS At Attractive Prices 5 yYS We also Have Michigan No. 1 Certifies SAN ILAC SEED ORDER NOW! Avoid Disappointment Later On Cos, PHONE 24 Limited Ming Co. HENSALL s Personals is Mrs. Emil Becker entertained a number of friends Saturday evening on the occasion of her h''!lband's birthday. Euchre and. 'Colo were played. Winners were: Solo. Fred Messner and Airs. Louis Rader; consolation, Ed Stere and Mrs. Fred Messner: Euchre. Air. and Mrs. Henry Becker; low, Air. and Mrs, Lorne Becker. Miss Anne Taylor, of -London, spent the weekend with lire. Letta Taylor. Mr. and Airs. Frank Want, of Chatham, silent Sunday with Air, and Airs, Ervin Rader. Air. and Mrs. Garnet 'Moberg and family, of AVaterdoe. were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wieberg and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Mrs. Thelniba Garvie and I Ronnie, of Point Edward, spent 1 Suneay with relatives here. Mr. and Airs. Alvin Wilbert I and family, of Exeter, spent 1 ,,, /„111IO11I I11114144141111111441141I IIt11It I l I11I1111t1L.. .15 CANADIAN i = PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES . GRATTON &. HOTSQN Phone 156 Grand Bend 11414441114411111411111414114114111114111111411144 LET AN EXeERT LOOK AFTER YOUR PLUM 1G NEEDS !; Now's the time for a plumbing Icheck-up and tune-up. For any- : thing from minor repairs to nt a j o r replacements . we I have "what it takes" to do the 'lob RIGHT at the RIGHT price. Fink s • Plumbing & Heating �.,44444„4414„IIIUlu14111111111,4I/114OIItItlllt4l11111111, 11111 n,1111,4u11,1114,1,411,11f1141111U11/444444,,, ' PHONE 36 HENSALL, t • Plumbers Tradeinen iri'ctory Consult this Directory for expert work in construction or repair. Your local tradesmen are qualified to give prompt, efficient service at reasonable prices. Quality Oil Heating INSTALLATIONS HOT WATER and WARM AIR PLUMBING Is A Specialty Lorne 1Ie nst v r PHONE 145 DASHWOOD • Electricians GARFIELD THOMStON • i Commerzit, Industrial :t end Ddfnestic Installation PHONE 282•M EXE -ret See • Your Local[ Tradesmen first Repair DON JOLLY • TELEVISION SETS . • ELECTRI - WIRING • SOUND SYSTEMS PHONE 187 Exeter Masons For A Goocl Job Call JOHN WEBSTtR Mason PHONE 297•W EXETER Suppliers Li H. TURNBULL AIT SON ,CONCRETE BLt'Ck OC TILT ` SAND d, GRAVEL Excavating and Grading PHONE 222,W GRAND BEND $ Contractors ELM[R WEBB CONTRACTOR "Buildings A Specialty" Phone 70 GRAND BEND JOHN MINDERLEIN STEEPLE JACK Roof Building for CI.urchos Romodolling and Building of Homes Phone 40-r-18 ZURICH Rippc#ir POWER MOWER Sates .at Seevico Genetat Repair. To All Care • LAING'S SEItvItrE Rhone It Exofel • Sunday with firs. Amelia Wil- • bent. 4 Air. and Airs. Victor kraft aiitd family, of London. were Sunday visitors ',with kir, and Mrs. I,ottis Re^temay'er and Dir. and Airs. E. G. Kraft. Air. John Wien. who suffered a Iter rt attack! three weeks .ago and has been. confined to South Huron Hospital !Ince, sttffered another one on Tuesday and is in critical condition. Air. Don Maier. who had his knee broken while playing hock- ey at Dashwood. returned home from St. Joseph's I•Iospital. Lon-' Lino. on Sundae. Ile will ltt`i nn crutches for about eight weeks. Mr. awl Airs. ,lack Fowler and son, Jackie, spent Sunday with Airs. Fowler's another, Mrs.l Aierie Maier. lair. and Mrs. Walter Slann. of London. visited Saturday with. and Mrs. Sam Elsie. Mr. Carl Maier. of Newcastle. ! spent the weekend with his wife, and family of this village, Pastor and Mrs. K. L. Zorn.; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin RaderMr.; and Mrs, Ed Wurm and Shirley, I of Exeter, and Mr. Art Wilbert, were Sunda• evening guests with ! Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Rader last weAir. and Mrs Sam Kraft, of; radon, Sask.. left for their home I Thursday after mending several weeks with relatives here. ° Miss Allison Clark. of Cen- tralia. spent the weekend with Miss Marie Salmon. Attend Ice Follies Twenty-eight members of the junior and senior bridge clubs, chartered a bus and attended the Ice Follies at. Kitchener last Thursday evening. Seed Fair —Continued From Page 9 Hugh Filson, R.R. 4 Denfield, won. a number of prizes in grain. Alan, W. Hill, Clandeboye, cap- hired second and third prizes in oats and barley azul first for field peas. Middlesex township winners included; McGillivray 1 Bus. oats — Alan W. Hill, Clandeboye; Donald J. Scott, R.R. 3 Ailsa Craig; Harvey Ovens, Clandeboye; Howard Hodgins, R.R. 2 Ailsa Craig. 1 Bus. barley — Donald J. Scott, R.R. 3 Ailsa Craig;Alan W. Hi11, Clandeboye; Harvey Ovens, Clandeboye. 1 Bus, wheat — Alan W. Hill, Clandeboye; Donald J, Scott, R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig; Harvey Ovens, Clandeboye Diddulph Bushel oats — W. K, Riddell, R.R. 2 Granton; Bernard Berm, Lucan; Erwin Scott and Sons, !Lucan; John Dewan, R.R, 3 Lucan. Bushel barley — John Dewan, R,R. 3 Lucan; Erwin. Scott and Sons, Lucan; Bernard Bean, Li: - can. Bushel wheat — Erwin Scott and Sons, Lucan; Bernard Bonn, Lucan. Bushel turnips — Erwin Scott and Sons, Lucan; John Dewan, R.R. 3 Lucan. Support Your Red Cross to farmers Before you invest in a new tractor for spring seeding, be sure to see the new Massey -Harris Power Line for 1956. This year's M assey- Harris tractors have more power, a wealth of new work - saving features, and engine efficiency that's going to set new fuel records. See therm today at. H. R. Sherwood Massey -Harris -Ferguson Sales and Service Pi s NE 411-J EXETER BARN CLEANER 5 L' UNLOADER BUNK FEEDER WILL CUT THE DRUDGERY YOUR FARM Clown your bare and feed your cattle autotnatieelly, INVESTIGATE TODAY AND SEE WHAT YOU'VE DEEN MISSING SALES SERVICE = tNSTALLATlb'N Vern Thompson' Photo 108'r'.21 Science "Hill or ' Gord Evan 'hone' '1.1%14 S4ieii 0 Hilt �eiiWlFiiiiiierill�iiila e 1 as.aseii Couple Observe ' olden Wedding Air. and Mrs. E. A. Ilowald, Waterloo St , •quietly observed their golden weddng anniversary on Wednesday. It was on a Wednesday 60 - years ago at the home of the bride's another, Airs. Sarah New. Bombe, that her daughter. Mary, became the bride of Edmond llowald of Zurich. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. I1. Going, minister of James St. United ttlten Methodist) Church. They have lived in Exeter. since that time. They have one daughter. Mrs. V. L." Itoulston, of Sinicoe, and two grand- daughters. Owing to recent Illness. Alar. and Mrs. Ilowald celebrated quietly at their home. Beatrice Warren Born In England,, Beatrice Annie Warren died in South Huron Hospital on Satur- day, February 23, 1958, in her eightieth year. She was born in Devonshire, England, and came to Canada at the age of five years. The fancily farmed in Hay township where Beatrice attended school. They later moved to Usboriae town- ship,concession In March, 1046 Beatrice and her brother, William, moven to Mill St., Exeter. She was a member of James Street United Church and of the 'Woman's Missionary Society. Survivors are her •brother Wil- liam and relatives in England, The funeral was conducted by • Rev. 14. J. Snell from the Din-' ney funeral home on Tuesday with interment in Exeter ceme- tery. Pallbearers were Messrs. Har- vey Perkins, Garnet Hicks, Har- old Jeffery, Tom Campbell, Wes Witmer and Luther Rowcliffe, • 4 ,4 ,4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 « 0 4 4 .4 4 .X.' R a 1 4. # ' #.. '.4 74. t51 E NE* } R:` 4' •" 4 ` 4 74' 4 a 0 « , in the smart woman's clothes in the lovely paint harmonies of her home) In decorating your rooms, you'll find that painting walls with the lovely soft shades of Super Kean -Tone is the perfect Way to achieve this Smart, new "Softer Look". Washable Super Kem-Tone brings you a beautiful plat finish , . , easy painting . , , easy clean-up afterwards, • PAINT YOUR WALLS WITH THE • FASHIONABLE goft Colo OF STJPER 4 4 .4 .4 } 4 4 4 4 e 4 s s. 4 4 4 The De Luxe Latex Wall Point YES, WE'LL LEND YO)J THE COLOR HARMONY BOOK— FREE! • ■ If bGti •61.3 11'7L'LL.l.1'lC L !r. RA • INT 2 -3 - TheLu;.,et= tic This is the hottest tractor news in '57. The 2 - 3 -plow International Utility IS HERE—with a full line of matched b -point mounted tools, The sensational B-250 is the tractor wanted by farmers everywhere, Powered with economical direct -starting DIESEL engine to cut your costs all -ways on dvery job, Packed with such farm -easy features as 3 -point hitch to take the new IH inatched1implements (or the 3 -point mounted tools you already own) --built- in weight transfer system which matches traction TILT leseI in Canada to the load—hydraulic control—differential lock— disc ,brakes --low silhouette for look -ahead farming —and many more practical aids. YOU RE THE JUDGE See the B-250, Put a B-2.50 to work in your own field at our expense, Prove B-250 power, performance, features and vcilue, Don't wait, but give us a call today for a prove - to -yourself demonstration of the all-new International B•250 UtiIity--today's tractor for dollar -wise farmers, • ® INCLUDES FREIGHT CHARGES See Them On Display At Your international -Harvester Dealers 0 0 Phone 153.W Or Rosy 153-J • e Phone 60-W Or Iles.604 Exeter er"& Soiris Dashwood .•