HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-27, Page 8P4 o The 'Ti.me -A lyo t , Ftobruary 2 ! 1951 c.r..diton: .„...„..,..:... Appoints. Teachers Crediton United. Church Selhoo] have .appointed teachers for the coating year: teachers and as- SOCIOCs. Airs. Garfield Hilt Mr. ..aures Alawvhinney, Air. ward Chambers, Air's. •11. Molitor, Mrs, R. Finkbeiner and Airy Sam ling: Airs. Lorne • Press ,catQr, !hiss l~'aula Bouliailne, ,.141rs. 'Nelson. Lamport: Mrs.' Robt. Reid, Airs. Allan Becker: .Airs, Irowarcl Lightfoot, Ars. l- Oallowaw , Airs, Clifford Kenney, Robt. Galloway: Nelson Lam port, Ed. Lamport; Mussel! kink #reiner. World {Jay Of Prayer World I)ay of Prayer AMR ob- pervert in Qrediton E vangelieal Church on Friday afternoon. Joining with Evaneeliea] teem- , bers were ladies from Crediton • and Shipka l:,,nt ed Churches. TEXACO Thermo -Chief HEATING OILS. MOTOR OILS and GREASES Apply Phone: & ' Sir 'soli Lss 7Snona.te\ Leaders of the service were Mrs. M. k gist, Mrs. A'l. IEatz and Ars. E. Latnport, Theme of the service was "Bread of Life and Dr. Lulu Morlock of Creditors, guest speak- er, gave an excellent tall~ :on "Prayer" Ors. Ross Love of Shipka favored with a vocal solo. Personal items Mr. and Airs. Edmond Hen- drick, Mrs. Emntery T4ahrner, Miss Lillian llaist and Alr. C. Heist of Zurich attended the fun- eral of Airs. Daniel Hoist at 1''euwic.1 on Tuesday. • A busload from Crediton, spon- sored by members of the Wom- en's Institute, motored to Isiteh. ener Saturday evening and at- tended the Ice Follies. Mr, and Airs. Robert Wade spent the weekend with Mrs. J. Wade. .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilmartin, Danny and Kerry of Lambeth visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Woodall. Mr, and Airs, Hilliard Spar - ling, Walkerton, spent Sunday with Mrs, John Smith. Air. and Mrs, Clifford White of Newmarket were Sunday guests with AIr. and Mrs. E. • M. Fahrner. Mr. and Mrs. C. Heist of Zur- ich called on friends and rola. lives in town on Sunday, Mr. George Stevenson has been confined to his home through illness, ED YELLOW 704111Itt1,1111111,tI111,11111/11111111111111m10 mltmm1111tm i It111111,,,111111, MI1011111011,,,,Mat ,,,, MO11111111t111111/ Is Your CAR Under PAR? We CID A Complere Job in FRONT -ENL) ALIGNMENT and WHEEL BALANCING • Bring it In Today! Bring in your 1958 license pewees. We'll put them on FREE! Hunter-Duvar &. Sons PHONE 38 Limited EXETER 10,1111111111111 ttttttt, , t, t t U„I t m 11, I I ,1,1,, ,1 m I I t„t 1, „l I t 11411,. I t,,, , O, t„t,,„I,, t 111,,,, p, t l „11 t,1 ttm ttI,11 I l t t m„t m e m l,: Commrnts About Bidd.uiph I Y MRS- M. H ELSTON..- AIr. and Alas -George Davis were supper guests with their cousins, Mr. and Airs. Mervin Elston, orr Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Roy Harrison!, of London, spent ' Sunday with Mrs. Jessie Lewis •and family. Air. and Airs. Harold Fischer and family and A. and Airs. Tommy Thompson and family. all of London, spent Sunday with Ur. and Airs. Chris Fischer, Air, and Airs. Lorne i1od';ins .and family, of Luean, were Sun- day visitors with Air. and ii4rs. Clarence Smith.. Supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Aieralls, on Sunday, were Air. and Airs. Robert Lin- dall. of Motnt Brydges. AIr. Lloyd Johnston, of' Ailsa •Craig, and Mrs, Isobel Ship. away. of Penfield, spent, Monday with Mrs, Jessie Lewis. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Elston and family! spent Sundav with Air. and Mrs. Harry Dougall, Exeter. This Week Ir Thames Road By MRS, WILLIAM RHODE Personal Items Miss Marion Gibson of Bry- anston spent the weekend with her cousin, Miss Marilyn Gard- iner, Airs, Percy Passmore of Exe- ter spent the weekend with Air. and Mrs, Lorne Passmore. 142x•. and Airs. Nelson Squire• are leaving :by plane for Florida on Thursday. Their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Alrs, Don Myers, of London are ac- companying them. Tlhirty.five members of the 3-M Club attended the Ice Ca- pades in. Kitchener on Friday evening, Airs.• Ray Cottle spent a few days last week with relatives in Burford. Mrs. Norman Knight and Bob - of Seaforth called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym on Sunday. enhe W,A. and W,A[,S. will he held Wednesday afternoon, March 15 in the church basement. Birthday Party. Mr. Ceohas Pym nbserved lits• 89th birthday on Friday. The celebration was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym, Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sar- nia, Mrs. Russell Wanner of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman, Marcia anti Mark of Enbr-o, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gaiser of Crediton, Mr, and Airs. Hubert Hunter and Ross and Miss Ruth Caineron nf Frim - 1'01e. Mi"sPc Teresa and Debbie Rimier of T.ronfo, Miss Marilyn Tuckey of Exeter. Support Your Red Cross EDUCATION Is Everybody's Business For the benefit of taxpayers who contribute towards the operation of South Huron District High School, your Board presents below its annual financial statement for the year 1957, along with the figures for 1956, for comparison. Your: representatives appreciate public interest in the school and invite inquiries from the citizens of the district,. Financial Statem ents of South Huron District High School Board Consolidated And Compared 1956.1957 RECEIPTS 1956 Balance, on. hand 16,028.57 Grants from Provincial Government 100,886,06 Local Tax Levy; !'own of Exeter 16,467,38 Village of Grand Bend (pt.) , 4,365.37 Township of Hay 22,972.04 Village of Hensall ... _ 5,201.00 Township of Stephen 24,233,93 Township of Tuckersmith ('pl.) 729.05 Township of Usborne .. 1.8 707.85 Tuition Fees reecived 1.0,236,41 Receipts from other sources ttt....ttttttt1.,640,81 Superannuation deducted ............ .... 5,207.10 1957 33,799.26 115,754,53 17,169.38 4,365.61 23,525.23 5,342.1.9 24,494,61 750.05 18,768,75 11,760.03 864.44 6,0`x3.27 226,615.57 262,647.35 PAYMENTS 1nstruction:Sataries, Superannuation, 1i:chew Tax, Fed, Fees 86,785.00 Instructional Supplies: (a) Text Books 745.33 (h) Other .:. . , 4,733,80 Adntinistra tion 6,659.95 Plant Operation . 11,750.21 Plant Maintenance 1,872.42 Auxiliary Services 1,380.37 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 113,927.08 Tuition Fees ' .. 540.88 Transportation 34,250.40 Capital Outlays frons Current Funds , 3,174.83 Extraneous—Cafeteria Less , 1,559.43 Interest on Temporary Loans 178,70 T)ebenture payments 34.,245.00 Balance on hand 43,700.26 226,675.51 a 100,887.75 529.67 4,879,96 6,595,16 14,088.47 1,439.39 804.55 29,224.95 619.58 36,858.40 8,217.99 3,189,90 120.24 52,233,2;3 32,183.06 262,647.35 South Hinton Dittritt High School Board 14. I:. 3N115It H, 1;:;. 5'I URGIS t hiiirttt'tlitt tsrineitoit Ea D. HOWEY Selzf taryifr6aitt?irew 01111111000 1l000,tioan1A11.11x111AlmomaldL61.Id11100ateateAIASItleallialitioalan 'Loosing in With Li t” Fanuc Writes Another Hifi sy :ELJZARETH TOUCHETTg ' IR1m111111111a,ttlllatmm1111tIltillaA,,llmltmlm11,111Utt1,I11111I1lllmlm All M11111mlltt Johhny Cpwell who plays with. the Toronto Symphony Orcires- tra has written another son;;. His bigest hit was "Walk hand in Hand with •Me' which Penny V.auahon and Tony.Martin both recorded. His newest 'If You believe' has been waxed by Frank 'Farmer Boy' Townsend. •Open house fans who watched or, Marion. H.illiard:s pre -natal discussion with Janet. Kuehner were interested. to see news pic- tures of the baby. Janet (Mrs. James Lewtasi Is also a doctor in private life. Juliette showed. ale a new little cocktail that she'dplir•ebased Mice 1 last sax• her. It's just a wisp of black veiling with tiny scattered bows and just perfect-' ly suited for her hairdo. "I'm! not mad about hats,” she con. fessed, "but tliew•'re necessary sometimes and T just felt in lone with this one. I bought It in the States and I forgot it ons the plane and had to dash back+ to get it, I was so relieved to • find it." Anna •Cameron, Barbara Ham - ;Mon and Kate Reid. three of Canada's hest actresses all lived !together when they studied in New York. 1 hear that another TV series ri , !is on the planning boards .and might begin shooting in the spring. This one concerns a I Mountie.. For diose who have asked,. Teter Freedman. is not TobY Robins` first baby, She and Hili Have a two-year-old daughter Lisa, Less than two months ago Betty • Jean Ferguson appeared as a guest for two weeks on the Arthur Godfrey show. Now site is back on the show for another two weeks. Jean is one of the best ambassadors •Canadian show business could have. Be- cause of .hes' charm and poise, she was Miss Canada in 1948, However she was born in Iil- diana. Prayer Day Centralia "The Bread of Life" was the theme for the World Day of Prayer service in the United Church on Friday evening. The service was arranged and led by the W.M.S. president„ Mrs. M. Elliott, A girls' choir assisted with the music and sang an anthem. A duet was sung by Mrs, Lorne Hicks and• Mrs, F. Osborne with Mrs. K. Hodgins as accompanist. Mrs. J. T. Clarke, speaking on the "Power of Prayer" stressed the importance of per• - iodical daily prayer in the Life of the individual. Intercessory prayers were offered• by Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson, Mrs. George Dunn, Mrs. Fred Bowden, Mrs. Ken Hodgins and Mrs. Arthur McFalls. Mrs, George Hepburn wvas the pianist, Personal Items Airs. Amos Wright has 'been a patient in South Huron hos- pital, Exeter, for the past ten days, suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Jon Breen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breen underwent an operation for appendicitis iii St. Joseph's hospital, London, on Saturday night. Mrs, Byron Hicks and Mrs. Fred hall of Toronto were week- end. guests with 'Mr'. and Mrs. Stan Slicks, Mrs. l-Iicks remained with her son and daughter -in- law. A number from here attended the trousseau tea at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Will Essery for their daughter. Mary Margaret, on Saturday night. Letter Front .Brinsley Prayer Service World Day of Prayer was held. in the Anglican church Fri- day afternoon with the United church joining. The two leaders were Mrs. Earl Dixon for the Anglican and Mrs. Fraser Dixon for the United. The .guest speaker was Mr, It, H. Anions of Ailsa Craig, speaking on World Day of Pray- er, how it: was originated and some of its achievements. Mrs. Jack Trevethick and ..SIiss Mary B. Amos favoured with a duet. After the meeting lunch was served by the ladies followed by a social half hour, • Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whittard of St. Catharines and Mrs. Ben Whittard Sr, of Brussels spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood.. ' Mr, Wes Lewis who recently underwent an operation is con- valescing at his home, Mr, Harvey Dundas of Wind sot was a recent guest with friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Amos o.f London were recent guests of Miss Mary B. Amos. Recent guests with 111r. and Airs, Wm. Darling were Mrs, Myra Miller of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mr. and. Mrs. Lou Fischer of Detroit, Aix, and Mrs. •Aiac Allison and Air. and Airs, Earl Morley spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Les Morley. The ladies of llrinsley United church held a quilting et .he home of Mrs. Carl Pickering on Wednesday; This Week In Winchelsea Sy MRS. F. HORi4E Janet Kerslake was able to re- turn Ronne from Exeter hospital last Wednesday having recovered from an attack of pneumonia, Mr. and Mrs. 13i11Gilfillan and children of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfiilan, Miss Kathleen florae 01 Lon- don and Mr. !''red T)elbridge of Itidgetown spent, the weekend at their respective homes. Mrs. Wi11!30t Walters fell on Sunday morning while lcavitig the school, resulting in a bad fracture at :her attkle. She was taken. to St. Joseph's hospital at Londen and operated on the sante day. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited On 6utlday with Mr. and Mrs, t"rie Carsottdderi> in Exeter, Mrs. 'T4'. Atkinstt'i ii1 .areae is visiting for It few days with het sister, Mrs. Newtoxi Clarke •#. Her father, a chain store man- ager, was transferred to Canada when she was very young, "We moved around a good deal but I always think of Halifax as home," she told me recently. It was as Miss Halifax that .Jean won the Miss Canada title. Shortly after she moved to Toronto for further singing stud- ies her parents were transfer- red to Ottawa and they still live there, Mrs. Ferguson tries to get to Toronto to care for 23 year old Leanne when Betty -Jean is in New York. When the Four Grads appear on Talent Scouts it will be under a new system. Every fourth week winners of the three prev- ious programs wilt • compete against each other for a cash prise. Barb Franklin of Showtime is really proving her all-round tai. ent on the current three week "On Camera" series. Barb plays the middle daughter 'Seraphina'• in the play Three to Get Mar- ried. This is her first TV acting role, all her other` television work bas been singing. But she has had. lots of stage experience; as an extra at Stratford, in "Out of This World” and as the in. Benue in Salad Days. She is .seen every Sunday with .the Bill: .Brady singers on Showtime. lalephine Barrington w h o. • plays the spinster aunt in "Three to ;Get Married" is a well-known drama coach, She returned this. tall atter a stint of stage work in England and kesumed .144c11 - sig. An)ong her pupas, is .C. rot arkmatt. Who alsq studied un- der ter where she taught a chit- (Iron's .acting class several, years ;ago.. Proclarn �tion WHEREAS, public education has been aride al. concern, and; p p its support a sustained policy of our community tllr'oygh the years, WHEREAS, it is becoming increasingly 1ec ogl:;ed that an, efficient school system, with trustees, parents and teachers working to, gether in partnership in our c'lrlllxunity, is vital to the future of Canada, and WHEREAS, the observance of EDUCATION WEEK '195# affords an opportunity for community leaders to discuss critical education problems, '1'IIERE>'ORI, the school trustees in this, community wish t'o draw particular attention to EDUCATION WEEK and enlist YOUR sup, port, whether your interest stems f.ronl, being a Student, a Teacher, .a Parent ora Taxpayer. Education Week In Ontario MARCH 3 TO 8, 1958 Public School Open House Wednesday Afternoon, March 5 2;00 to 3:30 p.m. ViSIT YOUR PUPILS AT WORK • Exeter Horne and School Association will serve tea and conduct a candy and baking sale in the gymnasium. SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAYS AT THE TIMES -ADVOCATE Exeter Pubic School Board W. G. SLDON Chairman A. B. IDLE Principal W. H. HODGSON, Secretary -Treasurer Ki CLOVER LEAF FANCY RED COHOE REGULAR OR CHUBBY 73/4-0Z. TINS LIPTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE OR TOMATO VEGETABLE Kraft RECIPE BOOK Hundreds of Tasty Food Treats—Serve this Recipe as seen on Kraft • Tele- vision Theatre. MIRACLE WHIP TOMATOES RADISHES 16 ❑Z. JAR CELLO PK3. • CELLO PKG, 43c 31c 19c Maple Leaf Sweet Smoked Rindless DEVON BACON Maple Leaf Pure Skinless PORK SAUSAGE Fresh Tendergrown Oven -Ready N=RYING CHICKENS PRODUCE LS: 65c LB. 49c 3•l.b, Av. LB. 41c BANANAS Z t..tf$. LEMONS • 10C1's SPY APPLES .3 LF15. BUNCH CARROTS 2.. FD17 33c 5 rot; 19c 35c 23c Royal Instant 2 3 FOR PKGS, Puddings 2 Snowflake 31` Off 1 -Lb, Pkg. Shortening Nescafe New Blend 19 FOR 33c 49c PKGS. instant Coffee Kadana Tea Bags Stuart HouSe Heavy Wcsx Paper 10' Off 1 -Lb. Bag Nabob Coffee Breakfast Club, 24.0z. Jar Raispberry Jam Luncheon Meat Kam 23c 25c Lee. 6 -Oz. Jar 1.23 100's 79c 100 -Ft. Roll 29c 79c 47' 12 -Oz. Tin 45c Choice, l5.Oz. Tins Aylmer Peas . 3-39c Kraft 1.Oz, Cello Bag 1I.0z. i3ag Caramels 19c 37c Zarb Pak Farley Green Beans cu T 2-49c Beef, Turkey, Chicken e Morton s Pies Iixo, 29c a Four Fishermsft f4addoikr 8,0z, Pkg. Fish Sticks 2 1=01/ 6 PHONE S32 FREE' DELIVERY RKET FREE PAICKING 1