HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-27, Page 7Auxiliary At Huron Perk Plans Parade Of F.,ashior.n.... fin Tuesday, March 11, at 8:30, in the Recreation hall at. RCAF Centralia, "Fashion Futurama.", a ;presentation of '68 fashions ler teens and adults will be spot). sor•ed by the 'Women's Auxiliary of RCAF Centralia. Every year, the WA sponsors a fund raising project to finance its charitable work. Tlie success of 'these fund raising activities is .evident ' in the number and variety of welfare organizations DAtAY 'U LU W W-fAT 1$ 1T, DA15Y- A BURGI-AR? N0- A YEN FOR A (LAS5 OF GOOD PURE MILK F1?1:aM ,fl '111(INPIALD try wederrst/A eatinb Peach•cpesof ard. receiving finanelal support from the WA, In i957, the WA made month- ly contributions to the Women's Auxiliary of the South lfuron kiaspital, and the ECAF'r'adr•es' Fund, and annual contributions to. Care, the Canadian eunda- tion for Polio, the Cancer Fund, the British Empire Service League, and the South luron Park Council. With the assistance •of . the RCAF and the kind go-operation- .of o ope.r.ationof district merchants, it is ex- pected that "Fashion Futurama", the most ambitious project to date, will be the most success- ful financially as well, - Fashion Futurarna will feature teen styles from Irwin's in Exe- ter, modelled by Jean Stephens, :Sandra Lee Morris, Merle Knob - laugh, Judy feller, Heather MacLeod, Kay Bray, Leslie Ken- yon, and Linda Lowry, all of South .Huron District high School. Irv:in's will show the classic shirtwaist dress, this year in the new paisley print silk-cotton, a duster and baby- doll pyjamas in embossed everglaze cotton, a lounge set with velveteen trou- sers and a paisley coat and sash, and sportswear, including a pair of very attractive pink corduroy shorts. Gold, rust and warm brown are the dominant colours do the teen collection, emphasized by bright tangerine. lemon yellow .and carnation Pink Mrs, J, Saul will introduce the' models and comment on their ensembles, Adult fashions, from the "bell" outline to the chemise and its many variations—the new blues, clear yellows and pinks predom- inating—will be modelled by WA members, Hair -do's for '58, to soften the inore •severe lines of the new fashion silhouttes will feature waves on top, curls to earlobe length at the side, with shadow waves or small curls at the back. The lii•,ine Beauty Salon in -Centralia, and Y Ge By and Modern Salons .in Exeter, will adapt '58 hair styles to the "Fashion Futurama" models, for the shnw. .tach Snaith Jeweller in Exe- ter has selected costume jewel- lery to compliment the .ensem- bles featured in Fashion Futur- ama. The bib length as well as opera length necklaces in or 5. strands, so becoming with many of the new gowns,will be worn in the show, as will the new earrings and necklaces in bronze and apricot tone pearls. Bulk and colour are important to accessorize the new fashion line, and the new floral li•y is particularly good in this regard, With teens, the pendant is very popular, One of the pret- tiest; is a pearl tear drop nn a sterling chain. "Open Your Heart" a new fad, is a heart shaped pendant stone with a heart -shaped lo c k et superim- posed. Models' shoes for the show will be providers by Smyth's in Exeter, In adult styles, the point- ed toe with the shin illusion or high heel will be featured ex- clusively. Beige, panania, and flax tones in leathers are pop- ular, as are all manner of buck- les and bows. Casual shoes for teens a,'e being shown with the pointed toe and flattering illu- sion heel. Sneigrove's of Exeter will pro - Vide the musical background for Fashion Futurama, with their hi -fidelity sound system equip- ment and Reder's Flowers in Exeter will do the special floral arrangements. The show will appropriately be in a Parisian .motif, comniete with real poodle, according to the decoration com- mittee, Mrs, E.' C, Likeness, president of the WA, is the fashion show convenor, with Mrs. N. Bray, and Mrs. K. Fallis the co-or- dinators. Brownies Get Awards During Parents Night The first and second. Brownie Packs joined together last Wed- nesday evening at the Scout Hall to entertain their parents, numbering over 50. Each Pack had' their own opening, enrolment, and closing ceremonies, to show their par- ents that there are various ways 'Y .GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Clark, Prop. ai„Ir iren1men In, 'Tinting. Individual Sty! fn ri.1,msuaen l!( lln:nt,•,rrv, J nt'1nin 409 Main St. Phone 522 HI -LINE Beauty Salon Golden peach halves, tree -ripened to luscious perfection! ,Located In Cook's Hotel, Centralia AiR CONDITIONED DRYERS PHONE 750-W-1, EXETER Marg Coward, Prop. FROZEN FISH —• VEGETABLES — FRUITS etc. We carry a complete stock SAVE MONEY — BUY BULK PACKAGES -- two 2112 or 5 lbs. Exeter Beef With beef prices advancing,IT PAYS TO BUY QUALITY, EXETER Q BEEF Comes fromthe best beef cattle we can buy. If you buy 100-125 lbs. of beef, it should be better than average quality or why buy it? Try a roast, steak or beef patties this weekend. Exeter Frozen Foods Phone 70i Main Street of setting the n agic scene for Brownie -land. District Commissioner, Mrs. Bob Luxton, enrolled .Brownies in First Pack: Brenda Dorney, Mary Cochrane, Elizabeth Eller - legion, Elizabeth • Snell, Linda Lenaghan and Debra Johnston; Second Pack, Mary and Kathy Corbett, Ruth Knox and Mar- garet Wison. Division Commissioner, Miss Laurette Siegner presented Gold- en Bars to seven Brownies in First Pack: Marion Bentley, Helen Campbell Sandra Hun- ter, Linda Hunter-Duvar, Shar- on Sanders, .Yvonne fisher and Joyce Bowers, First year Service Stars were presenter) by Dianne Delbridge, and Second year Service 'Stars by Carol Gibbons to the Brown- ies of the First Tack. Brown Owl, Mrs. 0, McTavish and Commissioner Luxton presented sixes' stripes to girls of First Pack, Brown Owl Ellie Bakker presented 'Service Stars in the Second Pack. The sixcrs of both. Packs pre- sented a Thinking Day cere- mony under the direction of Brown Owl Bakker. Division Commissioner Seigner expressed her pleasure at see- ing so • many parents present, .and congratulated the Brownies on their work and appearance, Brownies Taps followed after Which each Pack had their own special closing ceremony and Miss Seigner took *tithe good- night salute: The evening closed with lunch served .by. three Guide mothers from the Local Association: Mrs. Bill Johnston, Mrs. Nor- man Walper and Mrs. Ralph Gen ttncr. Centralia Friends Fete Friday Bride Mrs, William Ensery enter- tained at trouseau tea Satur- day evening in honor of her daughter, Mary Margaret, whose marriage to Kelvin Barry Pass- more, of London, will take place in Centralia United Church on Friday, February 28,. Mrs. Es- sexy and Mary Margaret, assist- ed by the groom -elect's . mother, Mrs. Camel Passmore of Sar- nia, received the guests. Assisting with the tea and dis- play of the bride -elect's trouseau were Miss Beatrice Essery, Ridgetown; Mrs. E. J. Robrrls, Kippers; Mrs, H. Fenwarden, Mrs. G. F. Penwarden, Sarnia; Miss Kathryn Hunter, Miss Mar. Ina Bowden, London; Miss Audrey Coates, Mrs. Ti, Coates, Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs, II. Hunter, (Jsborne. The beide-elect was feted at several functions prior to the tea. .A miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs, G. W. Pass- more at her home. in Sarnia; a surprise kitchen shower \vas held at. the home of Miss Olga Steihney, London, for fellow staff members of 'Victoria Hos- pital; a mislellancous shower real vrour LEMON FLAVOR. ili��(VVI 1txzt N / CONsi$' TENCY, All you 'oak'WC> i for .in a lemotn "pial Ycdtrf Ykktitt satin 0•Ri'Ifb IMI BANA17A ilY 4M. Wp011 . 4llnYe2i' PLAN "FASHION FUTURAMA"—Teen fashions as well as adult fashions \'i11 be featured on Tuesday, March 11, when the Women's Auxiliary of RCAF Centralia pre- sent "Fashion Futurama" in the RCAF Centralia Recreation Hall. The teen models, who attend South Huron District High School, are, from left, Heather McLeod, Kay Bray, Leslie Kenyon and Linda Lowry, all of Huron Park, Centralia. —RCAF Photo Dashwood Bride I s ri s Fete Federation Host To Association - /eds In Detroit Marriage vows were ex- others changed between Lois Lorina Gaiser•, :daughter of Mrs. Earl Gainer and the late Earl Geiser, Dashwood, and Raymond Earl Kretznian; Detroit, Michigan, son of •Mr. and ?Irs. William Fairchild, Alto, Michigan, in Metropolitan. Methodist Church, Detroit, on Friday, February 14. The ceremony was performed at 8.30 in the evening by Dr, R. B. Pierce. The bride wore a two-tone grey wool and fur street -length dress with. matching grey and white straw hat and white accessories. She .carried a bouquet of white carnations. The bridal couple were attend- ed by Mr. and rrlrs. William Fairchild, Alto, Mich, Mrs. Fair- child wore a grey street dress with black accessories and car- ried pink carnations. A wedding reception was held at Howard Johnston's restaurant, Detroit. For a wedding trio the bride donned a brown muskrat coat. On their return they will reside in Detroit. (guests attender' from Dash- wood, Grand Rapids, and De- troit. The annual mother and daugh- ter banquet of South Huron Jun- ior Institute was held on Friday evening in the Elimville Hall. Mrs. William Mair was guest speaker chosing for her topic "Homemaking". As a token of appreciation Mrs. Mair was pre- sented with a floral table centre. Tlie program include(' a sing- song led by Elaine Skinner, an accordion solo by Alma }fern, a reading by Barbara Kernick and a duet by Doris and Doreen Brock accompanied by their sis- ter. Margaret. Contests were conducted by Pat Marshall and Doreen Brock. Draws for a television lamp, a coffee warmer and a silver tray were won by Ken Greb, Mrs. Elsie Strapp and Helen Toorns- tra. Mrs. Bruce Tuckey was the winner of the draw for the door prize. The Elimville Women's Testi- lute catered for the banquet. Engaged . Girl: "Was father pleased when you told him you've saved .8500?" Fiance: "Pleased?" I'll say. He wants to borrow hail of it," U„n In nl n, n n n n, nn nI n, W, nen n nn, a nun nn,,,,, 11,Inlnl n,u, nl„i l,lu,nl,l I,Ifl,I n,n„ n,n„1 l,u,gl„11„l, i • T15s 'y THAT By MRS. 1\Irs. Clayton Sims, Crediton, drew our attention to the fact we omitted 1 cup of coconut: in her recipe for golden fruit cake in this column hast week. Your cake would not be a failure with- out it but would be so much better with the 1 cup of coco- nut in it. So add this to your recipe and we thank Mrs. Sivas for drawing our attention to the omission. 4' 4' n Do you take time for a good breakfast? Breakfast means breaking the 1.2 to 14 hour fast you've endured since least eight's supper meat,: Don't :fool yourself into thinking that food ehergy isn't used during sleeping hours --it is! 'You will use const of petit. Deserve energy during the night -just to keen body proces- ses going. So take time for a good breakfast. It's as import- ant as refuelling your car .for the day's journey. A, good breakfast can follow a basic pattern and still be es varied as Jacob's coat. {.'sin; the four-square plan of fruit, main dish bread and milk, an endless variety of interesting by Mrs, 11. hunter and Knihrvn at their hoose in `Osborne for friends and neighbours. A kitehen shower at the home i71 plias Carolyn 41111, London, for fellow classmates from Vie. toil hospital Srliood of Mira. inA; and a iiriteellaneous Answer by Misses, Marina Bowden and Nanette Morgan at Centralia t,"nititd Church, J, M. S. morning meals can be served, Why not combine the bread, eggs and milk to make French toast, a favorite 'in any family. These foods contribute high quality protein, iron, calcium, vitamins A and B. too, Along with a citrus fruit or juiite you have a simply prepared and simply eaten breakfast that real- ly starts you on your way to a good day. Pained for good nutrition are eggs and toast. here's a gond combination that illustrates how Iwo foods can do a better job —Please Turn to .Page, 11: Exeter Students At Conference Miss a.,ouise Rapson, Exeter, student of London Teachers' Col. lege, and Miss JTelen Sweet, daughter of Mrs. Muriel Sweet, Exeter, student of 'Toronto 't'ea- eher's iCollege, will he delegates this weekend, February 28 10 March 2, at a student teachers' conference in Toronto. , This group of about as young %omen will discuss future r'e• sporlsibidities drr the keeling pro- fession and their role iii the E e- deratioit of Women 'Teachers' Association of Ontario (i'WTA0) the organization which will re- present thorn professionally af. for they graduate. Miss Benson \wata pirrtetiee teaching at Centralist school settee airs, Lorne flicks is leacher. Members of the Woman's As- sociation were guests of the Woman's Federation of James St. United Church on Monday evening at their meeting which had been postponed from the' previous Monday. Mr. W. H. Hodgson showed pictures of a trip to the Western coast which he and Mrs. Hodg- son had taken last summer. The theme of the devotional period was "Looking to God Be- fore Ourselves" and was led by Mrs, Douglas Insley assisted by Mrs. Art Clarke and, Mrs. Ray Broderick. Mrs. Robert McDon- aid contributed a piano solo, Mrs. Insley .and' her group ar- ranged the program and lunch. ': '.tai Timor .A dvocate, ;F*hruory 27, 'I95I .Pap r Exchange Vows At Mt,.Carmel Mary Veronica. Cunn, laugh• ter of Mrs. Mary' Gurus, Credi- tan,, and the late J, Edward Gunn, and Lawrence William, Kipling, Centralia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kipling, .'Weekes, ask., exchanged mar. ridge vows :before the Itev. Fr, J. E.' Jelly in Our Lady crf Mount Carmel church an Satur- day, February 35. Given in marriage by Jahn. E. Murray, the bride wore a floor length gown of net :and lace over taffeta. A matching tiara studded with pearls held her fingertip veil of nylon net and she carried a cascade of Better Time roses and white .carnations, Miss Mary- Jo Boven., Flint. Mich, .as maid of honor and Miss Bethany Thomas, Miss Helen Griffin, both of Flint and Miss Leona Berezanski, Centralia. as bridesmaids were gowned alike in red velvet and carried .cas' cedes .of red and white Barna. tions. The flower girl, Miss Cherry Bowen, :flint was dress- ed similarly to the other at. tendants. Ringbearer was Billy Griffin, Flint. Groomsman was Joseph E. Gunn, brother of the bride. Don. ald Malenfant, Berear•d Murphy and William Goodman were ushers. • Fallowing the ceremony a re- ception was held in the Com- munity Centre. T h e bride's mother received in a gown of dusty rose lace over nylon net with navy accessories. Mrs. Kipling assisted wearing dark rose velvet with white accessor- ies. Ea.eh wore a corsage of Better Time roses and carna- tions. For a wedding trip the bride changed to a potvcier glue suit with navy accessories, On their return Mr. and Mrs. Kipling swill reside in Crediton. Guests attended from Gode- rich, Kitchener, London, Detroit, Saskatoon and Weekes, Sask,, Owen Sound. and Flint, Mich, Special STAINLESS STEEL Flatware 24 -Piece Set — Modern "Linmark” Pattern Complete for only $9.95 Pl,US ONUS of four serving pieces FREE! JACK SMITH CREDIT JEWELLER Phone 510 'Exeter Marjorie • Dike • s 1ft111R ',kl:!IRI�RES.EE , Perinanent Waving flair .Styling and lSbapi'ng Tinting and Cold Waving P,hons 104 ethers BEAUTY SALON P. QNE '1¢, RAN BENi? Fpr !West JStyl.inl ;>THEI. .Q.ESJARtINE Proprietress Phone 102 HARVEY t: TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE "IT IS A PROFOUND MISTAKE TO THINK THAT EVERYTHING HAS BEEN DISCOVERED" (Author's Nanie Below The past few years have produced many import- ant medical discoveries. Research scientists agree that 1958 will bring 'us more good news. The pharmaceutical manufac- turers have greatly in- creased their research funds to develop new drugs and better treat- ments. We stock all new medicines as soon as they are released. Your physician. knows he can prescribe any medicine, old or new, and it will be .compounded exactly as he specifies, • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Exeter 447 ° WHEN YOU NERD A MEDICINE • Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping near us, pr let us deliver prompt- ly without extra charge. A great many people en- trust us With the respons- ibility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we com- pound yours? • Andrew Johnston Drugs Main 5t., Exeter PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS *Quotat ion by i,emierre 11.725-1751.1 Copyright );sl 1 V1';',) Luggage 3 Only, 3 -Piece Sets consisting of Aeropack, Overnight and Train Cases. Reg. $39.95 for onl., .. $35.00 Lined Jeans Sizes 12 to 18, Misses' and Ladies'. Reg. $5.95 for $3.95 Children's Sizes, 2 to 14 . 25' o OFF Tea Towels Pure linen, size 22x33 .. .. .. ea. 55y4 Drapery Floral and modern, 7 pieces, 46' wide, values to $2.74 for . $1.39 yd. Dresses One rack, values to $19.9$ . $6.95 One rack, slashed'to .. HALF PRICE One rack at 25"o DISCOUNT Many More Buys Limited Quantities ¥Dint 'REST FOOD BUYS AYLMER TOMATO JUICE 48 -oz. tins 2 for 650 BOSTON BROWN BEARS Aylmer, 15 -oz. tins .. 2 for 290 TIP TOP PEAS Choice quality, 20 -oz, tills .. 2 for 350 AYLMER CATSUP 11 -oz, bottles ..,,...... 2 for 37c" EbbY'S MATCHES 3 for250 UL MAPLE LEAF SALMON 734-0z. tilt .. 450 POLISH STYLE DILL PICKLES Rose 13rand, 32 -oz...... .... 33e WOOF DOG FOOD 2 for 2170 With Plastic Feed Bowl 19¢ PO (King Size) ....,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 99g AJAX CLEANSER Giant size ..............,.-,.,.. 2 for 390 61, JORY OPEN`. AIDAY ANIID SATURDAY WW1 EXETER r