HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-05, Page 3Oft • Mt er kit ditZ e Mari rich! taitt oTO 11$141"' pt1e�smit. ketriet bf ►sl l Show. ray of fester. , Sia., w it* N Sea, d. Perrer, L. Clerk Caine awlly s may lute to debly Iso to Jarmo Coen - Pease gosh °vied, of Sep- ' each s to he s differ - lam of Villa - 'isles' in. s0 11 have orbe• ger, 1M a 'elec- tron as 1ed is ran- i the to °rta of' is " Roll ajosty's d Jon.. '•tit Js- i•rerior lieti°o," ranger: - (Mittens rted by to serve pectiee- teh Jo. +Town- ike sob- livisioa. 'Towns tad Poch within be •r- ime. In lumber - re from Rolls is s eertifi• that he with the viers of Wards as of the to Cities alts of tits re- 6fteenth o d that act tran- ef all to serve lams' Mat the Comity illy re -- Rolls io disttset rot, eard eat site, • of such I Jurors' eg, Upon shall b• he isst- etng bila carefully h of the I dIstieet troll' fold it say of or est of b of ttweh t nrtf the the sure mentally Mineral it each of ice, held r b mash Ile Cone- ,rlsnlnte chatting s Jame end, Sit out pee - Mel* ae *' (leek. (text pit - r 1M e. iJst Later; Ithe ,Si: Ne R. thee - - leSof M�����"���r"" BIW r(1 of tic e +was&Oulu -- , t 1 11 111 111 iii' l -gt ��,} t tied thee snob prey ie- es that woad "FIN Omen sdN'Qet le e+%fstd i WI ~aplpesna clad writs of .aec$1)da egatset i e1tupt frog+ sends- tee Whit setts year, trite . aforeos gut pined soop04j4 die- good. sod chattels, laode and ttnemene, itteoeediexty ; sad as "Isik ilk the Peace Wileated Daudet thee rustily'. ' 1t was ell? yd Moo ell poo oe MMI, t�; V1esB .halo Y.+11 for ped Is v..r�us+.4 ..,i. awl 'very 1N1r whin anthhonitd by law, end all I t� s.1 ► h d ti`1Y11-• rh t M third rest the Sheriff and other rules sof Jd;I= [ab delete ►e- stlpted lime *eetaoit !! fie t)p thus secured k (rase a cumin- In prormedings, may %Mo erne + eu4r11/ ;'� see el /he tSrtegY .or die d�01d copies (that rig ibe number pounty Cowl to width u, jYJJfm.ot has ye be tills toe ed reg pe apo . J M e.l f U• .11114 the 11fsl�'r'�1 u 5 4 eq J yre�t N1!� I.W.loij iW�h! e.; 1�bt. w dddiYYiRRR.e.e • weed *meg n jelrf'ialw fitl.attt.► esth ay, row of reboot sections in Upper 'Canada) of his o* already beim or hereafter 1107 be entered Gist mehow. Set `It tracts pewMos '•louraal," rgtch to *5aprirate property! A op, erection brourbt, ions* iberDeaatp 110,11000•111,1*ttyt! Mlaeb naelo Melillo �wppe ltt'wai attempted to bo ylayuJ in tee Upper Canada. and Ne l'd�}►s,t d saccute lf est' Th11 Ibi/"jN ttee awhep,. made that aaothet'pett'q( the hill, wbeo Mr. Ryerson there and all such write, rules scut Mrd• ir. r'be ie tient, one cod refutes t e (vert ,..y the iiistivd the clause plaw'ing leineeed1 over all akd proceedings shall be of equal force and Ji Mart a dome woos 'leen wt be mewled the ITalveta(tiee and colleges of the country. elect, and as binding as if the sues bad al'Lbwhkh lie luny �St fo►rArc1 tt shall ba.e hero hrtet71tt8telo th s provutun, a "f - Mr.Mocks, issued from the (art ur by the Judg laud seaforeeslj,he shall eott.e forth who 'nod the man/wenttef the brit, declar- the courty to ur Into which they shat be so will 1P beard t �ifbatteu polo If Ur ed that "be could not tell for the life of him teemed, end all subsegoeet preceedisga biameulr'prrn o liby ode Unsafe lost it Rot Into the bilt, for It was neither in thereupon shalt be carried OD 10 Ito Court •� A M tb.ablls.os of Osman!, the original draft set in the lot proof sent in which the Judgment shall have been co- kee r4eilgs sod belief, the' Mi1Lsh ill trice 111 his oath me* flat 1 titaony to tb• printers." Who thee inserted it/ tared up or action brought. 'm n Bieck' l V. And be it enacted, T helo Ni Silt ay that h♦ of ge11111- either to the county in which the defendant 1111- I'd C ea one or morn n( thein shall then reside or u aforeeeld, tootle hie Who bort of b as b%Ti-by Mf liligoes ��M ithle 4is' tt• the Na one but Messrs. flyers* and het all •cti"n. � � to the county Courts shall he brought esu hell above seYtimMd, are those disquaj6o t.earv;ag e.. a Grand ,Juror eatlgq wbuh.abul be valid to Upper Cana- or e, t wide f. ►'melee fsv ahoyia►s te for whilh e a dare b• 4cawn; stteh da All be gii'en t0 any teacher of Cosnwn the county in which the debt wee cuotratt• w tell tbeg'/e/peet r+epa0titely to betang pereor'� 1Nrrtd Olio, ba•ldiette.l ./s such School" who shallAlut hive bceo a etudeot ' ed or nlede payable or the contract wu sad !hid stealing* in Stroh tat debtfoaed Jury sl ler abet- twit year, and the *Mise in the Normal Sc out. The teacher may i ride, in the opinion of this plaintaiff or Buis, have bserautysod Nitbfelle made with the okroe ". the porton so, obj.eMng, be a lar abler scholar and teacher than the ,l•iatetrs; and in default thee:of the whole t ?*10.0* feed 4oS tol1Ys'toe of any and the mime" or the wttnease" upon whose manor of the Normal School, er Dr. Agit- or.ueedugs may, on the application of the ai'seeoretie( t*1mie miry truth : Or testimony 'etch same wag set aside, .11.11 eon, yet lie mast ..boil to the degradation defendant and defendants made at any time if such tlMskoi1 . Penes .halm not have bjj the r;,ark of the Peace lie stated is the of becoming • ++rodent with boys and pans before plea, pletled or int Ioterlocntory or 0.S40 Whoa dewtag all not Owl that we h 111400'.5 Book of such Court and a short through the mumraery of the Normal other Judgment signed, be kit arid* With Inds' Books shall bare been on file in nee -4 of the emote d.diagdatlfic•tion nsade• School Where he can get such a enrti0tate. costs. . tMOhio r(ittoONi& M(the Pace for such e;a the pro Jurot. Roti o yo.tte the Ur. Ryerson ts,rlso the only party who tali' V. And be it .•acted, That every lodge Cowry or UOloa ofCouoties, then that e':, n.j(�e of pu person. Put' tree such obi goy. it, No such provision, notwithetase'• of • county Cuu•t in Upper Canada, in all seta#, is *sob &ohs .sad* Joliet the e',nie j.rlRion "halt be 80 made or established to ing all Dr. Ryerson'. aa.ertion•, exists is I eater' in which the suit ie brought, or venae bysbebsllhalo bees le sake, base been tbj,ietihfeetlon of the Court as 'aforesaid, the State of New York. from wbeaee he laid in his county, may grant Immmonmo twrlt.ed,tthaalty made thereto, wlttsont the napes and additions at length ut such professes to copy bis bill. • and make orders to compete in all aorta de• fradeteollsseee of dy kited, trod seeording penes. shall, by the sai•JClerk of the Pace, 3. Aaetber most monstrous feature of the pegdleg is the Superior Courts of Com- 'Mtie troth, sod 1011 ►,e Sr►t no reg- be tertbwit0 umerted in the Minute Book of bit, is the tower given to the Board of Ed- mon Law in Upper Canada io the same eel tet td MIINW y/ Orr t ' on vert• arch Coort. Which being done, the Chair- ucation in Toronto to dictate to all Upper manner and in hl:e cues as the Judges of 4y hetlMll*q� aRp Orteatrieamadethere- man and Clerk of the Peace 'hell to like Canada what books "hall be used in their the said Superior Courts fitting 1. ebam• 9. paler $W.*tileenl, have Beed in Sasser pretend 0o -ballot, canines, ■nd sot Schools and Libraries. (Sec. 37. 5.) In bers may now do, whether the defendant. Woo seellthr Maly dwd fkitbfu'ty made aside, or pass soother name, and so on till that board of education there is net p0s is ouch stilts reside within hot or not. Width beefeee•*d : Whereupon the re- they shall have trusierrsd the required practical teacher, and, however respectable :I VI And he it further enacted, That this b*ilit'et soak Meeh gad the oath or ahrma souther of same" from such Roll. After they may be,Thov cannot be good judges of Aet shall come into force on the first day riP 44 January, one thonand eight hundred 'Slid fifty-one, sad not before. s4ac► t atkb ( Ithetais s .1110. 511011 shall had oaything to do with Melee. t ' 4' 11 tAtv0 keen tsM tirYra, le 'Other exempt or U. By section 44,.no csrl0eatr *es Mese which the mase were reeblvod which the roamed en balloted, with the pia- emhoof-books. Hare in another feature =lMpeetivety, 'ball he certified under hand ces of nwdenee and addition, of the parties this ',atom of Prussian centralise ion.- gent the Maumee of such Court io alphabetically arranged, shall by moth Nee dose any Jaw of this kind exisrio New sub Basks r .pestively, rod a comets- Clerk of the Pesci be copied tato the Jutore' Y'oek, for we have examined ell their schema sa brases of 105 ss also made is tbennutes Beek, witb the title of " The (trawl.. Jury laws passed during the last 15 years and of "web Collete a.4 the Coert than ' then List ter the Superior CwIRn," Lad which find no such provision. We have also coe- peseed to consider whither is reference List shall have a series of current numbers versed with teachers and book agents from hethershebereareset, of.let twined. fron one furward at ja hereinh f re provi that State, from whom we learn that they N M/t/pestsd ef'tfteegb (<nterullbi tali- ded sAth-reilpest to the Jowr.' Mbits, moth have no such law. Even of they had, that ty d lb lodes to he *Matted en that a reference to the number of each name on would be no reason wky so absurd a provl- eetesisu, sea the whole mushier of Jurors the Rod of Grand Jurors tar the Superior soon should ei.t in Canada. Mr. Ryerson fresellemedie b1Netleg a to be bad, it is Cuuru, Aod each of such names shall, by on his return from Europe, constantly re- seed .spedlp(0peA such occasion to bol the said Clerk of the Peace, be thereupon ferred to Prune' as the source of his School 1.1 a fan lorry Litt, a two -third Jury List marked on such last menuooed Roll as wenn; when he found that the arbitrary or WSW 'try List, aid they shall tees to insole/trod to seeh Jury List, by o refer- laws of the old despotisms of E•irope wool.' • reee4atthe thereon accordingly, of which eves to the number belonging to tuck name ar sentemaee roll tee doi7 entered upon on such List. Which List so balloted, the si mates of weh Court. And is the canvassed, and transferred shall be the wrest 4(freioluti.o Annie, the elf God Jury List for the Superior Courts pedtsley of balloting a full Jnry List, then for the year next after the same shall be so the to'm►pe• to he so balloted from the said balloted as aforesaid. Retie ttee.rding to the provisions of the XXI! Aad be it enacted, That after the sett ouceeeding fiction of this Act, shall said Grand Jury Let for the Superior he as fellows, that M 1. soy from the Courts shall have been so balloted. cm - Roll of Jurors to serve as Grand Jurors -fin visited, and traaeferred as "forward, the said valeSep•eiot'Curt. fortrmigbt, front foe Chatrnan and Clerk of the Peace shall in -sell reran, to serve as Grand Inters to tike manner proceed to ballot, canvas, and the laf nor Carta ataely-fix, from the transfer from the Roll of Jitters to serve as Roll dame s to serve as' Petit Jurors in _-Grand Jurors in the said Inferior Courts, to t0Bsperior Courts, es.iaadred and forty- a similar List in the same Bonk, to be eatt- (oar, gad from the Roll of those to serve a ed " The Grand Jury List for the inferior Pout Juror. ie the inferior Court", two - Courts" for such next year, the required. 0.deed amid eighty-eight ; and in the event number of names from such Roil, which sof ouch vegetation aSrmtng the expedieocy last-mentioned List so ballotel, canvassed, of helloing a two -third Jury 1.41, the and transferred, shall be the (,rand Jury %uwben le 0. so balloted as aforesaid, List for the inferior Courts fur the year shaI! Mas follows, that is to say : from next after the same shall be so mal:otee as the said first named of such Rules thirty- aforesaid. After which they shall in like eight ; from the second sixty-four ; from maooer proceed to ballot, canvas, and the shite aisety-sfs : and from the fourth tire beaded sod "teteee. And in the event of such resolution *firming the ex - nobiliary of baflotieg a half Jury List, the number to be se ballotted as aforesaid, shall bees follows, 'that is to say ; from the said first sassed of such Rolls twenty-four ; not be .ubm.tted to in Canada, be told us he took it all from New York. 4. The Shard of EMrestinn, or as the new Bill pompously calls it, the Coward of Pr0tic Iastradioa, is composed of gentlemen hal- ing no practical knowledge of School teach- ing, yet three of these can dictate to all Upper Canada, as three constitute a quo- rum, with the chaff mean. Leonidas of course, has lu•o roles! When there are three mein les of the Board present beside the chair- man, he can gree • Iegirlative vute with the one who if is the majority, make the votes two and two, and then he can give the casting vote. O. Another objection which we have to the bill, is the utter confusion of those por- tion• of it referring to the raising of monies for the teachers. The earns duty is imported - f o h upon the trances, the h urs odere Mun- icipal Council, and Township Conned. 6. Another aoama lous feature of the bill is the summary mode of punishment and fine, placed in the bands of a single angle. - transfer from the Rall of Jurors to serve as trate without appeal. Petit Jurors in the said Superior Courts, Various other tyrannical and melee aasary the Petit Jury List for the Superior Courts provisions which it will be found impossible for such year, and lastly from the Roll of to carry out might be noticed. We shall Jurors to serve as Petit Juror■ in the said publish the Bill as soon as we crit find space Inferior Courts, the Petit Jury List for the and may take occasion to point out Porno Inferior Courts fur such year. other Ryersoniao features. --Porth Amrri- 4rees the said seemed forty-eight ; from the XXIi. Apdbe it enacted, That so Noon cart. said third eseeat7-two ; sod from the said as the said four Jury Lists shall have been fourth nee bemired and forty-feor ; Provi- sit balloted, canvaeieJ; and transferred, the did always nevertheless, firstly that the Cbairmtn and Clerk of the Peace shall cer- THE COUNTY COUIIT ACT. Umar.• the different members of the said tify tinder their hands in the said Book, - Coort who shall be present and vote upon immediately after each of such Jury ballot- Ati Act to alter and amend the Act regn- e aeb resolution, shall be catered on the ed, canvassed, and transferred from the ;stone the Practice of the County Cootie n innies of such Coon, and that in the proper hull in open Court, as the Law in Upper Canada, and 'to extend the event of the votes of them members pre- directs :-..whereupon such Juror. Book, Juriedictioo thereof. g est being equal, the Chairma of the said with the Jury Lieu so certified, shat be NVhereas it is expedient to alter and Coen for the time beteg, shall have a don- deposited with the said Clerk ditto Pease, ■mend the Act regulating the Practice of hie er oe.tisg tete upon the same ; And to be kept on file in his oleo : Provided the several County Comm. in Upper Cana- pttended deo, secondly, that as the first always, nevertheless, that all the duties by ds, end to extend the Jurisdiction thereof : oceans* rd bringing into Court a Jurors' this Aet recoiled by the Chairmin of the Be it therefore enacted, tier., Book f CNely or Oniei of Comities Quarter Sessions of the Peace shall end That for and notwitl■taadirtg anything ;■ - r m' *'r, th ��f r1s -av do: 3, to Os 0� riot 0s4 l"b4. 1M N. W. d -.()eta per tee. Se Od-Pw per leo. 9.- I'u rel w. ger tela. s $I la'M--York per ►N trw,.-IM Item per lli..5i te 74-.-}Iasos pars 10. /.4-Eirge per tel- 4d.' 4157 pew we, Ye.. to 4tM- Nonr•set. Anger) *4, 1550. Ft -unit -The tnistrtfons of the week have out toe, o •ttenaice. t.00d brands to No. 1 sup•rfie0have found buyers at 31. 3J a tl. ti.; euythi-g inferior being diffi- cult el `bale at 11. a Y I • 3.1. Sour dour has bine maid at 1M. a Ida dd. . It naST - Gioud L npnr I'somata mixed Menld counnand 4r Sd a 4. el, but there Is eon. 1n the nisi het. Pate .3,01,411... -ID beef, the Iran.artl1rs are geitn of a mail chjrihc'er. In Polk, the sales he;e boon to a Luute! rateut, at toes. 63s; p i e noes. 55.: prime 50; du io bund, }'urc,gu •uspeclyd 47. tiJ.- Asua.s-Dave been .uld during the week at 330 til a itis fur Puts; and 31. 3d to 31s (3d for Pearls: they are to-dav, doll at 36. 9J Puts, 31.31 to lis 4i,t ``��Wkest'1q the Paris onkel, twee com- r/ands 3.. -10., sed Oats 110., currency Per basher. Amosg the pusengere ley the Ohio from Havana, te Lady Emily Stant Wortkv and daughter. We are heppv to hear that the wheat crop in the Niagara District has never been sur- passed Is the memory of 'the oldest inhab- itant," and that it bas been secured without les.. The wheat crop of four ofthe th►geet grain growing States in the Union -Wiens, Machlgan, Ohio, and Iowa -is said to le* Neal rr quantity and quality to that of any preceding year. 11 is stmated that the murpins crop of Michigan will be more than double the largest yield ever produced in thrtt State. A Naw AND FAT•L Dlas•sa-Hu late- ly appeared among the mirth cows in Ore da County, U. S. The firer indication which shows itself, is the failure of the milk of the cow, decreasing, in eoo)m cases, in a single day, from a patlfull to a quart or a plot. A weakness and trembling then seizes the animal and she soon dies. NVe understand that some boys sent ool to Qnebee, from the London Ragged Schots, and whose expenses were paid to this port, have been re -shipped home a "able seamen.' We wonder how this lisp t a wolf be relished by their patrons? At all emote, they Mase been placed in the position of obtaining an honest living. -Quebec Mercury. TNR H.oRVReT OV RR. -The harvest is over -the prospect of Michigan for a full treasury from her late golden fields, placed beyond a peradventure. The surplus wheat from thio state will, in the opinion of expe- rienced farmers and millers, double that of any preceding year. This may seem ex- travagant; nota few men whose judgment is deemed valuable, express that opinion. The quality of the berry is in general ex- cellent, end.the yield of flour will be .tan large in proportion. Corn has recovered woederfu*ly within thirty days, and now bids flit to yieid handsomely. The fears which were produced by the draught of May and the early ptrt of June, have thus bean happily dissipated. -Detroit Advertiser. Deb, TAKE NOTICE. AL1. pusses aedehtci to the las. 1'no el W. Y . Olt J. K.. QMI4Wg+ ad Idem w Japer K. Guultag. are requested to pap the them 1. is, es a •deli* des the .pie VatLs boarkpa s kat, awowoad i. tag. );gf1%:RT Oh: L}at W ELir.. Godsrieb, Asgs Idris lltiU. .sass For Sede-Thcap fl. • Int( liLK Wollig ;�1A1• Levu* of Nat. ('arc it (barge Broca' A 1 P g 'echo Iakr lha Bm we, Juiiee* E -q (. elencb. August E. n20 -14f STOK'$a, lhenilbt an b . i!I>rugatet, WEST -STREET. t ►' OODZRiCH. J ulg WO. �• 3 �' 1)1VJf ON COUNTS. ' rrifile moat Division Costs for the Ulnted J. 'troths d t4 mroo Otto, ...d Bryce, walla* held at the limes end;pl,ces Iwluwloa tel. Qeisi"s.-Court hue.. a GoderieS.- 1.1 IMwher• .tt 4' 31urqq.e. Esq.. clerk. We. /Arisfrlw =Je►* 11`elta•. Mheh.a,-Yui At Stratford, or. Weduesdsy the 14* sit , tteplrtahet• ' Re.ww4'atw. E.q., l,`lerk. aper a protracted and ee•ete ihn.ia, CM1,..a :ro. 3i. ihersioq-1Ph.«l't T . tfitrareert, *0 •Idr.t d•urtner of Mr. H. Rolland. sit 1►..wse/. At No• 35 South E;atbope. 'o the 31.4 tilt , 1fa1.1.1111. vie of Mr. Deena *Stewart, vireo about 3 year. POK 1' OF (iODEKN'H. .ARI \4;L) August 23 -Ase of Hayford. tl-riot. Nnupacerl, Seegers. $t-Peea,angorr, Kiucrn}ine. i1i5lend•r, Kincardine. 25-F.nldv Miller, Detroit. 28-Pfxe Wnite. Toronto. Fanny, Sarnia. 27 -Met i'gor. Ashfeld. Store nl flue River, Kineardae: Sept. l-Fraa►Is Moore, Detroit. Aaesaiws. Chathamt. DEPARTED. August 27 -Elisa White, Owes Sound. Panay, do. 29+Highlaodsr, Yi.carlioe. Ewily, Ss.geen. Penatangore, Ytuearl;ee. , Sept. 2 -McGregor, do. FARM, �K SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ASIIFIELD. _'ONTAINING 102 Acres of good Land, 12 aces cleared, 4 chopped ready for logging, and 5 sloshed. The Crop, the produce of the 12 acres will also be sold September (lope WiI!».uw, £.y..1i1.' 4th. fti' ». ,a -rick: -1•avrra L.utade& 13th September. Go.wse ('grit► E.q., Cheek, 54h Mohan*.-tleRewt••', luu.ftrtleche((dd 14da Sept. Jaen.. (ew.iws. 4:•q..Clerk. tide. prole+..-ti.hw,l hours; Pi. Mary's. tlth dwpt. Jagger Coleman. }i4, , Fleck. Tire t3.iuog•.4 she Several Cowrie will eon. moues pooaalfy so 11.'r4.k. A. M. ARTHUR ACt•A`11), J. G. C. Goderieb, July 18th, '50 , saMsal he `ptt herernef.es cabman bet,',. rAtaz*sik Ilanatactr„ Oaa awl Ca.sl.as Jima. Wawa., of Stratford. as iron F..wd'r.,eatr .a Oudot the name, site mud 6:an vl f)jr �, Wtlrn . L iht" day diaw.lved by en,,u.l ronreul. All r to due by the ..i 1 6rm, will be paid by the ai AI- eaander Retrievter, Orr, to whom all debt dire to the raid firm ire to be paid forthwith. 'Witness, A. 8. ARR. D. H. Islas.. V. .1 Wit.AON. Eased ei $..tfsed, this lsih day .4 hat, A. D. 1850.0 _ Tt PECu(.4TORS AD OTHERS. -The aeb.criber having hod PARK Lots Not. 435, 434, 433, 43`2. 431, and past of 429, sear the Celine of the Team .t STRATFORD euveyed told laid odt into •4s. -Werth sere Iwo, woold respectfully call the attendee ed Parties wishing to become purchasers to the emma,- Free gad animrumbered Deeds will tie till to 0. with the Farm. There is a Log Route L 'hoes potehuiog. or bond for Deed wi be peen Baro, with other appurtenances attached.- to these who mama pay its Lots esrb down, at The Terra will be, reasonable fur Cash.- weh a length df time a may beegred ops. , For further partttelara apply to 1C sub- For letlit al.r+ as to Prier, ec..ppfy to r. scriber on ibe preemies, or to John Clark, D. H. Lioaa, Solicitor. Stratford,1with w ism Esq. Crown Land Agent, Goderich, ill• pias of the Property ties !{.CCL�,O�� } JAMES BOGIE. Stntferd.18thJsse,ltii0. 3,.$ 1. Asb8etd, August 28, 1850. 28-41. , .t• ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP, AMERICA. New York, August 29. The America arrive: at Halifax yester- for any or (ors.y City ti.,. being so Jurors' book may in his absence, be performed by the contained in the fifth vection of the Act day with Liverpool..dates to the 17th Inst. for any sresedr.g year fee such Comity, presiding memhers of such Court for the passed in the teeth year of the Reign of Gardnor'e Circular says :-We have had Uaieo o(Coenties or City. tho oath to be time being, anything herein contained to Her Majesty, intituled, It An Aet to amend, it very favorable harvests, but the weather made by the Clerk of the Peace or Clerk of the con hereof notwiihetaading. consolidate and reduce into one Act. the since our last has imparted a dull feeling to the Recorder's Cebrt r*pectively, shall be XXIIi. And be it enacted, that the Clerk several laws now in force, establishing or the corn trade, and a considerable decline laodided so as to be adapted to such circear• of the Peace ,halt, on or before the thirty- regulating tho Practice of D.etrict Court. hat only been prevented by well anthentica- sbtieesfirst day 'of Decrenier thereafter( cense a in the several District. of that part of this ted reports of a short yield of wheat. gm- ' XX. Ad be it eeaoled, That immedi- correct copy or loch Juror: Book to he Province formerly Upper Canadi: rho eau stet after such resolutions shall be adopt- made and deposited in the offices of each of County Courts respectively shall hold plea or irtt shall be the oeanimoua oponion of the Clerks of the Crown and Pleas of Her of all causes or suits relating to debt, cove - all tie Justices then present, that the bat- Majesty's two Superior Courts of Common nant or contract, to the amount of fifty loting should be proceeded with at an .d- Law at 7brddto, and another in that of pound.: and, in cues of debt or contract, journed satin el 'tech Cond. thea on the their D'puty for the County or Uniceof where the amount it .pcertsieed by the day to w11ikkdaeh bslleutag shall be ad- Caugjies for which 'the name shall have signature of the deft•ndanr, to one hundred keened, the •std Court shalt Moa procto- been an prepared all 'Fernald, each of which pounds, and also in all matters of tett relat- mattes se be 'made for all person to keep than be certified hr him to he a true copy ing to personal chattels, where thndamages diem* whale the Nies ef the peens' to of the original, sod from it, is the event of shall not exceed the sum of thirty pounds, sett• as Jurors for the 000 year for "soh the loos or destruction of the original by and where the title to land shall not be Coolly or these of Commies aid City, fire or other accident, a duplicate original brought In question: Provided always, th.t whore there is one haying a Recorder's of such Juror: Book may be made. and any plaintiff having a cruse of action with - Court established thereto, Within the limit. being certified by either of the said Clerks in the jurisdiction of the County Court, may of such County tee Caton of Counties are of the Crowe wed Pleas, ur to be truly epesly belletied. And the Chairman of copied from the copy deposited in his office esd Cels sed the Clerk d the Pens fbr shalt, upon such lose or deetruetion being web CMMy is woo. d C.'etus, when estahll.bed eeontoath, o' hi$r P tto. before EX !'EYSIYE P.ACKAG .' SALE! PROPERTY 'FOR SA a er Goods, 'j ��7ILL he SOLD on the most rea.eths'e Staple �j Groods Term., ■LVW ornen 0f St uth a the e N LOTituated o n W t e Ned Soul': es u ON TIIE lith SEPTEMBER, adjoining the Market Square, Goderieh.- ind fetlowing days, The Lid contains nearly half an aerie of From the Leading Manufacturing Districts ground, with a gond Frame House, and in New Eoglaod. Fruit Garden on it. For further particulate apply to JAMES CLEGG, Lighthouse st. Goderlch, August 14t1r, 1350. *6-3t( Cations for every article show a slight re- duction, with prices tending in favor of the buyer. ibe Drivah Parliament has been proro- gued by the Queen. Jenny Lind was pinging to crowded hous- es at Liverpool, and Wad to have sailed for Now York in tt-e-thistle on tbe *1st. The deo arrived at Liverpool at 7i o'clock on Saturday, A. M., the 17th, af- ter a very quick passage, one of the short- est on record, lenient, Maattsrs.-Retail demand for Beef et prevooee rates : fino quahtiee of institute and carry on such action in either Pork are to better demand at full prices : of Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Com- Bacon full prrees-floe qualities are dull - mon Law In Upper Canada, and proceed to few arrivals of aheulders. judgment and execution thesis, but such READY S,irn4.-Hams are very dull ; planuff or defendant and all moons sod small "'let of Land ; market lose firm. - THE sub"crber awsayseee • TRADE SALE of Five Hundred Packages A- MERICAN Domestic Goods, to take place at his Warehouse, No. 106, St, Pan%gtreet, (the premises formerly occupied by Menne. Armour, Whiteford, k Co-joo Wedoesdsy,,, the 11th September next, and following days, comprising AMERICAN FABRICS in every variety, the maiufactnre of the largest Corporations in New England, U. S., and well adapted to the triode of Canada. T. D. HALL, 166, St. Paul Street, Montreal. The epeeist attention of the Trade in Eastern and Western Canada, to thin im- portant Sale, is requested, u the Goods aro to berSold without reserve: Circulars and Catalogues will be issued in a few days, and particulars appear in a future advertisement. SCOTT k GLASSFORD, 28 Auctioneer.. N. B. -The ahove premise. is ettmat,d within three miles of a Grist Mill. and Sew Mill, which adds much to the value of the property. CLAIMS AGAINST TIIE DEPARTMENT, OF 'PUBLIC WORKS. the premed to 0.14.1 ih• aamee two or more os nes n the mace o ouch the sephfr wewher d psi-. . free the Cswty er Unites of (auntie", be received officers entitled to moots and fee. thereon, Ashes -Speculation beginning -37s 6d for sflfil Ras. te.erve r Jaren for each you aid need on all occasions and for all purpo- shall nnly be allowed and recover the rota, and 33. for Pearls : Cotton lower, . lrhitb balWieg shall be esaduatd th the was a the original, which shall haws hese used costs and disbwn.ments which wniild and miditng qualities declined id. f.Bewisg emagpsse that to to ea : the se loot or destroyedaforesaid. • , , be allowable is ease *beard aches bad been The Potato disease is spreading. Claiteas .f the .aid rt Ca.f Geas w neral JI 1 instituted and carrted en in the cnunty FRANCE. Qaselle aee-ie-- eitalt-bet epes4p--break NEW SCHOOL BiLL: Court; any thing in the fifty-ninth election The National Assembly ba adjourned, =as j11 raging of the Act above sited to the eontrary not- and the French nation to now pnncipslly =as rand A corrected eopy of the New Schooling! wuthetadinge PNINdt that In Inlet 10 occupied by the President's tour through =he redid *epeeist. Corrie. sod ha just falles into our hands, and from • dullest* the , 1 ; in any weeh se- the Provineee. With "omeexceptinna, he i -,. 1♦ is, e• box memory reedier of it we fled matey parte to tree, a being ane sloe coronet:de try the "nee.. to be very favorably received by m)ml•, vox :- e• do ,0se porpoise by which we strongly otject. We have epees entente Covets, all the papers sod 'rncwd• the people. Commcnce,rtort /; and aeration of t:am- dos odd us* egleeNesi. And the said this weer to tfoaat a betty • few of these.-- ings filed, lathed or seed in the said dupe- age ; by what Public Work moorage:.o to be .Cbeiellew deal tbsi5gw ANION ab Aid We question very menta whetheethe8ohi; ear Courts. *hall be eadoned ten the SPAiN. caused : q.ltnuly of Land by, er bow se yrs te ba "OM. l ON • •elsiaual, 1tssebere, 8ehool Trustees, sod lees, se . word. it Inferior J.tisdictioa," iso order to The Cortez bas bees dissolved, and new taken for the um of .Heli Public tVork, and Midwilhe Heid heist$, telt tib end Cbelr• inteodrsts, he., wilt submit to lieaber ' regulates the costs, fees and dt.bosemeo s elements ss met take phew. l.erd Howden, the estimated value thereof per acre, at the w dell ghee *piety deur 1e11e4b gold time eodk'dss es tht* I1M impose theme, of all persona wlitlod to make the Embweasdor, had been CH received by thee the land wag so damaged nr taken. IMO tsrMAatMNrsisttoty war oPti* said them. Heel* Preemies deepotas in its 'wooly any charge therefor. the Quires. Her Majesty 6s.* quite rcco- Da'e of Contract, and the Dottrel item. _e� deniers epee!, the usher of wept fele, 11. Ad be it ssao4d, That all writs f . t in detail ebmnn•tng the amount claimed. ..E M�1a1of, the Cork measaremeat of every elites of work y rale" Prot n! 111 any toasty Cs plied below, the Dates aid 14e Hol" stn here exists any other gronn,l of claim, ori*"• • ' stere how end whin the tame his schen. TTHE Commi ,io,rrs of Public troika Hereby give Notice, to all Parties In- terested, that, by an Act passed in the late Session of the Legislature, intituled, " An Act to amend the Lowe relatter to tl e Public Work. of the Province," it is emu-, ed that the Provincial Arbrtrat.ns rt 1 meet within Two Months after rho waiving of the said Act, (10th Angvist tit• ) for the toupoee of investigating and &retro., Int - upon alt Claim' k.ed in the' 41•5,r iv.ti.tu: the time allowed by law. All i srti.-t who have duly notified this Department of ter• existence of their Claims in general thresh bot -hove d'gtreted to comp'y with tri, Preiisiona of the Act 10 and 11 V e., c. 2,4 which regofres that the partiewl err of meth' Claims shall be filed with the said Comro,.- teener.: much parties are hereby' nn•t6r I I.• forthwith mend in the following pererelar• a far as it may sp:,ly to their su1eral de STRAYED from the enclosure of tbe sub - L -1' es he Bey Bold Read, near tied Tows of Coddle!), a Large Red and R bee Spotted STEER. Any one giving infer - 'nation will be suitably rewarded. EDWARD YEAA!ANT: - Aognet llib, 1030. �s. v3n20 NO4 ICE. Goderich, C. W., flak Asgwst', 1850. THE subscribere will wet without shy distinction. the coming Qr. Seedioh, and Division Courts, all over doe Nolte and Accounts, if not previously settled. v3 -n26 4 M. B. SEYMOUR 8 Co. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in to August 7.h, Braice Thor Brown James Hart NLchl Dmgden Chas n. Brown Miles /terry Edwin 13 Collin James Clarke Robt Corrode George Chowan Thos Campbell Archibald Dunbar Hugh I),ekie Alex ihummoed Patk Iraperew Bewail U.dy Coth•rioo Eaten Jethe F'lyno Thor J :•,•her Ge••r4e Fre,l'k Grieve .t./...n t'ettlet Anthony H+trig lt•mu -t Hoaah Jayne. Iter.r•s.ey R:rtrd Heety Mon 1l.ai..vrt his 11.5 Kitt.* Irvin: (inn i. rer marry kwrswOrFev, A. F. wMr*rpos of lbw 1.'('�e Vet�_�!'� we notice, i. aumrnor. sued out of, and alt declaratrosi DENMARK AND THE DUCHIES. with 11 Ilardiatefy declare dors the Mist b 't1,e.b S the Trostoee .r other pleadings filed in any action or Pam* Wilier skirmishes hay" taken dune• ttlehiN teak tftsebsr Y b .f s►e school soaWmi "."111111.163 to take well ort or notices 1( 4 1Maa+d rt. And N.wap.. b espy M Sir. Ayer.ew s Journal of 6111 set rated to he served fa each action nr pro era, to which the 45tlet Nom 10 have tome ewes M tM Jere*, Seek e( ArsaiMg You CeMta. W. w e*derMs/, became, Askae' s m* be }tY an count in and the sum demanded as compeseauon r y off victorious. therefor. NetaFetfie: N skill tartiMaq (.. 'mrd i.- taeertei is this �1, a allose, eospsllir U gad the 1/bfenthnt shall op- There are immure olio a `` l approaching set. h111,11W riM ssehw N lemegM M sues them to tele real devoted to Si+ r arid tainett ' Within the els s It ',requisite that all Cairn. than he for- ty 1°s. ►4s Ovid 1 tie l sf the gsa►re„ ogle( the susptceg wsr:'nl to this I)tfire within Ono Month tell), that ugh pore's w emu% fres ecatios;' trod has ad hie josfbaI made the rwpeetieely limited mild mitered by law, Ib of e, FygV�asd FNaw- from the dot., hi order that the Cromwell bulb( bis same imabs* is sub Eery List, oely '4s.Jss. of o al e*'mmsnteeties to the same mimeo? se If vat defendant Mi C penha`an letters report that the Kfe¢ es the grsel st1011 Ms hutted is Sebald Trneteeeand all enweeraed ft1 the bees served with ogee .nalmene, declaim- .f ilasww� bei ..m.sttelO a 1e}l hwRdpd 'i..""• may ho Mils to enraylm with the de asssot*S SMT - 4Md *tide hey- atd■n ieisirotios of tie C..dia. Rebel tine) notice er Other prneeedisg in tba arriegi with a dt ee maker en,•e.ions of the Law. Tf Claimant" nee f Ipei es pro fetrfsede Law,IM...M.: 00* 00,140. ha ] i am is whieA WW1 trait teas Moodie., w tet to comply with *hie NWire within the flue well Art sat to be' d C.1161111.61.144.111*w 4 - t *uboegniMt pt'olta ldtep in the teeter A Wwaitwtiffilyi'ASL....Mose after the erne thus fixed, their Cimino cannot be sob - former yen gain, there la an olbar Dourest of sdessttek .►all lq rmrked os Neewtifkw to Biel jello- BIM* ef 11411011r• d" Hit ettreerved "that metre fur Investigation is the manner'T- ►is to Mese► locust, 1hereletb ►Amyert take bis.- hlllsi• ogpo do W Isw prat. INspolooe must he te the funds. for be hod geirwd by the Ac's. 7 iiT. PM b K Mwtkt, 'tut 'mu r Elbe. he se p fitle TNlethd gemiiepeelep itireoslna �• ttNN toestj+Pekhe-- -?tK secdu a' cheek Si the Beak of the Urpei Naomi of Arita' N srka, et myth ((sett. tic t fC • 1- ,[i.t*b a f Termer', Anw,l,t I tilt I'tSn. 1 ii the Stratford P. O: Sp 1850. K.Iterbnrn Angst Kipper Alex Lamb Jessie* Alu..r Lewis Morrison James Murry Dottrel Tlovk Mrs Elaii Moore Michl McWhinney James9 Moss Thee Malloy Juba McGill William McFadden Andrew M'Naoghirn M. Iteleon David Hither., Asg.l Peterson Peter hip. Taos Railed., John ft ,Jd:e An hew Ru:lece P^Ire r.viiNder John Rerrnnll•r Adam se, Mood's Mise 4:!sib t'ei•atltl,anq H Rarp•u Capt Them Shari. 1'.ik Taylor Wm Wilma Jests MiCE LE, r,><unaster. .SOLD. -An Ecalleni Parma. of Land. ilLIYG Lem X*. 15 sed IR. o. the 14th eon - 1) cession, Township of Leiden, erau.mng quo acres, 70 of .bet, ore cleared. Tb. Land is as • Superior goah'y, and well watered. It is emitted ten Irides fro o ;he Town of London• on ih, Msrajamiaed Road. There is a Frame Ilona. ma Iwo Franca BATS on the premiere. - is in 1',e ever,, of s peopels a ie.olisy. T:u place is .tell adapted for • Store or Towels Steed Tail Faim is well retitled to the attes- ting of pc,ens desirous of rein* Into bwusea There is ata. • goad Rearing Orchard on that raid Farm. and •ftl be told en very rea•e.hle term. For par,ie.laa apply to Wm. McMa- hen, on the adjoining Lot, or to • JAMES McMAIIFN. Town of Goderieh. Jely 3rd, too. 03025 Illnnk Tit yds and Nteinoriai), A1D all kinds of DIVISION (:C►t ells BLANKS. rod BLANK PROMl44- `;1►lIl' N(►TIOl, for wale •1 the pigwwt other.. Every description, et 1000K men JIM Printing evr•ceted with reNnes, *ar I dvlatch.