HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-27, Page 5r Page 6 The Times Advor.ate,..Cebrluar!y 27, 1950. HENSALL CHURCH RENOVATES—New broadloom carpeting covering the entire audi- torium And new oak pews are being installed in Hensall United Church as part of the x$7,500 renovation program recently undertaken by the congregation. Above, board of stewards chairman Walter Spencer and pas tor Rev. C. D. Daniel discuss position of the pews which were constructed by a Hensall contractor, Adam Black. Over 400 run- ning feet of seats are being installed. New doors, communion table and chairs will also be installed. The church will be re -opened at a special service on March 16 when Dr. Ernest "Long, secretary of the general council of the United Church of Canada, will be the speaker. —T -A Photo And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Heddeii, Phone 5 - Mrs. Archie McGregor, Phone 682-r.31 Grain Chbpp r - Severs Finger Mr. Dennis Charette, R.R. 1 Dashwood, who resides two miles south of St. Joseph, lost the in• dex finger of his right hand when it was caught in a grain chopper on Thursday afternoon. He un. derwent surgery t.t South Huron Ia:ospital, Exeter. Br was at• tended by Di'. .T. C. Goddard of Hensall. He is the father of Tony Charrcttc of Hiensall. Entertain For Bridal Couple. Mr. and Mrs. Kizer Mousseau entertained at a dinner at Arnn- strong's restaurant Friday eve- ning hi honor of their daughter • and son -in-law, Mr, and Mrs. ' Ross Faber, and aunts and uncles. Forty-two attended the dinner. Guests attending' were Rev.' A. E. Holley 'and Mrs. Holley of , Grand Bend and Rev. J. Boden- hani and Mrs. Bodenhain of Bay- field, At conclusion. of the din- ner the party enjoyed a social , hour at the Mousseau home at Ktppen. Postpones Anniversary The anniversary of Aiiiher Rebekah Lodge which was to be held on Wednesday evening, was postponed owing to weather con- ditions. The regular meeting was held and arrangements were made to hold the anniversary on Wednes- day, March 15. District Deputy President Mrs. Fritzley, of Gode- rich, and Assembly President Mrs, Patterson', of Ripley, are invited guests. Plans were made to hold a home bake sale on Saturday,, April 5. Mrs, Sim Roobol is a• patient e.t St., J'oseph's Hospital, London, where ' she underwent surgery on Wednesday of this week. She will have to remain in the hos- pital from 10 to 12 days. MT RELIEF FOR World Day Of Prayer Mrs. R. H. Middleton was guest speaker at. the World Day of Prayer held at St. Paul's An- glican Church on Friday after. noon, speaking on the origin and development of the World Day of Prayer. She also pointed out some of the more unusual uses of lite contributions from the World Day of Prayer. The theme of the service "The Bread of Life" and was prepared by •Women of Australia. Leaders were Mrs. W. 0. Good- win, Mrs. S. Dougall and Mrs. C. D. Daniel, Prayers were of- fered 'by Mrs. R. Taylor Sr. Mrs. W. R. Stephenson and Mrs. Don ,lnynt, Mrs. D. MacDonald and Mrs. A. R. Orr and Mrs. Clar- ence Coleman, A1rs. Pearl Pass- more was soloist. Mrs. R. H. Middleton was at the organ con- sol. on-sol. Uniting for the services were the societies front the United, • Cannel Presbyterian, ',and Chi- selhurst 'churches. There was a splendid' attendance, Quilting The ladies of the Wonten.e 1lis- sionary Society of the limited Church who started quilting on Monday completed the flroject on Thursday afternoon, having completed eleven quilts. Includ- ing three custom quilts, and eight quilts for the hale to be. forwarded to headquarters of the United Church in Toronto. Fifteen ladies assisted every day in this worthwhile cause. The quilling was held in the church schoolroom. Bride -Elect Honored Miss Mary Ann Van 1-lorne, bride -elect of March, was honored at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Grant MacGregor oil Monday evening. Contests were enjoyed after which the bride -elect Was pre- sented with many beautiful gifts. The address was read by Miss Gwen .Chapman. News Budget From Crediton East By MRS. W. MOTZ Personal items Mr. Leonard Wein who has been ill in Westtiiinster Hbspital has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton and son Bradley of Grand tend spent Sunday with Mr, and .Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mrs. Sam Baynham who has been ill in South Huron Hospital returned home last Friday and bye Sunday was taken ill again acid is in South fiuron. libsl5itat, pa�lu••uwunnnnrnwnin,nmumnuu ulllr11, 1,i•••1111111•pu nrll 11,iii „0,r•r•„1•I,In,11„11n1„11•ni1,1,1, White dose 'Service Station TO LEASE AT HENSALL Alert and Aggressive Operator Required 0e116110e /SAO Per Year mil CANADIAN OIL COMPANI5S LTD, dor 4 T, London, Ontario Attdt titin Mr, Vit Faweott a. gg� 1iM1Itl11i1t@1111111111111111,1Yf1111•❑t1n11111tli1ri1111rP1UYrgY01'YiitlYYYtt'11TIYITVYIrrfrflYY17•ai•llirjrY111P1gY1tl11•ifiriilt# Mrs, G, Rapson Marks Birthday Mrs. Grace Rapson, of Hen - salt, quietly ccicbrated her 88th birthday on Tuesday at the home, of her son and daughter-in-law, Dir. and Mrs. Orville Rapson. The former Grace Wright, she was born in Muskoka, and came to Ilensall two years ago when her son moved here from Hullett Township. Mrs. Rapson enjoys fairly good health, and takes an interest in the current events of the day. She has two sons, Ira, of Gorle- rich, and Orville, Hensall; seven grandchildren and six great- grandchildreit. Comments About Crornarty By MRS. K. McKEL.LAR • Air, Alvin Crawford spent the weekend with his brother, Mr, Lloyd Crawford, in Toronto. Miss Alice Sorsdahl, who was a patient in. Stratford Hospital for several days, returned home on Thursday, Mrs. Bert Russell, Mrs. Hugh Dalrymple and Miss Beulah Dal- rymple, of Mitchell, visited re- cently .with Mr. and Mrs. !toy Dow, and Miss Bessie Dow. Richard and ,Robert Binning, Aidtclnell, spent the weekend with their grandparents, L. and Mrs, K. McKellar; Y.P.S. Miss Alice Walker presided at the Y.P.S. meeting OA Sunday evening. The secretary's report was react by Miss Alice Sorsdahl, and the topic was given by Miss Margaret Wallace. An invitation from the Avonton Y.P.S. to attend a variety night on March 7, was accepted. Plans were made for a bowling party this week, World Day of Prayer The wbliteit of Staffa 'United. Church and Cromarty Presby- terian Church congregations rnet in Cromarty Church to observe the World Day of Prayer. The Savo leaders were Airs, Gerald Agar, Staffa, and Mrs, Thomas Laing, Cromarty. Mrs. Russell gave an inspiring address, using as her theme "The Bread of Life." Those leading in the special prayers were Mrs. Arthur Kemp, Airs. Robert Vivian, Mrs. Walter O'Brien, Urs=. T. L, Scott, 'Mrs. M. Boughton, and Mrs. Sarah Scott, Mrs, Will Aliller was pianist for the meeting and acc.onnnanied Mrs. T. L. Scott. and Airs. K. Mc- Kellar, { tai, r +v Ino sang a special num- ber. The offering, which is given ehiefly :tor the production and distribution of Christian literature around the world, was received by Airs, W. Harper, Roy's W,M.S. arm ! Ladies Make Donation • The Ladies Aid of Carmel Church meet at the manse an Monday afternoon for their k'eb- ruary meeting. Mrs. Archie Jfoggarth and her group were in charge of the devotional. She was assisted by Mrs. G=lenn Dell.' Airs. 13. Edwards read an arti- cle written by Pa"ro W. A., • Yoiin , of the 0 A.r.'., Guelph. Mrs. Clarence Reid favoured with a poem. President Mi. Alex McGregor presided for the business perind. Mrs. Percy Campbell gave the secretary's report. A donation was voted to the Cancer rand at Exeter, Plans were discussed far a ; fowl supper to be held Oet'ober 21, and a bazaar November 20. ' Mrs. R. Y. McLaren extended courtesy remarks to the hostess. • Mrs. Donald MacDonald, for her hospitality. Mrs, J. E. McEwan and her group will he in charge of the March meeting. MensaII Personal Iters. Pill Shaddick ,oi iondesboro, • Donald MacDonald was the spent the weekend with his eat-" speaker. 'These :Bible studies are sin. Bill Sharldiek, at liensall. l held every Sunday evening rat Mr. and Mrs. IL A. tlrr, at• Carmel •Church at 7.30 p.m. tended the Bissell - AIeI aehen Mr. and Airs, A. W. Kerslake wedding at Sacred Heart Chureh !of London., were weekend. guests in Sarnia on Saturday. The , with Mr. and Mrs. 1larrY IJoy bride," Joyce AIc•Eachen, is a : and fatuity. ANT at Airs. Orr. j Air. and Mrs. E. Munn spent Service for re -opening HensallSunday with their daughter and United Church has been sche- son-in-law, Air. and Mrs. Don (Merl for Sunday. Alarclt 16 at Gooding, and family.at Parkhill. 11 a.m. guest speaker will be! Mrs. A. R. Orr visited with lel- Rev. Ernest F Lon, B.A..•atives in London over the week- A.D., Toronto, secretary of the end. General C'ounrit of the tinned > Mr. ,and Mrs. Gtenn. McNaug11- C'hurch of Canada. ton and family, of Toronto, were Itev. c'. I). Daniel, ►vas eleeterl : weekend visitors with their par chairman of Muton Presbytery encs, Air. and Airs, Lorne Mc held at c linton on Thursday. Be- presentativeBe- par - Naughton. from iiensail was'. Mr. Marney Hildebrandt, of Mr. Douglas Cook, t London, visited over the weekend HerbIferlden who is a patient with his mother, Airs, Mary 1 Bildebramt. at Victoria Hospital, London, un•i Aliss Joyce Peters returned to derk'-cnt surgery at the hospital , London after spending a few on I'"don . 1 -le vd y11er , It1r. and by I rar. CharleslastG. Drakeas.attendeneuro• ' Adairss. Fredwith Peters.parents surgeon, of London. Air. and. Mrs. Orville Rapson The Bible study hour was held attended the funeral of -the late Sunday evening at Carmel Church Kenneth Whitmore, at Blyth, ors with a good attendance. Rev. Tuesday of this week,. I.• MissJoan Kerslake of Lon. l+ir. Aod Mrs. Jatlaes Paterson don, visited .over the weekend visited with friends is Tore lt0 with Miss Norma Passmore. Mr. and Mrs, A G ldd of I'kidgctown, .were weekend erlan.. guests with Mr. and Airs. Sim Roobol. Misgs jryAaja Roobol, nU15it,ins training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend at her home here, ou•WAittoolo44041141144m4044$0404001#mn44•nt01 U0,0,n,1•40,111110,14.4.114444AlA1444Al tttln•4lttr•Mlli For Calf Scours. We Recommend VITA -FORT CAPSULES, KAV TABLETS SULFATHALIDINE. TAELETS and our own TRI.SULF TABLETS FOR ANEMIA AND SCOURS IN PIGLETS We Recommend lmferon injectable, Vetinic :LFquid and our own Ferriton Tablets._.—the ,most .omplete w treatment, Wilson's Veterinary Products Phone 20 - Hona:all a !um nl,,,44111111l1t1441,11444•mos ,41144r, p41.1,4,•4 1.1141111 1411n•111•UI.14••41111•IIUl1•}, nA141Ji1lSTj SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! KRAFT HUI WHIZ 1G-oz, jar SAVE AT SUPER SAVI=I White Swan Colored MET TFSUE1 SAVE On VEL, a u i d BEAUTY AID' AT $UPER-$AVE 5A'Vt 70d. ;Kenna SAVE At ,101. " S01'S 1 shy Pier SKIN CREAM FREE '-LOSE SPRAT A.TTAr'n.0;D Gifu' As lain FEATURE! tr :t r,1Tt. In -„L; giant 'size Reg. 0C 'flet FOR c 100 tri bottle r".ve Pardon us if we boast about roasts ... but we're mighty proud of 'eml They're top -grade meets—aged right, cut right, trimmed right. Buy your favorite roasting cut today. Double your money back if it doesn't please you with tempting tender. ness and fine flavor. Standing Prune Rib Roast Fr,sh Side ' Pork Side Bacon SMOKED L59c ng Bologna L. 3 LEA & Pl RR1NS WORCESTER SAUCE, btl. 33r! 31, L. 3 SAVE SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! 100 PALM GARDEN TEA BAGS TO CELLO BAG u Bags . . SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! McCORMICK'S JERSEY CREAM rockers LGE. PKG. SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! LIBBY'S FANCY QUALITY 1n1Rri5 7:1E 9 r: w �� o err 15-oz. ekA1, r" d R c tri;: 11111D r vr:; l -•�. l,txr,. tato Olt des1F 0R t c A e 29c mato Juice SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! GOLDEN HOUR TAKE-HOME PKGS. Savo at Super Savel'Sweot Mixod, 1b.oz, jar The February meeting of Roy's W.M.S. was held at the home of Airs, Sterling Graham, with Mrs. G. Neil in charge, wino opened the meeting with a poem, Those leading in the worship service- were service were Mrs. Ai. Christie, Mrs. X. Dow and Mies, Barvey Dow, Mrs. Cliff bow and Mrs. G. Dow were appointed as program eeniniittee for the Mareh meet - Ing. Readings were given by Mrs. G, Dow and Mrs, R. Mc- Phail. An instrumental was r'endtred by Mrs. timer Dow, Mrs, Andrew Christie .gave report of Perth W.A 5 Pre by- tery executive meeting held. in Stratford reei'ntiy, and else ial topic '"Why Missiotiis," at Suupor Save Saves Savo 1 Lilaby's ndy cicleis 29c t Super Save! Australia 1 at Super Savo! !lime r • ter or Quick t LGC, h1CC, r:1:3 1/4 35c 2 -It+, cello 47c 3 7c Colored A.D. Mints Golden Humbugs—Mike 'n' Ikes Macaroon Chocolate Buds. Gottien htt,i 48.oz. alta 9c 94 Bananas 2 LEM 35c lntaelou.+ rank Grapefruit 5 .For3 35c 2 FOR 35c 'relC!lP.. Carrots 11e11014u* Enitteror Grape Ccito', 2O -Cos. Gaga 2 Lata. 3 c