HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-27, Page 4Plits 4 The time .Aiveptte, Fehrulary 7IttS/I ESTAIKISHED 199Q ERAL cciRRg$PPN.PgNT, MRS, .CHESTER L SMITH Bible School ;Ladies Present Service Icwi-c°P3PartY Presents Service likirtracts Crowd !trent the Ontario. Mennonite A Ev n e I Ch ch A Olinther. of ?axing people a g lica ur Bible Sehool and Instituteof , Kitehener. had charge o; f .the; The Waineit's Society of World while when they were on the 'aerVice At the Zitrich Mennonite SerVice had charge a the morn, march. They wanted their souls ChtlTeh On :StIndaY .evening. A • ing service at the Emmanuel, to eatch up to their bodies.• "In ,ehildrett's meeting was conduct-. EX.B. Church on Sundas'.. Mrs. sthe resit of modern day living, • A. M. Amacher acted as chair we too. need to let our souls Several nambera . were rend -1 lady. with Airs. Milton Desch as catch un to oilr hndies," said Air. .erad by a male quartet. The organist. Mrs. Newell Geiger Daniel. Ile urged more reading tipeaker was Mr. Elmer Lapp,' and Mrs. Peter ,Gingerich led in of the Bible, and prayer for of Gordon Ville, Pa. ; prayer. Mrs. Harry Hess sang a God's guidance and :blessing. solo and a. ladies' cho.rus sang. Ile also urged all to get their ( Of .on$' Mrs. 1), MacDonald, of Ben. vision higher, and aim to move C • salt. gave an inspiring message on to higher ground spiritually • .011 India. She said that this is speaking. ..„. i the middle of the evangelistic Fre to' d Arm . in February. men. and women,go 111:rs• Heimrivii• wire '°1 Bev. decided to co-operate with the • walk for miles in the sand an')Iti one day last week and now in Brantford. slipped an Liens Club in erecting new signs' that is hard work. "How thank- same lee d f - a. wet At the east and west ends of the: ful we are that Paul. such an *II shopping her 'left .arm. Their family, Mr. 'town. This' was decided at the enemy of Christ. became a sort:- and Mrs. Fred Haberer Jr. and dinner meeting of the Zurich and ant of Christ. The story of Paul daughter, Christine, of Zurich District Chamber of Commerce. is written for encouragement. If and Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Heim - held. at the Dominion Hotel last 'Paul had not gone to Europe,. we rich nf Exeter motored to •the 'Thursday evening. , proba.hly would not be here to on Sunday to visit their It Was also voted to purchase : day. There are three hundred mother at Brantford Hospital. snew uniforms .for .the pewee , million gods and goddesses in in- • teekeY team .which is entered in . dia. The first Christians in Eur- In Hospital the 'Young Canada Week hockey .ope were Lvdia and the jailor," ' mess Carrie weber was taken 'tournament in Goderich. i said Mrs. AlacDonald. • ill and and taken by Westlake . •A request will be made to the; "Onls• about 150 years ago, the ambulance to South Huron. Hos- 'Community Centre Board to al- people in Europe ilecided*to go to pans Exeter. Dr, V. Gadens, slOw free skating for children in ' India with the gospel. In. every ,Dashwood is in attendance. She :the afternoons. i generation since, people have l's improving nicely, gone. Others have ' stayed home .Blak'd School etohirrigti%t toseginsclmnetiolenyey Mg PoStponed Plan Signs . re l time in India. The last two weeks • Beimrich, formerly of Ztu•ich, The Chamber of Commerce out in evangelistic work. The ,• Abi•Toall(c; WT'll.teMreeegti;lar March meeting of 1 is the church that does more, at the Zurich Women's institute -Enjoys Party horn e. God has. given us a com- has been .postponed until mand. Go ye into all the world d,hy evening, March 11, Mrs. F and preach the Gospel to every Wilfrid Mack . of Crediton will . , • A Valentine party of the Red creature., God's law is, 'Go .ye be, the guest speaker on Histor- Cross Of the Blake school S.S. - into all the world," here in teal Research. • Committee is 0 Hay and Stanley was held on ' Zurich and to the end of the Mrs. Bryce Mack, Airs. Wm. .Friday afternoon. The prem.. ; earth, This is not optional for Hay„' 'Mrs,Ed. Stelck and Airs. :dent, Mary Margaret Desch, ! the Christian. Boys and girls are Harold Thiel, ;opeted the•meeting with a song. wA Trip To Bermuda . 1 atching you today. by listening '. ,A poem was given by a p 1 to what we say when , we go . SGingerich, Mr. Gordon Smith, Blue ,Water !home from church, and while at •• The program included poem1B s !Our work. We USt set them an Highway, left last Saturday bY sty somepupils of grades 1 andplane from ' Toronto to spend a i exam* and influence them for , vacation .in. beautiful Bermuda 4, poems by Yvonne Gingerich, - "! God," .continued the speaker. ;Island. - ;•and Linda Desch, piano solo,' Mrs. MacDonald told of native SFa„Ve Desch, poems by four, women of India who are sin- Persenal Items . ;•bos's, impersonations by Judy i eere, zealous Christians and NtiOrk Mt. and Mrs. Alvin' McDonald and a poem.hy Margaret Finlay. 'unceasingly for the growth Of the • of Brussels were guests at the A junibled word contest was i dumb. • home of4Mr. ;and Mrs. Napoleon conducted by Mary Finlay and l < The E,V.B. men had cleric, of Corrivegh a car and tractor contest Its; Dor.; the 0„,oina service.. with, the - ' een Ducharme. Games were president, Mr. Menno Steckle, as . MV. and Mrs, Ed, Gaseho ivis- ,played. • I chairman. The male chorus ited with the latter's sister in :7 Lunch committee was Bobby! sans; Mr, Oscar Greli read the , Toronto • for several days last :Desch, Mary Lou Erb, Evelyn Scripture lesson.. The male oc- wee. • . Ducharme . and 'Kathryn Erb. !Lotto sang. i Ronnie, seven years' of • age, • Valentines were. distributed by, Rev. c. D. Daniel, of nensau. and John, five, Corrivea.u, had Paul Erb, Ralph Gingerich, Em-, was the guest speaker. He snoke a birthday recently. Mr. and ma Finlay. Grant iSchwartzen-, about the Lenten season. -.which . Mrs. Fergus Lannin of Dublin truber, Kenneth Bachert, Cyril is bein.g used by more and More and children were present to • Corrlveau, Mary.Margaret Ouch denominations as a time of hello celebrate the occasion. and 14.Irs. Claire Deichert, the : taut. renewal. He then challeneed Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Smith steadier. t the Men AS' they wee -observing of Toronto, • newlyweds, were • • The next meeting will he 'held f Men's.Dav, He:rte.:seethed a tribe guests at the home of their aunt March. 14. The program .commit- who would rest eYery once lit a and :uncle, Mr. apd Mrs. Thomas tei it to be Emma Finlay, Eve -I Meyers one day last Week. • f lyn . Ducharme, Bobby Desch , ,, ' •. • Mrs,. Norman Cowan of Sar- epta has returned to her. home lother relativ.es and friends. , • •, Pereenal Items after spemling a few weeks with ' Mrs. Archie Mustard and sons, A , • her sister at 13uffalo NY and and Mrs. Alary Jane Hey from .t Goshen Wildwood Motel spent Friday int , andPaul Erb. LITe war I The Cathelic; Woman's League' sponsor„d mixed card party in the tow hall last TuesdaY Euchre and solo 'were played by the large crowd in attendanee. Ladies' first prize went 10 Mrs, rearee Farewell, Zurich, and , low went to Mrs. Fred Regier. Alen's. prize Nvinner was joseph , Miller. Dashwood. and low score to Paul Watson. Zurieh. Best solo . player was Otto Ilestemayer, • Dashwood. w • Dsaws ere .condueted by Fa- ther Doyle. joseph Carey drew ; the ticket for the :money apron and Mrs. Leroy Regier was the lucky holder. It contained $16 in silver. A grandson of Mrs. Wil. i liam Dietrtch won the quilt with , a tick et'drawn by joseph Ryan, Mount Carmel. Leroy Regier !won the door prize. !Ladies Mark •Prayer Day The World Day of Prayer Service was held on Friday afternoon at the Zurich. Mennon- ite Church. The convener, Airs. Albert Martin, gave a brief ,his- torical resume, showing how the 1 World Day of Prayer began and I how its observance has grown until today 143 countries partici- pate. Hymns were sung by the con- gregation, 'With Mrs. Kenneth Gaseho serving as song leader, Selected responsive readings on praise, repentance, dedica- tion e Thiel, Mrs, Leonard Prang and Mrs, Delbert Geiger respective- ly'. A ladies' quartet eomposed. of Alisses Edith and Rebecca Steckle, JO and Grace Erb ren- dered a number in song. • The :period, of Intercessory ! Prayer tvas conducted by Mrs. 1 A. Am acher. After •the mention • of ea•ch of the various prayer concerns. silent prayer was of- fered, followed by audible pray- ers by Mrs. Keith Thiel, Mrs. !Earl Deichert, Mrs. Keith Gin- ' gerich, Mrs. Alain Gingerich, 'Airs. Harold Zehr and Mrs. Men - no Steckle. The. prayer period I was concluded by repeating in unison the Lord's Prayer. A challenging talk was given by Mrs. Ephraim Gingerich the theme "The Bread of Life." The speaker based her remarks on the words of 'Jesus as record- ed ,in John 6, wbere He speaks of Himself AS 'the Living Bread, which was intended. to give spir- itual life to the world. • While the offering was being received, the quartet sang. The offering amounted to $36.37. Bev. Albert Martin led in a bervedictory prayer. Miss Jo Anna Robinson of Kip- Message From Blake, The February meeting of Go. pen and Mrs. Don 'Webster pf Mrs. Amos Gi.ngerich, and shen W.M.S. was held at the Kirkton, student teachers, taught.' daughter Miss Betty, attended home of Mrs. Bruce Keys last the past week in S,S. No. 4, the .reception at the home of Thursday with twenty bne rnem- Mrs. Menno Desch is the teach - 'Mrs. Elzar Mousseau in Kipper' bers and six visitors present. er, The former stayed al the . . By" MRs. F. SQUIRE ------ .. • recently. .-- Mrs. Russell Erratt at the pia- Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ale.lick .Aliss Elva Morley left on Sun Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finlay no. and son of near London visited day for sevoi!at 'weeks, visit in end family visited Mr. and Mrs. "Whispering, Hope" , was sung on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Detroit with • Mr. Moeller and Robert Graham, and his parents, by Dianne and Donna Peck ac- Pearl Mack. ' Mr. and Airs. Howard :Morley Mr. and Mrs. Graham of Brit- companied by Mrs, B. Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien Jr.. and family. She was accompan- ish Columbia who have been va- Little Marilyn Keys took up the of Landon 'were weekend visitors ied by Miss Gladys Porter of cationing with their son, offering. Airs. Richard Robinsonat the ,home of the former's London. ss e am o p , • • Mrs. Melville Gunning a nc Whalen for her daughter, Mrs Et Faber Airs. Elmer HaYter 'presided with residence of Mrs. Pearl Alelick. • Wh th f Dublin and gave the treasurer's report for arents Mr. and Mrs Leroy Miss, J. Cluff of Bayfield are January. O'Brien, Mrs. Gordon Johnson who were • List Lpaders In :Bowling • 1trone. monolog wintinutia . 17 Ballard& Popsies16 14 Tin Toppers • . 14 14 . I'm Poppers . 9 spares Tradesmen 9 Binget s - 7 4,Troun sceoctine: TIV,9111.‘ilsePal s lmperialit . i• Ir'aP8r s 11n St Bob ()sgond . flngpr w . ( al I ;0• . 0 A.,-,e.rnico, 2%250 :lark Fuller . . 25°1 ilV111;11°NtleinTil _ : *^!i) Albert 111tuthe . . 7114 Bill (Movie •210 Itilirn ANY' ;11°4 it.itvman 200 Deorge (1 londinnIng : 208 1,nrii0 !laugh . Safl 211111 Dratelt . _ 211S Previ 1 . 207 Ilay Dorsseitter . 207 Larry Heideman - . 207 1.-', 'l'tlnnhTlsnfl" : `2.117 208 .1. Thompxna . . 2A3 S NI:iiity. FA. attisi. 220022 l'intig Harrison. . . 202 Bruce 111r(1 „ 201 Doug Hughson . . 200 Sl'11 Not 31,,,on,y, March a, 1-1— Ilnek0ls 1111POrialS A1111i1111P11 Vgl. 'Windmills Popsies vs. Ph -moppet's 0-11- Du tellers t s. Tradesmen • Spa ref; vs. Tip Toppers flingers vs. Ilerl*s BIlliardtt 11 001(95110r, Morph 5 7-9 --Big Six vs, Bdsels fres Wildcat s vs, Canners • :4par 0 ra FV YR, 'Ross Rink . 15 14 11 11 5 Ken Sit (Iron _ 'Cops Cup ' The Joe Ross rink of RCAF ' • 'a earted ome the Car- ling Trophy• front Hensall's an- . . . Aura Imitation bonspiel held in 'Hensall last Wednesday. 1 The Ross quartet were pushed right to the wire for .the top honours by the A, Huber rink of Southhampton. Huber, . who • won the Carling Trophy .for the last two years a l'OW, would have been able to keep it if Itis third attempt had been sue. cessful. However,. Ross, and his ! companions managed, to. stave off a. determined Huber bid by winning the trophy 60 an aggre- gate score of 53 to • 41. Each team enjoyed a successful clay of I winning three stra,ighl games with a plus of VS HoWever the extra 12 points in aggre:•ste Was all Ross Needed. Included on the Ross kink .were, lead, Bill Harker, .second, Ron Found and vice, skip George 'Robertson while Huber had R. DeLong leading, J, Martini sec- ond and Ni. Doran as Vice ckip. Exeter's' Nen Hockey quartet placed second in the sedond rias o t e day on two wins and a plus nine. Cliff Brintnell, Stan prize. e,.and jock Fulcher helped Hockey for the second place Another Exeter rink got into the charmed circle when it won the coosalation prize in the sec- ond draw. ,Art Cann's rink consisting' of Carfrey Cann, Bruee Tuckeyt and Ray Mills were included in the qUartet.' A Mitchell 'rink skipped by Jerry Carey' took second r o in the first drew on twn• wins and a plus a 3.1. Tony' "(Settler as lead, George Lamont. seeend —Please Turn to .Page 5 student teachers with Mrs. Claire Mrs. Anson McKinley was cal- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Greb both ill and confined to bed are Deichert, teacher of S.S. No. 9 led forward while Mrs. John and son of near Exeter spent able to be up around again. --Hay and' Stanley. . McKinley gave an address, and the weekend in Zurich. . ' The regular Euchre was held M. Amos Gingerich was Mrs. Bruce Keys presented herMrs. Wm. flay, Zurich, and at theschool yonse. on Friday hostess to two student teachers with a life membership - certifi- I daughter, Kathleen, of Exeter, evening. Prize winners were: ' Thursday night. The school open- cate. • t spent several' days at the home ladies' high, Airs.' Hubert Mills; ed on Wednesday morning after The study hook was in charge , of relatives and friends in To- ' gentsifs. high, Wm. ' French; lone the storm of Monday and Tues- of Mrs. Robert Peck assisted by ronto last week. . hands' ;fancy French, day but only a few came. Thurs- Mrs. Clare McBride. Mrs. Allan Miss Kathleen Hay of Exeter Mrs,-Wift. 'Morley Sr. and Miss day they had- school all day. Armstrong and .group served spent a few days in Detroit. • Elva Morley accompanied Air. i The South .Huron High School lunch. IF, rom there she went by plane and Mrs. Arnold • Bern, Wood - pupils in this vicinity were off A short W.A. meeting follOwed . to California to enjoy a few; ham, on Saturday afternoon to to school Thursday morning with Mrs. Wm. Hayter presid- :weeks holidays. . the capping ceremony at St, Jo- '-' after the storm and roads were ing. It was decided to hold a 1 Mr. Chris Haist motored with seph's Hospital nurses' residence ; plowed out. A real holiday—but crokinole party near St. Patrick's • Crediton relatives to attend a fu- , where Norma Bern, daughter of , rriother still cOuld teach them Day: also meinbers were asked nem' at Niagara Falls on 'rues- i air. and Mrs. Arnold Bern, re - household duties while they were to make preparations for the day. 1 ceived her cap. ,: holidaying at home so they gain- bazaar to be held around Easter.' Miss Stella Rose, of London,1 Mr: and Mrs. Glenn Froats • ed something they lost at school. , Mission Band . . visited at the borne of her moth- and Paul, London, visited Sunday Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold Finlay * 1 er. Mrs. L. Rose, over the week- ! with Mr. Geo Al•ksey and Jean. and son, John, visited Mr. and Goshen Mission Band met on i end. i • ' ' Mrs, Charles Robinson of the Sunday morning. Mrs. Clare Ale- I Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, of ; Congregational Supper .: Parr Line, Hillsgreen. Bride and Airs. Bob McKinley t Hensaii, called at the home of • A supper was served in the • Several ladies attended the in charge of the program. Thes Mrs. Bea trice Hess on Sunday. ! church -an Friday evening. Mr. World DO of F'rayer services opening number was a Japanese 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pfaff and Mrs. Ray Mille, 'Exeter : held in the Menrionite church in game "Goro and Ping." and children .of St. Marys, were Showed their. pictures taken on : Zurich, on Friday afternoon. The story from Kenji, called'. weekend visitors At .the home of a trip to the Western provinces -:Mr. Huth MeBride 'of London "Trapestry House" ws he a ' told; their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lee , also some local scenes : anent the weekertd with his par- through the use of 151 cf"rea Rollin an. 3 entS, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- which were draWn by one of thei ' i Mrs. Eldm rid gGayle Duffield and Sharon imons, of Exe-! Frodgins sang accompanied by ' Bride, • members, There were about 30 ter, spent Sunday at the home of !Mrs. D'uffield, Mrs, 'Wm. French . - Mr. ahd Mrs. Elgin McKinley °Midi." .rtresent with fourteen her mothers Mrs. Harry'lless. I gave a reading,: Rev. J. T. ! Went a day in Toronto with their more .paying membershin, which . . Mr. James Paterson, of Hen- I Clarke . wat chairman for the ma ces nen y two pal mem- sail, called on Chester L. Smith I evening. , Mtg. Robert McKinley• return- bera• 'print shop last Monday. Personal Items - id froth the home of her dough- Goshen school. children had a ' Mrs. Carrie Weber, a patient; .• tet, Mrs. Scotehmer of tayfield, Valentine • Paitn F v nn with ;In SouDonald 'th Huron Hospital, Exeter, ! Pullen of the O.A.C. !Gu Ati Mr. arid Mrs. Campbell Me. A toboggan party the main event. , is improving nicely. elph Spent the weekend here Xiiiley's for a while again. Miss Clara Clark is the teacher. i, Mr. Eminent! Snell has re -1 at hia 'ham°. . I Mrs. Milne Pullen attended Stiseral attended the Conserv- (Intended Fr Last Week/ , turned' to the west after spend- ' the Mother and daughter ban- ' *five nomination in the 'Legion Win. Mills, Carlisle, Sask., Mg several months at the home 1 ouet with Doreen Brock, At Pall in Clinton on Friday night. snent Thursday and Friday with of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. , Elimville Church on Friday eve- :; Mr, arid -Airs; Vernon Desch Mr. and Mrs. 'Richard nnhinann• Kalbfleisth. , and On, ,Carl David, visited the „ . - . now loll in tat been done 1 • , Berne AleKinley spent the s 1 I. g I 1 nitlgt .0 . ., latter's father 'Mr. Carl lions- weekeon with his parents, Mr., the -fast iew days by Earl alaera Alis and Mrs, Rorialo Squire ten it Goderieh, who is ill. and Mrs. ENin Aret(inIM ceuipment, AS it has been d , Spent Thursday evening withiffi. Mr. and Sirs. Art Abbott, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Desch and Ed Alittleh)liz, Gosheit St.,' milt to get around by -foot or by ' soda Of Baden visited with Air, &Hell, returned Mire on Sat- , mOtor, Several places the snow Happenings Ir. Illanshard By Mkt, OLAOWYN HOoPER s arid Mrs, David Gesell. iirday from a month le Floritia, asanks Aro xcobre foot high, •Mr. and Mrs. tert Baechert Cuba and Points !IT Mr. and Airs, Jacob Gingerich SeliWarttentruber attended the SP,,,„ont wScken,d in, D,,,etrnit• •week. Thev WOrd sccomnanied s'. funeral Of the late. Mr. tenja. !non uonsitt nac le" 011 g. home by their daughter, Gloria, ,iiitimo of trip o a orni6. Gingetith of Baden, who spent a few days at her • Mr. And WA, Roy iiantai And Mr. and MI% Meillt parents' hot e near 'Zurich. On itni1v of TM/Stock SPeot a daYle,,,heY Mr; and Mrs. 'Sunday they motored to Xitelt- !'„ with Me, arid Airs. GI10#(511 Erb YYM$ °/11P1% t000rorO• !ener. where Gloria will follow s. ged !faniily„ I Mrs- nr000 1<.oN's foil on Aat. her duties in the Kilehener-Wat- •,: my, and mrs, Aatett (*rte. urday aed put her right shoulder etioa vosrdtat nursing end Mt and Mrs. -Edmund Mt. and Mrs. et Atte toll motored to St. Thomas last tich And Mrand Mrs. Peter ! out of joint and will. have it in profession. Gingerielt and Mr. Harold Soper ; a sling Inr anrn"Tne. attended, the funeral Of A rela.) tive in Baden. recently. of the Blue Water flighway at. !" Rey. and.Airs. Epbriatit Ginge...DrYsdale. : fiat and daughter, visited Mrs .1 Miss Carol Erb who is em- •Oiegerith's parents, Mr. sea ployed with Mr. Gerold Gino; NM Mitten' Marlin of girasluirti. Heft Salts and &tyke at 'Zurich! Mr, and Wt. Calla Gingerith Silent a few dayS there during anti family and, Ate, Ames 'the Stormy winter weather. .: eveeitig at ; Lloyd' Meliride or Wind; tha hninft Tif Mr. and Mrs. Ger.! ..f46)* Atititt Prid'ay With friends 4.* lad Eniddr .add daughter,4lation, lit this vicinity, • Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Theo Stephetia of A.nderSon spent Sunday after- noon with Mrs. Jas. Mossy, Me, and Mrs. Leonard Thacker • , and .family and Mrs. Fred Pat- tison spent Sunday afternoon withsAfr. and Mrs. Percy Rod. gins ot Granton, Air. and Mrs. Gladwyn Mop- e? and family spent Sunday eye. ning tvitli arid Mrs, Keit- neat Faces, nf• Wellborn. Mr. And Mtg. Fred P rki tisnit and iiretido Of Baseline Weise fhieday pasta Ar Air. and Airs. 14:tegeth Porkintoti, After a long boring evening. the young Mall finally sueceeded in Stealing h goodnight kiss from his young lady companion. "That's -your reward for beteg a gentleman'," the girl intr.., muted, "ftewata?" Seowled the young itlttfl. "Th Ca. jilat werkinata, tottpansalioli.°1 • Local Pee 'Woes Defeat.1Iderton Although Exeter Mohawks gave the local fans,little to cheer aboet oe Friday night, the Exeter pee. Woes .dtd, as they belted the Ilderion six to the tune of 74, he bigWignitelr Tke'ii•ecitdilye vWiceLloisrswaass t ite <slammed home tom goals. The aggressive player fired two goals In the second period !and added a pair in the final session. Leftwinger Stan Lesnick blinked the light, twiee in the first period behind Bob P.aricinsoe in tile 11- derton net, while teammate Garry Parsons „came through with a single, at the four -minute mark xsetoefr eac50-nod speeeerinoad. hekt peri! ed 3170aucibl ng NelleoeJu Aoillititt e? Oetip Yh E x eteeart, for the firstilderton marker of the game, jinimy Hudson, a strong skat- ing lanky clefenceman, produced tiyo third -period goals' for the visitors, but it wasn't enough to catch the local pee wee club who were well on their way to victory. 11.0 K IITON Octal rkinson* defence, Budd°, Hudson; cen- ter. Watson: wings. Hord. Shin- ier, alternates. DoudY. ('armich- ael„ Pit tam, 1). Ae0, jackson, P. Aee. Hur1on, Olson, Igo -Kenzie, 241toebottorn (sub goal). 111X.ETE11 •- Coal, Hamilton: fence. Stites. Wi1ldr1; els111 te Nisittuan; wings, Bray, Le,snicli alternates, Brintnell, Pa /*so ns, Vorkw P1 1, Oarscarlden, PoOper, Ate Do nald, Wells„ '1'. Allen, B. n.wrigm, Ease, Lanaghan, ittlethl :Period --Kxeter, 1,esniek 120 2 -Exeter,Lesnick P( BetriaaTi 1 ers'tt-8-111mAalileln ( tr 1p1111n5g1/0; Cushman I b0a111111V. Sceond ;Period 3—Exoter, Parsons ('toectnK li:• 14rionnoe.t:n8 11; 4.00100 4 -Exeter. Wells a ;-; —.Ext.' Or, Well Kenyon, McDonald6-11(lerton, GoutiF ) L.6400 Penalties — None. Third Period 7 -Exeter, Wells 6:30 5-11dertom .1. Hudson .._ 10.00 0 'Ilderton, Shoebot tom is,an 10 -Alfieri on, J. Hudson_.___ 17:01 11—Exeter. Wt!tlls • c onald) rena.11 les NnWo, Caven Society 'Plans Anniversary Plans were made for recogniz- ing the sixtieth anniversary of Caven •Women's Missionary So- eiety at the . February meeting ' held at the home of Mrs. 'J. G. 'Cochrane on Thursday. Mrs. William Sillery and her gromi were named to plan fOr this oc- casion at the April meeting. .The study and devotional per- iod centred around "God's Cre- ative Hour in Japan." Mrs, Car- man Cann .prepared the study . and„ was assisted by Mrs, David IMillar and Mrs. Harry Strang. The attractive - map, which the ;Children of the Church are using, I: was displayed. • During the study it Was. stated that ' "There are times in the 'history of the nation when God ..,reaches forth His hand and the ;nation sets new sights and moves out in a new direction. Japan stands in suchs an hotir—one -of , God's creative hours. The Chris- tian Mission is tonfined with new issues and new situatioriS that require new solutions — as ;regards to .lapan the hour calls ;for a strategy big enough, bold enough andm daring enough, to Florida Trip . Kippen Topic, .Mrs. Arthur Valley give .high- lights of her trip to Florida at the February meeting of .Kippen East Women's Institute postponed from Wednesday to Thursday afternoon owing to road condi- tions, Fire Chief J.. F. .Scott, Cu.! forth scheduled speak on ; Wednesday was unable to attend.1 Airs. Alex McGregor gave the history of the McGregor farm. Members answered the roll calf by giving do's and don't fot safety. Layettes for Unitarian sei•viee and crib quilts for the Children's War Memorial hotpital, London, were on. display at the meeting, President Mrs. 'Campbell Byre chaired the meeting which was 'held at the home of Airs. Alex McGregor, Plans were outlined for the millinery course Lo he held March 4, 5 and 6 at the home of Mrs, W. J. F. Bell. A euthre and danee will be held In the town liensall, Friday, February 28, Ari invitation is being ex. tended to Glen .(lowrie W.1, to be guests of this institute at their. March m e 0 11 11 Wednesday, March 19 at S.S. 10 Tuckersinith when there Will be detittinstea. Hong of hats and rugs. Airs. E. Butt of Seaferth waS soloist accompanied by Airs. Tolin McGregor. - Mrs. John Sinclair was co, hostess and assistantsIt'Ott WS, 1.<011. M. McKay,- Mrs. At'. thin' VarleV, Mrs, W. F. Bell And Mrs, W. L. Mellis, • Mr. and iqra. ,The Dann And family were Friday evening guests a Mr. and Airs. Xeit- rieth Parkieson, • Brides"Eled Sift ITN ArbUllit • INVITATIONS • SERVIETTIS • MATCIM • COASTERS rimes,Advo.aate 10111e .parks. i'Whatnots Behindi3011ie gssery's In triple j•Whathota gained two. !points .04 the league -leading Pin Poppettes in the Exeter' 1.4adies' Bowling . Leagueover the past. Week.... Whatnots remained in the runner-up ;position OA 'a result of their seven-n:0ot victor* _A.S the third-place Pappy Gala had. to Settle" forfiv.e„ at did the leaslite • leading Pin Popp.ettes, Naha boast, O total of 1,11 points. grlicopipsing.a,ndropseowinos tb teheeea's'iBen" , this week with i'ousing seven- . paint victory over the Wee Hopes to gain two -more points over the 9s2ecoponclin-tps, lace Mighty Mice, Who have 87 points. The Downs are leading the second division with Jolly Jills kept Paee with the Alice by skunking the Frisky Six. ' As a result, Jilts are only one point back of the runner-up Mice. The other team in the twa groupings to post a seven -point victory was the Buttercups, who ; raised its point total to 74. ; Simmons Has High Triple I Pauline Simmons set a new high triple in the B section when she paced Jolly Jilts tovic- tory over the Frisky Six with a 709. Individual game scores were 224, 269 and 216, Free bowling awards of the week went to Mary Ellen Arnold, of the Gaolers, on a hidden score, while Kay Mock, of the Green Horns, looked after the honours in the "B" section, Lollipops and Blowettes did not play their scheduled game. "A." Group 'Whatnots (0, 15ssery 729) ___. 7 (looters M. Pinder 503) • 11 Pin Poppett es (A. Simpson R50) 5 Be Bops (1,, Blomrnaert 603) _ 2 Happy Gals (A. Brock. 556) (1.. Brintnell 561) . 2 Hi -Lights 151., Holtzman sass ... Ha ndleapperS (8. 'Wright 472) _ 2 Nit o Havtks (S, Sangster 415) - 5 Alley Cats (AI. Skinner 560/ 2 "41 Group raa & Pnwn (M. Rader 6311 *7 we Hopes 5", Itindenf101d 443) 11 Buttercups (K. Stanietnn 660)-. 7 Green Horns (D. Bonthron 6501 n .1011,r Jills $1romema 703/ Forlsky Six (B. Coughlin 461 _ Mighty .911ce (B. 'Wilson 49A)_ 5 Russ Bees (0. Webstor 516) .... 2 Jolly Six (0. Colo 669) _ _ . 5 nollett00IP. VOal 8131 2 51.erry Maids (H. Seaver 54.0) - 4 Hot Dogs (I). Brady 613) ,___ ....1" *roup Shilitliour 'Pin Poppet t es --------- 110 Whatnots .. . . .- . — 07 HapPy is (la .. _ ..... :„. , , 95 Be Bops _ 74 1,ollIpops Ailey eats . 65 HI-Itights _ ......: .„........ ,_..... 67 .Blowelt es . 00 Nile. .ilawks 50 .. . Gooferst' 42 Handicappers 42 ••11" •1100tip alandlow 1 -pp & Downs . . 92 21.115'hty '51 ice 57 .Tolly j Ills . . 'Hot Dogs Merry Maids Wee Hopes Bollett es 66 77 76 75 71 65 61 52 45 47 plan in terms of winnig a world Lor Christ." The devotional exercises were taken by Mrs. William Sillery and Mrs. Norman Stanlake. Assisting the hostess in the social hour were Mrs. Norah Taylor and Mrs. Lee Learn. Judges Approve, Seven Skaters Seven members of Exeter Fig- ure Skating Club passed Canads Ian Figure Skating Association' tests Sunday at Exeter arena. Ana Fairbairn, ,Sheryl Ailey, Ann Saul and Terri Laughton were awarded the preliminary test and Louise and Ann lieckey and •Xandra Busch% the first or ronsAtili:stecst otieP..satTi eS judge sLiovnedroen mirs. and Mrs. C. Al. Ford and Marie 'Le Courtois of London, ! Afeppers of the Exeter Figure 'Skating Cinh ars, *inking plans for the annual carnival at the end, ,of March. Perry Boyle is ;president of the club. 1 -South End Service Used Car Buys 457 Meteor Rideau Sedan Tri -tone, radio, automatic transmission, backup lights, full chrome disc, whitewall tires, snow tires, windshield ' washers, sharpest thing on wheels! '58 Meteor 300 Niagara 4 -Door Demonstrator Tutone white and brown, spial interior, 240 horse power motor. A Real Buy! '54 Ford Sedan Tutone, snow tires, excellent condition. '53 Chevrolet Belaitt Automatic transmission, ra. dio, full chrome discs, tinted glass. Really sharp! '53 Meteor Tudor Radio, tutone, new seat co- vers. In Perfect Condition! '53 Dodge Sedan Radio, snow tires. '51 Chevrolet Tudor Radia, snow tires, whitd- walls, windshield washers, backup lights, driving lights, spotlight. BETTER THAN NEW! SPECIAL! • '53 Ford Tudor Radio, sdit covers, mechanie- ally perfect but need, some body work. Going for, Only - South End . Service Russ & Chi; 'k Snell PHONE 328 • EXETER Special February Bargains On '58 Models Of RIGIDAIRK, Ultra -Clean Washer • YOURS AT NO EXTRA COST. 4X124a/W4 SudsWater-Sovor co, **big teiti ohitott irt No Outside Tub Needed Weteet Kept Hot, Suds Alive atoned Minter's Pumped Bock- , Save:Hot Water -up 1o2800 * gallons a year • Save Detergent—up to 40 . good-sized boxes—an aver- age household's supply for ass entire year! Model Wbe.5.9 B41 -4-G 11-44 SAVINGS On Refrigerators, Ranges, Dryers Etc, MISS Spothil Sefureley rilefuro with FREE GIFTS for all ihionibotO of the family, Ask for Miii Erb In pieion, You'll like hoe, Geraki Gn PHONE enrch s . 40 , • -fltirloo A WI .Furthie,. 'SAVO A Let MOW ZURICH..