HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-09-05, Page 2mel 9 itedigadt- for LW.*** dryads, Writer. a the Ceswerwatore peaty, We ,iwatreltits of IIW90WW 444 l0royaltst were lately eerapelled to pay td9wit amedetelgyeg Or - Vie 44, ott jllr;iVtaeeehsrririeca lens wed 11.14 114 del heigilliMiev)15114..o--11 Yrs ' Saldwts, Meech& LIke•••• end (ha' 11111111irwliil a• he We a. daqt hen , sea arab eweraft. tie • papers Aed, certa.a., the Colonel might brave Iser , far, the questing which will Ofill1111117 present itself t• vrery ff.. 10144bM Is, simply. whether di. Eddur els l Scotch newspaper or A. F. Motganot Goilerich is likeliest to 11. the beet judge of newspaper wrists. I. .We drew, 91•1.1111 to Woldellblid 1. gallane'Colonel's 1110000 to so iiitetur to foist • re spoireles Bub Club se • esewshor Wei ewe only say drat if ever such ao attempt woo au* by say of the neember., it was witrior any ye- - VOW! of oars For, however meth we may value the friendship of some gentlemen i• God,- rioli, there is no Inas or ao club. either in 0: Goderich ee eleowitere, es which we have the .lit.,t destre to he /010101-10W0 do not possess panicle 14 that crawling. lick- spitiol dispositioe which the ea:soot-buys are itegortins to roll " Ihrgreairet I" May be all well enough now kr the Hero of • thousand trine -matcher,. to blubber and whicte about the - harshness rf the kt:irrusi towards him ! Bo the man who could publish each •n article as appear- ed in the seventh number of the Huron Loyalist, over ike name of A. F. Alotgen, must aggravate hie cowardice by a feria amour of impudence !,ef,ne he dares In expect limita Ile chose his Man an 1 hie wesponsand he meet now take ti.ent As he fads diem. , iVe do n. t intend to bore oar readers with each an imtimeifteut asb• jeer and when we we do notice him it is for - his own Lood. 'Ws saw that two or limit core • 11101111010, nworly tor wake of • feed re a row do;.. lire, had puffed the poor creature tato this del. - 001 notion that hr issonveoly--.W. are axions to direlore him of this delusion, •ad to convince him that lie is nobody -we believe we •ri. ric- ceeding, and we feel mightiest that wechicie i. good willies of the towtt for our tierces,. S' But, in speaking of "eller," did ever tuy body see Cartel Morgan Of his poetry -puffed in a newepsper? Yes ! the brave Colonel patted himself lustily to last week's Loyalist. and we hare sera a puff hy Dr. Stewart, late" Editor of the Kiogaton Argos, which is very gresgrying. ID' The fornerk Mower ie there's of a very neatly got op and Ifiterriting 'heel, which has met retched us from the Clewing Village of Lae- a,k in the coyote of the sane name, It is libe- ral in p.tlitir-s, but is chiefly inteaded as a Familyp.iplr, paph, being principally devoted to polite litera- ture and the MOM useful departments of avows. It is to be published semornonthly, sad if the first number can be taken as a kir apemen of the futon, we hdle no doubt of its success io the intelligent CawatiaLarsark. • • ot • relle So. • C941144be of 44 etrLb/a+b4sillise40 WhAdalleweenuee ratativAr. sermon 5• test ot Thomas MiQuern floolialied largely is shout eery paragraph ! ii#411- 1041N 0 10 potions the reit of the Governor Genera Abseld sU be medied ie Ob. .101•4116/ 1°. • 1'R BS. to thedirieh, Is week, we felt rood on award - tog • fall mestere a credit to the Coverlets*. li'Ve kiwi frequently had encoders to lameut the party (01 their courtesy sod ugly becoitilng eno• corniest or ,ht'printing press brag under :he oadanani eavaaelpise. duct towards Ili. Excellent: The retro" at the cad utro-or timjnatit wiaa, Allan ma. oyalisi foolieldy supposed that they, •• the op- posdtee, were bound to differ from 001 etate• Nob wootil call "ritraf,"-nien who have nu reeponeibility, either in character sr 10,000.- melds by puld.thing daring falsehoods! and se "04w 0I014 the ler.. 01444. 4(4 cradmaly they have occordeil to the disgrace of .4 14. b0.dr0d. pn.d.r. the 'I.• weer dly, and of the Coriervadre WI, 10 patticalar, Mat Ilia Laneeleacy we tt.e..4 mach picture evil, without *yea • eagle terminably e . 1. renewed at sod insulted by artists parry eri,s rgreenteng Prod t‘, v.Is flirt. o 010010. alionnaar G.& .1.aa pre.p., and exore...i. no pionlar .fieripprobetiort1 Now, ails ie • .ei fioloh k id id apparition, and 411 11 bee. uhreteelwa • rester 000004:1 or ihi• ca• lanuly „wain, Ibn holm. „an 014 a bnit (Lan only be void 00: ye of vvitive evil (0 1141 i•ter- O 07 odic" 70.• vimad.. A. n, rots if iLe whole erimiouite. It mire from may be stated itt • few word• A number 411e IglI4lroal41 •'-'• LOI kol Pr.noltdc in Mose few 14 inikni !nen. iphins danonnnynn c.nanaan. ',dittos •nd erresrowsiale individuals who have LWeipNsy. bloke BM 144 et a prising/ tress, g°' c"°"°1 04 (41. p110110g frree•. And we emin- ent by roe Wiwi helsoroblelIesoo ousels. hie. (ite P"st.hle rot's, the roncliones that the respec• Mr. 1f011.1011 01-8101014•41010 wahy. pertiro el 14 • f'ontertettre puly, 1,7 sop. otana le e.4.10i4, • N,w,rapo in 11. cnaan.,a,a. loofa, prom 03 1Pf III cootrol, 11,0 Th. thin y f eLA/ sub/ each, hotelese C1 1C11 1)31 11C,11. Ilft 10 f end Impress, and a nillillerat's refiertnn to man' e'"'!" e',n.dershie hill trliti!•ested in lire pro- of ordiusty intellect, .odd cenrit.re f 14, !Aro is of the ecl. The raper cannot, esti, with the tomer exertions 01 the whole Goderich .4 meth an attempt. Toe people of thew uoanrd ciannaaaa. 4.4 tin. „adj., por Conservatives io its behale (oriel twelve months ia.an ija.heal • (rani dete-it cored not taint one month were Wird stentamenre. And although en, mod co- 'Ile re•P•e'able men the Ptilr to withdraw elinteireerand an endue infante, might neceri. 'Leif eenulensnes Ltd suPi-nrt. and however rea• 00001411 01satord goy he to support • paper 10 617 1)1.0. to vote five s Tory caul -late et the poll -so iofluence and no' eu.bartarente..r eon in- 'he ."'ore's 01the.iioo Miff, 411401(17 00 men pretending to Noy aliens a moral feeling. eta be duoe tuna to read or pay for a Tory psper. Nt.a wir.;•4 vote 141 je .6. cos ,,,,, ,iii.ecoue,:igansenvic‘ingiiivt,hdiag which can on• s United Geeedes 01 Hp,... Perils sal af111.7.0 well 1411,01a from • selfilrd.lisi;tive,004°n01wf Xrtne 1:17e:r how ltatedred men who ate both *Ur and wirtore.1 art the Ilaroa I.osaLisi ni)I inkire use ia a per. - p07 lets Toy -pert. (and (hie is considerably °W,_.g eln.7 °Yr ofrme eau lead(, 11111OVII !IA Olin, piece where there. is :I 11,747...1 4.11.1..°Zelye:jefeee'Llt""t.hr inerew 0100 0(04. ▪ veritItlie advert:4410 t Pert Poblisbed with led. But we have a derided Mort to tar% dose. or !tea jeer Awarod peyisg sub: or th. p.n.,' nI eire Prislithr Press -we detest mono. matt440 raabliabad a, a weekly loaa falulso:ni-tewe.ure solicitous f,o the prespoot, laier tot deflers-that Is, Melodies else reponse, castiaii,. pd. pewter: C.rwnhqh-X:sd cent teeinailv,., fib; oak. reel, pommies, mad printers' warm. The Godetich, although paisonixed specially by "'pu- (tee who have. much deeper interest in the pow - peril) of fluoro than we have, cannot be •ievrad auto .c juisition 4., the re;.ul.11on ail,/ place. itir Since writing the foteeoing remarks the We to pay • man ci.pable of tordeedlies.• peprn herb -in. It is highly creditable to the hTPoern. ere utterly iocapable of dnie end cmplimentsry to the Conarreativey in per- -.they g them- o pelves. And the. the poor Iti•bbloe on • from Itic.0oslmer. ire bea:thlre Pe .tiabsio.th ttdoee. the names °flame of in e party. week to week, now roped by of.e whereat@ a .. pot of Roeteek'e talented ',perch on the Colo- GortFolco, Sept4th, 18700. , *nal on dm male., 01t0 .dioiuI ,TO 11117000771110410N a an aorta o t L uron oy- it ticle.--nex I k, ogled • by seothet whu o n,. of the an Auguit, &o -'speaking of the moose • lew entooloolsw l'• (01141111 laialber 00 Governor.„General's 01.11 to Godertch, the eais ves pesetas evemt that engaging public at-, writer anyP, "When the .3/4ack came to motion, sad the third week by •Perrls hand who her moorings, an attempt was made to get deals in equib• and falsehoods, merely to 'thew up a cheer fur his Excellency, which wait that he is ia opposition to the throe Siena - a sickening effort, and proved • decided Thew mny all be clever men, in their own way (Viure• • • Such a reception for -pelletal good business men -good professional al to every -British subject. men, Or @yea what is commonly called " good . . • On hie departure, three cheers . aitholars." But, certainly, we ere not under- were proporied, by Joho Stewart, F.eq., for valuing their respecti•e abilities when we say •! The 141:14.44Navy," which were heartily dist beyood giving • common description of responded to by the people. Three grantee e onie occurrence that had come under their own were also given for ' fond Lion,' amidst oblieffalloO-Of 11/11.10g plain letter or comma- °f ' No Rebel -payers'-' u French n seine subject, either relating to thColony,' 101. • pereonally, or to something or seruebody R em - mingled with the faint cheers of the atit- es: cal oppleition." ,e immediate locality -or fabricating • few And believing, Sir, that the publication b., the) are entire') 1C0nrstit of lh• art of of such statemente must occurred, he in- itrrary composition. There is not one man a- jurious fo the character. and consequently snoag them capable ol taking hold of any subject to the prosperity of the Town, in en far 110 •ither in politica or in any other branch of useful the Huron Loyalist may bre read, eredited,or knowledge. and wntieg a good, sound, subetate- ?len 0 ted, a,itivoe0,141 been and nodtehreeri.g. ntedhatmwemaibetedrenonf :tee. or, common•eense article on it -nor of deliver- Pu Excellency, feel bound 40 41,110 to the char- iot such ideas or opiniees on it •0 will cause It . actor of the Town of Goderich, and more to be either read or quoted beyond the immediate especially in duly to the sacred canoe of locality. And thus the circulation of the paper is, truth, publicly to declare that the shove wills a very few exceptions, arising froro pedsooal statements of -the !furors Loyalist are ta- , friendehip or acquaintance, confined to the coon- tell.? rok. and'unounded. ty which it is published, and even there is John Galt. Registrar. P. A. MeDongall, M. D. ✓ eported End reed only by a very small 9040(00 Jame. wit.on. J. P. oldie pnpulatios, merely so an opposition to the Cleo. Brown, Jr.. County Treasurer.6. Huron Signal. The positive evil which it io- Benj. Parson., Mayor. Mete on the community allies from the prepoa- Dan: leisare Clevk of the Peace.• 'teroos 0014000 which the little party entertain of John Clark:Crows Leeds Agent.* the natnre of opposition. VVe can safely aver 'John Lorgwertb.• . 'nc that during the two brief periods which • Con- '0•. Stogy. William Wallace, Town Reeve. serrative piper hes struggled for exiiteoce is Robert Moderwell, J. P. , (1041,411)4, not one of the Iffittf• Of 1441079, (if 'John Rey . they please) hes ever •ttempted to take hold as Jamee Porter, e t•gle principle advocated by the Ifuron Si:nal, Thome,. Kidd. Town Clerk. either in politics or philosophy, and tried tosbew Christopher Crabb, Town Councillor. . that it was either 4.'...se or impracticable. The Re' Cherie, Fletcher. H Home Sarno: has bees characterized by .0(0o- orace llorton, Town Councillor. . ,l, °Osier artieles on various su`jects, as per- Jacob Seegmtller, J. P • R. Gibbons, J. P., Town Councillor. hope any other local Journal in Upper Curls, Dan. I lenley, Town Councillor. timing the period of its existence. Many atheor lateen Biseet, Town Councillor. articles have propounded rpinlons altogether in Jo.eph Ilerr. opposition to the popular notions. sod the tact Those marked thin• WPM members of the that msny of them have obtained • far m ote ee- Sheriff's Deputation. The aboirtice of the teethed publicity mem whet respectable Journals.. Sheriff at preeent will account for the .has they could possibly have gained 1hroomission n( his name. ngh the 901400who have corm! a the pro rich, and alio, ie defieoce 01 every reemmillfe 411.11401 coo endeavor to estalttiele a poor. blue nothing to lose is the speculation -they are sea- following declaratinn has been banded us fo ob. .... ____ .._ sterile/roe of the !baron Signal, sati•fies as " TIIE COLONEL. AGAIN !" - Me they were not *ripely unworthy of entre• e. _ New, hold the Coneerntive Editors of Geffetleh AYE'S° the very 144111 of the bald dthld'of thew ortitlee, erid •liewn,.14 fair logical reasoning, thio tb•y were lala• or moral - erre. anal condom maald here df-tureed the nisme of " eppoisitior" Bat the eppositme Meech the Signal has lorogitere I, is of • Jillir•• eat, •nd, eerminly, of 0.7077 Inferior eroi isto•nee-ertein Individeski thrinegfe mere pre ty influence. fir the seetwirpliehmrat of the baud party purtineee, are 04414041 00 Tow. Coeuraithes. The Edror of the Signaf. Mary so the imbIle feels bou ad to dthounee meek perreedingre. arid to prat or the reasene whir these men should amt be interred with the management of the Corpo- ral**. Thls immediately eats forth th, eproei- lion-not lo the elispe of en Editorial article, *bowleg that our ataterneoci were (.Io,• -not i• •• attempt .iii .hew that the uter•nleals whom w • dine* I to are respertable. trueterriethe roma, and really eligible s qes Weed to set a• Taw. lifi, * (tweeillere, bet iv i ape of a eirrielteneus• .4).,7. from i nem of irreeliel Annitets F.yety Meat of the little owls who caa spell the 70f0- 40,41 woe:deo( the E.gl'sh leaguer. wellies forth ds P we rite ration .11. pyrensal ebeesetee of Thomas poetry 10•zsetly the looses/0 e.4,,.4*s A. F. . Q1L14 yt," i" "" elei"eediele• The "hlie Morioka hes here seated. Tits ( &earl, mow- n.. b." • 14•61 •• k"...1"11 ever, feels morttlierl with tho Arse, re FAlter'• Alittoet; 01 am" ohs ere 1.1"4"k themsels ,ale ophoon of the 14,,.le/rod-and after calling Ale egoolgeseetit et San pulthe ruiner het the•• 1,,,,,,„; .• (4 ma. 1/00,Prost. we los as y. seem • Armload, would lot:ode00. Timms klegores se Mal in on attempt of rine highly•glied friend, the daunt- less Col. of the First !banns, and er•proprietor 0411,1 11...ron Loyalist, to ruin oar effitorial repu- tation ! la • letter to the imaginary FAttor Loyelat oa Thursday last, the Hero of the sword toys :- " In a fate Ayrshire paper 1 mot with the following pat The followirg poem is from the pen of Mr. Thomas NIcQueen, formerly mason at Bir N'p, Ayrshire, now editor and proprietor of the Boron E..:ignal, ono of the moot 'whiny conducted ef Ca- nadian newspaper..' " Whet • limmilisties affair ! An Ayrobine FAI 1 1 fff-n 11 W. of or wigs totem tellies his reader* that Thome, Mcgotetio 0104 0040 • Mason at 110,14 A feet which every school- boy In Ayrshire (we mgt., my in the west of Scrolesd). knew met aro well ies the Editor hint - *elf We do not know artsich of the two Ayt chu patawit•-se the Show of Fall W‘laest have been left out he want of space, bet will ap- pear le our mot. Th. comrnanieation referred to by our Stratford Correspondent Las been mislaid, other - emir we believe it might be tarried. (Communications. /Olt swam sesdat.. COLONEL FCDGE; OR THE POETICAL MACHINE. A FACT OF THE IOLA CENTURY. NT • COMIOIILUI. t11441411 It. . - [POOt laded.] In meationing the word " tallow," Chicks- bibby had give. poor Fudge s dose of • sickening quality, and He immediately retired to his home, where, after taking a little restorati•e. in the ship of a couple of talkies ands Wrath a ven- ue, be.,, for two mortal hours in wear ma- d., matching the sides of his head, rubbing his brow, mattering inaudibly, Wapping the table emphatically, with the little hi, and cc fireman,' giving a load, decisive knock on the door with the heel of hie boot, as .41411 11 to vy, " rut drag it 4" Al length he leaped op, i• • oset al (1.0111 140(017 and with gliatesiog eyes reclaim- ed, 'I'v. got it 1 I've got it 1" The joy of Co - ?mho! when he discovered America, wee bet 0 mere circumstance to the raptures ot Fudge,- ChickahiLby and Hurrah, who, after vieitiog the ✓ veral bard,cime of the Town, sad drier's( half • dozen 'lasses cm the streagth of die few cop- pers, were sitting bookie. ID the wd-day sus at the office door, sod each on his owe hook, woe meditating rid wondering if the manufactories of poetry wonld or world net torn out • profita- ble opeculatton. thst in, in as far u his own ws- gem was ccric•rned-as for poor Fudge's profit, that was • settled point-Ae was to kejlemead 1- Thri Were roofed from trot meditatiose by us- ing the little broad, fat Colonel coarse peddle, paddling through a cloud adroit, as if s flock of sheep 4(041jut missed down the street Hi car- ried hie little cep under his srm-the fin gapped incessantly, 0111 171 was shut, and the 101101 111 down in streams over his fat cheeks, as he came Along puffing and blowing like the steam wake' of the Simeon tug-bott. When ho came with- ' in about forty paces of the office dont. he bawled out with rapturous emphatic "Pin pregnant, Gentlemen ! I'm pregnant with " A stranger would Irak so !" interrupted Harrah. ..Defortned in body as thou art to mind !"- " Wnef, sir 1" rid Fudge, in a fury. " Beg your order eir," sod Hurrah, "1 was jut re- peati•g a line of ShsksPeare." It's a list of my freeprompro on the pauper Editor 1" said Fudge, indignantly. '• What • pity," replied Harrah, " that itherepeare washers before Too, " Bravo 1" shouted Hurrah, Yee ludo taaaed. tensed ?eerie* e7r, dime' 'Tim 14.41 corrwr=.: posed amither lime ! Yes, see ! try, sq. NI, 10 1151 rum.» vies sierii• It's capital cried Fads,, is perfect troupe, Ong merts •. Yes, air," rejoiced ilarroa, " the Wee a Bodice! Geovneot Ias:ail/y/4414. 01 11.1.1-'... 1 But, prey, *loch porwillose dots • sehtime couplet 'belong to ?" I. imr the dim -s of the porn or the Queer* Bather,, and it's capital, elf, it's copilot !" and hero the little ha played plop, slap, is triumph epee the 410,1, thick thigh. " Yes, ao,," paid Chick, •' many a Radical Goversmesit, in the pariah that I came fromwere swilled in pig sire till they weir completely petrified 100 pork, and then they wore ast.1 te the wok -bowie 10 feed dr va- grants !" " Excellrot," (moth Hterrah. The Gestates cf the day wee over, and the Colonel, utfrd up with the idea that he had honestly rained as Cif thly-lemortalstr, sod mightily ger- ified with the etteeetrunf the wiriest 1114101iise. made a very extensive and expeneve nighrgur- :!e, to wdicliir ere 4,4100 • large party 04 4.1. corntooion• 1 pie -ales. Chiskabibby reaped es 1110 01.4 4441.)?., and Girlish, who briniest fin- ished Ids education at a fleecing (wheel, gave a specimens of modern " Coieseitsisics." Co- ital, was not erred7 as tall as the mem Mr Oath. nor as heave no the Ammonite shot required the ;roe bedstead to support his giant frame ; but he had reached the age of ttienuome, and the as. loan/deg oleiturie of fur feet threw ilisehee at the sew time ! He was clever, bat the merit a the diverse., was far more than neutralized by the hereditary nearoiesion agile Coloael's pompos- ity. And, net the least arousing part ofthe *we- e nie's entersionient, was to behold Gollob retching and stretching like • man of rix feet, sad tabbies his would•be drowsy eyes, saying- " I'm 004 1-5 • damieg berme, 1 woe en is spree last rest ! !•!" In short, such i night of feed- ing, nod gouliss, rod scraping, and jumping, is only rivalled by the celebrated Werth's. of &Lingerers." Chiekshrbby scraped ott sod tiekl whorpers about the Queen's dogninine iti Ste l'aited Stall/ie.-the supernatural tufisesce of the drisio-aire Articles over the Japanese, red the Olillf lahabitani• of the world, and, above all, of the immense fortunes tbet he had seen realaol from the proper reanagenner 01 porical ma - ablaut, till the fiddle -bow beat with the perique, and hie eyes glistening sod smoking with the lore, of the faleehood, threatened to leap from their sockets. Harrah stock by th•Coloael like a leech, puffing hint tip by telling hint bow mach his pletry resembled the productions of the greet poets, and declaring that, only for the fact that Shelcapeare and • few others, had livetkisefont him, and had steles, or at least anticipated, all his beet ideas, Colonel Fudge !night have bete the poet of the world ! The poor Colonel swal- lowed and swelled like the frog is the meadow. " hy," said he, '' Chick isfories me that the penal) for whom he frearrly wronght 'hie Mo. (and Lis was no poetry compared with mine 1) made. under Chick's own tneasgeraent: upwards of six hundred peamds a year 1"- "Chickabibby4.oho01d wee. a prefore," said , florrak, " Ile'. jest a great overgrown Nebr- . as ignorant, -cooceited, opiaioestive, waspish blockhead, who scarcely knows the different. between his own foot and astatine Met covers it. Still, I- believe 4 we succeed as we have begun, you will realise a very handsome ioeoine from your poetry, 101,41 is eerisinly excellent." "It's capital, eir lit's capital 1" paid Fiedje, ..h. ex- ercieed the little fin with great dexterity sad ap parent delight. " Yes," cunt:toed nama,- .• lAfoetaine sod their fry," conveys s subLmity of poetical thought and expression that would have beer no diegreee to the genies of For my owspert, Colooel, 1 have re...rived that se pains shall be 'pared by me in endeavoring tic make • profitable specu'ation of the affair. By tbe by, Celomel, have you -e few dollars abets year pocket'? There's a sheet parterre fetus without jest now, which would require to be re- lieved 1" " Morey on demand !" replied the t•ologel, Try pompouly, •od shuffled oat a few Nezt morning found the Colonel standng in font of his owe door, blandly twisting everybody that pseud to and fro on the street. He had roi- ly taken time to pot on half his clothes, sod without (ne) Of hat, with one eye shot. and *bo- odle? g1.111111ering to avoid ,he dialing brightness of the son, he seenseed every man that paned, es follows Did yno reed my poem on the Qiiree's Binh Ds, 7 It's capital, air, it's capi- tol / Wrote it exiled, i• les mingles sod hfty- nig, *roods ! No troeble to me, en., comes oritioral 10 0000. roes ! Splendid party Jut night --good feeding •nd ghseieta• fee 1. Pon my word I was jest trayisg to GAISil that 1 klt ea happy is my whole life 1"-Andkere the little 611 Flapped (snowily on the thick, short thigh. Your rewlere, NIT. Editor, will, .c this IMP,, have asticipated the result of the Coluelle pom- posity and poetry. It ritay be related to a few weeds. Hurrah needed a kw coppers to prnoate his bitters at least once every two littere--tta• ".light pressure from within'. " that could be tell/wed by .few dollars, eerne et lout daily. And at dr ead of seven weeks poor Colonel Fledge mode the lollewing important discoveries that nobody would either purchase or read leis poetry,. Smoot', that. for his owo ese, 114 .0014 boa rhyme, much cheaper thou 1111 could' make them .--and door, hat 11, had bre Aro, d ein. hand. -ed dollar., mere!! through the 70e - primrose deiusios of thinking he was • poet !- The putout ameleise, as a matter of moose, fell ,nnewiteentreediangiallaintillr • . ef 011100 Ruth Sege, 1840. TO TIII MOM e• Tele WNW 11418111, anon flaeowanler aseinipsessias that igntesy, we beim any thing that will berdit op own, ur Moir will teed to check or wurd off .awai Jaya toireonviscke athe es you •,,a viva polshetty to At lotinwtogy. About thl• time he the year I$4 1 read in some newepapro that ib e strove &ream' Ildesets e poesred first as the upper pan of the rent or on the bars, semi that if ore ,be £r.t *pp. ata 111111 pressrun, d.acolerst.ria the Meal Prete pulled up, 01 401 deems le the mound wills a scythe, the disease *0010 1.1 Maid, and the crop thereby eared. Thie lot me to look earefully 0. my potato. crop, sod shortly after, 1 Lined the leaves get black, while •4 the true raw there were brown unwholesome looking 'pole on ths stows, 1 coneiderod dire onnsietaheahle cote of she preeence of die enemy. 1 therefore lost no time in following the newepeper'e advice, I pulled up 4140 04.14101 horn • portiere, wIefeh is rood) flame by prearing -the foot oft the toll or drill, end pulling them up with the hand ; bat genie( iired of Mis, 1 had recruit* to the onto' red e•t Owe leassimier 00 44,00 to the grimed as I could, leaving only • part of • tow untemeived. result wee, that the orders from which the stems were pulled ore snial:er than usual, bat perfectly free of theme that were eat with the icythe were of a good medium etre •nd per- etlly mind, while the part of • row left with the allaws 011, were to a ooJaiderable extent affected by the Meese,. My cup kepi perfectly .nnn4 tifl next seminar., while some a my. neighbors who took no such precautions suffered eesere low 1 believe the enemy is mow upon ea, as 1 yes- terday discovered the tome rympoons, namely, black leave, sod the omit:toe. looking brews ' pHs On the strove, aldosegh they looked perlect- le heolthv tie Setsrday last. I therefore car tioo the farmers to keep • itharp look out, sod if they discover there import's* of kis approach, tutted a itedulipar in vas •orialsturis as 10 whether he has hitherto IoI etseceslest ite the earth or the Ir, lose no time in cuttroz sir his means of communication with this valeoble root. If the brown 'pots already roach to the bottom of the etene, co below the sentare of tha Pound. I would soy pull up the shays, on the principle that halts loaf is better the now, bat dor, eel .0 10* as you can. Roy Doe *hie 0417erne. to call upon me willies.* my Potato, field thee "curtailed of its fair preportirme," which will show that I do not recourneed to others what 1 Arturo to adopt myeelf. 1 do not pretend to seeount for this arias Us ere, 7 do not even say that it will 01( 50 s• in- fallible core, I merely. (1, Ulle as expression now mach In vague) tell my owe experwece that other, may profit by it, if they chocee. I am, Sir, • Voormost obri't iter'*. JOHN CLARE. F., TMS =MOS 11 1401•L. STR.tTFORD. SPR•TTORD AS111111.-111* premiere owned by Mr. Dela and laown as "Stewart'. Ashery," the Sloan 8eu Mill, Miff bees leaved by Me Wm. Irwin, whoa* activity sod torsi iht forward manner hitherto, will be en of a successful burner. Mack salts e nd seises •re kiei•g rot 1-0 40147 is pretty largo quantifier.. The " Ash" trade is carried ea in several localities around Stratford:land I believe kis remarked, that the Pearls seat to market free Stratford, bear • good mark. Mr. U. C. 'Lee filen enniinue• brine. in the " Old Athery" beloogine In Mr. McCulloch, and each week loads of this cash article, goes from Strat- ford. Caors.-The Pratte blislit and rot has ap- peared in Stirford end oeighborhood. The crops are lenity. The kind of poteloes called pinks, reds and long blues, are affected more than the cups. The latter kind is pretty extensively planted; and in previous years 'Theo the rot 0100 preralent, 11,4. 4.04 escaped pretty much. 1t 41, ' a hardy poetess. and well - know• to the sons of St. Patrick. The relay weather, every other day, hu to maw 'mall extent totaled the fall wheat. Some .111 be grow. sod 'musty. 10 the townthip Nerth Enithope, and down the river in Downie, splendid crops of fall wheat have been housed. One 111heavy crop. Thal o pting wheat may be hardy an average. Prom a good prop. Bach am have orchards, will ham an average crop of fruit. Mr. Fryfogle Lea him plum trees loaded. New Goer ?Amt. -The new Mill, bedding by Mr. McCulloch, by contract, is progreeeing, though slowly. It is to be placed to the south of and tn he joined to the o'd mill. There will be ,nom for am or meol mill, mod other works. Writing ret huddler, there are several brick houses lining oo. There le a good supply a brick, and if mnre were made, they would be sold. The Provieional Coulee.% POMP of them at leer, are asleep, se to the progreesing•with the public Middies* ! The settlers should over- haul them. Beti's Comerte.-From the buildings erect- ing, and to enntemplettisio, this place hide fair 70e village. Mr. Mitchell's Stemnd a b rick Tavern is huddler, with a very large stable eroehed. '141..1004.of goods in Mr. Woreley's Store; will compete with most of the Stratford store,. If the preprietros ot the lands at this place, set lihsrally in diapers( of their lots, Bell's Comer. will ge ahead. Touowro, 12111a Aug. 1850, Bro.-I Imes 4.14. h000ur to lakes you thet the C arsootated by his Fateellency the Govornor (leneral to nos - (het th• Provnamal Indoetrial rad, 10 be held at Montreal in direiber, with a view to the repreeentattou of Canada .1 1)4. Great &Portion of the industry of all flatioes, at London, io 1851, have, by virtue of the power to them committed, nominated you Local Commissioner for the County of Ilu. me. Perth mod Bruce, together with the ereemient and Secretary of the County Prp.1.nt• bet -great miade vi ill thick alike!" This wee , a eadoeire, snci.the Colonel with one a hie Mee- drot miles, nodded meteor, Red testeatly diveem- lag hie air led sttltede 01 cemsetmentialtili end astonishment, coed oat, " Gentlemen'. Prit pregnant with a gloat thought ! Here Cheek, c get the marione instantlr ip erder, sad relieve '' III the pee•,.,OO tde 44b117, 00 (4(1 price of his lehr. Aed to this cleared, to all probehtl- ty, a tbeessad years Malice, the old, !hie, grey- haired num may he tete Wu... 001 his krone wroefone, ',fading whiappere red oe• t rona'', playing hevuldle-dee twaddle -dam b,ch no du fell entreat a hie mental gamut - ropers the gallant Colonel le in the habit of reed- II.'" "Y•s, au," let (lurk' e°°'"h^lbie "g" Iasi We do not know valet poem of oars the A? tarsi, with Ice oyes Irditne hal horn glvitifie hie reedere, bet world hale ,gait" a 1. .sting amusement Met e"mateh Yee' alt." we ao know t!.tat so }:door is Ayterrit nor in Harmak, like • brokes-dows thootarrigger ni- terewille kris lecher and moraine -tee le the bar- redalla bed poor Cruel Fledge. ober being mid lo.. " 'You're in a dangerous pretticararot "41411p4 0111'. patronage by a rascal !" and agate met now. I knew a great matey poets who jest bust right open will) the pressure of great theme/his ! The marmite is reedy. eir " Fridge flerried epos the chair, mod prime firth rose 1001 . ill,* woe prepared 15 load 00 4051147 415000, red esteinelieg tooth snow ie the at /imbed% etc hoe wither right so: M le ea .0 the per- mann an re." rne.d swimmer, he delivered himself ot the. " (MI • peenikey ileseesgh all h Wharton hardships sod help - tom deeffeettoo, fed ef ne,reit, reseehieg from as esti* pic-tie feint 1 1lisft., for I think he had •• hewer, was deported well is the shade of dm eld heenhsek. whom 11. 9151 14100(110 11. Wee a p00 1; sad tbrgesi-esiered " poop? 74- 101 " 1100 404, run a "modes glia, pteeed et I •-0 - - a odeiti.... to you immedit y, op ,pabilcOtam hp, .01 &ma, It etut tie toterlin to romulgate 11to.. Ily tam intention of the Commis' obese ta 'Ward such Prizes, sod to Meer • blow WIPP fiel transmission to Roirsed of in sin ankles as nisi bo settled for ttilieseAmAllt them pled* my be' is •nd enter ogre, iker, Uni , sonepellelos: without delay. 1 have the hoecour to be, N_rif meet humble liallithat FRED. CUMBERLAND. fleerdort, ire Worship tbe Mayor of Godenek, p. 8. -Tb. Warden of Our VoitilarkPer, (1-. ba • •og 10100 bonanot! of NG $ went to lb. Cosomlatioss. wootta=7 to suggeat your afrogasoitioe with limakam- tletuan. HURON DISTRICT AGricultural 110C1RT Premiums swerdlml by the Meru Agricultural foelity die best eemplesallati l Wheat (while sad nen et the Almost Illbew. which took place on Wedorediey the Make* sf For beolted Wheat, t% 0 0 Jibe fluter, 2.4 14.., .r 1 10 0 flu. Drum, fres., 3d hest 1 00 • *m" Best White Wro2r1111104 t, f2 0 0 11 led hese 3.1 heir 1 0 0 .1•41Se 1 III 0 Oen. I= flea. 'root...4 tree Weems, Li.. AMP ra S re Esq C. Cribb, Esq. • • _L•_2 .:.2121011 UPPPIIR CANADA JURY SILL- Grainened. 177 41 XVI. A nd be it enacted. that the Clerk of the Pescs for every Coast, _sad Milos of Conotaila in Upper Curie, skin oriliwall procure a Book to 11. kept u nosily ee may be in the Form mat fortis in Me Sehedule to this Act annexed marked B, and agreeably tulle heeptioes C011111.1n1PCI 111 All nolo, to gulch Schedule to be called " Th. Jurors Buok" for the Cousty„ et Untoes ef Coen - ties, ofiwbtch 14. 4. such Clerk of the Peeee as aforesaid, and the year for which sash Itmk a to be used se hereinafter proviamd, aed .ball between the fifteenth fey of Sep- tember and the first day of October is Nosh and erory year, transcribe or procure to be traoteritted into suck Book, from the dsliar - ant Reports of the different Selectors of Jurors for the different Towsehipe, Whi- rr and Wards or other 1.11e 104.1thrisioes drills County or Union of Counties, so mule to Imo for such of them as Atli have 11040 00 made to him as aforesaid, Oa 04 ba • fore such ' fiheenth day of September, the lions of all persose eti settee - names and ted :eo loms amt. ilnounraad osiasui4 er Peut Jurore as h such Roper rue- critied into such babe tgottPITON the be first to called " Roll Gram • to in bete Majesty's Superior Curie e Criminal Joriedictioo ;" the aecoad "Roll of Grand ignore to serve is Uwe Majesty'. lafterior Conks of Criminal and Civil Juris- diction ;" and the fourth "Res11 ef Petit Ja- rors to verve in. Her Majority's leforter Gonne of Criminal aed Jurisdiction," sod in each of auch Rolle shall Ise granter: - bed as aforesaid, the names and additions of all persons so selected and reported by the Selectors of Jurors as aforesaid, to serve as such Jurors in such Couaty respective - XVII. And be it enacted, That such Ju- rors' Rolls shall be each divided into Town- ship., Wards and Villages or other like .ab - division', armoring to the local dietitians of such Counties, and the Cities tad Towns enigmeed withis the limits theroof,,and such subdivisions and also th• names within each aubdirsion respectively, shall be ar- ranged alphabetically and all the names In each of such Rolls thug arranged, nuMber- ed with a eeries of current numbers from one forward ; and to each of such Rolla in the Jurors'oBook shall be subjoined a certifi- caie from such Clerk ci!ths Peace, that he had carefully compared such Roll with the Reports made by the several Selectors of Jurors for the different Townships, Wards and Villages and other local divisions of th. County or Union of Counties, and the Cities and Towns embraced withto the limits of the fame for the year, as sucb Reports re- mained on file in his officer 44 the fituenth day of September of such year, and that such Roll contains • true rad eorrect tran- script of the names ancl &Ultima ef all persons ao selected rod reported to saws as such Jurors as afosesaid. • IV. Balloting Airy Lists front lows' Ra8. XiV111.'"And be it enacted, Thal tba Clerknioofeo lhrecererneti,04o for rder usocntigh 77C7rre_ Cooney oru pare for each of the said Jurors' Rolls in such Jurors' Book, • separate and distinct yet of ballot, or piece* of psrehment, card or paper of uniform and convenient Mae, and containing the same number of such ballots as there are numbers is the Jurors' Roll to which the same shall bolos', upon each set of which ballots there shall b• printed or writtee, the wbole ref the user- bers of such Jurors' Roll, allowing MN number to each ballot, and shall carefully fold and enclose the whole of each of the said *eta of ballots is a separate and dietraet sheet of paper or envelope, k securely feld evancdh."l baltotetehfriLnI4loe, sioastopre ngkottroymonotnyraoat the same, and @hall redone' each of truth parcels of ballots with MO year and the name of the Jurors' Roll to which the same shall belong. XIX. Aed he It enacted, That a1Duallf on the first day of the Cosrt of Osiers! Qosrter Stlerixille of the P51411 for slat of cinch Count*, 07 Union of Cemetlea, held next after the first day of October fo meth year, thy Clerk of the Poses (4.sub Coes- orbnor Vein, ef Gristle, shall brleg.iste • pebItety de$t,.r 4. th. e &IMMO Seerrary taf peck Meghseiess Institote we- of 'rich C0011 Pam,' curia, the lours tablished within the said County : and 11 weir 80011.00 prepared by him as sforeesid, fee directed to reqnest that yno will 'Deese% the the thee pre year, and Klee Use fear pir - maid nomination, and thos strengthen the eels el ballets Wages, to the esma as ComtoireiOn bv yovr aid 'of influence. aforesaid, totether w1tb tbe Junes' Books I am further to hog t4al you *141 11. pleat- fee *web aDll4015..y_ or Oren_ airst PR" *4 to notify thee, appoileernest to the 'rue- midis( years as may be required for prem.- parlop .torn,. wedged 1 aad that you ding with the balloting of the Jurzlhett will eall them togetber fee the prwpmer of hereinafter altectod, and Klieg erruerreg whet sellout Would be esters male meth i apes ene sprivewir.voti7OR mem ee1s/0814 ter neemeu"the ettr jeer fir esrefel we* *141.14 theireentiviesieta blew bat, eitebireited, Iffei 10021111•011111801's 'WOO`