The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-20, Page 4PIO 4 Tli* Titnes44dvocAto, Follrvory 20, MO
EATA141,1$11B0 1900
Mrs. E. Gingerich
VVMSA President
ward EUB Scholars grr—aild, the tellOWtn4 Sad%
PAirs.erliGiegrilfh Al er.V F„.. - or .:,--er...-ect
elected-, ees ( en D . • . .
of the Mennonite ("nireh at a Futr.severt Awards, wpm pre.
nd14ist ,• Sentea to. teachers and scholars
• Other officers include Airs. at 8"ittia31' Sylla°1- sesal" at
Miss Betty Gingerich, secretary. ():n reb"arY 16. 'rile
prises Mrs. Amos Gingerieh, '•J°1111; f•I'aselloi former sliPer111.,
No. Ned Gingertch and tendent, Inade the presentations,
Mr. Leonard Monier had A.
.11,11111.1•Ise.rsli,(Ielinnieli.111). Casella. present-. Pedect attendance 9-r 18 Years.
'Re mentioned how he enjoy.ed
ed the slate of nominations. hurch and Sunday
flan;the Emmanitel. E.1.11.B. Church
Steckle, vee -president;
Tiw social ennunittee ennt„ ;dent,. Air. Milton Oeseh, and Alt..
Ca...r.n.ival Attracts 'Record. Crowd.
alentme Crowned. Queen
Airs. Ervin Gingerich,
us I
4.pretty -little red and white
Valentine, :nine-year-old Linda
'Ga.sche, was anProPriately chn-
km queen of the Valentine car -
which. attracted a record
crowd to Hay Memorial ;Com-
Inttnit,Y• Centre last Saturday
Dressed in a red cape, white.
and headpiece with beart-
ahOpecl decorations, Linda was
ch61Sen from more than a dozen
enntestants for the honor hy
judges Mrs. Robert Conk and
Mrs. Howard Scene. Hensall,
and Mrs. Morley Sanders, Exe-
She was • crowned by 'Mrs.
Scone and presented with flow-
ei.$ and a gift by Mrs. Ross
Johnston. of the Dominion Hotel,
• who provided the prizes.
Four -feet tall and brunette.
Linda is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Gaseho. She's a grade
four student at the Zurich school.
Arena officials so s
carnival attracted the largest .
crowd for this type of event in •
the history nf the arena. Well
over 400 were present and most
' of them were in .costume.
• A new feature of the
a contest for the best dog on a
• leash, was won 1»' Johnnie
• A•tasse with his white Samoa.
Second prize went to Howard
Lawrence with his black span -
"I f
4 le 0it, 111 of Mr and Mrs
were finished by the 23 embers
Craig, was a guest,
men LoiVlillert ANI.
tort.' I Wayne • Prayer Sery ce
I'Vorld PAY of Prayer he
Coolie — 12, and under, observed by women of all pro -
Shirley Flaxbarn,w
. ,testant .churches Friday after.
er; boys 12 ad under, r4aara noon in the Mennonite Church.
Prang, Howard Lawrence; ladies 'The;program has been planned
Donna Gesell, Kaye Hunter; by a group of ladies, represent -
men. Dennis Amacher, Wayne ing different congeegations. who
Claushis, met recently at the home of
National — Sue Anne Comm, Rev. and Mrs. Albert Martin.
Shirley Weida, Personal Items
Following the judging,. the,
Atr, and. Mrs. Floyd Buehler
Bluewater boys and the Parr , and children, of near Kitchener,
• • f,
„. leadlock in a humorous g31"'Ing the ‘veeltend at the home of
Delbert Geiger captured several ne Forum o a 2-2 1•have returned home after spend -
h 1 prizes. It •was the largest familx
of broomball which sa•-, plenty I,heir parents, Mr, and Airs. Sol-
amon Buehler,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoff.
. . man, of Galt, and .son, Robert,
. . 1 still -use the blades well at 68. : ,, „;. `,11d• It:Ira.," 1.‘,71.1-f1"1• ,Je,r‘..i,s' of B.C. where he is employod
' .. I Aw.ard for the host•dressed °(,a-an`aleTin' and Mr. atilnurtt lug.; with the Bell Telephone Co.,
The ministers, .of the Canada 1 Every church has a great re- spent Saturday at the home ;of
Conference of the F,vangelical ` sponsibility along this line, We _animal • was won hy Marian
rieiscnauei. , Robert' were recent visitors at
!the home of their parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien
United Brethren Church met, at • must share our faith with others. i and Mr. and Mrs, Lee Hoffman.
Emmanuel. Church, Zurich. from 1 "Fifth, 'the church should act 1 Other. is were: and Airs, Sylvanus Witmer. Air, and Mrs. Molloy Witmer,
prizewinne. ' • •
Tresday, February 11, to Thurs- i as the conscience of the Om.' Girls' fanct•-Under 1(1. Sandra ; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rader, Detroit, speet several days last
day, February 13, , munity, !Destardine, Mary Bannister; 14 : accompanied by Mr, and Mrs.. week at the home of the latter's
„ . .
A total of 28 ministers attend, ; 0•sigth, it should he a world- ' and tinder, Sandra Parkins, Lin. Charles Thiel, attended the ne-, sister, mr, and sirs, Earl Thiel
ed. It was the first time a pas- ' wide witness for gospel." ;de. Gesell°. • tional hardware convention in ' and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach,
tor's institute has been held at ' "The ministry is not a simple 1 Boys' Caney—tinder 10, Gary Toronto last week, - I Zurich, and Air. and Mrs. Allan
Zurich, 'profession," Prof. Schaefer said. Flaxhard, Robert Bannister: 14 ' Mr, Michael Hartman, who is ;Fraser, Exeter,
Professor John Schaefer, of - "It involves many problems. : and under, Earl Wagner,. Micjteal : employed in a Toronto bank,! Mr. arrd Mrs, Carl Burn, Mil-
th* Evangelical Theological Se- 1The layman expects. a lot of the ' Bedard. 1 was a :weekend visitor at the- : verton, visited at the home of
aninary, Napierville, Illinois, ad- • minister. He has seven roles -1 Open fancy—Ladies. Gwen Me- home of his mother, Airs. Ther- ' the latter's parents, Mr. and
drpsed. the ministers on the • preacher, pastor, leader in wor- , Bride, Mrs, Jack Bannister; , esa :Hartman, j Mrs. Wes Alerner. Mrs. Burn
thenle, "The Changing Work of ship, teacher, counsellor, ad- Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner is mov- ' remained :thr the week.
the Ministry." mimstrator and organizer. l
, ing into an apartment in the! Air. Robert Johnston is pro -
"There is a new aspect to the ' Emphasizing the need for more The Story In home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman: gressing lavnrahiY
Work of- the ministry," he said.: attention to administrative work, l Gesello. after recent
1 injuries received while playing
"We are now encouraged by Ii,• ; the speaker stated that a recent '
progress of organized religion. In : survey revealed ministers enjoy':
New Pastor Approac--
on the ice and four-year-old
!Ralph was the youngest skater.
Outlined At Institute
went to Peter Deichert. who cell
Prize for the, oldest skater
f I 11
s and spills.
Personal Items
Alr. a
i Air. Melvin Elliot chipped a! itt, •
1957, $700,000,000 was given to ed administration least of all yet : 1 bone in° his ankle recently while . • '.4
!Hamilton and Mr and Mrs. Ted
and Airs. SimonS 'th
...nil ,
By MRS. ROSS SKINNER lriding a horse. The accislent hap- - • ' • • "
the' church in North America, 137 percent of their time was 1 Alittleholtz .motored to Detroit
: ------;--------------, pened when the horse stumbled
all voluntarily. Ministers are : spent in this work, compared to snow while he was travel- „,,,„,1„,„. ,,„,4 Iri.rd.,
over the big weekend to visit
now placed first on the list of 120 percent in. pastoral work and , The Elimville Euchre Club ' in deep
ling from one farm to another.: '-`1i'ds"s"-mna1,;1, },i'a'g'sat't, who is nn
lePtership in community affairs, 18lpercent in preaching. Lack of met Friday evening at the hall
Tbere is a penetration of Christ- : administration has prevented with Mr, and Mrs. Delmer Skin- , The ankle is,now in a cast, the teaching staff at London,
Ian thought; in all circles of lifc. ; many churches from reaching ner -as hosts. There were eight • Mrs. Emma Sullivan, who has spent the weekend at, the home •
je, has becoMe popular to be a . the goals for which they strive.; tables in play and winners were: : been at the residence of Mr.. and of her mother, Airs. S. Hagan.
member of a church but there : in the modern approach to the Ladies high, Airs, Charles Ste- Mrs. ,John Allbright for the past MM. Geiger is spending a
must be a genuine. commitment ' ministry, the minister is thought phens; gent's high, Fred Cun- two weeks, is improving nicely few days with friends in Hen -
to jesus Christ." •1of as a pastor -director. Building nington; consolation, Mrs. Fred ' after her recent illness. We wish sail
School and how everyone should;
so i order •to he a goodefli
The superintendent ;commend.
ad the secretary, Miss Ethel
Gabel. for leer Work in conapil
ing the report.
Excellent attendance awards
were, given to four teachers--
Edigheffer, Rev, Am -
eviler, Mrs, Melvin Brown, Mall
itonme Desjardlne. •
riescii, Ralph. Geiger, Donald
MeAdams„ Margaret Geiger. ,S)10
Via Merner, Donnie Ileiger,, Auth,
Geiger, Nona Sehade... Barbara
Roy AleAdamS, 'MAN
& G .
bade, ail: Seibert; - ,Gerald
Mentor, Murray Al cAd M 'Nut -
ma Geiger, Marvin McAdams,"
StuartSteekle, Dentu ,Ainaeher,
Margaret Sehade, ElizabethFil
Elaine &bade, John Finley,.
Glen Greta"), Ethel Gabel. Airs,
Milt Desch, Mrs. ()scar. Grebb,
Melia Gabel, Airs. Rev, Aniaeher,
1 :Mrs. Barbara Sararas, Leonard
Erb and Deward McAdams. •
adedree 7ge DK,
"What ought, the church to be an edtfactory church is his first Cunnington. The. next party will her continucd health.
doing in the coxnmunity?" he , function and be must direct his be Thursday evening, February ;
aaked. "First, it should build a . people to do the work. 27, with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
sustaining fellowship — one that Prof. Schaefer dealt at some Johns as hosts.
cares for all of the people and length as to how leadership in The Elimville Women's Insti-,
makes theta feel they belong to the church could be improved tute is catering to the South I01 25 Percent
the redeemed. ' and the participation of all mem- Huron Institute mother and %.00,-
-"Second, it must provide bers encouraged. daughter banouet at the Elim- Number of unemployed in the
Miss Mary Louise Fritz and
girlfriend of Toronto were week- Drive little further,
end guests at the home of the Savo a lot more . . I
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Ward Fritz.
Mrs. 97illie Tetreau visited last
Saturday :with Mrs. G. Foster at
pnblic worship of Almighty God..E. vine hall on Friday evening.
School was closed on Monday Goderich district is up about 25 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask, Grand
people with the opportunity for , Rev. C. B. Carr, of Arnprior,
; thanked the speaker.Rey S
Something happens the hour 1 Dorsch, Bridgeport, expressed . percent over last year, accord- Bend, are spending the weekend
of worship that does not happen ' appreciation to the ladies of the : and TheadaY because of the ing to recent figures 'released by visiting friends in Clawson,
Special February Buys On
Frigidaire '58 Models
10.8 cu. ft. BIG
* Big Freezer Chest
* Twin Quick Release Ice Trays
*Full -Width Removable
Aluminum Shelves
*Automatic Interior light
* Large Milk Bottle Storage
-*5 Removable Door Shelves
Including Egg Shelf
* Butter Compartment
* New Safety -Seal door
*Glide -Out Porcelain
Enamel Hydrator
•t44,.. 4, •
All At Large Reductions!
• • -
Model D -11C 38
Ranges Washe-rs.
in any other hour of the week. ' church who provided meals for
"Third, it must provide for , the conference. Mrs. Chester
the Christian education of our ;Smith responded.
children and ministers are di.- Worship services were. conduct -
rectors of Christian education in ed on Tuesday, Wednesday and
their congregations. . Thursday mornings by Rev, G.
• Iti
"Fourth, it must reach the un- R. Strome, Crediton; Rev. E.
reached, This is evangelism Rueber, Stratford; Rev. L. A,
Dorsch, Milverton, respectfully.
! The host pastor, Rev. A. M.
Report On Amacher, was in charge of the
BlkeTuesday evening service when
the senior choir sang. Rev. W,
• F. Krotz, conference superintend -
MRS. HAROLD FINCAY ent of the Stratford district, ar-
ranged the Wednesday evening
service, when Rev. 1-1. D. Bus -
Personal items sell, of Mildmay, conducted the
Air. Rudy Desch quietly cele- service. The male chorus sang
grated his 83rd birthday on Sat- at this service as well as the
fisenior choir. rday, Pebruary 15. ,
Prof. John Schaefer brought
Mr. William Desch and daugh:
inspiring messages each eve-
er, Sharon, of the Goshen line
corth visited with his parents.!-Tling1
Uri and Mrs. Rudy Desch on
Mr. Hugh McBride of London
$pent the 'weekend with Mr. and
Sirs. Earl Deichert recently.
Mts. David. Desch received
Word of the death of her brother,
fir. J. Gesell°, in Detroit.
0 Mr, Wallace Gingerich visited
irith Mrs. Gingerich and baby,
Bonnie, in the Exeter hospital
1on Saturday. •
Mrs. Harold Finlay called on
Sir. and Mrs. D. :Wells of Exeter
Ian Saturday. •
A number from the vicinity
*deeded the ministerial meet-
ing, on 'Tuesday and Wednesday
*Yelling at t he Evangelical
!hureh in Zurich when the Ttev.
John Schaefer. professor at the
Vaperville College, Dayton 1113 -
conducted the meeting to
2he, congregation.
:Friends Return
rorn Florida
« Mr. Ed Alittleholtz and friend, i ' ' •
*Harry Colclough, Goderich, re-' Air, and Mrs. Cecil Camni!
:turned home Saturday evening were Wednesday visitors with
after spending a month with the. Mr, end Mrs. Delbert Johnston,,, W ill i a m Lambkin
:former's sister, Mrs. Walter
Enjoy Social
At Woodham
The Evening Auxiliary* of
Woodham United Church held
their annual. Valentine social 011
, Friday evening with Mr. Mar-
, vin Stryke as chairman.
, The program opened with a
sing song led by Norris Webb
, accompanied by Glen Copeland
followed by readings by Mrs. D,
Shamblaw a n d Miss Donna
Mills a duet by Joyce and Dor-
i '
•othy Dickens; trio by Janice,
Joanne and Norris Webb; and
, dialogues by the Auxiliary mem
A sale of home made candy
was held and lunch served.
Personal items
Air, and Mrs, Franklin Skin
ner were Wednesday visitor
storm. J. D, McLeod, manager,
At the end of, January, 843
Comments About male applicants and 189 female
' applicants were registered for
!unemployment, a tote of 1032.
Last year, the total figure was
• Kirkton.
Personal Items
Messrs. Earl 'Watson. Emer-
son Paton, Clarence Switzer and
Orville Roger attended a ling
Producers banquet in Ilderton.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hewitt and
family of Toronto spent the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Hiram Hanna.
Flowers in the Anglican church
on Sunday were placed by the
family in memory "of the late
David Hazelwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby
left last week for Florida.
W.I. Euchre Party
The ladies of Kirkton Wom-
en's Institute are holding euelves
in their homes to raise ftpds.
Mrs. Clarence Sweitzer enter-
tained oft' Saturday. Winners in
ladies high were Mrs. Clifford
Scott, lone hands, Mrs. Earl Wel-
son and consolation, Mrs.
Charles Baillie.
The Class That Counts
The February meeting of the
!Class That Counts, held. at 'the
home of Mrs. Fred Roger, was
• opened b3• Mrs. Clarence Swit-
, zer. She was assisted with the
worship service by Mrs. Earl
Watson and Mrs. John McElrea.
Mrs. Norman Amos, president,
••1 was in charge of the meeting.
!Roll call was answeeed by 24
l„members exchanging valentines.
1 The guest speaker, Mrs. Lloyd
!Smith, c o s e as her topic,
1"Beauty Tricks," and followed
•1 with a beauty demonstration.
s Lunch was served by the hostess
!with Mrs- toy Kirk and Lorna and committee
551- '.
'litre (Florericel, and her 110-1 Don MorPhY spent the week-1Dies In Clinton
!th\nvioinii7 Lambkin
oth yeaunde Y, Febrttile"n Clin
Ile „a's.tarY 9 In his
!leerp,tsfonrrt allrfel8y6easorns hoteistillillenevnItilein.
Oetober 29 "" near 11
distrPent 4-eohrilellit'painbkRit:'
Manitoba, working an fartit; this
;band at Fort Lauderdale,
VI •
rn. end with friends in Toronto.
Ida. They visited many places Mr, end Airs—Norman Amos,
«of interest during their stay Kirkton, visited the home of Me,
there. On the way home, Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Smith, on Mon.
iliittleholiz visited with another day.
*sister, Mit. .Paul Den'ange Mr. and Mrs. Llnyd Jaques
!res) and her husband in Chi- and family and Mrs. Mary
:elge. The two travellers report- .Jaques visited at Davidson, an excellent trip. !Mich., on Sunday.
------- 11,11*ifilitlifittlnimiliwniftm*C*01,0*1111*ImAintm****OM11101ifine - --
F CJ 7— ..00% JP'
Will Hain YOU
Welk and Work Better,
10, to II pdrn,
ZURICI4 Kiend $12 Or 11O
TOW:4Yr Fihruary 2S 10 a.tit, te It Pali*
itriyit Hee" *o� lit I LIMO/4 MON M v4,
OHIO 14004,01, London
Mrs. Matilda, Tetreau at
Present -staying at the home of
her son, Mr. and Mrs, Harry
MeAllams, for a few, weeks.
Rev. a Winters was a visitor
at London last Friday.
er 1
Special Saturday Feature—FREE GIFTS frit'
all members of the family. Ask for Miss Erb
in person.
• •
Gingenc s
' Zurich.
Ile wes nevee Married,
He was predeceased by Isis two
sisters,. Tars, Sain Cornish and:
Mrs William Ogden. le is sur-
vived by several nieces and ee-
phe.Ws. Wong where are Mrs.
Yratik Cornish, Zioe, now of
Exeter, and Mrs. Neil MOM,
The funeral serviee waeheld
trent the Hopper-ilockey ftinerel
lunne on Wednesday conducted
hy Rev. C. W. Down. inferineet
WAS lit Elireville cemetery.
TWO Negroes were discussing
faintly trees.
"Yessuli, Mad)." 'geld Antbrose,
."t ten trace MO relatineS
hark to a family tree,"
"ChaSe 'em hack to A family
hen? Asked Moe,
"Nett)", niaii.4rate 'ett —trace
'Well there tUflf 'bra two ItimIS
of things dot live -ttt lrOos —
1 birds and ilintikeYS -- and Ive
ain't g6t tin (Naftali on
• I VAL'
_ . •
* TWO PATHFINDERS, .slow -cost
Style in either Pathfinder you choose,
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choose Strato-Chief styling in either
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* SIX LAURENTIANS... a wide selection
with 2- and 4 -door coupe, 2- and 4 -door
sedan plus the Parisiennes,
2 -door sport coupe and cOnvertible.
• * SEVEN SAFARIS• pleasure
sm1.0.1.010•••• •
or profit in a 2 -door r)r choice •Of
six 4 -door station wagons.
* FIVE CHIEFTAINS , pick yours in
2- or 4 -door Catalina, or in a
2- or 4 -door sedan, or the bright new
,•:...::,,e,v!...!!•••!,•••:',?4,'"•"*"••9',':!:1,••••'''''''rn•ce:iiet...,:nm,;..,/,4,........ •
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* THREE SUPER CHIEFS... waitifig kV
you in a 4 -door sedan or
2- and 4 -door Catalinas.
* TWO BONNEVILLES!. ultimate for
for the extra fastidious.
sedan 2- and 4 -door Catalinas
the luxury lover with ,a racy •
2 -door Sport Coupe and Convertible.
Illustrated: Chieftain Sport Sedan