HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-13, Page 13is 1 Nower Valentines CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SAi.E: 5 words or Iess 70c. ,More Than 25 Words 20 Per Word P.0 QFF' if ad paid with -order or aY Saturday fellow.na the last •insertion SUCCEEDING •INSERTIONS 400 More than 25 Words 114.0 Per Word Semi•Display Classifieds (Restricted to .one column) First Insertion $1,40 Per Inch Subsequent Insertions 51.25 Per Inch. Minimum One inch Th. Times -Advocate, February 13, 195.E Pagei3 ., .,, , ,. ,..,.,,_...,_.�_ •,.....�, , w ..:.. ,. _.. e_, ,., .: -„,..,., ... ala Want Acis For Results REAL ESTATE NOTiCES To CREDITORS PCLLETS, i'urina started, any b'f (.\11E: Fl()l'.Sl2, ?•rerun, 3 bed.- age-, We eau supply any tweed rooms up with 3 -piece halls, 1 elicit as the famous Mount, slops i'ledroom or lien and 2-plece bath Queen strain, t'rotes Leghorn, 1111 W11; 11arIlt1/oo1l floors down oil 11108 311 -gross, or any hoary, heat; ad;iac'ent to schools. .Apply ,breed desired. All pullets deliver* 2:;6 Andrew St. 13 03260 ed. Tavistock o t' u 1 t 4' learnt. phone 60 Taviatocic. :.G-4:24 1 I a t 1fl.ASAIIL. JiLl .SA\V, "Deaver", heavy .duly, complete withmotor and stand. Tom Walker, 1elson SL, 10xetel. etre Del KA LB STARTED 1'I L1.ETS-.\ l(11aber of Delcalb started 111l - lets, vaccinated for Newcastle and brouc1110s, ready for immed- iate delivery et 12 and 1'4 weeks Of age, Price, :list- on request, IJJs- connt on large orders. ;\lous'e's Poultry Farnl, .11.11. 3 Sraforth, Ont.. phone 64? 3 6:1 3 :211:2 7 10 '.1.'1)1 ,COB C013N•--Apply ;flay i)ucharme, 11,1:. J Dash w o d, phone Znrlrh 100 I;-5. t 13:'20 Classified ads accepted up tilt Wednesday noon. Auction sale cJ-1OIC'.F 11AY, 2500 bales: also copy should he in Tuesday at small John Deere .corn shelter, P0011. ' 6ppiy Don Parsons, phone Hen - sail, 61.3 1.-33. 6113* FOR RENT S'1'Oitbl our Alain Street, opposite the Post Office, Available J3ovv. Apply at 'Bales -Advocate, PIANO, Newcombe; dining room table and befret; Sinner electric sewing machine (new); kitchen cabinet; rocking chair; garden tractor. On view Saturday after - 9 :Lit re fter-9:Litre howls, February 8 and 15, 7t 11e- toria 5t, W. 6:13* APAI I7'11I43," T - Centrally located, 3 or four large, bright roans. bath, hot water, partly furnished, >;0 pal'ate rat ranee; rent reason- able; immediate possession; adults only. .343 Andrew St., Deter, 20.6;133 71fI('J 1101ST;, 1 14 storey, .- piece !lath, upstairs, 2-plece bath do 00111 Ors, 2 bedrooms, living room and dining room: kitchen Aire ish0(1 if desired, and bot air furnace; also lar4e garage, Pos- session immediately. Apply to snarly\, n Hooper, St, :\tart's r.. ll. G, phone i;trk.t.on 115-21, 60 lie .\'P.ST.TAIEN'f, fully furnished, steam 11(131ett, private hath. Elliot \lits., 112 Alain 111., 'Exeter, phone 4 i 6. 2:6 tic 6-110061: A P A 11 T 11 1. V T, down- t cludlu electric stat( batt i n g stove, Apply at house next to (5X1. Slat lou, Centralia. 2:1 ;Me APARTMENT, 3 -roost, downstair, 7.-311t010 bath 131)130e heater, heavy duly stove provided. Also hed- sttroom, partly Apply 110x, Gladys Henry, phone 316 Exeter, , 7:l* FOR SALE YORE :8HIRE3 ROAN, : ?a months old. Apply ilea Neil; R.1, 1 Clandehoye, phone Lucan 161-r-22, 130 camp's ROCKER, sturdy; also child's doll carriage; $6.00 for the pair. Both like new. Phone Ex- eter 1..2-\W-12. 1 a 143.ECT1:IC STO\'1:., heavy duty, 4 -burner, with light and tinter. Apply Ml's, Doug 1redlal:e, phone 255-W Exeter. 13c SNAP-ON' TOOLS and chest,l�•- inch delve set, welwe lords elm; also 0(113 hall !tearing sump 1) 1101P• Apply'William Tt•lebeer, S9 John St., Exeter, 33- PL'LT.P:TS, Sussex x Red, .n weeks old, $1.00; 12 weeks old, $1,21. Ap- ply l'ann's Mills Ltd. Jac (•1.1.6X3 (':AL'1NET; chesterfield suite; buffet, All clean and in first class condition, .Apply Illad- 1\70 Hooper, 111. Marys 11.11. 6, phone Kirkton 1155-21. 6:13e DRAIN TILE 4 incl! ; 55 per Al Del'd 5 incl. 61 per M 1)el'd if inch 1 111 per M Del'd 7 inch 141 per A1. Del'd 3 inch _ - 17e per Al Deed T's, 3I'sand'Elbows 3n Stock Prices for 10". 12" and 14" on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE LIMITED) ittfn Elginfield Phone 193 Lucan TOYS! TOYS! P Beavers Basement 1oytown is open all year round, Gifts for children's parties. birth- days etc for all ages. beavers Hardware. SLEW SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFERS! Saturday Evening Post 60` Issues for $4.79 (Save $4.25 on Newsstand Price) Ladies Home Journal 22 Issues for $3.B5 (Save L3.15 on Newsstand Price) Limited '.i'lntc Only - Order Now EXETER TIMES•ADVOCATE PoYS' SUIT, blue, size, J6, 1n 1100' PHONE 770 condition. :\lay be seen. at Brady _ Cleaner's. 6:13 • see(. eeeeeuneeeeeuuum neneee un .$$$$ uunmunnnunnuumriinumruumlunnnnnulnu/, HELP! I'm Getting Lazy BRICKLAYING, BLOCKS PLASTERING - ANYTHING! Council declined to issue a 'proclamation ,sup- porting the National Employment Service campaign to "Have it done this winter" because it Lt there was no need for such a campaign in this area. a Several councillors indicated tradesmen were busy; in fact, they were hard to get. John Webster PHONE 297-W EXETER 111111,IIIb 111111111311111111111111111111111111111,11,1111111111,111111111111111111111111111111 iiiiii11111111111111111111111,1111111111 e with the' unexcelled clarity and tone you get with a... ri Ryon have a hearing problem... why not introduce yourself to the wonderful world of.bcttcr hearing with the magnificent Zenith . Crusader Hearing Aid`? Here's another Zenith mastcrpicce'ill creative acoustic engi- nccring,,.a hearing aid so tiny and lightweight it can be worn in a woman's hair. .or clipped to a necktie. Its 4-transisior circuit combines small efficient components to assure the most brilliant reception. ,i...,itii•i.••.Yl.i• iii •.tiiii i•Y.Y Y•.,.,•...i•61. All Thl.... PLUS, Thele Zenith Quality Feature., Too • New Miniature Microphone *Smart Gold•colored Cese • Fingertip Volume Conlrel y $onsitive 4•Wey Tone Control • 10•Day Money.Back Guarantee • 1 -Year Warranty r S''Year Service Plen Why not do justice to your hearing by testing the Crusader,,or any one of Zenith's eight other Models from S50 to St75? Come in,,.00 phone for a thorough demonstration in the• privacy of your home. Easy toms arrange 480;5:0,5 MOIL. Huntley's i3rug Store PHONE SO a • One .of llensall's fittest houses. Solid brie11, beautifully land- sartped, oil heat, with garage. J.'ricc for Immediate sale -- inert* sage available ttk,i\5A1:,G 'Pllreo-bedroom frame house with instil brick siding; --nicely cleenrat- ed tiu•nrlghout, modern klichen. cupboards, and oil heat. Priced to sell. \\'e have addltlonal Laren anti fain. listings far your eonsidera- tlO11. Guaranty Trust 1t. it. 1•A'1'dai.SON,. ;teener Phone 51 - Iaensall, Gal, 1:I6tfe CPic and . V. k I.S. mutt '-BEDROOM bidet; ('ashlar, um - demi kitchen and bathroom, living room, and LIIn111g' 1•0O111, at (ached garage, This home is In ,;noel (0111111 Ion and well located. Priced to sell. Terms. CHOICE, brand new bed mom home may be perch a sed with small clown payment or at a very low prlee. for rash. This is a beaut'fully finished t7ouse. Let us show it to you. SMALL II0413: in very eh03re In - cation. Convenient kitchen. Inpiece bath, oil heated. Everything goad condition, Price $4,100.00. Tertns, L.A.t.Gi. EA61II:X 1101'Sli:, cam - Pact brick, modern kitell:11, 3• pleee hath, good basement with steel fu1'naee. May be purchased on easy 1000)5. SHOP & APA 1:.TAUSNT•-\Vc'l1 10- ratedin 15xeCet' business section. .1111 Suitable for office or any busi- ness requiring 311 1' 11 13)1) floor space, Very comfortable living quarters. Terms. ":1,1111 APAR LM143NT HORSES, F'ARMS - Let us give you details. blry of sell, see C. V, Pie. hard, 'Realtor and General 1115u)•- an00, 3114 Main St„ Exeter, phones 10$ and '62S. 1:23110 50-.64:n7'; oft.Ass F,\'R11.....\1;, Lot Con. 3, L.sborne Cow1lship. Ap- ply William 1,, Thomson, Cen- tralia, phone l'1lrlcton 103-r-4. 6' RTI'01() COTT:\.013 - 74 Victoria St. 'West, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, 3 -piece bath, large lot. Immediate possession. Please r.ontaet 11. N. Alexander or J. .Alexan(let exe- cutors, phone. 1Jensatl 6S2 -r-1 3. 6:1 3' 1 101.0011, insul brit, living room fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full bath, nice kitchen. full cellar, furnace, hot water tank, central location. 2 -STOREY 'ROUSE, large furnace. "-piece bath, hat and (.0131 water, heavy duty wiring, garage. Early possession. 11;2Stfc N:U4.w 1-5I'OTlidY frame,, partial basement, 3 bedrooms, full bath, 5c Write. 1)110tt0 or eonie. \1', C. Pearce. Realtor, Exeter, phone 431.: 1:.a.r1 Parsons, phone 507, Fred Cole, p330310 536-W. Sales- men. ittfo BRICK. 14'OCS1'., central, 11ewl,v decorated inside at1(1 out, 5 rooms and hath, full basement, furnace, water heater, stationary tubs, new' cupboards. heavy wiring., b a r c1 0 o o rl floors. Reasonably priced. Apply Box "D", Tinles- A.dvorate, 6:13* Me 1,4 a Silverthorne 11.R. 1 CRL'D1ToN PPIONE 43 Agent for I, »'C. 1115X1:0, 111: AI.TOTR 306 Central .Ave., , London BUSINESS, COMMERCIAL e I'AR1.1S RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL 1Sc 120 -ACRE FARM at Kippen, 4 - bedroom house with bath, base - stent and 'furnace; large L-ehaped barn on well, implement shed and garage. `this farm is tiled and is •1 one of the earliest farins fit the (district. Owner will carry mort- gage, 200 .AC'rv155 at 'Grucefie111, 4-l)o11t- roont brick house, bath, automatic furnace, full basement, Large. barn on wall. This farm Is tiled and has 21 acres of wheat, Equipment may be bought with farm. Owner will carry nmett1131e. 3-1', 0i. Arnold, Ileal Lest atc broker, Klppen, p310110 liensall 672-r-13. 1;1:211• For Sale FARMS HOUSES BUSINESS PROPERTIES 100 ACRE GRASS FARM ,Ailsa 1'raie, SOMA; ptl'mattehl AAA( 111./.•, g rod fences and good water supply, GRAND BEND IN the testate of John Render, deceaaed. All persons 11at1u.1 cla'fls 111;1ilial the estate of John. 110nd- Or, lair of the Village of 118911- Wontl, in 11111 4'ounty of lluron. w'11(1 died on 01' about the 17111 of .- . 1 Jauu try 1 J s,are required I 'er aired :In fila 1zilt,enlal•s of shine wit11 Dell & t,aughton, solieltot's of Exeter, Ontario, by the 21st clay of 1''eb- (mary 1031, after 0 11101 +1,11: the esteie twill be dist ribturll ha\inx regard only to ihose. (.Manns of which notice liar been received, Bell (' Laughton, Solicitors for the Executol•s, Exeter, On111010. 30,6:13 111 111e Estate of William Henry Yearley, ticceasnd. A11 person s leaving • (:Taints age:lust the e;:tate of W'ilRain Ll('nry Yc'at'ley, late of 1110 'roW)1- 611i11 of Stephen, 111 the ('oun1Y of lluron, l"1313nrer, who (lied on 01' about the 2uc1 day of December 11437, are required to file particul- ars of sante with hell & Laugh- ton, St:010100s of I43- ('ter, 1)n11t1'10, by the 22101 tiny of February- 1035, after w'h1r'h Clair. 1110 o11111te 11131 be (1istrlbut:1 having regard only to those c•llilms of which notice has been receiver!. Bell & Laughton Solicitors fon' Lha ldministratrls, Exeter, untarlo. 6:13:211c In tate Estate of Henry Link, deceased. All p 01' 130 n s having claims ' against the estate of :Henry Link, late of the Township of Steph0u, lit the County of Huron, who tiled on or about the lilt clay of Febru- ary lefts. are required to file e a A r 3, 1 1 & ,• of settee �Itl part u Laughton, Solicitors of hooter. Ontario, by the Jat day of 51a roll 1018, after which date 111e estate will be (list ribu t erl having regard only 10 those Plains of which notice 'huts been received. Bell & Laughton, • Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Oittarlo. • 13,211:27(.. In the Estate of Oscar Frederick. Klopp, deceased. A11 persons having' claims against the estate. erf ()sear lerede- rh'k 1(101p, late of the 'village of Zuriell, In the County of Hur- on, who died on or 01101. the 0S(11 of January 1316, are required to file partieulars of same with !;ell & Laughton, Solicitors of lexefer, Ontario, by the 1st rl,y of March next, after which elate the estate wi11 be distributed leaving regard only to those Ha Imre of which. notice has been received, Bell & Laughton,. Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ont. 13:;n;27c 19 the 19state of Elsie Link, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Elsie Link, late of the Township of Stephen, In the County of lluron, who died on or about the 20111 of December 1(1511, are rego:11. d Ln file par- ticular's of same with 11011 & l.anghtoti, . Solicitors of Exeter. Ontario, by the 1st: (lay of \tarr•11 1056, after which dale. the, estate will be distrthuled having regard only to those claims 0f wltirh notice has been re00100d. Bell & Laughton, SelleItors for the Executor, Exeter. Ontario 13:2n:27c WANTED MO'RTG A(4ES--32,300 seec,ud mort- gage: 34,7en first mortgage, for clients, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, Ise RO1ISLS--W111 buy any kind of horses, heavy or light. Buy, sell or exehange. Call 133. Frail Taylor, Exeter. 5tfc Wanted To Rent Good, reliable person would like to rent. 100 to 110 aero farm with geed 31011(lings, \\'ill pay 'Itch rent 'for good flan, .Apply Pox "G", Times -Advocate. 6:1,30 wo cottages; 34,500; 3:,000 down; SERVICES GRAND -BEND 'Ricer front cottage, good lot Al* taohe(1, 'deal for boating etc. 34,000 cash. Many other properties not a11- vertiasd. ver information can Ex - OOP 24. M. I. GAISER REAL ESTATE PT(Cf.Sf f1( CTj'll1 I[ 3•1" ties. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE 11t.C"AI51111t Yield tin egg, brntiat•, meat -run rketa, Atolls *vise eholee mf rltfek6 )IOW, For eggo'iltere's 61)loo 111-('1'040.. laid' other o'3u'c11,- ant. breeds, t'2roliers fordrl now EXETER $tareh-$ eilT. 11001 purpose (melt" firsts, 4iray Tiatehery *)33.031• Erie i t:attleatidert. Exeter, phone 2'16.Wt-. 130 51:t"1`1(; ,r V1,4 1•'.75IPI,D hn•: toed ial0 se.rviee. Duller Urns., Locum, phone 130.1\• or 104 Luras, 1:9.2:13e Qt'AI.l'l'Y w'orkmanhli), drat/ell', slime: wee upholstery. 39103,0 of new fabrics. ''hone 211 t i \(ter. 1;21-3:2 711 131tIS(:I '1'0111, 1'01111 "Intel: Immo" for complete . Service! \Ve offer courteous, personalized orrwir0 by fac•tot;v - trained 3 *00101111 et Wushle' beat 13Ytt1 Most maim,, equipment, Reasonable prices, AN a45! Larry Snider 51o103'13, phone 1121 Exeter. 311:0:1: '"O:27c .A'r'rl4N'1't0 , 1",A1t,1I':TIN-Prom l't courteous collection of n11 dead and ,llsaf,lert faun aulrpitls, 15,11 endo*'l for over 3110 11(s, 13), \NT):fRBAv5, tet 1'-i1, 8(.1(01111. Associated with I)ttrlins, & of ,C.dtiitda Ltd, i:30.3:27•Ifc EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Floor Sanders Moor b:dgerb, i,'loor Vol WW1 Vacuum Cloanora.. 'fools. i te. BEAVERS HARDWARE Ll kv..f len, HELP WANTED 3Al 1 543.1\- .Snvinus to limbo, a Place for himself and. family. Experience ' f (r 411 s:.lesw tl 1. not .11"' f's'IrY, Tile big (Jtlaliflct.ticl41 Tenders will 110 reeeivril by the is 11111 y011 must .1(e. willing u) DTe(31111tray Tolwnsitip 14011001 Area w llrk. YOr (•llall('es of all w tube- for 411 words or 14" green hard 111(.111 w 111.1),"r1 0111' 1'01M/1111y are ('x- map l(' 111131"' 11. 0033, Irl hF (1:111vre(t 1)31' t 1'1:.1111 110 int to the different schools by lay 1111,31111 yrnl own it cal, .a.,\1.1111;;01-9.'1,1,11.1. DIM,: S.S.o 1; S.S. hax x.05 ("1 111, 6:13rr .. 1 , ;1- cowls: 1 .. ' 1'f .. 4. [i -:r enrds: $t. ti. No. 5-71.O1'd 6: . S.S. Xo, 17^' --In (cords: 1616. 1o. lr l enrlIs. AI A111011 tenders to 1'e in the hands of the Secretary, Oat i11 111 nry, r lan(lrho\e, Ont., 114' LI 0l loe(c noon, February uary 2 IJ, 1 aurst of any tender )lot necessarily 0"11 J)tet1. 1)61'11) 11,5N11T, Secretary t::131,4 TENDERS WANTED WOOD Stenographer Must ire Resident of Crawl Demi Part -Tinge for in Months 1''1111 -Time for July and August Must Be (1anr1 Typist Shorthand Preferred DUI Not 1;ssential Apply sly Letter To: SEC:ITETAIIY, 4iR.A1I) 1,U\11 :AREA C'll:A6IP1.R 1751' ('OAIJII'.II4 Grand :need, Ontario 13c N'.l'uc'I; ('1.teil < and earrx-nut boy, .Apply Drur3•'s illarket, )a- rta. Lie 11111!, 1111 \01,461 in 130 ,(1,0131 11011sowol'k 111 Celli rat ill 'Village, Alonday and Friday. hours 9 to 4. Alust be able to taste fell elle1'ge while n,otl6er is in bn5- alai, .I 'hone 1:xeter 732-1-19 11' NOTICES I WILL 'ill 8116'10: 11,e tweet:lee of rhiroprar'ting and drugless ther- apy Tuesdays, 1Wt'rinesrlay 0114 Thursdays weekly starting. 'Feb- ruary 4, John 'Ward, phone 341. 3l 1. 11111 'PO)\WNSHIP OE 116'3' WARBLEy FLY SPRAY AND INSPECTOR (A) ,ApplrraHtuns for contra,' spray all 111.111: 111 the '101411 of !lay for \Yltrble Ply ('o11 ITennsllip to supply splay motel•.. ial. .111 w' ark to conform 'lv3tlt the .4ct and: to be suhjec't to the r direction of Isle appni111NI 111 sierl or. '1.'('11401'1( lu 111x11(. ehear1y the prier per brad for 0x'11 treat - mem; also price 011. an hourly tate. ill) .A ppih'ttt1011 for \4'at•bie Ply 1'ont,rnl Inspector in the Town- ship of Jlay v, ill he reveived. Duties to 1.1' :melt as to ('nnfor'n1 with the :Ar(. Person whose an< plication is received (11(151 attend. school 'ill ('linlnn, nkat(. late of pay 1101' hour and mileage 081 P. A11 tender's to be ill the panels of the ('Jerk by entity, February. 2s, 111 1(C. 1.nweet 01' any tender not lteces- serily aeeelrted. If. 1\'. I; ROJ(ISNS11111I;. (..letk-.Crena., Tnw•nship of 1103' Zurich, Ont. TENDERS WANTED 'TENDERS WANTED LjCrHT ,FU.RNACE FUEL ,DIL Sealed tenders will be reeeised IQ supply nil for large 41Uple3 haus(' 111 £.11(.1(.3; a1)111 ON 100 g1(114(ns per week. rash paid on Delivery. Apply to ,LO,x ;times -Advocate,. 30* ,. t 1 ''t,'1 1) \• 5110 �QF 1. ' ti\. CEMENT TOnders \sill he received 1'lv the Clerk until .lard, 1, 1Ilse, for the Y supply of 600 bags of cement • AUCTION SALE lair! clown in lite klay 'tow'nship 311ed n0ar Zurich. cement to he , delivered frons ,lune 15 to 4IIIY i Of Choice Holstein when the culvert is 10 be bui11. Tr.nders to state price per bag. Cows anti Heifers. 11. 111•. DriolK.NSIi1R15, LOT 1.1. ("361. 2 STANLEY 'TVP, Clerk -Tr eas , 'row•ltshlp of !Bay • 113 1liles \Vest of 7irucefioid t. to Zurich, Ont. 12:301 T1 L'SDa11, 7'1;i11'tl alt? 18 AMP tfnl. ?,6 11:)41 p,n(, TO\\'\51110 OF II:AY 4o heart of high grade TIoistein caws and heifers 1'eeently fresh: CONCRETE CULVERT remailulP1• (11(0 Ill P'ebt'uary and 51a roil. Sot era! Tlegiaterra. CONSTRUCTION 10 Hobo eta heifers, recently bred: number of young calves, tenders 'wild, be .eeeiv(rl .111 eat tie varlrivatrd, undersigned 1131111 Satur- P11111 tO attend tilts sale of elinire da114 ra(314'. • Sale will he held ureter cavort, AUCTION SALES Postponed AUCTION SALE The Auction Sade of 1I'olsteila Vows that was to. have been *old 'Vuesday. 1t'ebruary 11 In 11.14\531.11 SALES 3L31ILNS is ill he held 11(.1'1'1. itf)A3, 14431111,1 31' 1¢. ret 1 1Ie pan. t x 1 11.'A1t(L11 JACKSON, .Auctioneer 1, 30 CHANGE OF NAME Take not lee that nn 'Thursday, the 1:131* day of 6lart'h, 1113\, 1tosnrte Pascuzen of The 'l'o\w11ship of Stanley, 10 the County of Hu- ron, will apply to the prestdiu ' .1111130 in Chambers at 11)13 court House, i1ryr1P.1 i('li, Ontario, at the hour of tet. o'elocic in the fore- noon to (hangs his name frnnl 'Insert() I'ascuzzn to Roy Pask and that of his wife from :\18tete 1'aseazzo to Marie Task, Dated at 11nderieh, ()Merin, this Mit day of February, 1038. J)ONNEL.LY & DONNEL:L3' 1S The Square, (OD17R1('II, Ontario, Solicitors for the Applicant 6:13:2Oc LOST MA 1.1.1 1.101'N1), black anil tan, between \\'oodham and firem en, on Saturday, February 1. Apply' Glenn 13el1, phone 612-r-3 1f:n- sall, 13 c FOUND PAIR L.11)11.S' GLOVES, beige, !'hone 093-J Exeter. 13' 13:213c Sealed by the . day, April 11, 1051, for the eon- . stl'U('t ion Of all 1'x6'x54' Cement Culvert on ('oneesston 12 at Lot 1 No, 18 flay during The mow 11 of July. The Township to supply ('(.111(.1,1. owl Steel, Blueprints and specifications relay be seen at the Clerk's office. Bid forms will he suppllted neon requnsl. The gravel to meet the requirements as laid• 1 g ne.r, ,ew ,_- MISCELLANEOUS anrtende not necessarily ac- cepted, ;4• a • 1? • 'r1.Tt51; ' r'as1,. I)'31il'Y It.\9'IIW[S1.h & SONS 1'roprlel ht's i1AfL1,)1,1:) 11M'KS01, ;Auctioneer 130 1l. W. BROIif5NSH17.E, EVENTIDE VILLA, a home for elderly citizens, is 1.1 OW open at Clerk-Treas.. Township of Hay "u Sanders St,. IExeter. The Villa Zurich, Ont. is under the management of Mrs. 13:20o L. Desjardine, Jrxeter. 1:9tfa LOWESY PRICED FVLL'SIZE CA 1958 Studebaker SCOTSMAN■ Up to 90 more miles to a tank of gas... Lowest maintenance of any car on the road %.•7 i 1 Graham Arthur Motors oo POI PI OP PM MI mi NM amo o o 0000ee,w•• PP PS e, e•• s OP NI PP Pe e, RAJ "Want to fix up your house? The BNS can help you." MARY ROIIEi1TS knows what she's talking about, • because she and her 111Is1)and Ila\ e gone to their local 13NS 'manager for friendly, practical help. Your 13NS manager can do more than just lend you money under a 10W -cost Houle improvement Loan. help help tailor the tarsus to .our own sitna. 1:1011, \1 bother j olt'vr, got \ our heart Set 011 re.* decorating . . , atltlirbg ,a Villin, , . . or repairing the roof. This heats get ting the host for our mone.. ,. �' J Y 'without unduly straining Sour budget. 0f course, you c'1311 ('4)031111 3our ne.ighbou'liood 13: NS manager 041 many other matters besides home ilni)rtl\men t'. t'(rr luseft11 advice, \\bother lou are planning for your (''hild'b education or this summer's vacation, 3nu'11 find he's a gond mon to see. And his friendly 14011115(.1 is jtl5t one'orinany 13 \S sem ices. Is your banking service complete 7 Wondering \t here your *Holley goes? With the ecelusiv0 13N5 Personal Security Pro;ramme--the guaranteed 3(137 to save -you can plan yOur spending by Planning your Saving. Are you paying bills by caalt? Save time and keep a record of major purchases -pay by retail 1+ith a BNS Personal Clle(lrlillg Account. Want your 1958 Christmas Ah 'opp'ing nitmey rt0ady ahead of dine?' Tuck away a few dollars every payday in a separate TNS Christmas Girt Account, Building a new holile? 'Calk to your 13NS madam about an NITA loan. Planning n tril? Yeti can't lost; your iuoney 151111 13 18 Travellers Cheques, Thiele BANK of NOVA SCOTIA your partner In progre'as BNS people ale friendly 'people -get to knew them of our Exeter branch, K/ W, McLaughlin Manager, • •