HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-13, Page 9HH Enters
Sixth Year
President Mrs. C, S Mae.
!Naughton of the Ladies Auxiliary
South Heron Hospital noted
at the February meeting. on
Tuesday afternoon that Sunday;
February 2 was the fifth anni-
versary of the opening of the
Mrs, Alice Claypole and mem-
bers of her staff celebrated' with
an anniversary dinner. Seven
of the original members of the
staff are still serving in the Hos-
The treasurer, Mrs. R, E.
Pooley, reported that the pro-
ceeds d the bridge ant euchre
party sponsored by the group
Was ,$U6.75,
Mrs. Arthur Fraser agreed to
take on the convenershit) of the
sewing committee in addition to
being cutting convener for the
remainder of the Jea7. Mrs.
Vernon Heywood, who Jiasl been
a capable convener of the sew•
line committee, has moved to
Victoria. P.C. She was presented
with a if .of ehhta on behalf of
the Auxiliary before her deper-
Mrs. MacNaughton announced
Opt tate string regional meeting
will be held in St. Josenh's. Nos,
purl, Leeston on Wc•lnesdav,
Anrll 9. Mrs. Gnrclon Kneh re-
rnt'(ed for the Exeter • (.'+neer
linit and slated that a 1)effodil
Tea would be held. March 7.
The word salary comes from
i'salaritun" meaning' salt money,
sieve Rnman soldiers received
part of their pay in salt. '
Beauty Bar
cl U
Myrland Clark, Prop.
t1n ' m 5 " 1
1• rnl riot. I t 111n
Tref, r >,
Individual SfTIIna, .r+1•rntnncntn
ltnnlrttren, Facto's
409 Main St. Phone 522
Beauty Salon
Marg Coward, Prop.
1 I ...
s Hear
*1zG els.
Main St, Groups.
Aid Boys' Work
The ladies of the W.A. :and
Alerl7bere .of Crediton Women's (1'.M.S• of ]fr. Street United
l urelt voterslaisl donation of 1;5
Institute numbering tg 31 were to the :Ontario Boys' Work Board
guests of Zurich tiV.1 .at their of. the Ontario _Council of Chris-
tian. 1 dueation, Toronto, at their
regular meeting ort Tharsdey
Februray meeting last 'Tuesday
evening iii the town hall.
The *meeting opened with. plane
:music by Miss Grace Erb and
the usual opening. A short
song was enjoyed using
.new song boaks,svith Mrs. Harry
Hess at the piano.
llze Gulens and Ilary ,lane
Hoffman of the ~Dashwood 4.1-I
Homemaking Club demonstrated
how to get "New Life from an
Old Skirt" as they learned in
their • latest project "Working
With Wool." •Airs. Menno Desch
told of several music composers
including John Sebastian Bach,
Gorge Frederick Mandel, 'Felix.
Mendelsohn, ]Cobert' Schuman
and Stephen Foster while. Mrs.
Hess played some music of each
A donation of money by enve-
lope for a bakeless bake sale is
requested to be !given on. Su ltday
•February 23. It was decided to
purchase a scarf for the eoni•
munion .table in tate church,.
A communication was read
from Dr. Stewart Allen stating
that the money from the stamps,
which had been sent, was used
to purchase books for a library
in Trinidad and -to assist in
building up a permanent milk
supply for hospital in Angora.
A birthday collection is to be
taken at the March meeting, Pre-
sident, Mrs, 'A,. J. Switzer con-
ducted the. meeting.
The worship service was taken
by Mrs. B. W. Tuckeyeanil Mrs.
Vocal solos were sung by Mr. Cecil Skinner gave two chap -
Robert Graham of Clinton ac- ters of the study book on Janet].
companied on the piano by his A piano solo was contributed by
wife, !Readings were given by Mrs. Frank Wi]dfong.
Mrs, Ed. Schroeder and Mrs. T.
Meyers, Mrs, Menne Desch pre-
sided for the program. Ex change Vows
President Mrs, Leonard Erb J
conducted. the. business and. was At Thames Road
assisted as hostess by Mr, Tom •
Meyers, Mrs. Ed, Schroeder and
Mrs. Menno Desch,
Mr's. WilfredI c
A a la' president
of the Crediton W, I.,expressed pressed
appreciation for the hospitality
of the Zurich ladies,
James St. Group
Plans Activities
A pot luck luncheon at 1:30
p.m. preceded the 'February
meeting of the Woman's Asso-
ciation of James St. 'United
church 'held in the church last
Thursday. •seed pearls and sequins. She
It was voted to hold a Blos-
som Tea in. May and May 25 was
set as a tentative date for. the
W.A. anniversary,
Thames' Road manse was the
setting fo
the wedding ding of Alarie.
Louis(an Dorsselaer V . and. Lloyd
Orval Beaver on Saturd..y, Feb.
ruary 8 at 1 o'clock. Mr. and
Mrs Peter Van Dorsselaer, R.R.
1: 1'Iay are parents of the bride
and the groom is the oldest son
of Mi•. and Mrs. Orval Beaver,
Thames Road. •
Rev.. If, C. Wilson performed
the double ring- ceremony.
The bride was lovely in a
ballerina, three-quarter sleeved
gown of white lace. 1 -ler finger-
tip veil of French illusion fell
from a crown outlined with tiny
President, Mrs, Earl Shapton
conducted the business a n d
group convener Mrs. 1.3. Pollen
precicjed for the program. Mrs.
W. E. Allison conducted the wor-
ship period.
Mrs. Robert MacDonald con-
tributed a piano solo and the re
cordings of three solos was heard
with pleasure.
IIIIIt 11I11111111111111111111111,11111),1,11111,11,11,111111111111,1111111111111111111111111,1111111,
Frozen Vegetables
Save money—buy bulk packs -2, 21/2 or 5 lbs. Buy
smaller packs by the dozen. We now have Kernel
Corn. in 21/2 -lb: packs.
Fish Special
5 -ib. box of Cod Fillets $1.45
Exeter Beef
'Beef is advancing in price. IT PAYS TO BUY
QUALITY. EXETER BEEF comes from the best
beef type cattle we can buy.
Exeter Frozen Foods
carried a bouquet of Sweetheart
Attending the bride were Miss
Betty Me'Gr.egor, London, as
maid of honor and Miss Irene
Beaver of Thames Road as
bridesmaid. They wore identical
gowns of red velvet with three-
quarter sleeves and full skirts,
white beaded headdresses and
carried bouquets of white mums.
Ray Van Dorsselaer, brother
of the bride, was gropmsman.
The. reception was held at
Armstrong's restaurant in Exe-
ter attractively decorated for
the occasion;
For travelling the bride don-
ned a blue sheath chess, blue
coat, winter white accessories
and corsage of pink rosebuds.
Ott their return from a short
honeymoon they will reside in
Rebekah Lodge
Helps Charities
Donations were made to the
Navy League for the purchase
of ditty bags and to the Muscu-
lar Dystrophy fund by the mem-
- of Pride of Huron Rebe-
kah Lodge no. 338 at their meet-
ing in the lodge rogms ort Wed-
- nesday evening.
They agreed to- cater to a ban-
ged for the Legion Auxiliary
members and their ,husbands on
Friday, February 14. Noble
Grand Mrs. Gilbert Johns pre-
sir'ed for the meeting.
The second round of the Bridge
and Euchre Marathon was
played at the close of the busi-
ness. Mrs. Don Harris won the
mystery gift.
The next meeting will be on
Wednesday evening, February
111111p111111„t1,111111,,,n1118,11,1,1111111111,1,111111,11114t11111115111111111111r1111t111111111111111,1111111111,11111,11111111,1, 19,
Wonder-matik Dryer
... At Any Temperature You Wish
Biel. the Steen rt'e,np Coni rot tot the Ieltlllern hire
denrredt Fluff, flour, iiedlont, 11Igit then tarn
the Select° ''Ione Mal Jrdrequired Itine—for
Bone bre, Damp :pry. or any nrrnens -oit 1,•1rh.
Th• heating' element ilhnln Ilnelf oft 'when 3
ISllnettex or the selected daring time let lett tit-
driven continue,. Itl.rn.inng until the clot hex (Mot
and then It atom.. Dellrntp Inllriex nre fluffed
4'lnnd xnfl,' let holt( hent bT Ike DrTer'a fresh
gentle breeze.
• Protects Clothes—Excels The Sun
Dahl A'nhii force twice the f,'e.11 nit nernis11 file
!blot Solar Are element. 'There ,11n'gtiiyl nir
vrntrn 'tear rn7111' the iumillInit Clothe*. .1rot tree(
hemi—nn hnrih hent hlnxt—(hnrn tt•hr einthen ht
ih1 'brpezc-twn.e' dryer annt lnnt~er 1luln tln o(heez,
I''nrf, seen U- dr_l.ig iel(henf ndG-indinyt', ♦t It, t1
frnring, 11100 -ling eltia, ripping and owning.
• • ; Easier. To Put Clothes In & Take Out
I'mll-nrlrlfh fi"otd+A leitY curtly a)lehei iutrt ieili' AB it
hnndy &Anthem chafe Or I1ttl( 'li•Ai' hit rlhth-lt i1IIi IC
—nr hth,arx old of the ISn'F' fn ttonr, i';xtrlt 'tnii7,1;c'
deer beanies', foe emoting- Clotty, 'dr- efetherr,
Fisher. Hardware
• PHONE 29 '
y,t41J IRIStltlllf ILtNl1/1.111IetIn4lI15.rt tlAlnlLSt.1.U.L11t1141R1U,418111.111111144RIS1.1ll1AJn1141,t1JIRR4RltAl11R1lIARU1,11JR5RLRltff.�
/ 'N
py •MRS, 11l- AIS.. S.
Lr. a billing frosts in the Southern
ist Winners Slates have starter! all .upward
tr.cnd in . prices of ,citrus fruits
and fruit Jukes In ,our grocery
At Ceni"rC��uS�... "stores.
Prices of oranges. grapefruit
Winners were .announced this and frozen fruit juices have
week .of a Roster contest for the jumped. between 30 and 40 per
fashion show being sponsored by vent in the last month and the
the Women's Auxiliary or 'RCAF increases are continuing. In re -
Station Centralia. cent years more than 90 per
I'Eighty-nine. students of J. A. rent 01 all citrus fruits and
1). McCurdy school entered the juices came from the 'Unitedcompetition. States.
Three top winners, who re- For those of you Who like to
ceive theatre ticket awards, tre make ;your own marmalade do
Ted Suffron, Leslie Howard and not delay but haul out the kettle
eight, atricia 'Tinline, All of grade and your prettiest glasses and
efill them soon.
Other ticket prizes went to Here is a recipe for a three -
Susan Kelly, and D. Marshall, fruit marmalade given • s by
grade eight; Leanne Lapeer, Mrs. Wes Witmerand w was
Darlene -Cole. Brian Dolan; Malt
grade seven; Pat Keller, Melane the handed down illi her )mother,
Dakin anct Lynn Miskey, Grade the late Mrs. William Dearing,
six; Penny Vallis, Claire Chabot, Three -Fruit Marmalade
Dulas Dempster, Lorraine (Airs. W. Witmer/
Robertson, Ricky Benning, 1 grapefruit
Diane Sweanor, ,limply Craw- 1 orange
ford, Ronnie Corbin, Joan Dal- 1 lemon
wood, Marilyn Piroth and Paul ('ul feint in (luarters and re,
Mullan, grade five; Lynn Hunt, rnm•et seeds, Siiee very thinly.
John May, Anne Elliott, .Saranne- Measure {usually is about 3?i
Boast, Suzanne Dugre, Valerie cups! Add 3 times as much
Stevens, Douglas Theisson, ,water as fruit. Allow to stand
David Andrew, Lynda Lapeer, overnight and in the morning
Lynn Leinick, grade four.
Those who received honorable add a pinch of salt and cook
mention include; until rinds are lender and trans -
Grade five -- Barbara Amos, parent.
Dorothy Jennings, Ian Steven- Measure the fruit and juke
son, Terrence Fisher,. Brian again. Add 84 cup sugar to each
Lapeer, Christine Durkin, Lai- 1 of fruit and cook to the
rane Bradley, Ronald Cowden,
Hilda Corliss, Sylvia Cooke,
Mary AlcClcay, Roger Paitras,
Donna Perry, Peggy Crocker,
Philip Henwood (two entries),
Carolyn Allen,. Gillian Buchan,
Thelma Amos, Bonnie Burnett,
'Wayne Paitras, Charlotte Snel-
grove, Donna Murphy, Ricky
Fletcher, Tommy Brady.
Grade four --- Charlie Saul,
Billy Taylor, Sai'anne Boast,
Lynn Lesniek, Shannon Car-
penter, Stuart Syine, Geraldine Marilyn Jean. Mousseau and
Greer, Teddy White, David William Ross Faber exchanged
Kelly, }leather Ananny, Patricia marriage vows before the Rev.
Bone, Alison Mitchell, Susan A. E. l -Jolley of Grand Bend in
Ellis, Kathryn Riddell, Vicki a double ring ceremony at Grand
Legros, Ricky Banks, Bobby Bend Vnited Church Wednes-
l:ialliwell, Billy Allen, Neil day, .Tanuary 29 at 7 p.nt, The
Ifall, . Donald. McKellar, Gail bride is the daughter of Mr, and
Lennox, April Ashbury, Kenneth Mrs. Elzar Mousseau of Kippen,
Harrell, Claudia Palmer, Linda and the groom's parents are Mr.
Perry, Ronald Carmichael, and Mrs, Rochus Faber of Kip -
Richard Cabot, Garry Nose- pen.
worthy, For her wedding 'the bride
Grade six — Carol Rose, chose a brown suit with ice
Cheryl Miskey. orange and brown accessories
right consistency, or until the
jelly stage is reached. Add al-
nuts if
desired'. Pour u into
sterilized jars and seal.
Mrs. Witmer suggests that
grating the fruit rinds slightly
before cutting then( helps to len-
Exchange Rings
At Grand Bend
Lois Sylvia Johns
WedS In Toronto
On Saturday, February 1 Run-
nymede Baptist Church, Toron-
to, was the scene of the wedding
of Lois Sylvia Johns, slaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Johns
and John Peter Culp, son of Mr,
and Mrs. J, D, Culp, all of To-
Tall standards of white gladi-
oli decorated the church and
Rev. W. G. Brown officiated
with Rev. G. A. Bell assisting.
9.'he wedding music was played
by the church organist, Mrs.
Baker; and the soloist was Mrs.
Donald McLeod,
The bride, given :It marriage
by her father, was gowned in
lace appliqued Swiss organdy
with fitted bodice and. Sabrina
neckline and a full skirt over
nylon net and taffeta. She car-
ried a white leather bound '.Bible
with white orchid, white florets
and , streamers. A . coronet of
seed pearls held her fingertip
veil of nylon net.
Miss Grace Bell, as maid of
honour, wore a waltz length
powder blue nylon eyelet dress
with matching taffeta trim,
cummerbund and butterfly bow
and carried a semi cascade hon-
quet of pale pink carnations.
Miss Grace Bruneau and Mrs.
Kathleen Deall were gowned a-
like in waltz length petal pink
nylon eyelet with matching taf-
feta trim, cummerbund and but-
terfly bows and carried blue
tinted carnations. Their hair -
bands were of matcitiee velvet.
Mr. Rae l -licks was best man
and the tiehers were Mr, Gordon
.Johns, brother of the bride, and
Mr. James Culp, brother of the
The reception was held at
Casa Loma where the bride's
mother received wearing 110
mance Blue lace with pink ac-
cessories and corsage of. pink
Sweetheart roses, assisted be
the mother of the groom in gold
lame with corsage of garnet
'After the reception the counle
left by plane for New York city
the bride choosing a nary blue
suit with navy anti white ar-
ceseeries as h°1' ging away en'
Semble., ffn 'their; return they
will reside in Toionto,
The bride has visited in tee.
ft'emiently, lier aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Airs. Percy Me -
Falls of Lowe attended the wed-
Shaving was originally a urn-
iccty a o e a s u r e since Tong
beards were easy for opponents
do combat to seize,
• Marjorie Dlkes
Perm Waving
!lair Styling and shaping
Tinting and Cold Waving
Phone 146
dsNONE 19, GRAN( ttEt+ib
Per Ll teff Styling
Preprletl eas
and corsage of white carnations.
Miss Carol Kading, of Grand
Bend, attended the bride wear-
ing a powdered blue suit with
aeceesnries in oink, and corsage
of pink carnations, The groom
was attended by Eugene Wil-
lard, of Exeter.
For their wedding trio they
motored to West. Virginia and
New York. and other points.
The young couple •will reside
on the groom's farm near Kip -
Thirteen pieces in a "baker's
dozen" originated when Kine
Louis of France warned all
bakers who gave under measure
that they would be beheaded.
(Author's lame Below) ....,
Resolve no',v that you
will purchase all your
medicines a n d health-•
aids from your pharma-
cist for these important
First — You are safer
because our skilled train-
ing enables us to protect -
you more.
Second — We charge no
more than food and var-
iety stores, despite the'
t at we give a 11701'0
personal service.
Third — It drug stores
do not get these pur-
chases it may bezorne im-
possible to Jeep (Ton so
many hours. Long after
most. stores clone, your
pharmacy is serving you.
Isn't it elementary that
you should obtain every
medicine and health -aid
from your pharrna&st'
Exeter 447
Pick up your prescrip-
tion if shopping !tear US,
or let us delivei'..prompt-
ly without extra charge,
A great man people en-
trust us with the rospons-
ibility of filling their pre-
scriptions. May we com-
pound yours?
Main St., Exeter
•410tarinn 1l'%
Sit' Arthur (*Khali 'r)tie;16
(141f•10 4)
els:stllk:itl 1tteesi t"4'fl
Tho Thine Advototio
19511 :lb61t '
Combine ingredients folding in
beaten eggs last. Bake 111 mode -
I. rate :oven. Serve with scalloped
_. potatoes baked at the sante time,
or serve cold sliced as a ileac
_ 1 11 a e
As we -write this, it is the cold
`,,, tilitlionitemtat5nultwoutt.ln.ne
derize them. She hikes to add
home made' marmalade to her
Christmas cake batter for fla-
Here is a tasty girt marmalade
.made with lemons.
Limon Marmalad
Wash and Thinly slice 6 lemons
and 1 good -size orange, tart of
flavor, Cover with 6 •cups of
cold water. Let stand over might
in a large :howl or enamel kettle.
in the morning put mixture.tnto
kettle, bring to boil and boil 1
hour or until fruit is :tender,
a adde
a n. equal
amount of sugar. Bring to boil
and boil until jelly stage is
reached. Seal in hot sterilized
jars. Makes about 4, pints-
• tI 7h rl s,
In almost every issue of the
paper these days we read about
a pot luck supper being a fea-
ture of a meeting. Mrs. Witmer
suggests a salmon loaf for such
a supper.
Salmon Loaf
1T. can salmon
1 cup rolled soda biscuits in
1 cup scalded )milk
3 tp. salt; few grains pepper
1 tbl. butter
is tp. onion juice
1 Ip. lemon juice or vinegar
2 eggs welt beaten
Ajoy 4. -
Luscious peach,
pear and pineapple
tidbits with bright
red cherries in •
clear sweet juice.
egt, stormiest day a•t winter art
far but we Clave, not fair ewe
.a• pot of ,flaffoCile ill bteolaa Leo
bulbs we planted in the lath AA.,
pussy willq:ws which we gut; '*
couplee of weeks „ken from the
garden. Spring can't be ler
144110114./010/.0.34110/.0f 5110110Wl 11150,nAf 11gt,1511111514t11t1111110!AttiAISttltl�
Buckley'* ,Cinnamated ..Caps............ .,;415:0,119,0
s :Mixture u
Bufferin . .. ......... '39,f, 79fr 81,23, 5141.9
Dr, Chase Brand Tablets ....69 51,49
Coricidin • 75O, 51,1,E
Bromo' Quinine 49¢, 790
Hankscraft Vaporizer 19.95
Jack & all Cough $yrup a9,¢ 98¢
LD,A. Bronchida Cold Caps 51,23-
I,D.A.BronchidaCough.Syrup . 7$0
I.D,A. ldaphedrin .. Spray 9501 Drops .650
Idarub Chest Rub 49¢
Listerine ... 330, 650, 980
Super Anahist Tablets .. 651e, 51.00
Vicks Vaporub . $90, 51,09
Vicks Va-Tro-No1 , 59¢
Vicks Med,. Cough Syrup 630
Vicks Throat Lozenges 496
Vicks Medi -Mist . 980
Huntley's Drug Store
PHONE 50 r Your IDA Druggist • EXETER
"Out of my way— we're having :
lemon pie tonight"
• 'You can't blame 'the elan, if it's pie made with
Je11.0 Leman Pie Filling — the fresh -tasting, satin -
smooth pie filling that's sure to be wonderful every
time. So easy — no lemons to squeeze ... no double -
holler needed ... takes only minutes to make. (Jell -c
is a registered trade mark owned in Canada by General
Foods, Limited.)
NOWge* the wonderful
HOOVER you've always wanted!
; 0, :i:k }::::2:} ,k'}4:. r .F.• „1\�'{•' •wAY:\. }'Sf+\ r'•M••:^:,5,..l�,� til^K}I :,•{:v'R•:••7;W:.vn:•�iW} K+.,+.i%§i<.^•'•.k ^Yy+C^}`
4 Yk+:''�iv}ty:t:k...!\::};f%:'i?�::C}:j��fjn�{:{�h•{.:. �5'{::ti'r,}f}:,+•} n1�" :'}:::G:•'•'•:':•::Y•:: }:'1 n•. :J.. . `max: p.� �k�iµi.�'\i}'•`/•Y•�
}ii1 i.••;'i�}?i:•:;:i::.. ... � J } t• C ' •..: .: : {•....'.1... +.....r .: }.:�•,... •�., Y..
:}: ..... nv.vr• nnv.. :::. ::. ;,•::::..•. Xi•}}};.i:. •.`aa:GY'.
UOY' /1O1
Regular price $99.50
$845Q Now
Il� $ 50
1 is � .-�� �.
It beak,., as it sweeps...
AZ it rlcaas. Gets all the i Double -stretch hose
,deep-dod'n dirt: Price in. t and swivel top let you
eludes accessories for t
"�' ^"''�� clean from ronin -to -
suction cleaning, " } �•?rtf room without once
moving the cleaner,
Cleaning accessories
"Triple Action"
Regular price $99.50
Model 1122 1
Mede! 826
R �;w,w4rh>{. £i;."?k'u\ +. `L""i4} '7•'h� .cc ``' ;iu\"i v. w\ '^ �"ti�t y 5bta't„ . ^' . f}}, . a)X4}N�.Y. .n re+.
COME IN FEB. 15-22
0 i
en these specially reduced models... now at