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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-13, Page 8
Ng. I The TimesAdvocate, FOrPery 13, 1958 Hensall And .DIStrictNews .CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude 1-ledden, Phone 5 Mrs, Archie McGregor, Phone 6132-r-31 WMS .Gives Life Award • . The Woman's Missionary So- ciety of the United Church met On Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Wilbert Dilling's group in eharge. Mrs. E. Sproat conducted the devotional assisted by Mrs. R. J. Paterson. Mrs. T. C. Coates, Mrs. Dill - beg, Mrs. Frank Harburn and Mrs. Norman Jones presented the study followed with a group chorus, An Invitation was received from St. Paul's Anglican Cburch to unite with them in the World Day of Prayer, February 21, at 8 p.m. It was announced that Mrs. , Hansel). of London will be guest speaker at the Presbyterial to be held March 27 at Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Stewardship notes were present- ed by Mrs. Archie Roweliffe, Mrs. N. E. Cook was present- ed with a life membership and pin. The presentation address was read by MissMattie Ellis and the presentation made by Mrs. A, E. Clark. Mrs, George Armstrong,. president, presided for the business meeting. Confer Degrees On Candidates Noble Grand, Mrs. 'Wm. Cald- well, presided at the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge No. 349 on Wednesday evening, when the degree team conferred the degree on two candidates, Mrs. Geo. Clifton and Mrs. Elgin Thompson, Brucefield. Mrs. Wni. Brown and Mrs, Hugh McEwen were soloists for the evening with Mrs. Wm, Fuss accompanying at the piano. Guests were present from Huron- ic Lodge, Clinton. Arrangements were -made to entertain the I.O.O.F. Lodge, winners of the C.P.T. committee in the recent contest, It was decided to hold the event in the Legion Hall' on Friday evening, Feb. 14, Plans were made for the an- nual birthday party of the Lodge to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 19 when members of Huronic Lodge, Clinton, are the invited guests, Members of the Lodge are selling tickets on a quilt on display in Mr. Geo. Hess' jewel- lery store. Jr. P.N.G. Mrs. S. captains Mrs. Stewart Blackwell and Mrs. Leona Park with gifts, and Mrs, Harold Parker presented Mrs. Sam Dougall with. a gift in appreciation of ber assistance. Mrs. Broadfdot, of Clinton, ex- tended greetings from their Lodge, Nurse Stranded Storm Hits' During Blizzard Miss Moja Roobol, nurseeite training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend with her parents..Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol. Ma3a was one of 29 pee- ,sengers who were stranded in ,an Ontario Motorways bus Sun - clay morning at 2.30 a.m. at Exeter, and with some of the passengers spent the night at the Central Hotel there. The rest of the passengers stayed at the town hall. Mafia arrived hem at 9 Lin. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. 'Wm. Cook of London were recent visitors with Mrs. Mrs. Inez MeEwen, Mr. Bert Horton spent the weekend with relatives in De- troit. Miss Ann Linstra of Exeter visited last week with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Linstra. Miss Bernice Dilling of Sar- nia visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dining. Mrs, Reid of Tiverton visited over the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Reid. Mr. R. M. Peck, who under- went an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital. London, on Wednesday, is improving nicely. Mr. Harry Horton, who is en• gaged as bookkeeper at Hensall Motor Sales, • was stricken with a heart attack on Saturday while at work and was removed by Bonthron ambulance to South Huron 'Hospital, Exeter, where he is resting comfortably. Mrs, A. Harvey, Mrs. W. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, all of Brucefield, and Mrs. Eva Carlile attended the funeral of their cousin, the late James B. Grieves of London, held at the Pincombe Funeral chapel last Wednesday. Two sons, Reg- inald and James, survive him. His wife, the late Sadie McCly- mont of Kippen, predeceased him some years ago. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Lemon, Mr. Herb Stephenson and sister, of Varna, are vacationing in Florida. Sgt. Jim Stokes, of Victoria, B.C., who has been taking a special course at Camp Borden, visited with his mother, Mrs. Walter Stokes of Ailsa Craig, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Eva Carlile of Hensall. last week. Miss Julie Heal will be a guest at a Valentine party on "M' Lady" CKNX-TV on Friday, Feb- ruary 14 at 3:15 p.m. Mrs, Wesley Richardson, while walking on Main Street on Fri- day, fell and fractured her ankle. X-rays taken at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, revealed the injury. Her ankle will be in a cast for six weeks, Dashwood Comments Sy MRS. ERVIN RADER Dashwood WJ Dashwood Women's Institute held their regular meeting last Tuesday with the president, Mrs. A. Kuntz, presiding. It was decided to cater to the band banquet with half the insti- tute doing the serving. Mrs. Kuntz, Mrs. S. Baker, Mrs, M. Merrier and Mrs. E. Koehler were appointed as a committee to plan the menu. Mrs. Kuntz was appointed as delegate to the officers' confer- ence at Guelph. Twenty-five cents is to be given far each member to meet the expenses of the F.W.LO. A shower of baby things are. to be brought to the next meeting to be sent to the k 'Unitarian Service committee for Arab refugee babies. Mrs. Art Allamand convener of the Health cprnmittee presided for the program. "How 1 use lemons" was the roll call, Mrs. F. Wein commented on the mot- to, "Wholesome homes are the stepping stones to a great na- tion". Lynda Tiernan and Bonnie McCrae favoured with several piano duets. MrS. Allemand had as her topic "Safety in the home", Mrs, Glen Webb gave a reading and Mrs, E, Koehler conducted several eontests, Annual Firemen's Banquet Dashwood volunteer fire bri- gade held their annual banquet at the Dominion House, Zurich.. Glenn Webb, deputy -reeve and the fire marshal', Fred Mter- son, were special guests. • The latter spoke on mutual aid, Fire -chid V, L. Becker asked to be relieved of his position. Mon's Club Entertains The Men's Club of the Luth- eran 606 entertained their -Wives and guests at an evening of bowling at Grand E end on Friday, Winners were: Leo Gibson Mnd Mrs. Leo Gibson,low, A). bed 1Viiller, Mrs, neinhoid Milet. Henry Link, 85 •Stephen Farmer Henry Link Who had latmed ter the)5ast $5 years on the lith Concession of Stephen neat Datil- Wood died at St, Soseph's Hos- pital, 1,dott itt his 84th year o Priday„, rehrunry 7, was Mattidd to=lie Wild VVIte predettated hint, is survived by tilt War, titerge Of £80 Vith eolideSaluti; three sisters, Mrs. Martha Jacob of Clinton, Mrs, Elizabeth Pilkey of Sarnia and Mrs. Lavine Baw- den, Exeter. He was born in 1884 on his grandfather's farm west of Cred- iton now owned by Albert Geis- er. He was a custom thresher and for many years served in that capacity. He was a faithful member of Grand Bend 'United Church. Having suffered a coronary heart attack in October be gradually weakened. He was fond of young people. He made his home with his brother, George, since re- tiring on the 14th concession ot Stephen. The body rested at the Hoff- man funeral home until Monday, Rev. A. E, Holley of Grand Bend United church officiated, Interment was made in Grand Bend cemetery. Bearers were Donald Tetreau, Wilmer and Ronald Desjardine, Ray Webb, Ervine Devine and Hugh Morenz. Hold Session The superintendents of the Canada Conference of the E,U.B. church held a session at the parsonage Mond a,y evening leaving for tttrich Tuesday morn- irig. Choir Officers Returned The annual choir supper of Zion Lutheran church was held in the church basement Monday evening with 30 present. The committee le charge was Mrs, Reinhold Miller, Mts." Howard Datars, Mrs. Robt, Hayter and Albert Miller, Bunco was played with Mr, Edgar Ilestemayer, winner and Albert Rader, consolation, Officers returned are: presi- dent, Edgar Restentayer; vine- pres., Melvin Stade. seey-treas., Mrs. Melvin Stade; leader, en Nadiger; assistaht, Mit, Wm. Stade; librarian, Carol Becker and Anne ltoehler, Taken as Members were Anne Koehler, Diane Krell, June atid Rethenne Rader and Jane Reste. mayt Peelefial iftifts Mr, Leo Gibson attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs, Grate dOaibyrn jit Detroit last. Thurs. M. and Mrs, Weiiwood Gill And Joan Of Grand Read stent Sunday with Mr. and Mts Ervin /leder and family, Miss •Sean 'Kellerman, a MIS - Motley froth Japan spoke of her work in Japan at the Attendance , Attendance at Hensall churclt. es was cut down considerable on Sunday last owing to storm and weather conditions. At, the .1.1nited. Churele which has a con- gregation of 300 every Sunday. i only 100 attended. With 50`e of the coegregation from the rural , areas, no one from the country !attended church. The Story in &Insley By MRS. CECIL git-Wcop Personal Items Air. and Mrs. David Morley left on Saturday to spend a few weeks in Florida. • Mrs. Bertha Hudgins is, spend- ing some time with her .daughter, Mrs. Murray Rowe. Mrs. Douglas Dixon entertain- ed on Saturday ,evening with a shower for Airs. :t•arrnen Picker- ing (nee Violet Reece> whose marriage took place at Ailsa Craig recently. Bliss Elsie Morley of Exeter spent the weekend with her par- fds, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mor- ley. Mr. and Airs. Geo. Prest and Billy spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Airs. Elmer Shep- herd. Air. and Mrs. John McKeon of Arkona spent: .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowe. Airs: Walter Morley is .on the sick list. The ladies of the Anglican At Carmel Presbyterian Church the organist, Mrs. Harold Bell, who resides two miles west of •Hensall was the only one from the country to brave the weather conditions to attend. church. Twenty-four attended the serv- ice. St. Paul's Anghean Church, and Chiselhurst United Church, cancelled their services. 'Pack Building For Reception The Community Centre, Sea - forth, packed to capacity, was the setting on Wednesday eve- ning for a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Eyre (nee Dianne Bolton), a recent bridal couple, I• The guests of honor were ,pre- sented with a well-fillee purs'e of I money. Laird Norris of Kippen , read the presentation address, 1 and Clendon Kerr of Winthrop I made the presentation, The Nor- ris orchestra provided music for the •dance. Euchre And Dance At the euchre and dance held in the town hall, Friday, spon- sored by Kippen East Women's Institute, 25 tables were in play for the euchre and the winners were: ladies, Mrs. , Robin Mc- Allister, Mrs. William Dickert, Mrs. Clayton Poszell; gents, Bob Elgie, Dave Pethick, Campbell Eyre; lunch prize, Mrs. Bruce McGregor. Norris orchestra provided the music for the dance. The hall was packed. Another euchre and dance will be held February 28. " • • • • 0. • Comments About Biddulph By MRS. • M. H. ELSTON • • • •••. • Personal Items Mrs. Jno, McAllister held a quilting bee at her home on Friday afternoon with twelve ladies present. Those present were Mrs. Cecil Skinner, Exeter; Mrs. Nelson Squire, Farquhar; Mrs. Bill Thompson, Mrs. Sam Skinner, Mrs, Priscilla Mack, Mrs. Bob and Mrs. Jack Blair, Mrs. Karl and Mrs, Lorne Weiberg, Mrs. M. H. and Mrs. Allan Elston. It was decided that the neighbor ladies spend a social afternoon in each balite during the winter. Owing to the storm there was no school at S.S. No. 9 on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Elston entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jini Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather, Mr. and Mrs. Jno, McAllister and Mr. and Mrs, Allan Elston on Thurs- day evening. Croquinele was played during the evening. Heather and Wendy provided some singing. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Pek- ham and family, of Xomoka, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Fischer, Mr, Chas, Tindall, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McFalls. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Means and Joyce and Mr. and Mrs, Ross McFalls and David, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis were at their daughter's home on Wed- nesday evening celebrating Mr. Geo, Mc'all's birthday and Mt. and Mrs. McFalls wedding are niversary. church and also showed films. Constable Joe Harvey of God.e. rich was at Dashwood public school last PridAy and lectured the children on safety. He also showed a film. Quilting has been the schedule of the Ladies' Aid of both the E.U.E. and Lutheran churches. Lynda Kraft, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kraft, had her tonsils removed at. South Huron Hospital, Friday, by Dr. (Wiens. Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Eagleson and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eagle- son of Southampton are holiday- ing in Florida. Attend Banquet Feting Relative Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Kleinstiver were hi Belleville last weekend with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Williams, for A special occaaitne On Friday evening Mr. Wit - HAMS was honored at a retire- ment dinner having completed 50 years with the Bell TblephOnO COMpaaY, Mr, WillianiS Was presented with a Mein watch from the Bell Telephone einployees. A tape recording Was Made which humorously recounted Mr. Wil- liams career With the Bell en. titled "Thla le your life. ---Prank Williams.'" Airs. Williints also reeeived considerable mention and was presented. witlt • battittot of NW. church have planned a panoake supper on Wove Tuesday, H. Cunningham Dies In LondQn Mr. Harold Cunningham, 48, died in St. Joseph's Hospital, :London. on Monday morning. He had not been well for some time and was taken to. hospital a week ago. lie was the :son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunning- ham and was raised in this :com- munity Besides his wife, the former Rita Hodgson, be is survived by two SOOS, Charles and Donald at home: one •sister, Airs. Roy Wat- son, Parkhill. The funeral was :conducted by Rev. A. E, Menzies at the Mut* funeral honie, Lucan, on Wed- nesday,iFebruary 12 with inter- ment n Ebenezer cemetery, McGillivray Township. Farmer Minister At Cromarty Dies The death of Itev. Robert Duncanson :occurred in Toronto on Monday at the age .of 81. De was minister here from 1950 to 1954. when he retired ,and moved to Toronto to reside. lie is survived by his wife. one son, lan, and a daughter, Miss Marguerite DuncansOn, Toronto. Personal Items Air. and Mrs: Otto Walker attended the lee Follies in Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto,. " on Wednesday. Ajr WUiam Routly, =ravine, and Mrs. Ruby itoully visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. • I Owing to the storiny weather and heavy conditions of the roads on Sunday the church service was withdrawie The rural schools were closed ' on Monday, also Mitchell High I School,. W,M.S, Study Japan Itirs. T. Laing was hostess for the February meeting of the 'Womanta AlladonarY S001eiY. Mrs. E. Moore, presided and Mrs, Sarah Scott led in prayer. The topie, based on the twenty third Psalm, was given by Mrs. Laing, who also :conducted the business period. .Mrs. Will Miller led in the glad Tidings prayer. Mrs, Calder Meaig present. ed the study, reviewing first chapter of "This is japan." She was assisted by Mrs. Laing :and. Mrs. W. Harper. ',Current events were given by Mrs. ltri. Houghton. .4.1111111111.110.M.11 0110111190111 MI 10111 IMMIHM11111411110.1411141111.111141111M1 I I WIII011.11111 lig IMAIM1111111114111111$1, White .R91.0 Service Station TO LEASE HENSAI-1, Alert and Aggressive Operator Required GalIonage15,000 Per Year WRITE CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES LTD. Sox 487, London, Ontario Attention Mr. Vic FaWcett 4401(I F,1111111101t4111111t1413'41411110111.1ktiM %%%% 441111111r1.114111tItillIMMIllittlit11(114111111011111114111111411llilli FEATURE! Aylmer Condensed ;.x.k )f:5 TOMATO SOUP 20 -oz, tins for 39c RED LETTER FEATURE HEINZ SPAGHETTI In Tomato Sauce — 15 -oz. tins • ee" • for 59c • • • IT'S PANCAKE TIME Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour for 39c nr,,,,etrs TABLE SYRUP, 16 -oz. 270 Old ('O10117 MAPLE SYRUP, 16 -oz. 410 We've outdone ourselves to bring you bigger 'and better bargains—See them in our market plainly identified as SUPER -SAVINGS. Look for 'em. RED LETTER FEATURE! Gold Seal SAL 0 Fancy Quality Sockeye RED LETTER FEATURE! Libby's Fancy Fruit TAIL RED LETTER FEATURE! Wagstaffe's—Pectin Added Stra 0 0 * 1/2'S—tins for 89c 28 -az, tin , 37C .11. 24 -oz. jar erry JAM • 45c RED LETTER FEATURE! Super Save Pure 16 -oz. jar P'NU RED LETTER FEATURE! GREE UTTER 29c Choke Garden RED LETTER FEATURE! Kraft Cooked Ham L©. 83c Sirloin Steak L. 65c T -Bone Steak L., 59c Sausage PURE POP< LB. 49c Bologna 1-10rFMAN's LB. 2.9c uper Savings ci Patch, Tender and Sweet 15 -oz. tins EAS f°r 25c lb. pkg. CHEESE 55c Florida Size 252 Oranges Bananas Lettuce Apples Parsnips Potatoes pi:, Tomatoes S -LS, POLY, At L. HEADS SPIES & MACINTOSH L3. 2 FOR 3 LS EIA0 10 LEIS. DELLO 49c 19c 35c 35c 19c 45c 35c BONUS BARGAIN! Modern Plastic 4 -Piece CANISTER SET Rog$3.95 t4a‘ With $s ONLY I 091V Order, Serve •California Prunes For Breakfast 2-L13. CELLO 39, SHALL size Swift's Luncheon Meat 12 -oz, Prem 35c Hereford Corned Beef 41P°