HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-13, Page 71$ QUILTING A ,40$,T. ART?... --This group of ladies from the W.M.S, Afternoon Auxi1. iary of jams Street .thlitect Church quilted 29 quilts last year and, are stitching on • the fourth, this year. From the left are Mrs. Percy Passmore, convener, Mrs. Bert Bissett, Miss Pearl Keyes, ,1,957 convener, Mrs. Cecil Rowe .and Mrs, Norman. Pass- more, —T -A, Photo •.- Conduct Shower For Bride.El'ect A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Hunter on Friday evening in honor of Miss Mary Margaret Essery R.N., bride -elect of this month. About sixty guests were present, • Contests were enjoyed after the gifts were opened. 111rs. Maurice Coates and Mrs: RalT1' Coates assisted the host- ess in serving lunch. The right of the chartered hanks to issue bank notes was cancelled in 1945 and since that time only the Bank of Canada has been permitted to issue paper money in Canada. DAUM 1411,0 f WHAT A NIGHT FOR A SAIL f I. 0' •:„.21 AND WHAT A DELIcioUS DRINK- MILK FROM NIOILANDIIILLDAIRY cyt 1S\ • swum O O Illitimmill1111111111011111/1111414111001.1111111, Girl Guide Corner By CAPTAIN I.LIXTON Our Guides, along with other Companies in the District are quite busy these days, planning for special activities. to celebrate Thinking Day, February 22, Beginning with our District Guides Own Service en Sunday evening, February 16, we shall enter into what was once known as "Guide - Scout Week," Both the ' d Zurlch Guides will be present at the service and it will be nice to have the district joined together as one group at this time. We do hope parents and friends will join our girls which should member over fifty includ- ing their leaders, and we do feel that those who are free to come that evening would feel well -rewarded for joining with us in this undenominational worship service. • Our Guides will of course have their regular meeting next week, and then on Saturday they will be out to help the L.A. members at the tea and bake sale. The following • Sunday will mark the annual Scout - Guide, Cub - Brownie church parade, and we do hope that the parents will come to the service also. The children would be happy to know their parents were there, and we who are leaders would feel our work was re- warded. The Brownies have been fairly busy people selling tea and bake sale tickets, and competition is keen with three or four of them. Others could be working much harder: As far as the Guides are concerned Lefty and 1 are thoroughly ashamed of the effort made by most of you. Out of the Company as a Fashion Show Caven Project Plans were made for a spring • fashion show of hats, a tea and bake sale at the February meet- ing of Cavell Congregational Circle, held at the home of Mrs. A Whilsmitlj lasi Tuesday .ning. The event is to be held in the.church basement on Wed- nesday, March 12. Jo -Ann Whilsmith contributed two solos, Mrs. C. Ersman pre- sided for the business which was followed by a silent auction. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. W, .G Cochrane and Mrs. K. McLaughlin, Present Prizes At OES Euchre The Exeter chapter Q.E.S. held a euchre party Friday night With 16 tables in play. Prizes for ladies' high went to Mrs. George Lawson with Mrs. Ted Stanlake, second prize win- ner and low lady, Mrs. Stru- thers, Men's high prize was won by Mr, Stan Love; second Mr. Max Turnbull and low, Mr. George Lawson. Lucky chair prize was won by Mrs. William Sillery. whole, only something like eleven tickets have been sold. You give the excuse that the Brownies have jumped the gun on you, but you also seem to forget that you had your tickets before either of the Packs be- cause you made the tickets. So come on now, girls and get out and sell some of those tickets. We would like to have a fairly close estimate in by this week, and all money from both Packs and Company must be in at next weeks' meetings. Before we close we'd just like to say congratulations to Pat Ferguson who passed her Wood- craft Test last week at the meeting. And don't forget about that posture test that six of you are trying! • 711'11.PUSZI,{7i, SH Giris Continue Wins ,Continued from Pap 4 South Huroi . rallied for an ..0ght-point first .quarter,, _collect- ed fivemore in the second and then produced seven additional counters in the third for their temporary lead. Hymers was the big gun for Listowel by sinking five baskets and three foul shots in five at- tempts for 13 big disastrous points .as far as South liuron•was voncerned. ifyiners scored .eight of his points in the last quarter. Jones followed ify ers with eight more points, three of which Also cane in the, last .quarter. Peter Ravelle's 13 -point •epi- sode with Melvin Finkbeiner's 12 provided most of the spark for the losers. Bill Etherington chipped in for one on a foul shot in the last quarter to keep the game close. Seniors Throttled 38,14 Girodat and Dennis, who came up with 12 and 11 points re- spectively,, provided the biggest headache of the day for the local seniors, as they scored 23 of the 38. points in Listowel's 38-14 victory. La*son with nine and Gidley with six were the other Listowel marksmen. Bob McNeil hit the basket for seven while .teaniM 41;es Bill Pollen and Ross Wein followed with three each for South Iluron but it wasn't .enough to keep pace with the free wheeling Listowel club. The loss was the fourth of the season for the local SC,11101'S. Next games for South Huron teams will take place on Feb- ruary 13 'when the two girls' clubs will travel to Stratford for a doubleheader, with the boys entertaining Stratford. nt home in a twin 1)111. SKI, Wit UIt South 'Huron 72 Lictowel 12 oA, 'Walk Away:" LISTON1'1•11, , ,FTI• 1' Evelyn Clelland ___ 2 1-5 5 Marion Beatty ....„ 0 1-2 1 Shirley Wray _...._._ 1 1.2 13 Patsy Pat Is . 0 1-2 „ 1 Betty liardman 1 (1-1 - • 2 Theresa Henhouffer 11 i4-0 'Von i Taman (I 0-11 Barbara Park __..__ 0-0 Jane Henry Dorcas Morgan ....- 0-0 Patsy Eanna. _ n 6-0 Donna Drown 0 0-011 TOTALS 4 4-13 SOUTH 1-11.• new Kenlynn Shaw A 2-4 Jane. Farrow _____ 2 3-3 MIrdsa Enlens 12 2-4 Pat Lovell ______ 1 3-4 Allison Clark n 0.0 Gulens llelen Taylor ......- flarh Itirrnlek .. -- P414 Marshall Parh Turkey Alice Carter _- Marie Salmon ._ 4 11-6 „ 0-0 0-0 44 Zurha II 0 0.0 0 1 ppor ((-41on iiiisn 0 0-0 t 0 44-0 n : TOTALS 12 5-12 23 0 41 Lois 1.1W:a 1)4;4)4'14.1i r-kl10-41-.: 40 :04:04 00: iiet iyt.":10,.r:tsit 0. 0-0 0 T (OCT11 111,011UN 1 7-24 0 Rosanne BETA era' „. F:1 1.1:: 11: Iii111;11f.30ttiv„144;3.woofi-: '1,..! 1:2'1 ;i2. ii''.:(1.1,,i,:::.,1:::::::10:;.: __".:: ;') li.'2(111:-.6-.0 -0 Jane Eurtnn --- 0 '&41 lize Clitlens -......-: 3 :8 8 ,.1%/lanii .tt,11,u‘ranntldieorr .77f -T7.. 00 at1:00 .6 P;iaille ,,,-,al, h „ Alma. llodgins ___...- 0 0-0 0 0 l'OTA LS 13 6-18 32 11.'.r 1,1.1Aulit; 1 141i1r;174 ,4-- 0 6 03-- 8.14olirtchi Speneler.11 9 6-33 SIIN.11011, 1301 S Lictotv el 3A, South Enron 14 ..oute.texed 411 The Is e7e, !suf.:Tit iii:nux linLoonnigliszyi 1:1-71i1 11:111 Pollen ---- 1 1-3 2 Fit (1 Hunter - 0 0-11 (I :11:111;leh 13411.11.111;ijserAllati fall 0011 ::0112 0°11 a 3-3 7 11.6.g 11rin 1 1-5 3 111,s stenalt - 0 0-0 11 ill 'an .1110, , 0 0-0 Ted 11.8A elle _---- 0-0 0 Trey ALS 4 6-14 14 1Tl)WjJ4 FS P .,,., 5 0 ircnia t - --. ._--- 6 Pori erfield ___,..._ 0 Thmitpl5Q11 -_------- 1.lichsnn__.--- MeCourt - ---- --. 0 .1 E ray ..... _______,.. 00 0 4 0 0 TOTALS !eq'- hy quarierisst Knuth Hurnn 2 12 Listowel high _,.. 111 12 L ,N10.11 1102:5 1-2 0-1 0-0 1-4 0-2 14.14 0-11 11-0 0-1 0-0 11 320 0 Town Topics Mr. and Mrs. William Kovacs, London, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Lloyd Parsons, Mr.,and Mrs. Oarnet Mcralla attended the funeral of ter mother, the, late •Mrse, Prederia Bilyea, who died at the family residence, Lot 4, Concession 14, London Township, on ."Ivionday, ',February 10. The funeral was held on Wednesday orn the Carrothers and .Son funeral home, London. Mrs. Preston Dearing: received a telegram .00 Suxiday -informing her of the death of her brother, Austin Rice, in California. Mrs, J. Z. Maiiiet and son, Terry, have returned to Orillia after *Wing several weeks with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Melvin King, Mrs, Hd Westcott, Mrs. Eunice Stone, Miss Helen WestcOtt and Miss Elsie Morley were M To- ronto last week. and attended -the ice Follies. Rev, S. Kerr was in Toronto the forepart of the week attend. ing a committee meeting. Mr. *and Mrs. W. H. Hodgson and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hodgson, Torento over the 'weekend, Exeter Old Boy Dies Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Knight received word of the sudden death of their brother-in-law, o, Mr. Clifford Spackman, in f Guelph on Tuesday, February 11. 0 Mr. Spackman was a native of 6 Exeter and spent his youth here, o His wife, the former Beatrice 2-10 38 Knight, sister of Mr. Reg. Knight of town, and 4',ur daugh- ters survive, 0 (4 14 6 10-38 Lictowel 20, South 110ren 28 e Were 11ob1red-0 SOUTH 111:1102 FS Pant Ainache)' 0-11 Frank Boyle _ 0 11-0 Malvin Finkbeiner _ 3 0-12 1!111 Harvey _ II 0-0 • 12 i) 11(;111"EiTte%4nligel.on-:: 1-2 13 1 13 1 jaek Stephan ___ 0 0-0 'EeitIr HodgIns 0 0-0 11 16,unis Cann ....... 0 0.0 0 pmrg Lanaghan 11-11 Ernie Morena 44-0 Uord Strang 1 (1-1 2 12 32 TOTALS 10 S-12 • P LisTowm, Ffi FS 112 .11 turra , 5 7 :Green Jrinr• _____ 3 11 Hollinger 0 • K ilpat rick 6 Coughlin --, — 2 0 3-5 n -n 2-a (1-1 0-0 0-2 0.0 0.1 0-0 28 13 0 8 0 444 4 0 TOTALS 30 score 1'T glingterAt T . 0 Soul h Huron 2A 15 10 19-15 Scorer: Gwen Spencer. 5, 13-21 7.3 •snrteh Quarter aartersi nl u JI AMR, GIRLS South Huron 32, Lista 'lLilealm Lend The LISTOWEI.,FI Carol Welar 1 :Joyce 'Weber a H14ii Ad a ms Marilyn. Knight — Marion Fisher, n Joyce McLeod Pa.uline, Thompson _ n Sandra Lemmeh -,0 Eleanor Elliott , 5 7 A -2A ' Listowel 3 5 6 15-23 -wayr, F(4 r, 1-2 3 ? , n A.0 0 .14 11 HO W110 is prejudiced is usual.- a.f) 5.6 n ly down on something he's not 2-3 2 ! up 011. EXhiinrrioN. mAsKETBALL Senior Glrlx South Huron 44, Parkhill 23 Senior 'Boys Soulh Huron 11, Parkhill 11 Junior Bops Huron as, Parkhill South 18 Average hourly wage in Can- adian manufacturing at Oct. 1, 1957, was 160.5 cents, compared to 153.3 cents one year earlier, and 129,2 cents five years earli- er. he TitimAdvotiots* FOruary 10/ 19 P4 THIS SPRING USE "New Process Shur-Gain Fertilizer "NEW PROCESS" SHUR-GAIN BETTER 7 WAYS * Reduced Moisture Content * 'Uniformly Blended * L.ss Dust * semi -Granular Texture * Free Running * Better Drillabiiity * Less Tendency to Cake SEE youR. LOCAL SHUR-GAIN DEALER OR CONTACT PHONE 256 Canada Packers EXETER + Modern Designs + Ultra Kitchens + Automatic Heat + 2 or 3 Bedrooms Mortgage Money Available To Finance Homes In Exeter 60% to 90% of Value May Be Arranged Art Whilsmith EXETER PHONE 386-M A Giant Giveaway! Two Exeter Firms Join Forces To Offer Shoppers Over $150 In Prizes . DRURY'S RED AND WHITE SUPERMARKET and GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS combine to bring you this Spectacular Mid. Winter Giveaway! We're giving coupons away NOW so start buying all yobr food at DRURY'S (you'll save more anyway!) .and get all your gas, car repairs etc. at GRAHAM ARTHUR'S (your Texaco dealer). YOU CAN BE A WINNER! .100 Gallon • Of Gas • Second Prize: Grease Job Buy Your dos AfGrohom Arthur's Worth Of Food Second Prize: 100 Lbs. White Sugar Consolation: 3 Pairs Of Nylons To Two Different Winners Coupons Free! With' Every Purchase At Either Firm Pay nothing extra—no rhymes to write—this is a simple easy draw. All you have to do is write your name on a FREE coupon. You receive one coupon for every 250 purchase ,plus one for every $5,00 in addition. Draw will be made Sat., March 15—enter you', name as often as you cant Buy -at Drury's and Graham Arthur's at every opportunity. (Note—Tickets will not be given on car sales at Graham Arthur's). Buy Your Groceries At Drury's st, GRAHAM., ARTHUR DRURY'S MARKET Phone 210 MOTORS Exeter Red & Whi e Exeter