HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-13, Page 6Page The Times -Advocate, February 1 e 1954 ESTABLISHED 1,00: LD CORRESPONKINT,, MRSI, CHasTgR SMITH Co.Op .Reports 'Bank Marks. 50 Years. fxceilent wYeeeaar The tentieh annl niv eltinhe o - f Service .T_o District hWyiaquei •e liensall Disir:ct eieoperatiye In. Friday marks the fiftieth Leeg and J. A. Constantine. In eorporated w,iIl br" 11'7'14 in 111c birthday of the Zurich branch 1916, it, J- Dunlop became ComillimilY lnire. Zurich. 'la •of the Dank tat Montreal. accord- manager. remaining', until MU TuesclyMelling. February' -$4 ing to: John E. Bannieter, man- when he was succeeded by W. at 7 p in : The guest. speaker for ager ci-f the braneh. B. Collee. the ocea:iort will be Dr, .T. Sem- It was on Fepruary it, roe, le. H. Joy 'became Manager in ple, of Egmondville, and ben- that the old eloison's Bank, long 1922 and remained at Zurich quet tickets are as nitaide from :since a part of the B. of M.. until lea5 when E. M, Dagg took the manager and direciers. orened an office on Victoria ever. Mr. Dm remained at The Co -Op lied a very gaud fi- street, tinder the management the branch until 1912 when war- nancial year vhili seles amount of E. It. Young, in premises time star shortage forced the ing to S519,172, and showing a formerly occupied by the office to he rerlured to the status net savings for the year ni $21. :Sovereign Bank. In the inter- nf a NMI-et:my to the Hensall 767, hefnre the patronnee re, vening half century, the hank branch, providing service three turns are paid_ Mr. Robert. Me- has worked with succeeding days a week; Gregor is the pesident and Bee- • generationA of Zurich penple The Zurich B. of M. resumed tram Klapp, Zurich, the seere— and has become an important full branch status with full time tar. • :Dteier in the life. of the cons- service in 12-te under the man - The ladle% of the EVangelleal Ti""‘'?*. agement of Gordon G. Sewell. r.B. Church are catering to the i original premises on Vie- He was replaced by C. C. Mc -1 banquet. • litr'.i street are now occupied by Eachren two years later, and! ' the Zurich Dairy and were C. W. Scott serveti for the neat vacated by the bank in 1910 five years until 1956 when Mr. This Week in , when it moved to its present Bannister took over. Ilocation at the north-west corner • Well-known locally, Mr. Ban- : of Main street and Goshen road nister is a member of the Zurich I in a building which also housed Lions Club, treasurer of the - ' MRS. CLARE McBRIDE • !the general store of Jonathan Zurich Centennial Committee, • Merner. past president of the Zurich F r e d McClynion.t underwent. i Thi.s.. building was ,destroyed Bedmintnn ChM and district an operation n Clinton Hospital fihe in . 1921. leork was representative for the Canadian ibY this week. starter" on the present building National Institute for the Blind. immediately 'afterward e and : In operating, the Zurich B. of Bert Peck. Hetwill‘ a f"rry'r ' during construction the bank M, Mr. Bannister is currently resident of the Babylon Line. ' operated from its . former quer- assisted by a staff of three and underwent an operation in Lon-, , kers on Victoria street, in addition two juniors are re - don last. week. Incidentally, the erection nf eeiving training at the branch. Anson :McKinley. Goshen, and the bank's building appears to .. Bah Allen, Brueefield, were in lave been the starter for sev.Report On, Belleville recently. Anson. who ' oral other new buildings in ' was euest sneaker. spoke on his : Zurich. Dr. A. L. MacKinnon's Goshen trip '-throtrell- Indiena with the : premises north of the hank and ' , EA ke Farm Management Group, while' the Thiel building on the south I ' Bob showed brides on the same.; side of the Zurich road were ; Sy MR.S, HAROLD FINLAY Mr. and Mre. Tel Robson an- , among these. Pewee the hirth of their daugh-1 The Zurich B. of M. has had ter in Sian Huron Hospital. ; a series of well-known man- Mr. and Mrs. Amos (lingerie!) Melvin Elliott fractured, his - agvisited Mr. and,Mrs. Heinz ers, almost all of whom have . - ankle and has his leg in a ease :been active in corrinumitv Benedictue at Sarnia recently. ' i . Miss Shirley Gingerich who He wee riding horseback. The :affairs. S-ucceedine, E. B. young after ' has been at the Clinton Hospital • horse stumbled and he fell nff. ' where she was employed for a a short perind of service in 1908 Mrs. Edgar Schneall.fe(N:va 11%11.1;o:hes, : were II. Arnold. W. X. Rowan- few weeks :has returned to the Alberta. is spending home of her parents, Mr. and with her mother, 'Mrs Robert : ; Mrs. Roy Gingerieh. been feeling too well lately. Lithern Ladies McBride. Kippen, who lias not - • I Mr. and Mrs. CurtisGi d 1 . nemic 1 township share was too high in New Hamburd Ilay'e assessment towards the spent the weekend with his ; an Cupboards. i . .. Jacob Wurm, 88 Dies. In Seaforth Mr. Jaeoh 1Vurin, 88, .of Sea. forth, a former Zurich resident, and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wurm, died on Tuesday. February' 11. • Before residing in &earth, W' Mr. urni was a resident of Zurich, and well known to the older residents at the village as a very genial person. Surviving is his wife-, three datilliters. a brother, Wurm, of Markham, riso two sisters end 3 grandchildren. The body .is resting at the K. Westlekekii funeral home, Zurich, till Thursday at 2 o'clock when public service will be held al St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Rev, 0. Winter, offi- ciating. Interment in the Goshen Line Lutheran Cemetery. Hay Studies Office Site Moving of the township office from the road allowance on which it now stands in Zurich is being investigated by Hay council. At a special meeting Monday night, m ember s authorized Reeve V. L. Becker and Deputy. Reeve Alex Mousseau to in- vestigate solutions to the prob- lem and report hack with cost esti m a tes. The two officials wig investi- gate three different proposals: Moving the present building; Erecting a new township .of - flee; or Establishing the office along- side or inside the town hall. The action results from re- quests from Zurich village trust- ees to remove the building from: the road allowance so the street can he properly surfaced. Council voted to oppose the proposed Parkhill dam project on the grounds that the Hay ' Berne McKinley, Toronto, p and family visited friends at relation to the benefit received. . f parente, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Edmund i • McKinley, : Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner. presl. ; Schwartzentruber. accompanied Ronald Armstrong. Wood,dent of the Lutheran Ladies' , by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Baehcrt : i Aid took the chair for the Feb." and Mrs. Nancy Schwartzentru- his parcel's. Mr. and Mrs. John stock, speet the weekend with ruary meeting held on Tuesday her attended the funeral of the ' Armstrong. • evening in the basement of the latter's sister in New York State .. weather . church. Owing to the illness of : and spent a few days with rela- Due to the etormy the secretary, Mrs. Ed. Deters, i es there wes no church Or Sunday liv.: School in the Goshen United ' the past scc"tarYi Mrs. Ect: Iciteh- Church nn Sunday.Miss Delphine Erb, of ; Ilaberer acted. The visiting corn— Pner, and'friend, Mr. Melvin The Woman's Missionary So. :mittee reported making 22 callZeber, of Milverton, spent. as., defy will meet this week at the i A motion was made to have , FA!rt.l.piaerg 11.a.ryss voitrtcliohnerEgrents, i two cupboards made to store' m home of Mrs. Bruce Keys. Several families attended the the new parements, pastor's Varna and Goelten Young :gown. ete., and was carried, 1 missionary night at Dashwood People met, at Varna on Monday ‚night. Due to fhe weather somi, also to take in some quilts to be , Evan.gclical Church on Friday '01 the setivilles , ere postponed , quilted. Mrs. Wes Merrier show- night from this vicinity when. pictures of ; they heard the missionary, Miss 4i11 next week wheu they plan i ed some ' beautiful 'on skating and tobogganing with , their trip through Europe. Miss! Jean Kellerman, frons japan; , a piano instrumental. , The Lakeview Church had a R :uth Haberer entertained with:she also showed slides on Japan. Xippen as guests. V111111111111111111t1111M111111!i111111111111111111111111t11111t% Successful sale fell house on Friday evening & APPLIANCES CANADIAN 11 The Girl Guides and Brownies : when a missionary, Darrell e , of Zurich held a successful sale longe, gave a talk and colored PROPANE t: • of baking, aprons. candy and . slides of work among ' Indians 7: ! pop corn on Saturday afternoon , of Red Lake, Ontario. E. ! in the town hall. Regardless of ' Through the storm on Sunday the unpleasant weather, early Athe snowplough was called to buyers were there to get their 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- e : choice. The L.A. were there to 'lace Gingerich where they safely s ; help the girls. i were taken to the South Huron GAS GRATTO HOTS° N Phone 156 Grand Bend ?.. i Auxiliary, 650. All were weld D°traiii and san of London, if I satisfied and Appreciated the i Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon N111111.1111111111ttlIffillffit iiiiii IIIIIIIM.1111111111111111111 I help of the public, 1 Ducharme. of London. visited. !Mrs. Ducharme's parents, Mr. vemeeemieseeeeemeeieeeeene, TTTTT II ilitt111111111111,111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111/11Y11111/11114 ' 1 It r . •T ... T AC .. E ' 1 anCt .1111S. -1,4014 lellrey . Q ie A mother and daughter apron !Hospital, Exeter, .and a baby Nkx. ,.. parade was one of the highlights :HIM was horn that clay. Ft. f of the afternoon. The Girl Guides i Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Corri- realized a profit of $10 arid the ; veau were visited over the week f 1 Brownies. $10 and the Ladies' I and by their daughter of e‘s ..elita - I Mr. Teddy Jeffrey visited his as : brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd essee i 1 P 3 J e rfrey. of Windsor, I . ,,,„. ,.. Mr. Edmund Oeech IS improv- - int now after being laid up with pleurcsy. -I. w ' • ; ...M''''“ .... joari 1 WM Help YOU I Board Approves Walk and Work Better, : No Parking Signs • G. R. HARDMAN Consultant At the MILT DESCH SHOE STORE - ZURICH Phone 82 or 130 WITHOUT PAIN! Zurich trustees, meeting this week, approved the installation of no parking signs at the main !intersection of the village. The signs will be placed 30 feet from the intersection to prevent blocking_ the view at the approaches to the corner. Removal of snow from the streets was authorized. 1 A new 25KVA transformer will he purchased for the hydro system, MONDAY, PEBRUARY 24 10 adm. to 8 p.rn. 5 641iliff11111111111tillittlifftIVI01111111111/111131111111,111M111,1111111•111$111111110101,1111t10111111IIIIIIIIIMIMII1111111114 To Huron County's Largest Newspaper Get ALL the nms PLUS entertaining features and cartoons every week in The Times -Advocate. Order your subscription now to ensure, no interruption in delivery, ONE YEAR $4,00 SIX MONTHS $2,25 Zurich Agent thester Smith Exeter TiinesAdvfociitte PH6N-0 710 million dollar conservation pro- ject was $1,806. ELM Leaches Hear Reports The Ladies' Aid and Women's Society of World Service of Em- manuel Evangelical United Bre- thren Church, Zurich, net last Thursday. The president, Mrs. Delbert Geiger, was in charge of the ppening devotions and the business session. Miss Olive O'Brien gave the Ladies' Aid treasurer's report. Mrs. Leonard Erb, treasurer or the W.S.W,S., presented her re- port. Mrs. A. M. Amaeher, sec- retary of Spiritual Life, an- nowned the corning World Ser- vice Day to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 14, with Mrs. D. MacDonald, tensall, a s speaker. Mrs. J. W. M'erner ex- pressed her appreciation for the Temperance lessons being taught. in Sunday School by Mrs. Ama- cher. Mrs. Milton Oesch reported that the E.Y.F. had , observed Youth Week and that a good of- fering was received for the Wood- row Macke Fund. Mrs. Menno Desch gave the report for the local church activities commit- tee, and thanked all the ladies who helped at the banquet. A nominating committee was appointed to bring inlist of offi- cers for the annual. meeting in March, This committee consists of Mrs, Peter Gingerich, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman, and Mrs. Norman G a scho. The World Day of Prayer ser- vice will be held at the Zurich Mennonite Church, at 3 p.m.eon Friday, Feb. 21, Mrs. John Ge- sell() and Mrs, Chris Heist are the visiting committee for Feb- ruary: Mrs, Williain Hay acted as chairlady for the programme. Mrs. Chester Smith led in the. repeating of the Apostles' Creed and led in prayer. Mrs. Harry Hess played a piano solo, Four chapters of the study book, "The Cross and Crisis in ,Japan," were. reviewed by Mrs. Thomae Meyers, She mentioned that at the Japan international Christian University twelve per- cent of the students are Chris- tians When they start the course but when they graduate forty- two percent are Christiane. There are 5000 GI babies in Jaime The. Elizabeth Sanders Orphanage is an outstanding one. DefeetiVe aed delineueot children are cared for in this hem. All the people need help. The city belongs to tomorrow, and the eountry to yesterday. Dr. T, Kagawa hold $ many evangelis- tic meetino, Women have vote in Japan, end they also are in business. Only one percent of the men and three percent of the women nut religion first in their lives. Ra - die broadcasts are very helpful itt spreadleg the Goispet in .Ta - Oath Japan has hewn nothing but crisis but it is met with fen. Mrs. Clare Geiger epetated the projector. The committee in ehargent Ibenroeramme were, Mre, Chester Smith, Mrs, Tilos, Meyers, Mrs. Chris llaist. Mrs. Wrn, tray, Mrs. .1, W. Merrier, 1 and Miss Louisa Rendriek. At mid-Oetober o 195' ettha. ea.45 labour Wee -Wailed 605,000 persons, att increase of 248,000 from otic year previous. ly; the total at persons with fobs WAS 5,70/400, an increase tit 123.000 frons a Yee Intvi0u84". The IneeMe taX WAS unknown in Canada before 1911, COMES THROUGH STORM—Despite the winter's worst blizzard, the plane carrying Defence Minister Pearkes to Centralia Monday ariveci at the station right on schedule. Gen. Pearkes is shown here disembarking froin the plane in the height of heavy wind.. He praised tie "$kilfull" handling of the craft by its crew, said there was never an anxious moibent during the trip. —RCAF Pho'to Zurich Personal Items Rev. A. M. Amaeher attended the Dominion Board Session of the Lord's Day Alliance last Thursday, at the Salvation Army Building in Toronto., He. repre- sented the Canada Conference ofe the Evangelical United Brethren Church. Miss Marie Jewett of Kippen was a guest with her friend, Miss Elora Hay, one day last week. Mrs. Menno Oesch was a re- cent visitor at the home of her mother in Ripley with relatives and friends in that district, Comments About Centralia By MRS, FRED BOWDEN Personal Items Mrs, S. Sorensen of Chatham was a weekend visitor with her, son Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robinson and family and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Essery. Mr, Larry Cronyn who has been a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London, for the past few weeks underwent an -opera- tion on Monday. Mrs. E. Thompson of London Spent K1: fresPir cilia:Vast cvlilier "Tie „ e attended funeral of her aunt, the fete Mrs. P arsons. Mrs. Lorne Hicks visited over the weekend with her sister, Miss Wilda Pollock, in Kitchen- er, Miss Alma Hodgins of Green- way was ,a weekend visitor at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, K. Hedgins. Rev. Ewart and Mrs. Clarke of New Lowell were Tuesday guests with the former's parents, Rev. J, T, and Mrs. Clarke. Mr, and 'Mrs. Leonard Abbott of Detroit attended the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Par- sons, The World 'Day of Prayer will be observed in the United Churn on Friday evening, February 21 at 8 p.m, Due to the stormy weather on Sunday morning the Mission Band meeting was postponed until next Sunday. W.A. Meets The February meeting of the Woman's Association was held in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mrs. 0. Squire took the chair for the worship service, open- ing with a hymn anti the Bible lesson. Miss Flossie Davey gave several poems on "Friendship". Mrs. J. Essery and Mrs. L. Hodgson sang a duel. Elaine and Donald Squire favoured with two vocal duets. Mrs. L. Hodgson presided for fhe businrss part of the meet- ing. 'Various reports were read. The meeting was closed with the W.A. theme song. Hostesses were Mrs. R. Hodg- son, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Lam• mie. Mrs. W Parsons Active In Church The death occurred at her late residence on Monday of Mrs. Parsons, the former Sarah Jane Abbott, beloved wife of the late William J. Parsons, and a high- ly esteemed life-long resident of this community. The deceased was a member of the -Centralia 'United Church, of the Woman's Association and earlier in lite took a keen inter- est in all church organizations, having served for many years As, thureh treasurer, Following her husband's death, about niimteen years ago, she Served the public for a number of years as postmistress and her genial disposition won for her, a host ot friends, She is survived by two sisters, (Mary) Mrs. Janes Kershaw. her companion .for a number of years and (Ida) Mrs, Earl Green- way of Crystal City, Manitoba. The body rested at the Dinney funeral bind, Beattie until 'Wed- eesday afternoon When the fun- eral Service Was conducted by Ttev, J. T. Clarke with inter - meet in the Mceter cemetery. Pallbearers Were Messrs. Gienit TItibinsort, Fred Harrison, reankOsborne,. tiovd Hotionn, WM. Haddock and George Dayn- ham, Typewriter Paper tHE tlMS.V�krt aeseesahiseeiwnevaieweeineeteowesees Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Willert of Herisall were visitors in Zurich op e day last week. Mr, Mervyn Tiernan of Dash- wood was in town last week on business. Mr, and Mrs. :Eldon Datars motored to Kitchener over the weekend to visit with relatives, also to' visit with the latter's grandmother, Mrs, Mary Bren- ner, a patient in the Kitchener - Waterloo hospital following.' an auto accident. She is progres- sing nicely and in good cheer- ful spirits. Mrs. 0. Winter, a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is getting along nieely, Mr. and Mrs. ESL Swartzen- truber, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Bach- ert, Mrs, Cliris Swartentruber and Mrs. Mose Erb attended the funeral of a relative in New York State last week. World Day of Prayer service will be held in the Zurich Men- nonite church Friday, February 21 at 3 o'clock to which all the churches are invited to attend. Mr. William Hess, of Wood- stock, and Miss Audrey Green, of London, were Sunday visitors at the 'home of the former'S parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hess. Mr, Jacob Haberer is spend- ing a few days at Toronto Ori business this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckel and family,. of near Varna, were recent guests at the honie of Mr. and Mr?. Harold Johnston. B CKACHE May beWarninq Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get mit of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. °Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -beaded feeling may soon billow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 31 ,,..pwamaatagawww,Hommoumwttnoymmifiloutommompimommtownimmulim,,,, tttt t 40 ANDREW ST., E.0TER ALF ANDRUS PHONE 719 : s Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal, Work I f. '"' 011 Burners -- ..: ....,- %04111111111MOIMI/1/110111,011$1111$01,$14111tIOMP4111010,4fil5$14404110ttutttilMilllimittiltiitioAlUilintatutt110' 4..0 Vt140000ll 11101AMIOIMIMMtv1W111110.11114HtilltitiluittAlmitimettliiiiiIMItifiltftwittInfilltitillititlionlyt • Do, It Nowt Keep Everybody In Your Community WOrking . * FIX IT NOW N(: REPAIR IT NOW .REPLACE IT NOW BUILD IT NOW INSTAIA. IT NOW .REMODEL IT NOW The more fobs The more buying power. The greater prosperity for your community. For help in **curing skilled or unskillec. workers call the— NATIONAL' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE --- at 865 or visit our office at 41 West Street, Goderich. ll l ll ....... l l ll l l .• ttt t imittimottteliteMitsgeoptolff iii i ii tt t Photo; research test to determine the work capacity of people with impaired hearts. Life Insurance aids Heart Foundation 'Many people are making good recoveries from severe heart ttacks. New advances in medical science and surgery are saving their lives. However, many more lives may be saved if, through research, the causes of heart disease can be determined. Research of this nature is a long, range prOject. It requires highly trained workers and the most modern equipment. These cost mohey. Last year, with timely financial assistance from the Life Insurance Companies, the National Heart Founda- tion o( Canada began to correlate and step up the tempo of research into the causes of heart disease. This is just one of many ways in which the Life Insurance Companies in Canada are encouraging medial research that will help Canadians live longer and more happily. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA rd Need A New Appliance? VE During February an all traffic and major appliances Frigidaire Revco Westinghouse r Neiti, Frigiciairo Appliances On DIsplay Meet Miss Erb Special Saturday Feature During Peb'ruary — FREE GIFTS for every member of the family. Ask for Miss Erb. "Drive A Little Further Save A Let More MONEY SACK GUARANTEE USED APPLIANCES AT SPECIAL -PRICES Gerald Gingirichs SALES & SERVICE Phone 34 Zurich