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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-06, Page 16
fag. 10 The Timee,Advocate, February 6 190 - 141110411WW1a(11141441111111/IC1441111344410111111M140111111t11111114111111111011111,11, Looking, In \With Li* Seek Opinions On TV School ELIZABETH TQUCHETT.E • ntaarUiplutnauulflunatathImninuttntnunnuttninuantmoutiUtnintUr CBO big wigs .are anxious to know bow the new Nursery *hoe' series on TV is being re. eelved by parents and young. iters. The current 13 week show is really an experiment. If the show goes over well it will be- come a regular. So now is the Mlle for mothers to make any .atIggestions• for or criticisms of the program. The Hensen sisters were in Quebec City for ten. days re- c1111Y playing at one of the night clubs an4 their mother looked after Florence's two-year-old daughter Debbie. "I'm baby running," she told me, "sitting Is not the word when there is a two year old around." Mrs. Han- son is teaching her granddaugh- ter to sing "Bless This House." She Inas music in her," she 101d me, "and a child should grow up with mote." As 4 guess everyone knows by now Telsy Robins' baby was a boy. They called him Peter. Kate 'Reid and Austin Willis had a baby girl. The baby, due in Dec- ember, didn't arrive till the third week. in January and Kate missed a couple of good TV roles that had been seheduled. The Porter Wagoner Trio from Grand Ole Opry is hoping to tour in Ontario in July. "We think we'll be doing a 15 -day tour to small centres that we usually miss when we're travelling," Don Warden told me in his de- lightful Nashville accent. Don • and Porter started out together TExAco ilsishoeuirri hosen‘rene tos;nail.sVergolnesd Gale and Curly Harris somed them later when. they appeared on Ozark Jubiliee. The trio's recording of "Satisfied Mind" sold over a million copies and their latest release "Your Love" is climbing rapidly. The boys Thermo -Chief HEATING OILS MOTOR OILS and GREASES Apply ED YELLOW Phones:, Warehouse 757 Res. 457-r.31 were in Toronto for a guest •ap- nearance on Country Ilbedown. The Four Grads, back from Hollywood with a new 1p just released, were set to finish out the season with Musicmakers He is survived by one daugh- '58. But they will only make three ter, Mrs, Ameada Bryant and appearances Agood ontract cone son Albert; two brothers, FIRST AIRMEN'S SOCIAL -The first social event of 1958 in the Airmen's Lounge at ItCAF Station Centralia was a dinner and dance on Saturday, February 1, Enjoy. ing themselves, above, are several of the guests and committee members: from the left, Mrs. J. K. Lowery, Mrs. Norman )3r ay, Wing Commander Norman Bray, LAC W, E. Hickey, Lounge PMC; Mrs. Hickey, and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bentley,' Exeter. John A. Taylor Dies In Detroit John Albert Taylor, 81, one of a family of twelve sons and daughters of the late Alexander and Charlotte Taylor, Exeter North, died in Detroit on Tues- day, January 21, which they had been angling for William of Seattle, Wash. and in Hollywood has come through. Ira, a patient in Westminster ' A few weeks ago Tugboat Hospital, London; also five grand- DMAY lIAILIS GeV- HE 1.00K5 Dowrsi HEAR -salts. HE tyll.d.51' A LOST A FIVE DOLLAtZ BILL. NOPE - JUST THE FEW CENTS IT TAKES TO BUY soME: MILK FROM HINILAND Int DAilty © THIA•ISTEADAk SYNDICATE. Inc Elimville UC Names Slate The annual congregatiobal meeting of the Elimville church was held on Wednesday eve- ning preceded by a pot luck supper when about 75 attended. The meeting afterwards was conducted by the pastel:, Rev. H. C. Wilson. Mr. Allen Johns was appointed secretary of the meeting. Miss Frances .Tohns favoured with ac - Annie was replaced by an old children and three great grand- cordion selections. movie, Recently I asked the . children, and several nieces and The report of the M & M Fund spon,sor s representative what happened. "They lost the film for Annie," he told me grimly. "Fifteen minutes before the show was due on the air they realized it had been misplaced and they couldn't find it. Frankly, the idea of everyone frantically scrambling about .-:EX1rTER. nephews, was given with a total of $809 Interment was' in Glen Eden raised. cemetery, Detroit, The treasurer's report was given, followed by other reports of the different organizations, Comments About each reporting increases. A read- ing by Ruth Skinner was given. Officers were appoinked: eld- ers, Howard Pym, Wm. Routly, Horace Delbridge, Delmer Skin- ner, Kenneth Johns and Wm. Johns; stewards, Freeman Horne, Franklin Skinner, NeWton Clarke, Howard Johns, Lorne Elford, Squire Herdman, Fred Walters, Lewis Johns and John Miners. Trustees, Amos Herciman, John Ridley, Philip Johns, Har- old 13e11, Elson Lynn; M & M Ridley and Mr. Kenneth johns. Mr. Philip Johns and Miss Ruth Skinner; envelope steward, Mr. Bruce Delbrige; manse commit- tee, Mrs. Wm. Routly, Mr. John Ridley and Mr. Kennth Johns. It was voted to still have the Observer sent to every home and that the church members assume their responsibility for building the student's U.W.O. residence. A quartet consisting of Miss Grace Routly, Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr, Lorne Elford and Mr. Ron- ald Elford sang a number. Courtesies were extended • to church treasurer by Delmer Skin- ner; choir by - Howard Johns; ladies' supper by Kenneth Johns; caretakers by Elson Lynn; S.S. staff by Wm. Routly. Mission Band The. February meeting of the Elimville Mission Band was held at the home of Mr. Larry Lynn on Saturday. Sandra Walters• and Helen Campbell had charge of the pro- gram. , Roll Call was given by "Your Full Name." Janet Skin- ner and Kathy Hern sang a duet. Marilyn johns favoured with a piano instrumental and Lynn Otis gave a folding. Larry Skinner gave a clihpter from the study book. Lunch was served at the close. Mr. Elson Lynn took the chil- dren 'for.a• sleigh ride with the horses and sleigh to conclude the afternoon's enjoyment. Euchre Club • The Elimville Euchre Club was held on Friday evening with eight tables in play. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell were hosts for the evening. Mrs, Chas. Stephen received prize for ladies' high; Mr. Ed- ward Skinner for gents' high and Mr. Bob Johns got the con- solation prize. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen will be hosts for the party this Friday evening. The ladies Euchre for the Elimville. Women's Institute was postponed on Tuesday afternoon due to the stormy weather. The date for the next one will be de- cided at the Institute meeting on Wednesday afternoon, Feb, 12. Personal Items Miss Frances Skinner and Mrs. Ed, Johns of Exeter spent the weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Maynard Margison and family in London. Quite A number Of Institute members attended the after- noon program. of the 441 Homes makers Achievement Day held in Exeter Legion Hall nn Se tur- day.- There were 11 girls of the Eliinville Stsv,Easy Club attend- ed, The club exhibit "A wool skirt and its companions" was commented on by Miss (race Johns, All the elub girls received their certiheates and sterling 4ta Homemaking Club teaspoons at the close of the afternoon PrWrr.allancl Mrs. Eric Coward of Exeter visited with Mrs, 'rhos, Bell on Tuesday of last Wetic. Alm Lloyd Knieht and Mra, Itatit Webber visited with their aunt, Mtg. Thos. on Wed. nesday.. Biddulph t3y MRS. M. H. ELSTON looking for the filen at the last second appeals to guy sense of persona Items humour but the sponsor didn't Miss Sheila Elston celebrated find it even sightly amusing. It her birthday on Thursday. A looks as if some heads may number of little girl friends roll. The Three Deuces will. he home were present including Sharon Davis and the Blair girls, also from England soon. They spent David and Wendy Elston. five months in Blackpool and Mr, and Mrs. Ross McFalls were in Germany recently. and David were in Atwood on Though they are just coming Sunday with relatives and were for a visit they will probably do also at the funeral home, where some TV and club work while their grandfather's body lay at they are in Toronto. rest. Mrs. McFalls and David Joan Fairfax must have en - attended his funeral on Tues- joyed those flying lessons I told You about. She just purchased an day. ° airplane. Mrs. Earl Campbell of Exeter and granddaughter, Joanne Cro- nyn of Centralia, were Friday • The Yukon Territory is in a visitors with Mr. and.Mrs. Leon - separate standard time zone and and Smith and family. clocks in the Territory and ene hall hours . are five Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston - LsowsmIMIMMIIIIIIIIIpsi__2 nd elocks in Newfoundland. and Sheila spent Sunday with the latter's great-grandmother, 4.el4441141111411111.1111 ,,,,,,, 1111114111111111111111 lllllllll 1141411111141111111141 llllllllllll 11111 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllll W G'b FopIar11 "Tomorrow -- This could be , • • But, Your Valuables Can Be Protected! Many things you own can never be re- placed if lost by theft! Heirlooms, jewelry, silver, fur, and valuables of all kinds can be covered by our low-cost theft insurance policies. Call Us Today W. H. HODGSON Phone 24 "The Insurance Man" Exeter Be SURE with INSURANCE lllll 1111111144141111111111111111111411111111114 ll lll 111111111114 lllllll l 1 lll ill ll I ll 1 l llll 1111111111114/4114414411114.111114110IS and also visited with Mr. Arnold Charlton who is a patient in Strathroy Hospital. Sunday visitors with Mrs. ;leg- ! sie Lewis were Ali°. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and family of 'Ailsa Craig and Mr. and Mrs. • Roy Harrison of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer and family and Mr. Lyons of London! • spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer, l Mrs. F. Langford spent a few clays last week with her sister, 1 Mrs. David 'Morley of Ailsa Craig. Mr.and Mrs. Tommy Thomp- son and family of London spent! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris' Fischer, also Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fischer of Exeter. Miss Valeria Lowry of PISIQ; Centralia spent Sunday after- noon with Mrs. M. H. Elston, • s orne ayers At Housewarming Members of the Euchre Club from the 2nd and 3rd conces- sions of Usborne met recently for a house-warming at Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher's new resi- dence on James Street. Follow- ing the games an address was read by Mrs. Charles Fisher and the presentation of an electric wall clock was made by Victor Heywood. Mr, Fisher expressed their surnrise and appreeiation, Laverne Heywood was high man at euchre: Mrs. Roylance West- cott was high lady; Mrs, Chas, Fisher, lone hands; Harold Pats terson, dow score. innwieeemimeisisweelk LIBBY'S ORANGE JUICE 48.0Z tills 3 for II FIVE -POINT MARMALADE 24-0X. jar 490 SPECIAL X CEREAL l 270 WHITE SLICED BREAD Lasvig l . ...„.„.„ llll IS0 CREAM STYLE CORN StOkelY) 15,oz. tins 2. for 290 BOSTON BROWN BEANS Aylmer, 15.oz, tins 2 for 290 GOLD SAL SALMON 470 73/4 oz. Lin CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING Schneider's ,„„„.„„„.-. 2 lbs, 4So MARGARINE Tulip 4 II* .$1 WHITE SWAN TISSUE ,.„ 2 for 2S0 GOULD tit PHONE SA EXETER Family Reunion Marks Birthday A faintly renition Ori Saturday ni arked the eightieth birthday of Mr. David Armstrdrig, who makes his home With his SON M. end Mr, Arnistrong. Ills family of five daughterS and two sons Were present, lit - County Purchases Canadian Grader In an effort to stimulate Can- adian employment and local bus- iness, Huron County purchased a Champion diesel motor grader at its January Session. The road committee, com- prised of Cecil Blake, chairman, Harvey Celeman, George Mc- Cutcheon, and John Morrissey, warden, unanimously supported local industry by purchasinga machine from The Dominion Road Machinery Co, Limited, Goderich. By purchasing a Canadian built product at competitive Prices, the county demonstrates in a practical way bow employs ment and business can be stim- ulated within the county and in Canada, Comments About Woodham By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE 4..........•••••••••••••••••••,••••••01,0••••••••••••••••••,........•••••••••••••••••••••••• Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blommaert entertained. on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hern, Zion, Mr, and Mrs. Reg Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paton. of Kirkton, Miss Pauline Wilson of London, Ross Dobson of Kirk - ton, Don Morphy of Woodham and Barry Slade of Belle River. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods of Elimville and Mr. Lewis Woods of Stokes Bay were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin of Russeldale spent Saturday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. • Jim McElrea of Niagara Falls was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern and visi- ted his uncle, Mr. Robt, Carroll, who is ill. : Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCurdy and Brenda were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCur- dy. Mr. Barry Slade of Belle River was a weekend visitor with Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. A number of the young folks motored to St, Marys on Friday nights and enjoyed a merry chi. varee for Mr. and Mrs. Don Wil- son. Mr. Jack Cook of Arkona was a Saturday evening guest of his aunt, Mrs. A. Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Murray May of Byron visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Copeland on Sunday. Miss Ida. Hopkins and Mr. Herb Hopkins visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jones on Tues- day'. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stover and family of Kingsmill were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, John Rodd. Miss Norma Hern, nurse-in- taaining at St. Joseph Hospital, London, spent Tuesday and Wed- nesday at her home in the vil- lage. Mrs. Bell of Elimville is visit- ing her niece, Mrs. Harry Webb and Harry. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hazel- wood entertained to a turkey. dinner on Friday evening those who assisted with the pelting of mink, They were, Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Copeland, Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean, Mr, and Mrs. George Levy, Itusselldale; Mr, and Airs. Ted Brine, 'Base Lint; Mr. and Mrs. Norman liazelweod and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waghorn and Ross Robinson of Kirkton were unable to be present otviM to an accident while Mr. Waghorn and Ross Robinson were play- irillrh.kakne. dYMrs. Ed Tipping and Billy of To orndale were Sunday afternoon visitors With Mr. and Mrs. John Tipping, Stratford And Woodhatti The Woodham and Stratford Public School boys played an interesting game of Mickey on the Woodham rink on Monday night, A though the 'weather was cold and tormy the boys turned otit in full, The score was 9.7 in favor of the StratferPboys, Mr, Hyatt Sr. of Stratford WAS ref- eree, eluding Mrs, Lionel Make and her daughter and husband, 14fr, and Mrs, David Munro, mitsfaii, Alta., Mr, And Mrs., Douglas gmith„.Mil, and Mit. Pero Mi• sell, Mr, and Mrs, jack Kerr, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Rose And dattgliter, aJl of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, George Armstrong, of Sarni Tdaf'arhily had dinner at AM. strong's, restaurant, and later Mita WAS Served at the home Of Mr, And Mrs, Affhatreng. Mr. Armstrong 'enjoys. good health and is rinite tete tor his BalanceVp r AtmaiIst, 1 11111ttiPIIIPPIIIIIPIPPIPHIOPIIIPPIIIPPOPPPIPPOOPIPIttltntitte!fM C.„....33,.„rnts..b.,.., Mit„c.,,h..e. & Annual reports given at the congregational meeting .of Main Street United (Aura on Wed- nesday evening Showed a good Year financially and. spiritually. The treasurer, R. E, Rtissell„ stated that $7,44241 had been raised for all purposes during the year and that the balance at the end of the year was $2,098, 'compared with $1,93 Lhe year previous, The highlight of the meeting Was the rccommendagon a the Board of Trustees 10 proceed with certain repairs and renova- tions including paintingothe ex- terior of the church, raying new tile floor for the Sunday Sehool, room, additional side- walks and railings for the front steps. It was voted to: support the V.W.O. residence and other presbyterial commitments, Added to the Board .of Trustee's were Ross Tuckey, Clarence McDonald and Ben Price; Board of Stewards, A. .J. Sweitzer, Don Gravett, Wayne Tuckey, Frank Matters and E. R. Hopper; elders, W. C. Pearce, Donald Hooper and Gerald -Skinner, A Missionary a n d Maintenance committee was named including W. C, Pearce as chairman, How- ard ince as treasurer, 'William McKenzie, Mrs. Jack Doerr and Mrs. Eugene Howey. The church anniversary date was set for October 26. Rev, A. Rapson presided for • the meet- ing which was preceded by a pot luck supper attended by 100 members. An expression of appreciation was tendered Rev. and -Mrs. Rapson, the choir and organist, the treasurer and the ladies for arranging „the supper. As a man grows older and wiser he taltcs less and says more. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS I 1 ;It. J. Cornish L. F, Cornish, D. Mitchell i I K. W. Slade W. E. Suchard 1 : i 291 DUNDAS ST, Dial 2.2651 LONDON, ONT. 1 1:40111M11114411411WW1411141111014MIIIIWIMIllitillItI1114411141144444141141141414,444441441114PRMIffilniM1/11Wit 4,4 410444144414M11/114414441M411.4404/1441444404114MMWMWWW441;441144441114444MMM4141341444144144111111.1111/1111401, South. End :Service Used Car Boys 54 .FORD .SEDAN-Tutone, .snow tires, sharp! CHEVROLET BaAIR-Tutone, snow tiro, radio, automatic transmission, really.cle.am. " '53 DODGE SEDAN -Snow tires, mho, better than newt MUFFLERS Two Grades To Meet Your Budget - ALL SIZES, DEPOT FOR Generators, Starters and Regulators SPECIAL -AU regulators reset when buying a new battery. South End Service • Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 321 EXETER lllllllll 1111111111 lllll 11111 llll MI llllll 11411 llll IIIIII411411411 lllll 14411 lllll 1111'11111 lllllll 4 lllllll lll l jill lllll Give Your Rooms the "NEW LOOK" "Home Decorator" Rubber Base Rubber Base SATIN s°*F.20§1$'1i.sifi:i (Pawn Super-Lastic "Home Decorator" Rubber Base SATIN -The .addition of low-cost colourant tubes gives you a choice of 96 eiciting shades that are "color controlled" to give exactly the soft sheen desired - In either decorator endorsed soft pastels or dramatic deepttones. Goes on easily with roller or brush over wallpaper, plaster, wallboard and most other interior surfaces - and in minutes it's dry. Super-Lastic "Home Decorator" SATIN will give your rooms a professional looking finish even if it's your first attempt. Contains RUBBER to pro- vide an extra -scrub tough surface that can be washed over and over again without dulling its original beauty. There's no unpleasant paint odor either. ... SUPER.LASTIC "HOME DECORATOR" QUICK -DRYING ENAMEL - Odorless alkyd. Durable waterproof beauty for fur- niture, woodwork, wicker and metal sta. faces - in your home. Self -levelling - Bows smoothly and leaves no brush marks. 96 exciting colors. Tinting Bane - 1/2.0..526 Qt. 1.75 Gal. 6.10 Finishing White, Chinese Red, »lack 1/2-ot..51 Qt, 1.55 Gal, 6.55 SUPER-LAST/C "HOME DECORATOR" SEMI.GLOSS ENAMEL --Use this odorless alkyd .oft-eheen finish on wall*, woodwork and furniture. Finger marks, dirt wash right off. Mad* in 96 desirable colors. -Tinting: Base - Qt. 1.50 Gat, 5.15 FInIshin0 White Qt, 1.6$ 96 COLORS To Choose From MATCH, CONTRAST or HARMONIZE TINTING BASE QUART GALLON 1.50 .15 Save $1." a gallon SUPER-LASTIC "HOME DECORATOR" INTERIOR GLOSS A sanitary, easy to apply glees finish for walls and woodwork, especially in kitchens and bathrooms - ideal for any interior trim. One coat ample lot most jobs. Odorless alkyd. 96 attractive colors. Tinting Base - Qt. 1.50 Finishing White -v. Qt, 1.55 Gal. 5.15 Gal. 5.7S SUPER-LASTIC "HOME DECORATOR" FLAT WALL F/NISFI --Now you CCP Paint your walls in odorless alkyd "Flat" to perfectly match SemitGlons or High Gloss trim and furniture. 96 wonderful colors. Tinting Base, (and Finishing White) Qt. 1.50 ' Gal. 5.15 "HOME DECORATOR" PAINT COLOUR. ANT TINTING TUBES - For 1/2.3it .13 to .26 For Quart s .13 to .41 For Gallon . .15 to It ODORLESS PAINT THINNER - P1. .St Qt..75 Gal, US ASE FREE WITH EVERYX IGNAG.L. 7 P. pAuDR DcH4 Save Safely -Use Super-Lastie Alkyd Finer Finishes ZW:X4tAMMe.14040 ..::::tn•E•141*•:•••:,:*0 ...1:sts.s.t:ossISIE:sseS SEALED BEAM HEAD LAMP UNITS New, suPer-powered. Identical to original egiiipinent. These G.E. "All-vosather" Headlamp Units airs "Double Pow," passing beam light and Puts 2dg6 more light .1, 6: tir, mad. th o 1.011461•1vir gaga i'•WM si!SiV.SESSSISSS:SM • 'ION -FIRE" STARTING FLUID Oulob skits &,v* •,,I; to 6$' below **r0. Cat *1118101 within inscohcfs In oxhide* told Or darnpnesi, 11-ot. *74.g1,,:r*Mt.*11:.ititEW,1Y&MMIM:4 ..ssos*.tasss"'-"". ll • lll • l • l '31 : .... 2 -PIECE SNOW TOOL KIT .1 Ways useful -Has scraper, squeegee and brush that also can be used ai 'an upholstery brush. Cones apart IV easy Oaring lllll IGNITION SPRAY PositivOly Bekaa out moisture, immures quick oe Startiritt. Will slop Common Ignition trothliss. 6.or. bomb. Value .89 1 "TRUNK SIZE" AUTO SNOW SHOVEL 2'1111411e 9 x 1246 " "D" grip handl*, 26' Orertill 1.0 FLASHING ELECTRIC 17: - LANTERN tAtltl•purposet , way linger.flick ctit mOnrohliottl, flash, ing red signal, or as a wash114 and trouble light, With hatterierS. 231 436 Main St. Siete Plum* 451 .Millett Save Safely -Use Super-Lastie Alkyd Finer Finishes ZW:X4tAMMe.14040 ..::::tn•E•141*•:•••:,:*0 ...1:sts.s.t:ossISIE:sseS SEALED BEAM HEAD LAMP UNITS New, suPer-powered. Identical to original egiiipinent. These G.E. "All-vosather" Headlamp Units airs "Double Pow," passing beam light and Puts 2dg6 more light .1, 6: tir, mad. th o 1.011461•1vir gaga i'•WM si!SiV.SESSSISSS:SM • 'ION -FIRE" STARTING FLUID Oulob skits &,v* •,,I; to 6$' below **r0. Cat *1118101 within inscohcfs In oxhide* told Or darnpnesi, 11-ot. *74.g1,,:r*Mt.*11:.ititEW,1Y&MMIM:4 ..ssos*.tasss"'-"". ll • lll • l • l '31 : .... 2 -PIECE SNOW TOOL KIT .1 Ways useful -Has scraper, squeegee and brush that also can be used ai 'an upholstery brush. Cones apart IV easy Oaring lllll IGNITION SPRAY PositivOly Bekaa out moisture, immures quick oe Startiritt. Will slop Common Ignition trothliss. 6.or. bomb. Value .89 1 "TRUNK SIZE" AUTO SNOW SHOVEL 2'1111411e 9 x 1246 " "D" grip handl*, 26' Orertill 1.0 FLASHING ELECTRIC 17: - LANTERN tAtltl•purposet , way linger.flick ctit mOnrohliottl, flash, ing red signal, or as a wash114 and trouble light, With hatterierS. 231 436 Main St. Siete Plum* 451 .Millett