HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-06, Page 14Page 14. The TimesAdvocate, February At 19$8 Clandeboye Comments By MRS. PATQN celebrates Birthday Mrs. Roselle Simpson vele- breted her 79th birthday on day evening evening at the home of her granddaughter (Noreen). Mr. and Mrs. Harry McNaughton in London. Other guests were Mr. Wesley Revington. Misses Rose and AnnRevington, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Revington, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lovie, Mrs. Art Mc- Lean, Mrs. Tom Hepburn, Bur- lington, and Mr. Moore Cunnirig- ham. Mrs. Simpson was born in Mc. Gillivray township daughter of the late Robert and Hannah Keown. She married Fred Simp- pen on March 26, 1901 at the rectory of Trinity Church, Ailsa Craig. with the Rev. L .W. Diehl Officiating, They farmed on lot 12. con. 2 McGillivray toWnship for 21 years later moving to another farm near Ailsa Craig. Mr. Simpson died February 5, 1936. They had two daughters, (An- na) Mrs. Wesley Revington, who passed away March 9, 1956, and Mrs. Wm. (Edna) Walker who lives in Detroit. She has one sister, Mrs. Jack Lovie of London and one. brother, Mr. Ernie Keown of Grand Bend, Also nine grandchuldren and 11 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Simpson has lived in this community about 20 years and is an active member of St. James Church, choir and Wom- en's Auxiliary and a past presi- dent of the Ladie Guild, She is noted for her crochet work and quilt making, Church Notes At the United Church on Sun - ay Rev. Edgar RoLIlston assisted in the Youth Service by Jim Scott and Keith Simp- son, At St. James Church the rec- tor, Bev. J. P, Prest, announced the Right Reverend A, H. O'Neil, M.A., DID., Bishop of Frederic- ton plans to visit his former parish this, the centennial year. The flowers placed on the ret- able were in loving memory of Mr. Fred Simpson given by Mrs. Simpson. Personal Items Mrs. Rea Neil is suffering 'with another attack of flu. Mrs. W. Thompson is the supply teacher at Brinsley school. The meeting of the cemetery board of St. James church was postnoned till Wednesday. Miss Elaine Grainger and pupils of Clandeboye school held a euchre party on Wednesday evening. Winners were: ladies' high score, Mrs. Gordon Eaton: gents, Mr. Gordon Eaton; ladies' second, Mrs. Wilmer Scott with lone hands, Mr. Andy Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cunning- ham (nee Bayley) announce ,he !birth of a Son, Donald Jan. 31 at Victoria Hospital—a brother for Barbara Ann and 'David. Mrs. Paul Poole and Harvey of London visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis at- tended the funeral of the latter's nephew, Richard Lorne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Armitage, age 11 years. The service was in the George E. Logan funeral chapel with interment in St. Johns Church cemetery, Arva, the Rev. Jared officiating. Mrs. A. Rack of rarkhill is spending some time with her daughter. Mrs, Ray Hodgins and family. News Budget From aseuine By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. David Henry and Bruce of Denfield visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. D, Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Paton of the Third line were visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Mc- ' eNaughton on Sunday, Paul Coward had his tonsils removed in St. Joseph's Hospital, 'London, last Wednesday. Mr, Humphrey Arthur, Doris and Donald, also Mr. Wayne • Beuermann were Sunday eve- ; ning visitors of Mrs, Robert Elston and family. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Parkinson, Paul and Ann, also Mr. Harvey Parkinson, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Fred F'arkinson and Brenda. Mr. Howard Rinn, Miss vor- een laralkom and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rion of Se Maeys iCi for Florida on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle visited Avith Mrs. John Fletcher and Mrs. F. Cornish of Exeter, on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family were Sunday visitors !with Mr. John Rinn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson ' and Brenda visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Tessmen of London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dawson and .Mr. and Mrs, Jack Richard- son of Lions Head were Friday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker. Mr, and Mrs. Jules De Bra-; bandere announce the arrival of a baby son. Mrs. Robert Elston is report- ing Baseline news while Mrs. A. Dewar is visiting at the home of her daughter. W.M.S. Social Evening Lucan And District News Phone 109 Levee orresPonde.nt; Mise. .t.Ind Abbott 'Fete Bride -Elect At Social Events Miss Rose Marie Robb, of Lucan, bride -elect, has been. :the . _ . raison rd etre for a number of recent social events, prior to her ' marriage to M. James Bawten- heimer, of Sarnia. On Saturday evening, January ;18, Mrs, Bruce Gillespie, of Beechwood, Ave., London, was hostess for a miscellaneous shower for Miss Robb. The guests comprised many of Miss Robla's 'former office friends of the ;Huron and Erie Co. The following Saturday evening, Mrs. June Mackenzie, of Oil City, and Mrs. William Fowler, of eCorunna, entertained at the lat- - tees home, When Miss Robb was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. Among the guests were the bride -elect's mother, Mrs. Cecil Robb, of Lucan, and the groom -elect's mother, Mrs. Gerald Bawten- heimer. of Sarnia. Previous to leaving Detroit, where Miss Robb was employed , in the office of Ford's Dearborn, ;her co-workers tendered her a dinner, going on from the club to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith. Miss Robb was there presented with an immers- ,ible electric frying pan. On Thursday evening, in . Sarnia, Mr. James Bawten- heimer, groom -elect, was honored with the gift of a hammered 'Aluminum lazy-susan tray, front his friends and fellow employees. Walter C. Dobbs Biddulph Native Walter C. Dobbs, .64, who had :been in poor health since suffer- ing a heart attack three years ago, died at his home, Conces- sion 4, Biddulph, Wednesday, January 29, He lay at rest in the Murdy Funeral Horne until 2 p.m. Fri- day, when one of the largest funeral services ever held in Luean was conducted by the Rev, Edgar Roulston, of the Luean United Church. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye, Pallbearers were Messrs. Alton Isaac, Ivan Isaac, Laverne Ab- bott, Mervin Wilson, Fred Dobbs and Bill Quinton. Mr. Dobbs was the son of the late Benjamin and Mary Ellen Dobbs. He was born about five miles north of Lucan on Conces- sion 5, Biddulph. About 35 years ago, he moved to the farm vaeat- ; ed by the late Mr. F. H. Neil, Concession 4, Biddulph. He was a member of the United Church, former Lillian Rodgins, two Lucan. ; He is survived by his wife, the daughters (Margaret) Mrs. La- verne Harrison, of London. and (Betty) Mrs. James Leitch, at ;home; one granddaughter, Val- erie Jean Leitch, and one brother, j Omar Dobbs, of Biddulph Town- ship. Birthday Party Gary Revington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Revington, celebrated his 12th birthday last. Monday evening with a dinner party for seven of his boy friends, followed by games C.G.I.T. The regular meetings of the C.G.1.T. was held in the United Church parlors last Monday eve- ning with , Mrs. Chas. Sover- eign in charge of the worship service. Ten members answered the roll call. During the craft Period knitting blocks for a Kor- ean blanket continued. Plans were made for a skating party on Saturday evening to be followed by refreshments at the home of Mrs. Chas. Sovereign. Girls were asked to wear their uniform all day on The World's Day of Prayer. Coursey School Euchre Mrs. Harold Coursey and Mrs. Charles Haggar were hostesses for the five -table euchre in the Coursey School last Friday evening. High score prizes went to Mrs. Harry Stokes and Mr. George Hodgins; second prizes, Mrs, Joe O'Neil and Mr, Bev Hodgins; lone hand prizes, Miss Loreen Hodgins and Mr, Eric Hodgins. The next euchre will be held February 14. Lucan Arena Schedule. THURSDAY, FEB. 6 3:30-5:00—Th110 Sel1001 SknijIlg n Caenreck i U - 17 :30-11 :00—Son1 h Middlesev Seniors (3 gamer() FRIDAY, FEB. 7 3:30-3 leens Prnetfire ((irls) 5: 00-7' o ri Isolate Public Sehool 1r:001.$ :00-4 llsa real . lanean Ilan in nix ( Gherkins!) •S:30—Pt. Edward lan n SATURDAY, FEB. 8 0:00-..;0:oo—On krfdge eres Iinor 10O0-J2:0O—flaonvil1casonville Public School 12:30-1 :30—Luran Sk. a ( Itig; Club 3 :30-2 :20—Lucton leprachatons Hewn, 11 Pee Wees 5:00-0 :00-1.neot at Midgets Proact Ise 0100-7 :00—Lau n itlfes 'Practise S :00-10 :00—Pu blle Skating MONDAY, FEB. 10 7:00-11 h ;Mild fogey Leanne (3 games) TUESDAY, FEB. 11 s:30—Mveler :11ollaseks s. 1100114m 11' iiditol WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12 '100--Vellrrny 11101 School (2 Jennies) Skating until 10 'P.m. Re/ocular Sri inedn r Nigh( nnnee o The CannilIn Pia 'ylanyoo (non't torwet the Shamrock Tournament en 111114+ 15.) Cooper W.M.S. held a social evening in the Baseline school- house on Tuesday evening. Mrs. George Wilson showed slides on her recent trip to Ceylon and other countries as a delegate for the Women's Institute, wnich everyone enjoyed. Other numbers on the program were solos by Donna Baker and a number on the electric guitar and accordion by Patsy Clay - burn and Shirley Bean. Candy was sold during the in- termission. This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Personal Items Mrs. Jack Wicks, Lori and baby Michael, returned to their home in Stratford on Sunday after spending the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frecl Walters. Miss 1<athryn Horne f Lan- don and Mr. Fred Delbridge of Ridgetown spent the weekend at their respective homes. Mrs, Horace Delbridge is re- covering nicely from injuries to her foot. Mrs. Ivan Brock and children and Mrs. Minor Dobbs were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Brock of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family visited on Sunday With , Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Skinner of St. Pauls. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bailey of Stratford were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford. Electric headlights on loco, motives wore first used early in 1886. HOW HEALTHY IS YOUR ESTATE? The condition of your estate should concern you as much as your personal health. Estate Administration is an important undertaking—not srn e thing to be handled by people unfamiliar with estate management, At Sterling Trusts we have experienced Estate Officers. They will advistipand assist you in the planning of your estate. Call on us at any time a �r write for our fret booklet "Mueprint For Your Farnile• THE STERLING TRUSTS • COR POR A T10N Heed ORkei Stench 00ke: 3t1 Atty. gfo terento M bunteo S,b�r� r., H.8(.S. Enjoys Lively Pan,1 ...Bride At Calgary Former Resident Ferns, mums and carnations. formed the setting in the Scar - The January meeting of !the borough United Church, Cal - ti Home and 'School Associa- gary, Saturday, january 18 for tion was. held in the school mil- ! with the president, Mrs. Sheridan evening,;Nthiecklev'e'ecladnidngFreQdferieAknl-ijodeMlavtlihe toeitun last Tuesday Revington, in the ehair. She re - Dr. Parsons pfficiating, ported that the new .chairs had The bride is the daughter of arrived; that anyone wishing ,to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nickles Of tour the War Memorial Hospital . Calgary, formerly of Stratford February 5 at 2 p.m., could do ' rand Lucan and the groom is so, and that the annual omen- 'the son of Mr. and airs, William tion would, this year, be held in !Code of Calgary. Hamilton, April 8 and 9. Given in marriage by her Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs. Eldon father, the bride was gowned Young and Mrs. C. A, George in an ensemble of -white net were named a -committee to 1 over white taffeta. A veil of make the necessary arrange- French illusion fell front a bead, limits. for a bake sale February ; dress of sequins:ind pearls. 8, A hat show was also discussed She carried a cascade of pink and Mrs. Lloyd 'Acheson 'volun- :roses. teered to make inquiries in Lon- Miss Katherine Nickles, as don to see if a London milliner ; maid of honour for her sister, could be secured, I and Misses Linda Buse and mrTwihseactic,stendroaonneie, cup went to 'Joyce Duncan as bridesmaids wore gowns of blue taffeta and For some time, the school has !lace and carried lilies -of -the - been attempting to raise $300 to ;valley. Purchase film strips, as by so I Russell Nickles, small brother doing they would receive a pro- of the bride was ring bearer, jector free. Mrs. Harold' Cobleigh, Mr. Bill Code was best man. in making, her report, said the At a reception in the Glencoe $87 taken in at the school concert Club the bride's mother received and this year's sale of Christmas In a gown of pale pink lace. The cards, had put their objective groom's mother assisted in blue over the top. The films have lace. After the reception the bride changed to a navy blue ensemble, white hat and white accessories for a honeymoon trip to Dallas, Texas. The young couple will make their home in Oklahoma. The bride has spent many va- cations in Lucan, arrived, and are proving helpful. The highlights of the meeting was a panel discussion on "What teachers expect of parents vs. what parents expect of teachers." . Mrs, Clarence Young introduced the moderator, Mrs. C. H. George, and the panel, Mrs. 3. B. Ready and Mr. Murray Hodg- ins, who represented the parents, and Mrs. Art Black and Mrs. Holy Trinity Guild Harold Cobleigh, of the staff, present thoroughly enjoyed the Makes Vestments who represented the teachers, All comprehensive and amusing dis- cussion presented by the penal. A few of the topics discussed in- cluded correction methods, de- ning with the president, Mrs. tention, homework, parental ;mi. hay Egan in the chair anis Mrs. pervision, and assistance of C. W. Hawkshaw at the piano. pupils' work and careful consid- The new treasurer, Mrs. Ger- eration of all notices sent home. aid Lewis, read the scripture Following the panel discussion, lesson. With an attendance of there was a short question period eight, Mrs. Allan Ryan's group which had to be curtailed, owing won the attendance contest. to the; lateness of the hour. Bev. J, P, Prest who was present for the :first part of the meeting, spoke briefly on some urgent needs of the church and again asked the group to con- tinue visitations to the sick and shut-ins. Pentecostal — 11 was voted to continue the 1957 flower committee, Mrs. T. The Young People's meeting of C. McFarlane, Mrs. Jack Murdy the Pentecostal Church last Fri- and Mrs. Clarence Haskett and , day, took the form of another empowered them to use their I Visit to the Huron County's Horne own discretion in the donating !for the Aged at Clinton, where of flowers to former Hely Trin- the two car loads put on a pro- itv members. grant for the patients. With the number of new jun- TheAnglicln — for and senior choir members, Men's Club are staging ! the necessity . of new vestments - , for the senior choir was discus - their annual oyster or ham supI sed (five new surplices were per in the church basement on Monday evening. ; made for the junior choir last Next Wednesday evenings, Holy week). Mrs: George Hodgins Trinity and St. James Church :volunteered to purchase the AY P A It • . . . 111at ena a ' 1 • nd make one surplice will re -organize will take the form of a Valentine I and cassock and Mrs. Harold boxsocial with the girls brine- I Hodgins volunteered tomake an - soft drinks. an- ing Valentine boxes and the boys United Church — ' other. The president said she woulcl arrange to have the ves - m ents cut. The January meeting of Holy Trinity Guild was held in the Parish Hall last Monday eve - Church News Most of the evening was spent As a closing for Christian in making arrangements for as - Youth Week, Miss Marlene Rev- sisting the men at the oyster ington, Y.P.U. secretary, .read supper to be held in the church the responsive lesson, and the basement Monday evening, Y.P.U. president, Allan Ready, A few church calendars be - read the second lesson. Rev. longing to the Evening Auxiliary Edgar Roulston preached an were sold. also a few articles appropriate youth sermon. Bar- of used clothing. A box of used bare Park and Randy Paul relat- clothing, which unfortunately ed their experiences at Bimini was overlooked at the bazaar, was displayed and it was sug- In the evening, 30 members of gested the same would form an the Y.P.U. met in the Clande- Culbert in the chair in the ab- sence of the president and vice- excellerit nucleus for a rummage boye 'United Church, with Terry ale at a later date. Training had charge of the meet- Marks Birthday president. Janet Blake's com- mission on Stewardship and ing. The Scripture was ready Mrs, Bob Coleman, whose birth- Sharenb At Two Parties Nancys Kestle,eot t i• arajnodrie PDraods Ynalbony read a story on prayer, followed by a discussion, and Helen day fell on Sunday, February 2, celebrated twice last weekend. Kestle read the story, "The Church of the Lighted Lamp." Sherry Walpole was appointed recreation and culture convener and will have charge of every fifth meeting. An evaluation questionnaire on 1957 programs was completed. Marilyn Eaton reported an "Tiff" night (train- ing, inspiration, fun and fellow- ship), held at Lieury January 20. A. skating party, to be followed by a dance, was planned for February 15, with Terry Walpole, Helen Hardy, Barry Black, Nancy Bison and June Scott in charge. Re.organization Meeting She was guest of honor at a din- ner party at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Richard Dick- ins, in Exeter, last Saturday eve- ning. Other guests included her husband, Mrs. Will Dickins, of Lucan, Mr, and Mrs; Alf Dickins, of London, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne MeFalls, of Si. Thomas, Mrs. Frank Coates, of Exeter. On Sunday, she and Mr. Cole- man were guests of their daugh- ter, Mrs. W. W. Garrett and family. During the afternoon, they attended the service at Wes- ley Church, which was in charge of the Young People's group. Their granddaughter, Doreen Garrett, took the service, and Leonard Hack gave the address. Bride. Elect Honored Prior to her marriage to Pat- rick 3. Ctunican ie St, Michael's Roman Catholic Church, London, on Saturday, Miss Bernice De Bloek, of EIginficId, was guest ef honor At several showers re- cently, among which was A shower by her business asso- ciates Ainiseellaneous shower by school friends And members of the Denfield Girls' Softball team of Which She was A member, with Mises Marie and Ann Liddell as codlostesses, and also A shower in the Separate School church friends. A shower Was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Ryan, when some 40 friends And neighbours met to honor the beide-tied and to present her With gifts. Library Card dames Bridge and euchre garnet at the Lucati Library, width Were discontinued during the Chrietmae eteetirt, have begun again each WedrieSdAy. Theta Was all ettere dettee et 19 for last week's bridge. This weak will bd enchte, A re -organization meeting wee held in the United Church parlors last Tuesday evening and was in charge of the Rev, Edgar Roulston, Steward committee is: chair- man. Mr. Harold Whyte, vice chairman, Mr, Jack Lankin, secretary, Mr. Murray Bodging and treasurer, Mr. Alex 'Voting; elders, Rev. E. M. Cook, honorary elder, clerk, Mr, John Park: usher convener, Robert Murray, assistant, Iktr. Murray Hodgins. Ushers. Messrs. /van Ifearn, Ralph Pitt, Leroy Revington, James Young, MO Culbert, Den Lankin, Iack Park, Allan Reedy, Robert Starke'. Official board, repreSentative to the Presbytery, Mr, W, Stanley: alternates, Mr. Gordon Eaton and Mr, Arthur Simpson; W.M.S,, Mrs, 3. Alex Young, Mts, A, E. Reilly and Mrs, Wit. liamDarlina: W.A., Mrs, Cecil Robb, Mrs, Minter Seat; Church School, Mrs. C. ft. atone and Mrs. Alex Melrilosh; Mrs. Murray fledging. Won Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins Attended :the funeral of Mrs. Gor- don Warrell in Parkhill last Thursday,. and .coming home called. at the. Green Gable. Mrs - Ing Home to, visit Mrs, Ida Car- roll And. Miss. Hattie- Hedgins. Mrs. Lionel Kendrick, nf ter, was an overnight guest each night last week with her aunt, .Mrs, Warner McRoberts, A.C. Douglas Stone, of Trenton, was a weekend guest with Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. Stone, of 1.11e Coursey Road. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowlie who occupied an ;apartment in the home of Mrs. Blanche Rey- nolds, of Eightfield, have. moved to.Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. ,Albert Mains, of Lambeth, were Monday visit- ors with Mrs. Will Dickins, Mr. .and Mrs. Cpcil Armitage and .family, visited Mr, nc.1 Mrs, Dick Atkinson, of London, recently. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ford, of Exeter, were Wednesday guests of Mrs. Thomas Brooke, who is still confined to her home after a severe attack of flu. Principal Wesley Clow reports there wa.s an improvement of attendance this week at school, but last week was grim, with 50 per cent absenteeism in more than one room. He also reports the Safety Patrol is Working out splendidly. \ Mr. Harold Brooke has been made manager of the 'Toronto, Queen street, Maher Shoe Store, Mr. A. A. Garrott is now a patient at the Pines•Haven Nurs- ing Home, Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs, Irving Gibson and Miss Lina Abbott last Friday night, attend- ed a play staged by the Wesley Young People in the Foresters' Granton. Miss•Doreen Gar- rett was one of the star perform- ers, but all were a credit to their church and director. Mrs, John Park, of Lucan, and Mrs. Art McLean, of London, were weekend guests of their sis- ter, Mrs, Gailey Johnston, of St. Catharines, who.has been on the sick list. Mrs. James Avery entertained at a dinner party 10 honor of the joint birthday celebration of Mr. and Mrs, William Avery, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Armitage last Sunday visited Mrs. Laverne Allison in Victoria Hospital, prior to her operation on Tuesday. They also called on Miss Clara Howard, who has since been moved to the Pines Haven Nurs- ing Heine, Luean. Mrs. James Thompson, now of London, is a patient in Vic- toria Hospital following an operation. Mrs. M. 0. Smith left on Thurs- day for a few weeks' visit with Waterloo relatives, while her hus- band is away. Mrs. Cecil Robb has returned. home after spending a few days with Sarnia friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Walker, of TYYant ..Sask., called on Liman friends last Saturday, Mrs. •Welker, the former Miss Beryl . Dennie, WAS at oiie time on the Lopan. Public :Setteol staff. Mr. Lawrence Grose, of To- rente, now 00 Tillsonburg teach - Mg staff, called on Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McLean, of Elginfield oa Sun04Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaumont, of London, were Saturday visitors with Mr..end Mrs, J, W..Smith, Mrs. Charles :Sumner, .of Lon- don, visited with Miss Ida Porte and Mrs, Helen Watson. last ThorsdaY. Mr, and Mrs. Maurice •McDon- aid. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins and Mrs. Will Dickins were Wed- nesday guests of Mr. And Mrs, Harry Carroll, of Saintsbury. Mr, and Mrs. Levi Darling sPent a ;few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil- Armitage, and Mr, Cap Howard was a Thursday guest. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Lewis have moved into their new home on Concession 15, London. Mrs. Murray Hodgins attended a camp rcommittee meeting in Metropolitan Church, London, last Monday to helpplan the 1958 junior camp, which will again be held at Bimini, near Stratford, as the new camp at Koniolta 'il1 not be ready in time. Among those attending the Crunican-Dc Block wedding in St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, London last Saturday, were, Mrs. Clarence Lewis, Miss Marie Lewis, Mr. Fred Lewis, Mrs. William McComb and Mrs. Alex McComb, - Mrs. Dave Ashworth, who has been partially paralyzed for some years,following a stroke, • had her 'good leg amputated be- tween the knee and the hip last Monday at Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Dwight Bali are happy to announce the birth of a son, Kevin Timothy, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Thursday, January 23. Mrs. John Thompson of Kitch- ener.is staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Roulston, Melte her mother is recuperat- ing after her recent operation. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Gordon et Stratford were weekend. guests last •week of Mr. and Mrs. Roy • Schleuter. •.Leslie :Carling, Gracia 1 reett. insi got bee); to, Scheel After chicken-noX when .sitefell en,the ice- 'while skating and new has. her right arm 111 A cast, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hardy, of Luean, and Mr. And Mrs, .Fred Dobbs, of Exeter, left last Mope day for ;a month's vacation in Florida. Mrs. Allan Bell, of Durhanl, 10 visiting this month with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Ready and. f Hy. Medway Euchre The Medway Elvelire .Citib held a four -table euchre at the home of Mr..13111 'Stewart last Saturday evening. Ladies' prize winners. were; "High, Mrs, 'Wilbert Stan - lee; consolation, Mrs, Chester McComb, and lone hands, Mrs. Clarence Lewis, Men's prize winners were: .High, Mr. Clarence Lewis; con- solation; Otto Daley; lone heeds, Grant Hughes. The next ,euchre will be held February 15 at the Lucan oeaboys home of Mr. Wilbert Stanley, assistedHoc Medway hockey team defeat Tech 6.3 at Queen's. Park Arena last Monday and to defeat Wheable 10-3 at Silverwood Park. On Tuesday night at Lucan, Luean bantams defeated London Telfer Bobcats 5-3 in an exhibi- tion game. Hugh Conlin and Bill. Neil each scored twice, and Jerry Herrington once, Ankle Broken Mrs, Maurice McDonald. while at her farm, fell and broke the bone in her left ankle. KID Rob your Resi.. Many people never seem to get a good night's rest. They turn and toss—blame it on 'nerves'—when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. If you donTrest well get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help the kidneys so that yOu can rest better—and feel better. 136 Dodd's Kidney Pills iiiii i irsitsitimmulamemiteri iiiiiiii ut iiii lllllll lll lll II lllllllllll • ll a iiiiii tormainsitonaminutrana S. W. LAKE REAL ESTATE BROKER Lonilon, Ontario Cash Buyer Wants to purchase a 150 to 200 acre farm. Must be good farm with good buildings. Farms Wanted For Spring -50, 100 and 200 acre farms are needed for spring. If you have one to sell, contact— SID EMERY — SPECIAL FARM SALESMAN Phone 151 Parkhill llllllll 111111111111111111111,111111 lllll lllll llllllll I llllllll I llllllllll EXTRA ROOM OR TWO? Cs' • . them., talk talk( (IANif 'eeeeetee;weeeee If you need more room for thechildren, more all-round convenience for everybody in the home, a spate room for visitors or if you simply need more space for relaxation, don't let a shortage of ready cash stop you from going ahead with building plans now. You can build an extraroom in the attic or enlarge your house with a B of M Home Improvement Loan,HIL's are inexpensive — interest at only 65'-'0 per annum — and you can pay back your loap10 easy monthly instalments. Why not talk over your home improvement plans with your neatest B of M manager. If your proposition is sound, there's money for you at the B of Al. [veal] .14 of Ark 16). 'our top), e/ via folder . . free 41 orry braucb. Wintertime is the best time for W061'11061* Improvements. Workmen are more readily available and prices are often lower. If BA rd i rower 01101IPt BANK OF MONTREAL 4#444444 v404 Cantraiia (Sub•Agtncy); Open Tuesdey and Thursday Grand Bond (Sub -Agency); ()Pal Mon., Wed, and rti. Creditor) Branch: CLARE Managet (Open Tuesday, Thursday and on Friday 4.30 . d Dashwood (Sub.Agency): Open Mon.,\Ved-, & TI alt Wench: KENNPAH CHRISTIAN, Manager Loon Branch; fACK STEACY,, Manager w�*u WI,14 dARAti.141‘11 141' EV ERY WUI bFIF 1 9.