HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-06, Page 7;
Midshipmen are so railed be- or it I
gatre erleinally they had
ters amidships.:Lucen „ ips IT me,
.................„........,..,....,., .
le or econ pot
With Jewellery
ee 01,1r Valentine Special in
Costume Jewellery
5. B. Taylor
Five Teams
Win -.Seven
ted From Pag4 eFive 'teams rolled up. 7-0 vie
tOn bad pulled Jt netrninder for taxies in the 1...lgeter Ladies
in the Exeter end of the rjoe. Bawling League this week.
Happy Gals and Be -Bops came
relive, I:mien. Nivatebern: (enire, "A” group, while the Frisky Six,
(travel!: wings, Sal:mould, Mae- ..,
eel I, Del britlg e, Franklin,
Donald.; alternates, Loader, Dion).- Wee Hopes and Ups and DOW11S,
maert, }Min (nen, Pinvornbe, ltus-
1 who were up for this one, looked
i'l.isTo's - (Mal Henonitne: de- , after the "B" group skunknigs.
( imader _ __ 10:12
'17--litican, Fletcher
Wraith) . .
Pcnolt*ca 'Olson (charging)
1 I:311: Meer/m.331d 1111ppIng3
11:35; White el howing) 10:14;
Powers (boarding) 301i
1 rd Period
1 Ixot r„ 1;inemplie
(Sabourin, lAoliti Pr) 541:1
---Luentr roWO18
m,ady, Boyitharto f Doig: Arbour, J1 111 centre, N. 1 Pin Poppers continuo to bold
tn-wtags. n. Seidl :
the .extra forward tie a faceoff
BxerrEn _ Dual, Baker; ne. 'Through in tlyieg -colours in the
4 Fleicher) s s s_ 8:0 termites, Revival, T, Volonhotty, their own in the "A" standings
1 'nil et, Lorna V, .1.141rt10'. VV1111P54,
1,,,,na" ip, .. 11.11111, ( is oppinsto mohnun, Dermal,. (sub goal). over the second plitee Whatnots
it -Levan, wraith
( Dowers) . 13 :2(1 :110:Pes, Al erriam, Demo, Al. Vol -
Roving tnn ( high el Irk- lejrsi piortiod i OS each team managed :to pick
Mg 1 7:02: While (Int erf er- . up five points from its op )0SitiOn.
ence) 1A:ow.
Baker Stars.
In Victory
Phenominal goaltending by Gar
Baker, and the three -goat per-
formance of Franklin turned
what looked to he a sure
"suicide attempt" for the Exeter
Mohawks into a sweet 6-3 re-
venge Victory over the Clinton
Colts right on Clinton ice Wed-
nesday night before nearly a
eanaeity crowd,
The Tribe, who lost the first
game of the season at home on
January 24 to Colts by a 1-4
score, fought an uphill battle all
the way as 4,11O3r: played without
the services of forwards )3111
Oberle, Larry Heideman and Bill:
Musser and defeneemen Bob
Coates,' Allie Ruhdle and Bifl
Waghorn, who they lost early in
the first period when he received
a gash in the side of the face that
took .five stitches to close, and
loosened two teeth in the process.
The second -place Colts skated
, onto. the ice for the first time
since Christmas .at full strength
to tackle' the Tribe.
- The two clubs were tied 1-1 at
• Say
witha gift af
An appro.
priate twin
heart design
for Valen-
oine's Day.
1 el47.00
1- ilseter. Sabrourin !The seven points grhbed by the
( Gravel t, Alec 1 )(maid) .... 11;40 carefree Happy Gals have moved •
1,enaniee -
2-yliem to within a mere two points
al errlam ( triPPI118)
of Whatnots to threaten second
-ri Intim. Merriam
( N. Doig3
2:55, 1 place in the "A" standings.
I Over in the other section, -the
!Mighty Mice keep nibbling away -
Scoring- -None.
comulionn WWI 5g- ' week after week :and .consequent-
inal 5:111:: Arbour t tNrwing)
ly they've stretched their once,
4:20; nett f tripping ) 9:20; • • • -
Ttionnna0rt slash Me, 1 10305l 'one -point lead to six over the
semi (elbowing) 13:11. . second...place Tips ane Downs,
Downs made a two-point gain '
, this week, however, as a result
3:20 of their seven -point victory as
, the Mice could only get five from
41 10 the Jolly Si1.
5:110 Free bowling awards were won •
, by 'Verlyn Lindenfield of the Wee
l'uc Hopes, who rolled a high single
lAnnou-nce Top Scorers•
in Minor Hockey Play
Ashhury 2 0 :
lack Ailey _ 1 1 2
tliordon Illeenarro , - 1 11
Doh Denning 11 2 2
Ilrailley - 1 0 1
Don Droderielt ___„, 1 11 1
1 k 1 41 1
,051i4 Don
1 ni II La naglian _ 1 a 1
itichard Alaylnl ire _ 1 a 1
Da •
41 ry King
ylan Alarriage - 1 1
1:111 Di . . 1 11
John Harness . 0 1
Ken Leal herdale 1.• 1
Nen 'Woods a 1 1
Dim ides Saul 0 1 1
(Moms Tryon _ 1
Jackie er •- „ 10(11 111 11
huean, Wraith.1
!Irian Siv ell zer
mit Wright _ I 1
0 1 1
Final scoring statistics have
been released for the Exeter pee
wee and bantam -midget house
leagues .that have been in opera-
Lnioonnth.eroughout the winter
Smooth -skating centre Lloyd
11ioore fired 15 goals and coiled-
petolinitos.assists to pace the bantam -
midget league with a total of 25
Bob Janes place second in •the
loop with 21 points an 12 goals
and nine assists, while Bob Arm-
strong rated. a Third With 17
Dill Heywood, Armstrong, Jones Arthur Horrell ...
and Moore were the only four ileorge iloilholt
players in the major grouping to o.,
score over 10 goals, •Lroma
Allen Saul was the big gun in
the pee wee division with his 14 -- Continued from Page 6
goals and five assists for 19 A number of the Y.P.S. mem-
The elto-antotlyplayer lea his bees enjoyed a tobogganing party
closest rival by four points to cop ; On Saturday night and were
In the runner-up slot carne l afterwards entertained at
Larry Brintnell, with an even 1)0010 of
of Air. and. Mrs, Lloyd
dozen goals and three assists.Mr. and Mrs. John McLachlan,
hh 1132: while Mike Halter eentodaeori. !1,, F. m 0 n d v i I 1 e , visited on Tuesday
BrintnelPs production
up a mere point back of Lesnick
Stanley Lesnick followed
:and Mr. and Airs. Andrew Mc-
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen
ly behind
Saul were the only Tp) a y e r in the i _ continued from Page 6
Eyre Bolton
Bob Hoffman, Mike Cuehman, '
Baiter, Lesnick, Brintnell. and -
91'111r41 Period,
a-mxpter, MacDonald
(Sabi:m.1n i
4- Clinton, Aterrlam
1-- VII itton, lierriarn
( (Myra)
6- JxpIr,
1- 10x et el', Franklin
((ma vett, mac )(maw 17;20 game of 246, and J. Lovell of the
5- 10x et er, rincombe Happy Gals, who had a 249. J.
(jinni. lin) 18.44 Lovell also rang up a nifty 709
pr., Prank lin
itI A
•rltop Dlra vet() 15;4, plc for the OC t. to a 57 participating in the league to I; AA navy rayon taffeta dress with
et -mimes -floe Do ig (slashing i contestants. , gain nine points or more,
Alerriam and Loader (hih . I a matching white pique Queen
7:2a: Arbour (vbarging) iae3n: "A" section -pace setters for Scoring results were as follows.
sticking) loon. the high single and triple awards i n t VI" kit A: ' 1 1 I) ' m 1 Anne collar and a mist blue.
have come up with some impres-
sive games. maya :maitre 15
Zurich Cats,. The high single is held by Mary r"I' .1^11Pg• . 1 2
Cronyn of the Whatnots as she :fr'h Annsirririg
11111 linrwood
rolled the best game the alleys tnek l‘nban
Fight To Tie ,ivriitple a s i3a3135.dsL(illieg•ahi n;iorBirloi eckt' yea,. n n A7.111 j
Dab. Tarray
game total to date. Brock is a let -NI 1,0nt11
Itir I; r Finv10
After playing a full 70 minutes
. .
member of the Lollipops. 11
ofhocley onFriday nightin , meat -
Zurich, ilderton Wildcats and Doreen Tiernan of the Hot Doo
Flyers settledfor a 7-7 has
• the high triple in the "B" . teethe
the end of the seeeed but the Zurich
majority of the play took place • section with 704, while Terry ilov eima
in the Exeter end of the rink.
Only the goaltending art dis-
played by agile Gar Baker kept
the score within reason over the
first 400minutes of play.
Baker eloped the door on num-
erous occasions on stellar efforts
from Kenny and Bob Doig, Jack•
IIP r;11 h II .
walked right in on him time and Raymie Wein was a two -goal • 571. lollzman 575) . 2
time again. Other Colt perform- man foc the Flyers, registering what 'Nets Essery 52.2) „. tr` neaning __.
ers whistled shots his way from lead-off markers in each of the 1'1' tli)))"t' "" 2, fg:Pa(1S111Tli.110
:1;4 'Thigh
all angles only to get disappointed first and second periods. The Nil -Hawks ( Snngster 5261 _
at the goalmouth. balance of the Zurich markers .`,1,6",f,'r"t)* Nv?"(1,.'n, 1..(;) " Pre S 1
er 5 _
Bill Franklin, playing his first were spread out amongst Ken . "'ulni"" (")thr' ""1" "
Alley Cats (S. Wurm. 511) 2 P.1.11.1 1N-14111
Heywood of the Wee Hopes holds---------
, ni null S. ran -
The two clubs were all tied up
.with six goals apiece after redn-
e- 308 ga e
down the high single mark with a it:::Iii11,,,,e:.,;:.R.;iitls.ini:,e,1".,.:,a.n.-.-_:::::...--..:::_---..-:._:::
lation time, and each side pro- , in ' _______ ..
10 -minute overtime session to 11'1'1'3' °al' iji,.1„,"7,`'",,117,17,111)9),-,:: 17, 111:.: ri:.'11il; ‘1111;rPol'iP.4011181(11:::::::--.. :
duced a single marker in the t . "a" ro " It
force the first official tie of the , 3.1 inwett Ps ID hill IN rl'ey.........
season in the WOAA Int. -Home- ' no Nuns (T„ Dobbs. 330) , . . . 7
' Pills (NI ("lover 4171 f i Pol. Ilt•mlor)ck
Douglas 1,1114vbe
Merriam and Gold Walters, who brew grouping.
• I'M Ponce es t Dough 017) 1,c,nter 11e •woo 1
game of the season for the locals, Parker, Don Hesse, Bob McKin- .
as a replacement:for Bob Coates, ley, Benny Gignac and Don t•ottp
l'sptgt• Ito wIts 05. lirtt 1" 1 1104 ) - '1' I tirr4- nronine.14
punched home a tiinely hat -trick O'Brien. !Jelly anis (Al. .1111i414441. nos) . n s'in ill" 1,Noni4.3c - ..- •-: 112,
aid and Billy Pincombe drilled
Gib Sabourin, Jimmy MaeDon- blinked the light twice for the , wee 1.1"c'sf‘'. Lindent le1"7) 7 AlikP Halt" . -: - 0I
visitors, While Clark, Cameron F1'1010' Six (fl.
Bus)" Eters (17, 11'41450,r 445) .. 0 N111;4' 1'1;511tna n
s(sot 1 547) _... .. .., vinti, if nr,tn,iali ______
to spark the offensive attack. I Max O'Neil and Bob Evans
shots past Don Dcnomme in the ' and defenceman Ken Lampman - nr"11 'Koran 4,r. Taylor 5503 __ (1 ,61•:.; ir.?..1,:.1.,7 - --- - - - 4
Clinton net for the other Mohawk sank singles. -------------- :mem). mive pi. merle), 7211) _ 5 ' j im P,Itlio-n- -
Jack Merida in scored all three in nes) .. 2 , 11011
highlighted the dame as I3oli Aie- ' Doi Dogs t k, AlcDona
The ThrepAtIvocatc, February 6, 1956 Pap
two, 44.1, -
DisTillEgS SINCE iss7
flecked coat trimmed- with. a enr IIIIII11111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111$11111M111111 , ll 111111111$1111111111111111t1111111111MIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt•
A r sage of red roses and winter
It) 23 white accessories The happy
9 21
r, 17 couple left amid showers of eon -
4 17 . fetti and good wishes, for St.
Catharines, Niagara and -Buffalo.
7 14
3 12
5 11
1 11141 I Hensall
1 1.
1 0
I 'Two fast goals in the overtime Dm t emu( ois 7171l) . Dun
lrayne 307) ---- Lart.3.
goals for Clinton.
-. Gib Sabourin scored the, first
borough in- the Ilderton net at: MerrY :Ms las 11. Dea) el' 522) - Yard
I Kinley whistled one past Scar- (.(4. .t)1,111 11 437) A.ntl row -Ktnynn 1
Just Arrived from .Estrella
goalofthe game at 10,40 in 1 le ,1,10, only to have Max O'Neil and 4.A." 1' trout, $ I o 44 ding' ,1 Larry SIL iros 41. 3
. ' "
. first period when he flipped a •Bob Evans team up for the tying rIll naapelies sr, entia Id Olio
loose puck over the prostrate 'marker once again for the Wild- 'who 1 A:015 . , .. . . ' 4,1 Doug 1 toninstrr ......_:_,L.:.i.:,:. 37
Happy' 1 lals . _
form of Denomme outside the
--- ' cats at 3.45. ,,, 1 ano coroner
Clinton net* Jim. AlaeDonald and t . • , - . , i•-• file143- Alaeroona lit ,
,art -3, (; reenacrit _ .. • _ 2
11:1 Dilly Wright _____ _ ....... 9
' I mii 01Drien; wInt•.;•$ Pflug (T5tripo Ill 1.1r1115' . ...:.. ____ , 52 Forerld le La: in ...
1- PrOrl Sin I 1 .... 1
ed. Less than four minutes later, Been ra, (*inertia, Perrier, Ralier, 1:11011'1".1 1 Ps . .......... -'''
1 .
Boom drew assists on the play ;
,,ea • .eerf, .
es the line hammered at the door Yringhint, Bennie; centre, Dais _
continually before 1)eing reward- '8111)101; Mt 01`11St ife So, (1 IgitS N11 111 tylgs ..„, 1.04q0i.r11 .._ 4
Merriam tied it up after accept- AleKillic3'. Hay. 1.1a nil 'v01)114+1.4 ,
ing a nice setup front Ken Doig. 11'ngryrcis.-("1:11.' SPa Y14°Yeagil (coins( -
'clef en c e. Dim ri I nit, Carmielimel; •"1't - 35
c.f.() tre, Five ns: w 1 11 g (1 X1'11, "111” Sirturilug
After the scoreless middle
stanza, Jim MacDonald and Gib 1 (.10. rii e; (+runt 45. Nnyr5, rnt
Sabourin teamed up for a goal at WP11. t'allter". neane)si Latal" D " "
- 7P,
• a.20, with MacDonald doing the ; "Ian. 1"°11, Charlton, Jilts ..... . .
' " "• • • '"
In flower -decked, heart- seering honors with a blistering, ; rivet Period merry mama ,„ 1)11
drive from his left wing position! 1--I Moron, Lamina n
o nogg
shaped bbxes - use the
(Thurwell) _ 5:10 "Hut 1 even PS 11"
that caught the Co,. corner of the : 7
Air C. 1,
flotvers for a corsage. , net. (PAriger, l'Irs4g) 9'0 3 rrislgy Six - 54
However, the Exeter lead was 3-Zuri eh, 1'.arlier 70i
' $1.25 $2.25 $2..50 $3.00 nullified less than two minutes l\ e I It. Hes"r
' - -.--• 1 S:44 tilli!eseYn B1P1%5144
Denali les - Wein tripoing)
later, when Merriam scored two 10:55; Loft (hacking) 2:45. Rollettes . . _ ______ .,
Valentine Suckers ., quickiee at 4.10 and 5.00 to put
For the'tKids 150 the Colts into a 3.2 lead. Set•ond 'Period
The .ten-minute mark changed 4--'7'111.1ell' "-PI"
the complexion of the game 5--IIrr;aeli..11'neer'sins:r1n17-, .-i,
again as Bill Franklin drilled a ii-zurieb, 1-1r4,44 (Parker)" 1 4 i4i)
drop -pass from "Boom" into the 7--1i110faen, (larks
corner of the cage to pull the.
club back on -even terms.
The same pair, along with
Jimmy MacDonald teamed up at
17,20 for a goal that took a bet of
zip out of the Clinton -attack for
a 4-3 lead
Leftwinger Bill Pineonthe killed f .I.,. ------.. ni.i. Ern „ s ,
I 0'.\ 011, ,P)V11115) ...... ._ .— 15:16
S-Zoi Hill:, (1 (gime Moulder, February 10
Ms 11111e, .5•14114e19 . 13 ;4C• 7 -0-Buichors -5.. w 'minim,
Prrinit irs-1161!,4. O'Brien '1 high -Milkmen 10, Depsies
sticking.) 12:31,. .", niMiera VS. Tip TO 1)110IIX
Tbtrd rertod • 5 -11 -Pin Prim VS. 0 ea's Ailliants
Men's Bowling
Schedule ,
Tradesmen vs. Spares
9-11dertron, O'Neil ____ 1;45 MM.'S
10--Zurieh, Doti WV:Hen
(sepia( Pflug O'Brien) - 11:94 14"041104.44dny, Pelt, 12
74-11'1141cats vs. Imperials
all Clinton hopes ef winning the (Dlerke) 11'45 Spa re Parts
50, r404'
contest a little over a minute 12- f Merton, Evens '""- :Dockets, vs, Canners
later when he raced the length
1,0 na It les -Cam ern n (tripping )
1 I 1:16: WOI111 (holding) 13:2s;
. beat Denomme. Franklin ,sank Hon O'Brien (tripPing) 17:0E. News Budget From
of the lee for a loose puck to
PHONE 510 EXETERhis third goal at 19.59 After Clin- Overtime
.sv tweerieilitliitelltileiimilieeteelmieleteettietleemeleowee llllllll llllll one lllll ei ll ll I l ilettieenteilietieelmeelleetteir,
Reder's Florists
Valentine's Day - Friday, February 14
Phone 761 • Exeter
Nitli1/1/01041111111/MIllifilinti/1141/1111iHOtifil1/1[111101111i0i),11110/01010101111111dItMin1111,111111111111111$11 lll l15
l 1 l
ie.o. 07 • V
t(trit, $11 1411-1C%
Choose from these Famous Name Products:
Neilson's and
' Rowntrees's •
Pounds $1.50 ett $1,60
4114 2•POUnd BOXES
Greeting Cards
Huntley's Drug Store
Phonit St/ IDA DRUGS Exiltv
13 -Zurich, AleXinley
( Hesse) . _ 1:10
11-11cterton, O'Neil (Evans) :1:15 By MRS, W. MOTZ
renames - 1.4)nninan (hack-
ing) 3:37,
Crediton East
Topics From
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Horncy of
Exeter spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Win. Metz.
Airs, Margaret Gibb of Exe-
ter spent the weekend with her
daughter, Mr. R. Motz, and
Mr, and Mrs, Wm, McKee And
Mission Band
son and Mrs. Aaron Wein spent,
Saturday in Loed on.
Sunshine Mission Band held
their February meetieg Monday Mrs, Sam Baynham is ill in
al 4 p,m. in the Sunday School South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
totime. Sheila. Bern and Elsie
Miller had charge of the meet -
Betbara Hern favored with an
instrumental Ind Sheila Bern Continued From Page 5
10111A 51.0,141/. Of hearing him again.
Mrs. Tom Hem tok the Aticiy Three new Lions were intro -
book on Japan and Mrs, Clifton duced by Lion Lloyd O'Brien and
Jacques led in the worship Doug O'Brien, as Don Oise, Mor -
vice. ris Webb And Louis Schilbe.
Valentines were made and A report. was given on the Pros -
lunch Served.
Peesonal Item;
Ml', and Mrs. Bob Rom and
Linda of Jarvis,. Arieht the week-
Z,urich Lions
Peet of purchasing more land for
playgrounds adjacent to the Com-
munity Centre,
Linn President 13ob MeXinlot
then dismissed the meeting, and
end with Mr. and Mrs' llaruld
Bern. meg of the Lions wontover to
the Arena to witness a minor
Mr. George tart is Spending hoekey game.
a month with Mr. and Mrs. Milne personal hero
I'1111911, Whalen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hern visited
Sunday evening with Mr. and
Meg. Clifton Jaques,
Mr. and Mrs. Boy Dykoman,
Merton and Mr. Gary Vowel, in--ven.st, l'Irivh
Cilloomfleld, $m(th) ......... 1,26
I-Addidlo WOPO We Oke ad 'V i S ii011 Brock. . 1 5-1,mlin, sitiroy
with Mr. 't-tid Mrs. jtid bykoman ot,..tinmo,
Elimville 4 -11 Homemaking 12 Leman, Avhite „„........ 10:15
and family. . Club attended Achievement nay l3.--1,uvan. itin's'nham
Mrs, Nerman J'Aque.e spoilt I' T.7,151111 1
at'the Exeter Legion hall on . 1! .31
814t"rdriY "4212 12"ft211621"11`, Airs' SAturday. The olub project was 1.1"A"'""' v"""4 ("110512"
Philip- Murch, lillimIdlle . .1- rilli-41 11. Strirey
" "Working with Wool', ' Mrs, flat. -
Mr, (led Mre. Tem t3r9Ok tied ( bee' eller)
,old Bell, tilimvtile anti Mrs. I‘ori- 16. 'I'm"- Ta nkill
(Trowels, 8101-1” 1 191(5
noth Vern, Zion, 'are the loaders. renniitee - tlayntiate ttomyty.
The Zion V.P,I.t. attended Cell. Ingl 1199; Stnit 11 (rO)t#1111141
traIla United Church Firostdo 11;2'.
meeting gundor evening.,
11:31111: bykman, frnropto, spout Tht first teelielad warship was
Ihe weekend whit Mr, and Mrs. hull' in the sisteehth cohtury .
Jud bykotialt And farhilv1 for the 'Ronan Navy,
'tv A eh for further arillOtlitc0-
trient concerning the showing ot
the Aladin Luther 111111 at.the
Community Ceetre, Zurich.
Doug aoffrry
olt 11 ; lis .
111-0, _
To runly \ I 1P11
nrN•Itl "Hunt . -
Doug" St a nla kr
itporga Arm:41 mos _ 1
(lordon . 1
-.Continued from Page 6
at :the home of Mr. and Mrs,
g William Hyde.
Mrs, Evelyn Mills, of Seaford),
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Robertson,
3 of Listowel, were guests Sunday
a with Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Jinks '
and Air, and Mrs. Manley Jinks,
Mr. Alvin Warrener, of Pontiac, .
1 Mich., was a weekend guest with
Mr. and Mrs, Manley C. Jinks, '
A To and Susan.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
attended the funeral on Monday
of the' former's cousin, the late
Henry Stanley Tolson, of London,
at the George E. Logan and Sons
Funeral Chapel,
a is Mr. William A. Kerr, of Barrie, '
spent the weekend with his wife
and family.
in Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks and •
4 s Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks,
visited recently with Mr. and 1
4 Mrs. 13111 Shupe and Sarann, of
7 Selfridge, Mich.
5 The Hensall-Chiselhurst Young
fI 'People attended a special service
at Centralia United Church Sun-
s day evening. South Huron area
was represented.
9 Mr, and Mrs. Boy Kirk, Judy
2 5
2 4 and Ancaster, visited
a 4 their grandparents, Mr..and Mrs.
4 Charles O'Brien, on Sunday 01
21 last Week.
Friday will he hockey night at • I/HM.111MM tttt llllll
a the local arena. At 7.39 p.m., the :
We're Paying
For Clean Trade -Ins
On The All -New 1958
This Is The Chance Of A Lifetime!
See Us Today!
See Next Week's Ad For Details
Graham' Arthur
Phone 210 - MOTORS Exeter 1
"Where good friends meet and leave the same way." !I
',1111111111111I111111(1111111I11111111111.111 lllll
- F.; first game will be a minor hockey
game. At 9.30 p.m. will be the old
boys' hockey genie, Hensall vs. :
Fxeter Kinsmen. Proceeds are
fi 3 ii for minor hockey.
s Mr. and Mrs. E. Corlett, of
i1 2 Leamington, Mr. and Mrs. Gary
2 Corlett and Bryan, of Teronto,
were weekend guests with Mr.
and Mrs. N. E. Cook.
Miss Sandra Parkins, of Zurich,
was a weekend guest with her
.friend. 'Miss Louise Jones, at the
Queensway Nursing Home.
Miss Patsy Jones, who under -
Paced by the four -goal poi_ went an appendectomy at Clinton •
ormance of right winger Steve hospital, and returned home. was •
admitted to the hospital again on
Storey, Lucan Irish upset Forest .
Lakesides 10-7 in Lucan on Fri- Monday of this week.
Airs. M. Willett. of Exeter,
day night.
Storey fired single markers in
. spent the weekend with her
t,ach of the nrat and second ‘mvihoothei,nAlirs. Annie Saundercock,
periods and then finished up his
Lour -goal display with a pair in Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, of
Blenheim, and Miss Donna Rigby,
the final 20 -minute session. .
Barry Wraith, Doe Fletcher, of London, were recent visitors
Bob white. pall, Baynham, Gary with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell,
Vowels and Don Lankin all scored Mr. and Mrs. Jack Traquair and
singles tor the winners. Ruth Ann, and Mrs. Rigby's
visitors' big gun with the hat- Ap jaercluntese,n.Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Ed Mitchell, of Forest, was the
Irick, while playing -coach Stan Mtn. Stitch, of Varna, visited
Ulrich scored two. Singletons during the past week with her
carie off the sticks of Don Arm- sister, Mrs. R. Cameron.
strong and Butch Armstrong. Mrs. Roy Camobell has accept-
Five penalties were handed out ed a position At the RCAF Station
to each team in the high scoring Centralia, and commenced her ,
duties there this t‘eek.
gaT1,117:AN----(4nal, Ilarnes: defenee, Clinton, were recent visitors with
— Mr. and Airs. Clayton Ellis, of
.51eselee, Tette; Peaty'', Wee"; Mr, and Airs. Lorne Chapman ,
wings, elm -0Y, l'IP:01°1': arl°''" and family.
ng 1 00, Vowels, Raynhem, 1 .rb• Gooding,
Mr, and Airs. Don G ;
is jialeniii,',Int:nsee, white, Conlin, rark,
Debbie and Donnie, of Tlarkhill,
14'011k1ST- float, LI A fug -410114; ae- were recent visitors with Mrs.
ranee, smith, aematreaki venire, Goodind's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
rich: st it erne i es l'lrieh, Norland, • ,
Mr, and Mrs. Layton, of Cho -
ton, were recent visitors with
Mr. Cecil Van Horne and Miss
Mary Ann Van Horne.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee, of
Parkhill, visited last week with
their son-in-law and daughter, l
Mr, and Mrs. George Beer and
Storey Stars
Over Forest
Mitchell; wings, Veehron. nifo. Edw. \tudd
111nrom Ma 4/00
Alettrego luthie, 'rein es, rlio 115
.\ mils( rime', extra goaler,
1011414 1'4.11011
1- loort45t, ArtnStr011# - 1:24
2-loriresi Alli ellen
(Diedrich, Vachon) 5,12
3-1meen, Storey
41eletelter, Wren)) 115
(Stnrey --... 11;25
4 -Luce n, 1.'lett.her "
(Storey, W ra it ) 12;211
5-Vorest, 11 rich
Nnria nil) • - 13:44
6--Forefil, Mitoholl
(11, .k rinal ron A . 1 :39
Penalties -- tellargirogl
2:24; Park (slashing] 11:26;
Debi° (holding) 14:20.
Second 'Perlin(
1- -Forest, Al Rebell
(Dietrich , 0.41
5---Lcomn, Storey
(kVra)th, Yeile) 11.51
0--Fm-ral. notch Armstrong'
illrich 10 (11
Penalties tlinom held' Drip-
ping) 2:1141: Atison (hoarilingi
1:52. Velle ((ripping) 5:12;
0 1 charging 1:3S; Dm -
Me holding' ) 11:47.
1111i led Period
Karen, Mr. Wellineton BrOck
and Mr. and Mrs. liarry Veen,
Were, Friday evening guests with
Mr, Ansi Mrs, Norman Brook and
Mr. :and itIrs, Bert Morgan,
E St, MarY,S, spent lito 'weekend
%ft,riftaartattonmananitionanontronnuramoyoutannamonnonamanowttomantiaaafurimaJ with Mr, AM Mrs, Northah
Thank You
For Your Co-operation
The Next Drive Is Set For
Saving Your Scrap Paper May Help To:
Furnish a room in South Huron Hospital Nurses'
Save someone's eyesight,
Help to provide an artificial limb for :.ome un-
fortunate child.
So, Please Save Your Paper
And Bundle It For The Next Drive
Exeter Lions Club
.101. MOM .1,1111 Ian 1.1.1111 WM. 1••• NON .1
oraikt PENA 10,1011. ow. &NO
Studebaker. Scotsman.
The Stuilebtiker Stennis() 4 -Pool Sea h
Graham .Arthur Motors