The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-06, Page 6Plot 4 'MA Times -Advocate, ..February 6, 1968 Hensall. And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude .Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs—Archie McGregor, Phone 02-01 Church Plans Renovations The Rev. Chas. D. Daniel pre-; sided at, the annual congrega*- tional meeting of the 1.7nited Church held Wednesday evening when it was disclosed that $10,834 was raised for all pur- Poses. The Elders indicated the Menthershipwas decreased by death 6; by letter 9; member- ship received by letter, 5; by : Profession of faith 13. It was disclosed that the old seats in the church auditorium will be removed this Monday and' the auditorium will be prepared for new seats and a wall to we'll carpet. Services will be held in the church schoolroom during the ; renovations. • Don Joynt, chairman of the; • Sector Plan brought the meet -1 ing up to date on the plan in a. satisfactory manner. Walter Spencer reviewed the work of , NEW ASSESSOR -- Donald E. the board. Jim McAllister was MacKinnon, a veteran of WO secretary for the meeting. world wars, was named asses - Added to Board of Stewards sor of Hensall this week. He - was Jim Taylor, Ernest Drys- ;served in the same post in 1949 dale. chairman; Mrs, H. Mc- and 1950 when equalization came Murtrie, David Kyle, George into effect in Huron county. Hess. Mrs, Ken Elder. —T -A Photo Added to ushers, Lorne Hay 1 and Ernest Chipchase: auditors, R. J. Paterson and Jim McA1-1 acKinnon lister; Albert Shirray and Elgin ; Rowcliffe were appointed to the iAssessor Union Cemetery Board; Compli- mentary remarks were made to the minister. Rev Daniel, and Donald E. MacKinnon, Hensall. * 7 Mrs. Daniel, Mrs. Jack Drysdale a veteran of two world wars and made the presentation of a boil- a former assessor, was re- ' quet of flowers to Mrs. Daniel. appointed to the post by Hensall The pot luck dinner which pre -:council Monday night, He sue- - ceded the meeting was in charge ceeds former reeve Al Kerslake - of the Evening Auxiliary of the ; who has moved to the London church. . area. Mr, MacKinnon, 60, will re- : Hensel! Shuts Out Goderich ceive a salary of $350 a year, He • Hensall downed Goderich by a was assessor in 1949 and 1950 ° 8-0 score in the local arena on ; when Hensall became one of the Friday night in a hard-fought .first municipalities in the county WOAA juvenile league fixture. to go on equalization standard. Doug Brintnell, Phil Overholt and f_ ormer car salesman and - Ken Richardson, each came A. ! !clerk in the village, he is now with singles for the winners. !retired and lives with his wife Ladies Quilt : and son, Bill, who attends The ladies of Chiselhurst SHDHS. Two other son's, Don and : United Church held two ouiltings 'Ronald, are married and living : in the church. At one quilting, at in Alvinston and Barrie. which a pot luck dinner was held Mr, MacKinnon won his corn - two large quilts were minted mission as a flyer in the first which will be forwarded in the world war and served in the air • bale for overseas relief, and two force again in the second conflict, crib quilts which will be sold to He was born in Manitoba. : raise money for the Baby Band, ; There was onlyone other a li- were completed. At another quilt- cant for the position. - ing the ladies completed one Council rejected its $1:764 • large quilt. assessment towards the Parkhill Dam project. It decided after Library Popular considerable discussion that the cost was too high for the benefits i - ndicate !project , derived from the conservation Reports I Reeve Norman H. Jones was 1 Clerk J, A. Paterson reported appointed chairman for coming tax arrears had been reduced to : year at the inaugural meeting $971.95 or less than two per cent. of Hensall Public Library held ; E. R. Davis reported on the ...In the council chambers on Tues- poll tax collections, the sanding = day evening.and snowploughing of streets. .T. A. Paterson read the an- Council agreed to refund Jack , . nual. report which compared i Traquair $8.38 of last year's taxes favorably with the 1956 report. on gas tank and pumps which he ° He also gave the librarian's re- has not had since the fall of 1956. *. port as prepared by librarian Council joined the Association Mrs. R. J. Cameron which stated of Rural Municipalities and in- - that the circulation was 4,608, structed the reeve and clerk to an increase of 521 over last year, attend its forthcoming conven- with a membership of 185, an tion. • increase of 17 from last year. County rates were prepaid to There vere 71 books discard- the extent of $7,500. • ed and 149 new books purchased, Eyre -Bolton Rites ° The total •number of hooks in the library is 4,700. The librar- : Ian stated there was a shortage of room in the library and re- At London Home quested the Board to provide *more if possible. This will be In a double ring ceremony :at taken up with the Council. 60 Ridout street south, London, The circulation in December the Rev. J. R. Holden united in nd January showed consider- .marriage Doris Dianne Bolton, a able increase over the same per - only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lod last year, , Lewis Bolton, of R.R. 1, Dublin, The Board will meet again and Laurence Mathew George on ... • • • Eyre, son of Mr. and Mrs. Camp - April 1, • bell Eyre, of R,R. 2, Kippen, Personal Items The bride wore a waltz -length Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay gown of nylon net over white : and daughter, Pamela, returned satin styled with a strapless to Napanee this week after bodice trimmed with lace and spending a week's holidays with topped with a matching bolero Mrs. Lindsay's parents, Mr. and fashioned with lily-pdint sleeves Mrs. John Henderson and family. and a Peter Pan collar trimmed with seeded pearls, The full skirt of nylon net was designed with • appliques of lace, A crown of seed Queensway pearls and opalescent sequins held her fingertip veil o4 silk Ulu- , NURSING HOME sion and she carried a cascade of red roses and white baby 'mums. Miss Edna Diehl, of Brussels, attended as bridesmaid, and was dressed in a gown of turquoise Vacancies for Men and Women. nylon chiffon and net over taffeta, and carried a cascade of Reasonable Rates for up or bed pink and white baby 'mums, patients. Mr. Clendon Kerr, of R.R. 1, Seaforth, attended as grooms - Graduate nurse in charge. man. For traveling, the bride donhed PHONE 222 HENSALL --- Please Turn to Page 7 l GOT THAT TIRED, RUNDOWN rEELING? I f 50, Take Our Own BIO -MALT 12. Guaranteed To Make You Feel Better Quicker 12 Fluid Ozt For Only $3.49 OBTAINABLE ONLY Al' Hensall a a Wilson's Rexall Drugs Animal- NOMA Products PHONE 20 • HENSALL, PleaSe 1.(t Page sr Auction Pews From Church Thirty-five men from the con- ; gregation of Hensel! United Church staged a mammoth be Monday afternoon to remove 450 1feet of seats from the church • auditorium, in addition to the gallery seats. They started the project at 1.30 and completed their arduous task by 6 p.m, The seats have been in the church for sixty-nine. years and have served their purpose. An auction sale of the seats was held and a group of New Canadians from Blenheim pur- chased them, and a group from Brantford bought the gene& seats. The seats will be used in their churches. Ed Corbett was • auctioneer. New seats will be installed by Mr. Adam Black, of Hensall, and wall-to-wall carpeting will be laid by Mr. Harold Bonthron. For the j next two weeks, Sunday school and church services will be held in the church schoolroom, Sun- day school to commence at 9,45 a,m. Fete !arida-Elect Mrs. Laurence Eyre, the former Dianne Bolton, of R.R. 1, Dublin, a recent bride, was much feted prior to her wedding. The ladies of Winthrop United Church held a presentation for her; the Young People of the church presented her with a gift; Mrs. Harvey Johnston was hostess for a shower, and other groups enter- tained for her. Kin Benefit Aids Minors :At the dinner meetine-e of the Kinsmen club discussion cen- tered around an exhibition hoc- key game Exeter vs Hensall Kinsmen Club to be held Friday night, February 7 to bolster minor hockey which the Hen- sall club are sponsoring. The club is erecting a bulle- tin board for posting notices of corning events. in front of the !town hall on Main street, Guests were present from Goderich and Seaforth. The theme of the meet- ing chaired by first vice-presi- dent, Harold Knight, was •beef night. Next meeting will be February 13. Legion Auxiliary Appoint Officials President Mrs. William Brown conducted the February meeting of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary held in the Legion Hall, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harold Bonthron was in- stalled as a member of the 1958 SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! Economy Pack — Pastel executive, Auditors appointed were Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and Mrs. - Garnet Mousseau; telephone cominittee, Mrs, Howard Smale, Mrs. Bryan Kyle, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Alfred Clark, Mrs. Inez McEwen Hedden. and Mrs. Maud SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! Recreation committee, Mrs. Howard Sinale and Mrs. William Aikenhead; sick committee, Mrs. George E. Walker, Mrs. F; G. Rennie. Plans were outlined for the bonspeil sponsored by the Legion SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! 200 Off Pack — Save 440 to be held in the local arena February .19, the Ladies Aux- r Mrs. Fred Beer and Mrs. Mer- n Coffee Aux - !0i cater for lunch and dinner, vyn Bell were appointed a bingo committee to assist Legion mem- bers within the next two weeks held on Saturday nights, The group are sponsoring a draw on a ladies or gent's suit to be drawn on Saturday, March 29 at a bingo. A communication from Lon, don Red Cross officials informed the members that they cbuld have a nursing course in, Hen- sall provided enough* ladies are interested. Mrs, E. R. Davis will be in charge. The group will also collect again this year for the Red Cross campaign., ' It was decided to present new babies of members with a gift, Mrs, R. Taylor Sr. won the mys- tery prize, Personal items Amber Rebekah Lodge are entertaining the 1.0,0.k', and their wives on February 1.4. Mrs, R. E, Shaddick was the - winner of a 24b, box of ehoce- lees, door prize, at the Hensall- Clinton bantam hockey game at Clinton last week. The candy was donated by Barteliff's Bakery, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, of Clinton, were recent guests With Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family. Officers for 19,58 of the ROMA- tiOn Corninittee, are; Chairman, Jim Taylor; seeretary-treasurt.T, Mrs. S. /tannic; members, Mrs, Harry Horton, John Baker, Gor- don SchWalnly Lorne Luker, Rev, C. D, MissLeretta Bell of London spent Sunday with her mother-, Mrs. William Hyde, Mr. William Hyde has returned henie after spending, three weeks with friends in St. Marys, Meh will be the special quests at the February meeting of Hen. sail Women's institute Wednes- day, February 12 in the Legion' , lift, John Elliott and dangh— ter, btitis, Of St, Marys, visited Personal Items Miss IsObell Alexander,•of To, rote, spent the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander and Mrs. Jack Forrest, ,of near Clin- ton, formerly of Hensall, was :ad - mated, to the Queensway Nursing Home on Monday of this 'week as a patient. Mrs. Alex. Mousseau received. word of the death of her brother,. Mr. john Ridley. of Newcastle - on -Tyne, England. Mr. Herb liedden, who has been ill for the past five- months with a back injury, is stull con, fined to his bed. Mrs. Ruth Carter, of Clinton,. spent Sunday with her inether, Mrs. Catherine Hedden and family, Mrs. Harry Snell returned home after spending two weeks with Air. and Mrs. Don. Rigby, of Blenheim. Mrs. James Wright: and (laugh- ter, Mrs, Orland Reichert, were at Mitchell on Saturday attend. ing the funeral of the late Lloyd Davis, a former postmaster, and also a veteran of the first world war. News Of Cromarty 13y MRS, K. hickELIAR Youth Service The special Christian. Youth. serviee held on Sunday was _con- ducted by Mr. Alex Meikle, who ;is president of the Y.P.S. I Rev. S. Kerr gave an outline 1 of the work of all the different !organizations of the young people in the -church. Ile also delivered f ..a. timely address. Portions of Scripture were read by Miss Margaret Jean Russell and Miss . _Mildred Howe. 1 Members of the junior _choir 1joined with the seniors in leading 1the singing and also provided a i special number, Marian Ritchie Auxiliary Mrs. Lorna Elliott presided at the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary .rneeting which was held In the :church. Mrs. Wesley Russell. 1read a passage of Scripture, and I prayer was offered by the presi- dent. Mrs. Elliott. i Mrs, Robert Laing and Mrs. iGerald Carey had charge of the !topic which was taken 4'm the study book. Person el: Item j Airs, John Wallace and (laugh- ' ter, Margaret, and. Mrs, Harvey Dow and daughters, Marlene and Jaye, attended the ;mother and daughter banquet, sponsored by the Hilbert Little Lassies', on ,Saturday evening. At the aneual meeting of the Usborne and Hibbert Muttlal Fire Insurance Company, which was held on Monday in Farquhar Hall, Mr, William Hamilton re- signed from his office as direeter, and lqr, Robert Gardiner was appointed to fill ,the vacancy, Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Laing on Sunday evening were Mr, and Mrs. Doug Gale, Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Harper and wileta. Miss Laura .Jefferson, Munro. visited with - her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. anerMrs, Gor- don Laing, on Saturday. Mc. and Mi:s.1;ollert Laing and days in Taranto as the guest ef ruyii visiuea wi.uii Mrs„ joint Jeffersee, on Saturday cvening; Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Laing with friends. in Mitchell, Saturday night. Mrs. T. L, Scott spent a few snloollooloomoonioloownotoniosonlionnIlino • her aunt, 1$1rs. Jennie Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus McKellar and sons, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with his parents,. Mr. .and Mrs, Lindsay McKellar, —Please Turn to Rage 7' White Rose Service Station TO LEASE AT HENSALL. Alert and Aggressive Operator Required Gallonage 75,000 Per Year WRITE CANADIAN .OIL •COMPAN1Es LTD Box 487, LonclOn, Ontario Attention Mr, Vic Fawcett g411011111111111111$01111401111111ill 4 ll founnolunnonnunintinnuninonntuninninioninnininnlinninnuntine AY SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE Voir S# SAVE SAVE SAVE 5A \VE SAwr SAVE W SAV' EF 'E A' V A AVE E ‘; SA' SA\ S. A VE SVE SAVE d SA\-,. .,.AVE SAVE SA SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE ‘. VE St iE AV E S.,IrE SAVE SAVE SAVE SA VE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE S AV 'SAA AVE 5 SAVE cAVE SA SAV • MARKETS WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GOES FARTHER AIRDS EYE FROZIA:N Cod Fillets 12-0Z. Serve FRIED -CHICKEN This Week -End FRYERS 39c WIENERS . . 2 LS s 85c HAMBURG . . .• . 3 LBS$1.00 BEEF & PORK SAUSAGE 3 Les $1•00 CELLO 25c 61):0;i -On -Cob OZ FKG 27c SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! Creamy — Save 50 om. Soup SAVE AT SUPER SAVE! Save 70 Margarine eenex atsup HEINZ Tissues Aylmer Kraft Dinners SAVE 4C SOLO 10 -oz. tins 3 °R 33c 2 • LBS, 4.0 0 Ei, PKG. Ib. pkgs. 51c Save 60 29c 11 -oz. bottles F 0 R 2 3 MAXWELL HOUSE 6 -oz. jar 1.05 FGR 29c G 0 OEN 11 0 I: it cello box Jelly Beans 29c .0,.. .1101.(t Tiny Gums 29c Celt() box GOGOMS 710 UR Cl..S.NAM.ON' Hearts (JuCUIx :no re, -• Chocolates • li.rtA.CIiING GOOD -- n Sitelt Peanuts cel lo box 29c lb, box 89c la -es. cello 35c' SPECIAL: AILMEE ST't; IMOD 12 -oz, Icebox Queen Olives 49c A YI.31 [1. 37 A.Z1 .N.1.1, S -oz, Icebox Jae Stuled Olives 39c Super $ave Bonus Bargain! Modern Plastic 4 -Piece Set HARD POLISH FINISH — EASY TO CLEAN Canister Set Available in Red, Yellow, Green or Blue Reg. $3.95 Value ONLY $1.99 with $5.00 Order Grapefruit Grapes • • WHITS OF PINK • California Lettuce Cello Carrots 20 -OZ SAGS New Texas Cabbage Waxed Turnips Navel Oranges SIZE 113 FoR 29c 2 LBS. 35c 2 HEADS 33c 2 rot; 33c 9c LEL 5c DOZ, 59c LB.