HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-02-06, Page 54 Hay Seeks Terpiers For .,Bronson Bridge Hay Township Council is call- Ontario Department of High- ing for tenders for the ;construe- ways advised that it had por- tion of a cement bridge on the chased part of .10t 20, concession Bronson line this summer. 15, along No. 84 Highway, from The span will be erected on Mrs. Josephine Brisson se that Cencession 12, north of lot 18, and the necessary adjustments could C zu ESTABLI$.HEE). 1900 ICH HERA ORRE5PONVENT, MRS. CHESTER.1,6 WITH o Bolster Zurich Fair Farewell Party will be 8' x 8' x 5•1'. Council be made .to the tax roll. :Couple Celebrate T specified it mast be build during A refund of one-half the 1957 I Tenders will be opened On Dinharme was authorized be- taxes on a barn owned by Urban April 7. , cause -the building bad burned. Council has also .eanea" lor Half of the 1937: business tax of tenders for the supply of .cement Black and Parkin was refunded, and steel for the structure, because. the firm had gone out of business. Applications are being sought ' A grant .of $25 was made .te for an inspector to supervise litu•on Soil aid .Crop. Improv.e- warble fly treatment of cattle "lent Association. The next meet- ing will be held on Monday, Mitareeebv elV. L. Becker presided, and all councillors were present. and for sprayiug them. 'New regulations from the De- partment of Agriculture provide that cattle free of warble .fly grubs do not have to be treated. In previous years, all bead. have been treated. The new policy will save the township money because less material will be necessary, Having received confirmation from the engineer, C. P. Corbett, that the bottom of the three bridges on the Ray Fisher, Her- mes Grenier and Theo Steinbach properties are satisfaclory, ma - Cil provisionally adopted the re- port, on the Zurich drath south. Clerk F. W. Brokenshire was authorized to prepare a by-law. Council, also received the en- gineer's report on the Anderson municipal 'drain and plans a meeting of ratepayers on Friday, February 14, at 8 p.m. M. Schilbe Gets Post Milfred Schilbe, a former trus- tee of the police village, was appointed general manager of the Zurich hydro -electric system, the water system and the police village by the trustees at a spe- cial meeting Saturday night. Mr. Schilbe was chosen from among four applicants for the position. His salary of $2,950 will be divided equally among the three organizations for which he. will work, Mr. Schilbe succeeds Gordon Hess, who accepted a position with Northern Electric in 1957. The hydro system has' been operated by Exeter rural office since then. In a story last week, it was incorrectly reported that the new automatic switch for street light- ing cost $2,000. The mechanism is worth only $57.75. Report On Blake By MRS. HAROLD FINLAY Mrs, Boy McBride and Mrs. Mary Manson called on Mrs, Robert McBride at Klippen, who Mr. and. Mrs. Dolton Snyder, of 1 • . ' vkin. Baden, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest t .unectors discussed ways to Carl Willert, Bert McBride, Otto of US parents, r. a . is ill. Quite a number for this f C storl nd N Y were strengthen some a the -weaker Willert, Walter Eckel and Bert Blake Horner. Mrs. Bryce Mack and baby d W dd. Held For Youth Tho Tim4pAcheoesto, February Lion Members H,ear. St, 'Boriifa.ce Pastor The first Lions meeting. for .1.of plan was made in. ;the 30404 .Febru.ary was held in the !.gf God. Dominion house attractive dining He .e..Weined the :three .differe. hell an Monday evening, with .a ient classes of things wo .CoMMOM, near perfect attendance. Molly know: Fb-st, the dead matter guest entertainer.was ,George as earth, water, etc.; the secon.d 111agalia who resides on the is. vegetable; life, ,and the third A happy occasion took place at er E3oeficif Last Year A farewell party was held ,At Heideman farm, just north of is itaelf, a Which man is 0 the home of Mr and Mrs Adolph tile hoine of Mrs. Theresa Hart- toWn, who has a fine tauch;on highest intellectually and sritu, Kalbfleisch on Saturday when ; man for her son, Michael, who piano accerdien, and who enterJ ally, having within himse the For the first time in over. 30 parade. bas been transferred frem the tallied the Lions with his selected breath of the AlmightY, created they celebrated their 50th wed- years, Zurich Agricultural Society ; The society hopes to enlarge its Bank of Nava, Scotia, EXeter, musical numbers. He was intro-ia little lower than the angels Who partaken at the Dominion House . The group will again sponsor -a to bank In 1."°1.11°' dueed by Lion Ed Casella. I are spirits existing before Math ding anniversary. Dinner was reported deficit at its annual midway to attract more people. meeting ;Friday afternoon. Th evening was enjoyed by • • ci t the .After the roll call, taken by ;The speaker a lS� Lion .Milfred Schilbe, Lion John many millions of people retiring Bannister introduced the guest lin the evening without having Fatherspeaker ei .n Boniface Church, Zurich. DthoeyleV, erpsacTtor°f of t. 1 eenouaungtill'yttoh:raet, iNsvilmileorheert,bgl tellel I be consumed. Father Doyle, who was the first I At the close, Lion Jack Pear- B.C. chepelmen of the Centralia i son moved a •vote of thanks to Airport, deemed it .a privilege to liFather Doyle for his fine address, t d tl t be ho ed in the Guests front a distaece. Mr. 1 Tile deficit, reported with relatives present. as 4•11 calf club, and it WI Inv ! "small," resulted from a loss in hoYs and girls from Stephen to , dancing to guitar music supplied 'revenue at the by Clare Massa and Gerald Hart - Wilfred Kalbfleisch and daughter, Centre i to the Hay Township CoMmilnitY wood, a major poultry exhibitor rIveau 1957 fair 'which ioin. was elected presi. many of the popular bits, Victor and Mrs. B. Kalbfleisch, Mr. and Mrs. l'Igetle Kalbfleiseb and I had to he moved front the park Clifford Pepper, R.R. 2, Dash- man. Martha and Francis Car - daughter, Jo -Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Dale, all of Detroit; Mr. Ferd i To meet its debts, the society dent. Ile succeeds William. A. Denoray played his tenor san- because of ''et weather. at local fairs, Schnell; of Winnipeg, and the decided to request donations Davidson, who presided for the phone accompanied by Clare Kalbfleisch families a town. ; from several organizations in the meeting. Masse on his guitar. Miss Stella Rose, of London, area, including the Zurich ecu- • V. L. Becker, reeve of Hay, The evening cane to 4 close talk to the Lions, and chose for , .. spent the weekend at the home tennial committee. i was named first vice-president, with Miss Cecile Denonime pre- his subject 'rile Digaity of ;near future to have the privilege of her mother, Mrs, Lorina Rose, 1 Although the use of the corn- . and Denny Bedard is second vice- senting Michael with a gift and Man." He said that the creation 1 — Please Turn to Page 7 Mrs. Pearl Alelick spent the munity centre building created 'president. lunch WAS served by the host- I weekend with friends in Kitch- ; some disadvantages last year, - Elmer F. Klopp, who has been ess. , ener. ; the society felt the location had ' secretary for over 30 years, was Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb and' other features which offset this. re -appointed; Personal Items daughters of the Bronson line, lIt agreed to hold its 1958 fair in : Directors include Arnold Meat- Mr. Robert Horner of London . er,Herb Turkhoim, Leroy Thiel, spent the weekend at the home • 1ty attended the agriculture ban- quet held in the Alemorial at Zurich on Thursday night. Mr. Epludarn Gingerich who spent the month of January as a teacher at the Bible Institute School in Kitchener, returned home and will be continuing his studies at the Exeter District High School each Monday. Mr. Albert Martin has been assist- ing Mr. Gingerich with his work the past month at the High School, Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Gingerich and Mary Elizabeth of Zurich called on Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Desch on Tuesday, also Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Bender and Mr, and 1VIrs, Harold Finlay and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Oesch very quietly celebrated their forty- eighth wedding anniversary on Saturday. They received con- gratulations from their many relativds and friends. Little Louis Widrick is ill with a cold. Mrs. Chas. Robinson of Hills - green visited her cousin, Mrs. Harold Finlay and family. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Pen - hale and Mr. and Mrs. E. Faber and Dianne of Kippen visited with Mrs. Faber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Desch recently, Mr. Roy McBride visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Bride of Zurich. His father is in poor health just now. Mr and Mrs, Amos Gingerich Brownie News The 14 Zurich Brownies are sticking to their motto of lend- ing a helping hand these days. They are helping Brown Owl and Tawny Owl get ready for the baking, candy and apron sale which the Ladies Associa- tion are holding in the Town Hall at 1.30 p.m., On Saturday, Feb. 8. The Brownies will have their own table at which they will sell candy in decorated contain- ers and articles suitable for gifts and hope chests. Girl Guide News The first Girl Guide Pack held their weekly meeting last Thurs- day when they concentrated on their sewing for the apron sale and planned for the baking sale next, Saturday. • Goshen UC Picks Slate By MRS. CARL McBRIDE The annual congregation meet- ing of Goshen United Church was held on Friday evening. About sixty sat down to a pot luck sup- per. Rev. T. J, Pitt presided for the meeting. Following a short worship period, Mrs. Bruce Keys was ap- pointed secretary. Rev. Pitt re- ported forty-four families, with a membership of one hundred and fifteen. In the absence of Mrs. John Armstrong, Mrs. B. Xeys gave the Wornen's Missionary Society's report; Mrs. Elgin Mc- Kinley reported for the expense fund, Mrs, Roy McBride, the W.A. treasurer, reported $403,68 being raised. Frank . McClincheY, the .church treasurer, reported $2,181 raised for current expenses, and $488.35 for the AL and M. Fund. John Armstrong reported on the building fund. Reports from 'the Mission Band by Mrs, Robert McKinley, and from the Baby Band, by Mrs. Floyd Armstrong, were given. A vote of thanks was given to Rev. and Mrs. Pitt for their services, the choir, organ- ists and caretaker were also tendered a vote of thanks. The Sunday School annual meeting followed, With Mrs. Elmer Hater giving the finan- cial report, which 8hoped a good balance. Rev, Pitt 'feported on the successful vacation school *held at Varna the past summer. He also reaches 110 children by going to four schools each wee.. Elmer Keys was re -appointed Garnet Monsaeau and familY, Heesall spent Sunday with the Armstrongs, also. Mrs. Allan Armstrong, had a quilting bee last week. • Sunday guests at the home of the ' features of the fair: 1 a P. Harold Widrick, on their way to I that the parade be reviired. to Mrs.'Laura Pepper, president of I accompanied by the former's past president, urged Named women directors were have returned. from the hospital , , latter's brother,'Mr. and Mrs. Docker, Florida. . ; stimulate interest. In his travels ' the Women's Institute; . Mrs. A. son, Charles, who has been ill r and as a horsejudge, hesaid he Merrier, Mrs. Theo Steinbach and at the hospital. All fairly Mrs. Chris Swartzentrube visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widrick found nearly every fair has a Mrs.'W. Davidson. well. and daughter, Lois, spent a day Mrs, Daniel Lichti, at New Ham- burg, also called at Kitchener. Mr, Clare Melick, Komoka, called at the home of Mrs, Pearl Melick on Saturday. EUI3 Pastors Confer Here The Canada Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church' will hold a Pastors' In- stitute at the Emmanuel E.U,B. Church from Tuesday, Feb, 11 until Thursday, Feb, 13. All the ministers of the conference are expected to be present. A pub- lic service will be. held on Tues- day evening, when Professor John Schaefer, of the Evangel- ical Theological Seminary, Na- peeville, Ill., wil be The speaker. Dr, Paul Mayer, missionary to Japan for 40 years, will preach on Wednesday evening. The time for both services is 8 p.m. Former Banker Retires The announcement was made and Mr. Curtis Gingerich and over the radio of the retirement Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth of "Mr. Ernest M. Dagg, Bank Gingerich, Mr. Allan Steckle, of Montreal manager at Tees - William Steckle, Lewis Gingc- water, and for several years rich and Pastor Albert Martin manager of the Zurich branch, attended from this district the Mr. Dagg, who has been with special province -wide meeting the Bank of Montreal for many on church. financing at Kitchen- years, will retire and return to er recently. Mr. Clayton Steekle and Mr. Irvin Martin accompanied by their friends, the Misses Shirley Gingerich and Grace Erb, Eva, and Elsie Steckle visited rela- tives and friends recently at El- mira. Mrs. Donald Schwint and fam- ily of Baden, who visited friends in the vicinity for a week, re- turned to Baden recently with Mr. Schwint who spent a couple of days here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Regier were visited by relatives from London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Deichert 'attended the wedding anniver- sary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pepper of Hay Township near St. Joseph. Miss Reta Martin, Kitchener Bible School, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin, Her friend, Miss Elizabeth Faus, Pennsylvania, spent a few days in her home. Mrs. John McKinley who cele- brated her 85th birthday recently spent the clay with her sister, Mrs. Robert McKinley, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Scotchmer, Blue Water High- way, near Bayfield. Mr, Edmund Desch is improv- ing after an attack of :pleurisy. Campleford, Que., his .former home, accompanied bY Mrs. Dagg. Brother Dies In The West Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer of town received the sad news of the passing of her brother, Charles Wesley Miller, in a hospital at Brocket, Alberta, on January 27. Mr. Miller was a former Dashwood district boy and left for the West many years ago. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs, Witmer of Zuri,ch and Miss Ma -1 tilde Miller of Woodbridge. Elliott.' Mrs. Elgin McKinley attended the executive of Huron Presby- terial meeting held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Sutter, Clinton, last Thursday. Elgin McKinley attended a din- ner meeting in London in con- junction with the new United Church residence. Lois Ranson and Donald .Tames, London, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ran- son and Mrs. Grace Rapsdn, Ilensall, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Mc- Bride, G%ieri and Bob. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Will Clarke were' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keys and family, and Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Sellery and family, Merle Armstrong, Goderich, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armstrong. Mr. and 1Vfrs. S.S, superintendent; with Anson -McKinley as assistant. Organists are Donna Hayter, Merle Min- streng, Bill Elliott and Joan Rubber Stamps AND ALL TYPES OF Marking Devices Rubber' Stamps Made To Order . Bank Stamps Circular, Oval and Rectangular Stamps Stamps wilt Changeable bates and NUmbeet . • Signature Stamp' Die Plates for All Purposes • Printing Wheel:, 6•* Numbering Machines * Stamp lacks 6 6 The TimesaAdyocate . hoteienceeirehinenceneuriterneenlainateentienteliniennuinniiinentainelleilinceotainn Personal Items Mrs. Stan Stansberry and son of Detroit, accompanied by the former's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Frecl Ducharme of the Blue Water Highway, were visitors in town one day last week. They called at the home of the for- mer's sister, Therese Hartman; add other friends. The Detroit people were here in honor of Mrs. Ducharme's birthday. Mn, and Mrs. Ward Fritz have returned from the sunny south, Florida, after a pleasant trip. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and sons Michael and Cyril were Wednesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hart - than and son in London. Mr, Yosiali Geiger is able to be out taking a walk after his. illness. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Hart - mail of Windsor are spending a week with their mother and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross and daughters of Seaforth were Sunday guests at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Chester L. Smith. Mrs. Theresa Hartman and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartman of Windsor were Tues- day evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fleming and Linda at Crediton, the occasion being Linda's first birthday. Mise Louise Hendrick and Mrs. Robert McKinley and ehil- dren of Zurich were visitors at the home of M. and Mrs. Don Hendrick Blue Water Highway, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ginge- rielt have returned home after spending several days at Rce; chester, N.Y., on business. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Q'Brien Jr. af London spent the weekend at the home of the fortner's 'par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask Of Ch -and Bend were in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buehler have Moved their household ef- fects to near Kitchener tS the former has received A pOSitiOn. Mr. Michael Hartman, who hasbeen transferred from the Bank of Nova Scotia, txotor, left on Sunday for Toronto to take up his duties- ttl, Monday. Mr. and Mr. Gardon Erb spent a day at St, Theinas lest Week. 'Mr. Patrick trtrion returned home after .svondifig a fow Weeks With MS aunt and undo, Mtr, and Mrs, todard. Mr, and Mrs. Charles latty and daughtors of hoar truootiold were visitors at the hem% of the former's Daronts, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hay., r•-•-•••-;, " " are STANLEY FEDERATION OFFICERS—Elmer Hayter was elected president of Stanley Township Federation Thursday night. The officers are shown here with Carl Hem- ingway, county president. Left to right, Mr. Hemingway, Elgin Porter, first vice- president; George Reid, secretary -treasurer; Mr. Hayter, and Alex McBeath, retiring president. —T -A Photo 1 "Only One Pair Of Feet To A Customer" IF YOUR FEET HURT, SEE z 5 Miracle G. R. HARDMAN YOUR FEET ARE THE FOUNDATION OF GOOD HEALTH It has well been said, "if your fe%t hurt, you hurt all over". Whether your trouble lies in We feet, or has reached the stage of cramps in leg or back, arthritis -like symptoms in the body, see what proven -in -action MIRACLE FOOT AID will do for you. See Mr. George Hardman; have him explain how Miracle Foot Aid is just the thing for your condition; have him give you names of your - neighbors who have found wonderful results through "Miracle". You Can Feel Better With "Miracle" ••••••••,W. AT THE MILT OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich — Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, FEB. 10, 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. LISTOWEL CLINIC Tuesday, February 11 — 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Royal 'Hotel, Room 1 — Listowel, Phone 84 Clinics — Zurich, Listowel, London, Hamilton • 0000000 000000 I 0000000 ttt tttttt ittimtmlimitottittsumm ttttttt its tttt m0'111'10,11 ttt mum ttttt ititiummitimutti" SPECIAL SATURDAY DURING FEBRUARY Our store is jammed full of wonderful 1958 Frigidaire appliances and we • are featuring special savings during the next four weeks. Make it a point to visit Gingerich's this Saturday. February's the date—buy it in '58— don't wait 'til it's too late. Entire Stock Of '58 Frigidaire Appliances At e uced Prices! Refrigerators Washers Dryers Ranges 1 Phone 34 ALL NEW MODELS ON DISPLAY -- INSPECT THE FEATURES, SEE THE STYLES, ASK ABOUT THE SAVINGS! See the new '58 Washer that's Rated No. Help Us Improve Our Service We've resolved to give our customers the finest in ser- vice during the coming year. That's why we want you to take part in this special feature of our February Clearance! Meet Miss Erb Our friendly Miss Erb wants to talk to you about our service. We've asked her to find out what people think about us, to find out how we can improve and make happier customers. Tell her what brought you to our store . . Tell her why you like to do business here . . . How do you rate Gingerich's employees? How do you rate Ginger- ich's service? When and where did you meet Gerry? How can we better our service to you? MEET HER IN FEBRUARY AND HELP TO MAKE GERALD GINGERICH'S YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR BETTER SERVICE AND SAVINGS DURING 1958 FREE! FREE! See Miss Erb each Saturday and she will give you a box of Tide FRE t Balloons for each child with parents, HUGE 16 -LB, BOX OF TIDE FREE WITH EACH APPLIANCE PURCHASED DURING THIS FEBRUARY CLEARANCE PLASTIC POLYETHELENE PAIL WITH EACH GALLON OF PITTSBURGH PAINT PURCHASED DURING FEBRUARY GERICH'S .Sales & Service:, v Drive A Little 'Further/ Se A Lot Mere GUarenteeci Satisfaction be Money Refurnted