HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-30, Page 15Attention ! Collection of r Pop Battles Wire Hangers ers 5at,, Feb, 1 Proceeris for Students' Tourist Club of SHIMS Presentation for JACK MORRISSEY Community Hill CREDiTON Fria, Jan, 31 Everybody From The Township Is Invited SENIOR • CITIZENS .Social Evening Tues,, Feb. 4 8:00 p.m, LEGION HALL Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches or Cookies Arena Ctivit 1 es THURSDAY, JAN, 30 4:30-5130—Pig•ure .Slknf.inh 0170-10:70--n ('Aril' FRIDAY, JAN. .31 4100-5:00—`iknnnq 0;307I:3n-138nInin Prneelne 0:n0-(Weil-1'uhlle. Skating SATURDAY, FEB. 1 5:110.12:00-11 blur 11oo1 ry 1:10 3;00—Popple $kn3Inn- 13 ao..it ll-3'Jeurr SknIIna: .':00-5:30-111dael .Prner(ee 11100-1.aen'n tri h Iixrter 11 ohnrrkN SUNDAY, FEB. 2 31rt.allMBAi,1, 1130-a 00—Dan !mond a•n, 13nllnn'k,. also-3130—)rerrs 31:11(, KIne,mcn 11130-4tao—si ilirl+t Cndein MONDAY, FEB. 3 0130.101:i0—n CA br TUESDAY, FEB, 4 2100-4:O0—I,ndlc,r Curling; 4:i0 :00-4;30—Junior Curl In 7 :0011.;00—Cu 100—curling: WEDNESDAY, 1=EB. 5 7:00-10.:00—BitnIn,n and 113.01 ct PinTaff$ „u11ntuMun11nnnonnme uMnulillrlrWI$I11111u1 1 l7 .....: .... . lar .... :. _ d 1,4«Atho t: �'trun �.. ,..... .. . s t as should be decided >d cis: In lI► 7. tau no l�lratslN. . rea. i alis, was betel. and the brant x-:ee •r;fe;rieiices to :coynty .coup. :pard- The eOuth group hat lieu The Tunnel Adyo rates Joiwiry. ' L,, i9$ 1. P4111. 1S" BY STAFF .REPORTER r a plowing raialth to tunas .of aim. . a quarter tulips in 1957, and 7.It the county.$4,585; Mr. ;Erskine ly do a good .dial t9 pia:otnotlsa V arden Jobn moriessey Laid l-lbr:.,ries Po , ular , Budget proposals which call. milia for general account, up .noted? and another $700 in ('!arms good home conditions, :arid la so' Coirncii that one child front his ,poet -Wer 3ea1s. for a 1958 mill rate of 13.4 mills frons six and.three.uarter Fnilis has •been received since the be- doing to guard.against mental, nown tow '"JPeople ere raial ink snore use f in 1957. fl l ,� f, iii o nship; Stephen, seas of their libraries" d M S were put before Huron County Council, es the first step toward Biggest single item of nail.,.. I t "1 don't think tele vision adds 1 cites an 1957, ,goy Adair, reeve ay iibrarlan, 'home,' lie added. : executis'e committee, said 1115'1va1' a ,county library systerlt, be an increase of 1.4 milts from . payment of hospital bills for in.j The uniform mark to lbe pet ' The County Healthy Unit under•,.conlmittee members were una, i li .p dire red in Oiitario an tate 1037 rate of 15 mills even. tligent patients, an fox pelts, on which :bounty, is spent its budget for 1957. Pr. niinous in recommending that setting up a distribution. system The first draft :of the piny!- Other' major items of the .draft ;Paid in Heron, will be the slitting. /Sighs noted, chiefly because the the $100 far Wogtit'den. be t9 ,st rti ie small rural, libraries sionat budget was sent to Cou n- budget are $65,780 , for debe.n- i of the :pelt from eye to nose, :staff diminished during the year; granted, frons :a central ;county library, is " nil's finance committee for tore payments; $40,000 fn it was decided b ! council, on the from 15 to 12. ^Like the school On :a recorded Vote, .Council a still the largest and mast active o E l t tee p t library th L N ELASTIC Huron County a 1 i a some-, d 1 �'' i dame, $33,000 for f a said, y i p grant, S T O committee far 1958 is Reeve-cosls of anitnicip 11 government* culture committee.times accused of operating a gii K (1 N' 1 AUE & S S le .I 1. l C (X. for 'sham." comfert, ane„ 6., futl•faAtangttl:flpfrerM ... pars Iwa.Wa? Oretch assViihj '4". \ so rrettdrnlfarrle 'e .,. pressors.. ginning of a new year. ;health troubles, 1)r•. Altus said. gtv:eo. •:free treettneat et Wood- c libraries." said .. r• , 1 Mice Jean Eckm er, liiurot3 coup- the striking of this year's county ,in the projected budget, apart 'I. anything to the peace Of the of Wingbarn, chairman of then rate, The 13.4.111111 rate would from road account, is $110,000 for . Mark :OX Pelts 1 study. Chairman, of the :finance p urn .recommendation o. its Agri- boards " he sai "we .res - rove the rant 9.12, county i easy in a province. ' Circulation of books throw "` James f)omieily, Coderich. $32,000 for support of Children's! Council had assigned to the marriage bureau." 33 local libraries, four deposit y'l_l in the provisional budget, it Aid Society wards; $35,000 foriagriculture committee, of wvhieli ln>111ates InCre 3Se stakrons� anti three high schools ,: was explained .by A. H. Erskine, the Huron County health William McKenzie, reeve of .Kite• The ossibility e. ills that tit, totaled .,0,189 1n 1.957. an increase p 1. 1 unit, ! p u, tat e' US Orne Transfer of 5,322 Pram the previous Scae, count.,: clerk -treasurer, an ef- 530.000 for administration of ter, is chairman, the task of - • ,:nuiaiber of 1�esiitents at the MI- Usborne . ,. Mrs. hsl,,lniei said, Circulation fort will he made to get a reason- justice: $23,000 for the county !selecting a uniform marking, to About a mile .of road in. I?s- ron County home ,nay soon go ably accurate forecast of the jail, 325,000 for bank interest o1) thelp guard against the possibility borne townshipwas invol)'ed in; beyond the 100 -mark. through the 218 .elementary school rate which. 1vi11 be formally money to be borrowed for in.! of bounty being paid more than a transfer authorized by County Varve r ,Johnston, su erinten rooms served by the county sa.s• J p . tern was estimated, in addition, adapted et the June session. The ierjln financing, before taxes once, by different municipal ,Council by -low. ;dent at the IiCI�I. near Clinton, , forecast is of use, he said. to come in; $15,510 In grants to I clerks, on the same pelt. The county transfers about reported that at the end of 1957 at .309,000, municipalities in 1-furon which organizations; $21,000 for court- i At the suggestion of, George half .a en.ile of road to the town- theme were 94 people being kept Each School Visited • n" '-"ri y -l -a e strike their local rates early in . house maintenance. 1 Hutchinson, reeve of Grey town- slip, and assumes slightly .less at the home; since the first of : Book exchanges carried o the year. It is expected, said Mr, I':rs- ship, the Huron method of mark- from the township, to be added the year, three more have been with the county bookmobile The suggestel rate of 13.4 mills kine, that costs at the Huron ing pelts will be notified to the to the county road system. ' admitted, and admission is now which visits each local labra would cam.nrise six mills for County home will he down this clerks of adjoining counties, as The transfer is the result of . being sought by another four. four times a year, now requir county roads, up from five and year, because of the increase in; well as to municipal clerks in work done to improve a curve on At the beginning of 1957, said about 100 days a year on th ' old age pension rate. Pensioners:Huron, Huron, as an extra check againsCounty Itoad No, 6, at a point . Mr. Johnston, there were 89 resin road, Mrs. Eckmier reported theibounty ossib 1 t of n $.0adent::t in the home are now paying 1 Ipossibility being about seven and a half miles, d n the Home., results are being obtained for their keep, out of the $55 claimed en the same pelt in , east of Exeter, and a anile and Excellent work is being done she said, from the change 1 nension, instead of $40, out of a 1 two counties. , a half northwest of Kirkton, The . hY- the staff of the home, 1111 • method that was made in the 343 pension. The prov]nedal bud- There has been some traffic -road has been completely re -'Johnston said. The staff now in- autumn of 19x7, for hook service ;et accordingly allows only $40, i li fox bounty pelts between C,rcy guilt, making a more gradual eludes one head nurse, seven to rural school .,.seas. The hook - 000 , for the HCI{ this year, al• i tquvnship and Perth, preys e 11u1 ciirye, engineered for SO mile -an• practical nurses, a night nurse, mobile now goes to each school though $44,000 was spent in 1957. • ebinson told county councillors.: hour traffll±, The new, or inner four in the kitchen, four house-; in an organized school area. in - The county health unit spent Until now, same mun]cipalitdes curve, is now assumed by the maids, a night avatcllman, and stead' of making one delivery to only $33,000 in 1957 although $3S •; in Huron have marked pelta hY county, anti the. older, outer, a handyman. all the schools in an area. The . 000 had been budgeted for it,1 clipping the ears;.in Perth the curve becomes part of the Us -hook school areas that get ser- vice on the new plan are Ash- field, Colborne, Goderich, Grey, Reporting on the operation of East Howick, Turnberry, and' the county :farm, which is oper- ated 'in conjunction with the ,,,a he Mr. Johnston said that 28 the great increase in circle- cows are now fresh, or due to patron from the libraries, deposit stations, and. high schools shows • e e n NOTICE Mixed Card Party ZURICH TOWN HALL Tues., Feb. 11 8;30 p.m. A draw on quilt and money apron will be held. Lunch will be served, ADMISSION 500 Sponsored by St. Boniface Catholic Women's • League BENEFIT DANCE for KEITH O'NEIL (Injured in Hockey Game) LUCAN ARENA Friday; Jan. 31 Many Musicians Are Donating Their Services Ad Is Sponsored By The Lucan Boys' Club Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 3, 1958, at 2 p.m.,„ for the purpose of receiv- ing the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, election of ehestra. Ladies please bring one Director for a two-year term lunch. Lucky lunch ticket. Ad - to complete the term of Harry mission. 75c'. Sponsored by Kip. Coates, election of Auditors, and pen. East Women's Institute. 30c aey other business that may be THE MONTHLY Child Health in the interests of the Company. Conference in the Health. Unit UNITED CHURCH The Directors whose term of office, South Huron Hospital Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor office expires are William A. (Anne Street. entrance) has been I Mr. Lawrence Wein, Pastor M. Hamilton. and Mitten McCurdy, advanced to February 3, 2:00 - both of whom are eligible for 4:00 p.m. No clinic will be held 110:00 aan.—Sunday drool on February 10. •30c 111:00 a.m.—Morning Worship t Sermon Subject;• "The Church's Claim On You" Anthem by the choir. Duet by Don Taylor and 1)ot Welsh. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "Wise Coun- sel" A Warns Welcome is Extended To All said Mr, Erskine. The apparent . marking method has been the borne township road system. The road appropriation for the year provides for the spending of $000,000. A large part of this will he covered by Ontario Gov- ernment grants, hut interim fi- nancing by the county may be needed. tal costs are in prospect; the by Or. R, M. Aides, director of ° Approval was given by Council registry office required $5,082I the County Health Unit. 'There to increases in the salaries of. last year, and $7,051 the year be-, were no confirmed cases of p0. the county jail staff, The jail fore, but the recommended. bud- , liomyelitis in Huron in 1957, he governor is now to receive $3.000 get figure for this year has been t said, a year and living turnkey,acco$3 oda- pared to 34,000. I In the preventive fight against tion; the chief $3,000; ! two turnkeys, each $2,900; one The suggested budget figure l polio, he reported, 23;000 doses . . for the county library is $8,000, ; of vaccine were given in 1957, in; turnkey, $2,800. the same as last year; for theI:l.H:uron. Since Jan, 1 of this year., /s museum, $3,000, down consider -lite noted, practicing physicians P p rove Grant ably from the 36,682 required • have been able to get free sup-; Over the objections of several last year, when an addition was l plies of the anti -polio vaccine. members, objections approved a built to the museum building. I There were three or four deaths ; grant of $100 to the building fund Fox bounties last year cost an Huron, in 1957, said Dr,Al-`for 1'1'oodeden, the crippled chit- dis in which influenza may have dren's treatment centre, near COMING EVENTS been the indirect cause of death; .London, the direct cause, in each of the' cases, was pneumonia. The in William McKenzie, reeve of Exeter, said he doubted whether saving, he said, came because I cutting off of the tail. the unit , was understaffed for 1 `rhe bounty was lowered from most of the year, and the bud $2 to $1. a pelt for adults. get figure of ].958 is again recom- mended to be $35,000, 1Polio-Free Year Registry office costs are ex -i petted to be lower this year said . The year 1957 was a polio free Mr, Erskine, because no capi-I year in Huron, it was reported The silo on the county farm was used in 1957 to make grass Matches Unite? We can give you expert`41tff silage, and corn silage was then om, $ee are still on corn silage, be re- The two plowing match as- us today! Bull Aids Farm freshen before autumn. Milk from that even though no new outlets the county farntis sold, and pas- were opened, the general public teurizecl milk is bought for use are making more use of the Ji- , hrary's services," Mrs. Eckmier said, In the Home, at 80 cents a gal. Trusses And Surgical Supports added to fill the silo. The sows; in our special fitting ro ported, with the grass silage in sociations 1n Huron were advised ' reserve to carry through the to unite, when council took ac - winter. 11 now appears that tion Thursday to establish grants there will also he more than tor' the year. The North Huron enough baled hay in the mow to Plowmen's Association. which carry through. held a plowing match in 1957, Value Enhanced :and received a grant of $50, a.nd. The value of the hull bought the South Huron Plowmen's As- ' 195 f the t H 1 sociation, were advised to emu - early UNTLE Y DRUGSTORE fll=i•�, 7 �. 1 1n r, of eoun i e • bine in one organization, anal EXETER TEA & BAKE SALE—The Ex- fluenza epic demic in lluron last stein herd, has been enhanced hold ane county match; it was proper for county funds since Mr. Johnston said, by the : A grant of 350 for the south eter Local Association of the .year, he said, did not last as to be making by the hull's cram of a given to a prgjeci snort• 24,000 -pound group was approved by County; p production record; in a lactation recently. com- pleted. Until the cow was dried off, he said, she was still giving 00 pounds a day. Improvements on the county farm buildings clueing the past year, he reported, have included the painting of the barn, and the plastering of the inside of the silo, which was getting pitted and rough. Deer Controversy, Over the objections of mem- bers from Exeter and Blyth, Huron County Council. decided to ask the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests to take the responsibility for deciding when there shall be open seasons for deer, instead of leaving the decision to county council. William elorritt, reeve 01 Blyth, dissented, on the grounds that the county should not will- ingly surrender its own power to decide. Chester. Mawhinney, cleputy-reeve of Exeter, agreed .with Reeve Morritt, "We should control our own county," said Reeve Morritt. "We should. not surrender our authority. There's a lot.of thins we have no central over and we complain about it. This is a thing we could control, and we just pass the buck. That's what we're trying to do here, pass the buck." The discussion came o•1 a rec- ommendation by the agriculture committee, of which William McKenzie, reeve of Exeter, is chairman, to endorse a resolu- tion from Brant county, asking that deer season dates he set by the Department of Lands and Forests. The issue became a live one in the autumn of 1957, when. several counties :greed to a proposal. tor an open season for deer, after which some of the counties withdrew their con- sent. 11lembers of Perth County Council were critical of the out. - come of the arrangements for the 1957 deer season, because Pe'r'th agreed to it on the under- standing . that the neighboring county of Waterloo would have deet' -shooting on the same dates. and then found Perth eonntitted to the open season, while Water- loo withdrew, and slid not allow deer -shooting. Reeve Mo'ritt and 1)enuty- Reeve lltawhinney found them- selves in the minority, and 'Hur- on c'ouncillor's approved, with, out' recorded ynic, ttie proposal that the deer SPAsnn crates and Girl Guides and Brownies will sponsor a Tea and Bake Sale on Saturday, February 22, at the Scout Hall, Tea table tickets may be purchased from Brown- ies or Guides., or pay when you arrive. 23:20e EUCHRE PARTY — Reserve Thursday, February 6, Exeter. District Co - operative) a'n n u a 1 euchre, Exeter Legion hall, Pat- rons and friends welcome. Ad- mission, gents 35e. Ladies.please bring lunch. 30c TOP HAT TEA—Fashion show of hats and. bake sale, Wednes- day, March 12. Sponsored by Caven Circle. Watch for further Particulars. 30c long as in some areas, cored by a London service club. Control of disease has become effective enough now, said Dr. The Exeter Lions Club, said Aldir, so that for people under Reeve McKenzie, has been look - 40, the chief, cause of death is ac— . ing after crippled children's cidents; for people over 40, the • wrn'k.in the Exeter district, using principal causes aie ailments of money obtained from an Easter the heart or circulatory system Seal campaign. and cancer. •"The Exeter Lions spent 33,000 I on one child from Crediton," Mental Health ; said. Reeve McKenzie. "This Lon - "Mental health is really the' don organization is something biggest public health problem different, They tried to under - now," he said. "About half our mine us and. take that Easter hospital beds are used for men- Seal. money; from us." tal health cases. The best •de- Orval Taylor, reeve of East. fence against menial illness is ; Wawanosh, said be thought the a strong home—and 1 think that; tounty might be setting an un- it is in the country that children i desirable precedent, if it should do have the best chance for a ! give money to one service club good start," 'project. Other service clubs EUCHRE — Exeter Chapter No. I The Children's Aid Society, and might feel themselves equally 222 0.E.S. are holding a euchre; the county library, are two, entitled to county grants, he in the chapter rooms, Friday, county agencies that undoubted- t said. February 7, 8:00 p.m. Good prizes and lunch. Admission 50s", 30c EUCHRE & DANCE — Hensel] Town Hall, Friday, February 7, 1958, et 8:30 p.t11, Norris Or - JAMES' STREET re -elections E, CLAYTON. COLQUHOUN, President ARTHUR FRASER, Secretary -Treasurer 11111111111111111n111111111nl1111111111111IIIIIIInI1 a nnlItiliy1 Mickey Bob White's Exeter Arena Sat., Feb. 1 9;00 p.m. LUCAN IRISH VS. "Rsd" Looder`s EXETER MOHAWKS BOOST THE MOHAWKS BY ATTENDING ALL HOME GAMES I .lf 1111111 llllllf111'11t 1111lllll llllllllfllllllrlllllllllllli 11111111111Ur111n1111iU I11111If 11111111111111111 ullllllnlll nlrlllnllin•� tl llllllnlnn11111M1In11rMIIIMIltnrinlnillr111Ut,lifillltlrlrllflll,ryanlllrnlan11un1nlllnIIIIII lliuglnit:111nG *The Children's Aid Society OF HURON COUNTY Annual Meeting Court House, Godenich Wednesday,....Feb ru - 12 2t00 ptwrtl Ptili'f 'Diss»ussittin' 'opt Adopton- Publie Ci rdilnlly iltvit,d ',1010610110'00 0 000 101010110YY0000 0001iruniiii0001'10000100rl060010010�lnu'tln000016firts4 Reception And Dance Wed,, Feb. 5 FOR MR. AND MRS. LAURENCE EYRE Kippen (nee Dianl, Bolton) SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Ladies Please Bring Lunch' Lyric Theatre THURS., FRI. & SAT. January 30,, 31, February 1 "KETTLES ON OLD MacDONALD'S FARM" * Parker Kennelly * Marjory Main NEWS COMEDY MON., TUES. dl WED. February 3) 4 and 5 "THE LITTLE HUT" * Stewarf Granger * Ave.Oetelner COMEDY• CARTOON e:OM(NG ,.,.. "THREE' VIOLENT' PEOPLE" • OIierltbn Mesta i * Anne Baxter ZION CHURCH Evangelical Un+ted Brethren CREDITON Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.—The Church Scheel 11:15 a.m.—Worship Service Nursery Class up to three years in the Primary Department. Beginners, ages 4-6, will with- draw during the second hymn. Worship God As A Family Every Sunday THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. N. D. Knox, B,A., Rector Robert Cameron, Organist 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.—Worship 10:15 a.m.—Sunday Sehool Service conducted by 1�r S �V 11:30 a.m: --Choral Communion 11:15 lent,—Church School 7:30 p.m. --Evening Service Monday—Mission Band Wednesday—Workers' Council Thursday-.LW,S,W,S. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., t3.D. Minister Mrs. .1, G. Cochrane, Organist CALVARY CHURCH 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Evangelical United Brethren 11:`00 a,nt.—Morning Worship DASHWOOD Youth Service Rev. W. F. Kroft, Minister The minister will be assisted in the pulpit by a number of Mrs, Ken McCrae, Organist young people. Sunday, February 2 Ncr s ry for children up to six 10:00 la,m,—"Youth's Opportuni- tite 'Tuesday Eve)ting �-• Circle Meet' 11;05 a.itt,—Sunday School. ing at the house of MI's. Gwelt 7;30 p.m.—Service in clierge of 1Vltilsmith, Young People. Monday, 4 p.m.—Children of the f!'t•i., Jen, People. Meeting Church sheeting. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE. MISSION EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth, 0 Lord" 10:30 a.ni.-•'Sunday School 11:30 a..ui.---Worship Pastor; Stanley Sauder,' Exeter THE BETHEL PENTECOSTAL REFORMED CHURCH TABERNACLE IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Weekend Special Presenting tnlenl front our. eastern Pentt' Rev. R. Van Ferowe, Minister , tassel Bible College, Rpeiikerx! 2:00 p.m.—Worship (Dutch) I and singers set erinointed of "The niches of the Christian txod—you cannot afferd to lithe Lift" i hearing them, 3:30 p,M.—Sunday Sehoal Sat„ 7:30 'past. -.District Youth Friday livening—Congrl`'getionat , Rally Meeting 1 Sunday, February 2 :1.45 A.M.—Sunday School 1`;a11y ZiON LUTHERAN CHURCH 11,:00 a.m. — A. Student speaker and girls trio, 7:110 tti,rtt. — A: student spe'eker' ♦anti giI'1 Cr io, ".Let 110 )'Gas`s despise th)« youlI1." :. -1 Tits' tltY 4:12 bASHWOOD Rev* kw L* Zein, Pltane 63 10:00 a.)tt,—Su idsy School 11;00 e,l t,—Sorvioo 1 • 1n,. es Phone 0. 1 nI111n1111M1111nrn11111 ttIMMIIIIIIM111 nI111n1n111111 n11111111111uluununumnlulunnuliuunnlnmunrw,i Call Your Dependable Fina Dealer for Stove Oil And Furnace Oil Prompt Service! 'laude far -row Phone. 126 Exeter g IIII111111IIM11111111111111I11111111111111111111111111)101111111111111111111,11111111,t111M11111111111,11M11/11/11I11I1n IIIIIIld //nlln,I1,ItII1nllnln1111111II11IIIIInnllln1MI1IrmonnnIIMMIII1u111nln111ntlin111111III1111u40111, llrllllllit s ,, .. g Graham Arthur Motors Offers u 1 Top Quality Used Cars FOR MANY MILES OF CARE -FREE DRIVING '55 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION COACT 6 -cylinder, tutone paint, overdrive, in showroom condition, a real dandy! This Week's Special '55 FORD SEDAN New slip covers, snow tire, clean, in good shape For Only $1,295 '53 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION COACH Very clean, one -owner car. Older Models To Choose From! See The New SILVER HAWK On Display In Our Showroom 5 8 5 Graham Arthur I Phone 210 MOTORS Exeter "Where good friends meet and leave the same way." 5urlM,ulonllmuMM,numiolnul,Il,ennuunuuunnunnnlluunnmmll,nnun»rouullnunuunnnflll 1958 Studebaker SCCTSMAN Canada's lowest priced full-size car! aintervatico- Of atiy fuiI sitett e Oaw�Ort the owett road. Graham Arthur Motors