HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1958-01-30, Page 12:Fags 12 Tis Tim &•Advocate,; January 30, 195i8, ., 1 4-H Homer a_ k ng Flubs. To Meet Here Sa!u rc. ay '.Next Saturday will be Achieve- themselves put on a program of anent Day for South Huron when exhibits, shits and clemonstra- 120 4-}I Homemaking Club girls tions. will participate in the Legion Certificates .of Achievement Hall, Irxeter.- will be awarded and 4-H Home- making club teaspoons will be presented for the satisfactory completion of the present pro- ject. Clubs taking part will be Dash- wood. l;liluvilie, Grancl Bencl, Hurondale.. .Crediton (2), McKil- lop, Seaforth District, Seaforth and Clinton. The program is open to the public to anyone who is interest- ed in the work of the girls. For the past three months these girls have been busy under the direction of their leaders making wool skirts. ,or jumpers and re- eord books to complete their pro- ject 'Working With Wool.,, A full day's program has been planned for the girls who will take part in ;fudging skirts, ma- terials for skirts, giving reasons and taking part in a special acti- vity. In the afternoon the girls HI -LINE Beauty Salon Located In Cook's Hotel, Centralia AIR CONDITIONED DRYERS PHONE 750-W-1 EXETER Marg Coward, Prop. DAIRYT4LU i.0`t u DRANK LOTS O'MILK FROM HIGHLANDIIILC DAIRY EVERY DAY,— .,'rOTW' A • BUNDLE WOULDN'T EVEN PHASE YOU. Mt6TER 'TF beentr.,LC) THE AMSTEIDAN SYNDICATE, !ht..* Take Husbands For Sleigh Ride The Exeter lunettes at their business meeting held at the home of Mrs. Calvin Wein, de- cided to continue with the cart for patients at the hospital twice weekly. . y They planned to entertain Hen- sall lunettes in the form of a past presidents night in Feb- ruary. President Mrs. Irvine Armstrong conducted the Meet- ing. The January social meeting took the form of a sleigh ride party with the husbands as guests, A social time followed at the home of Mrs. Sheldon Wein. Progressive euchre was played with prizes going to Harold Preszcator, Ward Kraft aitd Mrs. Jack Coughlin. Mrs. Art Clarke won the draw for the evening. In a 20 -mile race, a man would win over a horse because of his endurance. Marjorie Dilkes YOUR HAIRDRESSER Permanent Waving Hair Styling and Shaping Tinting and Cold Waving Phone 146 Ethel's BEAUTY SALON PHONE 18, GRAND BEND For Latest Styling ETHEL DESJARDINE Proprietress 'Y GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Clark, Prop. Mair Treatments, Tinting Individual Styling, Permanents Manicures, Facials 409 Main St. Phone 522 "Out of my way— we're having lemon pie tonight" e You can't blame the man, if it's pie made with Je11-0 Lemon Pie Filling — the fresh -tasting, satin - smooth pie filling that's sure to be wonderful every time. So easy no lemons to squeeze . , . no double - boiler needed .. - takes only minutes to make. (Jell-O is a registered trade mark owned in Canada by General Foods, Limited.) J ELLIO LEMON PIE FILLING 4-11 GIRLS FETE MOTHERS—To prove they had learned their lessons, members of the Kirkton 4-H supper club entertained their mothers and adulis friends s at a banquet in Aberdeen Hall Friday night. The girls prepared the meal, served it, and even washed the dishes without a helping Aland from the mothers. Above, Shirley Rundle and Rosemary Dobson, club officers, serve a group of ladies. Left to right are Mrs. Ross Francis, president of the Women's Institute; Mrs, Duncan McNaughton, Shirley Y Rundle, Mrs. Ross Marshall, Rosemary Dobson, Mrs. E. Watson, club leader; Mrs. George Neil and Mrs. Harman Park. —T -A Photo 'N FANCIES OE$ Meeting 17.01n11f1ttHittnill1,11pAlitlitlAlUlttttglt11111i111111pU11gA1J1nAi.ini1111A11 IM111111111111111R1WilltiimitIll4tIlll,t;,Sl,p THIS 1 ,H TH..AT By MRS, 1, M. S. February's cool breezes sug• gest ideal oven -weather. The home economists of the consumer section of ,the Department of Agriculture suggest meat and potato pinwheels for eithsr dinner or supper. Meat and Potato Pinwheels Using 1 pound ground beef pre - Pare a meat leaf mixture accord- ing to your favorite recipe. Be- tween two sheets of waxed paper press or roll out 'neat with a ,rolling pin into a sheet about 1a inch thick. Remove top piece of wax paper and spread the meat with ,,_ cup carrots. and a layer of potatoes, about 1/ cups, keep- ing potato layer Ai inch away from one end of rectangle. Roll up firmly like a jelly roll towards the end without potatoes Wrap in waxed paper and chill well, Cut roll into 1 inch slices. Bake on greased baking sheet in 400 Challenger Group Meets in London Mri Mrs. Ken Cud Wore, London, was hostess for the meeting of /the Challengers of the Exeter Pentecostal .Church on Tuesday evening, Mrs, Harold. Butler gave the message. Mrs. Don Jolly con- tributed a missionary reading. Mrs. Keith McLaren, mother of the hostess, led in prayer, 4 time of fellowship closed the meeting, d Guests Attend Kirkton Club Fetes Mothers Sponsor Contest About Narcotics The Exeter-Hensall branch of the W,C,T.U. is sponsoring an essay contest on narcotics in grades 7, '8, 9 and 10 of the Exe- ter schools commencing Monday. The essays are to be completed in two week's time, One prize will be given in each grade. .At the January meeting of the branch held last Thursday at the home of Mrs, C. W. Down a discussion on alcoholic educa- tion disclosed that: 1. No alcoholic drink was taken on the recent journey across the Antarctic continent. 2. There is prohibition in the state of Bombay, India. 3. There were 300 delegates from 40 countries attending the 25th International Coun- cil on Alcoholism in Istan- bul in 1956. 4. Toronto has a city custom that no intoxicants are served to athletes. 5. There were 300 high school classes in 40 communities (about 13,000 teenagers) who received alcoholic educa- tion in 1957 by means of conferences, posters, films and church groups. Mrs. Down conducted the wor- ship assisted •by Mrs. F. Gun- ning, Mrs, W. Pearce and Mrs. W. Pybus. Society .Studies Japan Missions The study for 1958 on Japan was introduced by the president, Mrs. Alvin Moir, at the meeting of Caven Woman's Missionary Society on Thursday for which Mrs. Frank Whilsmith was host- ess. Mrs, Moir gave an interesting sketch of the life of Dr. Jona- than Goforth and his work in Manchuria. Dr, Goforth became blind in 1933 but undertook many speaking engagements in Canada after returning from the field. Reports of the annual Presby- terial meeting at Stratford were given by Mrs. Carman Cann„ Mrs, William Sillery and Mrs. Moir. Stratford have again reach- ed their financial and supply al- locations for this year. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs, James Tay- lor and two piano instrumentals were played by P'arnela Erman, Mrs. Moir was appointed rep- resentative for Caven to arrange for the World Day of Prayer, Februray 21. She presided for the meeting. Miss L. Ballantyne and Mrs. A. Whilsmith assisted the host- ess. At the final meeting of the Supper Club, as the Kirkton 4-13 Homemaking Club is called, the girls entertained their mothers to a buffet dinner, in .Aberdeen hall on Friday evening. The dinner included tomato juice, hamburg loaf, scalloped potatoes, corn, tossed cabbage salad, carrots, celery, pickles, jellies, buttered tea biscuits, ice cream, • cake and tea. Following the dinner Pat Mar- shall conducted, a business meet- ing. The roll call was to name "something I have enjoyed in the club" and was answered by "learning to prepare and plan meals", 'learning various ways of serving food" and "learning to cook". Canada's food rules were given by Helen Humphreys, Joan Francis, Joyce Crago, Mar- ilyn Neil and Bernice Forrest. A short program included an. instrumental by 'Irene Park, a reading by Marion McNaughton and a piano solo by Hazel Crago. Mrs. E. Crago expressed ap- preciation on behalf of the moth- ers. The club has held seven meet- ings at the home of the leader, Mrs. E. Watson with an average attendance of 73q, Eighteen members joined the club but only 16 finished. Shirley Rundle was president, Rosemary Dobson, vice-presi- dent; Vesta Watson, secretary; Pat Marshall, press reporter. This year Marlene Stone, Irene Park and Marion McNaughton were named to assist the leader in phoning. the members. At each meeting two of the girls made tea biscuits while the others made other supper dish- es giving each one a chance to participate. Achievement Day is being held in Mitchell High School, Febru- ary 22. The project` of the next club will be "Dressing Up Home - Grown Vegetables." This Week In Saintsbury• By MRS. H. DAVIS Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll of Detroit, Mich., spent the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. and Mr. Hugh Carroll and Mrs. Carroll; a pa- tient in Mason Villa. Hospital, London. While here they were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson .and. Mr, and Mrs. Al- vin Carroll, London, Mr. Hugh Carroll and Mr. George Carroll visited with Mr. Robert Carroll, Woodham, who is under the doctor's care. Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Me - Donald. Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll were Wed- nesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Atkinson were Tuesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee, Mr. Hugh Davis, Mrs. Earl Greenlee and Mrs. Heber Davis spent Wednesday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Tindall, Mt. Brydges, Theological Education Sunday was observed, at St. Patrick's Church on Sunday with Mr. Hammond, a student of Huron College, as guest speaker. Mrs. Hugh Davis' Heather and Michael spent Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Xing, Crediton, Mfr. and Mrs, Albert Dickins, Lambeth, spent Wednesday eve. ping with Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys, Miss Margaret Burt. rum, Exeter, and Mr, Ronald Carroll were Sunday evening Agues E with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mr, and Mrs, llugli Davis, Heather and Mibhael spent Sun. day evening with Mr, arid Mrs, Fred Davis while Mr. and Mrs, Heber Davia were guests with Mr, and WS, Clifford Abbott, Dinner Honors Caven Organist Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, who has resigned. as organist of Caven Presbyterian church after many years of service was entertained by the choir to a surprise dinner in the basement of the church following the morning 'service last Sunday. Mrs. Cochrane was presented with a corsage and music holder. Rev. S. and Mrs. Kerr were present. U111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111, Girl Guide Corner By CAPTAIN LUXTON By CAPTAIN LUXTON Once again our meetings are under way since the Christmas holiday break, andduring the past 1 e w meetings, a few changes have taken place in the Company. Five weeks ago Marg Sanders was promoted to a Company Leader, leaving a vacancy in her place for a new Patrol Lead- er. Last week, found the Com- pany voting on the new Patrol, Leader for the Oriole Patrol. Linda Johnston was the choice of the Company, and so we all join in, saying "Congratulations, Linda." We are sure y1Su will do ,your very best for the patrol, and will continue to lead the patrol to the victories and hon- ours it has won while Marg was patrol leader. fihe Company also discussed working on a proficiency badge as a Company, and it was de- cided to try for the pathfinder's badge. Plans were also made at a recent court of honour meeting lo hold a Guides own service again this year for our district, It was decided that the service be held on Sunday, Feb, 16 at 7.30 p.m. in the Chapel at the Anglican church, with Guides from Hensall and Zurich attend- ing. Our Company will conduce the service and each Guide Will have a part in the service, and thus it will truly be a •"Guides Own," We are extending an. invitation Lo the general public to attend this year, as we feel that many people do not truly realize the spiritual side of Guiding and how it helps to build a Guide's character and so may we pub- licly express the desire of btir Guide Company by extending an invitation to you to attend, Whether you are a Guide, Brownie, Scout or Cub parents, or interested citizens of the coni. niunity we would welcome you to this undenominational Guides Own Service, This week the patrol Madera of the }Jensell Company are go. itig to tray us a visit to learn a bit about patrol system to take back to their Company. No doubt .Brownies and Guides Will soon be at your doors with tickets to the teaand bake sale Legion Auxiliary Discusses Dance At the 'meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion on Mon- day evening one neW B'om'be'.°. Mrs. William Xoele was UAW. Plana were discussed for the spring dance Yearly reports we're given by various conven. Mt. The newly clotted 'president, WA. Badley Freya conducted the meeting, The mystery prize' was Weft ' by Moi lsugelill' Beaver. Exeter chapter O.E.S. met on Wednesday evening in the chap- ter rooms with Mrs. William Bell, worthy matron and Mr. Bell, worthy patron presiding. About 70 were present includ- ing guests from Seaforth and St. Mlarys chapter. 1.t was decided to hold a progressive euchre in the chapter rooms on Friday, February 7, At the close of the meeting a penny sale was conducted, sponsoredby our Local Associa- tion to be held in February, We can only hope the response this year will be as whole -hearted as last year's. We do appreciate your patronage and hope to see you at our tea on Thinking Day, February 22 -- our. Founder's birthday, Times -Advocate ant - ds dseregrevrngesoven. .for 30 min, Makes 6 Mrs. Cecil Robb, of the Lucan Women's Institute just before Christmas demonstrated the mak- ingrecipeore .a banana chiffon cake over Cly PL,TV, It makes a very delicious cake, Here is • the Banana .Chiffon Cake (Mrs. Cecil Robb) 2/ cups cake flcur sifted 11 .cups fine gran. sugar 1 t 3 tp, p. bakingsalt powder Sift these together. Make a well and put in 1i cup salad oil 5 egg yolks unbeaten. 1 cup banana well mashed (3 bananas) 1 tp. lemon juice Beat batter until smooth. In an- other bowl put 1 cup egg whites beaten smooth ,a tp. cream tartar 'sold into batter until egg white is covered with batter, Pour into tube pan. Bake for 1 hour and 5 nein, in 325 to 350 degree oven, Invert and cool for one hour. We prefer chiffon cakes in the making of deserts to angel cakes. Here is one which uses fruit cocktail and we think it is very good. Fruit Cocktail and Cake Dessert 1 baked chiffon or angel cake 1 cup canned fruit cocktail 2 egg whites 1.4 cup sugar 1 cup cream whipped 3 drops mint extract Split cake into three layers (a thread does this easily) Drain fruit cocktail thoroughly. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form, Gradually beat in sugar. Fold whipped cream and flavor- ing into egg whites; add fruit folding in very gently. Spread between layers and over sides and top of cake, Chill at least 2 hours before serving. �. 1,I II I II I, 111,111111, 1111/11/11111111,1 i I I, I,1 f 1111111 I II I lllllb' CANADIAN PROPANE GAS a APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSQN Phone 156 Grand Bend ?•,11,I11111f111111111f amnio 1111111111f1111111R1„ 1munn • Host To Friends To mark Christian Youth. Week the C',G I'l'. ,of James St, United Church each invited a friend to a party in the church parlors on Tuesday evening. The worshipperiod was taken by Ruth Ann McBride. }leather MaeNaughton and Pat Cann,. Marlene McBride and Sandra Walper .contributed a vocal duet and Barbara Hodgson, .a mono- logue. Games and singsongs were di- rected by Nancy Boyle and Jane Farrow. .Each girl brought lunch for herself and her friend. There were 79 girls in attendance. Canada, has 27 rivers of more than 500 miles in length. v) • N .n ,ori deeQ 7hat ever fr Sweet, tender corn... every golden kernel packed with sunshine freshness! • '0111111111011111111111101 lllllll 1111111 lllllllll Mlllllligif,tn1111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111filllillllilll11,f11",y Processing Meat Is Our.Business More and more people are using our processing services. We supply you with. Minute Steaks, Meat Patties—Pilofilm between chops and steaks, etc. etc.—A DELUXE JOB ALL THE WAY. Our slaughter house is open every Monday and any time in case of accident or injury. Phone 70, 609 or 466. We will look after you. Silverwood's ice Cream 89c Half Gallons in all standard flavors plus Cherry Vanilla, this month's special. BULK PACKS OF FROZEN VEGETA4LEF Green Peas, Kernel Corn, Greer. Beans, Mixed Vegetables, Cauliflower, at a real saving EVERY DAY. Exeter Frozen Foods PHONE 70 MAIN STREET ,Il ltlllllllll ll 11 Multi! l ill !IOW lit 11'lit 11lll11111, 11t1tl;,lullllll0 111111111I11111111111111 Ili 111,11111 a INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • RECEPTION CARDS • 'THANK YOU CARDS lyt'Ed IHM-NATIONAL-APT(RAFTS. PeaEuring "."THERMO-GRAVURE" PRINTING,.. (Raised Lettering) ^ ` /77 LET US AssiST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS ... You may seletb your Wedding ihrolietiariti Arinoun, emenfs and Acknowledgments with Complete tonIide, ce as to qualify and torrettness of lean, *WE AL'Sb HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING 'NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE f#OXES xeferZimesia6vocafe $ F' •' v..,,,,:-,4..‘0,,,,-• . "Tfi y op,a ' .3 slimy, nE ' x, `i ;> ;�,;._ r4i ..IRIB '�‘1 �1 ,j ■I �'--- 1 �._ II llI1 uE1 1ik. •� itilUI1 l iU!' /lith Iii i. Willi to •iI -III I/ ill/II t ills_ hi* �1/i/1 f.." 1 i:Jill- -_ __ _ _r ' ¢ : ilk ■I 1 _ OW , 4 3 1/(/': ��� :.9 yr �s f� .4,, . ..? „4`' ..b. <X > '�...• �'d.,y i; . i 4,Af. 7 �.." 1 st _.'^ -�`b � irf• .,,, :• ..,it`. VW �, p r,E�"� � ', �t• Hf!?3�... �S .'� 4 '3!�... . b •:,'�+TV h .14 ,,,P SUNSHINE Aylmer, SPECIAL Aylmer, TOMATO 1#abitallt, McCORMICK'S Salted ROBiN' 34,1b box PHONE TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. 5. 330 • PROCESS PEAS a 20 oz. 4 for $1 OR PEA SOUP 28 oz.. . .. 2 for 330 SODAS or plain, lb. pkg..... . 330 HOOD INSTANT OATS . ... .•.. 410 LDeig, 974 kAM 12 -oz. tilt .. 450 MAXWELL • HOUSE COFFEE Lb......... ..... 890 SCHNEIDER'S CHEESE 2•1b, pkg.. ...... .. 990 PITTED RED CHERRIES Aylmer, for pies, 15 oz.... 2 for 450 NEW BURGER BITS • D, , lBallard's, dogmeal, -2-1b, pkg, 330 joRy EXETER At the final meeting of the Supper Club, as the Kirkton 4-13 Homemaking Club is called, the girls entertained their mothers to a buffet dinner, in .Aberdeen hall on Friday evening. The dinner included tomato juice, hamburg loaf, scalloped potatoes, corn, tossed cabbage salad, carrots, celery, pickles, jellies, buttered tea biscuits, ice cream, • cake and tea. Following the dinner Pat Mar- shall conducted, a business meet- ing. The roll call was to name "something I have enjoyed in the club" and was answered by "learning to prepare and plan meals", 'learning various ways of serving food" and "learning to cook". Canada's food rules were given by Helen Humphreys, Joan Francis, Joyce Crago, Mar- ilyn Neil and Bernice Forrest. A short program included an. instrumental by 'Irene Park, a reading by Marion McNaughton and a piano solo by Hazel Crago. Mrs. E. Crago expressed ap- preciation on behalf of the moth- ers. The club has held seven meet- ings at the home of the leader, Mrs. E. Watson with an average attendance of 73q, Eighteen members joined the club but only 16 finished. Shirley Rundle was president, Rosemary Dobson, vice-presi- dent; Vesta Watson, secretary; Pat Marshall, press reporter. This year Marlene Stone, Irene Park and Marion McNaughton were named to assist the leader in phoning. the members. At each meeting two of the girls made tea biscuits while the others made other supper dish- es giving each one a chance to participate. Achievement Day is being held in Mitchell High School, Febru- ary 22. The project` of the next club will be "Dressing Up Home - Grown Vegetables." This Week In Saintsbury• By MRS. H. DAVIS Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll of Detroit, Mich., spent the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll. and Mr. Hugh Carroll and Mrs. Carroll; a pa- tient in Mason Villa. Hospital, London. While here they were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson .and. Mr, and Mrs. Al- vin Carroll, London, Mr. Hugh Carroll and Mr. George Carroll visited with Mr. Robert Carroll, Woodham, who is under the doctor's care. Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Me - Donald. Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll were Wed- nesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Atkinson were Tuesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee, Mr. Hugh Davis, Mrs. Earl Greenlee and Mrs. Heber Davis spent Wednesday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Tindall, Mt. Brydges, Theological Education Sunday was observed, at St. Patrick's Church on Sunday with Mr. Hammond, a student of Huron College, as guest speaker. Mrs. Hugh Davis' Heather and Michael spent Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Xing, Crediton, Mfr. and Mrs, Albert Dickins, Lambeth, spent Wednesday eve. ping with Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys, Miss Margaret Burt. rum, Exeter, and Mr, Ronald Carroll were Sunday evening Agues E with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mr, and Mrs, llugli Davis, Heather and Mibhael spent Sun. day evening with Mr, arid Mrs, Fred Davis while Mr. and Mrs, Heber Davia were guests with Mr, and WS, Clifford Abbott, Dinner Honors Caven Organist Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, who has resigned. as organist of Caven Presbyterian church after many years of service was entertained by the choir to a surprise dinner in the basement of the church following the morning 'service last Sunday. Mrs. Cochrane was presented with a corsage and music holder. Rev. S. and Mrs. Kerr were present. U111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111, Girl Guide Corner By CAPTAIN LUXTON By CAPTAIN LUXTON Once again our meetings are under way since the Christmas holiday break, andduring the past 1 e w meetings, a few changes have taken place in the Company. Five weeks ago Marg Sanders was promoted to a Company Leader, leaving a vacancy in her place for a new Patrol Lead- er. Last week, found the Com- pany voting on the new Patrol, Leader for the Oriole Patrol. Linda Johnston was the choice of the Company, and so we all join in, saying "Congratulations, Linda." We are sure y1Su will do ,your very best for the patrol, and will continue to lead the patrol to the victories and hon- ours it has won while Marg was patrol leader. fihe Company also discussed working on a proficiency badge as a Company, and it was de- cided to try for the pathfinder's badge. Plans were also made at a recent court of honour meeting lo hold a Guides own service again this year for our district, It was decided that the service be held on Sunday, Feb, 16 at 7.30 p.m. in the Chapel at the Anglican church, with Guides from Hensall and Zurich attend- ing. Our Company will conduce the service and each Guide Will have a part in the service, and thus it will truly be a •"Guides Own," We are extending an. invitation Lo the general public to attend this year, as we feel that many people do not truly realize the spiritual side of Guiding and how it helps to build a Guide's character and so may we pub- licly express the desire of btir Guide Company by extending an invitation to you to attend, Whether you are a Guide, Brownie, Scout or Cub parents, or interested citizens of the coni. niunity we would welcome you to this undenominational Guides Own Service, This week the patrol Madera of the }Jensell Company are go. itig to tray us a visit to learn a bit about patrol system to take back to their Company. No doubt .Brownies and Guides Will soon be at your doors with tickets to the teaand bake sale Legion Auxiliary Discusses Dance At the 'meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion on Mon- day evening one neW B'om'be'.°. Mrs. William Xoele was UAW. Plana were discussed for the spring dance Yearly reports we're given by various conven. Mt. The newly clotted 'president, WA. Badley Freya conducted the meeting, The mystery prize' was Weft ' by Moi lsugelill' Beaver. Exeter chapter O.E.S. met on Wednesday evening in the chap- ter rooms with Mrs. William Bell, worthy matron and Mr. Bell, worthy patron presiding. About 70 were present includ- ing guests from Seaforth and St. Mlarys chapter. 1.t was decided to hold a progressive euchre in the chapter rooms on Friday, February 7, At the close of the meeting a penny sale was conducted, sponsoredby our Local Associa- tion to be held in February, We can only hope the response this year will be as whole -hearted as last year's. We do appreciate your patronage and hope to see you at our tea on Thinking Day, February 22 -- our. Founder's birthday, Times -Advocate ant - ds dseregrevrngesoven. .for 30 min, Makes 6 Mrs. Cecil Robb, of the Lucan Women's Institute just before Christmas demonstrated the mak- ingrecipeore .a banana chiffon cake over Cly PL,TV, It makes a very delicious cake, Here is • the Banana .Chiffon Cake (Mrs. Cecil Robb) 2/ cups cake flcur sifted 11 .cups fine gran. sugar 1 t 3 tp, p. bakingsalt powder Sift these together. Make a well and put in 1i cup salad oil 5 egg yolks unbeaten. 1 cup banana well mashed (3 bananas) 1 tp. lemon juice Beat batter until smooth. In an- other bowl put 1 cup egg whites beaten smooth ,a tp. cream tartar 'sold into batter until egg white is covered with batter, Pour into tube pan. Bake for 1 hour and 5 nein, in 325 to 350 degree oven, Invert and cool for one hour. We prefer chiffon cakes in the making of deserts to angel cakes. Here is one which uses fruit cocktail and we think it is very good. Fruit Cocktail and Cake Dessert 1 baked chiffon or angel cake 1 cup canned fruit cocktail 2 egg whites 1.4 cup sugar 1 cup cream whipped 3 drops mint extract Split cake into three layers (a thread does this easily) Drain fruit cocktail thoroughly. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form, Gradually beat in sugar. Fold whipped cream and flavor- ing into egg whites; add fruit folding in very gently. Spread between layers and over sides and top of cake, Chill at least 2 hours before serving. �. 1,I II I II I, 111,111111, 1111/11/11111111,1 i I I, I,1 f 1111111 I II I lllllb' CANADIAN PROPANE GAS a APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSQN Phone 156 Grand Bend ?•,11,I11111f111111111f amnio 1111111111f1111111R1„ 1munn • Host To Friends To mark Christian Youth. Week the C',G I'l'. ,of James St, United Church each invited a friend to a party in the church parlors on Tuesday evening. The worshipperiod was taken by Ruth Ann McBride. }leather MaeNaughton and Pat Cann,. Marlene McBride and Sandra Walper .contributed a vocal duet and Barbara Hodgson, .a mono- logue. Games and singsongs were di- rected by Nancy Boyle and Jane Farrow. .Each girl brought lunch for herself and her friend. There were 79 girls in attendance. Canada, has 27 rivers of more than 500 miles in length. v) • N .n ,ori deeQ 7hat ever fr Sweet, tender corn... every golden kernel packed with sunshine freshness! • '0111111111011111111111101 lllllll 1111111 lllllllll Mlllllligif,tn1111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111filllillllilll11,f11",y Processing Meat Is Our.Business More and more people are using our processing services. We supply you with. Minute Steaks, Meat Patties—Pilofilm between chops and steaks, etc. etc.—A DELUXE JOB ALL THE WAY. Our slaughter house is open every Monday and any time in case of accident or injury. Phone 70, 609 or 466. We will look after you. Silverwood's ice Cream 89c Half Gallons in all standard flavors plus Cherry Vanilla, this month's special. BULK PACKS OF FROZEN VEGETA4LEF Green Peas, Kernel Corn, Greer. Beans, Mixed Vegetables, Cauliflower, at a real saving EVERY DAY. Exeter Frozen Foods PHONE 70 MAIN STREET ,Il ltlllllllll ll 11 Multi! l ill !IOW lit 11'lit 11lll11111, 11t1tl;,lullllll0 111111111I11111111111111 Ili 111,11111 a INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • RECEPTION CARDS • 'THANK YOU CARDS lyt'Ed IHM-NATIONAL-APT(RAFTS. PeaEuring "."THERMO-GRAVURE" PRINTING,.. (Raised Lettering) ^ ` /77 LET US AssiST YOU WITH YOUR WEDDING PLANS ... You may seletb your Wedding ihrolietiariti Arinoun, emenfs and Acknowledgments with Complete tonIide, ce as to qualify and torrettness of lean, *WE AL'Sb HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING 'NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE f#OXES xeferZimesia6vocafe